
680 lines
20 KiB

<?php namespace ProcessWire;
* ProcessWire Language Translator
* ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2022 by Ryan Cramer
class LanguageTranslator extends Wire {
* Language (Page) instance of the current language
* @var Language
protected $currentLanguage;
* Path where language files are stored
* i.e. language_files path for current $language
* @var string
protected $path;
* Root path of installation, same as wire('config')->paths->root
* @var string
protected $rootPath;
* Alternate root path for systems where there might be symlinks
* @var string
protected $rootPath2;
* Translations for current language, in this format (consistent with the JSON):
* array(
* 'textdomain' => array(
* 'file' => 'filename',
* 'translations' => array(
* '[hash]' => array(
* 'text' => string, // translated version of the text
* )
* )
* )
* );
* @var array
protected $textdomains = array();
* Cache of class names and the resulting textdomains
* @var array
protected $classNamesToTextdomains = array();
* Textdomains of parent classes that can be checked where applicable
* @var array
protected $parentTextdomains = array(
// 'className' => array('parent textdomain 1', 'parent textdomain 2', 'etc.')
* Is current language the default language?
* @var bool
protected $isDefaultLanguage = false;
* Construct the translator and set the current language
* @param Language $currentLanguage
public function __construct(Language $currentLanguage) {
$this->rootPath = $this->wire()->config->paths->root;
$file = __FILE__;
$pos = strpos($file, '/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/');
$this->rootPath2 = $pos ? substr($file, 0, $pos+1) : '';
* Set the current language and reset current stored textdomains
* @param Language $language
* @return $this
public function setCurrentLanguage(Language $language) {
if($this->currentLanguage && $language->id == $this->currentLanguage->id) return $this;
$this->path = $language->filesManager->path();
// we only keep translations for one language in memory at once,
// so if the language is changing, we clear out what's already in memory.
if($this->currentLanguage && $language->id != $this->currentLanguage->id) $this->textdomains = array();
$this->currentLanguage = $language;
$this->isDefaultLanguage = $language->isDefault();
return $this;
* Return the array template for a textdomain, optionally populating it with data
* @param string $file
* @param string $textdomain
* @param array $translations
* @return array
protected function textdomainTemplate($file = '', $textdomain = '', array $translations = array()) {
foreach($translations as $hash => $translation) {
if(!strlen($translation['text'])) unset($translations[$hash]);
if(strpos($file, "\\") !== false && strpos($file, "\\" . basename($file))) {
// file has MS-DOS style slashes and they are not escapes, convert to unix
$file = str_replace("\\", '/', $file);
return array(
'file' => $file,
'textdomain' => $textdomain,
'translations' => $translations
* Given an object instance, return the resulting textdomain string
* This is accomplished with PHP's ReflectionClass to determine the file where the class lives
* and then convert that to a textdomain string. Once determined, we cache it so that we
* don't have to do this again.
* @param Wire|object $o
* @return string
protected function objectToTextdomain($o) {
$class = wireClassName($o, false);
if(isset($this->classNamesToTextdomains[$class])) {
$textdomain = $this->classNamesToTextdomains[$class];
} else {
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($o);
$filename = $reflection->getFileName();
if($o instanceof Module) {
if(strpos($filename, "{$ds}wire{$ds}modules{$ds}") === false) {
// not a core module
$config = $this->wire()->config;
$filename = $this->wire()->files->unixFileName($filename);
$url = $config->urls($o);
if($url && strpos($filename, $url) === false && strpos($filename, "/$class/") !== false) {
// module likely in a symbolic link directory, so determine our own path for textdomain
// rather than using the one provided by ReflectionClass
list(, $filename) = explode("/$class/", $filename, 2);
$filename = $config->paths($class) . $filename;
$textdomain = $this->filenameToTextdomain($filename);
$this->classNamesToTextdomains[$class] = $textdomain;
$parentTextdomains = array();
// core classes at which translations are no longer applicable
// $stopClasses = array('Wire', 'WireData', 'WireArray', 'Fieldtype', 'FieldtypeMulti', 'Inputfield', 'Process');
$stopClasses = array(
if(__NAMESPACE__) {
foreach($stopClasses as $class) {
$stopClass[] = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\$class";
/** @var \ReflectionClass $parentClass */
while($parentClass = $reflection->getParentClass()) {
if(in_array($parentClass->getShortName(), $stopClasses)) break;
$parentTextdomains[] = $this->filenameToTextdomain($parentClass->getFileName());
$reflection = $parentClass;
$this->parentTextdomains[$textdomain] = $parentTextdomains;
return $textdomain;
* Given a filename, convert it to a textdomain string
* @param string $filename
* @return string
public function filenameToTextdomain($filename) {
if(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '/') $filename = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $filename);
if(strpos($filename, $this->rootPath) === 0) {
$filename = str_replace($this->rootPath, '', $filename);
} else if($this->rootPath2 && strpos($filename, $this->rootPath2) === 0) {
// in case /wire/ or /site/ is a symlink
$filename = str_replace($this->rootPath2, '', $filename);
} else {
// last resort, may not ever occur, but here anyway
$pos = strrpos($filename, '/wire/');
if($pos === false) $pos = strrpos($filename, '/site/');
if($pos !== false) $filename = substr($filename, $pos+1);
// convert FileCompiler paths
$pos = stripos($filename, '/cache/FileCompiler/');
if($pos) $filename = substr($filename, $pos+20);
$textdomain = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '--', ltrim($filename, '/'));
$textdomain = str_replace('.', '-', $textdomain);
return strtolower($textdomain);
* Given a textdomain string, convert it to a filename (relative to site root)
* This is determined by loading the textdomain and then grabbing the filename stored in the JSON properties
* @param string $textdomain
* @return string
public function textdomainToFilename($textdomain) {
if(!isset($this->textdomains[$textdomain])) $this->loadTextdomain($textdomain);
return $this->textdomains[$textdomain]['file'];
* Normalize a string, filename or object to be a textdomain string
* @param string|object $textdomain
* @return string
* @since 3.0.154 was protected in prior versions
public function textdomainString($textdomain) {
if(is_string($textdomain) && (strpos($textdomain, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false || strpos($textdomain, '/') !== false)) {
$textdomain = $this->filenameToTextdomain($textdomain); // @werker #424
} else if(is_object($textdomain)) {
$textdomain = $this->objectToTextdomain($textdomain);
} else {
$textdomain = strtolower($textdomain);
// just in case there is an extension on it, remove it
if(strpos($textdomain, '.')) $textdomain = basename($textdomain, '.json');
return $textdomain;
* Perform a translation in the given $textdomain for $text to the current language
* @param string|object $textdomain Textdomain string, filename, or object.
* @param string $text Text in default language (EN) that needs to be converted to current language.
* @param string $context Optional context label for the text, to differentiate from others that may be the same in English, but not other languages.
* @return string Translation if available, or original EN version if translation not available.
public function getTranslation($textdomain, $text, $context = '') {
if($this->wire()->hooks->isHooked('LanguageTranslator::getTranslation()')) {
// if method has hooks, we let them run
return $this->__call('getTranslation', array($textdomain, $text, $context));
} else {
// if method has no hooks, we avoid any overhead
return $this->___getTranslation($textdomain, $text, $context);
* Implementation for the getTranslation() function - you should call getTranslation() without underscores instead.
* @param string|object $textdomain Textdomain string, filename, or object.
* @param string $text Text in default language (EN) that needs to be converted to current language.
* @param string $context Optional context label for the text, to differentiate from others that may be the same in English, but not other languages.
* @return string Translation if available, or original EN version if translation not available.
public function ___getTranslation($textdomain, $text, $context = '') {
// normalize textdomain to be a string, converting from filename or object if necessary
$textdomain = $this->textdomainString($textdomain);
$_text = $text;
// if the text is already provided in the proper language then no reason to go further
// if($this->currentLanguage->id == $this->defaultLanguagePageID) return $text;
// hash of original text
$hash = $this->getTextHash($text . $context);
// translation textdomain hasn't yet been loaded, so load it
if(!isset($this->textdomains[$textdomain])) $this->loadTextdomain($textdomain);
// see if this translation exists
&& strlen($this->textdomains[$textdomain]['translations'][$hash]['text'])) {
// translation found
$text = $this->textdomains[$textdomain]['translations'][$hash]['text'];
} else if(!empty($this->parentTextdomains[$textdomain])) {
// check parent class textdomains
foreach($this->parentTextdomains[$textdomain] as $td) {
if(!isset($this->textdomains[$td])) $this->loadTextdomain($td);
if(!empty($this->textdomains[$td]['translations'][$hash]['text'])) {
$text = $this->textdomains[$td]['translations'][$hash]['text'];
// see if text is available as a common translation
if($text === $_text && !$this->isDefaultLanguage) {
$_text = $this->commonTranslation($text);
if(!empty($_text)) $text = $_text;
// if text hasn't changed at this point, we'll be returning it in the provided language since we have no translation
return $text;
* Return ALL translations for the given textdomain
* @param string $textdomain
* @return array
public function getTranslations($textdomain) {
// normalize to string
$textdomain = $this->textdomainString($textdomain);
// translation textdomain hasn't yet been loaded, so load it
if(!isset($this->textdomains[$textdomain])) $this->loadTextdomain($textdomain);
// return the translations array
return $this->textdomains[$textdomain]['translations'];
* Set a translation
* @param string $textdomain
* @param string $text
* @param string $translation
* @param string $context
* @return string
public function setTranslation($textdomain, $text, $translation, $context = '') {
// get the unique hash identifier for the $text
$hash = $this->getTextHash($text . $context);
return $this->setTranslationFromHash($textdomain, $hash, $translation);
* Set a translation using an already known hash
* @param string $textdomain
* @param string $hash
* @param string $translation
* @return string
public function setTranslationFromHash($textdomain, $hash, $translation) {
// if the textdomain isn't yet setup, then set it up
if(!isset($this->textdomains[$textdomain]) || !is_array($this->textdomains[$textdomain])) {
$this->textdomains[$textdomain] = $this->textdomainTemplate();
// populate the new translation
if(strlen($translation)) $this->textdomains[$textdomain]['translations'][$hash] = array('text' => $translation);
else unset($this->textdomains[$textdomain]['translations'][$hash]);
// return the unique hash used to identify the translation
return $hash;
* Remove a translation
* @param string $textdomain
* @param string $hash May be the translation hash or the translated text.
* @return $this
public function removeTranslation($textdomain, $hash) {
if(empty($hash)) return $this;
if(isset($this->textdomains[$textdomain]['translations'][$hash])) {
// remove by $hash
} else {
// remove by given translation (in $hash)
$text = $hash;
foreach($this->textdomains[$textdomain]['translations'] as $hash => $translation) {
if($translation['text'] === $text) {
return $this;
* Given original $text, issue a unique MD5 key used to reference it
* @param string $text
* @return string
protected function getTextHash($text) {
if(strpos($text, '\\n') !== false) $text = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $text);
return md5($text);
* Get the JSON filename where the current languages class translations are
* @param string $textdomain
* @return string
protected function getTextdomainTranslationFile($textdomain) {
$textdomain = $this->textdomainString($textdomain);
return $this->path . $textdomain . ".json";
* Does a json translation file exist for the given textdomain?
* @param string $textdomain
* @return bool
public function textdomainFileExists($textdomain) {
$file = $this->getTextdomainTranslationFile($textdomain);
return file_exists($file);
* Load translation group $textdomain into the current language translations
* @param string $textdomain
* @return $this
public function loadTextdomain($textdomain) {
$textdomain = $this->textdomainString($textdomain);
if(isset($this->textdomains[$textdomain]) && is_array($this->textdomains[$textdomain])) return $this;
$file = $this->getTextdomainTranslationFile($textdomain);
if(is_file($file)) {
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
$this->textdomains[$textdomain] = $this->textdomainTemplate($data['file'], $data['textdomain'], $data['translations']);
} else {
$this->textdomains[$textdomain] = $this->textdomainTemplate('', $textdomain);
return $this;
* Given a source file to translate, create a new textdomain
* @param string $filename Filename or textdomain that we will be translating, relative to site root.
* @param bool $filenameIsTextdomain Specify true if $filename is a textdomain instead.
* @param bool $save Whether to save the language
* @return string|bool Returns textdomain string if successful, or false if not.
public function addFileToTranslate($filename, $filenameIsTextdomain = false, $save = true) {
if($filenameIsTextdomain) {
$textdomain = $filename;
$filename = $this->textdomainToFilename($textdomain);
// $this->message($textdomain . ": " . $filename);
} else {
$textdomain = $this->filenameToTextdomain($filename);
$this->textdomains[$textdomain] = $this->textdomainTemplate(ltrim($filename, '/'), $textdomain);
$file = $this->getTextdomainTranslationFile($textdomain);
$result = file_put_contents($file, $this->encodeJSON($this->textdomains[$textdomain]), LOCK_EX);
if($result && $this->config->chmodFile) chmod($file, octdec($this->config->chmodFile));
if($result) {
$fieldName = 'language_files';
if(strpos($textdomain, 'wire--') !== 0) {
if($this->wire('fields')->get('language_files_site')) {
$fieldName = 'language_files_site';
if($save) $this->currentLanguage->save();
return $result ? $textdomain : false;
* Save the translation group given by $textdomain to disk in its translation file
* @param string $textdomain
* @return int|bool Number of bytes written or false on failure
public function saveTextdomain($textdomain) {
if(empty($this->textdomains[$textdomain])) return false;
$data = $this->textdomains[$textdomain];
//if(empty($data['file'])) $data['file'] = $this->textdomainToFilename($textdomain);
$json = $this->encodeJSON($data);
$file = $this->getTextdomainTranslationFile($textdomain);
$result = file_put_contents($file, $json, LOCK_EX);
return $result;
* Unload the given textdomain string from memory
* @param string $textdomain
public function unloadTextdomain($textdomain) {
* Return the data available for the given $textdomain string
* @param string $textdomain
* @return array
public function getTextdomain($textdomain) {
return isset($this->textdomains[$textdomain]) ? $this->textdomains[$textdomain] : array();
* JSON encode language translation data
* @param array|string $value
* @return string
public function encodeJSON($value) {
if(defined("JSON_PRETTY_PRINT")) {
return json_encode($value, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
} else {
return json_encode($value);
* Get a common translation
* These are commonly used translations that can be used as fallbacks.
* Returns blank string if given string is not a common phrase.
* Returns given $str if given string is common, but not translated here.
* Returns translated $str if common and translated.
* @param string $str
* @return string
public function commonTranslation($str) {
static $level = 0;
if(strlen($str) >= 15 || $level) return ''; // 15=max length of our common phrases
$v = '';
switch(strtolower($str)) {
case 'edit': $v = $this->_('Edit'); break;
case 'delete': $v = $this->_('Delete'); break;
case 'save': $v = $this->_('Save'); break;
case 'save & exit':
case 'save and exit':
case 'save + exit': $v = $this->_('Save + Exit'); break;
case 'cancel': $v = $this->_('Cancel'); break;
case 'ok': $v = $this->_('Ok'); break;
case 'new': $v = $this->_('New'); break;
case 'add': $v = $this->_('Add'); break;
case 'add new': $v = $this->_('Add New'); break;
case 'are you sure?': $v = $this->_('Are you sure?'); break;
case 'confirm': $v = $this->_('Confirm'); break;
case 'import': $v = $this->_('Import'); break;
case 'export': $v = $this->_('Export'); break;
case 'yes': $v = $this->_('Yes'); break;
case 'no': $v = $this->_('No'); break;
case 'on': $v = $this->_('On'); break;
case 'off': $v = $this->_('Off'); break;
case 'enabled': $v = $this->_('Enabled'); break;
case 'disabled': $v = $this->_('Disabled'); break;
case 'example': $v = $this->_('Example'); break;
case 'please note': $v = $this->_('Please note:'); break;
case 'note': $v = $this->_('Note'); break;
case 'notes': $v = $this->_('Notes'); break;
case 'settings': $v = $this->_('Settings'); break;
case 'type': $v = $this->_('Type'); break;
case 'label': $v = $this->_('Label'); break;
case 'name': $v = $this->_('Name'); break;
case 'description': $v = $this->_('Description'); break;
case 'details': $v = $this->_('Details'); break;
case 'access': $v = $this->_('Access'); break;
case 'advanced': $v = $this->_('Advanced'); break;
case 'icon': $v = $this->_('Icon'); break;
case 'system': $v = $this->_('System'); break;
case 'modified': $v = $this->_('Modified'); break;
case 'error': $v = $this->_('Error'); break;
return $v;