definition list of Processes attached to each child page. * * For more details about how Process modules work, please see: * /wire/core/Process.php * * ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2016 by Ryan Cramer * * * */ class ProcessList extends Process { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => __('List', __FILE__), // getModuleInfo title 'summary' => __('Lists the Process assigned to each child page of the current', __FILE__), // getModuleInfo summary 'version' => 101, 'permanent' => true, 'permission' => 'page-view', ); } public function ___execute() { return $this->render(); } protected function render() { $defaults = array( 'dlClass' => 'nav', 'dtClass' => '', 'ddClass' => '', 'aClass' => 'label', 'disabledClass' => 'ui-priority-secondary', 'showIcon' => true, ); $settings = $this->wire('config')->ProcessList; if(!is_array($settings)) $settings = array(); $settings = array_merge($defaults, $settings); $out = "\n
"; $cnt = 0; foreach($this->page->children("check_access=0") as $child) { if(!$child->viewable()) continue; $dtClass = $settings['dtClass']; $ddClass = $settings['ddClass']; $icon = ''; if($child->process) { $info = $this->modules->getModuleInfoVerbose($child->process, array('noCache' => true)); if($settings['showIcon']) { $icon = $child->get('page_icon'); if(!$icon) $icon = $info['icon']; if($icon) { if(strpos($icon, 'fa-') === 0) list(,$icon) = explode('-', 2); $icon = " "; } } $title = $child->title; if(!strlen($title)) $title = $info['title']; if(!strlen($title)) $title = $child->name; $titleTranslated = __($title, '/wire/templates-admin/default.php'); if($titleTranslated && $titleTranslated != $title) $title = $titleTranslated; $title = $this->wire('sanitizer')->entities1($title); if($child->summary) { $summary = $child->summary; } else { $summary = $info['summary']; } $summary = $this->wire('sanitizer')->entities1($summary); } else { $title = $child->get("title|name"); if($child->template == 'admin') { $summary = $this->_('The process module assigned to this page does not appear to be installed.'); $dtClass .= ' ' . $settings['disabledClass']; $ddClass .= ' ' . $settings['disabledClass']; } else if($child->summary) { $summary = $this->wire('sanitizer')->entities($child->getUnformatted('summary')); } else { $summary = ''; } } $dtClass = trim($dtClass); $ddClass = trim($ddClass); $out .= "\n\t
"; if($summary) $out .= "\n\t
"; $cnt++; } $out .= "\n
"; if(!$cnt) $out = ''; return $out; } }