save()` call. * #pw-summary-tags Be sure to see the `Pagefiles::getTag()` and `Pagesfiles::findTag()` methods, which enable you retrieve files by tag. * #pw-use-constructor * #pw-body = * Pagefile objects are contained by a `Pagefiles` object. * #pw-body * * ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2022 by Ryan Cramer * * * @property-read string $url URL to the file on the server. * @property-read string $httpUrl URL to the file on the server including scheme and hostname. * @property-read string $URL Same as $url property but with browser cache busting query string appended. #pw-group-other * @property-read string $HTTPURL Same as the cache-busting uppercase “URL” property, but includes scheme and hostname. #pw-group-other * @property-read string $filename full disk path to the file on the server. * @property-read string $name Returns the filename without the path, same as the "basename" property. * @property-read string $hash Get a unique hash (for the page) representing this Pagefile. * @property-read array $tagsArray Get file tags as an array. #pw-group-tags @since 3.0.17 * @property-read array $fieldValues Custom field values. #pw-internal @since 3.0.142 * @property string $basename Returns the filename without the path. * @property string $description Value of the file’s description field (string), if enabled. Note you can also set this property directly. * @property string $tags Value of the file’s tags field (string), if enabled. #pw-group-tags * @property string $ext File’s extension (i.e. last 3 or so characters) * @property-read int $filesize File size (number of bytes). * @property int $modified Unix timestamp of when Pagefile (file, description or tags) was last modified. #pw-group-date-time * @property-read string $modifiedStr Readable date/time string of when Pagefile was last modified. #pw-group-date-time * @property-read int $mtime Unix timestamp of when file (only) was last modified. #pw-group-date-time * @property-read string $mtimeStr Readable date/time string when file (only) was last modified. #pw-group-date-time * @property int $created Unix timestamp of when file was created. #pw-group-date-time * @property-read string $createdStr Readable date/time string of when Pagefile was created #pw-group-date-time * @property string $filesizeStr File size as a formatted string, i.e. “123 Kb”. * @property Pagefiles $pagefiles The Pagefiles WireArray that contains this file. #pw-group-other * @property Page $page The Page object that this file is part of. #pw-group-other * @property Field $field The Field object that this file is part of. #pw-group-other * @property array $filedata * @property int $created_users_id ID of user that added/uploaded the file or 0 if not known (3.0.154+). #pw-group-other * @property int $modified_users_id ID of user that last modified the file or 0 if not known (3.0.154+). #pw-group-other * @property User|NullPage $createdUser User that added/uploaded the file or NullPage if not known (3.0.154)+. #pw-group-other * @property User|NullPage $modifiedUser User that last modified the file or NullPage if not known (3.0.154)+. #pw-group-other * @property bool $formatted True when value has had Textformatters applied. #pw-internal * * @method void install($filename) * @method string httpUrl() * @method string noCacheURL($http = false) * */ class Pagefile extends WireData implements WireArrayItem { /** * Timestamp 'created' used by pagefiles that are temporary, not yet published * */ const createdTemp = 10; /** * Reference to the owning collection of Pagefiles * * @var Pagefiles * */ protected $pagefiles; /** * @var PagefileExtra[] * */ protected $extras = array(); /** * Extra file data * * @var array * */ protected $filedata = array(); /** * Custom field values indexed by field name, loaded on request * * Values here have been run through wakeupValue and sanitizeValue already. * Prior to that they are stored in $filedata (above). * * @var array * */ protected $fieldValues = array(); /** * Created user (populated only on rquest) * * @var User|null * */ protected $_createdUser = null; /** * Modifed user (populated only on request) * * @var User|null * */ protected $_modifiedUser = null; /** * Is this a brand new Pagefile rather than one loaded from DB? * * @var bool * */ protected $_isNew = true; /** * Construct a new Pagefile * * ~~~~~ * // Construct a new Pagefile, assumes that $page->files is a FieldtypeFile Field * $pagefile = new Pagefile($page->files, '/path/to/file.pdf'); * ~~~~~ * * @param Pagefiles $pagefiles The Pagefiles WireArray that will contain this file. * @param string $filename Full path and filename to this Pagefile. * */ public function __construct(Pagefiles $pagefiles, $filename) { $this->pagefiles = $pagefiles; if(strlen($filename)) $this->setFilename($filename); $this->set('description', ''); $this->set('tags', ''); $this->set('formatted', false); // has an output formatter been run on this Pagefile? $this->set('modified', 0); $this->set('created', 0); $this->set('filesize', 0); $this->set('created_users_id', 0); $this->set('modified_users_id', 0); parent::__construct(); } /** * Clone Pagefile * * #pw-internal * */ public function __clone() { $this->extras = array(); $this->set('filesize', 0); $this->set('created_users_id', 0); $this->set('modified_users_id', 0); $this->_createdUser = null; $this->_modifiedUser = null; $this->isNew(true); parent::__clone(); } /** * Set the filename associated with this Pagefile * * No need to call this as it's already called from the constructor. * This exists so that Pagefile/Pageimage descendents can create cloned variations, if applicable. * * #pw-internal * * @param string $filename * */ public function setFilename($filename) { $basename = basename($filename); if(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '/') { // To correct issue with XAMPP in Windows $filename = str_replace('\\' . $basename, '/' . $basename, $filename); } if($basename != $filename && strpos($filename, $this->pagefiles->path()) !== 0) { $this->install($filename); } else { $this->set('basename', $basename); } } /** * Install this Pagefile * * Implies copying the file to the correct location (if not already there), and populating its name. * The given $filename may be local (path) or external (URL). * * #pw-hooker * * @param string $filename Full path and filename of file to install, or http/https URL to pull file from. * @throws WireException * */ protected function ___install($filename) { $basename = $filename; if(strpos($basename, '?') !== false) { list($basename, $queryString) = explode('?', $basename); if($queryString) {} // do not use in basename } if(empty($basename)) throw new WireException("Empty filename"); $basename = $this->pagefiles->cleanBasename($basename, true, false, true); $pathInfo = pathinfo($basename); $basename = basename($basename, ".$pathInfo[extension]"); $basenameNoExt = $basename; $basename .= ".$pathInfo[extension]"; // ensure filename is unique $cnt = 0; while(file_exists($this->pagefiles->path() . $basename)) { $cnt++; $basename = "$basenameNoExt-$cnt.$pathInfo[extension]"; } $destination = $this->pagefiles->path() . $basename; if(strpos($filename, '://') === false) { if(!is_readable($filename)) throw new WireException("Unable to read: $filename"); if(!copy($filename, $destination)) throw new WireException("Unable to copy: $filename => $destination"); } else { /** @var WireHttp $http */ $http = $this->wire(new WireHttp()); // note: download() method throws excepton on failure $http->download($filename, $destination); // download was successful } $this->wire()->files->chmod($destination); $this->changed('file'); $this->isNew(true); parent::set('basename', $basename); } /** * Sets a value in this Pagefile * * Externally, this would be used to set the file’s basename or description * * #pw-internal * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return Pagefile|WireData * */ public function set($key, $value) { if($key === 'basename') { $value = $this->pagefiles->cleanBasename($value, false); } else if($key === 'description') { return $this->setDescription($value); } else if($key === 'modified') { $value = ctype_digit("$value") ? (int) $value : strtotime($value); } else if($key === 'created') { $value = ctype_digit("$value") ? (int) $value : strtotime($value); } else if($key === 'created_users_id' || $key === 'createdUser') { $this->setUser($value, 'created'); return $this; } else if($key === 'modified_users_id' || $key === 'modifiedUser') { $this->setUser($value, 'modified'); return $this; } else if($key === 'tags') { $this->tags($value); return $this; } else if($key === 'filedata') { if(is_array($value)) $this->filedata($value); return $this; } else if($key === 'filesize') { $value = (int) $value; if(empty($this->data['filesize'])) { $this->data['filesize'] = $value; return $this; } } if(strpos($key, 'description') === 0 && preg_match('/^description(\d+)$/', $value, $matches)) { // check if a language description is being set manually by description123 where 123 is language ID $languages = $this->wire()->languages; if($languages) { $language = $languages->get((int) $matches[1]); if($language && $language->id) return $this->setDescription($value, $language); } } else if($this->setFieldValue($key, $value)) { return $this; } return parent::set($key, $value); } /** * Set user that created or modified this file * * #pw-internal * * @param User|int|string|true $user Specify user object, name, ID, or boolean true for current user * @param $type 'created' or 'modified' * @since 3.0.154 * */ protected function setUser($user, $type) { $id = 0; if($user === true) $user = $this->wire()->user; if(is_object($user)) { if($user instanceof NullPage) { // $id = 0; } else if($user instanceof User) { $id = $user->isGuest() ? 0 : $user->id; } } else if(is_int($user)) { $id = $user; } else if(ctype_digit($user)) { $id = (int) $user; } else if(is_string($user)) { $name = $this->wire()->sanitizer->pageName($user); $user = $name ? $this->wire()->users->get("name=$name") : null; $id = $user && $user->id ? $user->id : 0; } if($id < 0) $id = 0; if(strpos($type, 'created') === 0) { $this->_createdUser = ($id && $user instanceof User ? $user : null); parent::set('created_users_id', $id); } else if(strpos($type, 'modified') === 0) { $this->_modifiedUser = ($id && $user instanceof User ? $user : null); parent::set('modified_users_id', $id); } } /** * Get created/modified user * * #pw-internal * * @param string $type One of 'created' or 'modified' * @return User|NullPage * @since 3.0.154 * */ protected function getUser($type) { $type = strpos($type, 'created') === 0 ? 'created' : 'modified'; $key = $type === 'created' ? '_createdUser' : '_modifiedUser'; if(!$this->$key) { $id = (int) parent::get($type . '_users_id'); $this->$key = $id ? $this->wire('users')->get($id) : new NullPage(); } return $this->$key; } /** * Get or set filedata * * Filedata is any additional data that you want to store with the file’s database record. * * - To get a value, specify just the $key argument. Null is returned if request value is not present. * - To get all values, omit all arguments. An associative array will be returned. * - To set a value, specify the $key and the $value to set. * - To set all values at once, specify an associative array for the $key argument. * - To unset, specify boolean false (or null) for $key, and the name of the property to unset as $value. * - To unset, you can also get all values, unset it from the retuned array, and set the array back. * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param string|array|false|null $key Specify array to set all file data, or key (string) to set or get a property, * Or specify boolean false to remove key specified by $value argument. * @param null|string|array|int|float $value Specify a value to set for given property * @return Pagefile|Pageimage|array|string|int|float|bool|null * */ public function filedata($key = '', $value = null) { $filedata = $this->filedata; $changed = false; if($key === false || $key === null) { // unset property named in $value if(!empty($value) && isset($filedata[$value])) { unset($this->filedata[$value]); $changed = true; } } else if(empty($key)) { // return all return $filedata; } else if(is_array($key)) { // set all if($key != $filedata) { $this->filedata = $key; $changed = true; } } else if($value === null) { // return value for key return isset($this->filedata[$key]) ? $this->filedata[$key] : null; } else { // set value for key if(!isset($filedata[$key]) || $filedata[$key] != $value) { $this->filedata[$key] = $value; $changed = true; } } if($changed) { $this->trackChange('filedata', $filedata, $this->filedata); if($this->page && $this->field) $this->page->trackChange($this->field->name); } return $this; } /** * Set a description, optionally parsing JSON language-specific descriptions to separate properties * * @param string|array $value * @param Page|Language Langage to set it for. Omit to determine automatically. * @return $this * */ protected function setDescription($value, Page $language = null) { $languages = $this->wire()->languages; /** @var Language|null $language */ $field = $this->field; $noLang = $field && $field->get('noLang'); // noLang setting to disable multi-language from InputfieldFile if(!is_null($language) && $language->id) { $name = "description"; if(!$language->isDefault() && !$noLang) { $name .= $language->id; } parent::set($name, $value); if($name != 'description' && $this->isChanged($name)) $this->trackChange('description'); return $this; } if(is_array($value)) { $values = $value; } else { // check if it contains JSON? $first = substr($value, 0, 1); $last = substr($value, -1); if(($first == '{' && $last == '}') || ($first == '[' && $last == ']')) { $values = json_decode($value, true); } else { $values = array(); } } $numChanges = 0; if($values && count($values)) { $n = 0; foreach($values as $id => $v) { // first item is always default language. this ensures description will still // work even if language support is later uninstalled. $name = 'description'; if($noLang && $n > 0) break; $n++; if(ctype_digit("$id")) { $id = (int) $id; if(!$id) $id = ''; $name = $n > 0 ? "description$id" : "description"; } else if($id === 'default') { // $name = 'description'; } else if($languages) { $language = $languages->get($id); // i.e. "default" or "es" if(!$language->id) continue; $name = $language->isDefault() ? "description" : "description$language->id"; } parent::set($name, $v); if($this->isChanged($name)) $numChanges++; } } else { // no JSON values so assume regular language description $languages = $this->wire()->languages; $language = $languages ? $this->wire()->user->language : null; if($languages && $language && !$noLang && !$language->isDefault()) { $name = "description$language->id"; } else { $name = "description"; } parent::set($name, $value); if($this->isChanged($name)) $numChanges++; } if($numChanges && !$this->isChanged('description')) $this->trackChange('description'); return $this; } /** * Get or set the file’s description (with multi-language support). * * When not in a multi-language environment, you can still use this method but we recommend using the simpler method of just * getting/seting the `Pagefile::$description` property directly instead. * * ~~~~~ * // Get a Pagefile to work with * $pagefile = $page->files->first(); * * // Setting description * $pagefile->description('en', 'Setting English description'); * $pagefile->description('de', 'Setting German description'); * * // Getting description for current language (whatever it happens to be) * echo $pagefile->description(); * * // Getting description for language "de" * echo $pagefile->description('de'); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-common * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param null|bool|Language|array * - To GET in current user language: Omit arguments or specify null. * - To GET in another language: Specify a Language name, id or object. * - To GET in all languages as a JSON string: Specify boolean true (if LanguageSupport not installed, regular string returned). * - To GET in all languages as an array indexed by language name: Specify boolean true for both arguments. * - To SET for a language: Specify a language name, id or object, plus the $value as the 2nd argument. * - To SET in all languages as a JSON string: Specify boolean true, plus the JSON string $value as the 2nd argument (internal use only). * - To SET in all languages as an array: Specify the array here, indexed by language ID or name, and omit 2nd argument. * @param null|string $value Specify only when you are setting (single language) rather than getting a value. * @return string|array * */ public function description($language = null, $value = null) { $languages = $this->wire()->languages; if($language === true && $value === true) { // return all in array indexed by language name if(!$languages) return array('default' => parent::get('description')); $value = array(); foreach($languages as $language) { /** @var Language $language */ $value[$language->name] = (string) parent::get("description" . ($language->isDefault() ? '' : $language->id)); } return $value; } if(!is_null($value)) { // set description mode if($language === true) { // set all language descriptions $this->setDescription($value); } else { // set specific language description $this->setDescription($value, $language); } return $value; } if(is_array($language)) { // set all from array, then return description in current language $this->setDescription($language); $language = null; $value = null; } if((is_string($language) || is_int($language)) && $languages) { // convert named or ID'd languages to Language object $language = $languages->get($language); } if(is_null($language)) { // return description for current user language, or inherit from default if not available $user = $this->wire('user'); $value = null; if($user->language && $user->language->id) { $value = parent::get("description{$user->language}"); } if(empty($value)) { // inherit default language value $value = parent::get("description"); } } else if($language === true) { // return JSON string of all languages if applicable if($languages && $languages->count() > 1) { $values = array(0 => parent::get("description")); foreach($languages as $lang) { /** @var Language $lang */ if($lang->isDefault()) continue; $v = parent::get("description$lang"); if(empty($v)) continue; $values[$lang->id] = $v; } $flags = defined("JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE") ? JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES : 0; // more fulltext friendly $value = json_encode($values, $flags); } else { // no languages present so just return string with description $value = parent::get("description"); } } else if(is_object($language) && $language->id) { // return description for specific language or blank if not available if($language->isDefault()) { $value = parent::get("description"); } else { $value = parent::get("description$language"); } } // we only return strings, so return blank rather than null if(is_null($value)) $value = ''; return $value; } /** * Get a value from this Pagefile * * #pw-internal * * @param string $key * @return mixed Returns null if value does not exist * */ public function get($key) { if($key === 'name') $key = 'basename'; if($key === 'pathname') $key = 'filename'; switch($key) { case 'url': case 'httpUrl': case 'filename': case 'description': case 'tags': case 'ext': case 'hash': case 'filesize': case 'filesizeStr': // 'basename' property intentionally excluded $value = $this->$key(); break; case 'tagsArray': $value = $this->tags(true); break; case 'URL': // nocache url $value = $this->noCacheURL(); break; case 'HTTPURL': $value = $this->noCacheURL(true); break; case 'pagefiles': $value = $this->pagefiles; break; case 'page': $value = $this->pagefiles->getPage(); break; case 'field': $value = $this->pagefiles->getField(); break; case 'modified': case 'created': $value = parent::get($key); if(empty($value)) { $value = $this->filemtime(); parent::set($key, $value); } break; case 'modifiedStr': case 'createdStr': $value = parent::get(str_replace('Str', '', $key)); $value = wireDate($this->wire()->config->dateFormat, $value); break; case 'created_users_id': case 'modified_users_id': $value = (int) parent::get($key); break; case 'createdUser': case 'modifiedUser': $value = $this->getUser($key); break; case 'fileData': case 'filedata': $value = $this->filedata(); break; case 'mtime': case 'filemtime': $value = $this->filemtime(); break; case 'mtimeStr': case 'filemtimeStr': $value = wireDate($this->wire()->config->dateFormat, $this->filemtime()); break; case 'fieldValues': $value = $this->fieldValues; break; default: $value = $this->getFieldValue($key); } if(is_null($value)) return parent::get($key); return $value; } /** * Get a custom field value * * #pw-internal Most non-core cases should just use get() or direct access rather than this method * * @param string $name * @param bool|null Get as formatted value? true=yes, false=no, null=use page output formatting setting (default=null) * @return mixed|null Returns value or null if not present * @since 3.0.142 * */ public function getFieldValue($name, $formatted = null) { $field = $this->wire()->fields->get($name); if(!$field) return null; $template = $this->pagefiles->getFieldsTemplate(); if(!$template) return null; $fieldgroup = $template->fieldgroup; if(!$fieldgroup->hasField($field)) return null; $field = $fieldgroup->getFieldContext($field); // get in context $fieldtype = $field->type; /** @var Fieldtype $fieldtype */ $fileField = $this->pagefiles->getField(); /** @var Field $fileField */ $fileFieldtype = $fileField->type; /** @var FieldtypeFile|FieldtypeImage $fileFieldtype */ $page = $fileFieldtype->getFieldsPage($fileField); if(array_key_exists($name, $this->fieldValues)) { $value = $this->fieldValues[$name]; } else { $idKey = "_$field->id"; $value = $this->filedata($idKey); if($value !== null) { $value = $fieldtype->wakeupValue($page, $field, $value); $value = $fieldtype->sanitizeValue($page, $field, $value); } $this->fieldValues[$name] = $value; unset($this->filedata[$idKey]); // avoid storing double copies } if($value === null) { $value = $fieldtype->getBlankValue($page, $field); $value = $fieldtype->sanitizeValue($page, $field, $value); $this->fieldValues[$name] = $value; } if($formatted === null) $formatted = $this->page->of(); if($formatted) $value = $fieldtype->formatValue($page, $field, $value); return $value; } /** * Set a custom field value * * #pw-internal Most non-core cases should use set() instead * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @param bool|null $changed Specify true to force track change, false to force no change, or null to auto-detect (default=null) * @return bool Returns true if value set, or false if not (like if there’s no template defined for the purpose) * @since 3.0.142 * * */ public function setFieldValue($name, $value, $changed = null) { $template = $this->pagefiles->getFieldsTemplate(); if(!$template) return false; $fieldgroup = $template->fieldgroup; if(!$fieldgroup) return false; $field = $fieldgroup->getFieldContext($name); if(!$field) return false; $page = $this->pagefiles->getFieldsPage(); /** @var Fieldtype $fieldtype */ $fieldtype = $field->type; $value = $fieldtype->sanitizeValue($page, $field, $value); if($changed === null && $this->page->trackChanges()) { // detect if a change has taken place $oldValue = $this->getFieldValue($field->name, false); if($oldValue instanceof Wire && $oldValue === $value) { // $oldValue and new $value are the same object instance, so ask it if anything has changed $changed = $oldValue->isChanged(); if($changed) $this->trackChange($field->name); } else if($oldValue != $value) { // $oldValue and new $value differ, record change $this->trackChange($field->name, $oldValue, $value); } } else if($changed === true) { $this->trackChange($field->name); } $this->fieldValues[$field->name] = $value; return true; } /** * Hookable no-cache URL * * #pw-internal * * @param bool $http Include scheme and hostname? * @return string * */ public function ___noCacheURL($http = false) { return ($http ? $this->httpUrl() : $this->url()) . '?nc=' . $this->filemtime(); } /** * Return the next sibling Pagefile in the parent Pagefiles, or NULL if at the end. * * #pw-group-traversal * * @return Pagefile|null * */ public function getNext() { /** @var Pagefile|null $item */ $item = $this->pagefiles->getNext($this); return $item; } /** * Return the previous sibling Pagefile in the parent Pagefiles, or NULL if at the beginning. * * #pw-group-traversal * * @return Pagefile|null * */ public function getPrev() { /** @var Pagefile|null $item */ $item = $this->pagefiles->getPrev($this); return $item; } /** * Return the web accessible URL to this Pagefile. * * ~~~~~ * // Example of using the url method/property * foreach($page->files as $file) { * echo "
  • $file->description
  • "; * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-hooks * #pw-common * * @return string * @see Pagefile:httpUrl() * */ public function url() { return $this->wire()->hooks->isHooked('Pagefile::url()') ? $this->__call('url', array()) : $this->___url(); } /** * Hookable version of url() method * * @return string * */ protected function ___url() { return $this->pagefiles->url . $this->basename; } /** * Return the web accessible URL (with scheme and hostname) to this Pagefile. * * @return string * @see Pagefile::url() * */ public function ___httpUrl() { $page = $this->pagefiles->getPage(); $url = substr($page->httpUrl(), 0, -1 * strlen($page->url())); return $url . $this->url(); } /** * Returns the full disk path name filename to the Pagefile. * * #pw-hooks * #pw-common * * @return string * */ public function filename() { return $this->wire()->hooks->isHooked('Pagefile::filename()') ? $this->__call('filename', array()) : $this->___filename(); } /** * Hookable version of filename() method * */ protected function ___filename() { return $this->pagefiles->path . $this->basename; } /** * Returns the basename of this Pagefile (name and extension, without disk path). * * @param bool $ext Specify false to exclude the extension (default=true) * @return string * */ public function basename($ext = true) { $basename = parent::get('basename'); if(!$ext) $basename = basename($basename, "." . $this->ext()); return $basename; } /** * Get or set the "tags" property, when in use. * * ~~~~~ * $file = $page->files->first(); * $tags = $file->tags(); // Get tags string * $tags = $file->tags(true); // Get tags array * $file->tags("foo bar baz"); // Set tags to be these 3 tags * $tags->tags(["foo", "bar", "baz"]); // Same as above, using array * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-tags * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param bool|string|array $value Specify one of the following: * - Omit to simply return the tags as a string. * - Boolean true if you want to return tags as an array (rather than string). * - Boolean false to return tags as an array, with lowercase enforced. * - String or array if you are setting the tags. * @return string|array Returns the current tags as a string or an array. * When an array is returned, it is an associative array where the key and value are both the tag (keys are always lowercase). * @see Pagefile::addTag(), Pagefile::hasTag(), Pagefile::removeTag() * */ public function tags($value = null) { if(is_bool($value)) { // return array of tags $tags = parent::get('tags'); $tags = str_replace(array(',', '|'), ' ', $tags); $_tags = explode(' ', $tags); $tags = array(); foreach($_tags as /* $key => */ $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); if($value === false) $tag = strtolower($tag); // force lowercase if(!strlen($tag)) continue; $tags[strtolower($tag)] = $tag; } } else if($value !== null) { // set tags if(is_array($value)) $value = implode(' ', $value); // convert to string $value = $this->wire()->sanitizer->text($value); if(strpos($value, "\t") !== false) $value = str_replace("\t", " ", $value); // collapse extra whitespace while(strpos($value, " ") !== false) $value = str_replace(" ", " ", $value); parent::set('tags', $value); $tags = $value; } else { // just get tags string $tags = parent::get('tags'); } return $tags; } /** * Does this file have the given tag(s)? * * ~~~~~ * $file = $page->files->first(); * * if($file->hasTag('foobar')) { * // file has the "foobar" tag * } * * if($file->hasTag("foo|baz")) { * // file has either the foo OR baz tag * } * * if($file->hasTag("foo,baz")) { * // file has both the foo AND baz tags (since 3.0.17) * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-changelog 3.0.17 Added support for AND mode, where multiple tags can be specified and all must be present to return true. * #pw-changelog 3.0.17 OR mode now returns found tag rather than boolean true. * #pw-group-tags * * @param string $tag Specify one of the following: * - Single tag without whitespace. * - Multiple tags separated by a "|" to determine if Pagefile has at least one of the tags. * - Multiple tags separated by a comma to determine if Pagefile has all of the tags. (since 3.0.17) * @return bool|string True if it has the given tag(s), false if not. * - If multiple tags were specified separated by a "|", then if at least one was present, this method returns the found tag. * - If multiple tags were specified separated by a space or comma, and all tags are present, it returns true. (since 3.0.17) * @see Pagefile::tags(), Pagefile::addTag(), Pagefile::removeTag() * */ public function hasTag($tag) { $tags = $this->tags(false); // all tags in array, lowercase if(empty($tags)) return false; $modeAND = null; $tag = trim(strtolower($tag)); if(strpos($tag, '|') !== false) { $findTags = explode('|', $tag); $modeAND = false; } else if(strpos($tag, ',') !== false) { $findTags = explode(',', $tag); $modeAND = true; } else { $findTags = array($tag); } $numTags = 0; $numFound = 0; $tagFound = ''; foreach($findTags as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); if(!strlen($tag)) continue; $tag = str_replace(' ', '_', $tag); $numTags++; if(isset($tags[$tag])) { $numFound++; if($modeAND === false) { $tagFound = $tag; break; } } } if($modeAND === false) { // OR mode: must have at least one of given tags, and we return the found tag return $numFound > 0 ? $tagFound : false; } else if($modeAND === true) { // AND mode: must have all of the given tags return $numFound == $numTags; } // single tag return $numFound > 0; } /** * Add the given tag to this file’s tags (if not already present) * * ~~~~~ * $file = $page->files->first(); * $file->addTag('foo'); // add single tag * $file->addTag('foo,bar,baz'); // add multiple tags * $file->addTag(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); // same as above, using array * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-tags * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param string|array $tag Tag to add, or array of tags to add, or CSV string of tags to add. * @return $this * @since 3.0.17 * @see Pagefile::tags(), Pagefile::hasTag(), Pagefile::removeTag() * */ public function addTag($tag) { $sanitizer = $this->wire()->sanitizer; if(is_array($tag)) { $addTags = $tag; } else if(strpos($tag, ',') !== false) { $addTags = explode(',', $tag); } else { $addTags = array($tag); } $tags = $this->tags(true); $numAdded = 0; foreach($addTags as $tag) { if($this->hasTag($tag)) continue; $tag = $sanitizer->text(trim($tag)); $tag = str_replace(' ', '_', $tag); $tags[strtolower($tag)] = $tag; $numAdded++; } if($numAdded) $this->tags($tags); return $this; } /** * Remove the given tag from this file’s tags (if present) * * ~~~~~ * $file = $page->files->first(); * $file->removeTag('foo'); // remove single tag * $file->removeTag('foo,bar,baz'); // remove multiple tags * $file->removeTag(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); // same as above, using array * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-tags * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param string $tag Tag to remove, or array of tags to remove, or CSV string of tags to remove. * @return $this * @since 3.0.17 * @see Pagefile::tags(), Pagefile::hasTag(), Pagefile::addTag() * */ public function removeTag($tag) { $tags = $this->tags(true); if(!count($tags)) return $this; // no tags to remove if(is_array($tag)) { $removeTags = $tag; } else if(strpos($tag, ',') !== false) { $removeTags = explode(',', $tag); } else { $removeTags = array($tag); } $numRemoved = 0; foreach($removeTags as $tag) { $tag = strtolower(trim($tag)); $tag = str_replace(' ', '_', $tag); if(!isset($tags[$tag])) continue; unset($tags[strtolower($tag)]); $numRemoved++; } if($numRemoved) $this->tags($tags); return $this; } /** * Has the output already been formatted? * * #pw-internal * */ public function formatted() { return parent::get('formatted') ? true : false; } /** * Get last modified time of file * * @param bool $reset * @return int Unix timestamp * @since 3.0.154 * */ public function filemtime($reset = false) { if($reset) {} // @todo return (int) @filemtime($this->filename()); } /** * Returns the filesize in number of bytes. * * @param bool $reset * @return int * */ public function filesize($reset = false) { if($reset) {} // @todo $filesize = (int) @filesize($this->filename()); return $filesize; } /** * Returns the filesize in a formatted, output-ready string (i.e. "123 kB") * * @return string * */ public function filesizeStr() { return wireBytesStr($this->filesize()); } /** * Returns the file’s extension - "pdf", "jpg", etc. * * @return string * */ public function ext() { return substr($this->basename(), strrpos($this->basename(), '.')+1); } /** * When dereferenced as a string, a Pagefile returns its basename * * @return string * */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->basename; } /** * Return a unique MD5 hash representing this Pagefile. * * This hash can be counted on to be unique among all files on a given page, regardless of field. * * @return string * */ public function hash() { $hash = parent::get('hash'); if($hash) return $hash; $this->set('hash', md5($this->basename())); return parent::get('hash'); } /** * Delete the physical file on disk, associated with this Pagefile * * #pw-internal Public API should use removal methods from the parent Pagefiles. * * @return bool True on success, false on fail * */ public function unlink() { /** @var WireFileTools $files */ if(!strlen($this->basename) || !is_file($this->filename)) return true; foreach($this->extras() as $extra) { $extra->unlink(); } return $this->wire()->files->unlink($this->filename, true); } /** * Rename this file * * Remember to follow this up with a `$page->save()` for the page that the file lives on. * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param string $basename New name to use. Must be just the file basename (no path). * @return string|bool Returns new name (basename) on success, or boolean false if rename failed. * */ public function rename($basename) { foreach($this->extras() as $extra) { $extra->filename(); // init } $basename = $this->pagefiles->cleanBasename($basename, true); if($this->wire()->files->rename($this->filename, $this->pagefiles->path . $basename, true)) { $this->set('basename', $basename); $basename = $this->basename(); foreach($this->extras() as $extra) { $extra->rename(); } return $basename; } return false; } /** * Copy this file to the new specified path * * #pw-internal * * @param string $path Path (not including basename) * @return bool result of copy() function * */ public function copyToPath($path) { $files = $this->wire()->files; $result = $files->copy($this->filename(), $path); foreach($this->extras() as $extra) { if(!$extra->exists()) continue; $files->copy($extra->filename, $path); } return $result; } /** * Hook called a property changes (from Wire) * * Alert the $pagefiles of the change * * #pw-internal * * @param string $what * @param mixed $old * @param mixed $new * */ public function ___changed($what, $old = null, $new = null) { if(in_array($what, array('description', 'tags', 'file', 'filedata')) || array_key_exists($what, $this->fieldValues)) { $this->setUser(true, 'modified'); $this->set('modified', time()); $this->pagefiles->trackChange('item'); } parent::___changed($what, $old, $new); } /** * Set the parent array container * * #pw-internal * * @param Pagefiles $pagefiles * @return $this * */ public function setPagefilesParent(Pagefiles $pagefiles) { $this->pagefiles = $pagefiles; return $this; } /** * Get or set the temporary status of the Pagefile * * Returns true if this Pagefile is temporary, not yet published. Or use this to set the temp status. * * #pw-internal * * @param bool $set Optionally set the temp status to true or false * @return bool * */ public function isTemp($set = null) { return $this->pagefiles->isTemp($this, $set); } /** * Get or set “new” status of the Pagefile * * This is true with a Pagefile that was created during this request and not loaded from DB. * * @param bool|null $set * @return bool * */ public function isNew($set = null) { if(is_bool($set)) $this->_isNew = $set; return $this->_isNew; } /** * Get all extras, add an extra, or get an extra * * #pw-internal * * @param string $name * @param PagefileExtra $value * @return PagefileExtra[]|PagefileExtra|null * @since 3.0.132 * */ public function extras($name = null, PagefileExtra $value = null) { if($name === null) return $this->extras; if($value instanceof PagefileExtra) { $this->extras[$name] = $value; } return isset($this->extras[$name]) ? $this->extras[$name] : null; } /** * Save this Pagefile independently of the Page it lives on * * @return bool * @throws WireException * @since 3.0.154 * */ public function save() { /** @var FieldtypeFile $fieldtype */ $fieldtype = $this->field->type; return $fieldtype->saveFile($this->page, $this->field, $this); } /** * Replace file with another * * Should be followed up with a save() to ensure related properties are also committed to DB. * * #pw-internal * * @param string $filename File to replace current one with * @param bool $move Move given $filename rather than copy? (default=true) * @return bool * @throws WireException * @since 3.0.154 * */ public function replaceFile($filename, $move = true) { $files = $this->wire()->files; if(!is_file($filename) || !is_readable($filename)) return false; if($move && !is_writable($filename)) $move = false; $srcFile = $filename; $dstFile = $this->filename(); $tmpFile = dirname($dstFile) . '/.' . basename($dstFile) . '.tmp'; if(file_exists($tmpFile)) $files->unlink($tmpFile); $files->rename($dstFile, $tmpFile); if($move) { $result = $files->rename($srcFile, $dstFile); } else { $result = $files->copy($srcFile, $dstFile); } if(!$result) { $files->rename($tmpFile, $dstFile); return false; } $files->unlink($tmpFile); $this->filesize(true); $this->filemtime(true); return true; } /** * Ensures that isset() and empty() work for dynamic class properties * * @param string $key * @return bool * */ public function __isset($key) { if(parent::__isset($key)) return true; return $this->get($key) !== null; } /** * For WireArrayItem interface * * #pw-internal * * @return Pagefiles * @since 3.0.205 * */ public function getWireArray() { return $this->pagefiles; } /** * Debug info * * @return array * */ public function __debugInfo() { $filedata = $this->filedata(); if(empty($filedata)) $filedata = null; $info = array( 'url' => $this->url(), 'filename' => $this->filename(), 'filesize' => $this->filesize(), 'description' => $this->description, 'tags' => $this->tags, 'created' => $this->createdStr, 'modified' => $this->modifiedStr, 'created_users_id' => $this->created_users_id, 'modified_users_id' => $this->modified_users_id, 'filemtime' => $this->mtimeStr, 'filedata' => $filedata, ); if(empty($info['filedata'])) unset($info['filedata']); return $info; } }