$(document).ready(function() { var options = { selectStartLabel: ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.selectStartLabel, selectSelectLabel: ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.selectStartLabel, langID: ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.langID // openPageIDs: config.ProcessPageEditLink.openPageIDs }; var options2 = { selectStartLabel: options.selectStartLabel, selectSelectLabel: options.selectStartLabel, langID: options.langID, rootPageID: ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.pageID }; var selectedPageData = { id: 0, title: '', url: '' }; var $fileSelect = $("#link_page_file"); var $anchorSelect = $("#link_page_anchor"); var $linkPageURL = $("#link_page_url_input"); var $linkText = $("#link_text"); $linkPageURL.val($("#link_page_url").val()); // copy from hidden function populateFileSelect(selectedPageData) { // populate the files field var $wrap = $("#wrap_link_page_file"); $.getJSON("./files?id=" + selectedPageData.id, function(data) { $fileSelect.empty(); $fileSelect.append(""); $.each(data, function(key, val) { var $option = $(""); $fileSelect.append($option); }); $wrap.find("p.notes strong").text(selectedPageData.url); if($fileSelect.is(":visible")) { $wrap.children().effect('highlight', {}, 500); $fileSelect.effect('bounce', {}, 50); } }); } function absoluteToRelativePath(path) { if(ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.urlType == 0) return path; function slashesToRelative(url) { url = url.replace(/\//g, '../'); url = url.replace(/[^.\/]/g, ''); return url; } var url; if(path === ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.pageUrl) { // account for the link to self path = './'; if(!ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.slashUrls) path += ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.pageName; } else if(path.indexOf(ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.pageUrl) === 0) { // linking to child of current page path = path.substring(ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.pageUrl.length); if(!ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.slashUrls) path = ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.pageName + path; } else if(ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.pageUrl.indexOf(path) === 0) { // linking to a parent of the current page url = ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.pageUrl.substring(path.length); if(url.indexOf('/') != -1) { url = slashesToRelative(url); } else { url = './'; } path = url; } else if(path.indexOf(ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.rootParentUrl) === 0) { // linking to a sibling or other page in same branch (but not a child) url = path.substring(ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.rootParentUrl.length); var url2 = url; url = slashesToRelative(url) + url2; path = url; } else if(ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.urlType == 2) { // 2=relative for all // page in a different tree than current // traverse back to root url = ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.pageUrl.substring(config.urls.root.length); url = slashesToRelative(url); path = path.substring(ProcessWire.config.urls.root.length); path = url + path; } return path; } function pageSelected(event, data) { if(data.url && data.url.length) { selectedPageData = data; selectedPageData.url = ProcessWire.config.urls.root + data.url.substring(1); selectedPageData.url = absoluteToRelativePath(selectedPageData.url); $linkPageURL.val(selectedPageData.url).change(); populateFileSelect(selectedPageData); // was: if($fileSelect.is(":visible")) { ... } } $(this).parents(".InputfieldInteger").children(".InputfieldHeader").click() // to close the field .parent().find('.PageListSelectHeader').removeClass('hidden').show(); // to open the pagelist select header so it can be re-used if the field is opened again } $("#link_page_id").ProcessPageList(options).hide().bind('pageSelected', pageSelected); $("#child_page_id").ProcessPageList(options2).hide().bind('pageSelected', pageSelected); $fileSelect.change(function() { var $t = $(this); var src = $t.val(); if(src.length) $linkPageURL.val(src).change(); }); if($anchorSelect.length) { var anchorPreviousValue = $anchorSelect.val(); $anchorSelect.change(function () { var val = $(this).val(); if(val.length) { // populated anchor value $linkPageURL.val(val); anchorPreviousValue = val; } else { // empty value // make URL field blank only if present value is the same as a previously selected anchor value if($linkPageURL.val() == anchorPreviousValue) $linkPageURL.val(''); } $linkPageURL.change(); }); // de-select anchor when URL is changed to something other than an ahcor // $linkPageURL.change(function() { // }); } // auto-insert scheme/protocol when not present and domain is detected function updateLinkPreview() { if(!$linkPageURL.val().length) { $("#link_markup").text(''); return; } var $link = $(""); $link.attr('href', $linkPageURL.val()); var $linkTitle = $("#link_title"); if($linkTitle.length && $linkTitle.val().length) { var val = $("
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slashpos : val.length)); hasScheme = true; // avoid adding scheme if we already added it before and user removed it if ($this.attr('data-ignore') == domain) { // do nothing } else { $this.val('http://' + val); $this.closest('.InputfieldContent').find('.notes').text('http://' + val); $this.attr('data-ignore', domain); } } else if(dotpos > 0 && val.indexOf('@') > 0 && val.indexOf(':') == -1 && val.match(/^[^@]+@[-.a-z0-9]{2,}\.[a-z]{2,}$/i)) { // email address $this.val('mailto:' + val); $this.addClass('email'); } else if(val.indexOf('@') == -1 && $this.hasClass('email')) { $this.removeClass('email'); } if(val.substring(0, 1) == '#') { $this.addClass('anchor'); } else if($this.hasClass('anchor')) { $this.removeClass('anchor'); } if(hasScheme) { if (slashpos == -1) slashpos = val.length; httpHost = (slashespos > -1 ? val.substring(slashespos + 2, slashpos) : val.substring(0, slashpos)); $this.attr('data-httphost', httpHost); } else { $this.removeAttr('data-httphost'); } // console.log('httpHost=' + $this.attr('data-httphost')); function icon() { return $this.closest('.Inputfield').children('.InputfieldHeader').children('i').eq(0); } var external = false; httpHost = $this.attr('data-httphost'); if(httpHost && httpHost.length) { external = true; for(n = 0; n < ProcessWire.config.httpHosts; n++) { if(ProcessWire.config.httpHosts[n] == httpHost) { external = false; break; } } } var primaryIcon = 'fa-external-link-square'; var extLinkIcon = 'fa-external-link'; var emailIcon = 'fa-envelope-o'; var anchorIcon = 'fa-flag-o'; var allIcons = primaryIcon + ' ' + extLinkIcon + ' ' + emailIcon + ' ' + anchorIcon; if(external) { if (!$this.hasClass('external-link')) { icon().removeClass(allIcons).addClass(extLinkIcon); $this.addClass('external-link'); var extLinkTarget = ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.extLinkTarget; if (extLinkTarget.length > 0) { $("#link_target").val(extLinkTarget); } var extLinkRel = ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.extLinkRel; if (extLinkRel.length > 0) { $("#link_rel").val(extLinkRel); } var extLinkClass = ProcessWire.config.ProcessPageEditLink.extLinkClass; if (extLinkClass.length > 0) { extLinkClass = extLinkClass.split(' '); for(n = 0; n < extLinkClass.length; n++) { // $("#link_class_" + extLinkClass[n]).attr('checked', 'checked'); // JQM $("#link_class_" + extLinkClass[n]).prop('checked', true); } } } } else { $this.removeClass('external-link'); if($this.hasClass('email')) { if (!icon().hasClass(emailIcon)) icon().removeClass(allIcons).addClass(emailIcon); } else if($this.hasClass('anchor')) { if (!icon().hasClass(anchorIcon)) icon().removeClass(allIcons).addClass(anchorIcon); } else if(!$this.hasClass(primaryIcon)) { icon().removeClass(allIcons).addClass(primaryIcon); } } updateLinkPreview(); } var urlKeydownTimer = null; $linkPageURL.focus().keydown(function(event) { if(urlKeydownTimer) clearTimeout(urlKeydownTimer); urlKeydownTimer = setTimeout(function() { urlKeydown(); }, 500); }); $linkPageURL.change(function() { var val = $(this).val(); if($anchorSelect.length) { if(val.substring(0, 1) == '#') { var found = ''; $anchorSelect.children('option').each(function () { if ($(this).attr('value') == val) found = val; }); $anchorSelect.val(found); } else if($anchorSelect.val().length) { $anchorSelect.val(''); } } $("#link_page_url").val(val); // legacy urlKeydown(); }); setTimeout(function() { $linkPageURL.change(); $linkText.change(); }, 250); $(":input").change(updateLinkPreview); $("#link_title").keydown(function(event) { updateLinkPreview(); }); $linkText.keyup(function(event) { updateLinkPreview(); }); // when header is clicked, open up the pageList right away $(".InputfieldInteger .InputfieldHeader").click(function() { var $t = $(this); var $toggle = $t.parent().find(".PageListSelectActionToggle"); var $pageSelectHeader = $toggle.parents('.PageListSelectHeader'); if($pageSelectHeader.is(".hidden")) { // we previously hid the pageSelectHeader since it's not necessary in this context // so, we can assume the field is already open, and is now being closed return true; } // hide the pageSelectHeader since it's extra visual baggage here we don't need $pageSelectHeader.addClass('hidden').hide(); // automatically open the PageListSelect setTimeout(function() { $toggle.click(); }, 250); return true; }); $('#ProcessPageEditLinkForm').WireTabs({ items: $(".WireTab"), id: 'PageEditLinkTabs' }); setTimeout(function() { $('#link_page_url_input').focus(); }, 250); });