(function() { CKEDITOR.plugins.add('pwlink', { requires: 'dialog,fakeobjects', init: function(editor) { var allowed = 'a[!href,target,name,title,rel]'; var required = 'a[href]'; var classOptions = ProcessWire.config.InputfieldCKEditor.pwlink.classOptions; if(classOptions.length) allowed += "(" + classOptions + ")"; /* if ( CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled( editor, 'link', 'advanced' ) ) allowed = allowed.replace( ']', ',accesskey,charset,dir,id,lang,name,rel,tabindex,title,type]{*}(*)' ); if ( CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled( editor, 'link', 'target' ) ) allowed = allowed.replace( ']', ',target,onclick]' ); */ // Add the link and unlink buttons. editor.addCommand('pwlink', { allowedContent: allowed, requiredContent: required, exec: loadIframeLinkPicker }); editor.addCommand('anchor', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'anchor', { allowedContent: 'a[!name,id]', requiredContent: 'a[name]' })); editor.addCommand('unlink', new CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand()); editor.addCommand('removeAnchor', new CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand()); editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.CTRL + 76 /*L*/, 'pwlink' ); if ( editor.ui.addButton ) { editor.ui.addButton( 'PWLink', { label: editor.lang.link.toolbar, command: 'pwlink', toolbar: 'links,10', hidpi: true, icon: (CKEDITOR.env.hidpi ? this.path + 'images/hidpi/pwlink.png' : this.path + 'images/pwlink.png') }); editor.ui.addButton( 'Unlink', { label: editor.lang.link.unlink, command: 'unlink', toolbar: 'links,20' }); editor.ui.addButton( 'Anchor', { label: editor.lang.link.anchor.toolbar, command: 'anchor', toolbar: 'links,30' }); } // On double click we execute the command (= we open modal) editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) { var element = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ) || evt.data.element; if ( element.is( 'a' ) && !element.getAttribute('name') && !element.isReadOnly() ) { var $a = jQuery(element.$); if($a.children('img').length == 0) { evt.cancel(); // prevent CKE's link dialog editor.commands.pwlink.exec(); } } }); // prevent CKE's default "Edit Link" from showing in context menu editor.on('instanceReady', function(ck) { ck.editor.removeMenuItem('link'); }); // add context menu item if (editor.contextMenu) { editor.addMenuItem('pwlinkitem', { label: ProcessWire.config.InputfieldCKEditor.pwlink.edit, command: 'pwlink', group: 'link', icon: (CKEDITOR.env.hidpi ? this.path + 'images/hidpi/pwlink.png' : this.path + 'images/pwlink.png') }); editor.contextMenu.addListener(function(element) { if ( !element || element.isReadOnly() ) return null; var anchor = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, element ); var menu = {}; if ( !anchor && !( anchor = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ) ) ) return null; if ( anchor.getAttribute( 'href' ) && anchor.getChildCount() ) menu = { pwlinkitem: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF }; return menu; }); } } }); // ckeditor.plugins.add function loadIframeLinkPicker(editor) { var $in = jQuery("#Inputfield_id"); var pageID; if($in.length) { //if($in.hasClass('PageFrontEdit')) { // var pageID = jQuery("#" + editor.name).closest('.pw-edit').attr('data-page'); //} else { pageID = $in.val(); //} } else { pageID = jQuery("#" + editor.name).closest('.Inputfield').attr('data-pid'); } // language support var $textarea = jQuery('#' + editor.name); // get textarea of this instance var selection = editor.getSelection(true); var node = selection.getStartElement(); var nodeName = node.getName(); // will typically be 'a', 'img' or 'p' var selectionText = selection.getSelectedText(); var selectionHtml = editor.getSelectedHtml(true); // true=return string var $existingLink = null; var anchors = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getEditorAnchors(editor); var inlineNodeNames = '/em/strong/i/b/u/s/span/small/abbr/cite/figcaption/'; if(nodeName != 'a' && nodeName != 'img') { var parentNodes = node.getParents(); for(var n = 0; n < parentNodes.length; n++) { var parentNode = parentNodes[n]; var parentNodeName = parentNode.getName(); if(parentNodeName === 'a') { // if there is a parent element then expand selection to include all of it // this prevents double click on the part of foo bar baz from // just including the 'bar' as the link text node = parentNode; break; } else if(inlineNodeNames.indexOf('/' + parentNodeName + '/') > -1 && node.getText() === selectionText) { // include certain wrapping inline elements for formatting in the selection text node = parentNode; selection.selectElement(node); } } } nodeName = node.getName(); // in case it changed above if(nodeName == 'a') { // existing link $existingLink = jQuery(node.$); selectionText = node.getText(); selectionHtml = node.getHtml(); selection.selectElement(node); } else if(nodeName == 'td' || nodeName == 'th' || nodeName == 'tr') { var firstChar = selectionText.substring(0,1); if(firstChar == "\n" || firstChar == "\r") { ProcessWire.alert('Your selection includes part of the table. Please try selecting the text again.'); return; } } else if(nodeName == 'img') { // linked image var $img = jQuery(node.$); $existingLink = $img.parent('a'); selectionText = node.$.outerHTML; selectionHtml = selectionText; } else if (selectionText.length < 1) { // If not on top of link and there is no text selected - just return (don't load iframe at all) return; } else { // new link } // build the modal URL var modalUrl = ProcessWire.config.urls.admin + 'page/link/?id=' + pageID + '&modal=1'; var $langWrapper = $textarea.closest('.LanguageSupport'); if($langWrapper.length) { // multi-language field modalUrl += "&lang=" + $langWrapper.data("language"); } else { // multi-language field in Table $langWrapper = $textarea.parents('.InputfieldTable_langTabs').find('li.ui-state-active a') if($langWrapper.length && typeof $langWrapper.data('lang') != "undefined") { modalUrl += "&lang=" + $langWrapper.data('lang'); } else if(jQuery('#pw-edit-lang').length) { modalUrl += "&lang=" + jQuery('#pw-edit-lang').val(); // front-end editor } } if($existingLink != null) { var attrs = ['href', 'title', 'class', 'rel', 'target']; for(var n = 0; n < attrs.length; n++) { var val = $existingLink.attr(attrs[n]); if(val && val.length) modalUrl += "&" + attrs[n] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(val); } } // add any anchors to the modal URL if(anchors.length > 0) { for(var n = 0; n < anchors.length; n++) { modalUrl += '&anchors[]=' + encodeURIComponent(anchors[n].id); } } // set link text var linkText = ($existingLink && $existingLink.text().length) ? $existingLink.text() : selectionText; if(nodeName !== 'img' && linkText.length) { modalUrl += '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(linkText); } // labels var insertLinkLabel = ProcessWire.config.InputfieldCKEditor.pwlink.label; var cancelLabel = ProcessWire.config.InputfieldCKEditor.pwlink.cancel; var $iframe; // set after modalSettings down // action when insert link button is clicked function clickInsert() { var $i = $iframe.contents(); var $a = jQuery(jQuery("#link_markup", $i).text()); if($a.attr('href') && $a.attr('href').length) { if($a.text() === selectionText || !$a.text().length) { // if input text has not changed from original, then use the original HTML rather than the text $a.html(selectionHtml); } var html = jQuery("
").append($a).html(); var el = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(html); editor.insertElement(el); // was: editor.insertHtml(html); } $iframe.dialog("close"); } // settings for modal window var modalSettings = { title: " " + insertLinkLabel, open: function() { if(jQuery(".cke_maximized").length > 0) { // the following is required when CKE is maximized to make sure dialog is on top of it jQuery('.ui-dialog').css('z-index', 9999); jQuery('.ui-widget-overlay').css('z-index', 9998); } }, buttons: [ { 'class': "pw_link_submit_insert", 'html': " " + insertLinkLabel, 'click': clickInsert }, { 'html': " " + cancelLabel, 'click': function() { $iframe.dialog("close"); }, 'class': 'ui-priority-secondary' } ] }; // create modal window var $iframe = pwModalWindow(modalUrl, modalSettings, 'medium'); // modal window load event $iframe.load(function() { var $i = $iframe.contents(); $i.find("#ProcessPageEditLinkForm").data('iframe', $iframe); // capture enter key in main URL text input jQuery("#link_page_url_input", $i).keydown(function(event) { var $this = jQuery(this); var val = jQuery.trim($this.val()); if (event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault(); if(val.length > 0) clickInsert(); return false; } }); }); // load } // function loadIframeLinkPicker(editor) { })();