tableTools()`. * * ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2023 by Ryan Cramer * * * @since 3.0.150 * * #pw-internal * */ class FieldsTableTools extends Wire { /** * Find duplicate rows for a specific column in a field’s table * * #pw-internal * * @param Field $field * @param array $options * - `column` (string): Name of column to find duplicate values in (default='data') * - `value` (bool|string): Value to find duplicates of, or false to find all duplicate values (default=false) * - `verbose` (bool): Include entire DB rows in returned result? (default=false) * @return array Returns array of arrays where each item contains indexes of 'count' (int) and 'value' (int|string), plus, * if the `verbose` option is true, returned value also adds a `rows` index (array) containing contents of entire matching DB rows. * */ public function findDuplicateRows(Field $field, array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'column' => 'data', 'value' => false, 'verbose' => false, ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $result = array(); $database = $this->wire()->database; $table = $database->escapeTable($field->getTable()); $col = $database->escapeCol($options['column']); $sql = "SELECT $col, COUNT($col) FROM $table "; if($options['value'] !== false) { if($options['value'] === null) { $sql .= "WHERE $col IS NULL "; } else { $sql .= "WHERE $col=:val "; } } $sql .= "GROUP BY $col HAVING COUNT($col) > 1"; $query = $database->prepare($sql); if($options['value'] !== false && $options['value'] !== null) { $query->bindValue(':val', $options['value']); } $query->execute(); while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $result[] = array('value' => $row[0], 'count' => (int) $row[1]); } $query->closeCursor(); if($options['verbose']) { foreach($result as $key => $item) { $result[$key]['rows'] = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $col=:val"; $query = $database->prepare($sql); $query->bindValue(':val', $item['value']); $query->execute(); while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $result[$key]['rows'][] = $row; } $query->closeCursor(); } } return $result; } /** * Add or remove a unique index for a field on its 'data' column * * #pw-internal * * @param Field $field * @param bool $add Specify false to remove index rather than add (default=true) * @return bool|int Returns one of the following when adding index: * - `true` (bool): When index successfully added. * - `false` (bool): Index cannot be added because there are non-unique rows already present (not allowed). * - `1` (int): Unique index already present so was not necessary (not needed). * - `0` (int): Requested column does not exist in table so cannot be added as index (not allowed). * Returns one of the following when removing index: * - `true` (bool): When index successfully removed. * - `false` (bool): When index failed to remove. * - `1` (int): When remove index but there is no unique index to remove (not needed). * - `0` (int): When remove index that is not one we have previously added (not allowed). * @throws \PDOException When given invalid column name or unknown error condition * */ public function setUniqueIndex(Field $field, $add = true) { $database = $this->wire()->database; $col = 'data'; $table = $database->escapeTable($field->getTable()); $uniqueIndexName = $this->hasUniqueIndex($field, $col); $requireIndexName = $database->escapeCol($col . '_unique'); $action = ''; // whether to 'add' or 'remove' flag and property from Field if($uniqueIndexName) { // already has unique index for indicated column if($add) { // already has unique index name $result = 1; $action = 'add'; } else { // remove requested if($uniqueIndexName === $requireIndexName) { // remove the unique index $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table DROP INDEX `$requireIndexName`"; try { $result = $database->exec($sql) !== false; if($result) $action = 'remove'; } catch(\Exception $e) { $result = false; } } else { // unique index present but it’s not one we previously added $result = 0; $action = 'remove'; } } } else if($add) { // no unique index yet exists for column, so add one $col = $database->escapeCol($col); $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD UNIQUE `$requireIndexName` (`$col`)"; try { $result = $database->exec($sql) !== false; if($result) $action = 'add'; } catch(\Exception $e) { $action = 'remove'; if($e->getCode() == 23000) { // non unique rows already present $result = false; } else if($e->getCode() == 42000) { // requested column does not exist $result = 0; } else { throw $e; } } } else { // remove properties indicating unique if($field->hasFlag(Field::flagUnique) || $field->flagUnique) $action = 'remove'; $result = 1; } if($action) { $save = false; if($action === 'add') { if(!$field->hasFlag(Field::flagUnique)) $save = $field->addFlag(Field::flagUnique); if(!$field->flagUnique) $save = $field->set('flagUnique', true); } else if($action === 'remove') { if($field->hasFlag(Field::flagUnique)) $save = $field->removeFlag(Field::flagUnique); if($field->flagUnique) $save = $field->remove('flagUnique'); } if($save) $field->save(); } return $result; } /** * Does given field have a unique index on column? * * #pw-internal * * @param Field $field * @param string $col * @return bool|string Returns index name when present, or boolean false when not * */ public function hasUniqueIndex(Field $field, $col = 'data') { $database = $this->wire()->database; $table = $database->escapeTable($field->getTable()); $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM $table"; $query = $database->prepare($sql); $query->execute(); $has = false; while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if($row['Column_name'] === $col && !$row['Non_unique']) { $has = $row['Key_name']; break; } } $query->closeCursor(); return $has; } /** * Check state of field unique 'data' index and update as needed * * @param Field $field * @param bool $verbose Show messages when changes made? (default=true) * @throws WireException * */ public function checkUniqueIndex(Field $field, $verbose = true) { static $checking = false; if($checking) return; $database = $this->wire()->database; $col = 'data'; // is unique index requested? $useUnique = (bool) $field->get('flagUnique'); // is unique index already present? $hasUnique = (bool) $field->hasFlag(Field::flagUnique); if($useUnique === $hasUnique) return; if(!$database->tableExists($field->getTable())) return; $checking = true; if($useUnique && !$hasUnique) { // add unique index $qty = $this->deleteEmptyRows($field, $col); if($qty && $verbose) { $this->message(sprintf($this->_('Deleted %d empty row(s) for field %s'), $qty, $field->name)); } $result = $this->setUniqueIndex($field, true); if($result === false && $verbose) { $pageEditUrl = $this->wire()->config->urls->admin . 'page/edit/?id='; $msg = $this->_('Unique index cannot be added yet because there are already non-unique row(s) present:') . ' '; $rows = $this->findDuplicateRows($field, array('verbose' => true, 'column' => $col)); foreach($rows as $row) { $ids = array(); foreach($row['rows'] as $a) { $ids[] = '[' . $a['pages_id'] . '](' . $pageEditUrl . $a['pages_id'] . ')'; } $msg .= "[br]• $row[value] — " . sprintf($this->_('Appears %d times'), $row['count']) . ' ' . sprintf($this->_('(page IDs: %s)'), implode(', ', $ids)) . ' '; } $this->error($msg, Notice::noGroup | Notice::allowMarkdown); } else if($result && $verbose) { $this->message($this->_('Added unique index') . " ($field->name)", Notice::noGroup); } } else if($hasUnique && !$useUnique) { // remove unique index $result = $this->setUniqueIndex($field, false); if($result && $verbose) $this->message($this->_('Removed unique index') . " ($field->name)", Notice::noGroup); } $checking = false; } /** * Delete rows having empty column value * * @param Field $field * @param string $col Column name (default='data') * @param bool $strict When true, delete not allowed if there are columns other than one given and 'pages_id' (default=true) * @return bool|int Returns false if delete not allowed, otherwise returns int with # of rows deleted * @throws WireException * */ public function deleteEmptyRows(Field $field, $col = 'data', $strict = true) { $database = $this->wire()->database; $table = $database->escapeTable($field->getTable()); $fieldtype = $field->type; $schema = $fieldtype->getDatabaseSchema($field); $wheres = array(); $types = array( 'INT', 'TINYINT', 'SMALLINT', 'MEDIUMINT', 'BIGINT', 'TEXT', 'TINYTEXT', 'MEDIUMTEXT', 'LONGTEXT', 'DATE', 'TIME', 'DATETIME', 'TIMESTAMP', 'CHAR', 'VARCHAR', ); unset($schema['keys'], $schema['pages_id'], $schema['xtra']); if(!isset($schema[$col])) return false; // if there's no schema for this column, fail if($strict && count($schema) > 1) return false; // if there are other columns too, fail $type = strtoupper($schema[$col]); $allowNull = strpos($type, 'NOT NULL') === false; if(strpos($type, ' ')) list($type,) = explode(' ', $type, 2); if(strpos($type, '(')) list($type,) = explode('(', $type, 2); if(!in_array(trim($type), $types)) return false; // if not in allowed col types, fail if($col !== 'data') { $col = $database->escapeCol($this->wire()->sanitizer->fieldName($col)); if(empty($col)) return false; } if(strpos($type, 'INT') !== false) { if($fieldtype->isEmptyValue($field, 0)) { $wheres[] = "$col=0"; } } else if($fieldtype->isEmptyValue($field, '')) { $wheres[] = "$col=''"; } if($allowNull) { $wheres[] = "$col IS NULL"; } if(count($wheres)) { // delete empty rows matching our conditions $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE " . implode(' OR ', $wheres); $query = $database->prepare($sql); $result = $query->execute() ? $query->rowCount() : 0; $query->closeCursor(); } else { // no empty rows possible $result = true; } return $result; } /** * Create a checkbox Inputfield to configure unique value state * * @param Field $field * @return InputfieldCheckbox * */ public function getUniqueIndexInputfield(Field $field) { $col = 'data'; $modules = $this->wire()->modules; if((bool) $field->flagUnique != $field->hasFlag(Field::flagUnique)) { $this->checkUniqueIndex($field, true); } $f = $modules->get('InputfieldCheckbox'); /** @var InputfieldCheckbox $f */ $f->attr('name', "flagUnique"); $f->label = $this->_('Unique'); $f->icon = 'hand-stop-o'; $f->description = $this->_('When checked, a given value may not be used more than once in this field, and thus may not appear on more than one page.'); if($this->hasUniqueIndex($field, $col)) { $f->attr('checked', 'checked'); if(!$field->hasFlag(Field::flagUnique)) $field->addFlag(Field::flagUnique); if(!$field->flagUnique) $field->flagUnique = true; } return $f; } /** * Does given value exist anywhere in field table? * * @param Field $field * @param string|int $value * @param string $col * @return int Returns page ID where value exists, if found. Otherwise returns 0. * @throws WireException * */ public function valueExists(Field $field, $value, $col = 'data') { $database = $this->wire()->database; $table = $database->escapeTable($field->getTable()); if($col !== 'data') $col = $database->escapeCol($this->wire()->sanitizer->fieldName($col)); $sql = "SELECT pages_id FROM $table WHERE $col=:val LIMIT 1"; $query = $database->prepare($sql); $query->bindValue(':val', $value); $query->execute(); $pageId = $query->rowCount() ? (int) $query->fetchColumn() : 0; $query->closeCursor(); return $pageId; } }