parents()->methodName() if * you want to use anything here. * * ~~~~~~ * // Rebuild the entire pages_parents table * $numRows = $pages->parents()->rebuildAll(); * ~~~~~~ * * ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2022 by Ryan Cramer * * * @since 3.0.156 * */ class PagesParents extends Wire { /** * @var Pages * */ protected $pages; /** * Debug mode for pages class * * @var bool * */ protected $debug = false; /** * Construct * * @param Pages $pages * */ public function __construct(Pages $pages) { parent::__construct(); $this->pages = $pages; $this->debug = $pages->debug(); } /** * Get parents for given Page and/or specific columns from them * * - Return value has no exclusions for access control or status. * - Return value order is closest parent to furthest. * - This attempts to return all pages in 1 optimized query, making it potentially faster * than other methods. * - When using `column` or `columns` options, specify only one or the other, and include * column(s) native to pages DB table only, with 1 exception—you may specify `path` as * a column, which will return the generated page path(s). * * @param Page|int $page Page or page ID * @param array $options * - `column` (string): Just return array of values from this column (use `columns` option when you need multiple columns). (default='') * - `columns` (array): Return array of associative arrays containing these columns for each page (not to be combined with `column` option) * - `indexBy` (string): Return array indexed by column `id` or `parent_id`, applies only if given column/columns (default='') * - `includePage` (bool): Also include data for given $page in return value? (default=false) * - `noHome` (bool): Omit homepage from return value (default=false) * - `joinQty` (int): Number of parents to join in query before going recursive, for internal use (default=4). * @return array|PageArray If given column/columns returns an array, otherwise returns a PageArray * @since 3.0.156 * */ public function getParents($page, array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'column' => '', // get 1 column 'columns' => array(), // get array multiple columns 'joinQty' => 4, 'indexBy' => '', // id or parent_id or blank 'includePage' => false, 'noHome' => false, ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $values = array(); $columns = array(); $joinQty = (int) $options['joinQty']; $joins = array(); $selects = array('pages.parent_id AS parent_id'); $indexBy = $options['indexBy'] ? $options['indexBy'] : 'id'; $lastTable = 'pages'; $database = $this->wire('database'); $getOneCol = empty($options['columns']) ? $options['column'] : ''; $getPath = false; $getPages = empty($options['columns']) && empty($options['column']); $id = (int) "$page"; $lastParentID = $id; $blankReturn = $getPages ? $this->pages->newPageArray() : array(); if($id <= 0 || (!$options['includePage'] && $id <= 1)) return $blankReturn; if($indexBy) { $options['columns'][] = $indexBy; } if($getPages) { $options['columns'][] = 'id'; $options['columns'][] = 'templates_id'; } else if($indexBy != 'id' && $indexBy != 'parent_id') { throw new WireException('indexBy option must be "id" or "parent_id" or blank'); } else if($getOneCol) { $options['columns'][] = $getOneCol; } foreach($options['columns'] as $col) { if($col === 'parent_id') continue; // already a part of our query $column = $database->escapeCol($col); if($col === $column) $columns[$column] = $column; } if(!$getPages && isset($columns['path'])) { $getPath = true; unset($columns['path']); $columns['name'] = 'name'; $columns['id'] = 'id'; } for($n = 0; $n <= $joinQty; $n++) { $key = $n ? $n : ''; $table = "pages$key"; $selects[] = "$table.parent_id AS parent_id$key"; foreach($columns as $col) { $selects[] = "$table.$col AS $col$key"; } if($n) $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN pages AS $table ON $lastTable.parent_id=$"; $lastTable = $table; } $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $selects) . ' ' . 'FROM pages ' . implode(' ', $joins) . ' ' . 'WHERE'; $query = $database->prepare($sql); $query->bindValue(':id', $id, \PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute(); $row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $query->closeCursor(); if(empty($row)) return $blankReturn; $parentID = $id; for($n = 0; $n <= $joinQty; $n++) { $key = $n ? $n : ''; $lastParentID = $parentID; $parentID = (int) $row["parent_id$key"]; if(!$n && !$options['includePage']) { // skip first } else if(count($columns)) { $value = array("id" => $lastParentID, "parent_id" => $parentID); foreach($columns as $col) { $value[$col] = $row["$col$key"]; } $values[] = $value; } else { $values[] = $parentID; } if($parentID < 1 || ($parentID < 2 && $options['noHome'])) break; } if($lastParentID > 1 && count($values) >= $joinQty) { // more parents to go, get rest recursively $o = $options; $o['columns'] = $columns; foreach($this->getParents($lastParentID, $o) as $value) { $values[] = $value; } } if(!count($values)) return $blankReturn; if($getPath) { $names = array(); foreach(array_reverse($values, true) as $key => $value) { $name = $value['id'] > 1 ? $value['name'] : ''; if($name) $names[] = $name; $values[$key]['path'] = '/' . implode('/', $names) . '/'; } } if($getPages) { $values = $this->pages->loader()->getById($values); } else if($getOneCol) { $a = array(); foreach($values as $key => $value) { $index = empty($options['indexBy']) ? $key : $value[$indexBy]; $a[$index] = $value[$getOneCol]; } $values = $a; } else { $a = array(); foreach($values as $key => $value) { $index = empty($options['indexBy']) ? $key : $value[$indexBy]; $a[$index] = array(); foreach($options['columns'] as $col) { if(isset($value[$col])) $a[$index][$col] = $value[$col]; } } $values = $a; } return $values; } /** * Find all pages that have children * * @param array $options * @return array|PageArray * @since 3.0.156 * */ public function findParents(array $options = array()) { $database = $this->wire()->database; static $calls = 0; $defaults = array( 'minChildren' => 1, // min children to match 'maxChildren' => 0, // max children to match 'numChildren' => 0, // exact children to match 'parent' => 0, // start from this parent, or negative int for minimum parent ID 'recursive' => true, // recursively find all (when combined with parent option) 'start' => 0, 'limit' => 0, 'column' => '', // get this 1 column (native columns only) 'columns' => array(), // get these columns (native columns only) 'sortByID' => false, 'indexByID' => false, // return value should be indexed by page ID? 'useIndexTable' => true, // allow use of pages_parents index table? (much faster) 'debug' => false, // debug mode makes it also return a debug index w/additional info '_level' => 0, // recursion level (internal) ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $parentID = isset($options['parent']) ? (int) "$options[parent]" : 0; $sql = array(); $bind = array(); $column = $options['column']; $columns = $options['columns']; if(empty($columns) && strlen($column)) $columns = array($column); $getPages = empty($columns) && !$options['_level'] && !$options['debug']; $forceRecursive = $options['recursive'] && !$options['useIndexTable']; $indexByID = $getPages || $forceRecursive ? true : $options['indexByID']; $debug = $options['debug']; $timer = $debug && !$options['_level'] ? Debug::timer() : false; if($debug) { $calls++; if(!in_array('parent_id', $columns)) $columns[] = 'parent_id'; if(!in_array('name', $columns)) $columns[] = 'name'; } $sql['select'] = "SELECT, COUNT( AS numChildren"; if($getPages) $sql['select'] .= ", pages.templates_id"; foreach($columns as $key => $col) { if($col === 'id' || $col === 'numChildren') continue; // already have it $col = $database->escapeCol($col); if($col !== $columns[$key]) continue; $sql['select'] .= ", pages.$col"; } $sql['from'] = "FROM pages"; $sql['join'] = "JOIN pages AS children ON"; if($parentID) { $op = '='; if($parentID < 0) { // minimum parent ID $op = '>='; $parentID = abs($parentID); } $bind[':parent_id'] = $parentID; if($options['recursive'] && $options['useIndexTable']) { $sql['join2'] = "JOIN pages_parents ON pages_parents.parents_id$op:parent_id AND"; } else { $sql['where'] = "WHERE pages.parent_id$op:parent_id"; } } $sql['group'] = "GROUP BY"; foreach(array('minChildren' => '>=', 'maxChildren' => '<=', 'numChildren' => '=') as $key => $op) { $value = (int) $options[$key]; if(empty($value)) continue; if($key === 'minChildren' && $value === 1) continue; // already implied $sql['having'] = (empty($sql['having']) ? "HAVING " : "$sql[having] AND ") . "COUNT($op:$key"; $bind[":$key"] = $value; } if($options['sortByID']) { $sql['order'] = "ORDER BY"; } if($options['limit']) { $start = (int) $options['start']; $limit = (int) $options['limit']; $sql['limit'] = "LIMIT $start,$limit"; } $query = $database->prepare(implode(' ', $sql)); foreach($bind as $key => $value) { $query->bindValue($key, $value, \PDO::PARAM_INT); } $database->execute($query); $values = array(); /** @noinspection PhpAssignmentInConditionInspection */ while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $id = (int) $row['id']; if($column) { // single column $value = isset($row[$column]) ? $row[$column] : null; } else if(!empty($columns)) { // multiple columns $value = array(); foreach($columns as $col) { if(isset($row[$col])) $value[$col] = $row[$col]; } } else if($getPages) { // get pages $value = array( 'id' => $id, 'templates_id' => (int) $row['templates_id'], 'numChildren' => (int) $row['numChildren'] ); } else { // undefined $value = $row; } if($indexByID) { $values[$id] = $value; } else { $values[] = $value; } } $query->closeCursor(); if($forceRecursive) { foreach(array_keys($values) as $pid) { $options['parent'] = $pid; $options['_level']++; foreach($this->findParents($options) as $id => $value) { $values[$id] = $value; } $options['_level']--; } if($options['sortByID'] && !$options['_level']) { ksort($values); } } if($getPages) { $pageArray = $this->pages->loader()->getById($values, array( // since we already have numChildren, we don't need getByID to spend time finding it 'getNumChildren' => false, )); foreach($pageArray as $page) { $page->setQuietly('numChildren', $values[$page->id]['numChildren']); } $values = $pageArray; } else { if($debug && !$options['_level']) { $hash = md5(print_r($values, true)); $debugInfo = array( 'calls' => $calls, 'timer' => Debug::timer($timer), 'hash' => $hash, ); $calls = 0; // add in breadcrumb debug property foreach($values as $id => $value) { if(!isset($value['breadcrumb'])) $value['breadcrumb'] = array(); $pid = $value['parent_id']; while(isset($values[$pid])) { $name = $values[$pid]['name']; $values[$id]['breadcrumb'][] = $name; $pid = $values[$pid]['parent_id']; } } } else { $debugInfo = false; } if($indexByID && !$options['indexByID']) { $values = array_values($values); // convert to regular PHP array } if($debugInfo) $values['debug'] = $debugInfo; } return $values; } /** * Find IDs of all pages that are parents for other pages, optionally within a parent * * Does not rely on pages_parents index table, so can be used for rebuilding it. * * Faster than findParents() in cases where the pages_parents table cannot be used * and there are potentially hundreds/thousands of parents to find. However, it does * use more memory than findParents() even if it can be potentially a lot faster. * * ~~~~~ * // the following two calls should produce identical results (excluding order) * // if they don’t, the index may need to be rebuilt * $pages->parents()->findParentIDs($id); * $pages->parents()->findParents([ * 'parent' => $id, * 'indexByID' => true, * 'column' => 'parent_id' * ]); * ~~~~~ * * @param null|Page|int $fromParent Specify parent to limit results within, or negative int for minimum parent_id, * for instance a value of -2 would exclude homepage and items with homepage (id=1) as their parent. * @return array Returns array in format [ id => parent_id ] * @since 3.0.156 * */ public function findParentIDs($fromParent = null) { static $parents = null; static $level = 0; $fromParent = (int) "$fromParent"; $minParentID = $fromParent < 0 ? abs($fromParent) : 0; if($minParentID) $fromParent = 0; if($parents == null) { $parents = array(); $sql = " SELECT, parents.parent_id FROM pages JOIN pages AS parents on AND parents.parent_id>=:id GROUP BY pages.parent_id "; $query = $this->wire()->database->prepare(trim($sql)); $query->bindValue(':id', $minParentID, \PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute(); while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { list($pages_id, $parents_id) = $row; $parents[(int) $pages_id] = (int) $parents_id; } $query->closeCursor(); } if($fromParent) { // filter out parents not descendents of $fromParent $a = array(); $level++; foreach(array_keys($parents, $fromParent) as $id) { $a[$id] = $fromParent; $a += $this->findParentIDs($id); } $level--; if(!$level) $parents = null; } else { $a = $parents; $parents = null; } return $a; } /** * Check if saved page needs any pages_parents updates and perform them when applicable * * @param Page $page * @return int Number of rows updated * */ public function save(Page $page) { $numRows = 0; // homepage not maintained in pages_parents table // pages being cloned are not maintained till clone operation finishes if($page->id < 2 || $page->_cloning || !$page->parent) return 0; // first check if page parents need any updates if($page->isNew()) { // newly added page if($page->parent->numChildren === 1) { // first time parent gets added to pages_parents $numRows += $this->rebuild($page->parent); } } else if($page->parentPrevious && $page->parentPrevious->id != $page->parent->id) { // existing page with parent changed $this->rebuildAll(); /* if($page->parentPrevious->numChildren === 0) { // parent no longer has children and doesn’t need entry $numRows += $this->delete($page->parentPrevious); } if($page->parent->numChildren === 1) { // first time parent gets added to pages_parents $numRows += $this->rebuild($page->parent); } */ } return $numRows; } /** * Rebuild pages_parents table for given page * * This descends into both parents, and children that are themselves parents, * and this method already calls the rebuildBranch() method when appropriate. * * @param Page $page * @return int * @since 3.0.156 * */ public function rebuild(Page $page) { $pages_id = (int) $page->id; $database = $this->wire()->database; $inserts = array(); $rowCount = 0; if(!$page->isNew()) $this->clear($page); // if page has no children it does not need pages_parents entries if(!$page->numChildren) return 0; // identify parents to store for $page foreach($page->parents() as $parent) { $parents_id = (int) $parent->id; if($parents_id > 1) $inserts[] = "$pages_id,$parents_id"; } if(count($inserts)) { // if parents found to insert, rebuild parents of $page $inserts = implode('),(', $inserts); $query = $database->prepare("INSERT INTO pages_parents (pages_id, parents_id) VALUES($inserts)"); $query->execute(); $rowCount += $query->rowCount(); } // rebuild parents within page’s children $rowCount += $this->rebuildBranch($page->id); return $rowCount; } /** * Rebuild pages_parents branch starting at $fromParent and into all descendents * * @param Page|int $fromParent From parent Page or ID * @return int Number of rows inserted * */ public function rebuildBranch($fromParent) { return $this->rebuildAll($fromParent); } /** * Rebuild pages_parents table entirely or from branch starting with a parent branch * * @param int|Page $fromParent Specify parent ID or page to rebuild from that parent, or omit to rebuild all * @return int Number of rows inserted * @since 3.0.156 * */ public function rebuildAll($fromParent = null) { $database = $this->wire()->database; $inserts = array(); $parents = $this->findParentIDs($fromParent ? $fromParent : -2); // find parents within children $rowCount = 0; foreach($parents as $pages_id => $parents_id) { if(isset($this->excludeIDs[$parents_id])) continue; $inserts[] = "$pages_id,$parents_id"; while(isset($parents[$parents_id])) { $parents_id = $parents[$parents_id]; $inserts[] = "$pages_id,$parents_id"; } } if(count($parents)) { $where = $fromParent ? 'WHERE pages_id IN(' . implode(',', array_keys($parents)) . ')' : ''; $sql = "DELETE FROM pages_parents $where"; $database->exec($sql); } if(count($inserts)) { $inserts = array_unique($inserts); $inserts = implode('),(', $inserts); $query = $database->prepare("INSERT INTO pages_parents (pages_id, parents_id) VALUES($inserts)"); $query->execute(); $rowCount = $query->rowCount(); } return $rowCount; } /** * Clear page from pages_parents index * * @param Page|int $page * @return int * @since 3.0.156 * */ public function clear($page) { $pages_id = (int) "$page"; $database = $this->wire()->database; $query = $database->prepare("DELETE FROM pages_parents WHERE pages_id=:id"); $query->bindValue(':id', $pages_id, \PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute(); $cnt = $query->rowCount(); $query->closeCursor(); return $cnt; } /** * Delete page entirely from pages_parents table (both as page and parent) * * @param Page|int $page * @return int * @since 3.0.156 * */ public function delete($page) { $pages_id = (int) "$page"; $database = $this->wire()->database; $sql = "DELETE FROM pages_parents WHERE pages_id=:pages_id OR parents_id=:parents_id"; $query = $database->prepare($sql); $query->bindValue(':pages_id', $pages_id, \PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindValue(':parents_id', $pages_id, \PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute(); $cnt = $query->rowCount(); $query->closeCursor(); return $cnt; } /** * Tests a page and returns verbose details about what was found * * For debugging/development purposes to make sure pages_parents * is working as intended. * * #pw-internal * * @param Page $page * @return array * */ public function pageTests(Page $page) { $id = (int) "$page"; $path = $page->path; $database = $this->wire()->database; $tests = array( 'query-for-parents-of-page' => array( 'notes' => "Query DB for parents of $path. Result will exclude homepage.", 'query' => "SELECT parents_id FROM pages_parents WHERE pages_id=$id", 'timer' => '', 'count' => 0, 'pages' => array(), 'type' => 'database.query', ), 'query-for-pages-having-parent' => array( 'notes' => "Query DB for pages having parent $path. Result will exclude pages that are not themselves parents.", 'query' => "SELECT pages_id FROM pages_parents WHERE parents_id=$id", 'timer' => '', 'count' => 0, 'pages' => array(), 'type' => 'database.query', ), 'pages-find-descendents' => array( 'notes' => "Use \$pages->find() with selector to find all descendents of $path with no exclusions.", 'query' => "has_parent=$id, sort=parent_id, sort=id, include=all", 'timer' => '', 'count' => 0, 'pages' => array(), 'type' => 'pages.find', ), 'page-children-descendents' => array( 'notes' => "Use recursive \$page->children() to manually reproduce result from previous test (the two should match)", 'query' => "include=all, sort=id", 'timer' => '', 'count' => 0, 'pages' => array(), 'type' => 'descendents', ), ); foreach($tests as $key => $test) { $timer = Debug::timer(); if($test['type'] === 'database.query') { $query = $database->prepare($test['query']); $query->execute(); $test['count'] = $query->rowCount(); while($value = $query->fetchColumn()) { $test['pages'][] = "$value: " . $this->pages->getPath($value); } $query->closeCursor(); } else if($test['type'] === 'pages.find') { $this->pages->uncacheAll(); $items = $this->pages->find($test['query']); $test['count'] = $items->count(); $test['pages'] = $items->explode("{id}: {path}"); } else if($test['type'] === 'descendents') { $this->pages->uncacheAll(); $items = $this->descendents($page, $test['query']); $test['count'] = $items->count(); $test['pages'] = $items->explode("{id}: {path}"); } $test['timer'] = Debug::timer($timer); $tests[$key] = $test; } return $tests; } /** * Find descendents of $page by going recursive rather than using pages_parents table (for testing) * * @param Page $page * @param string $selector * @return PageArray * */ protected function descendents(Page $page, $selector = 'include=all') { $children = new PageArray(); foreach($page->children($selector) as $child) { $children->add($child); if(!$child->numChildren) continue; foreach($this->descendents($child, $selector) as $item) { $children->add($item); } } return $children; } }