numChildren property when you want to specify a selector or when you want the result to * include only visible children. See the options for the $selector argument. * * @param Page $page * @param bool|string|int|array $selector * When not specified, result includes all children without conditions, same as $page->numChildren property. * When a string or array, a selector is assumed and quantity will be counted based on selector. * When boolean true, number includes only visible children (excludes unpublished, hidden, no-access, etc.) * When boolean false, number includes all children without conditions, including unpublished, hidden, no-access, etc. * When integer 1 number includes viewable children (as opposed to visible, viewable includes hidden pages + it also includes unpublished pages if user has page-edit permission). * @param array $options * - `descendants` (bool): Use descendants rather than direct children * @return int Number of children * */ public function numChildren(Page $page, $selector = null, array $options = array()) { $descendants = empty($options['descendants']) ? false : true; $parentType = $descendants ? 'has_parent' : 'parent_id'; if(is_bool($selector)) { // onlyVisible takes the place of selector $onlyVisible = $selector; $numChildren = $page->get('numChildren'); if(!$numChildren) { return 0; } else if($onlyVisible) { return $page->_pages('count', "$parentType=$page->id"); } else if($descendants) { return $this->numDescendants($page); } else { return $numChildren; } } else if($selector === 1) { // viewable pages only $numChildren = $page->get('numChildren'); if(!$numChildren) return 0; $user = $page->wire()->user; if($user->isSuperuser()) { if($descendants) return $this->numDescendants($page); return $numChildren; } else if($user->hasPermission('page-edit')) { return $page->_pages('count', "$parentType=$page->id, include=unpublished"); } else { return $page->_pages('count', "$parentType=$page->id, include=hidden"); } } else if(empty($selector) || (!is_string($selector) && !is_array($selector))) { // no selector provided if($descendants) return $this->numDescendants($page); return $page->get('numChildren'); } else { // selector string or array provided if(is_string($selector)) { $selector = "$parentType=$page->id, $selector"; } else if(is_array($selector)) { $selector[$parentType] = $page->id; } return $page->_pages('count', $selector); } } /** * Return number of descendants, optionally with conditions * * Use this over $page->numDescendants property when you want to specify a selector or when you want the result to * include only visible descendants. See the options for the $selector argument. * * @param Page $page * @param bool|string|int|array $selector * When not specified, result includes all descendants without conditions, same as $page->numDescendants property. * When a string or array, a selector is assumed and quantity will be counted based on selector. * When boolean true, number includes only visible descendants (excludes unpublished, hidden, no-access, etc.) * When boolean false, number includes all descendants without conditions, including unpublished, hidden, no-access, etc. * When integer 1 number includes viewable descendants (as opposed to visible, viewable includes hidden pages + it also includes unpublished pages if user has page-edit permission). * @return int Number of descendants * */ public function numDescendants(Page $page, $selector = null) { if($selector === null) { return $page->_pages('count', "has_parent=$page->id, include=all"); } else { return $this->numChildren($page, $selector, array('descendants' => true)); } } /** * Return this page's children pages, optionally filtered by a selector * * @param Page $page * @param string|array $selector Selector to use, or blank to return all children * @param array $options * @return PageArray|array * */ public function children(Page $page, $selector = '', $options = array()) { if(!$page->numChildren) return $page->_pages()->newPageArray(); $defaults = array('caller' => 'page.children'); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $sortfield = $page->sortfield(); if(is_array($selector)) { // selector is array $selector["parent_id"] = $page->id; if(isset($selector["sort"])) $sortfield = ''; if($sortfield) $selector[] = array("sort", $sortfield); } else { // selector is string $selector = trim("parent_id=$page->id, $selector", ", "); if(strpos($selector, 'sort=') === false) $selector .= ", sort=$sortfield"; } return $page->_pages('find', $selector, $options); } /** * Return the page's first single child that matches the given selector. * * Same as children() but returns a Page object or NullPage (with id=0) rather than a PageArray * * @param Page $page * @param string|array $selector Selector to use, or blank to return the first child. * @param array $options * @return Page|NullPage * */ public function child(Page $page, $selector = '', $options = array()) { if(!$page->numChildren) return $page->_pages()->newNullPage(); $defaults = array('getTotal' => false, 'caller' => 'page.child'); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); if(is_array($selector)) { $selector["limit"] = 1; $selector[] = array("start", "0"); } else { $selector .= ($selector ? ', ' : '') . "limit=1"; if(strpos($selector, 'start=') === false) $selector .= ", start=0"; // prevent pagination } $children = $this->children($page, $selector, $options); return count($children) ? $children->first() : $page->_pages()->newNullPage(); } /** * Return this page's parent pages, or the parent pages matching the given selector. * * @param Page $page * @param string|array|bool $selector Optional selector string to filter parents by or boolean true for reverse order * @return PageArray * */ public function parents(Page $page, $selector = '') { $parents = $page->wire()->pages->newPageArray(); $parent = $page->parent(); $method = $selector === true ? 'add' : 'prepend'; while($parent && $parent->id) { $parents->$method($parent); $parent = $parent->parent(); } return !is_bool($selector) && strlen($selector) ? $parents->filter($selector) : $parents; } /** * Return number of parents (depth relative to homepage) that this page has, optionally filtered by a selector * * For example, homepage has 0 parents and root level pages have 1 parent (which is the homepage), and the * number increases the deeper the page is in the pages structure. * * @param Page $page * @param string $selector Optional selector to filter by (default='') * @return int Number of parents * */ public function numParents(Page $page, $selector = '') { $num = 0; $parent = $page->parent(); while($parent && $parent->id) { if($selector !== '' && !$parent->matches($selector)) continue; $num++; $parent = $parent->parent(); } return $num; } /** * Return all parent from current till the one matched by $selector * * @param Page $page * @param string|Page|array $selector May either be a selector or Page to stop at. Results will not include this. * @param string|array $filter Optional selector to filter matched pages by * @return PageArray * */ public function parentsUntil(Page $page, $selector = '', $filter = '') { $parents = $this->parents($page); $matches = $page->wire()->pages->newPageArray(); $stop = false; foreach($parents->reverse() as $parent) { if(is_string($selector) && strlen($selector)) { if(ctype_digit("$selector") && $parent->id == $selector) { $stop = true; } else if($parent->matches($selector)) { $stop = true; } } else if(is_array($selector) && !empty($selector)) { if($parent->matches($selector)) $stop = true; } else if(is_int($selector)) { if($parent->id == $selector) $stop = true; } else if($selector instanceof Page && $parent->id == $selector->id) { $stop = true; } if($stop) break; $matches->prepend($parent); } if(!empty($filter)) $matches->filter($filter); return $matches; } /** * Get the lowest-level, non-homepage parent of this page * * rootParents typically comprise the first level of navigation on a site. * * @param Page $page * @return Page * */ public function rootParent(Page $page) { $parent = $page->parent; if(!$parent || !$parent->id || $parent->id === 1) return $page; $parents = $this->parents($page); $parents->shift(); // shift off homepage return $parents->first(); } /** * Return this Page's sibling pages, optionally filtered by a selector. * * Note that the siblings include the current page. To exclude the current page, specify "id!=$page". * * @param Page $page * @param string $selector Optional selector to filter siblings by. * @return PageArray * */ public function siblings(Page $page, $selector = '') { $parent = $page->parent(); $sort = $parent->sortfield(); if(is_array($selector)) { $selector["parent_id"] = $page->parent_id; $selector[] = array('sort', $sort); } else { $selector = "parent_id=$page->parent_id, $selector"; if(strpos($selector, 'sort=') === false) $selector .= ", sort=$sort"; $selector = trim($selector, ", "); } $options = array('caller' => 'page.siblings'); return $page->_pages('find', $selector, $options); } /** * Get include mode specified in selector or blank if none * * @param string|array|Selectors $selector * @return string * */ protected function _getIncludeMode($selector) { if(is_string($selector) && strpos($selector, 'include=') === false) return ''; if(is_array($selector)) return isset($selector['include']) ? $selector['include'] : ''; $selector = $selector instanceof Selectors ? $selector : new Selectors($selector); $include = $selector->getSelectorByField('include'); return $include ? $include->value() : ''; } /** * Builds the PageFinder options for the _next() method * * @param Page $page * @param string|array|Selectors $selector * @param array $options * @return array * */ protected function _nextFinderOptions(Page $page, $selector, $options) { $fo = array( 'findOne' => $options['all'] ? false : true, 'startAfterID' => $options['prev'] ? 0 : $page->id, 'stopBeforeID' => $options['prev'] ? $page->id : 0, 'returnVerbose' => $options['all'] ? false : true, 'alwaysAllowIDs' => array(), ); if($page->isUnpublished() || $page->isHidden()) { // allow next() to still move forward even though it is hidden or unpublished $includeMode = $this->_getIncludeMode($selector); if(!$includeMode || ($includeMode === 'hidden' && $page->isUnpublished())) { $fo['alwaysAllowIDs'][] = $page->id; } } if(!$options['until']) return $fo; /*************************************************************** * All code below this specific to the 'until' option * */ $until = $options['until']; /** @var string $until */ if(is_array($until)) $until = (string) (new Selectors($until)); if(ctype_digit("$until")) { // id or Page object $stopPage = new WireData(); $stopPage->set('id', (int) $until); } else if(strpos($until, '/') === 0) { // page path $stopPage = $page->_pages('get', $until); } else if(is_array($selector) || is_array($options['until'])) { // either selector or until is an array $s = new Selectors($options['until']); foreach(new Selectors($selector) as $item) $s->add($item); $s->add(new SelectorEqual('limit', 1)); $stopPage = $page->_pages('find', $s)->first(); } else { // selector string $findOptions = $options['prev'] ? array() : array('startAfterID' => $page->id); $stopPage = $page->_pages('find', "$selector, limit=1, $until", $findOptions)->first(); } if($stopPage && $stopPage->id) { if($options['prev']) { $fo['startAfterID'] = $stopPage->id; $fo['stopBeforeID'] = $page->id; } else { $fo['startAfterID'] = $page->id; $fo['stopBeforeID'] = $stopPage->id; } } return $fo; } /** * Provides the core logic for next, prev, nextAll, prevAll, nextUntil, prevUntil * * @param Page $page * @param string|array|Selectors $selector Optional selector. When specified, will find nearest sibling(s) that match. * @param array $options Options to modify behavior * - `prev` (bool): When true, previous siblings will be returned rather than next siblings. * - `all` (bool): If true, returns all nextAll or prevAll rather than just single sibling (default=false). * - `until` (string): If specified, returns siblings until another is found matching the given selector (default=false). * - `qty` (bool): If true, makes it return just the quantity that would match (default=false). * @return Page|NullPage|PageArray|int Returns one of the following: * - `PageArray` if the "all" or "until" option is specified. * - `Page|NullPage` in other cases. * */ protected function _next(Page $page, $selector = '', array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'prev' => false, // get previous rather than next 'all' => false, // get multiple/all 'until' => '', // until selector string ('all' option assumed) 'qty' => false, // when true, returns just the quantity that would match ('all' option assumed) ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $pages = $page->wire()->pages; $parent = $page->parent(); if($options['until'] || $options['qty']) $options['all'] = true; if(!$parent || !$parent->id) { if($options['qty']) return 0; return $options['all'] ? $pages->newPageArray() : $pages->newNullPage(); } if(is_array($selector)) { $selector['parent_id'] = $parent->id; } else if(is_string($selector)) { $selector = trim("parent_id=$parent->id, $selector", ", "); } else if($selector instanceof Selectors) { $selector->add(new SelectorEqual('parent_id', $parent->id)); } else { throw new WireException('Selector must be string, array or Selectors object'); } $pageFinder = $pages->getPageFinder(); $pageFinderOptions = $this->_nextFinderOptions($page, $selector, $options); $rows = $pageFinder->find($selector, $pageFinderOptions); if($options['qty']) { $result = count($rows); } else if(!count($rows)) { $result = $options['all'] ? $pages->newPageArray() : $pages->newNullPage(); } else if($options['all']) { $result = $pages->getById($rows, array( 'parent_id' => $parent->id, 'cache' => $page->loaderCache )); if($options['all'] && $options['prev']) $result = $result->reverse(); } else { $row = reset($rows); if($row && !empty($row['id'])) { $result = $pages->getById(array($row['id']), array( 'template' => $page->wire()->templates->get($row['templates_id']), 'parent_id' => $row['parent_id'], 'getOne' => true, 'cache' => $page->loaderCache )); } else { $result = $pages->newNullPage(); } } return $result; } /** * Return the index/position of the given page relative to its siblings * * If given a hidden or unpublished page, that page would not usually be part of the group of siblings. * As a result, such pages will return what the value would be if they were visible (as of 3.0.121). This * may overlap with the index of other pages, since indexes are relative to visible pages, unless you * specify an include mode (see next paragraph). * * If you want this method to include hidden/unpublished pages as part of the index numbers, then * specify boolean true for the $selector argument (which implies "include=all") OR specify a * selector of "include=hidden", "include=unpublished" or "include=all". * * @param Page $page * @param string|array|bool|Selectors $selector Selector to apply or boolean true for "include=all" (since 3.0.121). * - Boolean true to include hidden and unpublished pages as part of the index numbers (same as "include=all"). * - An "include=hidden", "include=unpublished" or "include=all" selector to include them in the index numbers. * - A string selector or selector array to filter the criteria for the returned index number. * @return int Returns index number (zero-based) * */ public function index(Page $page, $selector = '') { if($selector === true) $selector = "include=all"; $index = $this->_next($page, $selector, array('prev' => true, 'all' => true, 'qty' => 'index')); return $index; } /** * Return the next sibling page * * @param Page $page * @param string|array|Selectors $selector Optional selector. When specified, will find nearest next sibling that matches. * @return Page|NullPage Returns the next sibling page, or a NullPage if none found. * */ public function next(Page $page, $selector = '') { return $this->_next($page, $selector); } /** * Return the previous sibling page * * @param Page $page * @param string|array|Selectors $selector Optional selector. When specified, will find nearest previous sibling that matches. * @return Page|NullPage Returns the previous sibling page, or a NullPage if none found. * */ public function prev(Page $page, $selector = '') { return $this->_next($page, $selector, array('prev' => true)); } /** * Return all sibling pages after this one, optionally matching a selector * * @param Page $page * @param string|array|Selectors $selector Optional selector. When specified, will filter the found siblings. * @param array $options Options to pass to the _next() method * @return PageArray Returns all matching pages after this one. * */ public function nextAll(Page $page, $selector = '', array $options = array()) { $defaults = array('all' => true); $options = array_merge($options, $defaults); return $this->_next($page, $selector, $options); } /** * Return all sibling pages prior to this one, optionally matching a selector * * @param Page $page * @param string|array|Selectors $selector Optional selector. When specified, will filter the found siblings. * @param array $options Options to pass to the _next() method * @return PageArray Returns all matching pages after this one. * */ public function prevAll(Page $page, $selector = '', array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'prev' => true, 'all' => true ); $options = array_merge($options, $defaults); return $this->_next($page, $selector, $options); } /** * Return all sibling pages after this one until matching the one specified * * @param Page $page * @param string|Page|array|Selectors $selector May either be a selector or Page to stop at. Results will not include this. * @param string|array $filter Optional selector to filter matched pages by * @param array $options Options to pass to the _next() method * @return PageArray * */ public function nextUntil(Page $page, $selector = '', $filter = '', array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'all' => true, 'until' => $selector ); $options = array_merge($options, $defaults); return $this->_next($page, $filter, $options); } /** * Return all sibling pages prior to this one until matching the one specified * * @param Page $page * @param string|Page|array $selector May either be a selector or Page to stop at. Results will not include this. * @param string|array $filter Optional selector to filter matched pages by * @param array $options Options to pass to the _next() method * @return PageArray * */ public function prevUntil(Page $page, $selector = '', $filter = '', array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'prev' => true, 'all' => true, 'until' => $selector ); $options = array_merge($options, $defaults); return $this->_next($page, $filter, $options); } /** * Returns the URL to the page with $options * * You can specify an `$options` argument to this method with any of the following: * * - `pageNum` (int|string|bool): Specify pagination number, "+" for next pagination, "-" for previous pagination, or true for current. * - `urlSegmentStr` (string|bool): Specify a URL segment string to append, or true (3.0.155+) for current. * - `urlSegments` (array|bool): Specify regular array of URL segments to append (may be used instead of urlSegmentStr). * Specify boolean true for current URL segments (3.0.155+). * Specify associative array (in 3.0.155+) to make both keys and values part of the URL segment string. * - `data` (array): Array of key=value variables to form a query string. * - `http` (bool): Specify true to make URL include scheme and hostname (default=false). * - `scheme` (string): Like the http option, makes URL include scheme and hostname, but you specify scheme with this, i.e. 'https' (3.0.178+) * - `host` (string): Hostname to force use of, i.e. '' or ''. The 'http' option is implied when host specified. (3.0.178+) * - `language` (Language): Specify Language object to return URL in that Language. * * You can also specify any of the following for `$options` as shortcuts: * * - If you specify an `int` for options it is assumed to be the `pageNum` option. * - If you specify `+` or `-` for options it is assumed to be the `pageNum` “next/previous pagination” option. * - If you specify any other `string` for options it is assumed to be the `urlSegmentStr` option. * - If you specify a `boolean` (true) for options it is assumed to be the `http` option. * * Please also note regarding `$options`: * * - This method honors template slash settings for page, URL segments and page numbers. * - Any passed in URL segments are automatically sanitized with `Sanitizer::pageNameUTF8()`. * - If using the `pageNum` or URL segment options please also make sure these are enabled on the page’s template. * - The query string generated by any `data` variables is entity encoded when output formatting is on. * - The `language` option requires that the `LanguageSupportPageNames` module is installed. * - The prefix for page numbers honors `$config->pageNumUrlPrefix` and multi-language prefixes as well. * * @param Page $page * @param array|int|string|bool|Language $options Optionally specify options to modify default behavior (see method description). * @return string Returns page URL, for example: `/my-site/about/contact/` * @see Page::path(), Page::httpUrl(), Page::editUrl(), Page::localUrl() * */ public function urlOptions(Page $page, $options = array()) { $config = $page->wire()->config; $template = $page->template; $defaults = array( 'http' => is_bool($options) ? $options : false, 'scheme' => '', 'host' => '', 'pageNum' => is_int($options) || (is_string($options) && in_array($options, array('+', '-'))) ? $options : 1, 'data' => array(), 'urlSegmentStr' => is_string($options) ? $options : '', 'urlSegments' => array(), 'language' => is_object($options) && wireInstanceOf($options, 'Language') ? $options : null, ); if(empty($options)) { $url = rtrim($config->urls->root, '/') . $page->path(); if($template->slashUrls === 0 && $page->id > 1) $url = rtrim($url, '/'); return $url; } $options = is_array($options) ? array_merge($defaults, $options) : $defaults; $sanitizer = $page->wire()->sanitizer; $input = $page->wire()->input; $languages = $page->wire()->languages; $language = null; $url = null; if($options['urlSegments'] === true || $options['urlSegmentStr'] === true) { $options['urlSegments'] = $input->urlSegments(); } if($options['pageNum'] === true) { $options['pageNum'] = $input->pageNum(); } if(count($options['urlSegments'])) { $str = ''; if(is_string($options['urlSegments'][0])) { // associative array converts to key/value style URL segments foreach($options['urlSegments'] as $key => $value) { $str .= "$key/$value/"; if(is_int($key)) $str = ''; if($str === '') break; } } if(strlen($str)) { $options['urlSegmentStr'] = rtrim($str, '/'); } else { $options['urlSegmentStr'] = implode('/', $options['urlSegments']); } } if($options['language'] && $languages && $languages->hasPageNames()) { if(!is_object($options['language'])) { $options['language'] = null; } else if(!$options['language'] instanceof Page) { $options['language'] = null; } else if(strpos($options['language']->className(), 'Language') === false) { $options['language'] = null; } if($options['language']) { /** @var Language $language */ $language = $options['language']; // localUrl method provided as hook by LanguageSupportPageNames $url = $page->localUrl($language); } } if(is_null($url)) { $url = rtrim($config->urls->root, '/') . $page->path(); if($template->slashUrls === 0 && $page->id > 1) $url = rtrim($url, '/'); } if(is_string($options['urlSegmentStr']) && strlen($options['urlSegmentStr'])) { $url = rtrim($url, '/') . '/' . $sanitizer->pagePathNameUTF8(trim($options['urlSegmentStr'], '/')); if($template->slashUrlSegments > -1) $url .= '/'; } if($options['pageNum']) { if($options['pageNum'] === '+') { $options['pageNum'] = $input->pageNum + 1; } else if($options['pageNum'] === '-' || $options['pageNum'] === -1) { $options['pageNum'] = $input->pageNum - 1; } if((int) $options['pageNum'] > 1) { $prefix = ''; if($language && $languages && $languages->hasPageNames()) { $prefix = $languages->pageNames()->get("pageNumUrlPrefix$language"); } if(!strlen($prefix)) $prefix = $config->pageNumUrlPrefix; $url = rtrim($url, '/') . '/' . $prefix . ((int) $options['pageNum']); if($template->slashPageNum) $url .= '/'; } } if(count($options['data'])) { $query = http_build_query($options['data']); if($page->of()) $query = $sanitizer->entities($query); $url .= '?' . $query; } if($options['scheme']) { $scheme = strtolower($options['scheme']); if(strpos($scheme, '://') === false) $scheme .= '://'; if($scheme === 'https://' && $config->noHTTPS) $scheme = 'http://'; $host = $options['host'] ? $options['host'] : $config->httpHost; $url = "$scheme$host$url"; } else if($options['http'] || $options['host']) { $mode = $config->noHTTPS ? -1 : $template->https; switch($mode) { case -1: $scheme = 'http'; break; case 1: $scheme = 'https'; break; default: $scheme = $config->https ? 'https' : 'http'; } $host = $options['host'] ? $options['host'] : $config->httpHost; $url = "$scheme://$host$url"; } return $url; } /** * Return all URLs that this page can be accessed from (excluding URL segments and pagination) * * This includes the current page URL, any other language URLs (for which page is active), and * any past (historical) URLs the page was previously available at (which will redirect to it). * * - Returned URLs do not include additional URL segments or pagination numbers. * - Returned URLs are indexed by language name, i.e. “default”, “fr”, “es”, etc. * - If multi-language URLs not installed, then index is just “default”. * - Past URLs are indexed by language; then ISO-8601 date, i.e. “default;2016-08-11T07:44:43-04:00”, * where the date represents the last date that URL was considered current. * - If PagePathHistory core module is not installed then past/historical URLs are excluded. * - You can disable past/historical or multi-language URLs by using the $options argument. * * @param Page $page * @param array $options Options to modify default behavior: * - `http` (bool): Make URLs include current scheme and hostname (default=false). * - `past` (bool): Include past/historical URLs? (default=true) * - `languages` (bool): Include other language URLs when supported/available? (default=true). * - `language` (Language|int|string): Include only URLs for this language (default=null). * Note: the `languages` option must be true if using the `language` option. * @return array * */ public function urls(Page $page, $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'http' => false, 'past' => true, 'languages' => true, 'language' => null, ); /** @var Modules $modules */ $modules = $page->wire()->modules; $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $languages = $options['languages'] ? $page->wire()->languages : null; $slashUrls = $page->template->slashUrls; $httpHostUrl = $options['http'] ? $page->wire()->input->httpHostUrl() : ''; $urls = array(); if($options['language'] && $languages) { if(!$options['language'] instanceof Page) { $options['language'] = $languages->get($options['language']); } if($options['language'] && $options['language']->id) { $languages = array($options['language']); } } // include other language URLs if($languages && $languages->hasPageNames()) { foreach($languages as $language) { if(!$language->isDefault() && !$page->get("status$language")) continue; $urls[$language->name] = $page->localUrl($language); } } else { $urls = array('default' => $page->url()); } // add in historical URLs if($options['past'] && $modules->isInstalled('PagePathHistory')) { /** @var PagePathHistory $history */ $history = $modules->get('PagePathHistory'); $rootUrl = $page->wire()->config->urls->root; $pastPaths = $history->getPathHistory($page, array( 'language' => $options['language'], 'verbose' => true )); foreach($pastPaths as $pathInfo) { $key = ''; if(!empty($pathInfo['language'])) { /** @var Language $language */ $language = $pathInfo['language']; if($options['languages']) { $key .= $language->name . ';'; } else { // they asked to have multi-language excluded if(!$language->isDefault()) continue; } } $key .= wireDate('c', $pathInfo['date']); $urls[$key] = $rootUrl . ltrim($pathInfo['path'], '/'); } } // update URLs for current expected slash and http settings foreach($urls as $key => $url) { if($url !== '/') $url = $slashUrls ? rtrim($url, '/') . '/' : rtrim($url, '/'); if($options['http']) $url = $httpHostUrl . $url; $urls[$key] = $url; } return $urls; } /** * Return the URL necessary to edit page * * - We recommend checking that the page is editable before outputting the editUrl(). * - If user opens URL in their browser and is not logged in, they must login to account with edit permission. * - This method can also be accessed by property at `$page->editUrl` (without parenthesis). * * ~~~~~~ * if($page->editable()) { * echo "Edit this page"; * } * ~~~~~~ * * @param Page $page * @param array|bool|string $options Specify true for http option, specify name of field to find (3.0.151+), or use $options array: * - `http` (bool): True to force scheme and hostname in URL (default=auto detect). * - `language` (Language|bool): Optionally specify Language to start editor in, or boolean true to force current user language. * - `find` (string): Name of field to find in the editor (3.0.151+) * @return string URL for editing this page * */ public function editUrl(Page $page, $options = array()) { $config = $page->wire()->config; $adminTemplate = $page->wire()->templates->get('admin'); /** @var Template $adminTemplate */ $https = $adminTemplate && ($adminTemplate->https > 0) && !$config->noHTTPS; $url = ($https && !$config->https) ? 'https://' . $config->httpHost : ''; $url .= $config->urls->admin . "page/edit/?id=$page->id"; if($options === true || (is_array($options) && !empty($options['http']))) { if(strpos($url, '://') === false) { $url = ($https || $config->https ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $config->httpHost . $url; } } $languages = $page->wire()->languages; if($languages) { $language = $page->wire()->user->language; if(empty($options['language'])) { if($page->wire()->page->template->id == $adminTemplate->id) $language = null; } else if($options['language'] instanceof Page) { $language = $options['language']; } else if($options['language'] !== true) { $language = $languages->get($options['language']); } if($language && $language->id) $url .= "&language=$language->id"; } $append = $page->wire()->session->getFor($page, 'appendEditUrl'); if($append) $url .= $append; if($options) { if(is_string($options)) { $find = $options; } else if(is_array($options) && !empty($options['find'])) { $find = $options['find']; } else $find = ''; if($find && strpos($url, '#') === false) { $url .= '#find-' . $page->wire()->sanitizer->fieldName($find); } } return $url; } /** * Returns the URL to the page, including scheme and hostname * * - This method is just like the `$page->url()` method except that it also includes scheme and hostname. * * - This method can also be accessed at the property `$page->httpUrl` (without parenthesis). * * - It is desirable to use this method when some page templates require https while others don't. * This ensures local links will always point to pages with the proper scheme. For other cases, it may * be preferable to use `$page->url()` since it produces shorter output. * * ~~~~~ * // Generating a link to this page using httpUrl * echo "$page->title"; * ~~~~~ * * @param Page $page * @param array $options For details on usage see `Page::url()` options argument. * @return string Returns full URL to page, for example: `` * @see Page::url(), Page::localHttpUrl() * */ public function httpUrl(Page $page, $options = array()) { $template = $page->template(); if(!$template) return ''; if(is_array($options)) unset($options['http']); if($options === true || $options === false) $options = array(); $url = $page->url($options); if(strpos($url, '://')) return $url; $config = $page->wire()->config; $mode = $template->https; if($mode > 0 && $config->noHTTPS) $mode = 0; switch($mode) { case -1: $scheme = 'http'; break; case 1: $scheme = 'https'; break; default: $scheme = $config->https ? 'https' : 'http'; } $url = "$scheme://$config->httpHost$url"; return $url; } /** * Return pages that are referencing the given one by way of Page references * * @param Page $page * @param string|bool $selector Optional selector to filter results by or boolean true as shortcut for `include=all`. * @param Field|string $field Limit to follower pages using this field, * - or specify boolean TRUE to make it return array of PageArrays indexed by field name. * @param bool $getCount Specify true to return counts rather than PageArray(s) * @return PageArray|array|int * @throws WireException Highly unlikely * */ public function references(Page $page, $selector = '', $field = '', $getCount = false) { /** @var FieldtypePage $fieldtype */ $fieldtype = $page->wire()->fieldtypes->get('FieldtypePage'); if(!$fieldtype) throw new WireException('Unable to find FieldtypePage'); if($selector === true) $selector = "include=all"; return $fieldtype->findReferences($page, $selector, $field, $getCount); } /** * Return number of VISIBLE pages that are following (referencing) the given one by way of Page references * * Note that this excludes hidden, unpublished and otherwise non-accessible pages (access control). * If you do not want to exclude these, use the numFollowers() function instead, OR specify "include=all" for * the $selector argument. * * @param Page $page * @param string $selector Filter count by this selector * @param string|Field|bool $field Limit count to given Field or specify boolean true to return array of counts. * @return int|array Returns count, or array of counts (if $field==true) * */ public function hasReferences(Page $page, $selector = '', $field = '') { return $this->references($page, $selector, $field, true); } /** * Return number of ANY pages that are following (referencing) the given one by way of Page references * * @param Page $page * @param string $selector Filter count by this selector * @param string|Field|bool $field Limit count to given Field or specify boolean true to return array of counts. * @return int|array Returns count, or array of counts (if $field==true) * */ public function numReferences(Page $page, $selector = '', $field = '') { if(stripos($selector, "include=") === false) $selector = rtrim("include=all, $selector", ', '); return $this->hasReferences($page, $selector, $field); } /** * Return pages that this page is referencing by way of Page reference fields * * @param Page $page * @param bool $field Limit results to requested field, or specify boolean true to return array indexed by field names. * @param bool $getCount Specify true to return count(s) rather than pages. * @return PageArray|int|array * */ public function referencing(Page $page, $field = false, $getCount = false) { $fieldName = ''; $byField = null; if(is_bool($field) || is_null($field)) { $byField = $field ? true : false; } else if(is_string($field)) { $fieldName = $page->wire()->sanitizer->fieldName($field); } else if(is_int($field)) { $field = $page->wire()->fields->get($field); if($field) $fieldName = $field->name; } else if($field instanceof Field) { $fieldName = $field->name; } // results $fieldCounts = array(); // counts indexed by field name (if count mode) $pages = $page->wire()->pages; $items = $pages->newPageArray(); $itemsByField = array(); foreach($page->template->fieldgroup as $f) { if($fieldName && $field->name != $fieldName) continue; if(!$f->type instanceof FieldtypePage) continue; if($byField) $itemsByField[$f->name] = $pages->newPageArray(); $value = $page->get($f->name); if($value instanceof Page && $value->id) { $items->add($value); if($byField) $itemsByField[$f->name]->add($value); $fieldCounts[$f->name] = 1; } else if($value instanceof PageArray && $value->count()) { $items->import($value); if($byField) $itemsByField[$f->name]->import($value); $fieldCounts[$f->name] = $value->count(); } else { unset($itemsByField[$f->name]); } } if($getCount) return $byField ? $fieldCounts : $items->count(); if($byField) return $itemsByField; return $items; } /** * Return number of pages this one is following (referencing) by way of Page references * * @param Page $page * @param bool $field Optionally limit to field, or specify boolean true to return array of counts per field. * @return int|array * */ public function numReferencing(Page $page, $field = false) { return $this->referencing($page, $field, true); } /** * Find other pages linking to the given one by way contextual links is textarea/html fields * * @param Page $page * @param string $selector * @param bool|string|Field $field * @param array $options * - `getIDs` (bool): Return array of page IDs rather than Page instances. (default=false) * - `getCount` (bool): Return a total count (int) of found pages rather than Page instances. (default=false) * - `confirm` (bool): Confirm that the links are present by looking at the actual page field data. (default=true) * You can specify false for this option to make it perform faster, but with a potentially less accurate result. * @return PageArray|array|int * @throws WireException * */ public function links(Page $page, $selector = '', $field = false, array $options = array()) { /** @var FieldtypeTextarea $fieldtype */ $fieldtype = $page->wire()->fieldtypes->get('FieldtypeTextarea'); if(!$fieldtype) throw new WireException('Unable to find FieldtypeTextarea'); return $fieldtype->findLinks($page, $selector, $field, $options); } /** * Return total found number of pages linking to this one with no exclusions * * @param Page $page * @param bool $field * @return int * */ public function numLinks(Page $page, $field = false) { return $this->links($page, true, $field, array('getCount' => true)); } /** * Return total number of pages visible to current user linking to this one * * @param Page $page * @param bool $field * @return array|int|PageArray * */ public function hasLinks(Page $page, $field = false) { return $this->links($page, '', $field, array('getCount' => true)); } /****************************************************************************************************************** * LEGACY METHODS * * Following are legacy methods to support backwards compatibility with previous PW versions that used * a $siblings argument for next/prev related methods. * */ /** * Return the next sibling page, within a group of provided siblings (that includes the current page) * * This method is the old version of the next() method and is only used if a $siblings argument is provided * to the Page::next() call. It is much slower than the next() method. * * If given a PageArray of siblings (containing the current) it will return the next sibling relative to the provided PageArray. * * Be careful with this function when the page has a lot of siblings. It has to load them all, so this function is best * avoided at large scale, unless you provide your own already-reduced siblings list (like from pagination) * * When using a selector, note that this method operates only on visible children. If you want something like "include=all" * or "include=hidden", they will not work in the selector. Instead, you should provide the siblings already retrieved with * one of those modifiers, and provide those siblings as the second argument to this function. * * @param Page $page * @param string|array $selector Optional selector. When specified, will find nearest next sibling that matches. * @param PageArray $siblings Optional siblings to use instead of the default. May also be specified as first argument when no selector needed. * @return Page|NullPage Returns the next sibling page, or a NullPage if none found. * */ public function nextSibling(Page $page, $selector = '', PageArray $siblings = null) { if(is_object($selector) && $selector instanceof PageArray) { // backwards compatible to when $siblings was first argument $siblings = $selector; $selector = ''; } if(is_null($siblings)) { $siblings = $page->parent->children(); } else if(!$siblings->has($page)) { $siblings->prepend($page); } $next = $page; do { /** @var Page $next */ $next = $siblings->getNext($next, false); if(empty($selector) || !$next || $next->matches($selector)) break; } while($next && $next->id); if(is_null($next)) $next = $page->wire()->pages->newNullPage(); return $next; } /** * Return the previous sibling page within a provided group of siblings that contains the current page * * This method is the old version of the prev() method and is only used if a $siblings argument is provided * to the Page::prev() call. It is much slower than the prev() method. * * If given a PageArray of siblings (containing the current) it will return the previous sibling relative to the provided PageArray. * * Be careful with this function when the page has a lot of siblings. It has to load them all, so this function is best * avoided at large scale, unless you provide your own already-reduced siblings list (like from pagination) * * When using a selector, note that this method operates only on visible children. If you want something like "include=all" * or "include=hidden", they will not work in the selector. Instead, you should provide the siblings already retrieved with * one of those modifiers, and provide those siblings as the second argument to this function. * * @param Page $page * @param string|array $selector Optional selector. When specified, will find nearest previous sibling that matches. * @param PageArray $siblings Optional siblings to use instead of the default. May also be specified as first argument when no selector needed. * @return Page|NullPage Returns the previous sibling page, or a NullPage if none found. * */ public function prevSibling(Page $page, $selector = '', PageArray $siblings = null) { if(is_object($selector) && $selector instanceof PageArray) { // backwards compatible to when $siblings was first argument $siblings = $selector; $selector = ''; } if(is_null($siblings)) { $siblings = $page->parent->children(); } else if(!$siblings->has($page)) { $siblings->add($page); } $prev = $page; do { /** @var Page $prev */ $prev = $siblings->getPrev($prev, false); if(empty($selector) || !$prev || $prev->matches($selector)) break; } while($prev && $prev->id); if(is_null($prev)) $prev = $page->wire()->pages->newNullPage(); return $prev; } /** * Return all sibling pages after this one, optionally matching a selector * * @param Page $page * @param string|array $selector Optional selector. When specified, will filter the found siblings. * @param PageArray $siblings Optional siblings to use instead of the default. * @return PageArray Returns all matching pages after this one. * */ public function nextAllSiblings(Page $page, $selector = '', PageArray $siblings = null) { if(is_null($siblings)) { $siblings = $page->parent()->children(); } else if(!$siblings->has($page)) { $siblings->prepend($page); } $id = $page->id; $all = $page->wire()->pages->newPageArray(); $rec = false; foreach($siblings as $sibling) { if($sibling->id == $id) { $rec = true; continue; } if($rec) $all->add($sibling); } if(!empty($selector)) $all->filter($selector); return $all; } /** * Return all sibling pages before this one, optionally matching a selector * * @param Page $page * @param string|array $selector Optional selector. When specified, will filter the found siblings. * @param PageArray $siblings Optional siblings to use instead of the default. * @return PageArray * */ public function prevAllSiblings(Page $page, $selector = '', PageArray $siblings = null) { if(is_null($siblings)) { $siblings = $page->parent()->children(); } else if(!$siblings->has($page)) { $siblings->add($page); } $id = $page->id; $all = $page->wire()->pages->newPageArray(); foreach($siblings as $sibling) { if($sibling->id == $id) break; $all->add($sibling); } if(!empty($selector)) $all->filter($selector); return $all; } /** * Return all sibling pages after this one until matching the one specified * * @param Page $page * @param string|Page|array $selector May either be a selector or Page to stop at. Results will not include this. * @param string|array $filter Optional selector to filter matched pages by * @param PageArray|null $siblings Optional PageArray of siblings to use instead of all from the page. * @return PageArray * */ public function nextUntilSiblings(Page $page, $selector = '', $filter = '', PageArray $siblings = null) { if(is_null($siblings)) { $siblings = $page->parent()->children(); } else if(!$siblings->has($page)) { $siblings->prepend($page); } $siblings = $this->nextAllSiblings($page, '', $siblings); $all = $page->wire()->pages->newPageArray(); $stop = false; foreach($siblings as $sibling) { if(is_string($selector) && strlen($selector)) { if(ctype_digit("$selector") && $sibling->id == $selector) { $stop = true; } else if($sibling->matches($selector)) { $stop = true; } } else if(is_array($selector) && count($selector)) { if($sibling->matches($selector)) $stop = true; } else if(is_int($selector)) { if($sibling->id == $selector) $stop = true; } else if($selector instanceof Page && $sibling->id == $selector->id) { $stop = true; } if($stop) break; $all->add($sibling); } if(!empty($filter)) $all->filter($filter); return $all; } /** * Return all sibling pages before this one until matching the one specified * * @param Page $page * @param string|Page|array $selector May either be a selector or Page to stop at. Results will not include this. * @param string|array $filter Optional selector string to filter matched pages by * @param PageArray|null $siblings Optional PageArray of siblings to use instead of all from the page. * @return PageArray * */ public function prevUntilSiblings(Page $page, $selector = '', $filter = '', PageArray $siblings = null) { if(is_null($siblings)) { $siblings = $page->parent()->children(); } else if(!$siblings->has($page)) { $siblings->add($page); } $siblings = $this->prevAllSiblings($page, '', $siblings); $all = $page->wire()->pages->newPageArray(); $stop = false; foreach($siblings->reverse() as $sibling) { if(is_string($selector) && strlen($selector)) { if(ctype_digit("$selector") && $sibling->id == $selector) { $stop = true; } else if($sibling->matches($selector)) { $stop = true; } } else if(is_array($selector) && count($selector)) { if($sibling->matches($selector)) $stop = true; } else if(is_int($selector)) { if($sibling->id == $selector) $stop = true; } else if($selector instanceof Page && $sibling->id == $selector->id) { $stop = true; } if($stop) break; $all->prepend($sibling); } if(!empty($filter)) $all->filter($filter); return $all; } /** * Return the next or previous sibling page (new fast version) * * @param Page $page * @param bool $getNext Specify true to return next page, or false to return previous. * @param string|array $selector Optional selector. When specified, will find nearest sibling that matches. * @param array $options Options to modify behavior * - `all` (bool): If true, returns all nextAll or prevAll rather than just single sibling (default=false). * - `until` (string): If specified, returns all siblings until another is found matching the given selector. * @return Page|NullPage|PageArray Returns the next/prev sibling page, or a NullPage if none found. * Returns PageArray if 'all' or 'until' option is specified. * */ /* * KEEPING THIS AROUND AS ALTERNATIVE METHOD FOR SHORT TERM REFERENCE * This method performs worse than _next() in most cases, but if there are millions of siblings, * this method is likely to perform significantly faster. So we may add this back into the logic * if need dictates. However, it can't accommodate all possible sorting scenarios. * protected function _nextAlternate(Page $page, $selector = '', array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'prev' => false, 'all' => false, 'until' => '', // selector string ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $getNext = !$options['prev']; if($options['until']) { if(is_array($options['until'])) { $selectors = new Selectors($options['until']); $options['until'] = (string) $selectors; } $options['all'] = true; // the 'all' option is assumed with 'until' } if(is_array($selector)) { $selectors = new Selectors($selector); $selector = (string) $selectors; } $pages = $page->wire('pages'); $parent = $page->parent(); $sanitizer = $page->wire('sanitizer'); if(!$parent || !$parent->id) { // homepage or NullPage, quick exit return $options['all'] ? $pages->newPageArray() : $pages->newNullPage(); } $sortfield = $parent->sortfield(); $descending = strpos($sortfield, '-') === 0; if($descending) $sortfield = ltrim($sortfield, '-'); if($getNext === false) $descending = !$descending; $operator = $descending ? "<" : ">"; $value = $sanitizer->selectorValue($page->getUnformatted($sortfield)); $sortfield2 = $sortfield == 'sort' ? 'sort.value' : $sortfield; $countSelector = rtrim("parent_id=$parent->id, $sortfield2=$value, $selector", ", "); $sortSelector = $descending ? "sort=-$sortfield" : "sort=$sortfield"; $uniqueSorts = array('sort', 'id', 'name'); // sorts where same value never appears twice among siblings $useSlower = false; $isUniqueSort = in_array($sortfield, $uniqueSorts); $next = false; $nextAll = $options['all'] ? $pages->newPageArray() : false; if(!$isUniqueSort) { $field = $page->wire('fields')->get($sortfield); if($field->type instanceof FieldtypePage) { $sortfield2 .= ".name"; $sortSelector .= ".name"; } } else { $field = null; } // count how many other children have this same exact sort value if(!$isUniqueSort && $pages->count($countSelector) > 1) { // multiple siblings have the same sort value // we will have to load them all to determine where $page fits in there $siblings = $parent->children(rtrim("$sortfield2=$value, $selector", ", ")); if(!$getNext) $siblings = $siblings->reverse(); foreach($siblings as $sibling) { if($next === true) { $next = $sibling; if($nextAll) { $nextAll->add($next); } else { break; } } else if($sibling->id == $page->id) { $next = true; } } if(!$nextAll && $next && $next instanceof Page) { return $next; } } // page id exclusion will be used, so operator can include pages having sort value if($nextAll && $nextAll->count() > 1) $operator .= '='; // selector that that only matches pages having a higher/lower sortfield value than $page $selector = rtrim("parent_id=$parent->id, id!=$page->id, $sortfield2$operator$value, $sortSelector, $selector", ", "); if($options['until']) { // multiple next/prev sibling pages until a particular one $selector = $nextAll->each('id!={id}, ') . $selector; // include matches only up until page matching 'until' selector $until = $pages->find("$selector, $options[until], limit=1"); // setup for fast exclusion method if($until->count()) { $items = $pages->find($selector, array('untilID' => $until->first()->id)); } else { $items = $pages->find($selector); // use slower exclusion method when necessary, excluding pages after loaded $exclude = false; foreach($items as $item) { if($exclude) { $items->remove($item); } else if($item->matches($options['until'])) { $exclude = true; $items->remove($item); } } } return $items; } else if($nextAll) { // multiple next/prev sibling pages $selector = $nextAll->each('id!={id}, ') . $selector; return $pages->find($selector); } else { // single next/prev sibling page return $pages->findOne($selector); } } */ }