connect($debug); $this->close(); return $res; } public function connect($debug = false) { $this->connected = (($this->errors[] = $this->emailMessage->StartSendingMessage()) == '') ? true : false; return $this->connected; } public function close() { if(!isset($this->emailMessage)) { return null; } $res = $this->emailMessage->ResetConnection('') == '' ? true : false; $this->connected = false; return $res; } public function getErrors() { $a = array(); foreach( $this->errors as $e ) { if($e=='') { continue; } $a[] = $e; } $this->errors = $a; return $this->errors; } protected function set_var_val( $k, $v ) { if(!isset($this->aValidVars[$k])) { return; } switch($k) { case 'send_sender_signature': case 'smtp_port': $this->$k = intval($v); break; case 'smtp_certificate': case 'smtp_ssl': case 'smtp_start_tls': case 'smtp_debug': case 'smtp_html_debug': case 'allow_without_authentication': if(is_bool($v)) { $this->$k = $v==true ? 1 : 0; } elseif(is_int($v)) { $this->$k = $v==1 ? 1 : 0; } elseif(is_string($v) && in_array($v, array('1','on','On','ON','true','TRUE'))) { $this->$k = 1; } elseif(is_string($v) && in_array($v, array('0','off','Off','OFF','false','FALSE'))) { $this->$k = 0; } else { $this->$k = 0; } break; case 'smtp_tls_crypto_method': $availableTLSmethods = WireMailSmtp::getCryptoMethodsTLS(); if(is_string($v) && isset($v, $availableTLSmethods)) { $this->$k = $v; } break; case 'smtp_ssl_crypto_method': $availableSSLmethods = WireMailSmtp::getCryptoMethodsSSL(); if(is_string($v) && isset($v, $availableSSLmethods)) { $this->$k = $v; } break; case 'authentication_mechanism': $this->authentication_mechanism = $v; break; case 'valid_recipients': case 'extra_headers'; $this->$k = is_array($v) || is_string($v) ? (array)$v : array(); break; default: if(in_array($k, array('smtp_host', 'smtp_user', 'smtp_password', 'localhost', 'workstation', 'realm', 'sender_name', 'sender_email', 'sender_reply', 'sender_errors_to', 'sender_signature', 'sender_signature_html', 'default_charset' )) ) { $this->$k = strval($v); } } } public function __construct($aConfig = null) { if(!is_array($aConfig)) { return; } $this->aValidVars = get_class_vars(__CLASS__); foreach($aConfig as $k => $v) { $this->set_var_val($k, $v); } foreach($this->valid_recipients as $k=>$v) { $this->valid_recipients[$k] = str_replace(array('<','>'), '', strtolower(trim($v))); } // start SMTP-Mail $this->emailMessage = new smtp_message_class(); // SMTP Server Authentication $this->emailMessage->default_charset = $this->default_charset; $this->emailMessage->localhost = $this->localhost; $this->emailMessage->smtp_host = $this->smtp_host; $this->emailMessage->smtp_port = $this->smtp_port; $this->emailMessage->smtp_ssl = $this->smtp_ssl; $this->emailMessage->smtp_ssl_crypto_method = $this->smtp_ssl_crypto_method; $this->emailMessage->smtp_start_tls = $this->smtp_start_tls; $this->emailMessage->smtp_tls_crypto_method = $this->smtp_tls_crypto_method; $this->emailMessage->smtp_user = $this->smtp_user; $this->emailMessage->smtp_password = $this->smtp_password; $this->emailMessage->allow_without_authentication = $this->allow_without_authentication; $this->emailMessage->smtp_certificate = $this->smtp_certificate; // advanced SMTP Server Settings $this->emailMessage->realm = $this->realm; $this->emailMessage->workstation = $this->workstation; $this->emailMessage->authentication_mechanism = $this->authentication_mechanism; // Debug on / off $this->emailMessage->smtp_debug = $this->smtp_debug; $this->emailMessage->smtp_html_debug = $this->smtp_html_debug; } public function __destruct() { if( $this->connected ) { $this->close(); } unset($this->emailMessage); } protected function logError($msg) { if(!isset($this->module)) $this->module = wire('modules')->get('WireMailSmtp'); $this->module->logError($msg); } protected function logActivity($msg) { if(!isset($this->module)) $this->module = wire('modules')->get('WireMailSmtp'); $this->module->logActivity($msg); } public function setSender($from='', $fromName='') { $genericEmail = isset($this->localhost) ? 'processwire@' . $this->localhost : false; $sender = strlen($from)>0 ? $from : $this->sender_email; if(empty($sender) && false!==$genericEmail) { $sender = $genericEmail; // fallback to a generic email address } $this->isValidEmailadress($sender); // if it is not a valid Emailaddress a Error is thrown $senderName = strlen($fromName)>0 ? $fromName : $this->sender_name; $this->from = $sender; $this->fromName = $senderName; if($sender==$this->sender_email) { // we use the defaults from module config $replyTo = isset($this->sender_reply) && strlen($this->sender_reply)>0 ? $this->sender_reply : $this->sender_email; $errorsTo = isset($this->sender_errors_to) && strlen($this->sender_errors_to)>0 ? $this->sender_errors_to : $this->sender_email; } else { $replyTo = $genericEmail!=$sender ? $sender : ''; // we don't want get replys to the generic emailaddress $errorsTo = ''; } $this->setEmailHeader('from', $sender, $senderName); if(''!=$replyTo) $this->setEmailHeader('reply', $replyTo); if(''!=$errorsTo) $this->setEmailHeader('errors', $errorsTo); } public function setCustomHeader($header) { $extra_headers = (isset($this->extra_headers) && is_array($this->extra_headers) && 0extra_headers)) ? $this->extra_headers : array(); $headers = array_merge($extra_headers, $header); foreach($headers as $k=>$v) { $this->setHeader($k, $v); } } public function setTextBody($text, $addSignature, $wrapText, &$maildata) { if($addSignature===true && isset($this->sender_signature) && is_string($this->sender_signature) && strlen(trim($this->sender_signature))>0) { $text .= "\r\n\r\n" . $this->sender_signature; } $text = $wrapText ? $this->emailMessage->WrapText($text) : (string)$text; $maildata = $text; $ret = $this->emailMessage->AddQuotedPrintableTextPart($text); if($ret=='') { return true; } $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : ' . $ret); return false; } public function setTextAndHtmlBody($text, $html, $addSignature, $wrapText, &$maildata1, &$maildata2) { if($addSignature===true && isset($this->sender_signature) && is_string($this->sender_signature) && strlen(trim($this->sender_signature))>0) { $text .= "\r\n\r\n--\r\n" . $this->sender_signature; } if($addSignature===true && isset($this->sender_signature_html) && is_string($this->sender_signature_html) && strlen(trim($this->sender_signature_html))>0) { // we first need to check if there is a end tag in the html-markup if(preg_match('', $html)) { $html = str_replace("", "\r\n\r\n" . $this->sender_signature_html . "\r\n", $html); } else { $html .= "\r\n\r\n" . $this->sender_signature_html . "\r\n"; } } $maildata1 = $text = $wrapText ? $this->emailMessage->WrapText($text) : (string)$text; $maildata2 = $html = $wrapText ? $this->emailMessage->WrapText($html) : (string)$html; // create Alternative-Multipart $html_part = $text_part = $alternative_part = 0; $this->emailMessage->CreateQuotedPrintableTextPart($text, 'UTF-8', $text_part); $this->emailMessage->CreateQuotedPrintableHTMLPart($html, 'UTF-8', $html_part); $alternative_parts = array( $text_part, $html_part ); #$this->emailMessage->CreateAlternativeMultipart($alternative_parts, $alternative_part); $ret = $this->emailMessage->AddAlternativeMultipart($alternative_parts); if($ret=='') { return true; } $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : ' . $ret); return false; } public function addAttachment($attachment) { $ret = $this->emailMessage->AddFilePart($attachment); if($ret=='') { return true; } $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : ' . $ret); return false; } public function setNotification(&$maildata) { if(!isset($this->from) || strlen(trim($this->from))==0) { return false; } $email = $this->bundleEmailAndName($this->from, $this->fromName); $maildata = $email; return $this->setHeader('Disposition-Notification-To', $email); } public function setPriority($priority=3) { $priority = intval($priority); if(!in_array($priority, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))) { $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : ' . "($priority)"); return false; } $priorities = array( 5 => array('5 (Lowest)', 'Low', 'Low'), 4 => array('4 (Low)', 'Low', 'Low'), 3 => array('3 (Normal)', 'Normal', 'Normal'), 2 => array('2 (High)', 'High', 'High'), 1 => array('1 (Highest)', 'High', 'High') ); $ret = 0; $ret += $this->setHeader('X-Priority', $priorities[$priority][0]) ? 1 : 0; $ret += $this->setHeader('X-MSMail-Priority', $priorities[$priority][1]) ? 1 : 0; $ret += $this->setHeader('Importance', $priorities[$priority][2]) ? 1 : 0; return 3==$ret ? true : false; } public function send($debugServer=false, $htmlDebug=false, &$maildata='') { if($debugServer) $this->emailMessage->smtp_debug = 1; if($htmlDebug) $this->emailMessage->smtp_html_debug = 1; if(!$this->connect()) { $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : cannot connect to smtp-server!'); return false; } $this->emailMessage->SetHeader("Date", gmdate("D, j M Y H:i:s \G\M\T")); $ret = $this->emailMessage->Send(); if($ret=='') { $maildata = 'success'; return true; } $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : ' . $ret); $maildata = (string)$ret; return false; } public function setEmailHeader($type, $address, $name='') { $address = str_replace(array('<','>'), '', $address); if(!$this->isValidEmailadress($address)) { $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : No valid E-mailadress: '.$address); return false; } $type = strtolower($type); $valid_types = array('to'=>'To','from'=>'From','cc'=>'CC','bcc'=>'BCC','reply-to'=>'Reply-To','reply'=>'Reply-To','errors-to'=>'Errors-To','errors'=>'Errors-To','error'=>'Errors-To'); if(!in_array($type,array_keys($valid_types))) { $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : No valid Headertype: '.$type); return false; } if(strpos($type,'reply')!==false) { $this->emailMessage->SetHeader('Return-Path',$address); } $ret = $this->emailMessage->SetEncodedEmailHeader($valid_types[$type], $address, $name); if($ret!='') { $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : ' . $ret); return false; } return true; } public function setHeader($headername,$content) { $ret = $this->emailMessage->SetEncodedHeader($headername,$content); if($ret!='') { $this->logError('Error in '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.' : ' . $ret); return false; } return true; } public function isValidEmailadress($email) { $email = strtolower(trim($email)); $clean = wire('sanitizer')->email($email); if($email != $clean) throw new WireException("Invalid email address"); return true; } protected function bundleEmailAndName($email, $name) { $email = strtolower(trim($email)); $clean = wire('sanitizer')->email($email); if(!strlen($name)) return $email; $name = wire('sanitizer')->emailHeader($name); if(strpos($name, ',') !== false) { // name contains a comma, so quote the value $name = str_replace('"', '', $name); // remove existing quotes $name = '"' . $name . '"'; // surround w/quotes } return "$name <$email>"; } public function setBulkMail($bulk) { return $this->emailMessage->setBulkMail($bulk); } } // END class hnsmtp