paths and $urls API variables. * #pw-summary-paths-only These properties are only useful when accessed from `$config->paths` as they are not HTTP accessible as URLs. * #pw-summary-urls-only These properties apply only to the `$urls` or `$config->urls`. Do not use them with `$config->paths`. * #pw-summary-pagination These properties apply only to the `$urls` or `$config->urls` and only when pagination is active for the current request. * * #pw-body = * The Paths class is used by `$config->paths` and `$config->urls`. The `$config->paths` refers to server disk paths * while `$config->urls` refers to web server URLs. All of the same properties are present on both, though several properties * are only useful on one or the other (as outlined below). You can access a path or URL like this: * ~~~~~ * $path = $config->paths->templates; // i.e. /path/to/htdocs/site/templates/ * $url = $config->urls->templates; // i.e. /site/templates/ * ~~~~~ * The `$config->urls` property can also be accessed more directly via the `$urls` API variable (in PW 3.x+): * ~~~~~ * $url = $urls->templates; // i.e. /site/templates/ * ~~~~~ * For `$config->urls` (or `$urls`), if you prepend `http` to any of the property names (making it camelCase) it will * return the full http/https URL rather then the relative URL: * ~~~~~ * $httpUrl = $config->urls->httpTemplates; // i.e. * $httpUrl = $urls->httpTemplates; // same as above * ~~~~~ * You may optionally add your own properties as well. If you add a path/url without a leading slash “/” it is assumed to * be relative to the `root` property. If it has a leading slash, then it is absolute. * ~~~~~ * // add new urls properties * $urls->set('css', 'site/templates/css/'); // relative to site root * $urls->set('uikit', '/uikit/dist/'); // absolute * * // get properties that were set * echo $urls->get('css'); // i.e. /site/templates/css/ * echo $urls->get('uikit'); // i.e. /uikit/dist/ * echo $urls->get('httpCss'); // i.e. * echo $urls->get('httpUikit'); // i.e. * echo $urls->httpUikit; // same as above (using get method call is optional for any of these) * ~~~~~ * Do not set `http` properties directly, as they are dynamically generated from `urls` properties at runtime upon request. * * In the examples on this page, you can replace the `$urls` variable with `$config->paths` if you need to get the server path * instead of a URL. As indicated earlier, `$urls` can aso be accessed at the more verbose `$config->urls` if you prefer. * * #pw-body * * ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2020 by Ryan Cramer * * * This file is licensed under the MIT license * * * @property string $root Site root: / (or subdirectory if site not at domain root) * @property string $templates Site templates: /site/templates/ * @property string $fieldTemplates Site field templates /site/templates/fields/ #pw-group-paths-only * @property string $adminTemplates Admin theme template files: /wire/templates-admin/ or /site/templates-admin/ #pw-internal * @property string $modules Core modules: /wire/modules/ * @property string $siteModules Site-specific modules: /site/modules/ * @property string $core ProcessWire core files: /wire/core/ * @property string $site ProcessWire site files /site/ * @property string $assets Site-specific assets: /site/assets/ * @property string $cache Site-specific cache: /site/assets/cache/ #pw-group-paths-only * @property string $logs Site-specific logs: /site/assets/logs/ #pw-group-paths-only * @property string $files Site-specific files: /site/assets/files/ * @property string $tmp Temporary files: /site/assets/tmp/ #pw-group-paths-only * @property string $sessions Session files: /site/assets/sessions/ #pw-group-paths-only * @property string $classes Site-specific class files: /site/classes/ #pw-group-paths-only * * The following properties are only in $config->urls * ================================================== * @property string $admin Admin URL #pw-group-urls-only * @property string|null $next URL to next pagination of current page, when applicable (populated by MarkupPagerNav, after render) #pw-group-urls-only #pw-group-pagination * @property string|null $prev URL to previous pagination of current page, when applicable (populated by MarkupPagerNav, after render) #pw-group-urls-only #pw-group-pagination * * The following are in $config->urls and equivalent to previously mentioned properties, but include scheme + host * =============================================================================================================== * @property-read string $httpRoot Full http/https URL to site root (i.e. #pw-group-urls-only * @property-read string $httpTemplates Full http/https URL to site templates (i.e. #pw-group-urls-only * @property-read string $httpAdminTemplates Full http/https URL to admin templates. #pw-internal * @property-read string $httpModules Full http/https URL to core (wire) modules. #pw-group-urls-only * @property-read string $httpSiteModules Full http/https URL to site modules. #pw-group-urls-only * @property-read string $httpAssets Full http/https URL to site assets (i.e. #pw-group-urls-only * @property-read string $httpFiles Full http/https URL to site assets files (i.e. #pw-group-urls-only * @property-read string $httpNext Full http/https URL to next pagination of current page (when applicable). #pw-group-urls-only #pw-group-pagination * @property-read string $httpPrev Full http/https URL to prev pagination of current page (when applicable). #pw-group-urls-only #pw-group-pagination * * The "http" may be optionally prepended to any property accessed from $config->urls (including those you add yourself). * */ class Paths extends WireData { /** * Cached root * * @var string * */ protected $_root = ''; /** * Construct the Paths * * @param string $root Path of the root that will be used as a base for stored paths. * */ public function __construct($root) { $this->_root = $root; $this->useFuel(false); } /** * Given a path, normalize it to "/" style directory separators if they aren't already * * #pw-internal * * @static * @param string $path * @return string * */ public static function normalizeSeparators($path) { if(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '/') return $path; $path = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $path); return $path; } /** * Set a new path/URL location * * #pw-group-methods * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value If the first character of the provided path is a slash, then that specific path will be used without modification. * If the first character is anything other than a slash, then the 'root' variable will be prepended to the path. * @return Paths|WireData * */ public function set($key, $value) { if(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '/') $value = self::normalizeSeparators($value); if($key == 'root') { $this->_root = $value; return $this; } return parent::set($key, $value); } /** * Return the requested path or URL (functionally the same as direct access) * * #pw-group-methods * * @param object|string $key * @return mixed|null|string The requested path variable * */ public function get($key) { static $_http = null; if($key === 'root') return $this->_root; $http = ''; $altKey = ''; if(is_object($key)) { $key = "$key"; } else if(strpos($key, 'http') === 0) { if(is_null($_http)) { $scheme = $this->wire('input')->scheme; if(!$scheme) $scheme = 'http'; $httpHost = $this->wire('config')->httpHost; if($httpHost) $_http = "$scheme://$httpHost"; } $http = $_http; $key = substr($key, 4); // httpTemplates => Templates $altKey = $key; // no lowercase conversion (useful for keys like module names, i.e. 'ProcessPageEdit') $key[0] = strtolower($key[0]); // first character lowercase: Templates => templates } if($key === 'root') { $value = $http . $this->_root; } else { $value = parent::get($key); if($value === null || !strlen($value)) { if($altKey) $value = parent::get($altKey); if(empty($value)) return $value; } $pos = strpos($value, '//'); if($pos !== false && ($pos === 0 || ($pos > 0 && $value[$pos-1] === ':'))) { // fully qualified URL } else if($value[0] == '/' || (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '/' && $value[1] == ':')) { // path specifies its own root $value = $http . $value; } else { // path needs root prepended $value = $http . $this->_root . $value; } } return $value; } }