function InputfieldPageTableDialog() { var $a = $(this); var url = $a.attr('data-url'); var title = $a.attr('data-title'); var closeOnSave = true; var $container = $(this).parents('.InputfieldPageTableContainer'); var dialogPageID = 0; var noclose = parseInt($container.attr('data-noclose')); var modalSettings = { close: function(event, ui) { if(dialogPageID > 0) { var ajaxURL = $container.attr('data-url') + '&InputfieldPageTableAdd=' + dialogPageID; var sort = $container.siblings(".InputfieldPageTableSort").val(); if(typeof sort != "undefined" && sort.length) ajaxURL += '&InputfieldPageTableSort=' + sort.replace(/\|/g, ','); $.get(ajaxURL, function(data) { $container.html(data); $container.find(".Inputfield").trigger('reloaded', ['InputfieldPageTable']); $container.effect('highlight', 500, function() { var $table = $container.find('table'); $table.find('tbody').css('overflow', 'visible'); InputfieldPageTableSortable($table); // restore appearnace of any items marked for deletion var deleteIDs = $container.siblings("input.InputfieldPageTableDelete").eq(0).val().split('|'); if(deleteIDs.length) { for(var n = 0; n < deleteIDs.length; n++) { var deleteID = deleteIDs[n]; $table.find("tr[data-id=" + deleteID + "]") .addClass('InputfieldPageTableDelete ui-state-error-text ui-state-disabled'); } } }); }); } } } var $iframe = pwModalWindow(url, modalSettings, 'large'); var closeOnSaveReady = false; if($'.InputfieldPageTableAdd')) closeOnSave = false; $iframe.load(function() { var buttons = []; //$dialog.dialog('option', 'buttons', {}); var $icontents = $iframe.contents(); var n = 0; // var title = $icontents.find('title').text(); dialogPageID = $icontents.find('#Inputfield_id').val(); // page ID that will get added if not already present // hide things we don't need in a modal context $icontents.find('#wrap_Inputfield_template, #wrap_template, #wrap_parent_id').hide(); //$icontents.find('#breadcrumbs ul.nav, #_ProcessPageEditDelete, #_ProcessPageEditChildren').hide(); $icontents.find('#_ProcessPageEditDelete, #_ProcessPageEditChildren').hide(); closeOnSave = noclose == 0 && $icontents.find('#ProcessPageAdd').length == 0; if(closeOnSave && closeOnSaveReady) { if($icontents.find(".NoticeError, .NoticeWarning, .ui-state-error").length == 0) { if(typeof Notifications != "undefined") { var messages = []; $icontents.find(".NoticeMessage").each(function() { messages[messages.length] = $(this).text(); }); if(messages.length > 0) setTimeout(function() { for(var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { Notifications.message(messages[i]); } }, 500); } $iframe.dialog('close'); return; } else { // errors occurred, so keep it open } } // copy buttons in iframe to dialog $icontents.find("#content form button.ui-button[type=submit]").each(function() { var $button = $(this); var text = $button.text(); var skip = false; // avoid duplicate buttons for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { if(buttons[i].text == text || text.length < 1) skip = true; } if(!skip) { buttons[n] = { 'text': text, 'class': ($'.ui-priority-secondary') ? 'ui-priority-secondary' : ''), 'click': function() { $; if(closeOnSave) closeOnSaveReady = true; if(!noclose) closeOnSave = true; // only let closeOnSave happen once } }; n++; }; $button.hide(); }); $iframe.setButtons(buttons); }); return false; } function InputfieldPageTableUpdate($table) { var value = ''; if(!$'tbody')) $table = $table.find('tbody'); $table.find('tr').each(function() { var pageID = $(this).attr('data-id'); if(value.length > 0) value += '|'; value += pageID; }); var $container = $table.parents('.InputfieldPageTableContainer'); var $input = $container.siblings('.InputfieldPageTableSort'); $input.val(value); } function InputfieldPageTableSortable($tables) { $tables.each(function() { var $table = $(this); if($table.closest('.InputfieldRenderValueMode').length) return; $table.find('tbody').sortable({ axis: 'y', start: function(event, ui) { var widths = []; var n = 0; $table.find('thead').find('th').each(function() { widths[n] = $(this).width(); n++; }); n = 0; ui.helper.find('td').each(function() { $(this).attr('width', widths[n]); n++; }); }, stop: function(event, ui) { InputfieldPageTableUpdate($(this)); } }); }); } function InputfieldPageTableDelete() { var $row = $(this).closest('tr'); $row.toggleClass('InputfieldPageTableDelete ui-state-error-text ui-state-disabled'); var ids = ''; $row.parents('tbody').children('tr').each(function() { var $tr = $(this); var id = $tr.attr('data-id'); if($'.InputfieldPageTableDelete')) ids += (ids.length > 0 ? '|' : '') + id; }); var $input = $(this).parents('.InputfieldPageTableContainer').siblings('input.InputfieldPageTableDelete'); $input.val(ids); return false; } $(document).ready(function() { $(document).on('click', '.InputfieldPageTableAdd, .InputfieldPageTableEdit', InputfieldPageTableDialog); $(document).on('click', 'a.InputfieldPageTableDelete', InputfieldPageTableDelete); $(document).on('dblclick', '.InputfieldPageTable .AdminDataTable td', function() { $(this).closest('tr').find('.InputfieldPageTableEdit').click(); }); InputfieldPageTableSortable($(".InputfieldPageTable table")); $(document).on('reloaded', '.InputfieldPageTable', function() { InputfieldPageTableSortable($(this).find(".InputfieldPageTableContainer > table")); }); $(document).on('click', '.InputfieldPageTableOrphansAll', function() { var $checkboxes = $(this).closest('.InputfieldPageTableOrphans').find('input'); // if($checkboxes.eq(0).is(":checked")) $checkboxes.removeAttr('checked'); // JQM // else $checkboxes.attr('checked', 'checked'); // JQM $checkboxes.prop('checked', ($checkboxes.eq(0).is(':checked') ? false : true)); return false; }); });