$(document).ready(function() { /** * Setup a live change event for the delete links * */ // not IE < 9 $(document).on('change', '.InputfieldFileDelete input', function() { setInputfieldFileStatus($(this)); }).on('dblclick', '.InputfieldFileDelete', function() { // enable double-click to delete all var $input = $(this).find('input'); var $items = $(this).parents('.InputfieldFileList').find('.InputfieldFileDelete input'); if($input.is(":checked")) { // $items.removeAttr('checked').change(); // JQM $items.prop('checked', false).change(); } else { // $items.attr('checked', 'checked').change(); // JQM $items.prop('checked', true).change(); } return false; }); function setInputfieldFileStatus($t) { var $info = $t.parents('.InputfieldFileInfo'); // collapsed=items that have no description or tags, so need no visible InputfieldFileData container var collapsed = $t.closest('.InputfieldFile').hasClass('InputfieldItemListCollapse'); if($t.is(":checked")) { // not an error, but we want to highlight it in the same manner $info.addClass("ui-state-error"); if(!collapsed) $info.siblings(".InputfieldFileData").slideUp("fast"); } else { $info.removeClass("ui-state-error"); if(!collapsed) $info.siblings(".InputfieldFileData").slideDown("fast"); } } /** * Make the lists sortable and hoverable * */ function initSortable($fileLists) { $fileLists.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var qty = $this.children("li").length; if($this.closest('.InputfieldRenderValueMode').length) return; var $inputfield = $this.closest('.Inputfield') if(qty < 2) { // added to support additional controls when multiple items are present // and to hide them when not present if(qty == 0) $inputfield.addClass('InputfieldFileEmpty').removeClass('InputfieldFileMultiple InputfieldFileSingle'); else $inputfield.addClass('InputfieldFileSingle').removeClass('InputfieldFileEmpty InputfieldFileMultiple'); // if we're dealing with a single item list, then don't continue with making it sortable return; } else { $this.closest('.Inputfield').removeClass('InputfieldFileSingle InputfieldFileEmpty').addClass('InputfieldFileMultiple'); } $this.sortable({ //axis: 'y', start: function(e, ui) { ui.item.children(".InputfieldFileInfo").addClass("ui-state-highlight"); }, stop: function(e, ui) { $(this).children("li").each(function(n) { $(this).find(".InputfieldFileSort").val(n); }); ui.item.children(".InputfieldFileInfo").removeClass("ui-state-highlight"); // Firefox has a habit of opening a lightbox popup after a lightbox trigger was used as a sort handle // so we keep a 500ms class here to keep a handle on what was a lightbox trigger and what was a sort $inputfield.addClass('InputfieldFileJustSorted InputfieldStateChanged'); setTimeout(function() { $inputfield.removeClass('InputfieldFileJustSorted'); }, 500); }, update: function(e, ui) { $inputfield.trigger('sorted', [ ui.item ]); } }); }).find(".ui-widget-header, .ui-state-default").hover(function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }); } /** * Initialize non-HTML5 uploads * function InitOldSchool() { // $(".InputfieldFileUpload input[type=file]").live('change', function() { $(document).on('change', '.InputfieldFileUpload input[type=file]', function() { var $t = $(this); if($t.next("input.InputfieldFile").size() > 0) return; // not the last one var maxFiles = parseInt($t.siblings('.InputfieldFileMaxFiles').val()); var numFiles = $t.parent('.InputfieldFileUpload').siblings('.InputfieldFileList').children('li').size() + $t.siblings('input[type=file]').size() + 1; if(maxFiles > 0 && numFiles >= maxFiles) return; // if there are any empty inputs, then don't add another var numEmpty = 0; $t.siblings('input[type=file]').each(function() { if($(this).val().length < 1) numEmpty++; }); if(numEmpty > 0) return; // add another input var $i = $t.clone().hide().val(''); $t.after($i); $i.slideDown(); }); } */ function InitOldSchool() { $("body").addClass("ie-no-drop"); // ?? $(document).on('change', '.InputfieldFileUpload input[type=file]', function() { var $t = $(this); var $mask = $t.closest(".InputMask"); if($t.val().length > 1) { $mask.addClass("ui-state-disabled"); } else { $mask.removeClass("ui-state-disabled"); } if($mask.next(".InputMask").length > 0) return; // not the last one var $inputfield = $t.closest('.InputfieldFile'); var $upload = $t.closest('.InputfieldFileUpload'); var $list = $inputfield.find('.InputfieldFileList'); var maxFiles = parseInt($upload.find('.InputfieldFileMaxFiles').val()); var numFiles = $list.children('li').length + $upload.find('input[type=file]').length + 1; var maxFilesize = parseInt($upload.attr('data-maxfilesize')); var abort = false; $upload.find("input[type=file]").each(function() { if(typeof this.files[0] !== 'undefined'){ var size = this.files[0].size; if(size > maxFilesize) { ProcessWire.alert( "File " + this.files[0].name +" is " + size + " bytes which exceeds max allowed size of " + maxFilesize + " bytes" ); $(this).val('').closest('.InputMask').removeClass('ui-state-disabled ui-state-active'); abort = true; } } }); if(abort) return false; if(maxFiles > 0 && numFiles >= maxFiles) { // no more files allowed } else { $upload.find(".InputMask").not(":last").each(function() { var $m = $(this); if($m.find("input[type=file]").val() < 1) $m.remove(); }); // add another input var $mask2 = $mask.clone().removeClass("ui-state-disabled"); var $input = $mask2.find('input[type=file]'); $input.attr('id', $input.attr('id') + '-'); $input.val(''); $mask2.insertAfter($mask); $mask2.css('margin-left', '0.5em').removeClass('ui-state-active'); } // update file input to contain file name var name = $t.val(); var pos = name.lastIndexOf('/'); if(pos === -1) pos = name.lastIndexOf('\\'); name = name.substring(pos+1); $mask.find('.ui-button-text').text(name).prepend(""); $mask.removeClass('ui-state-active'); }); } /** * Initialize HTML5 uploads * * By apeisa with additional code by Ryan * * Based on the great work and examples of Craig Buckler (http://www.sitepoint.com/html5-file-drag-and-drop/) * and Robert Nyman (http://robertnyman.com/html5/fileapi-upload/fileapi-upload.html) * */ function InitHTML5($inputfield) { if($inputfield.length > 0) { var $target = $inputfield.find(".InputfieldFileUpload"); // just one } else { var $target = $(".InputfieldFileUpload"); // all } $target.closest('.InputfieldContent').each(function (i) { if($(this).hasClass('InputfieldFileInit')) return; initHTML5Item($(this), i); $(this).addClass('InputfieldFileInit'); }); function initHTML5Item($this, i) { var $form = $this.parents('form'); var $repeaterItem = $this.closest('.InputfieldRepeaterItem'); var postUrl = $repeaterItem.length ? $repeaterItem.attr('data-editUrl') : $form.attr('action'); postUrl += (postUrl.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + 'InputfieldFileAjax=1'; // CSRF protection var $postToken = $form.find('input._post_token'); var postTokenName = $postToken.attr('name'); var postTokenValue = $postToken.val(); var $uploadData = $this.find('.InputfieldFileUpload'); var fieldName = $uploadData.data('fieldname'); fieldName = fieldName.slice(0,-2); var extensions = $uploadData.data('extensions').toLowerCase(); var maxFilesize = $uploadData.data('maxfilesize'); var filesUpload = $this.find("input[type=file]").get(0); var dropArea = $this.get(0); var $fileList = $this.find(".InputfieldFileList"); if($fileList.length < 1) { $fileList = $(""); $this.prepend($fileList); $this.parent('.Inputfield').addClass('InputfieldFileEmpty'); } var fileList = $fileList.get(0); var maxFiles = parseInt($this.find('.InputfieldFileMaxFiles').val()); $fileList.children().addClass('InputfieldFileItemExisting'); // identify items that are already there $this.find('.AjaxUploadDropHere').show(); var doneTimer = null; // for AjaxUploadDone event function uploadFile(file) { var $progressItem = $('
  • '), $progressBar = $('
    '), $progressBarValue = $('
    '), img, reader, xhr, fileData; $progressBar.append($progressBarValue); $progressItem.append($progressBar); // Uploading - for Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Update progress bar xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function (evt) { if(evt.lengthComputable) { var completion = (evt.loaded / evt.total) * 100; $progressBarValue.width(completion + "%"); if(completion > 4) { $progressBarValue.html("" + parseInt(completion) + "%"); } $('body').addClass('pw-uploading'); /* // code for freezing progressbar during testing $progressBarValue.width("60%"); if(completion > 50) setTimeout(function() { alert('test'); }, 10); */ } else { // No data to calculate on } }, false); // File uploaded: called for each file xhr.addEventListener("load", function() { xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); var response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if(response.error !== undefined) response = [response]; // note the following loop will always contain only 1 item, unless a file containing more files (ZIP file) was uploaded for(var n = 0; n < response.length; n++) { var r = response[n]; if(r.error) { var $pi = $progressItem.clone(); $pi.find(".InputfieldFileInfo").addClass('ui-state-error'); $pi.find(".InputfieldFileStats").text(' - ' + r.message); $pi.find(".ui-progressbar").remove(); $progressItem.after($pi); } else { if(r.replace) { var $child = $this.find('.InputfieldFileList').children('li:eq(0)'); if($child.length > 0) $child.slideUp('fast', function() { $child.remove(); }); } // ie10 file field stays populated, this fixes that var $input = $this.find('input[type=file]'); if($input.val()) $input.replaceWith($input.clone(true)); var $markup = $(r.markup); $markup.hide(); // look for and handle replacements if(r.overwrite) { var basename = $markup.find('.InputfieldFileName').text(); var $item = null; // find an existing item having the same basename $fileList.children('.InputfieldFileItemExisting').each(function() { if($item === null && $(this).find('.InputfieldFileName').text() == basename) { // filenames match $item = $(this); } }); if($item !== null) { // found replacement var $newInfo = $markup.find(".InputfieldFileInfo"); var $newLink = $markup.find(".InputfieldFileLink"); var $info = $item.find(".InputfieldFileInfo"); var $link = $item.find(".InputfieldFileLink"); $info.html($newInfo.html() + ""); $link.html($newLink.html()); $item.addClass('InputfieldFileItemExisting'); $item.effect('highlight', 500); } else { // didn't find a match, just append $fileList.append($markup); $markup.slideDown(); $markup.addClass('InputfieldFileItemExisting'); } } else { // overwrite mode not active $fileList.append($markup); $markup.slideDown(); } } setTimeout(function() { var $inputfields = $markup.find('.Inputfield'); if($inputfields.length) { InputfieldsInit($markup.find('.Inputfields')); $inputfields.trigger('reloaded', ['InputfieldFileUpload']); } }, 500); } // for $progressItem.remove(); if(doneTimer) clearTimeout(doneTimer); doneTimer = setTimeout(function() { $('body').removeClass('pw-uploading'); if(maxFiles != 1 && !$fileList.is('.ui-sortable')) initSortable($fileList); $fileList.trigger('AjaxUploadDone'); // for things like fancybox that need to be re-init'd }, 500); }, false); // Here we go xhr.open("POST", postUrl, true); //see:https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1487 //xhr.setRequestHeader("X-FILENAME", unescape(encodeURIComponent(file.name))); xhr.setRequestHeader("X-FILENAME", encodeURIComponent(file.name)); xhr.setRequestHeader("X-FIELDNAME", fieldName); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); // fix issue 96-Pete xhr.setRequestHeader("X-" + postTokenName, postTokenValue); xhr.setRequestHeader("X-REQUESTED-WITH", 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.send(file); // Present file info and append it to the list of files fileData = '' + " " + '' + file.name + '' + ' • ' + parseInt(file.size / 1024, 10) + " kb"; $progressItem.find('p.ui-widget-header').html(fileData); $fileList.append($progressItem); var $inputfield = $fileList.closest('.Inputfield'); $inputfield.addClass('InputfieldStateChanged'); var numFiles = $inputfield.find('.InputfieldFileItem').length; if(numFiles == 1) { $inputfield.removeClass('InputfieldFileEmpty').removeClass('InputfieldFileMultiple').addClass('InputfieldFileSingle'); } else if(numFiles > 1) { $inputfield.removeClass('InputfieldFileEmpty').removeClass('InputfieldFileSingle').addClass('InputfieldFileMultiple'); } } function traverseFiles(files) { function errorItem(filename, message) { return '
  • ' + '

      ' + filename + ' ' + ' • ' + message + '

  • '; } var errorMsg = ''; if(typeof files !== "undefined") { for(var i=0, l=files.length; i maxFilesize && maxFilesize > 2000000) { // I do this test only if maxFilesize is at least 2M (php default). // There might (not sure though) be some issues to get that value so don't want to overvalidate here -apeisa var maxKB = parseInt(maxFilesize / 1024, 10); if(typeof ProcessWire.config.InputfieldFile.labels['too-big'] != "undefined") { errorMsg = ProcessWire.config.InputfieldFile.labels['too-big']; errorMsg = errorMsg.replace('MAX_KB', maxKB); } else { var fileSize = parseInt(files[i].size / 1024, 10); errorMsg = 'Filesize ' + fileSize +' kb is too big. Maximum allowed is ' + maxKB + ' kb'; } $fileList.append(errorItem(files[i].name, errorMsg)); } else { uploadFile(files[i]); } if(maxFiles == 1) break; } } else { fileList.innerHTML = "No support for the File API in this web browser"; } } filesUpload.addEventListener("change", function(evt) { traverseFiles(this.files); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); this.value = ''; }, false); dropArea.addEventListener("dragleave", function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); $(this).closest('.Inputfield').removeClass('pw-drag-in-file'); }, false); dropArea.addEventListener("dragenter", function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); $(this).closest('.Inputfield').addClass('pw-drag-in-file'); }, false); dropArea.addEventListener("dragover", function (evt) { if(!$(this).is('ui-state-hover')) { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); $(this).closest('.Inputfield').addClass('pw-drag-in-file'); } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }, false); dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function (evt) { traverseFiles(evt.dataTransfer.files); $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover").closest('.Inputfield').removeClass('pw-drag-in-file'); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }, false); } // initHTML5Item } // initHTML5 /** * Initialize selectize tags * * @param $inputfields * */ function initTags($inputfields) { $inputfields.each(function() { var $inputfield = $(this); var $inputs = $inputfield.find('input.InputfieldFileTagsInput:not(.selectized)'); var $selects = $inputfield.find('input.InputfieldFileTagsSelect:not(.selectized)'); if($inputs.length) { $inputs.selectize({ plugins: ['remove_button', 'drag_drop'], delimiter: ' ', persist: false, createOnBlur: true, submitOnReturn: false, create: function(input) { return { value: input, text: input } } }); } if($selects.length) { if(!$inputfield.hasClass('Inputfield')) $inputfield = $inputfield.closest('.Inputfield'); var configName = $inputfield.attr('data-configName'); var settings = ProcessWire.config[configName]; var options = []; for(var n = 0; n < settings['tags'].length; n++) { var tag = settings['tags'][n]; options[n] = {value: tag}; } $selects.selectize({ plugins: ['remove_button', 'drag_drop'], delimiter: ' ', persist: true, submitOnReturn: false, closeAfterSelect: true, createOnBlur: true, maxItems: null, valueField: 'value', labelField: 'value', searchField: ['value'], options: options, create: function(input) { return { value: input, text: input } }, createFilter: function(input) { if(settings.allowUserTags) return true; allow = false; for(var n = 0; n < options.length; n++) { if(input == options[n]) { allow = true; break; } } return allow; }, onDropdownOpen: function($dropdown) { $dropdown.closest('li, .InputfieldImageEdit').css('z-index', 100); }, onDropdownClose: function($dropdown) { $dropdown.closest('li, .InputfieldImageEdit').css('z-index', 'auto'); }, render: { item: function(item, escape) { return '
    ' + escape(item.value) + '
    '; }, option: function(item, escape) { return '
    ' + escape(item.value) + '
    '; } } }); } }); } /** * MAIN * */ initSortable($(".InputfieldFileList")); initTags($(".InputfieldFileHasTags")); /** * Progressive enchanchment for browsers that support html5 File API * * #PageIDIndictator.length indicates PageEdit, which we're limiting AjaxUpload to since only ProcessPageEdit has the ajax handler * */ var allowAjax = false; if (window.File && window.FileList && window.FileReader && ($("#PageIDIndicator").length > 0 || $('.InputfieldAllowAjaxUpload').length > 0)) { InitHTML5(''); allowAjax = true; } else { InitOldSchool(); } var minContainerWidth = 767; // ...or when the container width is this or smaller var resizeActive = false; var windowResize = function() { if(!allowAjax) return; $(".AjaxUploadDropHere").each(function() { var $t = $(this); if($t.parent().width() <= minContainerWidth) { $t.hide(); } else { $t.show(); } }); resizeActive = false; } if(allowAjax) { $(window).resize(function() { if(resizeActive) return; resizeActive = true; setTimeout(windowResize, 1000); }).resize(); $(document).on('AjaxUploadDone', '.InputfieldFileHasTags', function(event) { initTags($(this)); }); } //$(document).on('reloaded', '.InputfieldFileMultiple, .InputfieldFileSingle', function(event) { $(document).on('reloaded', '.InputfieldHasFileList', function(event) { initSortable($(this).find(".InputfieldFileList")); InitHTML5($(this)); initTags($(this)); if(allowAjax) windowResize(); }); });