$dsn, * 'user' => $username, * 'pass' => $password, * 'options' => $driver_options, // optional * 'reader' => [ // optional * 'dsn' => '…', * … * ], * … * ]); * ~~~~~ * #pw-body * * @method void unknownColumnError($column) #pw-internal * @property bool $debugMode #pw-internal * */ class WireDatabasePDO extends Wire implements WireDatabase { const operatorTypeComparison = 0; const operatorTypeBitwise = 1; const operatorTypeAny = 2; /** * Log of all queries performed in this instance * * @var array * */ protected $queryLog = array(); /** * Max queries allowedin the query log (set from $config->dbQueryLogMax) * * @var int * */ protected $queryLogMax = 500; /** * Whether queries will be logged * */ protected $debugMode = false; /** * Cached result from getTables() method * * @var array * */ protected $tablesCache = array(); /** * Data for read-write PDO connection * * @var array * */ protected $writer = array( 'pdo' => null, 'init' => false, 'commands' => array( // commands that rewrite a writable connection 'alter', 'call', 'comment', 'commit', 'create', 'delete', 'drop', 'insert', 'lock', 'merge', 'rename', 'replace', 'rollback', 'savepoint', 'set', 'start', 'truncate', 'unlock', 'update', ) ); /** * Data for read-only PDO connection * * @var array * */ protected $reader = array( 'pdo' => null, 'has' => false, // is reader available? 'init' => false, // is reader initalized? 'allow' => true, // is reader allowed? (false when in transaction, etc.) ); /** * Last used PDO connection * * @var null|\PDO * */ protected $pdoLast = null; /** * Whether or not our _init() has been called for the current $pdo connection * * @var bool * */ protected $init = false; /** * Strip 4-byte characters in “quote” and “escapeStr” methods? (only when dbEngine is not utf8mb4) * * @var bool * */ protected $stripMB4 = false; /** * Lowercase value of $config->dbEngine * * @var string * */ protected $engine = ''; /** * Lowercase value of $config->dbCharset * * @var string * */ protected $charset = ''; /** * Regular comparison operators * * @var array * */ protected $comparisonOperators = array('=', '<', '>', '>=', '<=', '<>', '!='); /** * Bitwise comparison operators * * @var array * */ protected $bitwiseOperators = array('&', '~', '&~', '|', '^', '<<', '>>'); /** * Substitute variable names according to engine as used by getVariable() method * * @var array * */ protected $subVars = array( 'myisam' => array(), 'innodb' => array( 'ft_min_word_len' => 'innodb_ft_min_token_size', 'ft_max_word_len' => 'innodb_ft_max_token_size', ), ); /** * PDO connection settings * */ private $pdoConfig = array( 'dsn' => '', 'user' => '', 'pass' => '', 'options' => '', 'reader' => array( 'dsn' => '', 'user' => '', 'pass' => '', 'options' => '', ), ); /** * Cached values from getVariable method * * @var array associative of name => value * */ protected $variableCache = array(); /** * Cached InnoDB stopwords (keys are the stopwords and values are irrelevant) * * @var array|null Becomes array once loaded * */ protected $stopwordCache = null; /** * Create a new connection instance from given ProcessWire $config API variable and return it * * If you need to make other PDO connections, just instantiate a new WireDatabasePDO (or native PDO) * rather than calling this getInstance method. * * The following properties are pulled from given `$config` (see `Config` class for details): * * - `$config->dbUser` * - `$config->dbPass` * - `$config->dbName` * - `$config->dbHost` * - `$config->dbPort` * - `$config->dbSocket` * - `$config->dbCharset` * - `$config->dbOptions` * - `$config->dbReader` * - `$config->dbInitCommand` * - `$config->debug` * * #pw-internal * * @param Config $config * @return WireDatabasePDO * @throws WireException * */ public static function getInstance(Config $config) { if(!class_exists('\PDO')) { throw new WireException('Required PDO class (database) not found - please add PDO support to your PHP.'); } $username = $config->dbUser; $password = $config->dbPass; $charset = $config->dbCharset; $options = $config->dbOptions; $reader = $config->dbReader; $initCommand = str_replace('{charset}', $charset, $config->dbInitCommand); if(!is_array($options)) $options = array(); if(!isset($options[\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE])) { $options[\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE] = \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION; } if($initCommand && !isset($options[\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND])) { $options[\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND] = $initCommand; } $dsnArray = array( 'socket' => $config->dbSocket, 'name' => $config->dbName, 'host' => $config->dbHost, 'port' => $config->dbPort, ); $data = array( 'dsn' => self::dsn($dsnArray), 'user' => $username, 'pass' => $password, 'options' => $options, ); if(!empty($reader)) { if(isset($reader['host']) || isset($reader['socket'])) { // single reader $reader['dsn'] = self::dsn(array_merge($dsnArray, $reader)); $reader = array_merge($data, $reader); $data['reader'] = $reader; } else { // multiple readers $readers = array(); foreach($reader as $r) { if(empty($r['host']) && empty($r['socket'])) continue; $r['dsn'] = self::dsn(array_merge($dsnArray, $r)); $readers[] = array_merge($data, $r); } $data['reader'] = $readers; } } $database = new WireDatabasePDO($data); $database->setDebugMode($config->debug); $config->wire($database); // $database->_init(); return $database; } /** * Create a PDO DSN string from array * * #pw-internal * * @param array $options May contain keys: 'name', 'host', 'port', 'socket' (if applies), 'type' (default=mysql) * * @return string * @since 3.0.175 * */ static public function dsn(array $options) { $defaults = array( 'type' => 'mysql', 'socket' => '', 'name' => '', 'host' => '', 'port' => '', ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); if($options['socket']) { // if socket is provided ignore $host and $port and use socket instead $dsn = "mysql:unix_socket=$options[socket];dbname=$options[name];"; } else { $dsn = "mysql:dbname=$options[name];host=$options[host]"; if($options['port']) $dsn .= ";port=$options[port]"; } return $dsn; } /** * Construct WireDatabasePDO * * ~~~~~ * // The following are required to construct a WireDatabasePDO * $dsn = 'mysql:dbname=mydb;host=myhost;port=3306'; * $username = 'username'; * $password = 'password'; * $driver_options = []; // optional * * // Construct option A * $db = new WireDatabasePDO($dsn, $username, $password, $driver_options); * * // Construct option B * $db = new WireDatabasePDO([ * 'dsn' => $dsn, * 'user' => $username, * 'pass' => $password, * 'options' => $driver_options, // optional * 'reader' => [ // optional * 'dsn' => '…', * … * ], * … * ]); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-internal * * @param string|array $dsn DSN string or (3.0.175+) optionally use array of connection options and omit all remaining arguments. * @param null $username * @param null $password * @param array $driver_options * */ public function __construct($dsn, $username = null, $password = null, array $driver_options = array()) { parent::__construct(); if(is_array($dsn) && isset($dsn['dsn'])) { // configuration data provided in $dsn argument array if($username !== null && empty($dsn['user'])) $dsn['user'] = $username; if($password !== null && empty($dsn['pass'])) $dsn['pass'] = $password; if(!isset($dsn['options'])) $dsn['options'] = $driver_options; $this->pdoConfig = array_merge($this->pdoConfig, $dsn); if(!empty($this->pdoConfig['reader'])) { if(!empty($this->pdoConfig['reader']['dsn'])) { // single reader $this->reader['has'] = true; } else if(!empty($this->pdoConfig['reader'][0]['dsn'])) { // multiple readers $this->reader['has'] = true; } } } else { // configuration data in direct arguments $this->pdoConfig['dsn'] = $dsn; $this->pdoConfig['user'] = $username; $this->pdoConfig['pass'] = $password; $this->pdoConfig['options'] = $driver_options; } // $this->pdo(); } /** * Additional initialization after DB connection established and Wire instance populated * * #pw-internal * * @param \PDO|null * */ public function _init($pdo = null) { if(!$this->isWired()) return; if($pdo === $this->reader['pdo']) { if($this->reader['init']) return; $this->reader['init'] = true; } else { if($this->writer['init']) return; $this->writer['init'] = true; if($pdo === null) $pdo = $this->writer['pdo']; } $config = $this->wire()->config; if(empty($this->engine)) { $this->engine = strtolower($config->dbEngine); $this->charset = strtolower($config->dbCharset); $this->stripMB4 = $config->dbStripMB4 && $this->charset != 'utf8mb4'; $this->queryLogMax = (int) $config->dbQueryLogMax; } if($config->debug && $pdo) { // custom PDO statement for debug mode $this->debugMode = true; $pdo->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS, array(__NAMESPACE__ . "\\WireDatabasePDOStatement", array($this)) ); } $sqlModes = $config->dbSqlModes; if(is_array($sqlModes)) { // ["5.7.0" => "remove:mode1,mode2/add:mode3"] foreach($sqlModes as $minVersion => $commands) { if(strpos($commands, '/') !== false) { $commands = explode('/', $commands); } else { $commands = array($commands); } foreach($commands as $modes) { $modes = trim($modes); if(empty($modes)) continue; $action = 'set'; if(strpos($modes, ':')) list($action, $modes) = explode(':', $modes); $this->sqlMode(trim($action), trim($modes), $minVersion, $pdo); } } } } /** * Return the actual current PDO connection instance * * If connection is lost, this will restore it automatically. * * #pw-group-connection * * @param string|\PDOStatement|null SQL, statement, or statement type (reader or primary) (3.0.175+) * * @return \PDO * */ public function pdo($type = null) { if($type === null) return $this->pdoWriter(); return $this->pdoType($type); } /** * Return read-write (primary) PDO connection * * @return \PDO * @since 3.0.175 * */ protected function pdoWriter() { if(!$this->writer['pdo']) { $this->writer['init'] = false; $pdo = new \PDO( $this->pdoConfig['dsn'], $this->pdoConfig['user'], $this->pdoConfig['pass'], $this->pdoConfig['options'] ); $this->writer['pdo'] = $pdo; $this->_init($pdo); } else { $pdo = $this->writer['pdo']; } $this->pdoLast = $pdo; return $pdo; } /** * Return read-only PDO connection if available or read/write PDO connection if not * * @return \PDO * @since 3.0.175 * */ protected function pdoReader() { if(!$this->allowReader()) return $this->pdoWriter(); if($this->reader['pdo']) { $pdo = $this->reader['pdo']; $this->pdoLast = $pdo; return $pdo; } $this->reader['init'] = false; $lastException = null; if(isset($this->pdoConfig['reader']['dsn'])) { // just one reader $readers = array($this->pdoConfig['reader']); } else { // randomly select a reader $readers = $this->pdoConfig['reader']; shuffle($readers); } do { // try readers till we find one that gives us a connection $reader = array_shift($readers); try { $pdo = new \PDO($reader['dsn'], $reader['user'], $reader['pass'], $reader['options']); } catch(\PDOException $e) { $pdo = null; $lastException = $e; } } while(!$pdo && count($readers)); if(!$pdo) throw $lastException; $this->reader['pdo'] = $pdo; $this->_init($pdo); $this->pdoLast = $pdo; return $pdo; } /** * Return correct PDO instance type (reader or writer) based on given statement * * @param string|\PDOStatement $query * @param bool $getName Get name of PDO type rather than instance? (default=false) * @return \PDO|string * */ protected function pdoType(&$query, $getName = false) { $reader = 'reader'; $writer = 'writer'; if(!$this->reader['has'] || !is_string($query)) { // no reader available or query is PDOStatement, or other: always return writer // todo support for inspecting PDOStatement? return $getName ? $writer : $this->pdoWriter(); } // statement is just first 40 characters of query $statement = trim(str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), " ", substr($query, 0, 40))); if($statement === $writer || $statement === $reader) { // reader or writer requested by name $type = $statement; } else if(stripos($statement, 'select') === 0) { // select query is always reader $type = $reader; } else if(stripos($statement, 'insert') === 0) { // insert query is always writer $type = $writer; } else { // other query to inspect further $pos = strpos($statement, ' '); $word = strtolower(($pos ? substr($statement, 0, $pos) : $statement)); if($word === 'set') { // all 'set' commands are read-only allowed except autocommit and transaction $word = trim(substr($statement, $pos + 1, 12)); if(stripos($word, 'autocommit') === 0 || stripos($word, 'transaction') === 0) { $type = $writer; } else { $type = $reader; } } else if($word === 'lock') { if(!$getName) $this->allowReader(false); $type = $writer; } else if($word === 'unlock') { if(!$getName) $this->allowReader(true); $type = $writer; } else { $type = in_array($word, $this->writer['commands']) ? $writer : $reader; } } if($type === $reader && !$this->reader['allow']) $type = $writer; if($getName) return $type; return $type === 'reader' ? $this->pdoReader() : $this->pdoWriter(); } /** * Return last used PDO connection * * @return \PDO * @since 3.0.175 * */ protected function pdoLast() { if($this->pdoLast) { $pdo = $this->pdoLast; if($pdo === $this->reader['pdo'] && !$this->reader['allow']) $pdo = null; } else { $pdo = null; } if($pdo === null) $pdo = $this->pdoWriter(); return $pdo; } /** * Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the statement handle * * #pw-group-connection * * @return string * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.errorcode.php * */ public function errorCode() { return $this->pdoLast()->errorCode(); } /** * Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the database handle * * #pw-group-connection * * @return array * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.errorinfo.php * */ public function errorInfo() { return $this->pdoLast()->errorInfo(); } /** * Retrieve a database connection attribute * * #pw-group-connection * * @param int $attribute * @return mixed * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.getattribute.php * */ public function getAttribute($attribute) { return $this->pdoLast()->getAttribute($attribute); } /** * Sets an attribute on the database handle * * #pw-group-connection * * @param int $attribute * @param mixed $value * @return bool * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.setattribute.php * */ public function setAttribute($attribute, $value) { return $this->pdoLast()->setAttribute($attribute, $value); } /** * Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value * * #pw-group-queries * #pw-group-info * * @param string|null $name * @return string * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.lastinsertid.php * */ public function lastInsertId($name = null) { return $this->pdoWriter()->lastInsertId($name); } /** * Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object * * #pw-group-queries * * @param string $statement * @param string $note * @return \PDOStatement * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.query.php * */ public function query($statement, $note = '') { if($this->debugMode) $this->queryLog($statement, $note); $pdo = $this->pdoType($statement); return $pdo->query($statement); } /** * Initiates a transaction * * #pw-group-transactions * * @return bool * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.begintransaction.php * */ public function beginTransaction() { $this->allowReader(false); return $this->pdoWriter()->beginTransaction(); } /** * Checks if inside a transaction * * #pw-group-transactions * * @return bool * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.intransaction.php * */ public function inTransaction() { return (bool) $this->pdoWriter()->inTransaction(); } /** * Are transactions available with current DB engine (or table)? * * #pw-group-transactions * * @param string $table Optionally specify a table to specifically check to that table * @return bool * */ public function supportsTransaction($table = '') { $engine = ''; if($table) { $query = $this->pdoReader()->prepare('SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE name=:name'); $query->bindValue(':name', $table); $query->execute(); if($query->rowCount()) { $row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $engine = empty($row['engine']) ? '' : $row['engine']; } $query->closeCursor(); } else { $engine = $this->engine; } return strtoupper($engine) === 'INNODB'; } /** * Allow a new transaction to begin right now? (i.e. supported and not already in one) * * Returns combined result of supportsTransaction() === true and inTransaction() === false. * * #pw-group-transactions * * @param string $table Optional table that transaction will be for * @return bool * @since 3.0.140 * */ public function allowTransaction($table = '') { return $this->supportsTransaction($table) && !$this->inTransaction(); } /** * Commits a transaction * * #pw-group-transactions * * @return bool * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.commit.php * */ public function commit() { $this->allowReader(true); return $this->pdoWriter()->commit(); } /** * Rolls back a transaction * * #pw-group-transactions * * @return bool * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.rollback.php * */ public function rollBack() { $this->allowReader(true); return $this->pdoWriter()->rollBack(); } /** * Get an array of all queries that have been executed thus far * * Active in ProcessWire debug mode only * * #pw-internal * * @deprecated use queryLog() method instead * @return array * */ static public function getQueryLog() { /** @var WireDatabasePDO $database */ $database = wire('database'); return $database->queryLog(); } /** * Prepare an SQL statement for accepting bound parameters * * #pw-group-queries * * @param string $statement * @param array|string|bool $driver_options Optionally specify one of the following: * - Boolean true for WireDatabasePDOStatement rather than PDOStatement (also assumed when debug mode is on) 3.0.162+ * - Driver options array * - or you may specify the $note argument here * @param string $note Debug notes to save with query in debug mode * @return \PDOStatement|WireDatabasePDOStatement * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepare.php * */ public function prepare($statement, $driver_options = array(), $note = '') { if(is_string($driver_options)) { $note = $driver_options; $driver_options = array(); } else if($driver_options === true) { $driver_options = array( \PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS => array(__NAMESPACE__ . "\\WireDatabasePDOStatement", array($this)) ); } $pdo = $this->reader['has'] ? $this->pdoType($statement) : $this->pdoWriter(); $pdoStatement = $pdo->prepare($statement, $driver_options); if($this->debugMode) { if($pdoStatement instanceof WireDatabasePDOStatement) { /** @var WireDatabasePDOStatement $pdoStatement */ $pdoStatement->setDebugNote($note); } else { $this->queryLog($statement, $note); } } return $pdoStatement; } /** * Execute an SQL statement string * * If given a PDOStatement, this method behaves the same as the execute() method. * * #pw-group-queries * * @param string|\PDOStatement $statement * @param string $note * @return bool|int * @throws \PDOException * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.exec.php * */ public function exec($statement, $note = '') { if(is_object($statement) && $statement instanceof \PDOStatement) { return $this->execute($statement); } if($this->debugMode) $this->queryLog($statement, $note); $pdo = $this->reader['has'] ? $this->pdoType($statement) : $this->pdoWriter(); return $pdo->exec($statement); } /** * Execute a PDO statement, with retry and error handling * * Given a PDOStatement ($query) this method will execute the statement and return * true or false as to whether it was successful. * * Unlike other PDO methods, this one (native to ProcessWire) will retry queries * if they failed due to a lost connection. By default it will retry up to 3 times, * but you can adjust this number as needed in the arguments. * * ~~~~~ * // prepare the query * $query = $database->prepare("SELECT id, name FROM pages LIMIT 10"); * // you can do the following, rather than native PDO $query->execute(); * $database->execute($query); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-queries * * @param \PDOStatement $query * @param bool $throw Whether or not to throw exception on query error (default=true) * @param int $maxTries Deprecated/argument does nothing (was: “Max number of times it will attempt to retry query on error”) * @return bool True on success, false on failure. Note if you want this, specify $throw=false in your arguments. * @throws \PDOException * */ public function execute(\PDOStatement $query, $throw = true, $maxTries = 3) { try { $result = $query->execute(); } catch(\PDOException $e) { $result = false; if($query->errorCode() == '42S22') { // unknown column error $errorInfo = $query->errorInfo(); if(preg_match('/[\'"]([_a-z0-9]+\.[_a-z0-9]+)[\'"]/i', $errorInfo[2], $matches)) { $this->unknownColumnError($matches[1]); } } if($throw) { throw $e; } else { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } if($maxTries) {} // ignore, argument no longer used } return $result; } /** * Hookable method called by execute() method when query encounters an unknown column * * #pw-internal * * @param string $column Column format tableName.columnName * */ protected function ___unknownColumnError($column) { } /** * Log a query, start/stop query logging, or return logged queries * * - To log a query, provide the $sql argument containing the query (string). * - To retrieve the query log, call this method with no arguments. * - Note the core only populates the query log when `$config->debug` mode is active. * - Specify boolean true for $sql argument to reset and start query logging (3.0.173+) * - Specify boolean false for $sql argument to stop query logging (3.0.173+) * * #pw-group-custom * * @param string $sql Query (string) to log, boolean true to reset/start query logging, boolean false to stop query logging * @param string $note Any additional debugging notes about the query * @return array|bool|int Returns query log array, boolean true on success, boolean false if not * */ public function queryLog($sql = '', $note = '') { if(empty($sql)) return $this->queryLog; if($sql === true) { $this->debugMode = true; $this->queryLog = array(); return true; } else if($sql === false) { $this->debugMode = false; return true; } if(!$this->debugMode) return false; if(count($this->queryLog) > $this->queryLogMax) { if(isset($this->queryLog['error'])) { $qty = (int) $this->queryLog['error']; } else { $qty = 0; } $qty++; $this->queryLog['error'] = "$qty additional queries omitted because \$config->dbQueryLogMax = $this->queryLogMax"; return false; } else { if($this->reader['has']) { $type = $this->pdoType($sql, true); $note = trim("$note [$type]"); } $this->queryLog[] = $sql . ($note ? " -- $note" : ""); return true; } } /** * Get array of all tables in this database. * * Note that this method caches its result unless you specify boolean false for the $allowCache argument. * * #pw-group-schema * * @param bool $allowCache Specify false if you don't want result to be cached or pulled from cache (default=true) * @return array Returns array of table names * */ public function getTables($allowCache = true) { if($allowCache && count($this->tablesCache)) return $this->tablesCache; $tables = array(); $query = $this->query("SHOW TABLES"); /** @noinspection PhpAssignmentInConditionInspection */ while($col = $query->fetchColumn()) $tables[] = $col; if($allowCache) $this->tablesCache = $tables; return $tables; } /** * Get all columns from given table * * By default returns array of column names. If verbose option is true then it returns * an array of arrays, each having 'name', 'type', 'null', 'default', and 'extra' keys, * indicating the column name, column type, whether it can be null, what it’s default value * is, and any extra information, such as whether it is auto_increment. The verbose option * also makes the return value indexed by column name (associative array). * * #pw-group-schema * * @param string $table Table name or or `table.column` to get for specific column (when combined with verbose=true) * @param bool|int|string $verbose Include array of verbose information for each? (default=false) * - Omit or false (bool) to just get column names. * - True (bool) or 1 (int) to get a verbose array of information for each column, indexed by column name. * - 2 (int) to get raw MySQL column information, indexed by column name (added 3.0.182). * - 3 (int) to get column types as used in a CREATE TABLE statement (added 3.0.185). * - Column name (string) to get verbose array only for only that column (added 3.0.182). * @return array * @since 3.0.180 * */ public function getColumns($table, $verbose = false) { $columns = array(); $table = $this->escapeTable($table); if($verbose === 3) { $query = $this->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table"); if(!$query->rowCount()) return array(); $row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM); $query->closeCursor(); if(!preg_match_all('/`([_a-z0-9]+)`\s+([a-z][^\r\n]+)/i', $row[1], $matches)) return array(); foreach($matches[1] as $key => $name) { $columns[$name] = trim(rtrim($matches[2][$key], ',')); } return $columns; } $getColumn = $verbose && is_string($verbose) ? $verbose : ''; if(strpos($table, '.')) list($table, $getColumn) = explode('.', $table, 2); $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table " . ($getColumn ? 'WHERE Field=:column' : ''); $query = $this->prepare($sql); if($getColumn) $query->bindValue(':column', $getColumn); $query->execute(); while($col = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $name = $col['Field']; if($verbose === 2) { $columns[$name] = $col; } else if($verbose) { $columns[$name] = array( 'name' => $name, 'type' => $col['Type'], 'null' => (strtoupper($col['Null']) === 'YES' ? true : false), 'default' => $col['Default'], 'extra' => $col['Extra'], ); } else { $columns[] = $name; } } $query->closeCursor(); if($getColumn) return isset($columns[$getColumn]) ? $columns[$getColumn] : array(); return $columns; } /** * Get all indexes from given table * * By default it returns an array of index names. Specify true for the verbose option to get * index `name`, `type` and `columns` (array) for each index. * * #pw-group-schema * * @param string $table Name of table to get indexes for or `table.index` (usually combined with verbose option). * @param bool|int|string $verbose Include array of verbose information for each? (default=false) * - Omit or false (bool) to just get index names. * - True (bool) or 1 (int) to get a verbose array of information for each index, indexed by index name. * - 2 (int) to get regular PHP array of raw MySQL index information. * - Index name (string) to get verbose array only for only that index. * @return array * @since 3.0.182 * */ public function getIndexes($table, $verbose = false) { $indexes = array(); $getIndex = $verbose && is_string($verbose) ? $verbose : ''; if($verbose === 'primary') $verbose = 'PRIMARY'; if(strpos($table, '.')) list($table, $getIndex) = explode('.', $table, 2); $table = $this->escapeTable($table); $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM `$table` " . ($getIndex ? 'WHERE Key_name=:name' : ''); $query = $this->prepare($sql); if($getIndex) $query->bindValue(':name', $getIndex); $query->execute(); while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $name = $row['Key_name']; if($verbose === 2) { $indexes[] = $row; } else if($verbose) { if(!isset($indexes[$name])) $indexes[$name] = array( 'name' => $name, 'type' => $row['Index_type'], 'unique' => (((int) $row['Non_unique']) ? false : true), 'columns' => array(), ); $seq = ((int) $row['Seq_in_index']) - 1; $indexes[$name]['columns'][$seq] = $row['Column_name']; } else { $indexes[] = $name; } } $query->closeCursor(); if($getIndex) return isset($indexes[$getIndex]) ? $indexes[$getIndex] : array(); return $indexes; } /** * Get column(s) or info for given table’s primary key/index * * By default it returns a string with the column name compromising the primary key, i.e. `col1`. * If the primary key is multiple columns then it returns a CSV string, like `col1,col2,col3`. * * If you specify boolean `true` for the verbose option then it returns an simplified array of * information about the primary key. If you specify integer `2` then it returns an array of * raw MySQL SHOW INDEX information. * * #pw-group-schema * * @param string $table * @param bool|int $verbose Get array of info rather than column(s) string? (default=false) * @return string|array * @since 3.0.182 * */ public function getPrimaryKey($table, $verbose = false) { if($verbose === 2) { return $this->getIndexes("$table.PRIMARY", 2); } else if($verbose) { return $this->getIndexes($table, 'PRIMARY'); } else { $a = $this->getIndexes($table, 'PRIMARY'); if(empty($a) || empty($a['columns'])) return ''; return implode(',', $a['columns']); } } /** * Does the given table exist in this database? * * #pw-group-schema * * @param string $table * @return bool * @since 3.0.133 * */ public function tableExists($table) { $query = $this->prepare('SHOW TABLES LIKE ?'); $query->execute(array($table)); $result = $query->fetchColumn(); return !empty($result); } /** * Does the given column exist in given table? * * ~~~~~ * // Standard usage: * if($database->columnExists('pages', 'name')) { * echo "The pages table has a 'name' column"; * } * * // You can also bundle table and column together: * if($database->columnExists('pages.name')) { * echo "The pages table has a 'name' column"; * } * * $exists = $database->columnExists('pages', 'name', true); * if($exists) { * // associative array with indexes: Name, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra * echo "The pages table has a 'name' column and here is verbose info: "; * print_r($exists); * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-schema * * @param string $table Specify table name (or table and column name in format "table.column"). * @param string $column Specify column name (or omit or blank string if already specified in $table argument). * @param bool $getInfo Return array of column info (with type info, etc.) rather than true when exists? (default=false) * Note that the returned array is raw MySQL values from a SHOW COLUMNS command. * @return bool|array * @since 3.0.154 * @throws WireDatabaseException * */ public function columnExists($table, $column = '', $getInfo = false) { if(strpos($table, '.')) { list($table, $col) = explode('.', $table, 2); if(empty($column) || !is_string($column)) $column = $col; } if(empty($column)) throw new WireDatabaseException('No column specified'); $exists = false; $table = $this->escapeTable($table); try { $query = $this->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$table` WHERE Field=:column"); $query->bindValue(':column', $column, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->execute(); $numRows = (int) $query->rowCount(); if($numRows) $exists = $getInfo ? $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : true; $query->closeCursor(); } catch(\Exception $e) { // most likely given table does not exist $exists = false; } return $exists; } /** * Does table have an index with given name? * * ~~~~ * // simple index check * if($database->indexExists('my_table', 'my_index')) { * // index named my_index exists for my_table * } * * // index check and get array of info if it exists * $info = $database->indexExists('my_table', 'my_index', true); * if($info) { * // info is raw array of information about index from MySQL * } else { * // index does not exist * } * ~~~~ * * #pw-group-schema * * @param string $table * @param string $indexName * @param bool $getInfo Return arrays of index information rather than boolean true? (default=false) * Note that the verbose arrays are the raw MySQL return values from a SHOW INDEX command. * @return bool|array Returns one of the following: * - `false`: if index does not exist (regardless of $getInfo argument). * - `true`: if index exists and $getInfo argument is omitted or false. * - `array`: array of arrays with verbose information if index exists and $getInfo argument is true. * @since 3.0.182 * */ public function indexExists($table, $indexName, $getInfo = false) { $table = $this->escapeTable($table); $query = $this->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM `$table` WHERE Key_name=:name"); $query->bindValue(':name', $indexName, \PDO::PARAM_STR); try { $query->execute(); $numRows = (int) $query->rowCount(); if($numRows && $getInfo) { $exists = array(); while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $exists[] = $row; } } else { $exists = $numRows > 0; } $query->closeCursor(); } catch(\Exception $e) { // most likely given table does not exist $exists = false; } return $exists; } /** * Rename table columns without changing type * * #pw-group-schema * * @param string $table * @param array $columns Associative array with one or more of `[ 'old_name' => 'new_name' ]` * @return int Number of columns renamed * @since 3.0.185 * @throws \PDOException|WireException * */ public function renameColumns($table, array $columns) { $qty = 0; if(version_compare($this->getVersion(true), '8.0.0', '>=')) { $mysql8 = $this->getServerType() === 'MySQL'; } else { $mysql8 = false; } $table = $this->escapeTable($table); $colTypes = $mysql8 ? array() : $this->getColumns($table, 3); foreach($columns as $oldName => $newName) { $oldName = $this->escapeCol($oldName); $newName = $this->escapeCol($newName); if(empty($oldName) || empty($newName)) continue; if($mysql8) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table` RENAME COLUMN `$oldName` TO `$newName`"; } else if(isset($colTypes[$oldName])) { $colType = $colTypes[$oldName]; $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table` CHANGE `$oldName` `$newName` $colType"; } else { continue; } if($this->exec($sql)) $qty++; } return $qty; } /** * Rename a table column without changing type * * #pw-group-schema * * @param string $table * @param string $oldName * @param string $newName * @return bool * @throws \PDOException|WireException * @since 3.0.185 * */ public function renameColumn($table, $oldName, $newName) { $columns = array($oldName => $newName); return $this->renameColumns($table, $columns) > 0; } /** * Is the given string a database comparison operator? * * #pw-group-info * * ~~~~~ * if($database->isOperator('>=')) { * // given string is a valid database operator * } else { * // not a valid database operator * } * ~~~~~ * * @param string $str 1-2 character operator to test * @param bool|null|int $operatorType Specify a WireDatabasePDO::operatorType* constant (3.0.162+), or any one of the following (3.0.143+): * - `NULL`: allow all operators (default value if not specified) * - `FALSE`: allow only comparison operators * - `TRUE`: allow only bitwise operators * @param bool $get Return the operator rather than true, when valid? (default=false) Added 3.0.162 * @return bool True if valid, false if not * */ public function isOperator($str, $operatorType = self::operatorTypeAny, $get = false) { $len = strlen($str); if($len > 2 || $len < 1) return false; if($operatorType === null || $operatorType === self::operatorTypeAny) { // allow all operators $operators = array_merge($this->comparisonOperators, $this->bitwiseOperators); } else if($operatorType === true || $operatorType === self::operatorTypeBitwise) { // allow only bitwise operators $operators = $this->bitwiseOperators; } else { // self::operatorTypeComparison $operators = $this->comparisonOperators; } if($get) { $key = array_search($str, $operators, true); return $key === false ? false : $operators[$key]; } else { return in_array($str, $operators, true); } } /** * Is given word a fulltext stopword for database engine? * * #pw-group-info * * @param string $word * @param string $engine DB engine ('myisam' or 'innodb') or omit for current engine * @return bool * @since 3.0.160 * */ public function isStopword($word, $engine = '') { $engine = $engine === '' ? $this->engine : strtolower($engine); if($engine === 'myisam') return DatabaseStopwords::has($word); if($this->stopwordCache === null) $this->getStopwords($engine, true); return isset($this->stopwordCache[strtolower($word)]); } /** * Get all fulltext stopwords for database engine * * #pw-group-info * * @param string $engine Specify DB engine of "myisam" or "innodb" or omit for current DB engine * @param bool $flip Return flipped array where stopwords are array keys rather than values? for isset() use (default=false) * @return array * */ public function getStopwords($engine = '', $flip = false) { $engine = $engine === '' ? $this->engine : strtolower($engine); if($engine === 'myisam') return DatabaseStopwords::getAll(); if($this->stopwordCache === null) { // && $engine === 'innodb') { $cache = $this->wire()->cache; $stopwords = null; if($cache) { $stopwords = $cache->get('InnoDB.stopwords'); if($stopwords) $stopwords = explode(',', $stopwords); } if(!$stopwords) { $query = $this->prepare('SELECT value FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD'); $query->execute(); $stopwords = $query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); $query->closeCursor(); if($cache) $cache->save('InnoDB.stopwords', implode(',', $stopwords), WireCache::expireDaily); } $this->stopwordCache = array_flip($stopwords); } return $flip ? $this->stopwordCache : array_keys($this->stopwordCache); } /** * Sanitize a table name for _a-zA-Z0-9 * * #pw-group-sanitization * * @param string $table String containing table name * @return string Sanitized table name * */ public function escapeTable($table) { $table = (string) trim("$table"); if(ctype_alnum($table)) return $table; if(ctype_alnum(str_replace('_', '', $table))) return $table; return preg_replace('/[^_a-zA-Z0-9]/', '_', $table); } /** * Sanitize a column name for _a-zA-Z0-9 * * #pw-group-sanitization * * @param string $col * @return string * */ public function escapeCol($col) { return $this->escapeTable($col); } /** * Sanitize a table.column string, where either part is optional * * #pw-group-sanitization * * @param string $str * @return string * */ public function escapeTableCol($str) { if(strpos($str, '.') === false) return $this->escapeTable($str); list($table, $col) = explode('.', $str); return $this->escapeTable($table) . '.' . $this->escapeCol($col); } /** * Sanitize comparison operator * * #pw-group-sanitization * * @param string $operator * @param bool|int|null $operatorType Specify a WireDatabasePDO::operatorType* constant (default=operatorTypeComparison) * @param string $default Default/fallback operator to return if given one is not valid (default='=') * @return string * */ public function escapeOperator($operator, $operatorType = self::operatorTypeComparison, $default = '=') { $operator = $this->isOperator($operator, $operatorType, true); return $operator ? $operator : $default; } /** * Escape a string value, same as $database->quote() but without surrounding quotes * * #pw-group-sanitization * * @param string $str * @return string * */ public function escapeStr($str) { return substr($this->quote($str), 1, -1); } /** * Escape a string value, for backwards compatibility till PDO transition complete * * #pw-internal * * @deprecated * @param string $str * @return string * */ public function escape_string($str) { return $this->escapeStr($str); } /** * Quote and escape a string value * * #pw-group-sanitization * * @param string $str * @return string * @link http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.quote.php * */ public function quote($str) { if($this->stripMB4 && is_string($str) && !empty($str)) { $str = $this->wire()->sanitizer->removeMB4($str); } return $this->pdoLast()->quote($str); } /** * Escape a string value, plus escape characters necessary for a MySQL 'LIKE' phrase * * #pw-group-sanitization * * @param string $like * @return string * */ public function escapeLike($like) { $like = $this->escapeStr($like); return addcslashes($like, '%_'); } /** * Set whether debug mode is enabled for this database instance * * #pw-internal * * @param $debugMode * */ public function setDebugMode($debugMode) { $this->debugMode = (bool) $debugMode; } /** * @param string $key * @return mixed|null|\PDO * */ public function __get($key) { if($key === 'pdo') return $this->pdo(); if($key === 'pdoReader') return $this->pdoReader(); if($key === 'pdoWriter') return $this->pdoWriter(); if($key === 'debugMode') return $this->debugMode; return parent::__get($key); } /** * Close the PDO connection * * #pw-group-connection * */ public function closeConnection() { $this->pdoLast = null; $this->reader['pdo'] = null; $this->writer['pdo'] = null; $this->reader['init'] = false; $this->writer['init'] = false; } /** * Get the value of a MySQL variable * * ~~~~~ * // Get the minimum fulltext index word length * $value = $database->getVariable('ft_min_word_len'); * echo $value; // outputs "4" * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-info * * @param string $name Name of MySQL variable you want to retrieve * @param bool $cache Allow use of cached values? (default=true) * @param bool $sub Allow substitution of MyISAM variable names to InnoDB equivalents when InnoDB is engine? (default=true) * @return string|null * */ public function getVariable($name, $cache = true, $sub = true) { if($sub && isset($this->subVars[$this->engine][$name])) $name = $this->subVars[$this->engine][$name]; if($cache && isset($this->variableCache[$name])) return $this->variableCache[$name]; $query = $this->prepare('SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name=:name'); $query->bindValue(':name', $name); $query->execute(); /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ if($query->rowCount()) { list(,$value) = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM); $this->variableCache[$name] = $value; } else { $value = null; } $query->closeCursor(); return $value; } /** * Get MySQL/MariaDB version * * Example return values: * * - 5.7.23 * - 10.1.34-MariaDB * * #pw-group-info * * @return string * @param bool $getNumberOnly Get only version number, exclude any vendor specific suffixes? (default=false) 3.0.185+ * @since 3.0.166 * */ public function getVersion($getNumberOnly = false) { $version = $this->getVariable('version', true, false); if($getNumberOnly && preg_match('/^([\d.]+)/', $version, $matches)) $version = $matches[1]; return $version; } /** * Get server type, one of MySQL, MariDB, Percona, etc. * * #pw-group-info * * @return string * @since 3.0.185 * */ public function getServerType() { $serverType = ''; $serverTypes = array('MariaDB', 'Percona', 'OurDelta', 'Drizzle', 'MySQL'); foreach(array('version', 'version_comment') as $name) { $value = $this->getVariable($name); if($value === null) continue; foreach($serverTypes as $type) { if(stripos($value, $type) !== false) $serverType = $type; if($serverType) break; } if($serverType) break; } return $serverType ? $serverType : 'MySQL'; } /** * Get the regular expression engine used by database * * Returns one of 'ICU' (MySQL 8.0.4+) or 'HenrySpencer' (earlier versions and MariaDB) * * #pw-group-info * * @return string * @since 3.0.166 * @todo this will need to be updated when/if MariaDB adds version that uses ICU engine * */ public function getRegexEngine() { $version = $this->getVersion(); $name = 'MySQL'; if(strpos($version, '-')) list($version, $name) = explode('-', $version, 2); if(strpos($name, 'mariadb') === false) { if(version_compare($version, '8.0.4', '>=')) return 'ICU'; } return 'HenrySpencer'; } /** * Get current database engine (lowercase) * * #pw-group-schema * * @return string * @since 3.0.160 * */ public function getEngine() { return $this->engine; } /** * Get current database charset (lowercase) * * #pw-group-schema * * @return string * @since 3.0.160 * */ public function getCharset() { return $this->charset; } /** * Retrieve new instance of WireDatabaseBackups ready to use with this connection * * See `WireDatabaseBackup` class for usage. * * #pw-group-custom * * @return WireDatabaseBackup * @throws WireException|\Exception on fatal error * @see WireDatabaseBackup::backup(), WireDatabaseBackup::restore() * */ public function backups() { $path = $this->wire()->config->paths->assets . 'backups/database/'; if(!is_dir($path)) { $this->wire()->files->mkdir($path, true); if(!is_dir($path)) throw new WireException("Unable to create path for backups: $path"); } $backups = new WireDatabaseBackup($path); $backups->setWire($this->wire()); $backups->setDatabase($this); $backups->setDatabaseConfig($this->wire()->config); $backups->setBackupOptions(array('user' => $this->wire()->user->name)); return $backups; } /** * Get max length allowed for a fully indexed varchar column in ProcessWire * * #pw-group-schema * * @return int * */ public function getMaxIndexLength() { $max = 250; if($this->charset === 'utf8mb4') { if($this->engine === 'innodb') { $max = 191; } } return $max; } /** * Enable or disable PDO reader instance, or omit argument to get current state * * Returns true if reader is configured and allowed * Returns false if reader is not configured or not allowed * * #pw-internal * * @param bool $allow * @return bool * @since 3.0.175 * */ protected function allowReader($allow = null) { if($allow !== null) $this->reader['allow'] = (bool) $allow; return $this->reader['has'] && $this->reader['allow']; } /** * Get SQL mode, set SQL mode, add to existing SQL mode, or remove from existing SQL mode * * #pw-group-custom * * ~~~~~ * // Get SQL mode * $mode = $database->sqlMode(); * * // Add an SQL mode * $database->sqlMode('add', 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'); * * // Remove SQL mode if version at least 5.7.0 * $database->sqlMode('remove', 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY', '5.7.0'); * ~~~~~ * * @param string $action Specify "get", "set", "add" or "remove". (default="get") * @param string $mode Mode string or CSV string with SQL mode(s), i.e. "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY". * This argument should be omitted when using the "get" action. * @param string $minVersion Make the given action only apply if MySQL version is at least $minVersion, i.e. "5.7.0". * @param \PDO PDO connection to use or omit for current (default=null) 3.0.175+ * @return string|bool Returns string in "get" action, boolean false if required version not present, or true otherwise. * @throws WireException If given an invalid $action * */ public function sqlMode($action = 'get', $mode = '', $minVersion = '', $pdo = null) { $result = true; $modes = array(); if($pdo === null) { $pdo = $this->pdoLast(); } else { $this->pdoLast = $pdo; } if(empty($action)) $action = 'get'; if($action !== 'get' && $minVersion) { $serverVersion = $this->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); if(version_compare($serverVersion, $minVersion, '<')) return false; } if($mode) { foreach(explode(',', $mode) as $m) { $modes[] = $this->escapeStr(strtoupper($this->wire()->sanitizer->fieldName($m))); } } switch($action) { case 'get': $query = $pdo->query("SELECT @@sql_mode"); $result = $query->fetchColumn(); $query->closeCursor(); break; case 'set': $modes = implode(',', $modes); $result = $modes; $pdo->exec("SET sql_mode='$modes'"); break; case 'add': foreach($modes as $m) { $pdo->exec("SET sql_mode=(SELECT CONCAT(@@sql_mode,',$m'))"); } break; case 'remove': foreach($modes as $m) { $pdo->exec("SET sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'$m',''))"); } break; default: throw new WireException("Unknown action '$action'"); } return $result; } /** * Get current date/time ISO-8601 string or UNIX timestamp according to database * * #pw-group-info * * @param bool $getTimestamp Get unix timestamp rather than ISO-8601 string? (default=false) * @return string|int * @since 3.0.183 * */ public function getTime($getTimestamp = false) { $query = $this->query('SELECT ' . ($getTimestamp ? 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP()' : 'NOW()')); $value = $query->fetchColumn(); return $getTimestamp ? (int) $value : $value; } }