/** * ProcessWire Selector Inputfield JS * * Concept by Antti Peisa * Code by Ryan Cramer * Sponsored by Avoine * * ProcessWire 3.x (development), Copyright 2015 by Ryan Cramer * https://processwire.com * */ var InputfieldSelector = { /** * Saved value of the preview selector shown to users * */ selector: '', /** * Markup for the spinner that appears when ajax events are running * */ spinner: "", /** * Default border-color value, which we later attempt to modify and auto determine from the admin theme * */ borderColor: '#eee', /** * Initialize InputfieldSelector and attach all needed events * */ init: function() { $(document).on('change', '.InputfieldSelector select.select-field', InputfieldSelector.changeField); $(document).on('change', '.InputfieldSelector select.select-subfield', InputfieldSelector.changeField); $(document).on('change', '.InputfieldSelector :input:not(.select-field):not(.input-value-autocomplete)', function() { InputfieldSelector.changeAny($(this)); }); $(document).on('opened', '.InputfieldSelector', function() { InputfieldSelector.normalizeHeightRows($(this)); }); var timeout = null; $(document).on('keyup', '.InputfieldSelector input.input-value', function() { var $t = $(this); clearTimeout(timeout); if($t.hasClass("input-value-subselect") && InputfieldSelector.valueHasOperator($t.val())) { var $preview = $t.closest('.InputfieldContent').find('.selector-preview'); $preview.html('Subselect detected: when done click here to commit your change.'); return; } timeout = setTimeout(function() { InputfieldSelector.changeAny($t); }, 100); }); $(document).on('click', '.InputfieldSelector .selector-add', function() { InputfieldSelector.addRow($(this)); return false; }); $(document).on('click', '.InputfieldSelector a.delete-row', InputfieldSelector.deleteRow); $(".InputfieldSelector .selector-preview").hide(); $(document).on('wiretabclick', function(event, $newTab, $oldTab) { var $inputfield = $newTab.find(".InputfieldSelector"); if($inputfield.length == 0) return; InputfieldSelector.normalizeHeightRows($inputfield); }); /* $(".InputfieldSelector .InputfieldContent").eq(0).each(function() { InputfieldSelector.borderColor = $(this).css('border-bottom-color'); }); */ // trigger change any event for first item, in case we have one already populated //var $rows = $(".InputfieldSelector .selector-row:not(.selector-template-row)"); var $rows = $(".InputfieldSelector .selector-row"); if($rows.length > 0) { $rows.eq(0).find(".select-field").each(function() { // this ensures any data-template-ids attributes affect the field disabled state at the template-row level InputfieldSelector.changeAny($(this)); }); $rows.eq(1).find(".input-value").change(); // first visible row, if present $rows.each(function() { var $row = $(this); $row.css('border-color', InputfieldSelector.borderColor); // match border color to current admin theme InputfieldSelector.normalizeHeightRow($row); var $ac = $row.find(".input-value-autocomplete"); if($ac.length > 0) { // setup autocomplete var subfield = $row.find(".select-subfield"); var field = subfield.length ? subfield.val() : $row.find(".select-field").val(); var name = $row.parents(".InputfieldSelector").find("input.selector-value").attr('name'); // selector-value intentional! InputfieldSelector.setupAutocomplete($ac, field, name); } }); } $(".InputfieldSelector").each(function() { if($(this).find(".selector-preview-disabled").length > 0) return; // force items to populate previews $(this).find(".input-value:eq(0)").change(); }); }, /** * Disable a option * * @param $option * */ enableOption: function($option) { $option.removeAttr('disabled'); }, /** * Does the given value (string) contain a selector operator? * * @param value * @returns {boolean} * */ valueHasOperator: function(value) { var operators = ['=', '<', '>']; var hasOperator = false; for(n = 0; n < operators.length; n++) { var pos = value.indexOf(operators[n]); // pos > 0 means there is an operator somewhere, and it's not escaped with a backslash if(pos > -1 && value.substring(pos-1, 1) != '\\') { hasOperator = true; break; } } return hasOperator; }, /** * Add a new InputfieldSelector row * * @param $context * */ addRow: function($context) { var $list = $context.parents('.InputfieldSelector').find('.selector-list'); var $row = $list.find('.selector-template-row'); var $newRow = $row.clone(); $newRow.removeClass('selector-template-row'); $newRow.find('.opval').html(''); $newRow.find('.select-field').val(''); // .select2(); $newRow.hide(); $newRow.find("option[disabled=disabled]").remove(); $list.append($newRow); $newRow.slideDown('fast'); InputfieldSelector.normalizeHeightRow($newRow); }, /** * Delete an InputfieldSelector row * * @returns {boolean} * */ deleteRow: function() { var $row = $(this).parents(".selector-row"); var $selectField = $row.find(".select-field"); if($selectField.val() == 'template') { // if template setting is removed, restore any disabled fields $row.parents(".InputfieldSelector").find("select.select-field").each(function() { // $(this).find("option[disabled=disabled]").removeAttr('disabled'); $(this).find("option[disabled=disabled]").each(function() { InputfieldSelector.enableOption($(this)); }); }); } var $siblings = $row.siblings(); $row.slideUp('fast', function() { $row.remove(); InputfieldSelector.changeAny($siblings.eq(0)); }); return false; }, /** * Toggle all field has changed * * This function initiates an ajax request to get the operator and value (opval) portion of the row. * */ changeField: function() { //console.log('changeField'); var $select = $(this); var $option = $select.children('option:selected'); var field = $select.val(); if(!field || field.length == 0) return; if(field == 'toggle-names-labels') return InputfieldSelector.changeFieldToggle($select); var $row = $select.parents('.selector-row'); var action = 'opval'; $row.children('.opval').html(''); $select.attr('data-selected', field); // so we can remember previous value var $hiddenInput = $select.parents('.InputfieldSelector').find('.selector-value'); // .selector-value intentional! var name = $hiddenInput.attr('name'); var type = $select.attr('data-type'); if(field.match(/\.$/)) { action = 'subfield-opval'; if(field.indexOf('@') > -1) field = field.substring(1, field.length-1); else field = field.substring(0, field.length-1); $row.addClass('has-subfield'); } else if(field.match(/\.id$/)) { field = 'id'; action = 'opval'; type = 'selector'; } else if($select.is(".select-field")) { $row.children('.subfield').html(''); $row.removeClass('has-subfield'); } // subfieldopval action var url = './?InputfieldSelector=' + action + '&field=' + field + '&type=' + type + '&name=' + name; var $spinner = $(InputfieldSelector.spinner); $row.append($spinner); $.get(url, function(data) { $spinner.remove(); function actionOpval($data) { $data.hide(); var $opval = $row.children('.opval'); $opval.html('').append($data); $opval.children(':not(.input-or)').fadeIn('fast'); //$data.fadeIn('fast'); InputfieldSelector.changeAny($select); var $ac = $opval.find(".input-value-autocomplete"); if($ac.length > 0) InputfieldSelector.setupAutocomplete($ac, field, name); } function actionSubfield($data) { $data.hide(); var $subfield = $row.children('.subfield'); $subfield.html('').append($data); $data.fadeIn('fast', function() { // if there is a default selected option, select it now //var $option = $subfield.find('.select-subfield-default'); //if($option.length) $option.attr('selected', 'selected').parent('select').change(); }); //$row.children('.subfield').html(data); } if(action == 'subfield-opval') { data = data.split(''); actionSubfield($(data[0])); actionOpval($(data[1])); } else if(action == 'opval') { actionOpval($(data)); } else { actionSubfield($(data)); } InputfieldSelector.normalizeHeightRow($row); // this ensures that datepickers don't get confused with each other $row.closest('.InputfieldContent').find(".hasDatepicker").datepicker('destroy').removeAttr('id').removeClass('hasDatepicker'); }); }, /** * Normalize the height of a selector row so that all the inputs are visually vertically centered * * @param $row * */ normalizeHeightRow: function($row) { InputfieldSelector.normalizeHeight($row.find(":input, i.fa")); }, /** * Normalize the height of all selector rows so that all the inputs are visually vertically centered * * @param $parent * */ normalizeHeightRows: function($parent) { $parent.find(".selector-row").each(function() { InputfieldSelector.normalizeHeightRow($(this)); }); }, /** * Normalize the height of all the given items so that all the inputs are visually vertically centered * * @param $items * */ normalizeHeight: function($items) { var maxHeight = 0; $items.each(function() { $(this).css('margin-top', 0); var h = $(this).outerHeight(); if(h > maxHeight) maxHeight = h; }); $items.each(function() { var h = $(this).outerHeight(); if(h < maxHeight) { var targetHeight = (maxHeight - h) / 2; $(this).css('margin-top', targetHeight + 'px'); } }); }, /** * Setup jQuery UI autocomplete for an input * * @param $item * @param field * @param name * */ setupAutocomplete: function($item, field, name) { var $counter = $item.parents(".InputfieldSelector").find(".selector-counter"); $item.autocomplete({ minLength: 2, source: function(request, response) { $counter.html(InputfieldSelector.spinner); var url = './?InputfieldSelector=autocomplete&field=' + field + '&name=' + name + '&q='; url += request.term; $.getJSON(url, function(data) { $counter.html(''); response($.map(data.items, function(item) { return { label: item['label'], value: item['value'] } })); }); }, select: function(event, ui) { if(!ui.item) return; var $input = $item.siblings(".input-value"); $input.val(ui.item.value).attr('data-label', ui.item.label); $item.blur().hide(); setTimeout(function() { $item.val(ui.item.label); //$item.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $item.fadeIn('fast'); }, 100); InputfieldSelector.changeAny($input); } }).focus(function() { var $input = $item.siblings(".input-value"); $input.val(''); $item.val(''); InputfieldSelector.changeAny($item); }); }, /** * Event called when an operator or input value is changed * * Primary goal is to convert the inputs to a selector string * * @param $item * */ changeAny: function($item) { var selector = ''; var selectorURL = ''; // to ProcessPageSearch var test = ''; var selectors = []; var $inputfield = $item.parents('.InputfieldSelector'); var n = 0; var showOrNotes = false; var $selectFields = $inputfield.find(".selector-row select.select-field"); var $hiddenInput = $inputfield.find('.selector-value'); var templateIDs = $hiddenInput.attr('data-template-ids'); templateIDs = templateIDs ? templateIDs.split(',') : []; // iterate each row to build selector string $selectFields.each(function() { var $select = $(this); var $row = $select.parent(".selector-row"); var fieldName = $select.val(); if(fieldName.length < 1) return; if(fieldName == 'template') { var templateID = parseInt($row.find('.input-value').val()); if(templateID > 0) templateIDs.push(templateID); } if($row.hasClass('has-subfield')) { var $selectSubfield = $row.find('.select-subfield'); var $selectOption = $selectSubfield.children('option:selected'); var subfield = $selectSubfield.val(); if(subfield.length > 0) { if(subfield.indexOf('.') > 0) { // fieldName was already specified with subfield if(fieldName.indexOf('@') > -1) fieldName = '@' + subfield; else fieldName = subfield; } else if($selectOption.hasClass('select-subfield-default')) { // indicates subfield IS the fieldName fieldName = subfield; } else { // subfield needs to be appended to fieldName fieldName += subfield; } // .data is assumed and optional, so lets remove it since it's exteraneous if(fieldName.indexOf('.data') > 0) fieldName = fieldName.replace(/\.data$/, ''); } } var $op = $select.siblings('.opval').children('.select-operator'); var op = $op.val(); var $value = $op.next('.input-value'); var value = $value.val(); var fieldPrefix = ''; if(op && op.indexOf('"') > -1) { // handle: 'is empty' or 'is not empty' operators value = ' '; $value.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else if($value.is(":disabled")) { $value.removeAttr('disabled'); } if(op && op.indexOf('!') === 0 && op !== '!=') { fieldPrefix = '!'; op = op.substring(1); } if(typeof value != "undefined") if(value.length) { if($value.hasClass("input-value-subselect") && InputfieldSelector.valueHasOperator(value)) { // value needs to be identified as a sub-selector value = '[' + value + ']'; // } else if(value.indexOf(',') > -1 && fieldName != '_custom') { } else if(fieldName != '_custom' && op.indexOf('"') < 0) { // value needs to be quoted if(value.indexOf('"') > -1) { if(value.indexOf("'") === -1) { value = "'" + value + "'"; } else { value = '"' + value.replace(/"/g, '') + '"'; // remove quote } } else if(!value.match(/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/)) { value = '"' + value + '"'; } } } var testField = ',' + fieldPrefix + fieldName + '~' + op + '~'; var testValue = '~' + op + '~' + value + ','; var mayOrValue = value && value.length > 0 && test.indexOf(testField) > -1; var mayOrField = value && value.length > 0 && test.indexOf(testValue) > -1; var $orCheckbox = $row.find(".input-or"); var useOrValue = mayOrValue && $orCheckbox.is(":checked"); var useOrField = mayOrField && $orCheckbox.is(":checked"); var isOrGroup = (useOrField || useOrValue) && fieldName == '_custom'; if(useOrValue) { // && !$row.is('.has-or-value')) { $row.addClass('has-or-value'); $row.find(".select-field, .select-operator, .select-subfield").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else if($row.is('.has-or-value')) { $row.removeClass('has-or-value'); $row.find(".select-field, .select-operator, .select-subfield").removeAttr('disabled'); } if(useOrField) { // && !$row.is('.has-or-field')) { $row.addClass('has-or-field'); $row.find(".input-value, .select-operator").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else if($row.is('.has-or-field')) { $row.removeClass('has-or-field'); $row.find(".input-value, .select-operator").removeAttr('disabled'); } selectors[n++] = { not: fieldPrefix === '!', field: fieldName, operator: op, value: value, mayOrValue: mayOrValue, mayOrField: mayOrField, useOrValue: useOrValue, useOrField: useOrField, isOrGroup: isOrGroup, checkbox: $orCheckbox }; if(mayOrField || mayOrValue) showOrNotes = true; test += ',' + fieldPrefix + fieldName + '~' + op + '~' + value + ','; selector += ',' + fieldPrefix + fieldName + op + value; // this gets rebuilt later, but is here for querying }); // each row // hide fields that aren't on one of the indicated templates if(templateIDs.length > 0) { // template changed, reduce fields to those within the template var $masterSelect = null; $selectFields.each(function() { var $select = $(this) var numDisabledOptions = 0; $select.find('option').each(function() { var $option = $(this); var templates = $option.attr('data-templates'); if(typeof templates != "undefined" && templates != "*") { // $option.removeAttr('disabled'); InputfieldSelector.enableOption($option); var numFound = 0; for(i = 0; i < templateIDs.length; i++) { if(templates.indexOf('|' + templateIDs[i] + '|') > -1) numFound++; } //if(templates.indexOf('|' + templatesID + '|') == -1) { if(numFound) { //$option.removeAttr('disabled'); InputfieldSelector.enableOption($option); } else { //if(!$option.is(":selected")) $option.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if(!$option.is(":selected")) InputfieldSelector.disableOption($option); numDisabledOptions++; } } }); if(numDisabledOptions > 0 && !$select.parent().is(".selector-template-row")) { $select.find('option[disabled=disabled]').remove(); } }); } selector = ''; for(n = 0; n < selectors.length; n++) { var s = selectors[n]; if(s == null || typeof s == "undefined" || typeof s.value == "undefined") continue; if(s.value.length == 0 && !$hiddenInput.is(".allow-blank")) continue; if(selector.length > 0) selector += ', '; //if(s.mayOrField || s.mayOrValue) s.checkbox.show(); for(var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) { if(i === n) continue; var si = selectors[i]; if(si === null || typeof si == "undefined" || typeof si.value == "undefined") continue; if(si.field == '_custom' && si.isOrGroup) { s.isOrGroup = true; } else if(si.mayOrField && si.value == s.value && si.operator == s.operator) { si.checkbox.show(); if(si.useOrField) { s.field += '|' + si.field; selectors[i] = null; } } else if(si.mayOrValue && si.field == s.field && si.operator == s.operator) { si.checkbox.show(); if(si.useOrValue) { s.value += '|' + si.value; selectors[i] = null; } } else if(!si.mayOrValue && !si.mayOrField) { si.checkbox.hide(); } } if(s.field.indexOf('.') != s.field.lastIndexOf('.')) { // convert field.subfield.id to just field.subfield s.field = s.field.substring(0, s.field.lastIndexOf('.')); } if(s.field == '_custom') { if(s.isOrGroup) { s.value = s.value.replace('(', '').replace(')', ''); selector += s.field + '=' + '(' + $.trim(s.value) + ')'; } else { //selector += s.value; selector += s.field + '="' + $.trim(s.value) + '"'; } } else { if(s.not) selector += '!'; selector += s.field + s.operator + $.trim(s.value); } } var $preview = $item.closest('.InputfieldContent').find('.selector-preview'); var initValue = $preview.attr('data-init-value'); if(initValue && initValue.length) initValue += ', '; // update preview display if(selector.length > 0 && selector != InputfieldSelector.selector) { if(!$preview.is(".selector-preview-disabled")) { $preview.html('' + initValue + selector + ''); $preview.fadeIn(); } var $counter = $preview.siblings('.selector-counter'); if($counter.length > 0 && !$counter.is('.selector-counter-disabled')) { $counter.html(InputfieldSelector.spinner).fadeIn('fast'); InputfieldSelector.selector = selector; $.post('./?InputfieldSelector=test&name=' + $hiddenInput.attr('name'), { selector: selector }, function(data) { $counter.hide(); $counter.html(data); // $counter.html("" + $counter.text() + ""); $counter.show(); }); } } if($hiddenInput.val() != selector) { // update the hidden input where the selector is stored for form submission $hiddenInput.val(selector); if(selector.length == 0) { $preview.hide(); $preview.siblings('.selector-counter').html(''); } $hiddenInput.change(); // trigger change } InputfieldSelector.selector = selector; var $orNotes = $inputfield.find(".or-notes"); if(showOrNotes) $orNotes.fadeIn(); else $orNotes.hide(); } }; $(document).ready(function() { InputfieldSelector.init(); });