function initPageEditForm() { // instantiate the WireTabs $('#ProcessPageEdit:not(.ProcessPageEditSingleField)').WireTabs({ items: $("#ProcessPageEdit > .Inputfields > .InputfieldWrapper"), id: 'PageEditTabs', skipRememberTabIDs: ['ProcessPageEditDelete'] }); // WireTabs gives each tab link that it creates an ID equal to the ID on the tab content // except that the link ID is preceded by an underscore // trigger a submit_delete submission. this is necessary because when submit_delete is an then // some browsers call it (rather than submit_save) when the enter key is pressed in a text field. This solution // by passes that undesirable behavior. $("#submit_delete").click(function() { if(!$("#delete_page").is(":checked")) { $("#wrap_delete_page label").effect('highlight', {}, 500); return; } $(this).before(""); $("#ProcessPageEdit").submit(); }); /* $(document).on('click', '#AddPageBtn', function() { // prevent Firefox from sending two requests for same click return false; }); */ $(document).on('click', 'button[type=submit]', function(e) { // alert user when they try to save and an upload is in progress if($('body').hasClass('pw-uploading')) { return confirm($('#ProcessPageEdit').attr('data-uploading')); } }); if(typeof InputfieldSubmitDropdown != "undefined") { var $dropdownTemplate = $(""); $("button[type=submit]").each(function() { var $button = $(this); var name = $button.attr('name'); if($button.hasClass('pw-no-dropdown')) return; if(name.indexOf('submit') == -1 || name.indexOf('_draft') > -1) return; if(name.indexOf('_save') == -1 && name.indexOf('_publish') == -1) return; InputfieldSubmitDropdown.init($button, $dropdownTemplate); }); } var $viewLink = $("#_ProcessPageEditView"); var $viewMenu = $("#_ProcessPageEditViewDropdown"); var color = $viewLink.css('color'); $("#_ProcessPageEditViewDropdownToggle").css('color', color); $ { var action = $viewLink.attr('data-action'); if(action == 'this' || action == 'new' || !action.length) return true; $viewMenu.find(".page-view-action-" + action + " > a").click(); return false; }); var $template = $('#template'); var templateID = $template.val(); $template.on('change', function() { if($(this).val() == templateID) { $('.pw-button-dropdown-toggle').trigger('pw-button-dropdown-on'); } else { $('.pw-button-dropdown-toggle').trigger('pw-button-dropdown-off'); } }); // hide other buttons when on delete tab, and restore them when leaving delete tab $(document).on('wiretabclick', function(event, $newTab, $oldTab) { if($newTab.attr('id') == 'ProcessPageEditDelete') { $(".InputfieldSubmit:not(#wrap_submit_delete):visible").addClass('pw-hidden-tmp').hide(); } else if($oldTab.attr('id') == 'ProcessPageEditDelete') { $("").removeClass('pw-hidden-tmp').show(); } }); // update title headline with changes to title input var $title = $('body').hasClass('AdminThemeReno') ? $('#title') : $('#pw-content-title'); if($title.length) { var $titleInput = null; if(typeof ProcessWire.config.LanguageSupport !== "undefined") { if(typeof ProcessWire.config.LanguageSupport.language !== "undefined") { $titleInput = $('#Inputfield_title__' +; } } if(!$titleInput || !$titleInput.length || !$titleInput.val().length) $titleInput = $('#Inputfield_title'); if(!$titleInput.length || !$titleInput.val().length) $titleInput = $('#Inputfield__pw_page_name'); if($titleInput.length) { var title = $titleInput.val(); if(title.length) $titleInput.on('input', function() { var val = $(this).val(); $title.text(val.length > 0 ? val : title); }); } } }