process = $process; $this->labels = array( 'bookmarks' => $this->_('Bookmarks'), 'edit-bookmarks' => $this->_('Edit Bookmarks'), 'all' => $this->_('all'), ); } /** * Initialize/create the $options array for executeNavJSON() in Process modules * * @param array $options * @return array * */ public function initNavJSON(array $options = array()) { $bookmarkFields = array(); $bookmarksArray = array(); $rolesArray = array(); $data = $this->wire('modules')->getModuleConfigData($this->process); $iconKey = isset($options['iconKey']) ? $options['iconKey'] : '_icon'; $classKey = isset($options['classKey']) ? $options['classKey'] : '_class'; $options['classKey'] = $classKey; $options['iconKey'] = $iconKey; if(!isset($options['defaultIcon'])) $options['defaultIcon'] = 'arrow-circle-right'; foreach($this->wire('user')->roles as $role) { if($role->name == 'guest') continue; $value = isset($data["bookmarks"]["_$role->id"]) ? $data["bookmarks"]["_$role->id"] : array(); if(empty($value)) continue; $bookmarkFields[$role->name] = $value; $rolesArray[$role->name] = $role; } $bookmarkFields['bookmarks'] = isset($data['bookmarks']["_0"]) ? $data['bookmarks']["_0"] : array(); $n = 0; foreach($bookmarkFields as $name => $bookmarkIDs) { $bookmarks = count($bookmarkIDs) ? $this->wire('pages')->getById($bookmarkIDs) : array(); $role = isset($rolesArray[$name]) ? $rolesArray[$name] : null; foreach($bookmarks as $page) { if($this->process == 'ProcessPageEdit' && !$page->editable()) continue; else if($this->process == 'ProcessPageAdd' && !$page->addable()) continue; else if(!$page->listable()) continue; if(isset($bookmarksArray[$page->id])) continue; $icon = $page->template->getIcon(); if(!$icon) $icon = $options['defaultIcon']; $page->setQuietly($iconKey, $icon); $page->setQuietly('_roleName', $role ? $role->name : $this->labels['all']); $bookmarksArray[$page->id] = $page; } $n++; } if(empty($options['add'])) { if($this->wire('user')->isSuperuser()) { $options['add'] = 'bookmarks/?role=0'; $options['addLabel'] = $this->labels['bookmarks']; $options['addIcon'] = 'bookmark-o'; } else { $options['add'] = null; } } else if($this->wire('user')->isSuperuser()) { $add = $this->wire(new WireData()); $add->set('_icon', 'bookmark-o'); $add->set('title', $this->labels['bookmarks']); $add->set('id', 'bookmark'); $add->set($classKey, 'separator'); array_unshift($bookmarksArray, $add); } if(isset($options['items'])) { $options['items'] = $options['items'] + $bookmarksArray; } else { $options['items'] = $bookmarksArray; } if(!isset($options['itemLabel'])) $options['itemLabel'] = 'title|name'; if(!isset($options['sort'])) $options['sort'] = false; if(!isset($options['iconKey'])) $options['iconKey'] = '_icon'; if(empty($options['edit'])) { $options['edit'] = $this->wire('config')->urls->admin . 'page/edit/?id={id}'; } return $options; } /** * Render list of current bookmarks * * @return string * */ public function listBookmarks() { $config = $this->wire('config'); $config->styles->add($config->urls->ProcessPageEdit . 'PageBookmarks.css'); $superuser = $this->wire('user')->isSuperuser(); $out = ''; $options = $this->initNavJSON(); $noneHeadline = $this->_('There are currently no bookmarks defined'); foreach($options['items'] as $item) { /** @var WireData $item */ if($item->id == 'bookmark') continue; $url = str_replace('{id}', $item->id, $options['edit']); $icon = $item->_icon ? " " : ""; $out .= "
  • " . "$icon" . $this->wire('sanitizer')->entities1($item->get('title|name')) . "" . "
  • "; } $icon = " "; if($out) { $out = "

    $icon" . $this->labels['bookmarks'] . "

    "; } else { $out = "


    "; } if($superuser) { $button = $this->wire('modules')->get('InputfieldButton'); $button->href = "./?role=0"; $button->value = $this->labels['edit-bookmarks']; $button->icon = 'edit'; $button->showInHeader(); $out .= $button->render(); } return $out; } /** * Provides the editor for bookmarks and returns InputfieldForm * * @return InputfieldForm * @throws WirePermissionException|WireException * */ public function editBookmarksForm() { $modules = $this->wire('modules'); $roleID = $this->wire('input')->get('role'); if(is_null($roleID) && $this->wire('input')->get('id') == 'bookmarks') $roleID = 0; $roleID = (int) $roleID; if(!$this->wire('user')->isSuperuser()) throw new WirePermissionException("Superuser required to define bookmarks"); $moduleInfo = $modules->getModuleInfo($this->process); $this->process->breadcrumb('../', $this->_($moduleInfo['title'])); $this->process->breadcrumb('./', $this->labels['bookmarks']); $role = $roleID ? $this->wire('roles')->get($roleID) : $this->wire('pages')->newNullPage(); if($roleID && !$role->id) throw new WireException("Unknown role"); $allLabel = $this->_('everyone'); // All roles $data = $modules->getModuleConfigData($this->process); $headline = $this->labels['edit-bookmarks']; $title = sprintf($this->_('Bookmarks for: %s'), ($role->id ? $role->name : $allLabel)); $this->process->headline($headline); $this->process->browserTitle($title); $form = $modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $form->action = "./?role=$role->id"; $form->addClass('InputfieldFormConfirm'); $form->description = sprintf($this->_('%s Bookmark Editor'), __($moduleInfo['title'], '/wire/templates-admin/default.php')); $form->appendMarkup = "

    " . $this->_('Note that only superusers are able to see this editor.') . "

    "; $field = $modules->get('InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple'); $field->attr('name', 'bookmarks'); $field->label = $title; $field->icon = 'bookmark-o'; $field->startLabel = $this->_('Add Bookmark'); $field->description = $this->_('Click the "add bookmark" action below to select page(s) to add as bookmarks. If you want the bookmarks to only appear for a specific user role, first select the role above.'); $class = $role->id ? '' : 'ui-state-disabled'; $out = ""; $field->prependMarkup = $out; if(!isset($data["bookmarks"])) $data["bookmarks"] = array(); $value = isset($data["bookmarks"]["_$role->id"]) ? $data["bookmarks"]["_$role->id"] : array(); if(!is_array($value)) $value = array(); $field->attr('value', $value); $form->add($field); $submit = $modules->get('InputfieldSubmit'); $submit->attr('name', 'submit_save_bookmarks'); $submit->showInHeader(); $form->add($submit); if($this->wire('input')->post('submit_save_bookmarks')) { // save bookmarks $form->processInput($this->wire('input')->post); $bookmarks = $field->attr('value'); // clear out bookmarks for roles that no longer exist foreach($data["bookmarks"] as $_roleID => $_bookmarks) { if($_roleID == "_0") continue; $r = $this->wire('roles')->get((int) ltrim($_roleID, '_')); if(!$r->id) unset($data["bookmarks"][$_roleID]); } // update bookmarks for role $data["bookmarks"]["_$role->id"] = $bookmarks; // save to module config data $modules->saveModuleConfigData($this->process, $data); $this->message($this->_('Saved bookmarks')); $this->wire('session')->redirect("./?role=$role->id"); } return $form; } /** * Provides the editor or list for bookmarks and returns rendered markup * * @return string * @throws WirePermissionException * */ public function editBookmarks() { $roleID = $this->wire('input')->get('role'); if(is_null($roleID)) { if($this->wire('input')->get('id') == 'bookmarks') { // ok } else { return $this->listBookmarks(); } } return $this->editBookmarksForm()->render(); } /** * Check and update the given process page for hidden/visible status depending on useBookmarks setting * * @param Page $page * */ public function checkProcessPage(Page $page) { $hidden = $page->isHidden(); if($this->process->useBookmarks) { if($hidden) { $page->removeStatus(Page::statusHidden); $page->save(); } } else if(!$hidden) { $page->addStatus(Page::statusHidden); $page->save(); } } /** * Populate any configuration inputfields to the given $inputfields wrapper for $process * * @param InputfieldWrapper $inputfields * */ public function addConfigInputfields(InputfieldWrapper $inputfields) { $field = $this->wire('modules')->get('InputfieldCheckbox'); $field->attr('name', 'useBookmarks'); $field->label = $this->_('Allow use of bookmarks?'); $field->description = $this->_('Bookmarks enable you to create shortcuts to pages from this module, configurable by user role. Useful for large applications.'); $field->icon = 'bookmark-o'; if($this->process->useBookmarks) $field->attr('checked', 'checked'); $inputfields->add($field); } }