arguments(0); if(strpos($url, 'modal=1') === false && strpos($url, '://') === false) { $url .= (strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . 'modal=1'; $event->arguments(0, $url); } } /** * Check if the current HTTP host is recognized and generate error if not * * @param Config $config * */ function _checkForHttpHostError(Config $config) { $valid = false; $httpHost = strtolower($config->httpHost); if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && $httpHost === strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $valid = true; } else if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && $httpHost === strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $valid = true; } else if(in_array($httpHost, $config->httpHosts)) { $valid = true; } if(!$valid) $config->error( __('Unrecognized HTTP host:') . "'" . htmlentities($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' - " . __('Please update your $config->httpHosts setting in /site/config.php') . " - " . "" . __('read more') . "", Notice::allowMarkup ); } /** * Check if two factor authentication is being required and display warning with link to configure * * @param Session $session * */ function _checkForTwoFactorAuth(Session $session) { $tfaUrl = $session->getFor('_user', 'requireTfa'); // contains URL to configure TFA if(!$tfaUrl || strpos($tfaUrl, $session->wire('page')->url()) === 0) return; $sanitizer = $session->wire('sanitizer'); $session->wire('user')->warning( '' . $sanitizer->entities1(__('Action required')) . ' ' . wireIconMarkup('angle-right') . ' ' . "" . $sanitizer->entities1(__('Enable two-factor authentication')) . " ", Notice::allowMarkup ); } /** * Check if POST request exceeds PHP’s max_input_vars * * @param WireInput $input * */ function _checkForMaxInputVars(WireInput $input) { $max = (int) ini_get('max_input_vars'); if($max && count($_POST) >= $max) { $input->error(sprintf(__('You have reached PHP’s “max_input_vars” setting of %d — please increase it.'), $max)); } } // fallback theme if one not already present if(empty($adminTheme)) { $adminTheme = $modules->get($config->defaultAdminTheme ? $config->defaultAdminTheme : 'AdminThemeUikit'); if(empty($adminTheme)) $adminTheme = $modules->get('AdminThemeUikit'); if($adminTheme) $wire->wire('adminTheme', $adminTheme); } // notify superuser if there is an http host error if($user->isSuperuser()) _checkForHttpHostError($config); // ensure core jQuery modules are loaded before others $modules->get("JqueryCore"); $modules->get("JqueryUI"); // tell ProcessWire that any pages loaded from this point forward should have their outputFormatting turned off $pages->setOutputFormatting(false); // setup breadcrumbs to current page, and the Process may modify, add to or replace them as needed $breadcrumbs = $wire->wire('breadcrumbs', new Breadcrumbs()); foreach($page->parents() as $p) { if($p->id > 1) $breadcrumbs->add(new Breadcrumb($p->url, $p->get("title|name"))); } $controller = null; $content = ''; $ajax = $config->ajax; $modal = $input->get('modal') ? true : false; $demo = $config->demo; // enable modules to output their own ajax responses if they choose to if($ajax) ob_start(); if($page->process && $page->process != 'ProcessPageView') { try { if($demo && $page->process != 'ProcessLogin') { if(count($_POST)) $wire->error("Features that use POST variables are disabled in this demo"); foreach($_POST as $k => $v) unset($_POST[$k]); foreach($_FILES as $k => $v) unset($_FILES[$k]); $input->post->removeAll(); } else if($input->requestMethod('POST') && $user->isLoggedin() && $user->hasPermission('page-edit')) { _checkForMaxInputVars($input); } $controller = new ProcessController(); $wire->wire($controller); $controller->setProcessName($page->process); $initFile = $config->paths->adminTemplates . 'init.php'; if(is_file($initFile)) { if(strpos($initFile, $config->paths->site) === 0) { // admin themes in /site/modules/ may be compiled $initFile = $wire->files->compile($initFile); } /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ include_once($initFile); } if($modal) $session->addHookBefore('redirect', null, '_hookSessionRedirectModal'); $content = $controller->execute(); $process = $controller->wire('process'); if(!$ajax && !$modal && !$demo && $user->isLoggedin()) _checkForTwoFactorAuth($session); if($process) {} // ignore } catch(Wire404Exception $e) { $wire->setStatusFailed($e, "404 from $page->process", $page); $wire->error($e->getMessage()); } catch(WirePermissionException $e) { $wire->setStatusFailed($e, "Permission error from $page->process", $page); if($controller && $controller->isAjax()) { $content = $controller->jsonMessage($e->getMessage(), true); } else if($user->isGuest()) { /** @var Process $process */ $process = $modules->get("ProcessLogin"); $content = $process->execute(); } else { $wire->error($e->getMessage()); } } catch(\Exception $e) { $wire->setStatusFailed($e, "Error from $page->process", $page); $msg = $e->getMessage(); if($config->debug) { $msg = $sanitizer->entities($msg); $msg .= "
\n" . 
				__('DEBUG MODE BACKTRACE') . " " . 
				"(\$config->debug == true):\n" . 
				$sanitizer->entities($e->getTraceAsString()) . 
"; $wire->error("$page->process: $msg", Notice::allowMarkup); } else { $wire->error($msg); } if($controller && $controller->isAjax()) { $content = $controller->jsonMessage($e->getMessage(), true); $wire->trackException($e, false); } else { $wire->trackException($e, true); } } } else { $content = '

' . __('This page has no process assigned.') . '

'; } if($ajax) { // enable modules to output their own ajax responses if they choose to if(!$content) $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } // config properties that should be mirrored to in JS $config->js(array('httpHost', 'httpHosts', 'https'), true); if($controller && $controller->isAjax()) { if(empty($content) && count($notices)) $content = $controller->jsonMessage($notices->last()->text); echo $content; } else { if(!strlen($content)) $content = '

' . __('The process returned no content.') . '

'; if($adminTheme) { $adminThemeFile = $adminTheme->path() . 'default.php'; } else { $adminThemeFile = $config->paths->adminTemplates . 'default.php'; } if(strpos($adminThemeFile, $config->paths->site) === 0) { // @todo determine if compilation needed $adminThemeFile = $wire->files->compile($adminThemeFile); } /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require($adminThemeFile); $session->removeNotices(); if($content) {} // ignore }