// Miscellaneous @base-h1-font-size: @global-xlarge-font-size; @base-h1-line-height: 1.3; @base-h2-font-size: @global-large-font-size; @base-h2-line-height: 1.4; @base-h3-font-size: @global-medium-font-size; @base-h3-line-height: 1.4; @base-h4-font-size: @global-font-size; @base-h4-line-height: 1.4; @base-code-padding-horizontal: 0; @base-code-padding-vertical: 0; @base-code-background: none; @pw-masthead-height: 80px; // note: must also be updated in _masthead.php "data-pw-height" attribute @navbar-nav-item-height: @pw-masthead-height; html, body { background: @pw-body-background; } // box-sizing *, *:before, *:after { // Note: Uikit overrides this in some cases -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } em { color: inherit; } /* // removed because it causes horiz scrollbar at small mobile widths #pw-mastheads { position: relative; } */ #pw-masthead, #pw-masthead-mobile { height: @pw-masthead-height; } #pw-masthead-mobile { line-height: @pw-masthead-height - 2px; } .pw-logo { max-height: 50px; } .pw-nav-icon { margin-right: 5px !important; } .pw-user-nav .fa-lg { // user icon in masthead position: relative; top: 2px; } // debug info from /wire/templates-admin/debug.inc #debug { padding: @global-small-margin; display: none; } // Pop-out panel for PageList, PageView, debug, etc. body .pw-panel-container { .pw-panel-button.ui-button { // background: @global-primary-background; background: @pw-body-background; padding: 3px 12px 3px 15px !important; small.ui-button-text { > span { display: none; // font-size: @global-small-font-size; // line-height: @global-small-font-size; // text-transform: uppercase; } } i.fa { transform: rotate(-90deg); color: @global-link-color; font-size: 20px; position: relative; bottom: -4px; } } } // make breadcrumb separators lighter .uk-breadcrumb>:nth-child(n+2):not(.uk-first-column)::before { color: lighten(@global-muted-color, 25%); } // modal window body.modal { #main { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; } &.modal-inline #main { // modal-inline means parent window is already providing left/right padding padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } .InputfieldForm { margin-top: @global-margin; } } body.pw-layout-sidenav { .pw-container { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; } #pw-masthead { .pw-logo { height: 40px; } .uk-navbar-nav > li > a { height: 60px; } .uk-breadcrumb { margin-left: @global-margin; } } } body.pw-layout-sidenav-side { #pw-sidenav-bar { padding-top: 0 !important; } } // search box in upper right corner .pw-search-input { // left padding to allow space for search icon padding-left: 30px; } #offcanvas-nav .pw-search-form { .uk-inline, .pw-search-input { width: 100%; } } .WireTabs, #ProcessPageEdit #PageEditTabs { // drop any margin between tabs and whatever is next // this probably is only appropriate with the default Uikit tabs styling margin-bottom: @pw-tabs-margin-bottom; } // ProcessPageEditImageSelect crop settings #selected_image_settings { .input_pixels { width: 80px; line-height: 20px; } #selected_image_resize { top: 12px; } button { margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 4px; } }