sessionName Name of session on http * string $config->sessionNameSecure Name of session on https * int $config->sessionExpireSeconds Number of seconds of inactivity before session expires * bool $config->sessionChallenge True if a separate challenge cookie should be used for validating sessions * bool $config->sessionFingerprint True if a fingerprint should be kept of the user's IP & user agent to validate sessions * bool $config->sessionCookieSecure Use secure cookies or session? (default=true) * * @todo enable login/forceLogin to recognize non-HTTP use of login, when no session needs to be maintained * @todo add a default $config->apiUser to be used when non-HTTP/bootstrap usage * */ class Session extends Wire implements \IteratorAggregate { /** * Fingerprint bitmask: Use remote addr (recommended) * */ const fingerprintRemoteAddr = 2; /** * Fingerprint bitmask: Use client provided addr * */ const fingerprintClientAddr = 4; /** * Fingerprint bitmask: Use user agent (recommended) * */ const fingerprintUseragent = 8; /** * Fingerprint bitmask: Use “accept” content-types header * * @since 3.0.159 * */ const fingerprintAccept = 16; /** * Suffix applied to challenge cookies * * @since 3.0.141 * */ const challengeSuffix = '_challenge'; /** * Reference to ProcessWire $config object * * For convenience, since our __get() does not reference the Fuel, unlike other Wire derived classes. * */ protected $config; /** * Instance of the SessionCSRF protection class, instantiated when requested from $session->CSRF. * */ protected $CSRF = null; /** * Set to true when maintenance should be skipped * * @var bool * */ protected $skipMaintenance = false; /** * Has the Session::init() method been called? * * @var bool * */ protected $sessionInit = false; /** * Are sessions allowed? * * @var bool|null * */ protected $sessionAllow = null; /** * Instance of custom session handler module, when in use (null when not) * * @var WireSessionHandler|null * */ protected $sessionHandler = null; /** * Name of key/index within $_SESSION where PW keeps its session data * * @var string * */ protected $sessionKey = ''; /** * Data storage when no session initialized * * @var array * */ protected $data = array(); /** * True if there is an external session provider * * @var bool * */ protected $isExternal = false; /** * True if this is a secondary instance of ProcessWire * * @var bool * */ protected $isSecondary = false; /** * Start the session and set the current User if a session is active * * Assumes that you have already performed all session-specific ini_set() and session_name() calls * * @param ProcessWire $wire * @throws WireException * */ public function __construct(ProcessWire $wire) { parent::__construct(); $wire->wire($this); $users = $wire->wire()->users; $this->config = $wire->wire()->config; $this->sessionKey = $this->className(); $instanceID = $wire->getProcessWireInstanceID(); if($instanceID) { $this->isSecondary = true; $this->sessionKey .= $instanceID; } $user = null; $sessionAllow = $this->config->sessionAllow; if(is_null($sessionAllow)) { $sessionAllow = true; } else if(is_bool($sessionAllow)) { // okay, keep as-is } else if(is_callable($sessionAllow)) { // call function that returns boolean $sessionAllow = call_user_func_array($sessionAllow, array($this)); if(!is_bool($sessionAllow)) throw new WireException("\$config->sessionAllow callable must return boolean"); } else { $sessionAllow = true; } $this->sessionAllow = $sessionAllow; if($sessionAllow) { $this->init(); if(empty($_SESSION[$this->sessionKey])) $_SESSION[$this->sessionKey] = array(); $userID = $this->get('_user', 'id'); if($userID) { if($this->isValidSession($userID)) { $user = $users->get($userID); } else { $this->logout(); } } } if(!$user || !$user->id) $user = $users->getGuestUser(); $users->setCurrentUser($user); if($sessionAllow) $this->wakeupNotices(); $this->setTrackChanges(true); } /** * Are session cookie(s) present? * * #pw-group-info * * @param bool $checkLogin Specify true to check instead for challenge cookie (which indicates login may be active). * @return bool Returns true if session cookie present, false if not. * */ public function hasCookie($checkLogin = false) { if($this->config->https && $this->config->sessionCookieSecure) { $name = $this->config->sessionNameSecure; if(!$name) $name = $this->config->sessionName . 's'; } else { $name = $this->config->sessionName; } if($checkLogin) $name .= self::challengeSuffix; return !empty($_COOKIE[$name]); } /** * Is a session login cookie present? * * This only indicates the user was likely logged in at some point, and may not indicate an active login. * This method is more self describing version of `$session->hasCookie(true);` * * #pw-group-info * * @return bool * @since 3.0.175 * */ public function hasLoginCookie() { return $this->hasCookie(true); } /** * Start the session * * Provided here in any case anything wants to hook in before session_start() * is called to provide an alternate save handler. * * #pw-hooker * */ public function ___init() { if($this->sessionInit || !$this->sessionAllow) return; if(!$this->config->sessionName) return; $this->sessionInit = true; if(function_exists("\\session_status")) { // abort session init if there is already a session active // note: there is no session_status() function prior to PHP 5.4 if(session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { // use a more unique sessionKey when there is an external session provider $this->isExternal = true; $this->sessionKey = str_replace($this->className(), 'ProcessWire', $this->sessionKey); return; } } if($this->config->https && $this->config->sessionCookieSecure) { ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 1); // #1264 if($this->config->sessionNameSecure) { session_name($this->config->sessionNameSecure); } else { session_name($this->config->sessionName . 's'); } } else { session_name($this->config->sessionName); } ini_set('session.use_cookies', true); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', 1); ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $this->config->sessionExpireSeconds); if($this->config->sessionCookieDomain) { ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $this->config->sessionCookieDomain); } if(ini_get('session.save_handler') == 'files') { if(ini_get('session.gc_probability') == 0) { // Some debian distros replace PHP's gc without fully implementing it, // which results in broken garbage collection if the save_path is set. // As a result, we avoid setting the save_path when this is detected. } else { ini_set("session.save_path", rtrim($this->config->paths->sessions, '/')); } } $options = array(); $cookieSameSite = $this->sessionCookieSameSite(); if(PHP_VERSION_ID < 70300) { $cookiePath = ini_get('session.cookie_path'); if(empty($cookiePath)) $cookiePath = '/'; $options['cookie_path'] = "$cookiePath; SameSite=$cookieSameSite"; } else { $options['cookie_samesite'] = $cookieSameSite; } @session_start($options); if(!empty($this->data)) { foreach($this->data as $key => $value) $this->set($key, $value); } } /** * Checks if the session is valid based on a challenge cookie and fingerprint * * These items may be disabled at the config level, in which case this method always returns true * * #pw-hooker * * @param int $userID * @return bool * */ protected function ___isValidSession($userID) { $valid = true; $reason = ''; $sessionName = session_name(); // check challenge cookie if($this->config->sessionChallenge) { $cookieName = $sessionName . self::challengeSuffix; if(empty($_COOKIE[$cookieName]) || ($this->get('_user', 'challenge') != $_COOKIE[$cookieName])) { $valid = false; $reason = "Error: Invalid challenge value"; } } // check fingerprint if(!$this->isValidFingerprint()) { $reason = "Error: Session fingerprint changed (IP address or useragent)"; $valid = false; } // check session expiration if($this->config->sessionExpireSeconds) { $ts = (int) $this->get('_user', 'ts'); if($ts < (time() - $this->config->sessionExpireSeconds)) { // session time expired $valid = false; $this->error($this->_('Session timed out')); $reason = "Session timed out (session older than {$this->config->sessionExpireSeconds} seconds)"; } } if($valid) { // if valid, update last request time $this->set('_user', 'ts', time()); } else if($reason && $userID && $userID != $this->wire('config')->guestUserPageID) { // otherwise log the invalid session $user = $this->wire()->users->get((int) $userID); if($user && $user->id) $reason = "User '$user->name' - $reason"; $reason .= " (IP: " . $this->getIP() . ")"; $this->log($reason); } return $valid; } /** * Returns whether or not the current session fingerprint is valid * * @return bool * */ protected function isValidFingerprint() { $fingerprint = $this->getFingerprint(); if($fingerprint === false) return true; // fingerprints off if($fingerprint !== $this->get('_user', 'fingerprint')) return false; return true; } /** * Generate a session fingerprint * * If the `$mode` argument is omitted, the mode is pulled from `$config->sessionFingerprint`. * If using the mode argument, specify one of the following: * * - 2: Remote IP * - 4: Forwarded/client IP (can be spoofed) * - 8: Useragent * - 16: Accept header * * To use the custom `$mode` settings above, select one or more of those you want * to fingerprint, note the numbers, and determine the `$mode` like this: * ~~~~~~ * // to fingerprint just remote IP * $mode = 2; * * // to fingerprint remote IP and useragent: * $mode = 2 | 8; * * // to fingerprint remote IP, useragent and accept header: * $mode = 2 | 8 | 16; * ~~~~~~ * If using fingerprint in an environment where the user’s IP address may * change during the session, you should fingerprint only the useragent * and/or accept header, or disable fingerprinting. * * If using fingerprint with an AWS load balancer, you should use one of * the options that uses the “client IP” rather than the “remote IP”, * fingerprint only useragent and/or accept header, or disable fingerprinting. * * #pw-internal * * @param int|bool|null $mode Optionally specify fingerprint mode (default=$config->sessionFingerprint) * @param bool $debug Return non-hashed fingerprint for debugging purposes? (default=false) * @return bool|string Returns false if fingerprints not enabled. Returns string if enabled. * */ public function getFingerprint($mode = null, $debug = false) { $debugInfo = array(); $useFingerprint = $mode === null ? $this->config->sessionFingerprint : $mode; if(!$useFingerprint) return false; if($useFingerprint === true || $useFingerprint === 1 || "$useFingerprint" === "1") { // default (boolean true or int 1) $useFingerprint = self::fingerprintRemoteAddr | self::fingerprintUseragent; if($debug) $debugInfo[] = 'default'; } $fingerprint = ''; if($useFingerprint & self::fingerprintRemoteAddr) { $fingerprint .= $this->getIP(true); if($debug) $debugInfo[] = 'remote-addr'; } if($useFingerprint & self::fingerprintClientAddr) { $fingerprint .= $this->getIP(false, 2); if($debug) $debugInfo[] = 'client-addr'; } if($useFingerprint & self::fingerprintUseragent) { $fingerprint .= isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ''; if($debug) $debugInfo[] = 'useragent'; } if($useFingerprint & self::fingerprintAccept) { $fingerprint .= isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : ''; if($debug) $debugInfo[] = 'accept'; } if($debug) { $fingerprint = implode(',', $debugInfo) . ': ' . $fingerprint; } else { $fingerprint = md5($fingerprint); } return $fingerprint; } /** * Get a session variable * * - This method returns the value of the requested session variable, or NULL if it's not present. * - You can optionally use a namespace with this method, to avoid collisions with other session variables. * But if using namespaces we recommended using the dedicated getFor() and setFor() methods instead. * - You can also get or set non-namespaced session values directly (see examples). * * ~~~~~ * // Set value "Bob" to session variable named "firstName" * $session->set('firstName', 'Bob'); * * // You can retrieve the firstName now, or any later request * $firstName = $session->get('firstName'); * * // outputs: Hello Bob * echo "Hello $firstName"; * ~~~~~ * ~~~~~ * // Setting and getting a session value directly * $session->firstName = 'Bob'; * $firstName = $session->firstName; * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-get * * @param string|object $key Name of session variable to retrieve (or object if using namespaces) * @param string $_key Name of session variable to get if first argument is namespace, omit otherwise. * @return mixed Returns value of seession variable, or NULL if not found. * */ public function get($key, $_key = null) { if($key === 'CSRF') { return $this->CSRF(); } else if($_key !== null) { // namespace return $this->getFor($key, $_key); } if($this->sessionInit) { $value = isset($_SESSION[$this->sessionKey][$key]) ? $_SESSION[$this->sessionKey][$key] : null; } else { if($key === 'config') return $this->config; $value = isset($this->data[$key]) ? $this->data[$key] : null; } /* if(is_null($value) && is_null($_key) && strpos($key, '_user_') === 0) { // for backwards compatiblity with non-core modules or templates that may be checking _user_[property] // not currently aware of any instances, but this is just a precaution return $this->get('_user', str_replace('_user_', '', $key)); } */ return $value; } /** * Get a session variable or return $val argument if session value not present * * This is the same as get() except that it lets you specify a fallback return value in the method call. * For a namespace version use `Session::getValFor()` instead. * * #pw-group-get * * @param string $key Name of session variable to retrieve. * @param mixed $val Fallback value to return if session does not have it. * @return mixed Returns value of seession variable, or NULL if not found. * @since 3.0.133 * */ public function getVal($key, $val = null) { $value = $this->get($key); if($value === null) $value = $val; return $value; } /** * Get all session variables in an associative array * * #pw-group-get * * @param object|string $ns Optional namespace * @return array * */ public function getAll($ns = null) { if(!is_null($ns)) return $this->getFor($ns, ''); if($this->sessionInit) { return $_SESSION[$this->sessionKey]; } else { return $this->data; } } /** * Get all session variables for given namespace and return associative array * * #pw-group-get * * @param string|Wire $ns * @return array * @since 3.0.141 Method added for consistency, but any version can do this with $session->getFor($ns, ''); * */ public function getAllFor($ns) { return $this->getFor($ns, ''); } /** * Set a session variable * * - You can optionally use a namespace with this method, to avoid collisions with other session variables. * But if using namespaces we recommended using the dedicated getFor() and setFor() methods instead. * - You can also get or set non-namespaced session values directly (see examples). * * ~~~~~ * // Set value "Bob" to session variable named "firstName" * $session->set('firstName', 'Bob'); * * // You can retrieve the firstName now, or any later request * $firstName = $session->get('firstName'); * * // outputs: Hello Bob * echo "Hello $firstName"; * ~~~~~ * ~~~~~ * // Setting and getting a session value directly * $session->firstName = 'Bob'; * $firstName = $session->firstName; * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-set * * @param string|object $key Name of session variable to set (or object for namespace) * @param string|mixed $value Value to set (or name of variable, if first argument is namespace) * @param mixed $_value Value to set if first argument is namespace. Omit otherwise. * @return $this * */ public function set($key, $value, $_value = null) { if(!is_null($_value)) return $this->setFor($key, $value, $_value); $oldValue = $this->get($key); if($value !== $oldValue) $this->trackChange($key, $oldValue, $value); if($this->sessionInit) { $_SESSION[$this->sessionKey][$key] = $value; } else { $this->data[$key] = $value; } return $this; } /** * Get a session variable within a given namespace * * ~~~~~ * // Retrieve namespaced session value * $firstName = $session->getFor($this, 'firstName'); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-get * * @param string|object $ns Namespace string or object * @param string $key Specify variable name to retrieve, or blank string to return all variables in the namespace. * @return mixed * */ public function getFor($ns, $key) { $ns = $this->getNamespace($ns); $data = $this->get($ns); if(!is_array($data)) $data = array(); if($key === '') return $data; return isset($data[$key]) ? $data[$key] : null; } /** * Get a session variable or return $val argument if session value not present * * This is the same as get() except that it lets you specify a fallback return value in the method call. * For a namespace version use `Session::getValFor()` instead. * * #pw-group-get * * @param string|object $ns Namespace string or object * @param string $key Specify variable name to retrieve * @param mixed $val Fallback value if session does not have one * @return mixed * @since 3.0.133 * */ public function getValFor($ns, $key, $val = null) { $value = $this->getFor($ns, $key); if($value === null) $value = $val; return $value; } /** * Set a session variable within a given namespace * * To remove a namespace, use `$session->remove($namespace)`. * * ~~~~~ * // Set a session value for a namespace * $session->setFor($this, 'firstName', 'Bob'); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-set * * @param string|object $ns Namespace string or object. * @param string $key Name of session variable you want to set. * @param mixed $value Value you want to set, or specify null to unset. * @return $this * */ public function setFor($ns, $key, $value) { $ns = $this->getNamespace($ns); $data = $this->get($ns); if(!is_array($data)) $data = array(); if(is_null($value)) { unset($data[$key]); } else { $data[$key] = $value; } return $this->set($ns, $data); } /** * Unset a session variable * * ~~~~~ * // Unset a session var * $session->remove('firstName'); * * // Unset a session var in a namespace * $session->remove($this, 'firstName'); * * // Unset all session vars in a namespace * $session->remove($this, true); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-remove * * @param string|object $key Name of session variable you want to remove (or namespace string/object) * @param string|bool|null $_key Omit this argument unless first argument is a namespace. Otherwise specify one of: * - If first argument is namespace and you want to remove a property from the namespace, provide key here. * - If first argument is namespace and you want to remove all properties from the namespace, provide boolean TRUE. * @return $this * */ public function remove($key, $_key = null) { if($this->sessionInit) { if(is_null($_key)) { unset($_SESSION[$this->sessionKey][$key]); } else if(is_bool($_key)) { unset($_SESSION[$this->sessionKey][$this->getNamespace($key)]); } else { unset($_SESSION[$this->sessionKey][$this->getNamespace($key)][$_key]); } } else { if(is_null($_key)) { unset($this->data[$key]); } else if(is_bool($_key)) { unset($this->data[$this->getNamespace($key)]); } else { unset($this->data[$this->getNamespace($key)][$_key]); } } return $this; } /** * Unset a session variable within a namespace * * #pw-group-remove * * @param string|object $ns Namespace * @param string $key Provide name of variable to remove, or boolean true to remove all in namespace. * @return $this * */ public function removeFor($ns, $key) { return $this->remove($ns, $key); } /** * Remove all session variables in given namespace * * #pw-group-remove * * @param string|object $ns * @return $this * */ public function removeAllFor($ns) { $this->remove($ns, true); return $this; } /** * Given a namespace object or string, return the namespace string * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param object|string $ns * @return string * @throws WireException if given invalid namespace type * */ protected function getNamespace($ns) { if(is_object($ns)) { if($ns instanceof Wire) $ns = $ns->className(); else $ns = wireClassName($ns, false); } else if(is_string($ns)) { // good } else { throw new WireException("Session namespace must be string or object"); } return $ns; } /** * Provide non-namespaced $session->variable get access * * @param string $name * @return SessionCSRF|mixed|null * */ public function __get($name) { return $this->get($name); } /** * Provide non-namespaced $session->variable = variable set access * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this * */ public function __set($key, $value) { return $this->set($key, $value); } /** * Allow iteration of session variables * * ~~~~~ * foreach($session as $key => $value) { * echo "
  • $key: $value
  • "; * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-internal * * @return \ArrayObject * */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function getIterator() { $data = $this->sessionInit ? $_SESSION[$this->sessionKey] : $this->data; return new \ArrayObject($data); } /** * Get the IP address of the current user * * ~~~~~ * $ip = $session->getIP(); * echo $ip; // outputs 111.222.333.444 * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-info * * @param bool $int Return as a long integer? (default=false) * - IPv6 addresses cannot be represented as an integer, so please note that using this int option makes it return a CRC32 * integer when using IPv6 addresses (3.0.184+). * @param bool|int $useClient Give preference to client headers for IP? HTTP_CLIENT_IP and HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (default=false) * - Specify integer 2 to include potential multiple CSV separated IPs (when provided by client). * @return string|int Returns string by default, or integer if $int argument indicates to. * */ public function getIP($int = false, $useClient = false) { $ip = $this->config->sessionForceIP; $ipv6 = false; if(!empty($ip)) { // use IP address specified in $config->sessionForceIP and disregard other options $useClient = false; } else if(empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { // when accessing via CLI Interface, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] isn't set and trying to get it, throws a php-notice $ip = ''; } else if($useClient) { if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } // It's possible for X_FORWARDED_FOR to have more than one CSV separated IP address, per @tuomassalo if(strpos($ip, ',') !== false && $useClient !== 2) { list($ip) = explode(',', $ip); } // sanitize: if IP contains something other than digits, periods, commas, spaces, // then don't use it and instead fallback to the REMOTE_ADDR. $test = str_replace(array('.', ',', ' '), '', $ip); if(!ctype_digit("$test")) { if(strpos($test, ':') !== false) { // ipv6 allowed $test = filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6); $ip = $test === false ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : $test; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if(strpos($ip, ':') !== false) { // attempt to identify an IPv4 version when an integer required for return value if($int && $ip === '::1') { $ip = ''; } else if($int && strpos($ip, '.') && preg_match('!(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})!', $ip, $m)) { $ip = $m[1]; // i.e. 0:0:0:0:0:ffff: => } else { $ipv6 = true; } } if($useClient === 2 && strpos($ip, ',') !== false) { // return multiple IPs $ips = array(); foreach(explode(',', $ip) as $ip) { if($ipv6) { $ip = filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6); if($ip !== false && $int) $ip = crc32($ip); } else { $ip = ip2long(trim($ip)); if(!$int) $ip = long2ip($ip); } if($ip !== false) $ips[] = $ip; } $ip = implode(',', $ips); } else if($ipv6) { $ip = filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6); if($ip === false) { $ip = $int ? 0 : ''; } else if($int) { $ip = crc32($ip); } } else { // sanitize by converting to and from integer $ip = ip2long(trim($ip)); if(!$int) $ip = long2ip($ip); } return $ip; } /** * Login a user with the given name and password * * Also sets them to the current user. * * ~~~~~ * $u = $session->login('bob', 'laj3939$a'); * if($u) { * echo "Welcome Bob"; * } else { * echo "Sorry Bob"; * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-authentication * * @param string|User $name May be user name or User object. * @param string $pass Raw, non-hashed password. * @param bool $force Specify boolean true to login user without requiring a password ($pass argument can be blank, or anything). * You can also use the `$session->forceLogin($user)` method to force a login without a password. * @return User|null Return the $user if the login was successful or null if not. * @throws WireException * */ public function ___login($name, $pass, $force = false) { /** @var User|null $user */ $user = null; $sanitizer = $this->wire()->sanitizer; $users = $this->wire()->users; $guestUserID = $this->wire()->config->guestUserPageID; $fail = true; $failReason = ''; if($name instanceof User) { $user = $name; $name = $user->name; } else { $name = $sanitizer->pageNameUTF8($name); } if(!strlen($name)) return null; $allowAttempt = $this->allowLoginAttempt($name); if($allowAttempt && is_null($user)) { $user = $users->get('name=' . $sanitizer->selectorValue($name)); } if(!$allowAttempt) { $failReason = 'Blocked login attempt'; } else if(!$user || !$user->id) { $failReason = 'Unknown user'; } else if($user->id == $guestUserID) { $failReason = 'Guest user may not login'; } else if(!$this->allowLogin($name, $user)) { $failReason = 'Login not allowed'; } else if($force === true || $this->authenticate($user, $pass)) { $this->trackChange('login', $this->wire()->user, $user); session_regenerate_id(true); $this->set('_user', 'id', $user->id); $this->set('_user', 'ts', time()); if($this->config->sessionChallenge) { // create new challenge $rand = new WireRandom(); $challenge = $rand->base64(32); $this->set('_user', 'challenge', $challenge); $secure = $this->config->sessionCookieSecure ? (bool) $this->config->https : false; // set challenge cookie to last 30 days (should be longer than any session would feasibly last) $this->setCookie( session_name() . self::challengeSuffix, $challenge, time() + 60*60*24*30, '/', $this->config->sessionCookieDomain, $secure, true, $this->config->sessionCookieSameSite ); } if($this->config->sessionFingerprint) { // remember a fingerprint that tracks the user's IP and user agent $this->set('_user', 'fingerprint', $this->getFingerprint()); } $this->wire('user', $user); $this->CSRF()->resetAll(); $this->loginSuccess($user); $fail = false; } else { // authentication failed $failReason = 'Invalid password'; } if($fail) { $this->loginFailure($name, $failReason); $user = null; } return $user; } /** * Login a user without requiring a password * * ~~~~~ * // login bob without knowing his password * $u = $session->forceLogin('bob'); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-authentication * * @param string|User $user Username or User object * @return User|null Returns User object on success, or null on failure * */ public function forceLogin($user) { return $this->login($user, '', true); } /** * Login success method for hooks * * #pw-hooker * * @param User $user * */ protected function ___loginSuccess(User $user) { $this->log("Successful login for '$user->name'"); } /** * Login failure method for hooks * * #pw-hooker * * @param string $name Attempted login name * @param string $reason Reason for login failure * */ protected function ___loginFailure($name, $reason) { $this->log("Error: Failed login for '$name' - $reason"); } /** * Allow the user $name to login? Provided for use by hooks. * * #pw-hooker * * @param string $name User login name * @param User|null $user User object * @return bool True if allowed to login, false if not (hooks may modify this) * */ public function ___allowLogin($name, $user = null) { $allow = true; if(!strlen($name)) return false; if(!$user instanceof User) { $sanitizer = $this->wire()->sanitizer; $name = $sanitizer->pageNameUTF8($name); $user = $this->wire()->users->get('name=' . $sanitizer->selectorValue($name)); } if(!$user instanceof User || !$user->id) return false; if($user->isGuest() || $user->isUnpublished()) return false; $xroles = $this->config->loginDisabledRoles; if(!is_array($xroles) && !empty($xroles)) { $xroles = array($xroles); } if(is_array($xroles)) { foreach($xroles as $xrole) { if($user->hasRole($xrole)) { $allow = false; break; } } } return $allow; } /** * Allow login attempt for given name at all? * * This method does nothing and is purely for hooks to modify return value. * * #pw-hooker * * @param string $name * @return bool * */ public function ___allowLoginAttempt($name) { return strlen($name) > 0; } /** * Return true or false whether the user authenticated with the supplied password * * #pw-hooker * * @param User $user User attempting to login * @param string $pass Password they are attempting to login with * @return bool * */ public function ___authenticate(User $user, $pass) { return $user->pass->matches($pass); } /** * Logout the current user, and clear all session variables * * ~~~~~ * // logout user when "?logout=1" in URL query string * if($input->get('logout')) { * $session->logout(); * // good to redirect somewhere else after a login or logout * $session->redirect('/'); * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-authentication * * @param bool $startNew Start a new session after logout? (default=true) * @return $this * @throws WireException if session is disabled * */ public function ___logout($startNew = true) { $sessionName = session_name(); if($this->sessionInit) { if(!$this->isExternal && !$this->isSecondary) { $_SESSION = array(); } } else { $this->data = array(); } $this->removeCookies(); $this->sessionInit = false; if($startNew) { session_destroy(); session_name($sessionName); $this->init(); session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION[$this->sessionKey] = array(); } $user = $this->wire()->user; $users = $this->wire()->users; if($user) $this->logoutSuccess($user); $guest = $users->getGuestUser(); if($this->wire()->languages && "$user->language" != "$guest->language") { $guest->language = $user->language; } $users->setCurrentUser($guest); $this->trackChange('logout', $user, $guest); return $this; } /** * Add a SetCookie response header * * @param string $name * @param string|null|false $value * @param int $expires * @param string $path * @param string|null $domain * @param bool $secure * @param bool $httponly * @param string $samesite One of 'Strict', 'Lax', 'None' * @return bool * @since 3.0.178 * */ protected function setCookie($name, $value, $expires = 0, $path = '/', $domain = null, $secure = false, $httponly = false, $samesite = 'Lax') { if(empty($path)) $path = '/'; $samesite = $this->sessionCookieSameSite($samesite); if($samesite === 'None') $secure = true; if(PHP_VERSION_ID < 70300) { return setcookie($name, $value, $expires, "$path; SameSite=$samesite", $domain, $secure, $httponly); } // PHP 7.3+ supports $options array return setcookie($name, $value, array( 'expires' => $expires, 'path' => $path, 'domain' => $domain, 'secure' => $secure, 'httponly' => $httponly, 'samesite' => $samesite, )); } /** * Remove all cookies used by the session * */ protected function removeCookies() { $sessionName = session_name(); $challengeName = $sessionName . self::challengeSuffix; $time = time() - 42000; $domain = $this->config->sessionCookieDomain; $secure = $this->config->sessionCookieSecure ? (bool) $this->config->https : false; $samesite = $this->sessionCookieSameSite(); if(isset($_COOKIE[$sessionName])) { $this->setCookie($sessionName, '', $time, '/', $domain, $secure, true, $samesite); } if(isset($_COOKIE[$challengeName])) { $this->setCookie($challengeName, '', $time, '/', $domain, $secure, true, $samesite); } } /** * Get 'SameSite' value for session cookie * * @param string|null $value * @return string * @since 3.0.178 * */ protected function sessionCookieSameSite($value = null) { $samesite = $value === null ? $this->config->sessionCookieSameSite : $value; $samesite = empty($samesite) ? 'Lax' : ucfirst(strtolower($samesite)); if(!in_array($samesite, array('Strict', 'Lax', 'None'), true)) $samesite = 'Lax'; return $samesite; } /** * Get the names of all cookies managed by Session * * #pw-internal * * @return array * @since 3.0.141 * */ public function getCookieNames() { $name = $this->config->sessionName; $nameSecure = $this->config->sessionNameSecure; if(empty($nameSecure)) $nameSecure = $this->config->sessionName . 's'; $a = array($name, $nameSecure); if($this->config->sessionChallenge) { $a[] = $name . self::challengeSuffix; $a[] = $nameSecure . self::challengeSuffix; } return $a; } /** * Logout success method for hooks * * #pw-hooker * * @param User $user User that logged in * */ protected function ___logoutSuccess(User $user) { $this->log("Logout for '$user->name'"); } /** * Redirect this session to another URL. * * Execution halts within this function after redirect has been issued. * * ~~~~~ * // redirect to homepage * $session->redirect('/'); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-redirects * * @param string $url URL to redirect to * @param bool|int $status One of the following (or omit for 301): * - `true` (bool): Permanent redirect (same as 301). * - `false` (bool): Temporary redirect (same as 302). * - `301` (int): Permanent redirect using GET. (3.0.166+) * - `302` (int): “Found”, Temporary redirect using GET. (3.0.166+) * - `303` (int): “See other”, Temporary redirect using GET. (3.0.166+) * - `307` (int): Temporary redirect using current request method such as POST (repeat that request). (3.0.166+) * @see Session::location() * */ public function ___redirect($url, $status = 301) { $page = $this->wire()->page; if($status === true || "$status" === "301" || "$status" === "1") { $status = 301; } else if($status === false || "$status" === "302" || "$status" === "0") { $status = 302; } else { $status = (int) $status; // if invalid redirect http status code, fallback to 302 if($status < 300 || $status > 399) $status = 302; } // if there are notices, then queue them so that they aren't lost if($this->sessionInit) { $notices = $this->wire()->notices; if($notices && count($notices)) { foreach($notices as $notice) { $this->queueNotice($notice); } } } // perform the redirect if($page) { $process = $this->wire()->process; if("$process" !== "ProcessPageView") { $process = $this->wire()->modules->get('ProcessPageView'); } /** @var ProcessPageView $process */ if($process) { // ensure ProcessPageView is properly closed down $process->setResponseType(ProcessPageView::responseTypeRedirect); $process->finished(); // retain modal=1 get variables through redirects (this can be moved to a hook later) $input = $this->wire()->input; if($page->template == 'admin' && $input && $input->get('modal') && strpos($url, '//') === false) { if(!strpos($url, 'modal=')) $url .= (strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . 'modal=1'; } } } $this->wire()->setStatus(ProcessWire::statusFinished, array( 'redirectUrl' => $url, 'redirectType' => $status, )); // note for 302 redirects we send no header other than 'Location: url' $http = new WireHttp(); $this->wire($http); $http->sendStatusHeader($status); $http->sendHeader("Location: $url"); exit(0); } /** * Perform a temporary redirect * * This is an alias of `$session->redirect($url, false);` that sends only the * location header, which translates to a 302 redirect. * * #pw-group-redirects * * @param string $url * @param int $status One of the following HTTP status codes, or omit for 302 (added 3.0.192): * - `302` (int): “Found”, Temporary redirect using GET. (default) * - `303` (int): “See other”, Temporary redirect using GET. * - `307` (int): Temporary redirect using current request method such as POST (repeat that request). * @since 3.0.166 * @see Session::redirect() * */ public function location($url, $status = 302) { $this->redirect($url, $status); } /** * Manually close the session, before program execution is done * * #pw-internal * */ public function close() { if($this->sessionInit) session_write_close(); } /** * Queue notice text to be shown the next time this session class is instantiated * * #pw-internal * * @param string $text * @param string $type One of "messages", "errors" or "warnings" * @param int $flags * */ protected function queueNoticeText($text, $type, $flags) { if(!$this->sessionInit) return; $items = $this->getFor('_notices', $type); if(is_null($items)) $items = array(); $item = array('text' => $text, 'flags' => $flags); $items[] = $item; $this->setFor('_notices', $type, $items); } /** * Queue a Notice object to be shown the next time this session class is instantiated * * #pw-internal * * @param Notice $notice * */ protected function queueNotice(Notice $notice) { if(!$this->sessionInit) return; $type = $notice->getName(); $items = $this->getFor('_notices', $type); if(is_null($items)) $items = array(); $items[] = $notice->getArray(); $this->setFor('_notices', $type, $items); } /** * Pull queued notices and convert them to notices for this request * * #pw-internal * */ protected function wakeupNotices() { $notices = $this->wire()->notices; if(!$notices) return; $types = array( 'messages' => 'NoticeMessage', 'errors' => 'NoticeError', 'warnings' => 'NoticeWarning', ); foreach($types as $type => $className) { $items = $this->getFor('_notices', $type); if(!is_array($items)) continue; foreach($items as $item) { if(!isset($item['text'])) continue; $class = wireClassName($className, true); $notice = $this->wire(new $class('')); $notice->setArray($item); $notices->add($notice); } } } /** * Queue a message to appear on the next pageview * * #pw-group-notices * * @param string $text Message to queue * @param int $flags Optional flags, See Notice::flags * @return $this * */ public function message($text, $flags = 0) { $this->queueNoticeText($text, 'messages', $flags); return $this; } /** * Queue an error to appear on the next pageview * * #pw-group-notices * * @param string $text Error to queue * @param int $flags See Notice::flags * @return $this * */ public function error($text, $flags = 0) { $this->queueNoticeText($text, 'errors', $flags); return $this; } /** * Queue a warning to appear the next pageview * * #pw-group-notices * * @param string $text Warning to queue * @param int $flags See Notice::flags * @return $this * */ public function warning($text, $flags = 0) { $this->queueNoticeText($text, 'warnings', $flags); return $this; } /** * Session maintenance * * This is automatically called by ProcessWire at the end of the request, * no need to call it on your own. * * Keep track of session history, if $config->sessionHistory is used. * It can be retrieved with the $session->getHistory() method. * * #pw-internal * * @todo add extra gc checks * */ public function maintenance() { if($this->skipMaintenance || !$this->sessionInit) return; // prevent multiple calls, just in case $this->skipMaintenance = true; $historyCnt = (int) ($this->config ? $this->config->sessionHistory : 0); if($historyCnt) { $sanitizer = $this->wire()->sanitizer; $input = $this->wire()->input; $page = $this->wire()->page; if(!$sanitizer || !$input || !$page) return; $history = $this->get('_user', 'history'); if(!is_array($history)) $history = array(); $item = array( 'time' => time(), 'url' => $sanitizer->entities($input->httpUrl()), 'page' => $page->id, ); $cnt = count($history); if($cnt) { end($history); $lastKey = key($history); $nextKey = $lastKey+1; if($cnt >= $historyCnt) { if($historyCnt > 1) { $history = array_slice($history, -1 * ($historyCnt - 1), null, true); } else { $history = array(); } } } else { $nextKey = 0; } $history[$nextKey] = $item; $this->set('_user', 'history', $history); } } /** * Get the session history (if enabled) * * Applicable only if `$config->sessionHistory > 0`. * * ~~~~~ * $history = $session->getHistory(); * print_r($history); * // outputs the following: * array( * 0 => array( * 'url' => '', // URL * 'page' => 1234, // page ID * 'time' => 234993498, // unix timestamp * ), * 1 => array( * // ... * ), * 2 => array( * // ... * ), * ... * ); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-advanced * * @return array Array of arrays containing history entries. * */ public function getHistory() { $value = $this->get('_user', 'history'); if(!is_array($value)) $value = array(); return $value; } /** * Remove queued notices * * Call this after displaying queued message, error or warning notices. * This prevents them from re-appearing on the next request. * * #pw-group-notices * */ public function removeNotices() { $this->removeAllFor('_notices'); } /** * Return an instance of ProcessWire’s CSRF object, which provides an API for cross site request forgery protection. * * ~~~~ * // output somewhere in
    markup when rendering a form * echo $session->CSRF->renderInput(); * ~~~~ * ~~~~ * // when processing form (POST request), check to see if token is present * if($session->CSRF->hasValidToken()) { * // form submission is valid * // okay to process * } else { * // form submission is NOT valid * throw new WireException('CSRF check failed!'); * } * ~~~~ * * #pw-group-advanced * * @return SessionCSRF * @see SessionCSRF::renderInput(), SessionCSRF::validate(), SessionCSRF::hasValidToken() * */ public function CSRF() { if(!$this->sessionInit) $this->init(); // init required for CSRF if(is_null($this->CSRF)) $this->CSRF = $this->wire(new SessionCSRF()); return $this->CSRF; } /** * Get or set current session handler instance (WireSessionHandler) * * #pw-internal * * @param WireSessionHandler|null $sessionHandler Specify only when setting, omit to get session handler. * @return null|WireSessionHandler Returns WireSessionHandler instance, or… * returns null when session handler is not yet known or is PHP (file system) * @since 3.0.166 * */ public function sessionHandler(WireSessionHandler $sessionHandler = null) { if($sessionHandler) $this->sessionHandler = $sessionHandler; return $this->sessionHandler; } }