editable()) { do something } * if(!$page->viewable()) { echo "sorry you can't view this"; } * ...and so on... * * ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2021 by Ryan Cramer * https://processwire.com * * Optional special permissions that are optional (by default, not installed): * * 1. page-publish: when installed, editable() returns false, when it would otherwise return true, * on published pages, if user doesn't have page-publish permission in their roles. * * 2. page-edit-created: when installed, editable() returns false, when it would otherwise * return true, if user's role has this permission and they are not the $page->createdUser. * This is a permission that reduces access rather than increasing it. Note that * page-edit-created does nothing if the user doesn't have page-edit permission. * * 3. page-rename: when installed, user must have this permission in their role before they * can change the name of a published page. They can still change the name of an unpublished * page. When not installed, this permission falls back to page-edit. * * 4. page-edit-lang-default: when installed on a multi-language site, user must have this * permission in order edit multi-language fields in "default" language. This permission * is also required to create or delete pages (if user already has other permissions that enable * them to create or delete pages). * * 5. page-edit-lang-[language_name]: when installed on a multi-language site, user must have * this permission to edit multi-language fields in the [language_name] language. * * 6. page-edit-lang-none: when installed on a multi-language site, user must have this * permission to edit non-multi-language fields. They must also have it to create or delete * pages (if user already has other permissions that enable that). * * 7. user-admin-all: when installed, a user must have this permission in order to edit other * users of all roles (except superuser of course). When installed, the regular user-admin * permission only acts as a pre-requisite for editing users, and enables only listing users, * and editing users that have only the 'guest' role. The user-admin-all essentially grants * the same thing as user-admin permission does on a system that has no user-admin-all * permission installed. That's what it does, but why is it here? The entire purpose is to * support user-admin-[role] permissions, as described in the next item below: * * 8. user-admin-[role_name]: when installed on a site that also has user-admin-all permission * installed, a user must have this permission (along with user-admin permission) in order * to edit users in role [role_name], or to grant that role to other guest users, or to * revoke it from them. Think of this permission as granting a user administrative privileges * to just a specific group of users. Note that there would be no reason to combine this * permission with the user-admin-all permission, as user-admin-all permission grants admin * privileges to all roles. * */ class PagePermissions extends WireData implements Module { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Page Permissions', 'version' => 105, 'summary' => 'Adds various permission methods to Page objects that are used by Process modules.', 'permanent' => true, 'singular' => true, 'autoload' => true, ); } /** * Do we have page-publish permission in the system? * * @var null|bool Null=unset state * */ protected $hasPagePublish = null; /** * Do we have page-edit-created permission in the system? * * @var null|bool Null=unset state * */ protected $hasPageEditCreated = null; /** * Array of optional permission name => boolean of whether the system has it * * @var array * */ protected $hasOptionalPermissions = array(); /** * Establish permission hooks * */ public function init() { $this->addHook('Page::editable', $this, 'editable'); $this->addHook('Page::publishable', $this, 'publishable'); $this->addHook('Page::viewable', $this, 'viewable'); $this->addHook('Page::listable', $this, 'listable'); $this->addHook('Page::deleteable', $this, 'deleteable'); $this->addHook('Page::deletable', $this, 'deleteable'); $this->addHook('Page::trashable', $this, 'trashable'); $this->addHook('Page::restorable', $this, 'restorable'); $this->addHook('Page::addable', $this, 'addable'); $this->addHook('Page::moveable', $this, 'moveable'); $this->addHook('Page::sortable', $this, 'sortable'); // $this->addHook('Page::fieldViewable', $this, 'hookFieldViewable'); // $this->addHook('Page::fieldEditable', $this, 'hookFieldEditable'); // $this->addHook('Template::createable', $this, 'createable'); } /** * Hook that adds a Page::editable([$field]) method to determine if $page is editable by current user * * A field name may optionally be specified as the first argument, in which case the field on that * page will also be checked for access. * * When using field, specify boolean false for second argument to bypass PageEditable check, as an * optimization, if you have already determined that the page is editable. * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function editable($event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; $field = $event->arguments(0); $checkPageEditable = true; if($field && $event->arguments(1) === false) $checkPageEditable = false; if($checkPageEditable && !$this->pageEditable($page)) { $event->return = false; } else if($field) { $event->return = $this->fieldEditable($page, $field, false); } else { $event->return = true; } } /** * Is the given page editable? * * @param Page $page * @return bool * */ public function pageEditable(Page $page) { if($this->wire('hooks')->isHooked('PagePermissions::pageEditable()')) { return $this->__call('pageEditable', array($page)); } else { return $this->___pageEditable($page); } } /** * Hookable implmentation for: Is the given page editable? * * @param Page $page * @return bool * */ protected function ___pageEditable(Page $page) { $user = $this->wire('user'); // superuser can always do whatever they want if($user->isSuperuser()) return true; // note there is an exception in the case of system pages, which require superuser to edit if(($page->status & Page::statusSystem) && $page->template != 'language') return false; // If page is locked and user doesn't have permission to unlock, don't let them edit if($page->status & Page::statusLocked) { if(!$user->hasPermission("page-lock", $page)) return false; } // special conditions apply if the page is a Language if($page->template == 'language' && $user->hasPermission('page-edit') && $user->hasPermission('lang-edit')) { return $this->hasLangPermission("page-edit-lang-$page->name", $user); } // special conditions apply if the page is a User if($page instanceof User || in_array($page->template->id, $this->wire('config')->userTemplateIDs)) { return $this->userEditable($page); } // if the user doesn't have page-edit permission, don't let them go further if(!$user->hasPermission("page-edit", $page)) return false; // check if the system has a page-edit-created permission installed if(is_null($this->hasPageEditCreated)) { $this->hasPageEditCreated = $this->wire('permissions')->has('page-edit-created'); } if($this->hasPageEditCreated && $user->hasPermission('page-edit-created', $page)) { // page-edit-created permission is installed, so we have to account for it // if user is not the one that created this page, don't allow them to edit it if($page->created_users_id != $user->id) return false; } // now check if there is a page-publish permission in the system, and use it if so if(is_null($this->hasPagePublish)) { $this->hasPagePublish = $this->wire('permissions')->get('page-publish')->id > 0; } if($this->hasPagePublish) { // if user has the page-publish permission here, then we're good if($user->hasPermission('page-publish', $page)) return true; // if the page is unpublished then we're fine too if($page->hasStatus(Page::statusUnpublished)) return true; // otherwise user cannot edit this page return false; } return true; } /** * Returns whether the given user ($page) is editable by the current user * * @param User|Page $page * @param array $options * - `viewable` (bool): Specify true if only a viewable check is needed (default=false) * @return bool * */ public function userEditable(Page $page, array $options = array()) { /** @var Process|ProcessProfile|ProcessPageView|ProcessUser|ProcessPageList|ProcessPageLister $process */ $user = $this->wire()->user; $process = $this->wire()->process; $processName = (string) $process; $config = $this->wire()->config; $guestRoleID = $config->guestUserRolePageID; $defaults = array( 'viewable' => false, // specify true if method is being used to determine viewable state ); $options = count($options) ? array_merge($defaults, $options) : $defaults; if(!$page->id) return false; if(!$page instanceof User) { $template = $this->wire()->templates->get('user'); if($page->className() !== $template->getPageClass(false)) { $page = $this->wire()->users->get($page->id); } } if(!$page || $page instanceof NullPage) return false; if($user->id === $page->id && $user->isLoggedin()) { // user is the same as the page being edited or viewed $wirePage = $this->wire()->page; $wireProcessName = $wirePage ? "$wirePage->process" : ''; if(($processName === 'ProcessProfile' || $wireProcessName === 'ProcessProfile') && $user->hasPermission('profile-edit')) { // user editing themself in ProcessProfile return true; } if($options['viewable'] && $user->hasPermission('user-view-self')) { // user requests to view themselves return true; } } if($options['viewable']) { // perform viewable checks rather than editable checks if($page->template->useRoles && $user->hasPermission('page-view', $page)) { // access permission provided by page-view permission configured directly (not inherited) on user template if($user->isLoggedin()) return true; } if($user->hasPermission('user-view-all')) { // user-view-all permission is similar to page-view on the user template but can also be assigned to guest role return true; } if($page->isSuperuser()) { // if superuser role is present then view permission cannot be provided by any other user-view-[role] return $user->isSuperuser() || $user->hasPermission('user-view-superuser'); } // check for match between user-view-[role] permission and roles of user being requested $userViewable = false; foreach($page->roles as $role) { // check for "user-view-[roleName]" permissions if($role->id == $guestRoleID) continue; if($user->hasPermission("user-view-$role->name")) $userViewable = true; if($userViewable) break; } if($userViewable) return true; } else { // if the current process is something other than ProcessUser, they don't have permission if($processName !== 'ProcessUser' && (!$process instanceof ProcessPageList) && (!$process instanceof ProcessPageLister)) { return false; } } // if user doesn't have user-admin permission, they have no edit access if(!$user->hasPermission('user-admin')) return false; // if the user page being edited has a superuser role, and the current user doesn't, // never let them edit regardless of any other permissions $superuserRole = $this->wire()->roles->get($config->superUserRolePageID); if($page->roles->has($superuserRole) && !$user->roles->has($superuserRole)) return false; // if we reach this point then check if there are more granular user-admin permissions available // special permissions: user-admin-all, and user-admin-[role] $userAdminAll = $this->wire()->permissions->get('user-admin-all'); // if there are no special permissions, then let them through if(!$userAdminAll->id) return true; // if user has user-admin-all permission, they are good to edit if($user->hasPermission($userAdminAll)) return true; // there are role-specific permissions in the system, and user must have appropriate one to edit $userEditable = false; $n = 0; foreach($page->roles as $role) { $n++; if($role->id == $guestRoleID) continue; if($user->hasPermission("user-admin-$role->name")) { // found a matching permission for role, so it is editable $userEditable = true; break; } } if($userEditable) return true; // if there is only role (guest), then no specific permission needed for that if($n == 0 || ($n == 1 && $page->roles->first()->id == $guestRoleID)) return true; return false; } /** * Returns whether the given user ($page) is viewable by the current user * * @param User|Page $page * @param array $options * @return bool * @throws WireException * */ public function userViewable(Page $page, array $options = array()) { $user = $this->wire()->user; // user viewing themself if($user->id === $page->id && $user->hasPermission('page-view', $page)) return true; $options['viewable'] = true; return $this->userEditable($page, $options); } /** * Can the current user add/remove the given role from other users? * * @param string|Role|int $role * @return bool * */ public function userCanAssignRole($role) { $user = $this->wire('user'); // superuser can assign any role if($user->isSuperuser()) return true; // user-admin permission is a pre-requisite for any kind of role assignment if(!$user->hasPermission('user-admin')) return false; // make sure we have a Role object if(!$role instanceof Role) $role = $this->wire('roles')->get($role); if(!$role->id) return false; // cannot assign superuser role if($role->id == $this->wire('config')->superUserRolePageID) return false; // user with user-admin can always assign guest role if($role->id == $this->wire('config')->guestUserRolePageID) return true; // check for user-admin-all permission $userAdminAll = $this->wire('permissions')->get('user-admin-all'); if(!$userAdminAll->id) { // if there is no user-admin-all permission, then user-admin permission is // all that is necessary to edit other users of any roles except superuser return true; } if($user->hasPermission($userAdminAll)) { // if user has user-admin-all permission, then they can assign any roles except superuser return true; } // return whether user has permission specific to role return $user->hasPermission("user-admin-$role->name"); } /** * Is the given Field or field name viewable? * * This provides the implementation for the Page::fieldViewable($field) method. * * @param Page $page * @param string|Field $name Field name * @param bool $checkPageViewable Check if the page is viewable? Default=true. * Specify false here as an optimization if you've already confirmed $page is viewable. * @return bool * */ public function fieldViewable(Page $page, $name, $checkPageViewable = true) { if(empty($name)) return false; if($checkPageViewable && !$page->viewable(false)) { return false; } if(is_object($name)) { if($name instanceof Field) { // Field object $field = $name; $name = $field->name; } else { // objects that aren't fields aren't viewable return false; } } else { $_name = $this->wire('sanitizer')->fieldName($name); // if field name doesn't follow known format, return false if($_name !== $name) return false; $name = $_name; $field = $this->wire('fields')->get($name); } if($field && $field instanceof Field) { // delegate to Field::viewable method return $field->useRoles ? $field->viewable($page) : true; } else if($this->wire($name)) { // API vars are not viewable return false; } // something else that we don't consider access for return true; } /** * Is the given field name editable? * * This provides the implementation for the Page::fieldEditable($field) method. * * @param Page $page * @param string|Field $name Field name * @param bool $checkPageEditable Check if the page is editable? Default=true. * Specify false here as an optimization if you've already confirmed $page is editable. * @return bool * */ public function fieldEditable(Page $page, $name, $checkPageEditable = true) { if(empty($name)) return false; if($checkPageEditable && !$this->pageEditable($page)) return false; if(is_object($name) && $name instanceof Field) $name = $name->name; if(!is_string($name)) return false; if(!strlen($name)) return true; if($name === 'id' && ($page->status & Page::statusSystemID)) return false; $user = $this->wire('user'); if($page->status & Page::statusSystem) { if(in_array($name, array('id', 'name', 'template', 'templates_id', 'parent', 'parent_id'))) { return false; } } if($name === 'template' || $name === 'templates_id') { if($page->template->noChangeTemplate) return false; if(!$user->hasPermission('page-template', $page)) return false; } if($name === 'name') { // if page has no name (and not homepage), then it needs one, so it is allowed if($page->id > 1 && !strlen($page->name)) return true; // if page is not yet published, user with page-edit can still change name if($page->isUnpublished()) return true; // otherwise verify page-rename permission return $user->hasPermission('page-rename', $page); } if($name === 'parent' || $name === 'parent_id') { if($page->template->noMove) return false; if(!$user->hasPermission('page-move', $page)) return false; } if($name === 'sortfield') { if(!$user->hasPermission('page-sort', $page)) return false; } if($name === 'roles') { if(!$user->hasPermission('user-admin')) return false; } if($user->id === $page->id && !$user->isSuperuser() && !$user->hasPermission('user-admin')) { return $this->userFieldEditable($name, $user); } // check per-field edit access $field = $this->wire('fields')->get($name); if($field && $field->useRoles) { return $field->editable($page); } return true; } /** * Is given file viewable? * * It is assumed that you have already determined the Page is viewable. * * @param Page $page * @param Pagefile|string $pagefile * @return bool|null Returns bool, or null if not known * @since 3.0.166 * */ protected function fileViewable(Page $page, $pagefile) { if($this->wire()->user->isSuperuser()) return true; if(!$pagefile instanceof Pagefile) { $pagefile = $page->hasFile(basename($pagefile), array('getPagefile' => true)); if(!$pagefile) return null; } $field = $pagefile->field; if(!$field) return null; return $this->fieldViewable($page, $field, false); } /** * Is the given field editable by the current user in their user profile? * * @param Field|string $name Field or Field name * @param User|null User to check (default=current user) * @return bool * */ public function userFieldEditable($name, User $user = null) { if(is_object($name) && $name instanceof Field) $name = $name->name; if(empty($name) || !is_string($name)) return false; if(is_null($user)) $user = $this->wire('user'); if(!$user->isLoggedin()) return false; if(!$user->hasPermission('profile-edit')) return false; $data = $this->wire('modules')->getModuleConfigData('ProcessProfile'); $profileFields = isset($data['profileFields']) ? $data['profileFields'] : array(); if(in_array($name, $profileFields)) return true; return false; } /** * Hook for Page::viewable() or Page::viewable($user) method * * Is the page viewable by the current user? (or specified user) * * - Optionally specify User object to hook as first argument to check for a specific User. * - Optionally specify a field name (or Field object) as first argument to check for specific field. * - Optionally specify Language object or language name as first argument to check if viewable * in that language (requires LanguageSupportPageNames module). * - Optionally specify boolean false as first or second argument to bypass template filename check. * - Optionally specify a Pagefile object or file basename to check if file is viewable. (3.0.166+) * * Returns boolean true or false. If given a Pagefile or file basename, it can also return null if * the Page itself is viewable but the file did not map to something we recognize as access controlled, * like a file basename that isn’t present in any file fields on the page. * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function viewable($event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; $viewable = true; $user = $this->wire()->user; $arg0 = $event->arguments(0); $arg1 = $event->arguments(1); $field = null; // field name or Field object, if specified as arg0 $checkTemplateFile = true; // return false if template filename doesn't exist $pagefile = null; $status = $page->status; // allow specifying User instance as argument 0 // this gives you a "viewable to user" capability if($arg0) { if($arg0 instanceof User) { // user specified $user = $arg0; } else if($arg0 instanceof Pagefile || (is_string($arg0) && strpos($arg0, '.'))) { // Pagefile or file basename $pagefile = $arg0; $checkTemplateFile = false; } else if($arg0 instanceof Field || is_string($arg0)) { // field name, Field object or language name specified // @todo: prevent possible collision of field name and language name $field = $arg0; $checkTemplateFile = false; } } if($arg0 === false || $arg1 === false) { // bypass template filename check $checkTemplateFile = false; } // if page has corrupted status, this need not affect viewable access if($status & Page::statusCorrupted) $status = $status & ~Page::statusCorrupted; // perform several viewable checks, in order if($status >= Page::statusUnpublished) { // unpublished pages are not viewable, but see override below this if/else statement $viewable = false; } else if(!$page->template || ($checkTemplateFile && !$page->template->filenameExists())) { // template file does not exist $viewable = false; } else if($user->isSuperuser()) { // superuser always allowed $viewable = true; } else if($page->hasField('process') && $page->get('process')) { // delegate access to permissions defined with Process module $viewable = $this->processViewable($page); } else if($page instanceof User) { // && !$user->isGuest() && ($user->hasPermission('user-admin') || $page->id === $user->id)) { // user administrator or user viewing themself $viewable = $this->userViewable($page); } else if(!$user->hasPermission("page-view", $page)) { // user lacks basic view permission to page $viewable = false; } else if($page->isTrash()) { // pages in trash are not viewable, except to superuser $viewable = false; } // if the page is editable by the current user, force it to be viewable (if not viewable due to being unpublished) if(!$viewable && !$user->isGuest() && ($status & Page::statusUnpublished)) { if($page->editable() && (!$checkTemplateFile || $page->template->filenameExists())) $viewable = true; } if($field && $viewable) { $viewable = $this->fieldViewable($page, $field, false); } else if($pagefile && $viewable) { $viewable = $this->fileViewable($page, $pagefile); } $event->return = $viewable; } /** * Does the user have explicit permission to access the given process? * * Access to the process takes over 'page-view' access to the page so that the administrator * doesn't need to setup a separate role just for 'view' access in the admin. Instead, they just * give the existing roles access to the admin process and then 'view' access is assumed for that page. * * @param Page $page * @return bool * */ protected function processViewable(Page $page) { $user = $this->wire('user'); $process = $page->process; if($user->isGuest()) return false; if($user->isSuperuser()) return true; return $this->wire('modules')->hasPermission($process, $user, $page, true); } /** * Is the page listable by the current user? * * A listable page may appear in a listing, but doesn't mean that the user can actually * view the page or that the page is renderable. * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function listable($event) { $page = $event->object; $user = $this->wire('user'); $listable = true; if($page instanceof NullPage) $listable = false; else if($user->isSuperuser()) $listable = true; else if($page instanceof User && $user->hasPermission('user-admin')) $listable = true; else if($page->hasStatus(Page::statusUnpublished) && !$page->editable()) $listable = false; else if($page->process && !$this->processViewable($page)) $listable = false; else if($page->isTrash()) $listable = $this->trashListable($page); else if(($accessTemplate = $page->getAccessTemplate()) && $accessTemplate->guestSearchable) $listable = true; else if(!$user->hasPermission("page-view", $page)) $listable = false; $event->return = $listable; } /** * Return whether or not given page in Trash is listable * * @param Page|null $page Page, or specify null for a general "trash is listable" request * @return bool * */ public function trashListable($page = null) { /** @var User $user */ $user = $this->wire('user'); // trash and anything in it always visible to superuser if($user->isSuperuser()) return true; // determine if system has page-edit-trash-created permission installed $petc = 'page-edit-trash-created'; if(!$this->wire('permissions')->has($petc)) $petc = false; if($user->hasPermission('page-delete')) { // has page-delete globally } else if($petc && $user->hasPermission($petc)) { // has page-edit-trash-created globally } else if($user->hasPermission('page-delete', true)) { // has page-delete added specifically at a template } else if($petc && $user->hasPermission($petc, true)) { // has page-edit-trash-created added specifically at a template } else { // user does not have any of the permissions above, so trash is not listable return false; } // if request not asking about specific page, return general "trash is listable?" request if($page === null || !$page->id) return true; // if request is for the actual Trash page, consider this to be a general request if($page->id == $this->wire('config')->trashPageID) return true; // page is listable in the trash only if it is also editable return $this->pageEditable($page); } /** * Is the page deleteable by the current user? * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function deleteable($event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; /** @var User $user */ $user = $this->wire('user'); if($page->isLocked()) { $deleteable = false; } else if($page instanceof User && $user->hasPermission('user-admin')) { /** @var User $page */ $deleteable = true; if($page->id == $user->id) $deleteable = false; // can't delete self if($page->hasRole('superuser') && !$user->hasRole('superuser')) $deleteable = false; // non-superuser can't delete superuser } else { $deleteable = $this->pages->isDeleteable($page); if($deleteable && !$user->isSuperuser()) { // make sure the page is editable and user has page-delete permission, if not dealing with superuser $deleteable = $page->editable() && $user->hasPermission("page-delete", $page); } if($deleteable && $this->wire('languages')) { // in multi-language environment, if user can't edit default language or can't edit non-multi-language fields, // then deny access to delete the page if(!$this->hasPageEditLangDefault($user, $page) || !$this->hasPageEditLangNone($user, $page)) { $deleteable = false; } } } $event->return = $deleteable; } /** * Is the page trashable by the current user? * * Optionally specify boolean true for first argument to make this method behave as: "Is page deleteable OR trashable?" * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function trashable($event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; $event->return = false; if($event->arguments(0) !== true) { if($page->hasStatus(Page::statusTrash) || $page->template->noTrash) { // if page is already in trash, or template doesn't allow placement in trash, we return false return; } } if(!$page->isLocked()) { $this->deleteable($event); if(!$event->return && $this->wire('permissions')->has('page-edit-trash-created') && $page->editable()) { // page can be trashable if user created it $user = $this->wire('user'); $trashable = ($page->created_users_id === $user->id && $user->hasPermission('page-edit-trash-created', $page)); $event->return = $trashable; } } } /** * Is page restorable from trash? * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function restorable($event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; /** @var User $user */ $user = $this->wire('user'); $event->return = false; if($page->isLocked()) return; if(!$page->isTrash() && !$page->rootParent()->isTrash()) return; if(!$user->isSuperuser() && !$page->editable()) return; $info = $this->wire('pages')->trasher()->getRestoreInfo($page); if(!$info['restorable']) return; /** @var Page $parent */ $parent = $info['parent']; // check if parent does not allow this user to add pages here if(!$parent->id || !$parent->addable($page)) return; $event->return = true; } /** * Can the current user add child pages to this page? * * Optionally specify the page to be added as the first argument for additional access checking. * i.e. if($page->addable($somePage)) * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function addable($event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; $user = $this->wire('user'); $addable = false; $addPage = null; $_ADDABLE = false; // if we really mean it (as in, do not perform secondary checks) $superuser = $user->isSuperuser(); if($page->template->noChildren) { $addable = false; } else if($superuser) { $addable = true; $_ADDABLE = true; } else if(in_array($page->id, $this->wire('config')->usersPageIDs) && $user->hasPermission('user-admin')) { // users with user-admin access adding a page to users: add access is assumed // rather than us having a separate 'users' template where access is defined $addable = true; $_ADDABLE = true; } else if($user->hasPermission('page-add', $page)) { // user has page-add permission, now we need to check that they have access // on the templates in this context $addable = $this->addableTemplate($page, $user); } // check if a $page is provided as the first argument for additional access checking if($addable) { $addPage = $event->arguments(0); if(!$addPage || !$addPage instanceof Page || !$addPage->id) $addPage = null; if($addPage && $addPage->template && $page->template) { if(count($page->template->childTemplates) && !in_array($addPage->template->id, $page->template->childTemplates)) { $addable = false; } } } // check additional permissions if in multi-language environment if($addable && !$_ADDABLE && $addPage && $this->wire('languages')) { if(!$this->hasPageEditLangDefault($user, $addPage) || !$this->hasPageEditLangNone($user, $addPage)) { // if user can't edit default language, or can't edit non-multi-language fields, then deny add access $addable = false; } } $event->return = $addable; } /** * Checks that a parent is addable within the context of its template (i.e. has page-create for the template) * * When this function is called, it has already been determined that the user has page-add permission. * So this is just narrowing down to make sure they have access on a template. * * @param Page $page * @param User $user * @return bool * */ protected function addableTemplate(Page $page, User $user) { $has = false; if(count($page->template->childTemplates)) { // page's template defines specific templates for children // see if the user has access to one of them foreach($page->template->childTemplates as $id) { $template = $this->wire('templates')->get($id); if(!$template->useRoles) $template = $page->getAccessTemplate('edit'); if($template && $user->hasPermission('page-create', $template)) $has = true; if($has) break; } } else if(in_array($page->id, $this->wire('config')->usersPageIDs) && $user->hasPermission('user-admin')) { // user-admin permission implies create access to the 'user' template $has = true; } else { // page's template does not specify templates for children // so check to see if they have edit access to ANY template that can be used foreach($this->wire('templates') as $template) { // if($template->noParents) continue; if($template->parentTemplates && !in_array($page->template->id, $template->parentTemplates)) continue; // if($template->flags & Template::flagSystem) continue; //$has = $user->hasPermission('page-edit', $template); $has = $user->hasPermission('page-create', $template); if($has) break; } } return $has; } /** * Is the given page moveable (i.e. change parent)? * * Without arguments, it just checks that the user is allowed to move the page (not where they are allowed to) * Optionally specify a $parent page as the first argument to check if they are allowed to move to that parent. * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function moveable($event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; /** @var Page|null $parent */ $parent = $event->arguments(0); if(!$parent || !$parent instanceof Page || !$parent->id) $parent = null; if($page->id == 1) { $moveable = false; } else { $moveable = $page->editable('parent'); } if($moveable && $parent) { $moveable = $parent->addable($page); } else if($parent && $parent->isTrash() && $parent->id == $this->wire('config')->trashPageID) { $moveable = $page->deletable(); } $event->return = $moveable; } /** * Is the given page sortable by the current user? * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function sortable($event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; $sortable = false; if($page->id > 1 && $page->editable() && $this->user->hasPermission('page-sort', $page->parent)) $sortable = true; $event->return = $sortable; } /** * Is the page publishable by the current user? * * A field name may optionally be specified as the first argument, in which case the field on that page will also be checked for access. * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function publishable($event) { /** @var User $user */ $user = $this->wire('user'); $event->return = true; if($user->isSuperuser()) return; /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; // if page isn't editable, it certainly can't be publishable if(!$page->editable()) { $event->return = false; return; } // if there is no page-publish permission, then it's publishable $hasPublish = $this->wire('permissions')->has('page-publish'); if(!$hasPublish) return; // if Page is a user, and user has user-admin permission, they can also publish the user if($page instanceof User && $user->hasPermission('user-admin')) return; // check if user has the permission assigned if($user->hasPermission('page-publish', $page)) return; // if we made it here, then page is not publishable $event->return = false; } /** * Returns true if given user has the optional language permission, or false if not * * In a non-multi-language system, this method will always return true. * In a multi-language system that doesn't have the permission installed, this always returns true. * In a multi-language system that DOES have it installed, methods returns true when user has it via one of their roles. * This method assumes the user is already known to have any pre-requisite permissions. * * @param string $name Permission name i.e. page-edit-lang-none, page-edit-lang-default, etc. * @param User $user * @param Page|Template $context Optional Page or Template context * @return bool * */ protected function hasLangPermission($name, User $user, $context = null) { if($user->isSuperuser()) return true; if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->hasOptionalPermissions)) { if($this->wire('languages')) { $this->hasOptionalPermissions[$name] = $this->wire('permissions')->get($name)->id > 0; } else { // not applicable since multi-language not installed $this->hasOptionalPermissions[$name] = false; } } if($this->hasOptionalPermissions[$name]) { // now check if the user has this permission return $user->hasPermission($name, $context); } else { // system doesn't need to consider this permission return true; } } /** * Returns true if given user is allowed to edit values in default language * * @param User $user * @param Page|Template $context * @return bool * */ protected function hasPageEditLangDefault(User $user, $context = null) { return $this->hasLangPermission('page-edit-lang-default', $user, $context); } /** * Returns true if given user is allowed to edit non-multi-language values * * @param User $user * @param Page|Template $context * @return bool * */ protected function hasPageEditLangNone(User $user, $context = null) { return $this->hasLangPermission('page-edit-lang-none', $user, $context); } /** * Can the user create pages from this template? * * Optional argument 1 may be a parent page for context, i.e. can we create a page with this parent. * public function createable($event) { $template = $event->object; $user = $this->fuel('user'); $createable = false; if($template->noParents) { $createable = false; } else if($user->isSuperuser()) { $createable = true; } else if($user->hasPermission('page-create', $template)) { $createable = true; } // check if a parent $page is provided as the first argument for additional access checking if($createable && isset($event->arguments[0]) && $event->arguments[0] instanceof Page) { $parent = $event->arguments[0]; if($parent->template->noChildren || (count($parent->template->childTemplates) && !in_array($template->id, $parent->template->childTemplates))) $createable = false; if($createable) $createable = $parent->addable(); } $event->return = $createable; } */ /** * Hook for Page::fieldViewable($field) method * * @param HookEvent $event * @return bool|null * public function hookFieldViewable(HookEvent $event) { $field = $event->arguments(0); $page = $event->object; $event->return = $this->fieldViewable($page, $field); } */ /** * Hook for Page::fieldEditable($field) method * * @param HookEvent $event * public function hookFieldEditable(HookEvent $event) { $field = $event->arguments(0); $page = $event->object; $event->return = $this->fieldEditable($page, $field); } */ }