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+INSERT INTO `caches` (`name`, `data`, `expires`) VALUES('FileCompiler__1613c1ac701df9dd5eafbdfab24487f2', '{\"source\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/praiadeseselle.artabro\\/site\\/templates\\/layout\\/main.php\",\"hash\":\"1ca6a2ea8525a64768730885183514fe\",\"size\":713,\"time\":1676721609,\"ns\":\"ProcessWire\"},\"target\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/praiadeseselle.artabro\\/site\\/assets\\/cache\\/FileCompiler\\/site\\/templates\\/layout\\/main.php\",\"hash\":\"1ca6a2ea8525a64768730885183514fe\",\"size\":713,\"time\":1676721609}}', '2010-04-08 03:10:10');
+INSERT INTO `caches` (`name`, `data`, `expires`) VALUES('FileCompiler__a6edbd8ce26a0c1bccf8929bb1594b30', '{\"source\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/praiadeseselle.artabro\\/site\\/ready.php\",\"hash\":\"d656410a9c3bf6f1b87a1830102ca9ab\",\"size\":887,\"time\":1666870641,\"ns\":\"ProcessWire\"},\"target\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/praiadeseselle.artabro\\/site\\/assets\\/cache\\/FileCompiler\\/site\\/ready.php\",\"hash\":\"d656410a9c3bf6f1b87a1830102ca9ab\",\"size\":887,\"time\":1666870641}}', '2010-04-08 03:10:10');
+INSERT INTO `caches` (`name`, `data`, `expires`) VALUES('', 'ProcessDatabaseBackups/ProcessDatabaseBackups.module\nFileValidatorSvgSanitizer-master/FileValidatorSvgSanitizer.module.php\nColorPicker/FieldtypeColorPicker.module\nColorPicker/InputfieldColorPicker.module\nProcessWireUpgrade/ProcessWireUpgrade.module\nProcessWireUpgrade/ProcessWireUpgradeCheck.module\nFieldtypeMapMarker/FieldtypeMapMarker.module\nFieldtypeMapMarker/InputfieldMapMarker.module\nFieldtypeMapMarker/MarkupGoogleMap.module\nFieldtypeTextUnique/FieldtypeTextUnique.module', '2010-04-08 03:10:01');
+INSERT INTO `caches` (`name`, `data`, `expires`) VALUES('', '{\"125\":{\"summary\":\"Throttles login attempts to help prevent dictionary attacks.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.3\"},\"192\":{\"summary\":\"Enables front-end editing of page fields.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.0.3\",\"permissions\":{\"page-edit-front\":\"Use the front-end page editor\"}},\"115\":{\"summary\":\"Adds a render method to Page and caches page output.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.5\"},\"3\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a single line of text\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.2\"},\"106\":{\"summary\":\"Close a fieldset opened by FieldsetOpen. \",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"105\":{\"summary\":\"Open a fieldset to group fields. Should be followed by a Fieldset (Close) after one or more fields.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"133\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a hashed and salted password\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"89\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a floating point number\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.7\"},\"97\":{\"summary\":\"This Fieldtype stores an ON\\/OFF toggle via a single checkbox. The ON value is 1 and OFF value is 0.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"6\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores one or more files\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.7\"},\"174\":{\"summary\":\"Repeats fields from another template. Provides the input for FieldtypeRepeater.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.1.1\"},\"173\":{\"summary\":\"Maintains a collection of fields that are repeated for any number of times.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.1.2\"},\"135\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a URL\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"189\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores user posted comments for a single Page\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.9\"},\"191\":{\"summary\":\"Uses the Akismet service to identify comment spam. Module plugin for the Comments Fieldtype.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"2.0.0\"},\"190\":{\"summary\":\"Provides an administrative interface for working with comments\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.4\"},\"84\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores an integer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.2\"},\"57\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores one or more GIF, JPG, or PNG images\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.2\"},\"172\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores single and multi select options.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.0.2\"},\"4\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores one or more references to ProcessWire pages\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.6\"},\"107\":{\"summary\":\"Open a fieldset to group fields. Same as Fieldset (Open) except that it displays in a tab instead.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"27\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a reference to another module\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.2\"},\"111\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a page title\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"29\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores an e-mail address\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"1\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores multiple lines of text\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.7\"},\"28\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a date and optionally time\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.5\"},\"165\":{\"summary\":\"Provides language translation capabilities for ProcessWire core and modules.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.2\"},\"170\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a multiple lines of text in multiple languages\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"163\":{\"summary\":\"ProcessWire multi-language support.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.3\"},\"167\":{\"summary\":\"Required to use multi-language fields.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"166\":{\"summary\":\"Organizes multi-language fields into tabs for a cleaner easier to use interface.\",\"author\":\"adamspruijt, ryan\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.1.5\"},\"169\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a page title in multiple languages. Use this only if you want title inputs created for ALL languages on ALL pages. Otherwise create separate languaged-named title fields, i.e. title_fr, title_es, title_fi, etc. \",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"164\":{\"summary\":\"Manage system languages\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.3\",\"permissions\":{\"lang-edit\":\"Administer languages and static translation files\"}},\"171\":{\"summary\":\"Required to use multi-language page names.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.1.3\"},\"168\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores a single line of text in multiple languages\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"55\":{\"summary\":\"One or more file uploads (sortable)\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.2.6\"},\"86\":{\"summary\":\"Text input validated as a ProcessWire Page name field\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.6\"},\"79\":{\"summary\":\"Contains any other markup and optionally child Inputfields\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.2\"},\"39\":{\"summary\":\"Radio buttons for selection of a single item\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.6\"},\"155\":{\"summary\":\"CKEditor textarea rich text editor.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.7.0\"},\"40\":{\"summary\":\"Hidden value in a form\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"30\":{\"summary\":\"Contains one or more fields in a form\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.7\"},\"15\":{\"summary\":\"Selection of a single page from a ProcessWire page tree list\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"137\":{\"summary\":\"Selection of multiple pages from a ProcessWire page tree list\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.3\"},\"80\":{\"summary\":\"E-Mail address in valid format\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"108\":{\"summary\":\"URL in valid format\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.3\"},\"35\":{\"summary\":\"Multiple lines of text\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.3\"},\"36\":{\"summary\":\"Selection of a single value from a select pulldown\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.2\"},\"60\":{\"summary\":\"Select one or more pages\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.8\"},\"175\":{\"summary\":\"Enables input of user entered tags or selection of predefined tags.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.0.5\"},\"162\":{\"summary\":\"Select an icon\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.0.3\"},\"41\":{\"summary\":\"Text input validated as a ProcessWire name field\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"187\":{\"summary\":\"Multiple Page selection using auto completion and sorting capability. Intended for use as an input field for Page reference fields.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.1.2\"},\"25\":{\"summary\":\"Multiple selection, progressive enhancement to select multiple\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"2.0.3\"},\"78\":{\"summary\":\"Groups one or more fields together in a container\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"112\":{\"summary\":\"Handles input of Page Title and auto-generation of Page Name (when name is blank)\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.2\"},\"43\":{\"summary\":\"Select multiple items from a list\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"149\":{\"summary\":\"Build a page finding selector visually.\",\"author\":\"Avoine + ProcessWire\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.2.8\"},\"131\":{\"summary\":\"Form button element that you can optionally pass an href attribute to.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"176\":{\"summary\":\"A toggle providing similar input capability to a checkbox but much more configurable.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.0.1\"},\"56\":{\"summary\":\"One or more image uploads (sortable)\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.2.4\"},\"37\":{\"summary\":\"Single checkbox toggle\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.6\"},\"34\":{\"summary\":\"Single line of text\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.6\"},\"94\":{\"summary\":\"Inputfield that accepts date and optionally time\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.7\"},\"38\":{\"summary\":\"Multiple checkbox toggles\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.8\"},\"85\":{\"summary\":\"Integer (positive or negative)\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.5\"},\"122\":{\"summary\":\"Password input with confirmation field that doesn't ever echo the input back.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.2\"},\"32\":{\"summary\":\"Form submit button\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.3\"},\"90\":{\"summary\":\"Floating point number with precision\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.5\"},\"114\":{\"summary\":\"Adds various permission methods to Page objects that are used by Process modules.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.5\"},\"76\":{\"summary\":\"Lists the Process assigned to each child page of the current\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"12\":{\"summary\":\"List pages in a hierarchical tree structure\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.2.4\"},\"161\":{\"summary\":\"View and manage system logs.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.0.2\",\"permissions\":{\"logs-view\":\"Can view system logs\",\"logs-edit\":\"Can manage system logs\"},\"page\":{\"name\":\"logs\",\"parent\":\"setup\",\"title\":\"Logs\"}},\"150\":{\"summary\":\"Admin tool for finding and listing pages by any property.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.2.6\",\"permissions\":{\"page-lister\":\"Use Page Lister\"}},\"109\":{\"summary\":\"Handles emptying of Page trash\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.3\"},\"129\":{\"summary\":\"Provides image manipulation functions for image fields and rich text editors.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.2.0\"},\"50\":{\"summary\":\"List, edit or install\\/uninstall modules\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.2.0\"},\"83\":{\"summary\":\"All page views are routed through this Process\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.6\"},\"10\":{\"summary\":\"Login to ProcessWire\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.8\"},\"7\":{\"summary\":\"Edit a Page\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.1.1\"},\"104\":{\"summary\":\"Provides a page search engine for admin use.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.7\"},\"159\":{\"summary\":\"Shows a list of recently edited pages in your admin.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"href\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.0.2\",\"permissions\":{\"page-edit-recent\":\"Can see recently edited pages\"},\"page\":{\"name\":\"recent-pages\",\"parent\":\"page\",\"title\":\"Recent\"}},\"17\":{\"summary\":\"Add a new page\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.9\"},\"121\":{\"summary\":\"Provides a link capability as used by some Fieldtype modules (like rich text editors).\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.9\"},\"138\":{\"summary\":\"Enables user to change their password, email address and other settings that you define.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.5\"},\"66\":{\"summary\":\"Manage system users\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.7\",\"searchable\":\"users\"},\"48\":{\"summary\":\"Edit individual fields that hold page data\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.1.3\",\"searchable\":\"fields\"},\"47\":{\"summary\":\"List and edit the templates that control page output\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.1.4\",\"searchable\":\"templates\"},\"134\":{\"summary\":\"List, Edit and Add pages of a specific type\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"136\":{\"summary\":\"Manage system permissions\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"68\":{\"summary\":\"Manage user roles and what permissions are attached\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.4\"},\"87\":{\"summary\":\"Acts as a placeholder Process for the admin root. Ensures proper flow control after login.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"14\":{\"summary\":\"Handles page sorting and moving for PageList\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"160\":{\"summary\":\"Uikit v3 admin theme\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.3.3\"},\"148\":{\"summary\":\"Minimal admin theme that supports all ProcessWire features.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.1.4\"},\"61\":{\"summary\":\"Entity encode ampersands, quotes (single and double) and greater-than\\/less-than signs using htmlspecialchars(str, ENT_QUOTES). It is recommended that you use this on all text\\/textarea fields except those using a rich text editor or a markup language like Markdown.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"139\":{\"summary\":\"Manages system versions and upgrades.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.2.0\"},\"113\":{\"summary\":\"Adds renderPager() method to all PaginatedArray types, for easy pagination output. Plus a render() method to PageArray instances.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.0\"},\"156\":{\"summary\":\"Front-end to the HTML Purifier library.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"4.9.6\"},\"98\":{\"summary\":\"Generates markup for pagination navigation\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.5\"},\"67\":{\"summary\":\"Generates markup for data tables used by ProcessWire admin\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.0.7\"},\"103\":{\"summary\":\"Provides a jQuery plugin for sorting tables.\",\"href\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/tablesorter\\/\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"2.2.1\"},\"116\":{\"summary\":\"jQuery Core as required by ProcessWire Admin and plugins\",\"href\":\"http:\\/\\/\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.8.3\"},\"45\":{\"summary\":\"Provides a jQuery plugin for generating tabs in ProcessWire.\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.1.0\"},\"117\":{\"summary\":\"jQuery UI as required by ProcessWire and plugins\",\"href\":\"http:\\/\\/\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"1.9.6\"},\"151\":{\"summary\":\"Provides lightbox capability for image galleries. Replacement for FancyBox. Uses Magnific Popup by @dimsemenov.\",\"href\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/plugins\\/magnific-popup\\/\",\"core\":true,\"versionStr\":\"0.0.1\"},\"181\":{\"summary\":\"Create and\\/or restore database backups from ProcessWire admin.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"versionStr\":\"0.0.6\",\"permissions\":{\"db-backup\":\"Manage database backups (recommended for superuser only)\"},\"page\":{\"name\":\"db-backups\",\"parent\":\"setup\",\"title\":\"DB Backups\"}},\"184\":{\"summary\":\"Validates and\\/or sanitizes uploaded SVG files.\",\"author\":\"Adrian and Ryan\",\"versionStr\":\"0.0.5\"},\"185\":{\"summary\":\"Fieldtype that stores a HEX color or the value transp. Color can be picked using a jQuery ColorPicker Plugin by http:\\/\\/\\/colorpicker\\/ or from a configurable color swatch.\",\"href\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/talk\\/topic\\/865-module-colorpicker\\/page__gopid__7340#entry7340\",\"versionStr\":\"2.0.3\"},\"186\":{\"summary\":\"Choose your colors the easy way.\",\"href\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/talk\\/topic\\/865-module-colorpicker\\/page__gopid__7340#entry7340\",\"versionStr\":\"2.0.3\"},\"182\":{\"summary\":\"Tool that helps you identify and install core and module upgrades.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"versionStr\":\"0.1.1\"},\"183\":{\"summary\":\"Automatically checks for core and installed module upgrades at routine intervals.\",\"author\":\"Ryan Cramer\",\"versionStr\":\"0.0.9\"},\"177\":{\"summary\":\"Field that stores an address with latitude and longitude coordinates and has built-in geocoding capability with Google Maps API.\",\"versionStr\":\"2.0.9\"},\"178\":{\"summary\":\"Provides input for the MapMarker Fieldtype\",\"versionStr\":\"2.0.9\"},\"180\":{\"summary\":\"Renders Google Maps for the MapMarker Fieldtype\",\"versionStr\":\"1.0.1\"},\"179\":{\"summary\":\"Same as the Text fieldtype, but enforces that values stored are unique, site-wide.\",\"href\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/ryancramerdesign\\/FieldtypeTextUnique\",\"versionStr\":\"3.0.1\"}}', '2010-04-08 03:10:01');
+INSERT INTO `caches` (`name`, `data`, `expires`) VALUES('FileCompiler__38fbce971a6759f735c72eaf82cf3fe0', '{\"source\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/php.artabro\\/praiadeseselle\\/site\\/modules\\/FieldtypeMapMarker\\/FieldtypeMapMarker.module\",\"hash\":\"c7bbf8b170a6522aceb828af8f9aa765\",\"size\":7833,\"time\":1474919790,\"ns\":\"\\\\\"},\"target\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/php.artabro\\/praiadeseselle\\/site\\/assets\\/cache\\/FileCompiler\\/site\\/modules\\/FieldtypeMapMarker\\/FieldtypeMapMarker.module\",\"hash\":\"43b43c720b322303a15b4a981fd76d55\",\"size\":8333,\"time\":1474919790}}', '2010-04-08 03:10:10');
+INSERT INTO `caches` (`name`, `data`, `expires`) VALUES('FileCompiler__5e9fc415fceca2c46895c776898ccdc3', '{\"source\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/php.artabro\\/praiadeseselle\\/site\\/modules\\/FieldtypeMapMarker\\/InputfieldMapMarker.module\",\"hash\":\"7baee363a016fa292a480b4be47ad9a3\",\"size\":10470,\"time\":1474919790,\"ns\":\"\\\\\"},\"target\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/php.artabro\\/praiadeseselle\\/site\\/assets\\/cache\\/FileCompiler\\/site\\/modules\\/FieldtypeMapMarker\\/InputfieldMapMarker.module\",\"hash\":\"c3d11ba227a8b1ff482f0202d94053ca\",\"size\":10776,\"time\":1474919790}}', '2010-04-08 03:10:10');
+INSERT INTO `caches` (`name`, `data`, `expires`) VALUES('FileCompiler__0ca3f1e18b19f721f85b9bb93d6f83e1', '{\"source\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/php.artabro\\/praiadeseselle\\/site\\/templates\\/admin.php\",\"hash\":\"1e0b59ea7b71052027a7c9dd37c55e85\",\"size\":479,\"time\":1630086528,\"ns\":\"ProcessWire\"},\"target\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/php.artabro\\/praiadeseselle\\/site\\/assets\\/cache\\/FileCompiler\\/site\\/templates\\/admin.php\",\"hash\":\"1e0b59ea7b71052027a7c9dd37c55e85\",\"size\":479,\"time\":1630086528}}', '2010-04-08 03:10:10');
+INSERT INTO `caches` (`name`, `data`, `expires`) VALUES('FileCompiler__b52e7dd9e6b934121fd036c07cc30c07', '{\"source\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/php.artabro\\/praiadeseselle\\/site\\/modules\\/FieldtypeMapMarker\\/MarkupGoogleMap.module\",\"hash\":\"241030f3dc29515e601755ec3655e30f\",\"size\":8140,\"time\":1474919790,\"ns\":\"\\\\\"},\"target\":{\"file\":\"\\/srv\\/http\\/php.artabro\\/praiadeseselle\\/site\\/assets\\/cache\\/FileCompiler\\/site\\/modules\\/FieldtypeMapMarker\\/MarkupGoogleMap.module\",\"hash\":\"d5652d21155c430780b365f93c859bf3\",\"size\":8428,\"time\":1474919790}}', '2010-04-08 03:10:10');
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Apartamento accesible, adaptado y con acceso directo a la terraza.
\n\nUna habitación doble y dos plazas en cama convertible.
\n\nCuarto de baño accesible con plato de ducha.
\n\nCocina equipada con nevera, vitrocerámica y microondas con grill.
\n\nTodo el menage necesario para cocinar y sentirte como en tu casa.
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\n\nDos habitacions dobles, más dos prazas en cama convertible.
\n\nIdeal para todo tipo de familias, pequeñas o numerosas.
\n\nEn seu amplio salón con cocina americana dispondreis de todo lo necesario para cociñar, descansar y disfrutar de una agradable estancia en grupo.
\n\nVitricerámica, frigorÃfico, forno microondas con grill y todo el menaje necesario.
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\n\nCurabitur metus mauris, pharetra quis ornare id, ullamcorper quis turpis. Donec tincidunt tempor leo quis suscipit. Morbi pulvinar efficitur eleifend. Ut porttitor egestas massa ac pretium. Cras rhoncus auctor lectus laoreet varius. Nam aliquam tempus quam nec porta. Donec quis ligula blandit, consequat est non, convallis mi. Nulla imperdiet, tortor eget luctus tristique, massa lorem volutpat enim, sit amet euismod sem sem vitae mauris. In tincidunt gravida velit, pulvinar rutrum elit pellentesque tincidunt.
', '¡Esta é a túa primeira publicación!
', 'This is your first post!
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\n\nEn su amplio salón con cocina americana dispondreis de lo necesario para cocinar y disfrutar de una relajante estancia.
\n\nEquipado con nevera, vitrocerámica y horno microondas con grill.Â
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\n\nSe trata de unos apartamentos turÃsticos marineros y la obra se ha financiado con la colaboración del GALP Golfo Artabro Norte, Xunta de Galicia y el Fondo Europeo MarÃtimo, de Pesca y de Acuicultura.
\n\nEn los próximos dÃas os lo enseñamos.
', 'Con moito traballo e ilusión rehabilitamos esta casa familiar para ofrecer un aloxamento cómodo e acolledor.
\n\nTratase dun complexo de apartamentos túristicos mariñeiros e a obra financiouse coa axuda do GALP Golfo Artabro Norte, Xunta de Galicia e o Fondo Europeo MarÃtimo, de Pesca e de Acuicultura.
\n\nNos vindeiros dÃas volo amosamos.
', 'With a lot of work and enthusiasm we rehabilitate this family house to offer comfortable and cozy accommodation.
\n\nThese are tourist sailors apartments and the work has been financed with the collaboration of the GALP Golfo Artabro Norte, Xunta de Galicia and the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund.
\n\nIn the next few days we will show you.
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+figure figcaption
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+figure img
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+ max-height: 360px;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ background: rgb(var(--cor_30));
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+figure.effect-ming img
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+ display: block;
+ min-height: 100%;
+ max-width: 100%;
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+ transition: opacity 0.35s;
+figure.effect-ming:hover img
+ opacity: 0.4;
+figure.effect-ming figcaption
+ padding: 2em;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ font-size: 1.25em;
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+figure.effect-ming figcaption > a
+ z-index: 1000;
+ text-indent: 200%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ font-size: 0;
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+figure.effect-ming figcaption,
+figure.effect-ming figcaption > a
+ position: absolute;
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+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+figure.effect-ming h3
+ margin: 20% 0 10px 0;
+ word-spacing: -0.15em;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ transition: transform 0.35s;
+ background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
+ color: rgb(var(--cor_30));
+figure.effect-ming:hover h3
+ transform: scale(0.9);
+figure.effect-ming p
+ padding: 1em;
+ opacity: 0;
+ letter-spacing: 1px;
+ font-size: 68.5%;
+ transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s;
+ transform: scale(1.5);
+figure.effect-ming figcaption::before
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+ bottom: 30px;
+ left: 30px;
+ border: 2px solid #fff;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 0 30px rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
+ content: '';
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+ transform: scale3d(1.4,1.4,1);
+figure.effect-ming:hover figcaption::before,
+figure.effect-ming:hover p
+ opacity: 1;
+ transform: scale3d(1,1,1);
+figure.effect-ming figcaption::before, figure.effect-ming figcaption::after
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+.form-floating > .form-select
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+.form-floating > .form-select ~ label
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+ text-decoration-style: dotted;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
+.galeria .swiper-slide
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding: 10px;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ background: #fff;
+.reixa .swiper-slide
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ background: #fff;
+ height: calc((100% - 30px) / 2) !important;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ bottom: 15px;
+ top: unset;
+ color: rgb(var(--cor_10));
+ background: rgb(var(--cor_30));
+ background-color: rgba(var(--cor_30), var(--bs-bg-opacity, 1)) !important;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 1px;
+ height: 1px;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: -1px;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
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+ clip: auto;
+ overflow: visible;
+ height: auto;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 40px;
+ line-height: 40px;
+ text-align: center;
+ background: rgb(var(--cor_30));
+ color: rgb(var(--cor_60));
display: flex;
@@ -101,53 +407,16 @@ dd
padding: 0;
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ul li
list-style: none;
-figure figcaption
- padding: 10px 40px 20px;
- color: rgb(var(--cor_30));
- font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- font-size: 1rem;
-figure figcaption
- text-align: center;
-figure img
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- height: auto;
- object-fit: cover;
- background-color: rgb(var(--cor_60));
- align-items: center;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
@@ -514,37 +783,7 @@ footer#pe a
color: rgb(var(--cor_60));
- width: 100%;
- height: auto;
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
- padding: 10px;
- text-align: center;
- font-size: 18px;
- background: #fff;
- bottom: 15px;
- top: unset;
- color: rgb(var(--cor_10));
@@ -655,7 +894,7 @@ form#inicio-sesion div#notificacions.erro
color: #D8000C;
- background-color: #FFBABA;
+ background-color: #FFBABA;
form#inicio-sesion div#notificacions.alerta
diff --git a/site/templates/css/swiper.css b/site/templates/css/swiper.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 7619e5b..0000000
--- a/site/templates/css/swiper.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
- * Swiper 8.0.7
- * Most modern mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2014-2022 Vladimir Kharlampidi
- *
- * Released under the MIT License
- *
- * Released on: March 4, 2022
- */
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'swiper-icons';
- font-weight: 400;
- font-style: normal;
-:root {
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-.swiper {
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
- position: relative;
- overflow: hidden;
- list-style: none;
- padding: 0;
- /* Fix of Webkit flickering */
- z-index: 1;
-.swiper-vertical > .swiper-wrapper {
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-.swiper-android .swiper-slide,
-.swiper-wrapper {
- transform: translate3d(0px, 0, 0);
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-.swiper-pointer-events.swiper-vertical {
- touch-action: pan-x;
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- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- position: relative;
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-.swiper-slide-invisible-blank {
- visibility: hidden;
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-.swiper-autoheight .swiper-wrapper {
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- transition-property: transform, height;
-.swiper-backface-hidden .swiper-slide {
- transform: translateZ(0);
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- backface-visibility: hidden;
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-.swiper-3d.swiper-css-mode .swiper-wrapper {
- perspective: 1200px;
-.swiper-3d .swiper-wrapper,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-left,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-right,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-top,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom,
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-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-left,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-right,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-top,
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom {
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- pointer-events: none;
- z-index: 10;
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
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- background-image: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
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-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-top {
- background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
-.swiper-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom {
- background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
-/* CSS Mode */
-.swiper-css-mode > .swiper-wrapper {
- overflow: auto;
- scrollbar-width: none;
- /* For Firefox */
- -ms-overflow-style: none;
- /* For Internet Explorer and Edge */
-.swiper-css-mode > .swiper-wrapper::-webkit-scrollbar {
- display: none;
-.swiper-css-mode > .swiper-wrapper > .swiper-slide {
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-.swiper-horizontal.swiper-css-mode > .swiper-wrapper {
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-.swiper-vertical.swiper-css-mode > .swiper-wrapper {
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- width: var(--swiper-centered-offset-after);
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- min-width: 1px;
- height: var(--swiper-centered-offset-after);
-.swiper-centered > .swiper-wrapper > .swiper-slide {
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- transform: translateZ(0);
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-.swiper-virtual.swiper-css-mode.swiper-vertical .swiper-wrapper::after {
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- height: var(--swiper-virtual-size);
-:root {
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- /*
- --swiper-navigation-color: var(--swiper-theme-color);
- */
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- cursor: pointer;
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: center;
- color: var(--swiper-navigation-color, var(--swiper-theme-color));
-.swiper-button-next.swiper-button-disabled {
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-.swiper-rtl .swiper-button-next {
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- right: auto;
-.swiper-rtl .swiper-button-next:after {
- content: 'prev';
-.swiper-rtl .swiper-button-prev {
- right: 10px;
- left: auto;
-.swiper-rtl .swiper-button-prev:after {
- content: 'next';
-.swiper-button-lock {
- display: none;
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- */
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- transition: 300ms opacity;
- transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
- z-index: 10;
-.swiper-pagination.swiper-pagination-hidden {
- opacity: 0;
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-.swiper-horizontal > .swiper-pagination-bullets,
-.swiper-pagination-bullets.swiper-pagination-horizontal {
- bottom: 10px;
- left: 0;
- width: 100%;
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- transform: scale(0.33);
- position: relative;
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- transform: scale(1);
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- transform: scale(1);
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- transform: scale(0.66);
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- transform: scale(0.33);
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- transform: scale(0.66);
-.swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic .swiper-pagination-bullet-active-next-next {
- transform: scale(0.33);
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- background: var(--swiper-pagination-bullet-inactive-color, #000);
- opacity: var(--swiper-pagination-bullet-inactive-opacity, 0.2);
-button.swiper-pagination-bullet {
- border: none;
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- padding: 0;
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- appearance: none;
-.swiper-pagination-clickable .swiper-pagination-bullet {
- cursor: pointer;
-.swiper-pagination-bullet:only-child {
- display: none !important;
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- opacity: var(--swiper-pagination-bullet-opacity, 1);
- background: var(--swiper-pagination-color, var(--swiper-theme-color));
-.swiper-vertical > .swiper-pagination-bullets,
-.swiper-pagination-vertical.swiper-pagination-bullets {
- right: 10px;
- top: 50%;
- transform: translate3d(0px, -50%, 0);
-.swiper-vertical > .swiper-pagination-bullets .swiper-pagination-bullet,
-.swiper-pagination-vertical.swiper-pagination-bullets .swiper-pagination-bullet {
- margin: var(--swiper-pagination-bullet-vertical-gap, 6px) 0;
- display: block;
-.swiper-vertical > .swiper-pagination-bullets.swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic,
-.swiper-pagination-vertical.swiper-pagination-bullets.swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic {
- top: 50%;
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- width: 8px;
-.swiper-vertical > .swiper-pagination-bullets.swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic .swiper-pagination-bullet,
-.swiper-pagination-vertical.swiper-pagination-bullets.swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic .swiper-pagination-bullet {
- display: inline-block;
- transition: 200ms transform, 200ms top;
-.swiper-horizontal > .swiper-pagination-bullets .swiper-pagination-bullet,
-.swiper-pagination-horizontal.swiper-pagination-bullets .swiper-pagination-bullet {
- margin: 0 var(--swiper-pagination-bullet-horizontal-gap, 4px);
-.swiper-horizontal > .swiper-pagination-bullets.swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic,
-.swiper-pagination-horizontal.swiper-pagination-bullets.swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic {
- left: 50%;
- transform: translateX(-50%);
- white-space: nowrap;
-.swiper-horizontal > .swiper-pagination-bullets.swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic .swiper-pagination-bullet,
-.swiper-pagination-horizontal.swiper-pagination-bullets.swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic .swiper-pagination-bullet {
- transition: 200ms transform, 200ms left;
-.swiper-horizontal.swiper-rtl > .swiper-pagination-bullets-dynamic .swiper-pagination-bullet {
- transition: 200ms transform, 200ms right;
-/* Progress */
-.swiper-pagination-progressbar {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
- position: absolute;
-.swiper-pagination-progressbar .swiper-pagination-progressbar-fill {
- background: var(--swiper-pagination-color, var(--swiper-theme-color));
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- transform: scale(0);
- transform-origin: left top;
-.swiper-rtl .swiper-pagination-progressbar .swiper-pagination-progressbar-fill {
- transform-origin: right top;
-.swiper-horizontal > .swiper-pagination-progressbar,
-.swiper-vertical > .swiper-pagination-progressbar.swiper-pagination-progressbar-opposite,
-.swiper-pagination-progressbar.swiper-pagination-vertical.swiper-pagination-progressbar-opposite {
- width: 100%;
- height: 4px;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
-.swiper-vertical > .swiper-pagination-progressbar,
-.swiper-horizontal > .swiper-pagination-progressbar.swiper-pagination-progressbar-opposite,
-.swiper-pagination-progressbar.swiper-pagination-horizontal.swiper-pagination-progressbar-opposite {
- width: 4px;
- height: 100%;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
-.swiper-pagination-lock {
- display: none;
-/* Scrollbar */
-.swiper-scrollbar {
- border-radius: 10px;
- position: relative;
- -ms-touch-action: none;
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-.swiper-horizontal > .swiper-scrollbar {
- position: absolute;
- left: 1%;
- bottom: 3px;
- z-index: 50;
- height: 5px;
- width: 98%;
-.swiper-vertical > .swiper-scrollbar {
- position: absolute;
- right: 3px;
- top: 1%;
- z-index: 50;
- width: 5px;
- height: 98%;
-.swiper-scrollbar-drag {
- height: 100%;
- width: 100%;
- position: relative;
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
- border-radius: 10px;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
-.swiper-scrollbar-cursor-drag {
- cursor: move;
-.swiper-scrollbar-lock {
- display: none;
-.swiper-zoom-container {
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
- text-align: center;
-.swiper-zoom-container > img,
-.swiper-zoom-container > svg,
-.swiper-zoom-container > canvas {
- max-width: 100%;
- max-height: 100%;
- object-fit: contain;
-.swiper-slide-zoomed {
- cursor: move;
-/* Preloader */
-:root {
- /*
- --swiper-preloader-color: var(--swiper-theme-color);
- */
-.swiper-lazy-preloader {
- width: 42px;
- height: 42px;
- position: absolute;
- left: 50%;
- top: 50%;
- margin-left: -21px;
- margin-top: -21px;
- z-index: 10;
- transform-origin: 50%;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- border: 4px solid var(--swiper-preloader-color, var(--swiper-theme-color));
- border-radius: 50%;
- border-top-color: transparent;
-.swiper-slide-visible .swiper-lazy-preloader {
- animation: swiper-preloader-spin 1s infinite linear;
-.swiper-lazy-preloader-white {
- --swiper-preloader-color: #fff;
-.swiper-lazy-preloader-black {
- --swiper-preloader-color: #000;
-@keyframes swiper-preloader-spin {
- 100% {
- transform: rotate(360deg);
- }
-/* a11y */
-.swiper .swiper-notification {
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
- pointer-events: none;
- opacity: 0;
- z-index: -1000;
-.swiper-free-mode > .swiper-wrapper {
- transition-timing-function: ease-out;
- margin: 0 auto;
-.swiper-grid > .swiper-wrapper {
- flex-wrap: wrap;
-.swiper-grid-column > .swiper-wrapper {
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- flex-direction: column;
-.swiper-fade.swiper-free-mode .swiper-slide {
- transition-timing-function: ease-out;
-.swiper-fade .swiper-slide {
- pointer-events: none;
- transition-property: opacity;
-.swiper-fade .swiper-slide .swiper-slide {
- pointer-events: none;
-.swiper-fade .swiper-slide-active,
-.swiper-fade .swiper-slide-active .swiper-slide-active {
- pointer-events: auto;
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- overflow: visible;
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide {
- pointer-events: none;
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- backface-visibility: hidden;
- z-index: 1;
- visibility: hidden;
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-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide .swiper-slide {
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-.swiper-cube.swiper-rtl .swiper-slide {
- transform-origin: 100% 0;
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-active,
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-active .swiper-slide-active {
- pointer-events: auto;
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-active,
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-next,
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-prev,
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-next + .swiper-slide {
- pointer-events: auto;
- visibility: visible;
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-shadow-top,
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom,
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-shadow-left,
-.swiper-cube .swiper-slide-shadow-right {
- z-index: 0;
- -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
- backface-visibility: hidden;
-.swiper-cube .swiper-cube-shadow {
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- bottom: 0px;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- opacity: 0.6;
- z-index: 0;
-.swiper-cube .swiper-cube-shadow:before {
- content: '';
- background: #000;
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
- bottom: 0;
- right: 0;
- filter: blur(50px);
-.swiper-flip {
- overflow: visible;
-.swiper-flip .swiper-slide {
- pointer-events: none;
- -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
- backface-visibility: hidden;
- z-index: 1;
-.swiper-flip .swiper-slide .swiper-slide {
- pointer-events: none;
-.swiper-flip .swiper-slide-active,
-.swiper-flip .swiper-slide-active .swiper-slide-active {
- pointer-events: auto;
-.swiper-flip .swiper-slide-shadow-top,
-.swiper-flip .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom,
-.swiper-flip .swiper-slide-shadow-left,
-.swiper-flip .swiper-slide-shadow-right {
- z-index: 0;
- -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
- backface-visibility: hidden;
-.swiper-creative .swiper-slide {
- -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
- backface-visibility: hidden;
- overflow: hidden;
- transition-property: transform, opacity, height;
-.swiper-cards {
- overflow: visible;
-.swiper-cards .swiper-slide {
- transform-origin: center bottom;
- -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
- backface-visibility: hidden;
- overflow: hidden;
diff --git a/site/templates/habitacion.php b/site/templates/habitacion.php
index 90ba360..1fbb2bc 100644
--- a/site/templates/habitacion.php
+++ b/site/templates/habitacion.php
@@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
-if($mantemento && !$user->isLoggedin())
+if($configuracion['mantemento']['activo'] && !$user->isLoggedin())
- $menu = renderMenu($inicio->and($inicio->children), 0, 'paxinas');
+ $menu = renderMenu($inicio->children);
$contido .= renderMigasPan($page) . "\n";
- $contido .= '' . "\n";
- $contido .= '' . "\n";
- $contido .= '
' . ucfirst($page->title) . ' ' . "\n";
- if(count($page->seccions))
- {
- $contido .= getSeccions($page->seccions) . "\n";
- }
- $contido .= '' . "\n";
+ $contido .= '' . "\n";
+ $contido .= '' . ucfirst($inicio->title) . ' ' . "\n";
+ $contido .= getSeccions($page->seccions) . "\n";
$contido .= ' ' . "\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/templates/habitacions.php b/site/templates/habitacions.php
index 9723e60..de9c117 100644
--- a/site/templates/habitacions.php
+++ b/site/templates/habitacions.php
@@ -1,34 +1,31 @@
-if($mantemento && !$user->isLoggedin())
+if($configuracion['mantemento']['activo'] && !$user->isLoggedin())
- $menu = renderMenu($inicio->and($inicio->children), 0, 'paxinas');
+ $menu = renderMenu($inicio->children);
$contido .= renderMigasPan($page) . "\n";
- $contido .= '' . "\n";
- $contido .= '' . "\n";
- $contido .= '
' . ucfirst($page->title) . ' ' . "\n";
- if(count($page->seccions))
- {
- $contido .= getSeccions($page->seccions) . "\n";
- }
+ $contido .= '
' . "\n";
+ $contido .= '' . ucfirst($inicio->title) . ' ' . "\n";
+ $contido .= getSeccions($page->seccions) . "\n";
$contido .= '' . "\n";
$contido .= '' . $page->title . ' ' . "\n";
- if(count($page->imaxe_ligazon))
+ $contido .= '' . "\n";
+ if(count($page->ligazon_imaxe))
- $contido .= getSeccions($page->imaxe_ligazon) . "\n";
+ $contido .= getSeccions($page->ligazon_imaxe) . "\n";
- $contido .= '' . "\n";
$contido .= '
' . "\n";
+ $contido .= ' ' . "\n";
$contido .= ' ' . "\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/templates/images/edlp.jpg b/site/templates/images/edlp.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 3104ea7..0000000
Binary files a/site/templates/images/edlp.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/site/templates/images/logo_golfo_artabro.png b/site/templates/images/logo_golfo_artabro.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf0453
Binary files /dev/null and b/site/templates/images/logo_golfo_artabro.png differ
diff --git a/site/templates/images/logo_unioneuropea.png b/site/templates/images/logo_unioneuropea.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ec7d1e
Binary files /dev/null and b/site/templates/images/logo_unioneuropea.png differ
diff --git a/site/templates/images/logo_xuntafalicia.png b/site/templates/images/logo_xuntafalicia.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acdf4c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/site/templates/images/logo_xuntafalicia.png differ
diff --git a/site/templates/inicio.php b/site/templates/inicio.php
index 49caf44..8ff69de 100644
--- a/site/templates/inicio.php
+++ b/site/templates/inicio.php
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
' . "\n";
-$contido .= '
' . "\n";
+$contido .= '
' . "\n";
$contido .= '' . ucfirst($inicio->title) . ' ' . "\n";
if($configuracion['mantemento']['activo'] && !$user->isLoggedin())
- $menu = renderMenu($inicio, 0, 'paxinas');
+ $menu = renderMenu($pages->get('/noticias'));
$contido .= renderTextoMantemento($configuracion['mantemento']['titular'], $configuracion['mantemento']['artigo'], $configuracion['mantemento']['imaxe']) . "\n";
- $menu = renderMenu($inicio->and($inicio->children), 0, 'paxinas');
+ $menu = renderMenu($inicio->children);
- $contido .= getSeccions($inicio->seccions) . "\n";
+ $contido .= getSeccions($page->seccions) . "\n";
-$contido .= ' ' . "\n";
$contido .= '' . "\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/templates/js/main.js b/site/templates/js/main.js
index af039e0..e69de29 100644
--- a/site/templates/js/main.js
+++ b/site/templates/js/main.js
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-function getToken(event)
- event.preventDefault();
- grecaptcha.ready(function()
- {
- grecaptcha.execute('6LexXqYiAAAAACwDpMGIg1OMnAXVJU0VmbEMQUD8', { action: 'submit' }).then(function(token)
- {
- var form = document.getElementById("inicio-sesion");
- var boton_token = document.createElement('input');
- boton_token.type = 'hidden';
- = 'token';
- = 'token';
- boton_token.value = token;
- var boton_action = document.createElement('input');
- boton_action.type = 'hidden';
- = 'action';
- = 'action';
- boton_action.value = 'submit';
- form.appendChild(boton_token);
- form.appendChild(boton_action);
- form.submit();
- });;
- });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/templates/js/swiper.js b/site/templates/js/swiper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ec24c02..0000000
--- a/site/templates/js/swiper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10420 +0,0 @@
- * Swiper 8.0.7
- * Most modern mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2014-2022 Vladimir Kharlampidi
- *
- * Released under the MIT License
- *
- * Released on: March 4, 2022
- */
-(function (global, factory) {
- typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
- typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
- (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.Swiper = factory());
-})(this, (function () { 'use strict';
- /**
- * SSR Window 4.0.2
- * Better handling for window object in SSR environment
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2021, Vladimir Kharlampidi
- *
- * Licensed under MIT
- *
- * Released on: December 13, 2021
- */
- /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
- function isObject$1(obj) {
- return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object' && 'constructor' in obj && obj.constructor === Object;
- }
- function extend$1(target, src) {
- if (target === void 0) {
- target = {};
- }
- if (src === void 0) {
- src = {};
- }
- Object.keys(src).forEach(key => {
- if (typeof target[key] === 'undefined') target[key] = src[key];else if (isObject$1(src[key]) && isObject$1(target[key]) && Object.keys(src[key]).length > 0) {
- extend$1(target[key], src[key]);
- }
- });
- }
- const ssrDocument = {
- body: {},
- addEventListener() {},
- removeEventListener() {},
- activeElement: {
- blur() {},
- nodeName: ''
- },
- querySelector() {
- return null;
- },
- querySelectorAll() {
- return [];
- },
- getElementById() {
- return null;
- },
- createEvent() {
- return {
- initEvent() {}
- };
- },
- createElement() {
- return {
- children: [],
- childNodes: [],
- style: {},
- setAttribute() {},
- getElementsByTagName() {
- return [];
- }
- };
- },
- createElementNS() {
- return {};
- },
- importNode() {
- return null;
- },
- location: {
- hash: '',
- host: '',
- hostname: '',
- href: '',
- origin: '',
- pathname: '',
- protocol: '',
- search: ''
- }
- };
- function getDocument() {
- const doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : {};
- extend$1(doc, ssrDocument);
- return doc;
- }
- const ssrWindow = {
- document: ssrDocument,
- navigator: {
- userAgent: ''
- },
- location: {
- hash: '',
- host: '',
- hostname: '',
- href: '',
- origin: '',
- pathname: '',
- protocol: '',
- search: ''
- },
- history: {
- replaceState() {},
- pushState() {},
- go() {},
- back() {}
- },
- CustomEvent: function CustomEvent() {
- return this;
- },
- addEventListener() {},
- removeEventListener() {},
- getComputedStyle() {
- return {
- getPropertyValue() {
- return '';
- }
- };
- },
- Image() {},
- Date() {},
- screen: {},
- setTimeout() {},
- clearTimeout() {},
- matchMedia() {
- return {};
- },
- requestAnimationFrame(callback) {
- if (typeof setTimeout === 'undefined') {
- callback();
- return null;
- }
- return setTimeout(callback, 0);
- },
- cancelAnimationFrame(id) {
- if (typeof setTimeout === 'undefined') {
- return;
- }
- clearTimeout(id);
- }
- };
- function getWindow() {
- const win = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {};
- extend$1(win, ssrWindow);
- return win;
- }
- /**
- * Dom7 4.0.4
- * Minimalistic JavaScript library for DOM manipulation, with a jQuery-compatible API
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2022, Vladimir Kharlampidi
- *
- * Licensed under MIT
- *
- * Released on: January 11, 2022
- */
- /* eslint-disable no-proto */
- function makeReactive(obj) {
- const proto = obj.__proto__;
- Object.defineProperty(obj, '__proto__', {
- get() {
- return proto;
- },
- set(value) {
- proto.__proto__ = value;
- }
- });
- }
- class Dom7 extends Array {
- constructor(items) {
- if (typeof items === 'number') {
- super(items);
- } else {
- super(...(items || []));
- makeReactive(this);
- }
- }
- }
- function arrayFlat(arr) {
- if (arr === void 0) {
- arr = [];
- }
- const res = [];
- arr.forEach(el => {
- if (Array.isArray(el)) {
- res.push(...arrayFlat(el));
- } else {
- res.push(el);
- }
- });
- return res;
- }
- function arrayFilter(arr, callback) {
- return, callback);
- }
- function arrayUnique(arr) {
- const uniqueArray = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) {
- if (uniqueArray.indexOf(arr[i]) === -1) uniqueArray.push(arr[i]);
- }
- return uniqueArray;
- }
- function qsa(selector, context) {
- if (typeof selector !== 'string') {
- return [selector];
- }
- const a = [];
- const res = context.querySelectorAll(selector);
- for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i += 1) {
- a.push(res[i]);
- }
- return a;
- }
- function $(selector, context) {
- const window = getWindow();
- const document = getDocument();
- let arr = [];
- if (!context && selector instanceof Dom7) {
- return selector;
- }
- if (!selector) {
- return new Dom7(arr);
- }
- if (typeof selector === 'string') {
- const html = selector.trim();
- if (html.indexOf('<') >= 0 && html.indexOf('>') >= 0) {
- let toCreate = 'div';
- if (html.indexOf('
c.split(' ')));
- this.forEach(el => {
- el.classList.add(...classNames);
- });
- return this;
- }
- function removeClass() {
- for (var _len2 = arguments.length, classes = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
- classes[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
- }
- const classNames = arrayFlat( => c.split(' ')));
- this.forEach(el => {
- el.classList.remove(...classNames);
- });
- return this;
- }
- function toggleClass() {
- for (var _len3 = arguments.length, classes = new Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
- classes[_key3] = arguments[_key3];
- }
- const classNames = arrayFlat( => c.split(' ')));
- this.forEach(el => {
- classNames.forEach(className => {
- el.classList.toggle(className);
- });
- });
- }
- function hasClass() {
- for (var _len4 = arguments.length, classes = new Array(_len4), _key4 = 0; _key4 < _len4; _key4++) {
- classes[_key4] = arguments[_key4];
- }
- const classNames = arrayFlat( => c.split(' ')));
- return arrayFilter(this, el => {
- return classNames.filter(className => el.classList.contains(className)).length > 0;
- }).length > 0;
- }
- function attr(attrs, value) {
- if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof attrs === 'string') {
- // Get attr
- if (this[0]) return this[0].getAttribute(attrs);
- return undefined;
- } // Set attrs
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- if (arguments.length === 2) {
- // String
- this[i].setAttribute(attrs, value);
- } else {
- // Object
- for (const attrName in attrs) {
- this[i][attrName] = attrs[attrName];
- this[i].setAttribute(attrName, attrs[attrName]);
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- function removeAttr(attr) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- this[i].removeAttribute(attr);
- }
- return this;
- }
- function transform(transform) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- this[i].style.transform = transform;
- }
- return this;
- }
- function transition$1(duration) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- this[i].style.transitionDuration = typeof duration !== 'string' ? `${duration}ms` : duration;
- }
- return this;
- }
- function on() {
- for (var _len5 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len5), _key5 = 0; _key5 < _len5; _key5++) {
- args[_key5] = arguments[_key5];
- }
- let [eventType, targetSelector, listener, capture] = args;
- if (typeof args[1] === 'function') {
- [eventType, listener, capture] = args;
- targetSelector = undefined;
- }
- if (!capture) capture = false;
- function handleLiveEvent(e) {
- const target =;
- if (!target) return;
- const eventData = || [];
- if (eventData.indexOf(e) < 0) {
- eventData.unshift(e);
- }
- if ($(target).is(targetSelector)) listener.apply(target, eventData);else {
- const parents = $(target).parents(); // eslint-disable-line
- for (let k = 0; k < parents.length; k += 1) {
- if ($(parents[k]).is(targetSelector)) listener.apply(parents[k], eventData);
- }
- }
- }
- function handleEvent(e) {
- const eventData = e && ? || [] : [];
- if (eventData.indexOf(e) < 0) {
- eventData.unshift(e);
- }
- listener.apply(this, eventData);
- }
- const events = eventType.split(' ');
- let j;
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- const el = this[i];
- if (!targetSelector) {
- for (j = 0; j < events.length; j += 1) {
- const event = events[j];
- if (!el.dom7Listeners) el.dom7Listeners = {};
- if (!el.dom7Listeners[event]) el.dom7Listeners[event] = [];
- el.dom7Listeners[event].push({
- listener,
- proxyListener: handleEvent
- });
- el.addEventListener(event, handleEvent, capture);
- }
- } else {
- // Live events
- for (j = 0; j < events.length; j += 1) {
- const event = events[j];
- if (!el.dom7LiveListeners) el.dom7LiveListeners = {};
- if (!el.dom7LiveListeners[event]) el.dom7LiveListeners[event] = [];
- el.dom7LiveListeners[event].push({
- listener,
- proxyListener: handleLiveEvent
- });
- el.addEventListener(event, handleLiveEvent, capture);
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- function off() {
- for (var _len6 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len6), _key6 = 0; _key6 < _len6; _key6++) {
- args[_key6] = arguments[_key6];
- }
- let [eventType, targetSelector, listener, capture] = args;
- if (typeof args[1] === 'function') {
- [eventType, listener, capture] = args;
- targetSelector = undefined;
- }
- if (!capture) capture = false;
- const events = eventType.split(' ');
- for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i += 1) {
- const event = events[i];
- for (let j = 0; j < this.length; j += 1) {
- const el = this[j];
- let handlers;
- if (!targetSelector && el.dom7Listeners) {
- handlers = el.dom7Listeners[event];
- } else if (targetSelector && el.dom7LiveListeners) {
- handlers = el.dom7LiveListeners[event];
- }
- if (handlers && handlers.length) {
- for (let k = handlers.length - 1; k >= 0; k -= 1) {
- const handler = handlers[k];
- if (listener && handler.listener === listener) {
- el.removeEventListener(event, handler.proxyListener, capture);
- handlers.splice(k, 1);
- } else if (listener && handler.listener && handler.listener.dom7proxy && handler.listener.dom7proxy === listener) {
- el.removeEventListener(event, handler.proxyListener, capture);
- handlers.splice(k, 1);
- } else if (!listener) {
- el.removeEventListener(event, handler.proxyListener, capture);
- handlers.splice(k, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- function trigger() {
- const window = getWindow();
- for (var _len9 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len9), _key9 = 0; _key9 < _len9; _key9++) {
- args[_key9] = arguments[_key9];
- }
- const events = args[0].split(' ');
- const eventData = args[1];
- for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i += 1) {
- const event = events[i];
- for (let j = 0; j < this.length; j += 1) {
- const el = this[j];
- if (window.CustomEvent) {
- const evt = new window.CustomEvent(event, {
- detail: eventData,
- bubbles: true,
- cancelable: true
- });
- el.dom7EventData = args.filter((data, dataIndex) => dataIndex > 0);
- el.dispatchEvent(evt);
- el.dom7EventData = [];
- delete el.dom7EventData;
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- function transitionEnd$1(callback) {
- const dom = this;
- function fireCallBack(e) {
- if ( !== this) return;
-, e);
-'transitionend', fireCallBack);
- }
- if (callback) {
- dom.on('transitionend', fireCallBack);
- }
- return this;
- }
- function outerWidth(includeMargins) {
- if (this.length > 0) {
- if (includeMargins) {
- const styles = this.styles();
- return this[0].offsetWidth + parseFloat(styles.getPropertyValue('margin-right')) + parseFloat(styles.getPropertyValue('margin-left'));
- }
- return this[0].offsetWidth;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function outerHeight(includeMargins) {
- if (this.length > 0) {
- if (includeMargins) {
- const styles = this.styles();
- return this[0].offsetHeight + parseFloat(styles.getPropertyValue('margin-top')) + parseFloat(styles.getPropertyValue('margin-bottom'));
- }
- return this[0].offsetHeight;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function offset() {
- if (this.length > 0) {
- const window = getWindow();
- const document = getDocument();
- const el = this[0];
- const box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
- const body = document.body;
- const clientTop = el.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0;
- const clientLeft = el.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;
- const scrollTop = el === window ? window.scrollY : el.scrollTop;
- const scrollLeft = el === window ? window.scrollX : el.scrollLeft;
- return {
- top: + scrollTop - clientTop,
- left: box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft
- };
- }
- return null;
- }
- function styles() {
- const window = getWindow();
- if (this[0]) return window.getComputedStyle(this[0], null);
- return {};
- }
- function css(props, value) {
- const window = getWindow();
- let i;
- if (arguments.length === 1) {
- if (typeof props === 'string') {
- // .css('width')
- if (this[0]) return window.getComputedStyle(this[0], null).getPropertyValue(props);
- } else {
- // .css({ width: '100px' })
- for (i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- for (const prop in props) {
- this[i].style[prop] = props[prop];
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- }
- if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof props === 'string') {
- // .css('width', '100px')
- for (i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- this[i].style[props] = value;
- }
- return this;
- }
- return this;
- }
- function each(callback) {
- if (!callback) return this;
- this.forEach((el, index) => {
- callback.apply(el, [el, index]);
- });
- return this;
- }
- function filter(callback) {
- const result = arrayFilter(this, callback);
- return $(result);
- }
- function html(html) {
- if (typeof html === 'undefined') {
- return this[0] ? this[0].innerHTML : null;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- this[i].innerHTML = html;
- }
- return this;
- }
- function text(text) {
- if (typeof text === 'undefined') {
- return this[0] ? this[0].textContent.trim() : null;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- this[i].textContent = text;
- }
- return this;
- }
- function is(selector) {
- const window = getWindow();
- const document = getDocument();
- const el = this[0];
- let compareWith;
- let i;
- if (!el || typeof selector === 'undefined') return false;
- if (typeof selector === 'string') {
- if (el.matches) return el.matches(selector);
- if (el.webkitMatchesSelector) return el.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);
- if (el.msMatchesSelector) return el.msMatchesSelector(selector);
- compareWith = $(selector);
- for (i = 0; i < compareWith.length; i += 1) {
- if (compareWith[i] === el) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (selector === document) {
- return el === document;
- }
- if (selector === window) {
- return el === window;
- }
- if (selector.nodeType || selector instanceof Dom7) {
- compareWith = selector.nodeType ? [selector] : selector;
- for (i = 0; i < compareWith.length; i += 1) {
- if (compareWith[i] === el) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function index() {
- let child = this[0];
- let i;
- if (child) {
- i = 0; // eslint-disable-next-line
- while ((child = child.previousSibling) !== null) {
- if (child.nodeType === 1) i += 1;
- }
- return i;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- function eq(index) {
- if (typeof index === 'undefined') return this;
- const length = this.length;
- if (index > length - 1) {
- return $([]);
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- const returnIndex = length + index;
- if (returnIndex < 0) return $([]);
- return $([this[returnIndex]]);
- }
- return $([this[index]]);
- }
- function append() {
- let newChild;
- const document = getDocument();
- for (let k = 0; k < arguments.length; k += 1) {
- newChild = k < 0 || arguments.length <= k ? undefined : arguments[k];
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- if (typeof newChild === 'string') {
- const tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
- tempDiv.innerHTML = newChild;
- while (tempDiv.firstChild) {
- this[i].appendChild(tempDiv.firstChild);
- }
- } else if (newChild instanceof Dom7) {
- for (let j = 0; j < newChild.length; j += 1) {
- this[i].appendChild(newChild[j]);
- }
- } else {
- this[i].appendChild(newChild);
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- function prepend(newChild) {
- const document = getDocument();
- let i;
- let j;
- for (i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- if (typeof newChild === 'string') {
- const tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
- tempDiv.innerHTML = newChild;
- for (j = tempDiv.childNodes.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
- this[i].insertBefore(tempDiv.childNodes[j], this[i].childNodes[0]);
- }
- } else if (newChild instanceof Dom7) {
- for (j = 0; j < newChild.length; j += 1) {
- this[i].insertBefore(newChild[j], this[i].childNodes[0]);
- }
- } else {
- this[i].insertBefore(newChild, this[i].childNodes[0]);
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- function next(selector) {
- if (this.length > 0) {
- if (selector) {
- if (this[0].nextElementSibling && $(this[0].nextElementSibling).is(selector)) {
- return $([this[0].nextElementSibling]);
- }
- return $([]);
- }
- if (this[0].nextElementSibling) return $([this[0].nextElementSibling]);
- return $([]);
- }
- return $([]);
- }
- function nextAll(selector) {
- const nextEls = [];
- let el = this[0];
- if (!el) return $([]);
- while (el.nextElementSibling) {
- const next = el.nextElementSibling; // eslint-disable-line
- if (selector) {
- if ($(next).is(selector)) nextEls.push(next);
- } else nextEls.push(next);
- el = next;
- }
- return $(nextEls);
- }
- function prev(selector) {
- if (this.length > 0) {
- const el = this[0];
- if (selector) {
- if (el.previousElementSibling && $(el.previousElementSibling).is(selector)) {
- return $([el.previousElementSibling]);
- }
- return $([]);
- }
- if (el.previousElementSibling) return $([el.previousElementSibling]);
- return $([]);
- }
- return $([]);
- }
- function prevAll(selector) {
- const prevEls = [];
- let el = this[0];
- if (!el) return $([]);
- while (el.previousElementSibling) {
- const prev = el.previousElementSibling; // eslint-disable-line
- if (selector) {
- if ($(prev).is(selector)) prevEls.push(prev);
- } else prevEls.push(prev);
- el = prev;
- }
- return $(prevEls);
- }
- function parent(selector) {
- const parents = []; // eslint-disable-line
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- if (this[i].parentNode !== null) {
- if (selector) {
- if ($(this[i].parentNode).is(selector)) parents.push(this[i].parentNode);
- } else {
- parents.push(this[i].parentNode);
- }
- }
- }
- return $(parents);
- }
- function parents(selector) {
- const parents = []; // eslint-disable-line
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- let parent = this[i].parentNode; // eslint-disable-line
- while (parent) {
- if (selector) {
- if ($(parent).is(selector)) parents.push(parent);
- } else {
- parents.push(parent);
- }
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- }
- return $(parents);
- }
- function closest(selector) {
- let closest = this; // eslint-disable-line
- if (typeof selector === 'undefined') {
- return $([]);
- }
- if (! {
- closest = closest.parents(selector).eq(0);
- }
- return closest;
- }
- function find(selector) {
- const foundElements = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- const found = this[i].querySelectorAll(selector);
- for (let j = 0; j < found.length; j += 1) {
- foundElements.push(found[j]);
- }
- }
- return $(foundElements);
- }
- function children(selector) {
- const children = []; // eslint-disable-line
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- const childNodes = this[i].children;
- for (let j = 0; j < childNodes.length; j += 1) {
- if (!selector || $(childNodes[j]).is(selector)) {
- children.push(childNodes[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- return $(children);
- }
- function remove() {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- if (this[i].parentNode) this[i].parentNode.removeChild(this[i]);
- }
- return this;
- }
- const Methods = {
- addClass,
- removeClass,
- hasClass,
- toggleClass,
- attr,
- removeAttr,
- transform,
- transition: transition$1,
- on,
- off,
- trigger,
- transitionEnd: transitionEnd$1,
- outerWidth,
- outerHeight,
- styles,
- offset,
- css,
- each,
- html,
- text,
- is,
- index,
- eq,
- append,
- prepend,
- next,
- nextAll,
- prev,
- prevAll,
- parent,
- parents,
- closest,
- find,
- children,
- filter,
- remove
- };
- Object.keys(Methods).forEach(methodName => {
- Object.defineProperty($.fn, methodName, {
- value: Methods[methodName],
- writable: true
- });
- });
- function deleteProps(obj) {
- const object = obj;
- Object.keys(object).forEach(key => {
- try {
- object[key] = null;
- } catch (e) {// no getter for object
- }
- try {
- delete object[key];
- } catch (e) {// something got wrong
- }
- });
- }
- function nextTick(callback, delay) {
- if (delay === void 0) {
- delay = 0;
- }
- return setTimeout(callback, delay);
- }
- function now() {
- return;
- }
- function getComputedStyle$1(el) {
- const window = getWindow();
- let style;
- if (window.getComputedStyle) {
- style = window.getComputedStyle(el, null);
- }
- if (!style && el.currentStyle) {
- style = el.currentStyle;
- }
- if (!style) {
- style =;
- }
- return style;
- }
- function getTranslate(el, axis) {
- if (axis === void 0) {
- axis = 'x';
- }
- const window = getWindow();
- let matrix;
- let curTransform;
- let transformMatrix;
- const curStyle = getComputedStyle$1(el);
- if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) {
- curTransform = curStyle.transform || curStyle.webkitTransform;
- if (curTransform.split(',').length > 6) {
- curTransform = curTransform.split(', ').map(a => a.replace(',', '.')).join(', ');
- } // Some old versions of Webkit choke when 'none' is passed; pass
- // empty string instead in this case
- transformMatrix = new window.WebKitCSSMatrix(curTransform === 'none' ? '' : curTransform);
- } else {
- transformMatrix = curStyle.MozTransform || curStyle.OTransform || curStyle.MsTransform || curStyle.msTransform || curStyle.transform || curStyle.getPropertyValue('transform').replace('translate(', 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,');
- matrix = transformMatrix.toString().split(',');
- }
- if (axis === 'x') {
- // Latest Chrome and webkits Fix
- if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) curTransform = transformMatrix.m41; // Crazy IE10 Matrix
- else if (matrix.length === 16) curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[12]); // Normal Browsers
- else curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[4]);
- }
- if (axis === 'y') {
- // Latest Chrome and webkits Fix
- if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) curTransform = transformMatrix.m42; // Crazy IE10 Matrix
- else if (matrix.length === 16) curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[13]); // Normal Browsers
- else curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[5]);
- }
- return curTransform || 0;
- }
- function isObject(o) {
- return typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && o.constructor &&, -1) === 'Object';
- }
- function isNode(node) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.HTMLElement !== 'undefined') {
- return node instanceof HTMLElement;
- }
- return node && (node.nodeType === 1 || node.nodeType === 11);
- }
- function extend() {
- const to = Object(arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]);
- const noExtend = ['__proto__', 'constructor', 'prototype'];
- for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
- const nextSource = i < 0 || arguments.length <= i ? undefined : arguments[i];
- if (nextSource !== undefined && nextSource !== null && !isNode(nextSource)) {
- const keysArray = Object.keys(Object(nextSource)).filter(key => noExtend.indexOf(key) < 0);
- for (let nextIndex = 0, len = keysArray.length; nextIndex < len; nextIndex += 1) {
- const nextKey = keysArray[nextIndex];
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nextSource, nextKey);
- if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) {
- if (isObject(to[nextKey]) && isObject(nextSource[nextKey])) {
- if (nextSource[nextKey].__swiper__) {
- to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
- } else {
- extend(to[nextKey], nextSource[nextKey]);
- }
- } else if (!isObject(to[nextKey]) && isObject(nextSource[nextKey])) {
- to[nextKey] = {};
- if (nextSource[nextKey].__swiper__) {
- to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
- } else {
- extend(to[nextKey], nextSource[nextKey]);
- }
- } else {
- to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return to;
- }
- function setCSSProperty(el, varName, varValue) {
-, varValue);
- }
- function animateCSSModeScroll(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- targetPosition,
- side
- } = _ref;
- const window = getWindow();
- const startPosition = -swiper.translate;
- let startTime = null;
- let time;
- const duration = swiper.params.speed;
- = 'none';
- window.cancelAnimationFrame(swiper.cssModeFrameID);
- const dir = targetPosition > startPosition ? 'next' : 'prev';
- const isOutOfBound = (current, target) => {
- return dir === 'next' && current >= target || dir === 'prev' && current <= target;
- };
- const animate = () => {
- time = new Date().getTime();
- if (startTime === null) {
- startTime = time;
- }
- const progress = Math.max(Math.min((time - startTime) / duration, 1), 0);
- const easeProgress = 0.5 - Math.cos(progress * Math.PI) / 2;
- let currentPosition = startPosition + easeProgress * (targetPosition - startPosition);
- if (isOutOfBound(currentPosition, targetPosition)) {
- currentPosition = targetPosition;
- }
- swiper.wrapperEl.scrollTo({
- [side]: currentPosition
- });
- if (isOutOfBound(currentPosition, targetPosition)) {
- = 'hidden';
- = '';
- setTimeout(() => {
- = '';
- swiper.wrapperEl.scrollTo({
- [side]: currentPosition
- });
- });
- window.cancelAnimationFrame(swiper.cssModeFrameID);
- return;
- }
- swiper.cssModeFrameID = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
- };
- animate();
- }
- let support;
- function calcSupport() {
- const window = getWindow();
- const document = getDocument();
- return {
- smoothScroll: document.documentElement && 'scrollBehavior' in,
- touch: !!('ontouchstart' in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch),
- passiveListener: function checkPassiveListener() {
- let supportsPassive = false;
- try {
- const opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- get() {
- supportsPassive = true;
- }
- });
- window.addEventListener('testPassiveListener', null, opts);
- } catch (e) {// No support
- }
- return supportsPassive;
- }(),
- gestures: function checkGestures() {
- return 'ongesturestart' in window;
- }()
- };
- }
- function getSupport() {
- if (!support) {
- support = calcSupport();
- }
- return support;
- }
- let deviceCached;
- function calcDevice(_temp) {
- let {
- userAgent
- } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp;
- const support = getSupport();
- const window = getWindow();
- const platform = window.navigator.platform;
- const ua = userAgent || window.navigator.userAgent;
- const device = {
- ios: false,
- android: false
- };
- const screenWidth = window.screen.width;
- const screenHeight = window.screen.height;
- const android = ua.match(/(Android);?[\s\/]+([\d.]+)?/); // eslint-disable-line
- let ipad = ua.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/);
- const ipod = ua.match(/(iPod)(.*OS\s([\d_]+))?/);
- const iphone = !ipad && ua.match(/(iPhone\sOS|iOS)\s([\d_]+)/);
- const windows = platform === 'Win32';
- let macos = platform === 'MacIntel'; // iPadOs 13 fix
- const iPadScreens = ['1024x1366', '1366x1024', '834x1194', '1194x834', '834x1112', '1112x834', '768x1024', '1024x768', '820x1180', '1180x820', '810x1080', '1080x810'];
- if (!ipad && macos && support.touch && iPadScreens.indexOf(`${screenWidth}x${screenHeight}`) >= 0) {
- ipad = ua.match(/(Version)\/([\d.]+)/);
- if (!ipad) ipad = [0, 1, '13_0_0'];
- macos = false;
- } // Android
- if (android && !windows) {
- device.os = 'android';
- = true;
- }
- if (ipad || iphone || ipod) {
- device.os = 'ios';
- device.ios = true;
- } // Export object
- return device;
- }
- function getDevice(overrides) {
- if (overrides === void 0) {
- overrides = {};
- }
- if (!deviceCached) {
- deviceCached = calcDevice(overrides);
- }
- return deviceCached;
- }
- let browser;
- function calcBrowser() {
- const window = getWindow();
- function isSafari() {
- const ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- return ua.indexOf('safari') >= 0 && ua.indexOf('chrome') < 0 && ua.indexOf('android') < 0;
- }
- return {
- isSafari: isSafari(),
- isWebView: /(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)
- };
- }
- function getBrowser() {
- if (!browser) {
- browser = calcBrowser();
- }
- return browser;
- }
- function Resize(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- const window = getWindow();
- let observer = null;
- let animationFrame = null;
- const resizeHandler = () => {
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return;
- emit('beforeResize');
- emit('resize');
- };
- const createObserver = () => {
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return;
- observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
- animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- const {
- width,
- height
- } = swiper;
- let newWidth = width;
- let newHeight = height;
- entries.forEach(_ref2 => {
- let {
- contentBoxSize,
- contentRect,
- target
- } = _ref2;
- if (target && target !== swiper.el) return;
- newWidth = contentRect ? contentRect.width : (contentBoxSize[0] || contentBoxSize).inlineSize;
- newHeight = contentRect ? contentRect.height : (contentBoxSize[0] || contentBoxSize).blockSize;
- });
- if (newWidth !== width || newHeight !== height) {
- resizeHandler();
- }
- });
- });
- observer.observe(swiper.el);
- };
- const removeObserver = () => {
- if (animationFrame) {
- window.cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrame);
- }
- if (observer && observer.unobserve && swiper.el) {
- observer.unobserve(swiper.el);
- observer = null;
- }
- };
- const orientationChangeHandler = () => {
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return;
- emit('orientationchange');
- };
- on('init', () => {
- if (swiper.params.resizeObserver && typeof window.ResizeObserver !== 'undefined') {
- createObserver();
- return;
- }
- window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);
- window.addEventListener('orientationchange', orientationChangeHandler);
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- removeObserver();
- window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);
- window.removeEventListener('orientationchange', orientationChangeHandler);
- });
- }
- function Observer(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- const observers = [];
- const window = getWindow();
- const attach = function (target, options) {
- if (options === void 0) {
- options = {};
- }
- const ObserverFunc = window.MutationObserver || window.WebkitMutationObserver;
- const observer = new ObserverFunc(mutations => {
- // The observerUpdate event should only be triggered
- // once despite the number of mutations. Additional
- // triggers are redundant and are very costly
- if (mutations.length === 1) {
- emit('observerUpdate', mutations[0]);
- return;
- }
- const observerUpdate = function observerUpdate() {
- emit('observerUpdate', mutations[0]);
- };
- if (window.requestAnimationFrame) {
- window.requestAnimationFrame(observerUpdate);
- } else {
- window.setTimeout(observerUpdate, 0);
- }
- });
- observer.observe(target, {
- attributes: typeof options.attributes === 'undefined' ? true : options.attributes,
- childList: typeof options.childList === 'undefined' ? true : options.childList,
- characterData: typeof options.characterData === 'undefined' ? true : options.characterData
- });
- observers.push(observer);
- };
- const init = () => {
- if (! return;
- if (swiper.params.observeParents) {
- const containerParents = swiper.$el.parents();
- for (let i = 0; i < containerParents.length; i += 1) {
- attach(containerParents[i]);
- }
- } // Observe container
- attach(swiper.$el[0], {
- childList: swiper.params.observeSlideChildren
- }); // Observe wrapper
- attach(swiper.$wrapperEl[0], {
- attributes: false
- });
- };
- const destroy = () => {
- observers.forEach(observer => {
- observer.disconnect();
- });
- observers.splice(0, observers.length);
- };
- extendParams({
- observer: false,
- observeParents: false,
- observeSlideChildren: false
- });
- on('init', init);
- on('destroy', destroy);
- }
- /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
- var eventsEmitter = {
- on(events, handler, priority) {
- const self = this;
- if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self;
- const method = priority ? 'unshift' : 'push';
- events.split(' ').forEach(event => {
- if (!self.eventsListeners[event]) self.eventsListeners[event] = [];
- self.eventsListeners[event][method](handler);
- });
- return self;
- },
- once(events, handler, priority) {
- const self = this;
- if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self;
- function onceHandler() {
-, onceHandler);
- if (onceHandler.__emitterProxy) {
- delete onceHandler.__emitterProxy;
- }
- for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
- args[_key] = arguments[_key];
- }
- handler.apply(self, args);
- }
- onceHandler.__emitterProxy = handler;
- return self.on(events, onceHandler, priority);
- },
- onAny(handler, priority) {
- const self = this;
- if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self;
- const method = priority ? 'unshift' : 'push';
- if (self.eventsAnyListeners.indexOf(handler) < 0) {
- self.eventsAnyListeners[method](handler);
- }
- return self;
- },
- offAny(handler) {
- const self = this;
- if (!self.eventsAnyListeners) return self;
- const index = self.eventsAnyListeners.indexOf(handler);
- if (index >= 0) {
- self.eventsAnyListeners.splice(index, 1);
- }
- return self;
- },
- off(events, handler) {
- const self = this;
- if (!self.eventsListeners) return self;
- events.split(' ').forEach(event => {
- if (typeof handler === 'undefined') {
- self.eventsListeners[event] = [];
- } else if (self.eventsListeners[event]) {
- self.eventsListeners[event].forEach((eventHandler, index) => {
- if (eventHandler === handler || eventHandler.__emitterProxy && eventHandler.__emitterProxy === handler) {
- self.eventsListeners[event].splice(index, 1);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- return self;
- },
- emit() {
- const self = this;
- if (!self.eventsListeners) return self;
- let events;
- let data;
- let context;
- for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
- args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
- }
- if (typeof args[0] === 'string' || Array.isArray(args[0])) {
- events = args[0];
- data = args.slice(1, args.length);
- context = self;
- } else {
- events = args[0].events;
- data = args[0].data;
- context = args[0].context || self;
- }
- data.unshift(context);
- const eventsArray = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(' ');
- eventsArray.forEach(event => {
- if (self.eventsAnyListeners && self.eventsAnyListeners.length) {
- self.eventsAnyListeners.forEach(eventHandler => {
- eventHandler.apply(context, [event,]);
- });
- }
- if (self.eventsListeners && self.eventsListeners[event]) {
- self.eventsListeners[event].forEach(eventHandler => {
- eventHandler.apply(context, data);
- });
- }
- });
- return self;
- }
- };
- function updateSize() {
- const swiper = this;
- let width;
- let height;
- const $el = swiper.$el;
- if (typeof swiper.params.width !== 'undefined' && swiper.params.width !== null) {
- width = swiper.params.width;
- } else {
- width = $el[0].clientWidth;
- }
- if (typeof swiper.params.height !== 'undefined' && swiper.params.height !== null) {
- height = swiper.params.height;
- } else {
- height = $el[0].clientHeight;
- }
- if (width === 0 && swiper.isHorizontal() || height === 0 && swiper.isVertical()) {
- return;
- } // Subtract paddings
- width = width - parseInt($el.css('padding-left') || 0, 10) - parseInt($el.css('padding-right') || 0, 10);
- height = height - parseInt($el.css('padding-top') || 0, 10) - parseInt($el.css('padding-bottom') || 0, 10);
- if (Number.isNaN(width)) width = 0;
- if (Number.isNaN(height)) height = 0;
- Object.assign(swiper, {
- width,
- height,
- size: swiper.isHorizontal() ? width : height
- });
- }
- function updateSlides() {
- const swiper = this;
- function getDirectionLabel(property) {
- if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- return property;
- } // prettier-ignore
- return {
- 'width': 'height',
- 'margin-top': 'margin-left',
- 'margin-bottom ': 'margin-right',
- 'margin-left': 'margin-top',
- 'margin-right': 'margin-bottom',
- 'padding-left': 'padding-top',
- 'padding-right': 'padding-bottom',
- 'marginRight': 'marginBottom'
- }[property];
- }
- function getDirectionPropertyValue(node, label) {
- return parseFloat(node.getPropertyValue(getDirectionLabel(label)) || 0);
- }
- const params = swiper.params;
- const {
- $wrapperEl,
- size: swiperSize,
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- wrongRTL
- } = swiper;
- const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;
- const previousSlidesLength = isVirtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length;
- const slides = $wrapperEl.children(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}`);
- const slidesLength = isVirtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : slides.length;
- let snapGrid = [];
- const slidesGrid = [];
- const slidesSizesGrid = [];
- let offsetBefore = params.slidesOffsetBefore;
- if (typeof offsetBefore === 'function') {
- offsetBefore =;
- }
- let offsetAfter = params.slidesOffsetAfter;
- if (typeof offsetAfter === 'function') {
- offsetAfter =;
- }
- const previousSnapGridLength = swiper.snapGrid.length;
- const previousSlidesGridLength = swiper.slidesGrid.length;
- let spaceBetween = params.spaceBetween;
- let slidePosition = -offsetBefore;
- let prevSlideSize = 0;
- let index = 0;
- if (typeof swiperSize === 'undefined') {
- return;
- }
- if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string' && spaceBetween.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
- spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween.replace('%', '')) / 100 * swiperSize;
- }
- swiper.virtualSize = -spaceBetween; // reset margins
- if (rtl) slides.css({
- marginLeft: '',
- marginBottom: '',
- marginTop: ''
- });else slides.css({
- marginRight: '',
- marginBottom: '',
- marginTop: ''
- }); // reset cssMode offsets
- if (params.centeredSlides && params.cssMode) {
- setCSSProperty(swiper.wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-before', '');
- setCSSProperty(swiper.wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-after', '');
- }
- const gridEnabled = params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1 && swiper.grid;
- if (gridEnabled) {
- swiper.grid.initSlides(slidesLength);
- } // Calc slides
- let slideSize;
- const shouldResetSlideSize = params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && params.breakpoints && Object.keys(params.breakpoints).filter(key => {
- return typeof params.breakpoints[key].slidesPerView !== 'undefined';
- }).length > 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < slidesLength; i += 1) {
- slideSize = 0;
- const slide = slides.eq(i);
- if (gridEnabled) {
- swiper.grid.updateSlide(i, slide, slidesLength, getDirectionLabel);
- }
- if (slide.css('display') === 'none') continue; // eslint-disable-line
- if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto') {
- if (shouldResetSlideSize) {
- slides[i].style[getDirectionLabel('width')] = ``;
- }
- const slideStyles = getComputedStyle(slide[0]);
- const currentTransform = slide[0].style.transform;
- const currentWebKitTransform = slide[0].style.webkitTransform;
- if (currentTransform) {
- slide[0].style.transform = 'none';
- }
- if (currentWebKitTransform) {
- slide[0].style.webkitTransform = 'none';
- }
- if (params.roundLengths) {
- slideSize = swiper.isHorizontal() ? slide.outerWidth(true) : slide.outerHeight(true);
- } else {
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- const width = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'width');
- const paddingLeft = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'padding-left');
- const paddingRight = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'padding-right');
- const marginLeft = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'margin-left');
- const marginRight = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'margin-right');
- const boxSizing = slideStyles.getPropertyValue('box-sizing');
- if (boxSizing && boxSizing === 'border-box') {
- slideSize = width + marginLeft + marginRight;
- } else {
- const {
- clientWidth,
- offsetWidth
- } = slide[0];
- slideSize = width + paddingLeft + paddingRight + marginLeft + marginRight + (offsetWidth - clientWidth);
- }
- }
- if (currentTransform) {
- slide[0].style.transform = currentTransform;
- }
- if (currentWebKitTransform) {
- slide[0].style.webkitTransform = currentWebKitTransform;
- }
- if (params.roundLengths) slideSize = Math.floor(slideSize);
- } else {
- slideSize = (swiperSize - (params.slidesPerView - 1) * spaceBetween) / params.slidesPerView;
- if (params.roundLengths) slideSize = Math.floor(slideSize);
- if (slides[i]) {
- slides[i].style[getDirectionLabel('width')] = `${slideSize}px`;
- }
- }
- if (slides[i]) {
- slides[i].swiperSlideSize = slideSize;
- }
- slidesSizesGrid.push(slideSize);
- if (params.centeredSlides) {
- slidePosition = slidePosition + slideSize / 2 + prevSlideSize / 2 + spaceBetween;
- if (prevSlideSize === 0 && i !== 0) slidePosition = slidePosition - swiperSize / 2 - spaceBetween;
- if (i === 0) slidePosition = slidePosition - swiperSize / 2 - spaceBetween;
- if (Math.abs(slidePosition) < 1 / 1000) slidePosition = 0;
- if (params.roundLengths) slidePosition = Math.floor(slidePosition);
- if (index % params.slidesPerGroup === 0) snapGrid.push(slidePosition);
- slidesGrid.push(slidePosition);
- } else {
- if (params.roundLengths) slidePosition = Math.floor(slidePosition);
- if ((index - Math.min(swiper.params.slidesPerGroupSkip, index)) % swiper.params.slidesPerGroup === 0) snapGrid.push(slidePosition);
- slidesGrid.push(slidePosition);
- slidePosition = slidePosition + slideSize + spaceBetween;
- }
- swiper.virtualSize += slideSize + spaceBetween;
- prevSlideSize = slideSize;
- index += 1;
- }
- swiper.virtualSize = Math.max(swiper.virtualSize, swiperSize) + offsetAfter;
- if (rtl && wrongRTL && (params.effect === 'slide' || params.effect === 'coverflow')) {
- $wrapperEl.css({
- width: `${swiper.virtualSize + params.spaceBetween}px`
- });
- }
- if (params.setWrapperSize) {
- $wrapperEl.css({
- [getDirectionLabel('width')]: `${swiper.virtualSize + params.spaceBetween}px`
- });
- }
- if (gridEnabled) {
- swiper.grid.updateWrapperSize(slideSize, snapGrid, getDirectionLabel);
- } // Remove last grid elements depending on width
- if (!params.centeredSlides) {
- const newSlidesGrid = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < snapGrid.length; i += 1) {
- let slidesGridItem = snapGrid[i];
- if (params.roundLengths) slidesGridItem = Math.floor(slidesGridItem);
- if (snapGrid[i] <= swiper.virtualSize - swiperSize) {
- newSlidesGrid.push(slidesGridItem);
- }
- }
- snapGrid = newSlidesGrid;
- if (Math.floor(swiper.virtualSize - swiperSize) - Math.floor(snapGrid[snapGrid.length - 1]) > 1) {
- snapGrid.push(swiper.virtualSize - swiperSize);
- }
- }
- if (snapGrid.length === 0) snapGrid = [0];
- if (params.spaceBetween !== 0) {
- const key = swiper.isHorizontal() && rtl ? 'marginLeft' : getDirectionLabel('marginRight');
- slides.filter((_, slideIndex) => {
- if (!params.cssMode) return true;
- if (slideIndex === slides.length - 1) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }).css({
- [key]: `${spaceBetween}px`
- });
- }
- if (params.centeredSlides && params.centeredSlidesBounds) {
- let allSlidesSize = 0;
- slidesSizesGrid.forEach(slideSizeValue => {
- allSlidesSize += slideSizeValue + (params.spaceBetween ? params.spaceBetween : 0);
- });
- allSlidesSize -= params.spaceBetween;
- const maxSnap = allSlidesSize - swiperSize;
- snapGrid = => {
- if (snap < 0) return -offsetBefore;
- if (snap > maxSnap) return maxSnap + offsetAfter;
- return snap;
- });
- }
- if (params.centerInsufficientSlides) {
- let allSlidesSize = 0;
- slidesSizesGrid.forEach(slideSizeValue => {
- allSlidesSize += slideSizeValue + (params.spaceBetween ? params.spaceBetween : 0);
- });
- allSlidesSize -= params.spaceBetween;
- if (allSlidesSize < swiperSize) {
- const allSlidesOffset = (swiperSize - allSlidesSize) / 2;
- snapGrid.forEach((snap, snapIndex) => {
- snapGrid[snapIndex] = snap - allSlidesOffset;
- });
- slidesGrid.forEach((snap, snapIndex) => {
- slidesGrid[snapIndex] = snap + allSlidesOffset;
- });
- }
- }
- Object.assign(swiper, {
- slides,
- snapGrid,
- slidesGrid,
- slidesSizesGrid
- });
- if (params.centeredSlides && params.cssMode && !params.centeredSlidesBounds) {
- setCSSProperty(swiper.wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-before', `${-snapGrid[0]}px`);
- setCSSProperty(swiper.wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-after', `${swiper.size / 2 - slidesSizesGrid[slidesSizesGrid.length - 1] / 2}px`);
- const addToSnapGrid = -swiper.snapGrid[0];
- const addToSlidesGrid = -swiper.slidesGrid[0];
- swiper.snapGrid = => v + addToSnapGrid);
- swiper.slidesGrid = => v + addToSlidesGrid);
- }
- if (slidesLength !== previousSlidesLength) {
- swiper.emit('slidesLengthChange');
- }
- if (snapGrid.length !== previousSnapGridLength) {
- if (swiper.params.watchOverflow) swiper.checkOverflow();
- swiper.emit('snapGridLengthChange');
- }
- if (slidesGrid.length !== previousSlidesGridLength) {
- swiper.emit('slidesGridLengthChange');
- }
- if (params.watchSlidesProgress) {
- swiper.updateSlidesOffset();
- }
- if (!isVirtual && !params.cssMode && (params.effect === 'slide' || params.effect === 'fade')) {
- const backFaceHiddenClass = `${params.containerModifierClass}backface-hidden`;
- const hasClassBackfaceClassAdded = swiper.$el.hasClass(backFaceHiddenClass);
- if (slidesLength <= params.maxBackfaceHiddenSlides) {
- if (!hasClassBackfaceClassAdded) swiper.$el.addClass(backFaceHiddenClass);
- } else if (hasClassBackfaceClassAdded) {
- swiper.$el.removeClass(backFaceHiddenClass);
- }
- }
- }
- function updateAutoHeight(speed) {
- const swiper = this;
- const activeSlides = [];
- const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;
- let newHeight = 0;
- let i;
- if (typeof speed === 'number') {
- swiper.setTransition(speed);
- } else if (speed === true) {
- swiper.setTransition(swiper.params.speed);
- }
- const getSlideByIndex = index => {
- if (isVirtual) {
- return swiper.slides.filter(el => parseInt(el.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10) === index)[0];
- }
- return swiper.slides.eq(index)[0];
- }; // Find slides currently in view
- if (swiper.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && swiper.params.slidesPerView > 1) {
- if (swiper.params.centeredSlides) {
- swiper.visibleSlides.each(slide => {
- activeSlides.push(slide);
- });
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < Math.ceil(swiper.params.slidesPerView); i += 1) {
- const index = swiper.activeIndex + i;
- if (index > swiper.slides.length && !isVirtual) break;
- activeSlides.push(getSlideByIndex(index));
- }
- }
- } else {
- activeSlides.push(getSlideByIndex(swiper.activeIndex));
- } // Find new height from highest slide in view
- for (i = 0; i < activeSlides.length; i += 1) {
- if (typeof activeSlides[i] !== 'undefined') {
- const height = activeSlides[i].offsetHeight;
- newHeight = height > newHeight ? height : newHeight;
- }
- } // Update Height
- if (newHeight || newHeight === 0) swiper.$wrapperEl.css('height', `${newHeight}px`);
- }
- function updateSlidesOffset() {
- const swiper = this;
- const slides = swiper.slides;
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- slides[i].swiperSlideOffset = swiper.isHorizontal() ? slides[i].offsetLeft : slides[i].offsetTop;
- }
- }
- function updateSlidesProgress(translate) {
- if (translate === void 0) {
- translate = this && this.translate || 0;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const params = swiper.params;
- const {
- slides,
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- snapGrid
- } = swiper;
- if (slides.length === 0) return;
- if (typeof slides[0].swiperSlideOffset === 'undefined') swiper.updateSlidesOffset();
- let offsetCenter = -translate;
- if (rtl) offsetCenter = translate; // Visible Slides
- slides.removeClass(params.slideVisibleClass);
- swiper.visibleSlidesIndexes = [];
- swiper.visibleSlides = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- const slide = slides[i];
- let slideOffset = slide.swiperSlideOffset;
- if (params.cssMode && params.centeredSlides) {
- slideOffset -= slides[0].swiperSlideOffset;
- }
- const slideProgress = (offsetCenter + (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.minTranslate() : 0) - slideOffset) / (slide.swiperSlideSize + params.spaceBetween);
- const originalSlideProgress = (offsetCenter - snapGrid[0] + (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.minTranslate() : 0) - slideOffset) / (slide.swiperSlideSize + params.spaceBetween);
- const slideBefore = -(offsetCenter - slideOffset);
- const slideAfter = slideBefore + swiper.slidesSizesGrid[i];
- const isVisible = slideBefore >= 0 && slideBefore < swiper.size - 1 || slideAfter > 1 && slideAfter <= swiper.size || slideBefore <= 0 && slideAfter >= swiper.size;
- if (isVisible) {
- swiper.visibleSlides.push(slide);
- swiper.visibleSlidesIndexes.push(i);
- slides.eq(i).addClass(params.slideVisibleClass);
- }
- slide.progress = rtl ? -slideProgress : slideProgress;
- slide.originalProgress = rtl ? -originalSlideProgress : originalSlideProgress;
- }
- swiper.visibleSlides = $(swiper.visibleSlides);
- }
- function updateProgress(translate) {
- const swiper = this;
- if (typeof translate === 'undefined') {
- const multiplier = swiper.rtlTranslate ? -1 : 1; // eslint-disable-next-line
- translate = swiper && swiper.translate && swiper.translate * multiplier || 0;
- }
- const params = swiper.params;
- const translatesDiff = swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate();
- let {
- progress,
- isBeginning,
- isEnd
- } = swiper;
- const wasBeginning = isBeginning;
- const wasEnd = isEnd;
- if (translatesDiff === 0) {
- progress = 0;
- isBeginning = true;
- isEnd = true;
- } else {
- progress = (translate - swiper.minTranslate()) / translatesDiff;
- isBeginning = progress <= 0;
- isEnd = progress >= 1;
- }
- Object.assign(swiper, {
- progress,
- isBeginning,
- isEnd
- });
- if (params.watchSlidesProgress || params.centeredSlides && params.autoHeight) swiper.updateSlidesProgress(translate);
- if (isBeginning && !wasBeginning) {
- swiper.emit('reachBeginning toEdge');
- }
- if (isEnd && !wasEnd) {
- swiper.emit('reachEnd toEdge');
- }
- if (wasBeginning && !isBeginning || wasEnd && !isEnd) {
- swiper.emit('fromEdge');
- }
- swiper.emit('progress', progress);
- }
- function updateSlidesClasses() {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- slides,
- params,
- $wrapperEl,
- activeIndex,
- realIndex
- } = swiper;
- const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;
- slides.removeClass(`${params.slideActiveClass} ${params.slideNextClass} ${params.slidePrevClass} ${params.slideDuplicateActiveClass} ${params.slideDuplicateNextClass} ${params.slideDuplicatePrevClass}`);
- let activeSlide;
- if (isVirtual) {
- activeSlide = swiper.$wrapperEl.find(`.${params.slideClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${activeIndex}"]`);
- } else {
- activeSlide = slides.eq(activeIndex);
- } // Active classes
- activeSlide.addClass(params.slideActiveClass);
- if (params.loop) {
- // Duplicate to all looped slides
- if (activeSlide.hasClass(params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}:not(.${params.slideDuplicateClass})[data-swiper-slide-index="${realIndex}"]`).addClass(params.slideDuplicateActiveClass);
- } else {
- $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}.${params.slideDuplicateClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${realIndex}"]`).addClass(params.slideDuplicateActiveClass);
- }
- } // Next Slide
- let nextSlide = activeSlide.nextAll(`.${params.slideClass}`).eq(0).addClass(params.slideNextClass);
- if (params.loop && nextSlide.length === 0) {
- nextSlide = slides.eq(0);
- nextSlide.addClass(params.slideNextClass);
- } // Prev Slide
- let prevSlide = activeSlide.prevAll(`.${params.slideClass}`).eq(0).addClass(params.slidePrevClass);
- if (params.loop && prevSlide.length === 0) {
- prevSlide = slides.eq(-1);
- prevSlide.addClass(params.slidePrevClass);
- }
- if (params.loop) {
- // Duplicate to all looped slides
- if (nextSlide.hasClass(params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}:not(.${params.slideDuplicateClass})[data-swiper-slide-index="${nextSlide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')}"]`).addClass(params.slideDuplicateNextClass);
- } else {
- $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}.${params.slideDuplicateClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${nextSlide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')}"]`).addClass(params.slideDuplicateNextClass);
- }
- if (prevSlide.hasClass(params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}:not(.${params.slideDuplicateClass})[data-swiper-slide-index="${prevSlide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')}"]`).addClass(params.slideDuplicatePrevClass);
- } else {
- $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}.${params.slideDuplicateClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${prevSlide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')}"]`).addClass(params.slideDuplicatePrevClass);
- }
- }
- swiper.emitSlidesClasses();
- }
- function updateActiveIndex(newActiveIndex) {
- const swiper = this;
- const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;
- const {
- slidesGrid,
- snapGrid,
- params,
- activeIndex: previousIndex,
- realIndex: previousRealIndex,
- snapIndex: previousSnapIndex
- } = swiper;
- let activeIndex = newActiveIndex;
- let snapIndex;
- if (typeof activeIndex === 'undefined') {
- for (let i = 0; i < slidesGrid.length; i += 1) {
- if (typeof slidesGrid[i + 1] !== 'undefined') {
- if (translate >= slidesGrid[i] && translate < slidesGrid[i + 1] - (slidesGrid[i + 1] - slidesGrid[i]) / 2) {
- activeIndex = i;
- } else if (translate >= slidesGrid[i] && translate < slidesGrid[i + 1]) {
- activeIndex = i + 1;
- }
- } else if (translate >= slidesGrid[i]) {
- activeIndex = i;
- }
- } // Normalize slideIndex
- if (params.normalizeSlideIndex) {
- if (activeIndex < 0 || typeof activeIndex === 'undefined') activeIndex = 0;
- }
- }
- if (snapGrid.indexOf(translate) >= 0) {
- snapIndex = snapGrid.indexOf(translate);
- } else {
- const skip = Math.min(params.slidesPerGroupSkip, activeIndex);
- snapIndex = skip + Math.floor((activeIndex - skip) / params.slidesPerGroup);
- }
- if (snapIndex >= snapGrid.length) snapIndex = snapGrid.length - 1;
- if (activeIndex === previousIndex) {
- if (snapIndex !== previousSnapIndex) {
- swiper.snapIndex = snapIndex;
- swiper.emit('snapIndexChange');
- }
- return;
- } // Get real index
- const realIndex = parseInt(swiper.slides.eq(activeIndex).attr('data-swiper-slide-index') || activeIndex, 10);
- Object.assign(swiper, {
- snapIndex,
- realIndex,
- previousIndex,
- activeIndex
- });
- swiper.emit('activeIndexChange');
- swiper.emit('snapIndexChange');
- if (previousRealIndex !== realIndex) {
- swiper.emit('realIndexChange');
- }
- if (swiper.initialized || swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit) {
- swiper.emit('slideChange');
- }
- }
- function updateClickedSlide(e) {
- const swiper = this;
- const params = swiper.params;
- const slide = $(e).closest(`.${params.slideClass}`)[0];
- let slideFound = false;
- let slideIndex;
- if (slide) {
- for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i += 1) {
- if (swiper.slides[i] === slide) {
- slideFound = true;
- slideIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (slide && slideFound) {
- swiper.clickedSlide = slide;
- if (swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {
- swiper.clickedIndex = parseInt($(slide).attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
- } else {
- swiper.clickedIndex = slideIndex;
- }
- } else {
- swiper.clickedSlide = undefined;
- swiper.clickedIndex = undefined;
- return;
- }
- if (params.slideToClickedSlide && swiper.clickedIndex !== undefined && swiper.clickedIndex !== swiper.activeIndex) {
- swiper.slideToClickedSlide();
- }
- }
- var update = {
- updateSize,
- updateSlides,
- updateAutoHeight,
- updateSlidesOffset,
- updateSlidesProgress,
- updateProgress,
- updateSlidesClasses,
- updateActiveIndex,
- updateClickedSlide
- };
- function getSwiperTranslate(axis) {
- if (axis === void 0) {
- axis = this.isHorizontal() ? 'x' : 'y';
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params,
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- translate,
- $wrapperEl
- } = swiper;
- if (params.virtualTranslate) {
- return rtl ? -translate : translate;
- }
- if (params.cssMode) {
- return translate;
- }
- let currentTranslate = getTranslate($wrapperEl[0], axis);
- if (rtl) currentTranslate = -currentTranslate;
- return currentTranslate || 0;
- }
- function setTranslate(translate, byController) {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- params,
- $wrapperEl,
- wrapperEl,
- progress
- } = swiper;
- let x = 0;
- let y = 0;
- const z = 0;
- if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- x = rtl ? -translate : translate;
- } else {
- y = translate;
- }
- if (params.roundLengths) {
- x = Math.floor(x);
- y = Math.floor(y);
- }
- if (params.cssMode) {
- wrapperEl[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = swiper.isHorizontal() ? -x : -y;
- } else if (!params.virtualTranslate) {
- $wrapperEl.transform(`translate3d(${x}px, ${y}px, ${z}px)`);
- }
- swiper.previousTranslate = swiper.translate;
- swiper.translate = swiper.isHorizontal() ? x : y; // Check if we need to update progress
- let newProgress;
- const translatesDiff = swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate();
- if (translatesDiff === 0) {
- newProgress = 0;
- } else {
- newProgress = (translate - swiper.minTranslate()) / translatesDiff;
- }
- if (newProgress !== progress) {
- swiper.updateProgress(translate);
- }
- swiper.emit('setTranslate', swiper.translate, byController);
- }
- function minTranslate() {
- return -this.snapGrid[0];
- }
- function maxTranslate() {
- return -this.snapGrid[this.snapGrid.length - 1];
- }
- function translateTo(translate, speed, runCallbacks, translateBounds, internal) {
- if (translate === void 0) {
- translate = 0;
- }
- if (speed === void 0) {
- speed = this.params.speed;
- }
- if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
- runCallbacks = true;
- }
- if (translateBounds === void 0) {
- translateBounds = true;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params,
- wrapperEl
- } = swiper;
- if (swiper.animating && params.preventInteractionOnTransition) {
- return false;
- }
- const minTranslate = swiper.minTranslate();
- const maxTranslate = swiper.maxTranslate();
- let newTranslate;
- if (translateBounds && translate > minTranslate) newTranslate = minTranslate;else if (translateBounds && translate < maxTranslate) newTranslate = maxTranslate;else newTranslate = translate; // Update progress
- swiper.updateProgress(newTranslate);
- if (params.cssMode) {
- const isH = swiper.isHorizontal();
- if (speed === 0) {
- wrapperEl[isH ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = -newTranslate;
- } else {
- if (! {
- animateCSSModeScroll({
- swiper,
- targetPosition: -newTranslate,
- side: isH ? 'left' : 'top'
- });
- return true;
- }
- wrapperEl.scrollTo({
- [isH ? 'left' : 'top']: -newTranslate,
- behavior: 'smooth'
- });
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (speed === 0) {
- swiper.setTransition(0);
- swiper.setTranslate(newTranslate);
- if (runCallbacks) {
- swiper.emit('beforeTransitionStart', speed, internal);
- swiper.emit('transitionEnd');
- }
- } else {
- swiper.setTransition(speed);
- swiper.setTranslate(newTranslate);
- if (runCallbacks) {
- swiper.emit('beforeTransitionStart', speed, internal);
- swiper.emit('transitionStart');
- }
- if (!swiper.animating) {
- swiper.animating = true;
- if (!swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd) {
- swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd = function transitionEnd(e) {
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
- if ( !== this) return;
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].removeEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd);
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd);
- swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd = null;
- delete swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd;
- if (runCallbacks) {
- swiper.emit('transitionEnd');
- }
- };
- }
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].addEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd);
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- var translate = {
- getTranslate: getSwiperTranslate,
- setTranslate,
- minTranslate,
- maxTranslate,
- translateTo
- };
- function setTransition(duration, byController) {
- const swiper = this;
- if (!swiper.params.cssMode) {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.transition(duration);
- }
- swiper.emit('setTransition', duration, byController);
- }
- function transitionEmit(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- runCallbacks,
- direction,
- step
- } = _ref;
- const {
- activeIndex,
- previousIndex
- } = swiper;
- let dir = direction;
- if (!dir) {
- if (activeIndex > previousIndex) dir = 'next';else if (activeIndex < previousIndex) dir = 'prev';else dir = 'reset';
- }
- swiper.emit(`transition${step}`);
- if (runCallbacks && activeIndex !== previousIndex) {
- if (dir === 'reset') {
- swiper.emit(`slideResetTransition${step}`);
- return;
- }
- swiper.emit(`slideChangeTransition${step}`);
- if (dir === 'next') {
- swiper.emit(`slideNextTransition${step}`);
- } else {
- swiper.emit(`slidePrevTransition${step}`);
- }
- }
- }
- function transitionStart(runCallbacks, direction) {
- if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
- runCallbacks = true;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params
- } = swiper;
- if (params.cssMode) return;
- if (params.autoHeight) {
- swiper.updateAutoHeight();
- }
- transitionEmit({
- swiper,
- runCallbacks,
- direction,
- step: 'Start'
- });
- }
- function transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction) {
- if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
- runCallbacks = true;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params
- } = swiper;
- swiper.animating = false;
- if (params.cssMode) return;
- swiper.setTransition(0);
- transitionEmit({
- swiper,
- runCallbacks,
- direction,
- step: 'End'
- });
- }
- var transition = {
- setTransition,
- transitionStart,
- transitionEnd
- };
- function slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks, internal, initial) {
- if (index === void 0) {
- index = 0;
- }
- if (speed === void 0) {
- speed = this.params.speed;
- }
- if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
- runCallbacks = true;
- }
- if (typeof index !== 'number' && typeof index !== 'string') {
- throw new Error(`The 'index' argument cannot have type other than 'number' or 'string'. [${typeof index}] given.`);
- }
- if (typeof index === 'string') {
- /**
- * The `index` argument converted from `string` to `number`.
- * @type {number}
- */
- const indexAsNumber = parseInt(index, 10);
- /**
- * Determines whether the `index` argument is a valid `number`
- * after being converted from the `string` type.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- const isValidNumber = isFinite(indexAsNumber);
- if (!isValidNumber) {
- throw new Error(`The passed-in 'index' (string) couldn't be converted to 'number'. [${index}] given.`);
- } // Knowing that the converted `index` is a valid number,
- // we can update the original argument's value.
- index = indexAsNumber;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- let slideIndex = index;
- if (slideIndex < 0) slideIndex = 0;
- const {
- params,
- snapGrid,
- slidesGrid,
- previousIndex,
- activeIndex,
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- wrapperEl,
- enabled
- } = swiper;
- if (swiper.animating && params.preventInteractionOnTransition || !enabled && !internal && !initial) {
- return false;
- }
- const skip = Math.min(swiper.params.slidesPerGroupSkip, slideIndex);
- let snapIndex = skip + Math.floor((slideIndex - skip) / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup);
- if (snapIndex >= snapGrid.length) snapIndex = snapGrid.length - 1;
- if ((activeIndex || params.initialSlide || 0) === (previousIndex || 0) && runCallbacks) {
- swiper.emit('beforeSlideChangeStart');
- }
- const translate = -snapGrid[snapIndex]; // Update progress
- swiper.updateProgress(translate); // Normalize slideIndex
- if (params.normalizeSlideIndex) {
- for (let i = 0; i < slidesGrid.length; i += 1) {
- const normalizedTranslate = -Math.floor(translate * 100);
- const normalizedGrid = Math.floor(slidesGrid[i] * 100);
- const normalizedGridNext = Math.floor(slidesGrid[i + 1] * 100);
- if (typeof slidesGrid[i + 1] !== 'undefined') {
- if (normalizedTranslate >= normalizedGrid && normalizedTranslate < normalizedGridNext - (normalizedGridNext - normalizedGrid) / 2) {
- slideIndex = i;
- } else if (normalizedTranslate >= normalizedGrid && normalizedTranslate < normalizedGridNext) {
- slideIndex = i + 1;
- }
- } else if (normalizedTranslate >= normalizedGrid) {
- slideIndex = i;
- }
- }
- } // Directions locks
- if (swiper.initialized && slideIndex !== activeIndex) {
- if (!swiper.allowSlideNext && translate < swiper.translate && translate < swiper.minTranslate()) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && translate > swiper.translate && translate > swiper.maxTranslate()) {
- if ((activeIndex || 0) !== slideIndex) return false;
- }
- }
- let direction;
- if (slideIndex > activeIndex) direction = 'next';else if (slideIndex < activeIndex) direction = 'prev';else direction = 'reset'; // Update Index
- if (rtl && -translate === swiper.translate || !rtl && translate === swiper.translate) {
- swiper.updateActiveIndex(slideIndex); // Update Height
- if (params.autoHeight) {
- swiper.updateAutoHeight();
- }
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- if (params.effect !== 'slide') {
- swiper.setTranslate(translate);
- }
- if (direction !== 'reset') {
- swiper.transitionStart(runCallbacks, direction);
- swiper.transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction);
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (params.cssMode) {
- const isH = swiper.isHorizontal();
- const t = rtl ? translate : -translate;
- if (speed === 0) {
- const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;
- if (isVirtual) {
- = 'none';
- swiper._immediateVirtual = true;
- }
- wrapperEl[isH ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = t;
- if (isVirtual) {
- requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- = '';
- swiper._swiperImmediateVirtual = false;
- });
- }
- } else {
- if (! {
- animateCSSModeScroll({
- swiper,
- targetPosition: t,
- side: isH ? 'left' : 'top'
- });
- return true;
- }
- wrapperEl.scrollTo({
- [isH ? 'left' : 'top']: t,
- behavior: 'smooth'
- });
- }
- return true;
- }
- swiper.setTransition(speed);
- swiper.setTranslate(translate);
- swiper.updateActiveIndex(slideIndex);
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- swiper.emit('beforeTransitionStart', speed, internal);
- swiper.transitionStart(runCallbacks, direction);
- if (speed === 0) {
- swiper.transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction);
- } else if (!swiper.animating) {
- swiper.animating = true;
- if (!swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd) {
- swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd = function transitionEnd(e) {
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
- if ( !== this) return;
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].removeEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd);
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd);
- swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd = null;
- delete swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd;
- swiper.transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction);
- };
- }
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].addEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd);
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd);
- }
- return true;
- }
- function slideToLoop(index, speed, runCallbacks, internal) {
- if (index === void 0) {
- index = 0;
- }
- if (speed === void 0) {
- speed = this.params.speed;
- }
- if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
- runCallbacks = true;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- let newIndex = index;
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- newIndex += swiper.loopedSlides;
- }
- return swiper.slideTo(newIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
- }
- /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */
- function slideNext(speed, runCallbacks, internal) {
- if (speed === void 0) {
- speed = this.params.speed;
- }
- if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
- runCallbacks = true;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- animating,
- enabled,
- params
- } = swiper;
- if (!enabled) return swiper;
- let perGroup = params.slidesPerGroup;
- if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && params.slidesPerGroup === 1 && params.slidesPerGroupAuto) {
- perGroup = Math.max(swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic('current', true), 1);
- }
- const increment = swiper.activeIndex < params.slidesPerGroupSkip ? 1 : perGroup;
- if (params.loop) {
- if (animating && params.loopPreventsSlide) return false;
- swiper.loopFix(); // eslint-disable-next-line
- swiper._clientLeft = swiper.$wrapperEl[0].clientLeft;
- }
- if (params.rewind && swiper.isEnd) {
- return swiper.slideTo(0, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
- }
- return swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex + increment, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
- }
- /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */
- function slidePrev(speed, runCallbacks, internal) {
- if (speed === void 0) {
- speed = this.params.speed;
- }
- if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
- runCallbacks = true;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params,
- animating,
- snapGrid,
- slidesGrid,
- rtlTranslate,
- enabled
- } = swiper;
- if (!enabled) return swiper;
- if (params.loop) {
- if (animating && params.loopPreventsSlide) return false;
- swiper.loopFix(); // eslint-disable-next-line
- swiper._clientLeft = swiper.$wrapperEl[0].clientLeft;
- }
- const translate = rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;
- function normalize(val) {
- if (val < 0) return -Math.floor(Math.abs(val));
- return Math.floor(val);
- }
- const normalizedTranslate = normalize(translate);
- const normalizedSnapGrid = => normalize(val));
- let prevSnap = snapGrid[normalizedSnapGrid.indexOf(normalizedTranslate) - 1];
- if (typeof prevSnap === 'undefined' && params.cssMode) {
- let prevSnapIndex;
- snapGrid.forEach((snap, snapIndex) => {
- if (normalizedTranslate >= snap) {
- // prevSnap = snap;
- prevSnapIndex = snapIndex;
- }
- });
- if (typeof prevSnapIndex !== 'undefined') {
- prevSnap = snapGrid[prevSnapIndex > 0 ? prevSnapIndex - 1 : prevSnapIndex];
- }
- }
- let prevIndex = 0;
- if (typeof prevSnap !== 'undefined') {
- prevIndex = slidesGrid.indexOf(prevSnap);
- if (prevIndex < 0) prevIndex = swiper.activeIndex - 1;
- if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && params.slidesPerGroup === 1 && params.slidesPerGroupAuto) {
- prevIndex = prevIndex - swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic('previous', true) + 1;
- prevIndex = Math.max(prevIndex, 0);
- }
- }
- if (params.rewind && swiper.isBeginning) {
- const lastIndex = swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length - 1 : swiper.slides.length - 1;
- return swiper.slideTo(lastIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
- }
- return swiper.slideTo(prevIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
- }
- /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */
- function slideReset(speed, runCallbacks, internal) {
- if (speed === void 0) {
- speed = this.params.speed;
- }
- if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
- runCallbacks = true;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- return swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
- }
- /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */
- function slideToClosest(speed, runCallbacks, internal, threshold) {
- if (speed === void 0) {
- speed = this.params.speed;
- }
- if (runCallbacks === void 0) {
- runCallbacks = true;
- }
- if (threshold === void 0) {
- threshold = 0.5;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- let index = swiper.activeIndex;
- const skip = Math.min(swiper.params.slidesPerGroupSkip, index);
- const snapIndex = skip + Math.floor((index - skip) / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup);
- const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;
- if (translate >= swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex]) {
- // The current translate is on or after the current snap index, so the choice
- // is between the current index and the one after it.
- const currentSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex];
- const nextSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex + 1];
- if (translate - currentSnap > (nextSnap - currentSnap) * threshold) {
- index += swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;
- }
- } else {
- // The current translate is before the current snap index, so the choice
- // is between the current index and the one before it.
- const prevSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex - 1];
- const currentSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex];
- if (translate - prevSnap <= (currentSnap - prevSnap) * threshold) {
- index -= swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;
- }
- }
- index = Math.max(index, 0);
- index = Math.min(index, swiper.slidesGrid.length - 1);
- return swiper.slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks, internal);
- }
- function slideToClickedSlide() {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params,
- $wrapperEl
- } = swiper;
- const slidesPerView = params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic() : params.slidesPerView;
- let slideToIndex = swiper.clickedIndex;
- let realIndex;
- if (params.loop) {
- if (swiper.animating) return;
- realIndex = parseInt($(swiper.clickedSlide).attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
- if (params.centeredSlides) {
- if (slideToIndex < swiper.loopedSlides - slidesPerView / 2 || slideToIndex > swiper.slides.length - swiper.loopedSlides + slidesPerView / 2) {
- swiper.loopFix();
- slideToIndex = $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${realIndex}"]:not(.${params.slideDuplicateClass})`).eq(0).index();
- nextTick(() => {
- swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
- });
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
- }
- } else if (slideToIndex > swiper.slides.length - slidesPerView) {
- swiper.loopFix();
- slideToIndex = $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${realIndex}"]:not(.${params.slideDuplicateClass})`).eq(0).index();
- nextTick(() => {
- swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
- });
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
- }
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
- }
- }
- var slide = {
- slideTo,
- slideToLoop,
- slideNext,
- slidePrev,
- slideReset,
- slideToClosest,
- slideToClickedSlide
- };
- function loopCreate() {
- const swiper = this;
- const document = getDocument();
- const {
- params,
- $wrapperEl
- } = swiper; // Remove duplicated slides
- const $selector = $wrapperEl.children().length > 0 ? $($wrapperEl.children()[0].parentNode) : $wrapperEl;
- $selector.children(`.${params.slideClass}.${params.slideDuplicateClass}`).remove();
- let slides = $selector.children(`.${params.slideClass}`);
- if (params.loopFillGroupWithBlank) {
- const blankSlidesNum = params.slidesPerGroup - slides.length % params.slidesPerGroup;
- if (blankSlidesNum !== params.slidesPerGroup) {
- for (let i = 0; i < blankSlidesNum; i += 1) {
- const blankNode = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass(`${params.slideClass} ${params.slideBlankClass}`);
- $selector.append(blankNode);
- }
- slides = $selector.children(`.${params.slideClass}`);
- }
- }
- if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && !params.loopedSlides) params.loopedSlides = slides.length;
- swiper.loopedSlides = Math.ceil(parseFloat(params.loopedSlides || params.slidesPerView, 10));
- swiper.loopedSlides += params.loopAdditionalSlides;
- if (swiper.loopedSlides > slides.length) {
- swiper.loopedSlides = slides.length;
- }
- const prependSlides = [];
- const appendSlides = [];
- slides.each((el, index) => {
- const slide = $(el);
- if (index < swiper.loopedSlides) {
- appendSlides.push(el);
- }
- if (index < slides.length && index >= slides.length - swiper.loopedSlides) {
- prependSlides.push(el);
- }
- slide.attr('data-swiper-slide-index', index);
- });
- for (let i = 0; i < appendSlides.length; i += 1) {
- $selector.append($(appendSlides[i].cloneNode(true)).addClass(params.slideDuplicateClass));
- }
- for (let i = prependSlides.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
- $selector.prepend($(prependSlides[i].cloneNode(true)).addClass(params.slideDuplicateClass));
- }
- }
- function loopFix() {
- const swiper = this;
- swiper.emit('beforeLoopFix');
- const {
- activeIndex,
- slides,
- loopedSlides,
- allowSlidePrev,
- allowSlideNext,
- snapGrid,
- rtlTranslate: rtl
- } = swiper;
- let newIndex;
- swiper.allowSlidePrev = true;
- swiper.allowSlideNext = true;
- const snapTranslate = -snapGrid[activeIndex];
- const diff = snapTranslate - swiper.getTranslate(); // Fix For Negative Oversliding
- if (activeIndex < loopedSlides) {
- newIndex = slides.length - loopedSlides * 3 + activeIndex;
- newIndex += loopedSlides;
- const slideChanged = swiper.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false, true);
- if (slideChanged && diff !== 0) {
- swiper.setTranslate((rtl ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate) - diff);
- }
- } else if (activeIndex >= slides.length - loopedSlides) {
- // Fix For Positive Oversliding
- newIndex = -slides.length + activeIndex + loopedSlides;
- newIndex += loopedSlides;
- const slideChanged = swiper.slideTo(newIndex, 0, false, true);
- if (slideChanged && diff !== 0) {
- swiper.setTranslate((rtl ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate) - diff);
- }
- }
- swiper.allowSlidePrev = allowSlidePrev;
- swiper.allowSlideNext = allowSlideNext;
- swiper.emit('loopFix');
- }
- function loopDestroy() {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- $wrapperEl,
- params,
- slides
- } = swiper;
- $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}.${params.slideDuplicateClass},.${params.slideClass}.${params.slideBlankClass}`).remove();
- slides.removeAttr('data-swiper-slide-index');
- }
- var loop = {
- loopCreate,
- loopFix,
- loopDestroy
- };
- function setGrabCursor(moving) {
- const swiper = this;
- if ( || !swiper.params.simulateTouch || swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.isLocked || swiper.params.cssMode) return;
- const el = swiper.params.touchEventsTarget === 'container' ? swiper.el : swiper.wrapperEl;
- = 'move';
- = moving ? '-webkit-grabbing' : '-webkit-grab';
- = moving ? '-moz-grabbin' : '-moz-grab';
- = moving ? 'grabbing' : 'grab';
- }
- function unsetGrabCursor() {
- const swiper = this;
- if ( || swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.isLocked || swiper.params.cssMode) {
- return;
- }
- swiper[swiper.params.touchEventsTarget === 'container' ? 'el' : 'wrapperEl'].style.cursor = '';
- }
- var grabCursor = {
- setGrabCursor,
- unsetGrabCursor
- };
- function closestElement(selector, base) {
- if (base === void 0) {
- base = this;
- }
- function __closestFrom(el) {
- if (!el || el === getDocument() || el === getWindow()) return null;
- if (el.assignedSlot) el = el.assignedSlot;
- const found = el.closest(selector);
- return found || __closestFrom(el.getRootNode().host);
- }
- return __closestFrom(base);
- }
- function onTouchStart(event) {
- const swiper = this;
- const document = getDocument();
- const window = getWindow();
- const data = swiper.touchEventsData;
- const {
- params,
- touches,
- enabled
- } = swiper;
- if (!enabled) return;
- if (swiper.animating && params.preventInteractionOnTransition) {
- return;
- }
- if (!swiper.animating && params.cssMode && params.loop) {
- swiper.loopFix();
- }
- let e = event;
- if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
- let $targetEl = $(;
- if (params.touchEventsTarget === 'wrapper') {
- if (!$targetEl.closest(swiper.wrapperEl).length) return;
- }
- data.isTouchEvent = e.type === 'touchstart';
- if (!data.isTouchEvent && 'which' in e && e.which === 3) return;
- if (!data.isTouchEvent && 'button' in e && e.button > 0) return;
- if (data.isTouched && data.isMoved) return; // change target el for shadow root component
- const swipingClassHasValue = !!params.noSwipingClass && params.noSwipingClass !== '';
- if (swipingClassHasValue && && && event.path && event.path[0]) {
- $targetEl = $(event.path[0]);
- }
- const noSwipingSelector = params.noSwipingSelector ? params.noSwipingSelector : `.${params.noSwipingClass}`;
- const isTargetShadow = !!( &&; // use closestElement for shadow root element to get the actual closest for nested shadow root element
- if (params.noSwiping && (isTargetShadow ? closestElement(noSwipingSelector, : $targetEl.closest(noSwipingSelector)[0])) {
- swiper.allowClick = true;
- return;
- }
- if (params.swipeHandler) {
- if (!$targetEl.closest(params.swipeHandler)[0]) return;
- }
- touches.currentX = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
- touches.currentY = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
- const startX = touches.currentX;
- const startY = touches.currentY; // Do NOT start if iOS edge swipe is detected. Otherwise iOS app cannot swipe-to-go-back anymore
- const edgeSwipeDetection = params.edgeSwipeDetection || params.iOSEdgeSwipeDetection;
- const edgeSwipeThreshold = params.edgeSwipeThreshold || params.iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold;
- if (edgeSwipeDetection && (startX <= edgeSwipeThreshold || startX >= window.innerWidth - edgeSwipeThreshold)) {
- if (edgeSwipeDetection === 'prevent') {
- event.preventDefault();
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- Object.assign(data, {
- isTouched: true,
- isMoved: false,
- allowTouchCallbacks: true,
- isScrolling: undefined,
- startMoving: undefined
- });
- touches.startX = startX;
- touches.startY = startY;
- data.touchStartTime = now();
- swiper.allowClick = true;
- swiper.updateSize();
- swiper.swipeDirection = undefined;
- if (params.threshold > 0) data.allowThresholdMove = false;
- if (e.type !== 'touchstart') {
- let preventDefault = true;
- if ($ {
- preventDefault = false;
- if ($targetEl[0].nodeName === 'SELECT') {
- data.isTouched = false;
- }
- }
- if (document.activeElement && $(document.activeElement).is(data.focusableElements) && document.activeElement !== $targetEl[0]) {
- document.activeElement.blur();
- }
- const shouldPreventDefault = preventDefault && swiper.allowTouchMove && params.touchStartPreventDefault;
- if ((params.touchStartForcePreventDefault || shouldPreventDefault) && !$targetEl[0].isContentEditable) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- if (swiper.params.freeMode && swiper.params.freeMode.enabled && swiper.freeMode && swiper.animating && !params.cssMode) {
- swiper.freeMode.onTouchStart();
- }
- swiper.emit('touchStart', e);
- }
- function onTouchMove(event) {
- const document = getDocument();
- const swiper = this;
- const data = swiper.touchEventsData;
- const {
- params,
- touches,
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- enabled
- } = swiper;
- if (!enabled) return;
- let e = event;
- if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
- if (!data.isTouched) {
- if (data.startMoving && data.isScrolling) {
- swiper.emit('touchMoveOpposite', e);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (data.isTouchEvent && e.type !== 'touchmove') return;
- const targetTouch = e.type === 'touchmove' && e.targetTouches && (e.targetTouches[0] || e.changedTouches[0]);
- const pageX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? targetTouch.pageX : e.pageX;
- const pageY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? targetTouch.pageY : e.pageY;
- if (e.preventedByNestedSwiper) {
- touches.startX = pageX;
- touches.startY = pageY;
- return;
- }
- if (!swiper.allowTouchMove) {
- if (!$( {
- swiper.allowClick = false;
- }
- if (data.isTouched) {
- Object.assign(touches, {
- startX: pageX,
- startY: pageY,
- currentX: pageX,
- currentY: pageY
- });
- data.touchStartTime = now();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (data.isTouchEvent && params.touchReleaseOnEdges && !params.loop) {
- if (swiper.isVertical()) {
- // Vertical
- if (pageY < touches.startY && swiper.translate <= swiper.maxTranslate() || pageY > touches.startY && swiper.translate >= swiper.minTranslate()) {
- data.isTouched = false;
- data.isMoved = false;
- return;
- }
- } else if (pageX < touches.startX && swiper.translate <= swiper.maxTranslate() || pageX > touches.startX && swiper.translate >= swiper.minTranslate()) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (data.isTouchEvent && document.activeElement) {
- if ( === document.activeElement && $( {
- data.isMoved = true;
- swiper.allowClick = false;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (data.allowTouchCallbacks) {
- swiper.emit('touchMove', e);
- }
- if (e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length > 1) return;
- touches.currentX = pageX;
- touches.currentY = pageY;
- const diffX = touches.currentX - touches.startX;
- const diffY = touches.currentY - touches.startY;
- if (swiper.params.threshold && Math.sqrt(diffX ** 2 + diffY ** 2) < swiper.params.threshold) return;
- if (typeof data.isScrolling === 'undefined') {
- let touchAngle;
- if (swiper.isHorizontal() && touches.currentY === touches.startY || swiper.isVertical() && touches.currentX === touches.startX) {
- data.isScrolling = false;
- } else {
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- if (diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY >= 25) {
- touchAngle = Math.atan2(Math.abs(diffY), Math.abs(diffX)) * 180 / Math.PI;
- data.isScrolling = swiper.isHorizontal() ? touchAngle > params.touchAngle : 90 - touchAngle > params.touchAngle;
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.isScrolling) {
- swiper.emit('touchMoveOpposite', e);
- }
- if (typeof data.startMoving === 'undefined') {
- if (touches.currentX !== touches.startX || touches.currentY !== touches.startY) {
- data.startMoving = true;
- }
- }
- if (data.isScrolling) {
- data.isTouched = false;
- return;
- }
- if (!data.startMoving) {
- return;
- }
- swiper.allowClick = false;
- if (!params.cssMode && e.cancelable) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- if (params.touchMoveStopPropagation && !params.nested) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- if (!data.isMoved) {
- if (params.loop && !params.cssMode) {
- swiper.loopFix();
- }
- data.startTranslate = swiper.getTranslate();
- swiper.setTransition(0);
- if (swiper.animating) {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.trigger('webkitTransitionEnd transitionend');
- }
- data.allowMomentumBounce = false; // Grab Cursor
- if (params.grabCursor && (swiper.allowSlideNext === true || swiper.allowSlidePrev === true)) {
- swiper.setGrabCursor(true);
- }
- swiper.emit('sliderFirstMove', e);
- }
- swiper.emit('sliderMove', e);
- data.isMoved = true;
- let diff = swiper.isHorizontal() ? diffX : diffY;
- touches.diff = diff;
- diff *= params.touchRatio;
- if (rtl) diff = -diff;
- swiper.swipeDirection = diff > 0 ? 'prev' : 'next';
- data.currentTranslate = diff + data.startTranslate;
- let disableParentSwiper = true;
- let resistanceRatio = params.resistanceRatio;
- if (params.touchReleaseOnEdges) {
- resistanceRatio = 0;
- }
- if (diff > 0 && data.currentTranslate > swiper.minTranslate()) {
- disableParentSwiper = false;
- if (params.resistance) data.currentTranslate = swiper.minTranslate() - 1 + (-swiper.minTranslate() + data.startTranslate + diff) ** resistanceRatio;
- } else if (diff < 0 && data.currentTranslate < swiper.maxTranslate()) {
- disableParentSwiper = false;
- if (params.resistance) data.currentTranslate = swiper.maxTranslate() + 1 - (swiper.maxTranslate() - data.startTranslate - diff) ** resistanceRatio;
- }
- if (disableParentSwiper) {
- e.preventedByNestedSwiper = true;
- } // Directions locks
- if (!swiper.allowSlideNext && swiper.swipeDirection === 'next' && data.currentTranslate < data.startTranslate) {
- data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
- }
- if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && swiper.swipeDirection === 'prev' && data.currentTranslate > data.startTranslate) {
- data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
- }
- if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && !swiper.allowSlideNext) {
- data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
- } // Threshold
- if (params.threshold > 0) {
- if (Math.abs(diff) > params.threshold || data.allowThresholdMove) {
- if (!data.allowThresholdMove) {
- data.allowThresholdMove = true;
- touches.startX = touches.currentX;
- touches.startY = touches.currentY;
- data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
- touches.diff = swiper.isHorizontal() ? touches.currentX - touches.startX : touches.currentY - touches.startY;
- return;
- }
- } else {
- data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!params.followFinger || params.cssMode) return; // Update active index in free mode
- if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && swiper.freeMode || params.watchSlidesProgress) {
- swiper.updateActiveIndex();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- }
- if (swiper.params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && swiper.freeMode) {
- swiper.freeMode.onTouchMove();
- } // Update progress
- swiper.updateProgress(data.currentTranslate); // Update translate
- swiper.setTranslate(data.currentTranslate);
- }
- function onTouchEnd(event) {
- const swiper = this;
- const data = swiper.touchEventsData;
- const {
- params,
- touches,
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- slidesGrid,
- enabled
- } = swiper;
- if (!enabled) return;
- let e = event;
- if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;
- if (data.allowTouchCallbacks) {
- swiper.emit('touchEnd', e);
- }
- data.allowTouchCallbacks = false;
- if (!data.isTouched) {
- if (data.isMoved && params.grabCursor) {
- swiper.setGrabCursor(false);
- }
- data.isMoved = false;
- data.startMoving = false;
- return;
- } // Return Grab Cursor
- if (params.grabCursor && data.isMoved && data.isTouched && (swiper.allowSlideNext === true || swiper.allowSlidePrev === true)) {
- swiper.setGrabCursor(false);
- } // Time diff
- const touchEndTime = now();
- const timeDiff = touchEndTime - data.touchStartTime; // Tap, doubleTap, Click
- if (swiper.allowClick) {
- const pathTree = e.path || e.composedPath && e.composedPath();
- swiper.updateClickedSlide(pathTree && pathTree[0] ||;
- swiper.emit('tap click', e);
- if (timeDiff < 300 && touchEndTime - data.lastClickTime < 300) {
- swiper.emit('doubleTap doubleClick', e);
- }
- }
- data.lastClickTime = now();
- nextTick(() => {
- if (!swiper.destroyed) swiper.allowClick = true;
- });
- if (!data.isTouched || !data.isMoved || !swiper.swipeDirection || touches.diff === 0 || data.currentTranslate === data.startTranslate) {
- data.isTouched = false;
- data.isMoved = false;
- data.startMoving = false;
- return;
- }
- data.isTouched = false;
- data.isMoved = false;
- data.startMoving = false;
- let currentPos;
- if (params.followFinger) {
- currentPos = rtl ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;
- } else {
- currentPos = -data.currentTranslate;
- }
- if (params.cssMode) {
- return;
- }
- if (swiper.params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled) {
- swiper.freeMode.onTouchEnd({
- currentPos
- });
- return;
- } // Find current slide
- let stopIndex = 0;
- let groupSize = swiper.slidesSizesGrid[0];
- for (let i = 0; i < slidesGrid.length; i += i < params.slidesPerGroupSkip ? 1 : params.slidesPerGroup) {
- const increment = i < params.slidesPerGroupSkip - 1 ? 1 : params.slidesPerGroup;
- if (typeof slidesGrid[i + increment] !== 'undefined') {
- if (currentPos >= slidesGrid[i] && currentPos < slidesGrid[i + increment]) {
- stopIndex = i;
- groupSize = slidesGrid[i + increment] - slidesGrid[i];
- }
- } else if (currentPos >= slidesGrid[i]) {
- stopIndex = i;
- groupSize = slidesGrid[slidesGrid.length - 1] - slidesGrid[slidesGrid.length - 2];
- }
- }
- let rewindFirstIndex = null;
- let rewindLastIndex = null;
- if (params.rewind) {
- if (swiper.isBeginning) {
- rewindLastIndex = swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length - 1 : swiper.slides.length - 1;
- } else if (swiper.isEnd) {
- rewindFirstIndex = 0;
- }
- } // Find current slide size
- const ratio = (currentPos - slidesGrid[stopIndex]) / groupSize;
- const increment = stopIndex < params.slidesPerGroupSkip - 1 ? 1 : params.slidesPerGroup;
- if (timeDiff > params.longSwipesMs) {
- // Long touches
- if (!params.longSwipes) {
- swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex);
- return;
- }
- if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'next') {
- if (ratio >= params.longSwipesRatio) swiper.slideTo(params.rewind && swiper.isEnd ? rewindFirstIndex : stopIndex + increment);else swiper.slideTo(stopIndex);
- }
- if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'prev') {
- if (ratio > 1 - params.longSwipesRatio) {
- swiper.slideTo(stopIndex + increment);
- } else if (rewindLastIndex !== null && ratio < 0 && Math.abs(ratio) > params.longSwipesRatio) {
- swiper.slideTo(rewindLastIndex);
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(stopIndex);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Short swipes
- if (!params.shortSwipes) {
- swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex);
- return;
- }
- const isNavButtonTarget = swiper.navigation && ( === swiper.navigation.nextEl || === swiper.navigation.prevEl);
- if (!isNavButtonTarget) {
- if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'next') {
- swiper.slideTo(rewindFirstIndex !== null ? rewindFirstIndex : stopIndex + increment);
- }
- if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'prev') {
- swiper.slideTo(rewindLastIndex !== null ? rewindLastIndex : stopIndex);
- }
- } else if ( === swiper.navigation.nextEl) {
- swiper.slideTo(stopIndex + increment);
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(stopIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- function onResize() {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params,
- el
- } = swiper;
- if (el && el.offsetWidth === 0) return; // Breakpoints
- if (params.breakpoints) {
- swiper.setBreakpoint();
- } // Save locks
- const {
- allowSlideNext,
- allowSlidePrev,
- snapGrid
- } = swiper; // Disable locks on resize
- swiper.allowSlideNext = true;
- swiper.allowSlidePrev = true;
- swiper.updateSize();
- swiper.updateSlides();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- if ((params.slidesPerView === 'auto' || params.slidesPerView > 1) && swiper.isEnd && !swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.centeredSlides) {
- swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1, 0, false, true);
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex, 0, false, true);
- }
- if (swiper.autoplay && swiper.autoplay.running && swiper.autoplay.paused) {
- } // Return locks after resize
- swiper.allowSlidePrev = allowSlidePrev;
- swiper.allowSlideNext = allowSlideNext;
- if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && snapGrid !== swiper.snapGrid) {
- swiper.checkOverflow();
- }
- }
- function onClick(e) {
- const swiper = this;
- if (!swiper.enabled) return;
- if (!swiper.allowClick) {
- if (swiper.params.preventClicks) e.preventDefault();
- if (swiper.params.preventClicksPropagation && swiper.animating) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }
- }
- }
- function onScroll() {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- wrapperEl,
- rtlTranslate,
- enabled
- } = swiper;
- if (!enabled) return;
- swiper.previousTranslate = swiper.translate;
- if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- swiper.translate = -wrapperEl.scrollLeft;
- } else {
- swiper.translate = -wrapperEl.scrollTop;
- } // eslint-disable-next-line
- if (swiper.translate === -0) swiper.translate = 0;
- swiper.updateActiveIndex();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- let newProgress;
- const translatesDiff = swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate();
- if (translatesDiff === 0) {
- newProgress = 0;
- } else {
- newProgress = (swiper.translate - swiper.minTranslate()) / translatesDiff;
- }
- if (newProgress !== swiper.progress) {
- swiper.updateProgress(rtlTranslate ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate);
- }
- swiper.emit('setTranslate', swiper.translate, false);
- }
- let dummyEventAttached = false;
- function dummyEventListener() {}
- const events = (swiper, method) => {
- const document = getDocument();
- const {
- params,
- touchEvents,
- el,
- wrapperEl,
- device,
- support
- } = swiper;
- const capture = !!params.nested;
- const domMethod = method === 'on' ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';
- const swiperMethod = method; // Touch Events
- if (!support.touch) {
- el[domMethod](touchEvents.start, swiper.onTouchStart, false);
- document[domMethod](touchEvents.move, swiper.onTouchMove, capture);
- document[domMethod](touchEvents.end, swiper.onTouchEnd, false);
- } else {
- const passiveListener = touchEvents.start === 'touchstart' && support.passiveListener && params.passiveListeners ? {
- passive: true,
- capture: false
- } : false;
- el[domMethod](touchEvents.start, swiper.onTouchStart, passiveListener);
- el[domMethod](touchEvents.move, swiper.onTouchMove, support.passiveListener ? {
- passive: false,
- capture
- } : capture);
- el[domMethod](touchEvents.end, swiper.onTouchEnd, passiveListener);
- if (touchEvents.cancel) {
- el[domMethod](touchEvents.cancel, swiper.onTouchEnd, passiveListener);
- }
- } // Prevent Links Clicks
- if (params.preventClicks || params.preventClicksPropagation) {
- el[domMethod]('click', swiper.onClick, true);
- }
- if (params.cssMode) {
- wrapperEl[domMethod]('scroll', swiper.onScroll);
- } // Resize handler
- if (params.updateOnWindowResize) {
- swiper[swiperMethod](device.ios || ? 'resize orientationchange observerUpdate' : 'resize observerUpdate', onResize, true);
- } else {
- swiper[swiperMethod]('observerUpdate', onResize, true);
- }
- };
- function attachEvents() {
- const swiper = this;
- const document = getDocument();
- const {
- params,
- support
- } = swiper;
- swiper.onTouchStart = onTouchStart.bind(swiper);
- swiper.onTouchMove = onTouchMove.bind(swiper);
- swiper.onTouchEnd = onTouchEnd.bind(swiper);
- if (params.cssMode) {
- swiper.onScroll = onScroll.bind(swiper);
- }
- swiper.onClick = onClick.bind(swiper);
- if (support.touch && !dummyEventAttached) {
- document.addEventListener('touchstart', dummyEventListener);
- dummyEventAttached = true;
- }
- events(swiper, 'on');
- }
- function detachEvents() {
- const swiper = this;
- events(swiper, 'off');
- }
- var events$1 = {
- attachEvents,
- detachEvents
- };
- const isGridEnabled = (swiper, params) => {
- return swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;
- };
- function setBreakpoint() {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- activeIndex,
- initialized,
- loopedSlides = 0,
- params,
- $el
- } = swiper;
- const breakpoints = params.breakpoints;
- if (!breakpoints || breakpoints && Object.keys(breakpoints).length === 0) return; // Get breakpoint for window width and update parameters
- const breakpoint = swiper.getBreakpoint(breakpoints, swiper.params.breakpointsBase, swiper.el);
- if (!breakpoint || swiper.currentBreakpoint === breakpoint) return;
- const breakpointOnlyParams = breakpoint in breakpoints ? breakpoints[breakpoint] : undefined;
- const breakpointParams = breakpointOnlyParams || swiper.originalParams;
- const wasMultiRow = isGridEnabled(swiper, params);
- const isMultiRow = isGridEnabled(swiper, breakpointParams);
- const wasEnabled = params.enabled;
- if (wasMultiRow && !isMultiRow) {
- $el.removeClass(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid ${params.containerModifierClass}grid-column`);
- swiper.emitContainerClasses();
- } else if (!wasMultiRow && isMultiRow) {
- $el.addClass(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid`);
- if (breakpointParams.grid.fill && breakpointParams.grid.fill === 'column' || !breakpointParams.grid.fill && params.grid.fill === 'column') {
- $el.addClass(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid-column`);
- }
- swiper.emitContainerClasses();
- }
- const directionChanged = breakpointParams.direction && breakpointParams.direction !== params.direction;
- const needsReLoop = params.loop && (breakpointParams.slidesPerView !== params.slidesPerView || directionChanged);
- if (directionChanged && initialized) {
- swiper.changeDirection();
- }
- extend(swiper.params, breakpointParams);
- const isEnabled = swiper.params.enabled;
- Object.assign(swiper, {
- allowTouchMove: swiper.params.allowTouchMove,
- allowSlideNext: swiper.params.allowSlideNext,
- allowSlidePrev: swiper.params.allowSlidePrev
- });
- if (wasEnabled && !isEnabled) {
- swiper.disable();
- } else if (!wasEnabled && isEnabled) {
- swiper.enable();
- }
- swiper.currentBreakpoint = breakpoint;
- swiper.emit('_beforeBreakpoint', breakpointParams);
- if (needsReLoop && initialized) {
- swiper.loopDestroy();
- swiper.loopCreate();
- swiper.updateSlides();
- swiper.slideTo(activeIndex - loopedSlides + swiper.loopedSlides, 0, false);
- }
- swiper.emit('breakpoint', breakpointParams);
- }
- function getBreakpoint(breakpoints, base, containerEl) {
- if (base === void 0) {
- base = 'window';
- }
- if (!breakpoints || base === 'container' && !containerEl) return undefined;
- let breakpoint = false;
- const window = getWindow();
- const currentHeight = base === 'window' ? window.innerHeight : containerEl.clientHeight;
- const points = Object.keys(breakpoints).map(point => {
- if (typeof point === 'string' && point.indexOf('@') === 0) {
- const minRatio = parseFloat(point.substr(1));
- const value = currentHeight * minRatio;
- return {
- value,
- point
- };
- }
- return {
- value: point,
- point
- };
- });
- points.sort((a, b) => parseInt(a.value, 10) - parseInt(b.value, 10));
- for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i += 1) {
- const {
- point,
- value
- } = points[i];
- if (base === 'window') {
- if (window.matchMedia(`(min-width: ${value}px)`).matches) {
- breakpoint = point;
- }
- } else if (value <= containerEl.clientWidth) {
- breakpoint = point;
- }
- }
- return breakpoint || 'max';
- }
- var breakpoints = {
- setBreakpoint,
- getBreakpoint
- };
- function prepareClasses(entries, prefix) {
- const resultClasses = [];
- entries.forEach(item => {
- if (typeof item === 'object') {
- Object.keys(item).forEach(classNames => {
- if (item[classNames]) {
- resultClasses.push(prefix + classNames);
- }
- });
- } else if (typeof item === 'string') {
- resultClasses.push(prefix + item);
- }
- });
- return resultClasses;
- }
- function addClasses() {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- classNames,
- params,
- rtl,
- $el,
- device,
- support
- } = swiper; // prettier-ignore
- const suffixes = prepareClasses(['initialized', params.direction, {
- 'pointer-events': !support.touch
- }, {
- 'free-mode': swiper.params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled
- }, {
- 'autoheight': params.autoHeight
- }, {
- 'rtl': rtl
- }, {
- 'grid': params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1
- }, {
- 'grid-column': params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1 && params.grid.fill === 'column'
- }, {
- 'android':
- }, {
- 'ios': device.ios
- }, {
- 'css-mode': params.cssMode
- }, {
- 'centered': params.cssMode && params.centeredSlides
- }], params.containerModifierClass);
- classNames.push(...suffixes);
- $el.addClass([...classNames].join(' '));
- swiper.emitContainerClasses();
- }
- function removeClasses() {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- $el,
- classNames
- } = swiper;
- $el.removeClass(classNames.join(' '));
- swiper.emitContainerClasses();
- }
- var classes = {
- addClasses,
- removeClasses
- };
- function loadImage(imageEl, src, srcset, sizes, checkForComplete, callback) {
- const window = getWindow();
- let image;
- function onReady() {
- if (callback) callback();
- }
- const isPicture = $(imageEl).parent('picture')[0];
- if (!isPicture && (!imageEl.complete || !checkForComplete)) {
- if (src) {
- image = new window.Image();
- image.onload = onReady;
- image.onerror = onReady;
- if (sizes) {
- image.sizes = sizes;
- }
- if (srcset) {
- image.srcset = srcset;
- }
- if (src) {
- image.src = src;
- }
- } else {
- onReady();
- }
- } else {
- // image already loaded...
- onReady();
- }
- }
- function preloadImages() {
- const swiper = this;
- swiper.imagesToLoad = swiper.$el.find('img');
- function onReady() {
- if (typeof swiper === 'undefined' || swiper === null || !swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
- if (swiper.imagesLoaded !== undefined) swiper.imagesLoaded += 1;
- if (swiper.imagesLoaded === swiper.imagesToLoad.length) {
- if (swiper.params.updateOnImagesReady) swiper.update();
- swiper.emit('imagesReady');
- }
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < swiper.imagesToLoad.length; i += 1) {
- const imageEl = swiper.imagesToLoad[i];
- swiper.loadImage(imageEl, imageEl.currentSrc || imageEl.getAttribute('src'), imageEl.srcset || imageEl.getAttribute('srcset'), imageEl.sizes || imageEl.getAttribute('sizes'), true, onReady);
- }
- }
- var images = {
- loadImage,
- preloadImages
- };
- function checkOverflow() {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- isLocked: wasLocked,
- params
- } = swiper;
- const {
- slidesOffsetBefore
- } = params;
- if (slidesOffsetBefore) {
- const lastSlideIndex = swiper.slides.length - 1;
- const lastSlideRightEdge = swiper.slidesGrid[lastSlideIndex] + swiper.slidesSizesGrid[lastSlideIndex] + slidesOffsetBefore * 2;
- swiper.isLocked = swiper.size > lastSlideRightEdge;
- } else {
- swiper.isLocked = swiper.snapGrid.length === 1;
- }
- if (params.allowSlideNext === true) {
- swiper.allowSlideNext = !swiper.isLocked;
- }
- if (params.allowSlidePrev === true) {
- swiper.allowSlidePrev = !swiper.isLocked;
- }
- if (wasLocked && wasLocked !== swiper.isLocked) {
- swiper.isEnd = false;
- }
- if (wasLocked !== swiper.isLocked) {
- swiper.emit(swiper.isLocked ? 'lock' : 'unlock');
- }
- }
- var checkOverflow$1 = {
- checkOverflow
- };
- var defaults = {
- init: true,
- direction: 'horizontal',
- touchEventsTarget: 'wrapper',
- initialSlide: 0,
- speed: 300,
- cssMode: false,
- updateOnWindowResize: true,
- resizeObserver: true,
- nested: false,
- createElements: false,
- enabled: true,
- focusableElements: 'input, select, option, textarea, button, video, label',
- // Overrides
- width: null,
- height: null,
- //
- preventInteractionOnTransition: false,
- // ssr
- userAgent: null,
- url: null,
- // To support iOS's swipe-to-go-back gesture (when being used in-app).
- edgeSwipeDetection: false,
- edgeSwipeThreshold: 20,
- // Autoheight
- autoHeight: false,
- // Set wrapper width
- setWrapperSize: false,
- // Virtual Translate
- virtualTranslate: false,
- // Effects
- effect: 'slide',
- // 'slide' or 'fade' or 'cube' or 'coverflow' or 'flip'
- // Breakpoints
- breakpoints: undefined,
- breakpointsBase: 'window',
- // Slides grid
- spaceBetween: 0,
- slidesPerView: 1,
- slidesPerGroup: 1,
- slidesPerGroupSkip: 0,
- slidesPerGroupAuto: false,
- centeredSlides: false,
- centeredSlidesBounds: false,
- slidesOffsetBefore: 0,
- // in px
- slidesOffsetAfter: 0,
- // in px
- normalizeSlideIndex: true,
- centerInsufficientSlides: false,
- // Disable swiper and hide navigation when container not overflow
- watchOverflow: true,
- // Round length
- roundLengths: false,
- // Touches
- touchRatio: 1,
- touchAngle: 45,
- simulateTouch: true,
- shortSwipes: true,
- longSwipes: true,
- longSwipesRatio: 0.5,
- longSwipesMs: 300,
- followFinger: true,
- allowTouchMove: true,
- threshold: 0,
- touchMoveStopPropagation: false,
- touchStartPreventDefault: true,
- touchStartForcePreventDefault: false,
- touchReleaseOnEdges: false,
- // Unique Navigation Elements
- uniqueNavElements: true,
- // Resistance
- resistance: true,
- resistanceRatio: 0.85,
- // Progress
- watchSlidesProgress: false,
- // Cursor
- grabCursor: false,
- // Clicks
- preventClicks: true,
- preventClicksPropagation: true,
- slideToClickedSlide: false,
- // Images
- preloadImages: true,
- updateOnImagesReady: true,
- // loop
- loop: false,
- loopAdditionalSlides: 0,
- loopedSlides: null,
- loopFillGroupWithBlank: false,
- loopPreventsSlide: true,
- // rewind
- rewind: false,
- // Swiping/no swiping
- allowSlidePrev: true,
- allowSlideNext: true,
- swipeHandler: null,
- // '.swipe-handler',
- noSwiping: true,
- noSwipingClass: 'swiper-no-swiping',
- noSwipingSelector: null,
- // Passive Listeners
- passiveListeners: true,
- maxBackfaceHiddenSlides: 10,
- // NS
- containerModifierClass: 'swiper-',
- // NEW
- slideClass: 'swiper-slide',
- slideBlankClass: 'swiper-slide-invisible-blank',
- slideActiveClass: 'swiper-slide-active',
- slideDuplicateActiveClass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate-active',
- slideVisibleClass: 'swiper-slide-visible',
- slideDuplicateClass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate',
- slideNextClass: 'swiper-slide-next',
- slideDuplicateNextClass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate-next',
- slidePrevClass: 'swiper-slide-prev',
- slideDuplicatePrevClass: 'swiper-slide-duplicate-prev',
- wrapperClass: 'swiper-wrapper',
- // Callbacks
- runCallbacksOnInit: true,
- // Internals
- _emitClasses: false
- };
- function moduleExtendParams(params, allModulesParams) {
- return function extendParams(obj) {
- if (obj === void 0) {
- obj = {};
- }
- const moduleParamName = Object.keys(obj)[0];
- const moduleParams = obj[moduleParamName];
- if (typeof moduleParams !== 'object' || moduleParams === null) {
- extend(allModulesParams, obj);
- return;
- }
- if (['navigation', 'pagination', 'scrollbar'].indexOf(moduleParamName) >= 0 && params[moduleParamName] === true) {
- params[moduleParamName] = {
- auto: true
- };
- }
- if (!(moduleParamName in params && 'enabled' in moduleParams)) {
- extend(allModulesParams, obj);
- return;
- }
- if (params[moduleParamName] === true) {
- params[moduleParamName] = {
- enabled: true
- };
- }
- if (typeof params[moduleParamName] === 'object' && !('enabled' in params[moduleParamName])) {
- params[moduleParamName].enabled = true;
- }
- if (!params[moduleParamName]) params[moduleParamName] = {
- enabled: false
- };
- extend(allModulesParams, obj);
- };
- }
- /* eslint no-param-reassign: "off" */
- const prototypes = {
- eventsEmitter,
- update,
- translate,
- transition,
- slide,
- loop,
- grabCursor,
- events: events$1,
- breakpoints,
- checkOverflow: checkOverflow$1,
- classes,
- images
- };
- const extendedDefaults = {};
- class Swiper {
- constructor() {
- let el;
- let params;
- for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
- args[_key] = arguments[_key];
- }
- if (args.length === 1 && args[0].constructor &&[0]).slice(8, -1) === 'Object') {
- params = args[0];
- } else {
- [el, params] = args;
- }
- if (!params) params = {};
- params = extend({}, params);
- if (el && !params.el) params.el = el;
- if (params.el && $(params.el).length > 1) {
- const swipers = [];
- $(params.el).each(containerEl => {
- const newParams = extend({}, params, {
- el: containerEl
- });
- swipers.push(new Swiper(newParams));
- });
- return swipers;
- } // Swiper Instance
- const swiper = this;
- swiper.__swiper__ = true;
- = getSupport();
- swiper.device = getDevice({
- userAgent: params.userAgent
- });
- swiper.browser = getBrowser();
- swiper.eventsListeners = {};
- swiper.eventsAnyListeners = [];
- swiper.modules = [...swiper.__modules__];
- if (params.modules && Array.isArray(params.modules)) {
- swiper.modules.push(...params.modules);
- }
- const allModulesParams = {};
- swiper.modules.forEach(mod => {
- mod({
- swiper,
- extendParams: moduleExtendParams(params, allModulesParams),
- on: swiper.on.bind(swiper),
- once: swiper.once.bind(swiper),
- off:,
- emit: swiper.emit.bind(swiper)
- });
- }); // Extend defaults with modules params
- const swiperParams = extend({}, defaults, allModulesParams); // Extend defaults with passed params
- swiper.params = extend({}, swiperParams, extendedDefaults, params);
- swiper.originalParams = extend({}, swiper.params);
- swiper.passedParams = extend({}, params); // add event listeners
- if (swiper.params && swiper.params.on) {
- Object.keys(swiper.params.on).forEach(eventName => {
- swiper.on(eventName, swiper.params.on[eventName]);
- });
- }
- if (swiper.params && swiper.params.onAny) {
- swiper.onAny(swiper.params.onAny);
- } // Save Dom lib
- swiper.$ = $; // Extend Swiper
- Object.assign(swiper, {
- enabled: swiper.params.enabled,
- el,
- // Classes
- classNames: [],
- // Slides
- slides: $(),
- slidesGrid: [],
- snapGrid: [],
- slidesSizesGrid: [],
- // isDirection
- isHorizontal() {
- return swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal';
- },
- isVertical() {
- return swiper.params.direction === 'vertical';
- },
- // Indexes
- activeIndex: 0,
- realIndex: 0,
- //
- isBeginning: true,
- isEnd: false,
- // Props
- translate: 0,
- previousTranslate: 0,
- progress: 0,
- velocity: 0,
- animating: false,
- // Locks
- allowSlideNext: swiper.params.allowSlideNext,
- allowSlidePrev: swiper.params.allowSlidePrev,
- // Touch Events
- touchEvents: function touchEvents() {
- const touch = ['touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'];
- const desktop = ['pointerdown', 'pointermove', 'pointerup'];
- swiper.touchEventsTouch = {
- start: touch[0],
- move: touch[1],
- end: touch[2],
- cancel: touch[3]
- };
- swiper.touchEventsDesktop = {
- start: desktop[0],
- move: desktop[1],
- end: desktop[2]
- };
- return || !swiper.params.simulateTouch ? swiper.touchEventsTouch : swiper.touchEventsDesktop;
- }(),
- touchEventsData: {
- isTouched: undefined,
- isMoved: undefined,
- allowTouchCallbacks: undefined,
- touchStartTime: undefined,
- isScrolling: undefined,
- currentTranslate: undefined,
- startTranslate: undefined,
- allowThresholdMove: undefined,
- // Form elements to match
- focusableElements: swiper.params.focusableElements,
- // Last click time
- lastClickTime: now(),
- clickTimeout: undefined,
- // Velocities
- velocities: [],
- allowMomentumBounce: undefined,
- isTouchEvent: undefined,
- startMoving: undefined
- },
- // Clicks
- allowClick: true,
- // Touches
- allowTouchMove: swiper.params.allowTouchMove,
- touches: {
- startX: 0,
- startY: 0,
- currentX: 0,
- currentY: 0,
- diff: 0
- },
- // Images
- imagesToLoad: [],
- imagesLoaded: 0
- });
- swiper.emit('_swiper'); // Init
- if (swiper.params.init) {
- swiper.init();
- } // Return app instance
- return swiper;
- }
- enable() {
- const swiper = this;
- if (swiper.enabled) return;
- swiper.enabled = true;
- if (swiper.params.grabCursor) {
- swiper.setGrabCursor();
- }
- swiper.emit('enable');
- }
- disable() {
- const swiper = this;
- if (!swiper.enabled) return;
- swiper.enabled = false;
- if (swiper.params.grabCursor) {
- swiper.unsetGrabCursor();
- }
- swiper.emit('disable');
- }
- setProgress(progress, speed) {
- const swiper = this;
- progress = Math.min(Math.max(progress, 0), 1);
- const min = swiper.minTranslate();
- const max = swiper.maxTranslate();
- const current = (max - min) * progress + min;
- swiper.translateTo(current, typeof speed === 'undefined' ? 0 : speed);
- swiper.updateActiveIndex();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- }
- emitContainerClasses() {
- const swiper = this;
- if (!swiper.params._emitClasses || !swiper.el) return;
- const cls = swiper.el.className.split(' ').filter(className => {
- return className.indexOf('swiper') === 0 || className.indexOf(swiper.params.containerModifierClass) === 0;
- });
- swiper.emit('_containerClasses', cls.join(' '));
- }
- getSlideClasses(slideEl) {
- const swiper = this;
- return slideEl.className.split(' ').filter(className => {
- return className.indexOf('swiper-slide') === 0 || className.indexOf(swiper.params.slideClass) === 0;
- }).join(' ');
- }
- emitSlidesClasses() {
- const swiper = this;
- if (!swiper.params._emitClasses || !swiper.el) return;
- const updates = [];
- swiper.slides.each(slideEl => {
- const classNames = swiper.getSlideClasses(slideEl);
- updates.push({
- slideEl,
- classNames
- });
- swiper.emit('_slideClass', slideEl, classNames);
- });
- swiper.emit('_slideClasses', updates);
- }
- slidesPerViewDynamic(view, exact) {
- if (view === void 0) {
- view = 'current';
- }
- if (exact === void 0) {
- exact = false;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params,
- slides,
- slidesGrid,
- slidesSizesGrid,
- size: swiperSize,
- activeIndex
- } = swiper;
- let spv = 1;
- if (params.centeredSlides) {
- let slideSize = slides[activeIndex].swiperSlideSize;
- let breakLoop;
- for (let i = activeIndex + 1; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- if (slides[i] && !breakLoop) {
- slideSize += slides[i].swiperSlideSize;
- spv += 1;
- if (slideSize > swiperSize) breakLoop = true;
- }
- }
- for (let i = activeIndex - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
- if (slides[i] && !breakLoop) {
- slideSize += slides[i].swiperSlideSize;
- spv += 1;
- if (slideSize > swiperSize) breakLoop = true;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- if (view === 'current') {
- for (let i = activeIndex + 1; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- const slideInView = exact ? slidesGrid[i] + slidesSizesGrid[i] - slidesGrid[activeIndex] < swiperSize : slidesGrid[i] - slidesGrid[activeIndex] < swiperSize;
- if (slideInView) {
- spv += 1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // previous
- for (let i = activeIndex - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
- const slideInView = slidesGrid[activeIndex] - slidesGrid[i] < swiperSize;
- if (slideInView) {
- spv += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return spv;
- }
- update() {
- const swiper = this;
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
- const {
- snapGrid,
- params
- } = swiper; // Breakpoints
- if (params.breakpoints) {
- swiper.setBreakpoint();
- }
- swiper.updateSize();
- swiper.updateSlides();
- swiper.updateProgress();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- function setTranslate() {
- const translateValue = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate * -1 : swiper.translate;
- const newTranslate = Math.min(Math.max(translateValue, swiper.maxTranslate()), swiper.minTranslate());
- swiper.setTranslate(newTranslate);
- swiper.updateActiveIndex();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- }
- let translated;
- if (swiper.params.freeMode && swiper.params.freeMode.enabled) {
- setTranslate();
- if (swiper.params.autoHeight) {
- swiper.updateAutoHeight();
- }
- } else {
- if ((swiper.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' || swiper.params.slidesPerView > 1) && swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.centeredSlides) {
- translated = swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1, 0, false, true);
- } else {
- translated = swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex, 0, false, true);
- }
- if (!translated) {
- setTranslate();
- }
- }
- if (params.watchOverflow && snapGrid !== swiper.snapGrid) {
- swiper.checkOverflow();
- }
- swiper.emit('update');
- }
- changeDirection(newDirection, needUpdate) {
- if (needUpdate === void 0) {
- needUpdate = true;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const currentDirection = swiper.params.direction;
- if (!newDirection) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- newDirection = currentDirection === 'horizontal' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
- }
- if (newDirection === currentDirection || newDirection !== 'horizontal' && newDirection !== 'vertical') {
- return swiper;
- }
- swiper.$el.removeClass(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}${currentDirection}`).addClass(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}${newDirection}`);
- swiper.emitContainerClasses();
- swiper.params.direction = newDirection;
- swiper.slides.each(slideEl => {
- if (newDirection === 'vertical') {
- = '';
- } else {
- = '';
- }
- });
- swiper.emit('changeDirection');
- if (needUpdate) swiper.update();
- return swiper;
- }
- mount(el) {
- const swiper = this;
- if (swiper.mounted) return true; // Find el
- const $el = $(el || swiper.params.el);
- el = $el[0];
- if (!el) {
- return false;
- }
- el.swiper = swiper;
- const getWrapperSelector = () => {
- return `.${(swiper.params.wrapperClass || '').trim().split(' ').join('.')}`;
- };
- const getWrapper = () => {
- if (el && el.shadowRoot && el.shadowRoot.querySelector) {
- const res = $(el.shadowRoot.querySelector(getWrapperSelector())); // Children needs to return slot items
- res.children = options => $el.children(options);
- return res;
- }
- return $el.children(getWrapperSelector());
- }; // Find Wrapper
- let $wrapperEl = getWrapper();
- if ($wrapperEl.length === 0 && swiper.params.createElements) {
- const document = getDocument();
- const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
- $wrapperEl = $(wrapper);
- wrapper.className = swiper.params.wrapperClass;
- $el.append(wrapper);
- $el.children(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}`).each(slideEl => {
- $wrapperEl.append(slideEl);
- });
- }
- Object.assign(swiper, {
- $el,
- el,
- $wrapperEl,
- wrapperEl: $wrapperEl[0],
- mounted: true,
- // RTL
- rtl: el.dir.toLowerCase() === 'rtl' || $el.css('direction') === 'rtl',
- rtlTranslate: swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal' && (el.dir.toLowerCase() === 'rtl' || $el.css('direction') === 'rtl'),
- wrongRTL: $wrapperEl.css('display') === '-webkit-box'
- });
- return true;
- }
- init(el) {
- const swiper = this;
- if (swiper.initialized) return swiper;
- const mounted = swiper.mount(el);
- if (mounted === false) return swiper;
- swiper.emit('beforeInit'); // Set breakpoint
- if (swiper.params.breakpoints) {
- swiper.setBreakpoint();
- } // Add Classes
- swiper.addClasses(); // Create loop
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- swiper.loopCreate();
- } // Update size
- swiper.updateSize(); // Update slides
- swiper.updateSlides();
- if (swiper.params.watchOverflow) {
- swiper.checkOverflow();
- } // Set Grab Cursor
- if (swiper.params.grabCursor && swiper.enabled) {
- swiper.setGrabCursor();
- }
- if (swiper.params.preloadImages) {
- swiper.preloadImages();
- } // Slide To Initial Slide
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- swiper.slideTo(swiper.params.initialSlide + swiper.loopedSlides, 0, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit, false, true);
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(swiper.params.initialSlide, 0, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit, false, true);
- } // Attach events
- swiper.attachEvents(); // Init Flag
- swiper.initialized = true; // Emit
- swiper.emit('init');
- swiper.emit('afterInit');
- return swiper;
- }
- destroy(deleteInstance, cleanStyles) {
- if (deleteInstance === void 0) {
- deleteInstance = true;
- }
- if (cleanStyles === void 0) {
- cleanStyles = true;
- }
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params,
- $el,
- $wrapperEl,
- slides
- } = swiper;
- if (typeof swiper.params === 'undefined' || swiper.destroyed) {
- return null;
- }
- swiper.emit('beforeDestroy'); // Init Flag
- swiper.initialized = false; // Detach events
- swiper.detachEvents(); // Destroy loop
- if (params.loop) {
- swiper.loopDestroy();
- } // Cleanup styles
- if (cleanStyles) {
- swiper.removeClasses();
- $el.removeAttr('style');
- $wrapperEl.removeAttr('style');
- if (slides && slides.length) {
- slides.removeClass([params.slideVisibleClass, params.slideActiveClass, params.slideNextClass, params.slidePrevClass].join(' ')).removeAttr('style').removeAttr('data-swiper-slide-index');
- }
- }
- swiper.emit('destroy'); // Detach emitter events
- Object.keys(swiper.eventsListeners).forEach(eventName => {
- });
- if (deleteInstance !== false) {
- swiper.$el[0].swiper = null;
- deleteProps(swiper);
- }
- swiper.destroyed = true;
- return null;
- }
- static extendDefaults(newDefaults) {
- extend(extendedDefaults, newDefaults);
- }
- static get extendedDefaults() {
- return extendedDefaults;
- }
- static get defaults() {
- return defaults;
- }
- static installModule(mod) {
- if (!Swiper.prototype.__modules__) Swiper.prototype.__modules__ = [];
- const modules = Swiper.prototype.__modules__;
- if (typeof mod === 'function' && modules.indexOf(mod) < 0) {
- modules.push(mod);
- }
- }
- static use(module) {
- if (Array.isArray(module)) {
- module.forEach(m => Swiper.installModule(m));
- return Swiper;
- }
- Swiper.installModule(module);
- return Swiper;
- }
- }
- Object.keys(prototypes).forEach(prototypeGroup => {
- Object.keys(prototypes[prototypeGroup]).forEach(protoMethod => {
- Swiper.prototype[protoMethod] = prototypes[prototypeGroup][protoMethod];
- });
- });
- Swiper.use([Resize, Observer]);
- function Virtual(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- virtual: {
- enabled: false,
- slides: [],
- cache: true,
- renderSlide: null,
- renderExternal: null,
- renderExternalUpdate: true,
- addSlidesBefore: 0,
- addSlidesAfter: 0
- }
- });
- let cssModeTimeout;
- swiper.virtual = {
- cache: {},
- from: undefined,
- to: undefined,
- slides: [],
- offset: 0,
- slidesGrid: []
- };
- function renderSlide(slide, index) {
- const params = swiper.params.virtual;
- if (params.cache && swiper.virtual.cache[index]) {
- return swiper.virtual.cache[index];
- }
- const $slideEl = params.renderSlide ? $(, slide, index)) : $(`${slide}
- if (!$slideEl.attr('data-swiper-slide-index')) $slideEl.attr('data-swiper-slide-index', index);
- if (params.cache) swiper.virtual.cache[index] = $slideEl;
- return $slideEl;
- }
- function update(force) {
- const {
- slidesPerView,
- slidesPerGroup,
- centeredSlides
- } = swiper.params;
- const {
- addSlidesBefore,
- addSlidesAfter
- } = swiper.params.virtual;
- const {
- from: previousFrom,
- to: previousTo,
- slides,
- slidesGrid: previousSlidesGrid,
- offset: previousOffset
- } = swiper.virtual;
- if (!swiper.params.cssMode) {
- swiper.updateActiveIndex();
- }
- const activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex || 0;
- let offsetProp;
- if (swiper.rtlTranslate) offsetProp = 'right';else offsetProp = swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top';
- let slidesAfter;
- let slidesBefore;
- if (centeredSlides) {
- slidesAfter = Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) + slidesPerGroup + addSlidesAfter;
- slidesBefore = Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) + slidesPerGroup + addSlidesBefore;
- } else {
- slidesAfter = slidesPerView + (slidesPerGroup - 1) + addSlidesAfter;
- slidesBefore = slidesPerGroup + addSlidesBefore;
- }
- const from = Math.max((activeIndex || 0) - slidesBefore, 0);
- const to = Math.min((activeIndex || 0) + slidesAfter, slides.length - 1);
- const offset = (swiper.slidesGrid[from] || 0) - (swiper.slidesGrid[0] || 0);
- Object.assign(swiper.virtual, {
- from,
- to,
- offset,
- slidesGrid: swiper.slidesGrid
- });
- function onRendered() {
- swiper.updateSlides();
- swiper.updateProgress();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- if (swiper.lazy && swiper.params.lazy.enabled) {
- swiper.lazy.load();
- }
- emit('virtualUpdate');
- }
- if (previousFrom === from && previousTo === to && !force) {
- if (swiper.slidesGrid !== previousSlidesGrid && offset !== previousOffset) {
- swiper.slides.css(offsetProp, `${offset}px`);
- }
- swiper.updateProgress();
- emit('virtualUpdate');
- return;
- }
- if (swiper.params.virtual.renderExternal) {
-, {
- offset,
- from,
- to,
- slides: function getSlides() {
- const slidesToRender = [];
- for (let i = from; i <= to; i += 1) {
- slidesToRender.push(slides[i]);
- }
- return slidesToRender;
- }()
- });
- if (swiper.params.virtual.renderExternalUpdate) {
- onRendered();
- } else {
- emit('virtualUpdate');
- }
- return;
- }
- const prependIndexes = [];
- const appendIndexes = [];
- if (force) {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.find(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}`).remove();
- } else {
- for (let i = previousFrom; i <= previousTo; i += 1) {
- if (i < from || i > to) {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.find(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${i}"]`).remove();
- }
- }
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- if (i >= from && i <= to) {
- if (typeof previousTo === 'undefined' || force) {
- appendIndexes.push(i);
- } else {
- if (i > previousTo) appendIndexes.push(i);
- if (i < previousFrom) prependIndexes.push(i);
- }
- }
- }
- appendIndexes.forEach(index => {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.append(renderSlide(slides[index], index));
- });
- prependIndexes.sort((a, b) => b - a).forEach(index => {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.prepend(renderSlide(slides[index], index));
- });
- swiper.$wrapperEl.children('.swiper-slide').css(offsetProp, `${offset}px`);
- onRendered();
- }
- function appendSlide(slides) {
- if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) {
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- if (slides[i]) swiper.virtual.slides.push(slides[i]);
- }
- } else {
- swiper.virtual.slides.push(slides);
- }
- update(true);
- }
- function prependSlide(slides) {
- const activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;
- let newActiveIndex = activeIndex + 1;
- let numberOfNewSlides = 1;
- if (Array.isArray(slides)) {
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- if (slides[i]) swiper.virtual.slides.unshift(slides[i]);
- }
- newActiveIndex = activeIndex + slides.length;
- numberOfNewSlides = slides.length;
- } else {
- swiper.virtual.slides.unshift(slides);
- }
- if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {
- const cache = swiper.virtual.cache;
- const newCache = {};
- Object.keys(cache).forEach(cachedIndex => {
- const $cachedEl = cache[cachedIndex];
- const cachedElIndex = $cachedEl.attr('data-swiper-slide-index');
- if (cachedElIndex) {
- $cachedEl.attr('data-swiper-slide-index', parseInt(cachedElIndex, 10) + numberOfNewSlides);
- }
- newCache[parseInt(cachedIndex, 10) + numberOfNewSlides] = $cachedEl;
- });
- swiper.virtual.cache = newCache;
- }
- update(true);
- swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0);
- }
- function removeSlide(slidesIndexes) {
- if (typeof slidesIndexes === 'undefined' || slidesIndexes === null) return;
- let activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;
- if (Array.isArray(slidesIndexes)) {
- for (let i = slidesIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
- swiper.virtual.slides.splice(slidesIndexes[i], 1);
- if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {
- delete swiper.virtual.cache[slidesIndexes[i]];
- }
- if (slidesIndexes[i] < activeIndex) activeIndex -= 1;
- activeIndex = Math.max(activeIndex, 0);
- }
- } else {
- swiper.virtual.slides.splice(slidesIndexes, 1);
- if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {
- delete swiper.virtual.cache[slidesIndexes];
- }
- if (slidesIndexes < activeIndex) activeIndex -= 1;
- activeIndex = Math.max(activeIndex, 0);
- }
- update(true);
- swiper.slideTo(activeIndex, 0);
- }
- function removeAllSlides() {
- swiper.virtual.slides = [];
- if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {
- swiper.virtual.cache = {};
- }
- update(true);
- swiper.slideTo(0, 0);
- }
- on('beforeInit', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;
- swiper.virtual.slides = swiper.params.virtual.slides;
- swiper.classNames.push(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}virtual`);
- swiper.params.watchSlidesProgress = true;
- swiper.originalParams.watchSlidesProgress = true;
- if (!swiper.params.initialSlide) {
- update();
- }
- });
- on('setTranslate', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;
- if (swiper.params.cssMode && !swiper._immediateVirtual) {
- clearTimeout(cssModeTimeout);
- cssModeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- update();
- }, 100);
- } else {
- update();
- }
- });
- on('init update resize', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;
- if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
- setCSSProperty(swiper.wrapperEl, '--swiper-virtual-size', `${swiper.virtualSize}px`);
- }
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.virtual, {
- appendSlide,
- prependSlide,
- removeSlide,
- removeAllSlides,
- update
- });
- }
- /* eslint-disable consistent-return */
- function Keyboard(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- const document = getDocument();
- const window = getWindow();
- swiper.keyboard = {
- enabled: false
- };
- extendParams({
- keyboard: {
- enabled: false,
- onlyInViewport: true,
- pageUpDown: true
- }
- });
- function handle(event) {
- if (!swiper.enabled) return;
- const {
- rtlTranslate: rtl
- } = swiper;
- let e = event;
- if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent; // jquery fix
- const kc = e.keyCode || e.charCode;
- const pageUpDown = swiper.params.keyboard.pageUpDown;
- const isPageUp = pageUpDown && kc === 33;
- const isPageDown = pageUpDown && kc === 34;
- const isArrowLeft = kc === 37;
- const isArrowRight = kc === 39;
- const isArrowUp = kc === 38;
- const isArrowDown = kc === 40; // Directions locks
- if (!swiper.allowSlideNext && (swiper.isHorizontal() && isArrowRight || swiper.isVertical() && isArrowDown || isPageDown)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && (swiper.isHorizontal() && isArrowLeft || swiper.isVertical() && isArrowUp || isPageUp)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
- return undefined;
- }
- if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.nodeName && (document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' || document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea')) {
- return undefined;
- }
- if (swiper.params.keyboard.onlyInViewport && (isPageUp || isPageDown || isArrowLeft || isArrowRight || isArrowUp || isArrowDown)) {
- let inView = false; // Check that swiper should be inside of visible area of window
- if (swiper.$el.parents(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}`).length > 0 && swiper.$el.parents(`.${swiper.params.slideActiveClass}`).length === 0) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const $el = swiper.$el;
- const swiperWidth = $el[0].clientWidth;
- const swiperHeight = $el[0].clientHeight;
- const windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
- const windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
- const swiperOffset = swiper.$el.offset();
- if (rtl) swiperOffset.left -= swiper.$el[0].scrollLeft;
- const swiperCoord = [[swiperOffset.left,], [swiperOffset.left + swiperWidth,], [swiperOffset.left, + swiperHeight], [swiperOffset.left + swiperWidth, + swiperHeight]];
- for (let i = 0; i < swiperCoord.length; i += 1) {
- const point = swiperCoord[i];
- if (point[0] >= 0 && point[0] <= windowWidth && point[1] >= 0 && point[1] <= windowHeight) {
- if (point[0] === 0 && point[1] === 0) continue; // eslint-disable-line
- inView = true;
- }
- }
- if (!inView) return undefined;
- }
- if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- if (isPageUp || isPageDown || isArrowLeft || isArrowRight) {
- if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
- }
- if ((isPageDown || isArrowRight) && !rtl || (isPageUp || isArrowLeft) && rtl) swiper.slideNext();
- if ((isPageUp || isArrowLeft) && !rtl || (isPageDown || isArrowRight) && rtl) swiper.slidePrev();
- } else {
- if (isPageUp || isPageDown || isArrowUp || isArrowDown) {
- if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
- }
- if (isPageDown || isArrowDown) swiper.slideNext();
- if (isPageUp || isArrowUp) swiper.slidePrev();
- }
- emit('keyPress', kc);
- return undefined;
- }
- function enable() {
- if (swiper.keyboard.enabled) return;
- $(document).on('keydown', handle);
- swiper.keyboard.enabled = true;
- }
- function disable() {
- if (!swiper.keyboard.enabled) return;
- $(document).off('keydown', handle);
- swiper.keyboard.enabled = false;
- }
- on('init', () => {
- if (swiper.params.keyboard.enabled) {
- enable();
- }
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- if (swiper.keyboard.enabled) {
- disable();
- }
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.keyboard, {
- enable,
- disable
- });
- }
- /* eslint-disable consistent-return */
- function Mousewheel(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- const window = getWindow();
- extendParams({
- mousewheel: {
- enabled: false,
- releaseOnEdges: false,
- invert: false,
- forceToAxis: false,
- sensitivity: 1,
- eventsTarget: 'container',
- thresholdDelta: null,
- thresholdTime: null
- }
- });
- swiper.mousewheel = {
- enabled: false
- };
- let timeout;
- let lastScrollTime = now();
- let lastEventBeforeSnap;
- const recentWheelEvents = [];
- function normalize(e) {
- // Reasonable defaults
- const PIXEL_STEP = 10;
- const LINE_HEIGHT = 40;
- const PAGE_HEIGHT = 800;
- let sX = 0;
- let sY = 0; // spinX, spinY
- let pX = 0;
- let pY = 0; // pixelX, pixelY
- // Legacy
- if ('detail' in e) {
- sY = e.detail;
- }
- if ('wheelDelta' in e) {
- sY = -e.wheelDelta / 120;
- }
- if ('wheelDeltaY' in e) {
- sY = -e.wheelDeltaY / 120;
- }
- if ('wheelDeltaX' in e) {
- sX = -e.wheelDeltaX / 120;
- } // side scrolling on FF with DOMMouseScroll
- if ('axis' in e && e.axis === e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) {
- sX = sY;
- sY = 0;
- }
- pX = sX * PIXEL_STEP;
- pY = sY * PIXEL_STEP;
- if ('deltaY' in e) {
- pY = e.deltaY;
- }
- if ('deltaX' in e) {
- pX = e.deltaX;
- }
- if (e.shiftKey && !pX) {
- // if user scrolls with shift he wants horizontal scroll
- pX = pY;
- pY = 0;
- }
- if ((pX || pY) && e.deltaMode) {
- if (e.deltaMode === 1) {
- // delta in LINE units
- } else {
- // delta in PAGE units
- }
- } // Fall-back if spin cannot be determined
- if (pX && !sX) {
- sX = pX < 1 ? -1 : 1;
- }
- if (pY && !sY) {
- sY = pY < 1 ? -1 : 1;
- }
- return {
- spinX: sX,
- spinY: sY,
- pixelX: pX,
- pixelY: pY
- };
- }
- function handleMouseEnter() {
- if (!swiper.enabled) return;
- swiper.mouseEntered = true;
- }
- function handleMouseLeave() {
- if (!swiper.enabled) return;
- swiper.mouseEntered = false;
- }
- function animateSlider(newEvent) {
- if (swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdDelta && < swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdDelta) {
- // Prevent if delta of wheel scroll delta is below configured threshold
- return false;
- }
- if (swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdTime && now() - lastScrollTime < swiper.params.mousewheel.thresholdTime) {
- // Prevent if time between scrolls is below configured threshold
- return false;
- } // If the movement is NOT big enough and
- // if the last time the user scrolled was too close to the current one (avoid continuously triggering the slider):
- // Don't go any further (avoid insignificant scroll movement).
- if ( >= 6 && now() - lastScrollTime < 60) {
- // Return false as a default
- return true;
- } // If user is scrolling towards the end:
- // If the slider hasn't hit the latest slide or
- // if the slider is a loop and
- // if the slider isn't moving right now:
- // Go to next slide and
- // emit a scroll event.
- // Else (the user is scrolling towards the beginning) and
- // if the slider hasn't hit the first slide or
- // if the slider is a loop and
- // if the slider isn't moving right now:
- // Go to prev slide and
- // emit a scroll event.
- if (newEvent.direction < 0) {
- if ((!swiper.isEnd || swiper.params.loop) && !swiper.animating) {
- swiper.slideNext();
- emit('scroll', newEvent.raw);
- }
- } else if ((!swiper.isBeginning || swiper.params.loop) && !swiper.animating) {
- swiper.slidePrev();
- emit('scroll', newEvent.raw);
- } // If you got here is because an animation has been triggered so store the current time
- lastScrollTime = new window.Date().getTime(); // Return false as a default
- return false;
- }
- function releaseScroll(newEvent) {
- const params = swiper.params.mousewheel;
- if (newEvent.direction < 0) {
- if (swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.loop && params.releaseOnEdges) {
- // Return true to animate scroll on edges
- return true;
- }
- } else if (swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.loop && params.releaseOnEdges) {
- // Return true to animate scroll on edges
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function handle(event) {
- let e = event;
- let disableParentSwiper = true;
- if (!swiper.enabled) return;
- const params = swiper.params.mousewheel;
- if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- let target = swiper.$el;
- if (swiper.params.mousewheel.eventsTarget !== 'container') {
- target = $(swiper.params.mousewheel.eventsTarget);
- }
- if (!swiper.mouseEntered && !target[0].contains( && !params.releaseOnEdges) return true;
- if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent; // jquery fix
- let delta = 0;
- const rtlFactor = swiper.rtlTranslate ? -1 : 1;
- const data = normalize(e);
- if (params.forceToAxis) {
- if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- if (Math.abs(data.pixelX) > Math.abs(data.pixelY)) delta = -data.pixelX * rtlFactor;else return true;
- } else if (Math.abs(data.pixelY) > Math.abs(data.pixelX)) delta = -data.pixelY;else return true;
- } else {
- delta = Math.abs(data.pixelX) > Math.abs(data.pixelY) ? -data.pixelX * rtlFactor : -data.pixelY;
- }
- if (delta === 0) return true;
- if (params.invert) delta = -delta; // Get the scroll positions
- let positions = swiper.getTranslate() + delta * params.sensitivity;
- if (positions >= swiper.minTranslate()) positions = swiper.minTranslate();
- if (positions <= swiper.maxTranslate()) positions = swiper.maxTranslate(); // When loop is true:
- // the disableParentSwiper will be true.
- // When loop is false:
- // if the scroll positions is not on edge,
- // then the disableParentSwiper will be true.
- // if the scroll on edge positions,
- // then the disableParentSwiper will be false.
- disableParentSwiper = swiper.params.loop ? true : !(positions === swiper.minTranslate() || positions === swiper.maxTranslate());
- if (disableParentSwiper && swiper.params.nested) e.stopPropagation();
- if (!swiper.params.freeMode || !swiper.params.freeMode.enabled) {
- // Register the new event in a variable which stores the relevant data
- const newEvent = {
- time: now(),
- delta: Math.abs(delta),
- direction: Math.sign(delta),
- raw: event
- }; // Keep the most recent events
- if (recentWheelEvents.length >= 2) {
- recentWheelEvents.shift(); // only store the last N events
- }
- const prevEvent = recentWheelEvents.length ? recentWheelEvents[recentWheelEvents.length - 1] : undefined;
- recentWheelEvents.push(newEvent); // If there is at least one previous recorded event:
- // If direction has changed or
- // if the scroll is quicker than the previous one:
- // Animate the slider.
- // Else (this is the first time the wheel is moved):
- // Animate the slider.
- if (prevEvent) {
- if (newEvent.direction !== prevEvent.direction || > || newEvent.time > prevEvent.time + 150) {
- animateSlider(newEvent);
- }
- } else {
- animateSlider(newEvent);
- } // If it's time to release the scroll:
- // Return now so you don't hit the preventDefault.
- if (releaseScroll(newEvent)) {
- return true;
- }
- } else {
- // Freemode or scrollContainer:
- // If we recently snapped after a momentum scroll, then ignore wheel events
- // to give time for the deceleration to finish. Stop ignoring after 500 msecs
- // or if it's a new scroll (larger delta or inverse sign as last event before
- // an end-of-momentum snap).
- const newEvent = {
- time: now(),
- delta: Math.abs(delta),
- direction: Math.sign(delta)
- };
- const ignoreWheelEvents = lastEventBeforeSnap && newEvent.time < lastEventBeforeSnap.time + 500 && <= && newEvent.direction === lastEventBeforeSnap.direction;
- if (!ignoreWheelEvents) {
- lastEventBeforeSnap = undefined;
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- swiper.loopFix();
- }
- let position = swiper.getTranslate() + delta * params.sensitivity;
- const wasBeginning = swiper.isBeginning;
- const wasEnd = swiper.isEnd;
- if (position >= swiper.minTranslate()) position = swiper.minTranslate();
- if (position <= swiper.maxTranslate()) position = swiper.maxTranslate();
- swiper.setTransition(0);
- swiper.setTranslate(position);
- swiper.updateProgress();
- swiper.updateActiveIndex();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- if (!wasBeginning && swiper.isBeginning || !wasEnd && swiper.isEnd) {
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- }
- if (swiper.params.freeMode.sticky) {
- // When wheel scrolling starts with sticky (aka snap) enabled, then detect
- // the end of a momentum scroll by storing recent (N=15?) wheel events.
- // 1. do all N events have decreasing or same (absolute value) delta?
- // 2. did all N events arrive in the last M (M=500?) msecs?
- // 3. does the earliest event have an (absolute value) delta that's
- // at least P (P=1?) larger than the most recent event's delta?
- // 4. does the latest event have a delta that's smaller than Q (Q=6?) pixels?
- // If 1-4 are "yes" then we're near the end of a momentum scroll deceleration.
- // Snap immediately and ignore remaining wheel events in this scroll.
- // See comment above for "remaining wheel events in this scroll" determination.
- // If 1-4 aren't satisfied, then wait to snap until 500ms after the last event.
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- timeout = undefined;
- if (recentWheelEvents.length >= 15) {
- recentWheelEvents.shift(); // only store the last N events
- }
- const prevEvent = recentWheelEvents.length ? recentWheelEvents[recentWheelEvents.length - 1] : undefined;
- const firstEvent = recentWheelEvents[0];
- recentWheelEvents.push(newEvent);
- if (prevEvent && ( > || newEvent.direction !== prevEvent.direction)) {
- // Increasing or reverse-sign delta means the user started scrolling again. Clear the wheel event log.
- recentWheelEvents.splice(0);
- } else if (recentWheelEvents.length >= 15 && newEvent.time - firstEvent.time < 500 && - >= 1 && <= 6) {
- // We're at the end of the deceleration of a momentum scroll, so there's no need
- // to wait for more events. Snap ASAP on the next tick.
- // Also, because there's some remaining momentum we'll bias the snap in the
- // direction of the ongoing scroll because it's better UX for the scroll to snap
- // in the same direction as the scroll instead of reversing to snap. Therefore,
- // if it's already scrolled more than 20% in the current direction, keep going.
- const snapToThreshold = delta > 0 ? 0.8 : 0.2;
- lastEventBeforeSnap = newEvent;
- recentWheelEvents.splice(0);
- timeout = nextTick(() => {
- swiper.slideToClosest(swiper.params.speed, true, undefined, snapToThreshold);
- }, 0); // no delay; move on next tick
- }
- if (!timeout) {
- // if we get here, then we haven't detected the end of a momentum scroll, so
- // we'll consider a scroll "complete" when there haven't been any wheel events
- // for 500ms.
- timeout = nextTick(() => {
- const snapToThreshold = 0.5;
- lastEventBeforeSnap = newEvent;
- recentWheelEvents.splice(0);
- swiper.slideToClosest(swiper.params.speed, true, undefined, snapToThreshold);
- }, 500);
- }
- } // Emit event
- if (!ignoreWheelEvents) emit('scroll', e); // Stop autoplay
- if (swiper.params.autoplay && swiper.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction) swiper.autoplay.stop(); // Return page scroll on edge positions
- if (position === swiper.minTranslate() || position === swiper.maxTranslate()) return true;
- }
- }
- if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
- return false;
- }
- function events(method) {
- let target = swiper.$el;
- if (swiper.params.mousewheel.eventsTarget !== 'container') {
- target = $(swiper.params.mousewheel.eventsTarget);
- }
- target[method]('mouseenter', handleMouseEnter);
- target[method]('mouseleave', handleMouseLeave);
- target[method]('wheel', handle);
- }
- function enable() {
- if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
- swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('wheel', handle);
- return true;
- }
- if (swiper.mousewheel.enabled) return false;
- events('on');
- swiper.mousewheel.enabled = true;
- return true;
- }
- function disable() {
- if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
- swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener(event, handle);
- return true;
- }
- if (!swiper.mousewheel.enabled) return false;
- events('off');
- swiper.mousewheel.enabled = false;
- return true;
- }
- on('init', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.mousewheel.enabled && swiper.params.cssMode) {
- disable();
- }
- if (swiper.params.mousewheel.enabled) enable();
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
- enable();
- }
- if (swiper.mousewheel.enabled) disable();
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.mousewheel, {
- enable,
- disable
- });
- }
- function createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, originalParams, params, checkProps) {
- const document = getDocument();
- if (swiper.params.createElements) {
- Object.keys(checkProps).forEach(key => {
- if (!params[key] && === true) {
- let element = swiper.$el.children(`.${checkProps[key]}`)[0];
- if (!element) {
- element = document.createElement('div');
- element.className = checkProps[key];
- swiper.$el.append(element);
- }
- params[key] = element;
- originalParams[key] = element;
- }
- });
- }
- return params;
- }
- function Navigation(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- navigation: {
- nextEl: null,
- prevEl: null,
- hideOnClick: false,
- disabledClass: 'swiper-button-disabled',
- hiddenClass: 'swiper-button-hidden',
- lockClass: 'swiper-button-lock'
- }
- });
- swiper.navigation = {
- nextEl: null,
- $nextEl: null,
- prevEl: null,
- $prevEl: null
- };
- function getEl(el) {
- let $el;
- if (el) {
- $el = $(el);
- if (swiper.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof el === 'string' && $el.length > 1 && swiper.$el.find(el).length === 1) {
- $el = swiper.$el.find(el);
- }
- }
- return $el;
- }
- function toggleEl($el, disabled) {
- const params = swiper.params.navigation;
- if ($el && $el.length > 0) {
- $el[disabled ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](params.disabledClass);
- if ($el[0] && $el[0].tagName === 'BUTTON') $el[0].disabled = disabled;
- if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.enabled) {
- $el[swiper.isLocked ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](params.lockClass);
- }
- }
- }
- function update() {
- // Update Navigation Buttons
- if (swiper.params.loop) return;
- const {
- $nextEl,
- $prevEl
- } = swiper.navigation;
- toggleEl($prevEl, swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.rewind);
- toggleEl($nextEl, swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.rewind);
- }
- function onPrevClick(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.loop && !swiper.params.rewind) return;
- swiper.slidePrev();
- }
- function onNextClick(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.loop && !swiper.params.rewind) return;
- swiper.slideNext();
- }
- function init() {
- const params = swiper.params.navigation;
- swiper.params.navigation = createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, swiper.originalParams.navigation, swiper.params.navigation, {
- nextEl: 'swiper-button-next',
- prevEl: 'swiper-button-prev'
- });
- if (!(params.nextEl || params.prevEl)) return;
- const $nextEl = getEl(params.nextEl);
- const $prevEl = getEl(params.prevEl);
- if ($nextEl && $nextEl.length > 0) {
- $nextEl.on('click', onNextClick);
- }
- if ($prevEl && $prevEl.length > 0) {
- $prevEl.on('click', onPrevClick);
- }
- Object.assign(swiper.navigation, {
- $nextEl,
- nextEl: $nextEl && $nextEl[0],
- $prevEl,
- prevEl: $prevEl && $prevEl[0]
- });
- if (!swiper.enabled) {
- if ($nextEl) $nextEl.addClass(params.lockClass);
- if ($prevEl) $prevEl.addClass(params.lockClass);
- }
- }
- function destroy() {
- const {
- $nextEl,
- $prevEl
- } = swiper.navigation;
- if ($nextEl && $nextEl.length) {
- $'click', onNextClick);
- $nextEl.removeClass(swiper.params.navigation.disabledClass);
- }
- if ($prevEl && $prevEl.length) {
- $'click', onPrevClick);
- $prevEl.removeClass(swiper.params.navigation.disabledClass);
- }
- }
- on('init', () => {
- init();
- update();
- });
- on('toEdge fromEdge lock unlock', () => {
- update();
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- destroy();
- });
- on('enable disable', () => {
- const {
- $nextEl,
- $prevEl
- } = swiper.navigation;
- if ($nextEl) {
- $nextEl[swiper.enabled ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](swiper.params.navigation.lockClass);
- }
- if ($prevEl) {
- $prevEl[swiper.enabled ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](swiper.params.navigation.lockClass);
- }
- });
- on('click', (_s, e) => {
- const {
- $nextEl,
- $prevEl
- } = swiper.navigation;
- const targetEl =;
- if (swiper.params.navigation.hideOnClick && !$(targetEl).is($prevEl) && !$(targetEl).is($nextEl)) {
- if (swiper.pagination && swiper.params.pagination && swiper.params.pagination.clickable && (swiper.pagination.el === targetEl || swiper.pagination.el.contains(targetEl))) return;
- let isHidden;
- if ($nextEl) {
- isHidden = $nextEl.hasClass(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass);
- } else if ($prevEl) {
- isHidden = $prevEl.hasClass(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass);
- }
- if (isHidden === true) {
- emit('navigationShow');
- } else {
- emit('navigationHide');
- }
- if ($nextEl) {
- $nextEl.toggleClass(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass);
- }
- if ($prevEl) {
- $prevEl.toggleClass(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass);
- }
- }
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.navigation, {
- update,
- init,
- destroy
- });
- }
- function classesToSelector(classes) {
- if (classes === void 0) {
- classes = '';
- }
- return `.${classes.trim().replace(/([\.:!\/])/g, '\\$1') // eslint-disable-line
- .replace(/ /g, '.')}`;
- }
- function Pagination(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- const pfx = 'swiper-pagination';
- extendParams({
- pagination: {
- el: null,
- bulletElement: 'span',
- clickable: false,
- hideOnClick: false,
- renderBullet: null,
- renderProgressbar: null,
- renderFraction: null,
- renderCustom: null,
- progressbarOpposite: false,
- type: 'bullets',
- // 'bullets' or 'progressbar' or 'fraction' or 'custom'
- dynamicBullets: false,
- dynamicMainBullets: 1,
- formatFractionCurrent: number => number,
- formatFractionTotal: number => number,
- bulletClass: `${pfx}-bullet`,
- bulletActiveClass: `${pfx}-bullet-active`,
- modifierClass: `${pfx}-`,
- currentClass: `${pfx}-current`,
- totalClass: `${pfx}-total`,
- hiddenClass: `${pfx}-hidden`,
- progressbarFillClass: `${pfx}-progressbar-fill`,
- progressbarOppositeClass: `${pfx}-progressbar-opposite`,
- clickableClass: `${pfx}-clickable`,
- lockClass: `${pfx}-lock`,
- horizontalClass: `${pfx}-horizontal`,
- verticalClass: `${pfx}-vertical`
- }
- });
- swiper.pagination = {
- el: null,
- $el: null,
- bullets: []
- };
- let bulletSize;
- let dynamicBulletIndex = 0;
- function isPaginationDisabled() {
- return !swiper.params.pagination.el || !swiper.pagination.el || !swiper.pagination.$el || swiper.pagination.$el.length === 0;
- }
- function setSideBullets($bulletEl, position) {
- const {
- bulletActiveClass
- } = swiper.params.pagination;
- $bulletEl[position]().addClass(`${bulletActiveClass}-${position}`)[position]().addClass(`${bulletActiveClass}-${position}-${position}`);
- }
- function update() {
- // Render || Update Pagination bullets/items
- const rtl = swiper.rtl;
- const params = swiper.params.pagination;
- if (isPaginationDisabled()) return;
- const slidesLength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length;
- const $el = swiper.pagination.$el; // Current/Total
- let current;
- const total = swiper.params.loop ? Math.ceil((slidesLength - swiper.loopedSlides * 2) / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup) : swiper.snapGrid.length;
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- current = Math.ceil((swiper.activeIndex - swiper.loopedSlides) / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup);
- if (current > slidesLength - 1 - swiper.loopedSlides * 2) {
- current -= slidesLength - swiper.loopedSlides * 2;
- }
- if (current > total - 1) current -= total;
- if (current < 0 && swiper.params.paginationType !== 'bullets') current = total + current;
- } else if (typeof swiper.snapIndex !== 'undefined') {
- current = swiper.snapIndex;
- } else {
- current = swiper.activeIndex || 0;
- } // Types
- if (params.type === 'bullets' && swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.length > 0) {
- const bullets = swiper.pagination.bullets;
- let firstIndex;
- let lastIndex;
- let midIndex;
- if (params.dynamicBullets) {
- bulletSize = bullets.eq(0)[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight'](true);
- $el.css(swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'width' : 'height', `${bulletSize * (params.dynamicMainBullets + 4)}px`);
- if (params.dynamicMainBullets > 1 && swiper.previousIndex !== undefined) {
- dynamicBulletIndex += current - (swiper.previousIndex - swiper.loopedSlides || 0);
- if (dynamicBulletIndex > params.dynamicMainBullets - 1) {
- dynamicBulletIndex = params.dynamicMainBullets - 1;
- } else if (dynamicBulletIndex < 0) {
- dynamicBulletIndex = 0;
- }
- }
- firstIndex = Math.max(current - dynamicBulletIndex, 0);
- lastIndex = firstIndex + (Math.min(bullets.length, params.dynamicMainBullets) - 1);
- midIndex = (lastIndex + firstIndex) / 2;
- }
- bullets.removeClass(['', '-next', '-next-next', '-prev', '-prev-prev', '-main'].map(suffix => `${params.bulletActiveClass}${suffix}`).join(' '));
- if ($el.length > 1) {
- bullets.each(bullet => {
- const $bullet = $(bullet);
- const bulletIndex = $bullet.index();
- if (bulletIndex === current) {
- $bullet.addClass(params.bulletActiveClass);
- }
- if (params.dynamicBullets) {
- if (bulletIndex >= firstIndex && bulletIndex <= lastIndex) {
- $bullet.addClass(`${params.bulletActiveClass}-main`);
- }
- if (bulletIndex === firstIndex) {
- setSideBullets($bullet, 'prev');
- }
- if (bulletIndex === lastIndex) {
- setSideBullets($bullet, 'next');
- }
- }
- });
- } else {
- const $bullet = bullets.eq(current);
- const bulletIndex = $bullet.index();
- $bullet.addClass(params.bulletActiveClass);
- if (params.dynamicBullets) {
- const $firstDisplayedBullet = bullets.eq(firstIndex);
- const $lastDisplayedBullet = bullets.eq(lastIndex);
- for (let i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i += 1) {
- bullets.eq(i).addClass(`${params.bulletActiveClass}-main`);
- }
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- if (bulletIndex >= bullets.length) {
- for (let i = params.dynamicMainBullets; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
- bullets.eq(bullets.length - i).addClass(`${params.bulletActiveClass}-main`);
- }
- bullets.eq(bullets.length - params.dynamicMainBullets - 1).addClass(`${params.bulletActiveClass}-prev`);
- } else {
- setSideBullets($firstDisplayedBullet, 'prev');
- setSideBullets($lastDisplayedBullet, 'next');
- }
- } else {
- setSideBullets($firstDisplayedBullet, 'prev');
- setSideBullets($lastDisplayedBullet, 'next');
- }
- }
- }
- if (params.dynamicBullets) {
- const dynamicBulletsLength = Math.min(bullets.length, params.dynamicMainBullets + 4);
- const bulletsOffset = (bulletSize * dynamicBulletsLength - bulletSize) / 2 - midIndex * bulletSize;
- const offsetProp = rtl ? 'right' : 'left';
- bullets.css(swiper.isHorizontal() ? offsetProp : 'top', `${bulletsOffset}px`);
- }
- }
- if (params.type === 'fraction') {
- $el.find(classesToSelector(params.currentClass)).text(params.formatFractionCurrent(current + 1));
- $el.find(classesToSelector(params.totalClass)).text(params.formatFractionTotal(total));
- }
- if (params.type === 'progressbar') {
- let progressbarDirection;
- if (params.progressbarOpposite) {
- progressbarDirection = swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
- } else {
- progressbarDirection = swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
- }
- const scale = (current + 1) / total;
- let scaleX = 1;
- let scaleY = 1;
- if (progressbarDirection === 'horizontal') {
- scaleX = scale;
- } else {
- scaleY = scale;
- }
- $el.find(classesToSelector(params.progressbarFillClass)).transform(`translate3d(0,0,0) scaleX(${scaleX}) scaleY(${scaleY})`).transition(swiper.params.speed);
- }
- if (params.type === 'custom' && params.renderCustom) {
- $el.html(params.renderCustom(swiper, current + 1, total));
- emit('paginationRender', $el[0]);
- } else {
- emit('paginationUpdate', $el[0]);
- }
- if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.enabled) {
- $el[swiper.isLocked ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](params.lockClass);
- }
- }
- function render() {
- // Render Container
- const params = swiper.params.pagination;
- if (isPaginationDisabled()) return;
- const slidesLength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length;
- const $el = swiper.pagination.$el;
- let paginationHTML = '';
- if (params.type === 'bullets') {
- let numberOfBullets = swiper.params.loop ? Math.ceil((slidesLength - swiper.loopedSlides * 2) / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup) : swiper.snapGrid.length;
- if (swiper.params.freeMode && swiper.params.freeMode.enabled && !swiper.params.loop && numberOfBullets > slidesLength) {
- numberOfBullets = slidesLength;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < numberOfBullets; i += 1) {
- if (params.renderBullet) {
- paginationHTML +=, i, params.bulletClass);
- } else {
- paginationHTML += `<${params.bulletElement} class="${params.bulletClass}">${params.bulletElement}>`;
- }
- }
- $el.html(paginationHTML);
- swiper.pagination.bullets = $el.find(classesToSelector(params.bulletClass));
- }
- if (params.type === 'fraction') {
- if (params.renderFraction) {
- paginationHTML =, params.currentClass, params.totalClass);
- } else {
- paginationHTML = ` ` + ' / ' + ` `;
- }
- $el.html(paginationHTML);
- }
- if (params.type === 'progressbar') {
- if (params.renderProgressbar) {
- paginationHTML =, params.progressbarFillClass);
- } else {
- paginationHTML = ` `;
- }
- $el.html(paginationHTML);
- }
- if (params.type !== 'custom') {
- emit('paginationRender', swiper.pagination.$el[0]);
- }
- }
- function init() {
- swiper.params.pagination = createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, swiper.originalParams.pagination, swiper.params.pagination, {
- el: 'swiper-pagination'
- });
- const params = swiper.params.pagination;
- if (!params.el) return;
- let $el = $(params.el);
- if ($el.length === 0) return;
- if (swiper.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof params.el === 'string' && $el.length > 1) {
- $el = swiper.$el.find(params.el); // check if it belongs to another nested Swiper
- if ($el.length > 1) {
- $el = $el.filter(el => {
- if ($(el).parents('.swiper')[0] !== swiper.el) return false;
- return true;
- });
- }
- }
- if (params.type === 'bullets' && params.clickable) {
- $el.addClass(params.clickableClass);
- }
- $el.addClass(params.modifierClass + params.type);
- $el.addClass(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);
- if (params.type === 'bullets' && params.dynamicBullets) {
- $el.addClass(`${params.modifierClass}${params.type}-dynamic`);
- dynamicBulletIndex = 0;
- if (params.dynamicMainBullets < 1) {
- params.dynamicMainBullets = 1;
- }
- }
- if (params.type === 'progressbar' && params.progressbarOpposite) {
- $el.addClass(params.progressbarOppositeClass);
- }
- if (params.clickable) {
- $el.on('click', classesToSelector(params.bulletClass), function onClick(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- let index = $(this).index() * swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;
- if (swiper.params.loop) index += swiper.loopedSlides;
- swiper.slideTo(index);
- });
- }
- Object.assign(swiper.pagination, {
- $el,
- el: $el[0]
- });
- if (!swiper.enabled) {
- $el.addClass(params.lockClass);
- }
- }
- function destroy() {
- const params = swiper.params.pagination;
- if (isPaginationDisabled()) return;
- const $el = swiper.pagination.$el;
- $el.removeClass(params.hiddenClass);
- $el.removeClass(params.modifierClass + params.type);
- $el.removeClass(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);
- if (swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.removeClass) swiper.pagination.bullets.removeClass(params.bulletActiveClass);
- if (params.clickable) {
- $'click', classesToSelector(params.bulletClass));
- }
- }
- on('init', () => {
- init();
- render();
- update();
- });
- on('activeIndexChange', () => {
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- update();
- } else if (typeof swiper.snapIndex === 'undefined') {
- update();
- }
- });
- on('snapIndexChange', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.loop) {
- update();
- }
- });
- on('slidesLengthChange', () => {
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- render();
- update();
- }
- });
- on('snapGridLengthChange', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.loop) {
- render();
- update();
- }
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- destroy();
- });
- on('enable disable', () => {
- const {
- $el
- } = swiper.pagination;
- if ($el) {
- $el[swiper.enabled ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](swiper.params.pagination.lockClass);
- }
- });
- on('lock unlock', () => {
- update();
- });
- on('click', (_s, e) => {
- const targetEl =;
- const {
- $el
- } = swiper.pagination;
- if (swiper.params.pagination.el && swiper.params.pagination.hideOnClick && $el.length > 0 && !$(targetEl).hasClass(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass)) {
- if (swiper.navigation && (swiper.navigation.nextEl && targetEl === swiper.navigation.nextEl || swiper.navigation.prevEl && targetEl === swiper.navigation.prevEl)) return;
- const isHidden = $el.hasClass(swiper.params.pagination.hiddenClass);
- if (isHidden === true) {
- emit('paginationShow');
- } else {
- emit('paginationHide');
- }
- $el.toggleClass(swiper.params.pagination.hiddenClass);
- }
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.pagination, {
- render,
- update,
- init,
- destroy
- });
- }
- function Scrollbar(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- const document = getDocument();
- let isTouched = false;
- let timeout = null;
- let dragTimeout = null;
- let dragStartPos;
- let dragSize;
- let trackSize;
- let divider;
- extendParams({
- scrollbar: {
- el: null,
- dragSize: 'auto',
- hide: false,
- draggable: false,
- snapOnRelease: true,
- lockClass: 'swiper-scrollbar-lock',
- dragClass: 'swiper-scrollbar-drag'
- }
- });
- swiper.scrollbar = {
- el: null,
- dragEl: null,
- $el: null,
- $dragEl: null
- };
- function setTranslate() {
- if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;
- const {
- scrollbar,
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- progress
- } = swiper;
- const {
- $dragEl,
- $el
- } = scrollbar;
- const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
- let newSize = dragSize;
- let newPos = (trackSize - dragSize) * progress;
- if (rtl) {
- newPos = -newPos;
- if (newPos > 0) {
- newSize = dragSize - newPos;
- newPos = 0;
- } else if (-newPos + dragSize > trackSize) {
- newSize = trackSize + newPos;
- }
- } else if (newPos < 0) {
- newSize = dragSize + newPos;
- newPos = 0;
- } else if (newPos + dragSize > trackSize) {
- newSize = trackSize - newPos;
- }
- if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- $dragEl.transform(`translate3d(${newPos}px, 0, 0)`);
- $dragEl[0].style.width = `${newSize}px`;
- } else {
- $dragEl.transform(`translate3d(0px, ${newPos}px, 0)`);
- $dragEl[0].style.height = `${newSize}px`;
- }
- if (params.hide) {
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- $el[0].style.opacity = 1;
- timeout = setTimeout(() => {
- $el[0].style.opacity = 0;
- $el.transition(400);
- }, 1000);
- }
- }
- function setTransition(duration) {
- if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;
- swiper.scrollbar.$dragEl.transition(duration);
- }
- function updateSize() {
- if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;
- const {
- scrollbar
- } = swiper;
- const {
- $dragEl,
- $el
- } = scrollbar;
- $dragEl[0].style.width = '';
- $dragEl[0].style.height = '';
- trackSize = swiper.isHorizontal() ? $el[0].offsetWidth : $el[0].offsetHeight;
- divider = swiper.size / (swiper.virtualSize + swiper.params.slidesOffsetBefore - (swiper.params.centeredSlides ? swiper.snapGrid[0] : 0));
- if (swiper.params.scrollbar.dragSize === 'auto') {
- dragSize = trackSize * divider;
- } else {
- dragSize = parseInt(swiper.params.scrollbar.dragSize, 10);
- }
- if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- $dragEl[0].style.width = `${dragSize}px`;
- } else {
- $dragEl[0].style.height = `${dragSize}px`;
- }
- if (divider >= 1) {
- $el[0].style.display = 'none';
- } else {
- $el[0].style.display = '';
- }
- if (swiper.params.scrollbar.hide) {
- $el[0].style.opacity = 0;
- }
- if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.enabled) {
- scrollbar.$el[swiper.isLocked ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](swiper.params.scrollbar.lockClass);
- }
- }
- function getPointerPosition(e) {
- if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- return e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].clientX : e.clientX;
- }
- return e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].clientY : e.clientY;
- }
- function setDragPosition(e) {
- const {
- scrollbar,
- rtlTranslate: rtl
- } = swiper;
- const {
- $el
- } = scrollbar;
- let positionRatio;
- positionRatio = (getPointerPosition(e) - $el.offset()[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'] - (dragStartPos !== null ? dragStartPos : dragSize / 2)) / (trackSize - dragSize);
- positionRatio = Math.max(Math.min(positionRatio, 1), 0);
- if (rtl) {
- positionRatio = 1 - positionRatio;
- }
- const position = swiper.minTranslate() + (swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate()) * positionRatio;
- swiper.updateProgress(position);
- swiper.setTranslate(position);
- swiper.updateActiveIndex();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- }
- function onDragStart(e) {
- const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
- const {
- scrollbar,
- $wrapperEl
- } = swiper;
- const {
- $el,
- $dragEl
- } = scrollbar;
- isTouched = true;
- dragStartPos = === $dragEl[0] || === $dragEl ? getPointerPosition(e) -[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'] : null;
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- $wrapperEl.transition(100);
- $dragEl.transition(100);
- setDragPosition(e);
- clearTimeout(dragTimeout);
- $el.transition(0);
- if (params.hide) {
- $el.css('opacity', 1);
- }
- if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.css('scroll-snap-type', 'none');
- }
- emit('scrollbarDragStart', e);
- }
- function onDragMove(e) {
- const {
- scrollbar,
- $wrapperEl
- } = swiper;
- const {
- $el,
- $dragEl
- } = scrollbar;
- if (!isTouched) return;
- if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;
- setDragPosition(e);
- $wrapperEl.transition(0);
- $el.transition(0);
- $dragEl.transition(0);
- emit('scrollbarDragMove', e);
- }
- function onDragEnd(e) {
- const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
- const {
- scrollbar,
- $wrapperEl
- } = swiper;
- const {
- $el
- } = scrollbar;
- if (!isTouched) return;
- isTouched = false;
- if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.css('scroll-snap-type', '');
- $wrapperEl.transition('');
- }
- if (params.hide) {
- clearTimeout(dragTimeout);
- dragTimeout = nextTick(() => {
- $el.css('opacity', 0);
- $el.transition(400);
- }, 1000);
- }
- emit('scrollbarDragEnd', e);
- if (params.snapOnRelease) {
- swiper.slideToClosest();
- }
- }
- function events(method) {
- const {
- scrollbar,
- touchEventsTouch,
- touchEventsDesktop,
- params,
- support
- } = swiper;
- const $el = scrollbar.$el;
- const target = $el[0];
- const activeListener = support.passiveListener && params.passiveListeners ? {
- passive: false,
- capture: false
- } : false;
- const passiveListener = support.passiveListener && params.passiveListeners ? {
- passive: true,
- capture: false
- } : false;
- if (!target) return;
- const eventMethod = method === 'on' ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';
- if (!support.touch) {
- target[eventMethod](touchEventsDesktop.start, onDragStart, activeListener);
- document[eventMethod](touchEventsDesktop.move, onDragMove, activeListener);
- document[eventMethod](touchEventsDesktop.end, onDragEnd, passiveListener);
- } else {
- target[eventMethod](touchEventsTouch.start, onDragStart, activeListener);
- target[eventMethod](touchEventsTouch.move, onDragMove, activeListener);
- target[eventMethod](touchEventsTouch.end, onDragEnd, passiveListener);
- }
- }
- function enableDraggable() {
- if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el) return;
- events('on');
- }
- function disableDraggable() {
- if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el) return;
- events('off');
- }
- function init() {
- const {
- scrollbar,
- $el: $swiperEl
- } = swiper;
- swiper.params.scrollbar = createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, swiper.originalParams.scrollbar, swiper.params.scrollbar, {
- el: 'swiper-scrollbar'
- });
- const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;
- if (!params.el) return;
- let $el = $(params.el);
- if (swiper.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof params.el === 'string' && $el.length > 1 && $swiperEl.find(params.el).length === 1) {
- $el = $swiperEl.find(params.el);
- }
- let $dragEl = $el.find(`.${swiper.params.scrollbar.dragClass}`);
- if ($dragEl.length === 0) {
- $dragEl = $(`
- $el.append($dragEl);
- }
- Object.assign(scrollbar, {
- $el,
- el: $el[0],
- $dragEl,
- dragEl: $dragEl[0]
- });
- if (params.draggable) {
- enableDraggable();
- }
- if ($el) {
- $el[swiper.enabled ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](swiper.params.scrollbar.lockClass);
- }
- }
- function destroy() {
- disableDraggable();
- }
- on('init', () => {
- init();
- updateSize();
- setTranslate();
- });
- on('update resize observerUpdate lock unlock', () => {
- updateSize();
- });
- on('setTranslate', () => {
- setTranslate();
- });
- on('setTransition', (_s, duration) => {
- setTransition(duration);
- });
- on('enable disable', () => {
- const {
- $el
- } = swiper.scrollbar;
- if ($el) {
- $el[swiper.enabled ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](swiper.params.scrollbar.lockClass);
- }
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- destroy();
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.scrollbar, {
- updateSize,
- setTranslate,
- init,
- destroy
- });
- }
- function Parallax(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- parallax: {
- enabled: false
- }
- });
- const setTransform = (el, progress) => {
- const {
- rtl
- } = swiper;
- const $el = $(el);
- const rtlFactor = rtl ? -1 : 1;
- const p = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax') || '0';
- let x = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-x');
- let y = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-y');
- const scale = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-scale');
- const opacity = $el.attr('data-swiper-parallax-opacity');
- if (x || y) {
- x = x || '0';
- y = y || '0';
- } else if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- x = p;
- y = '0';
- } else {
- y = p;
- x = '0';
- }
- if (x.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
- x = `${parseInt(x, 10) * progress * rtlFactor}%`;
- } else {
- x = `${x * progress * rtlFactor}px`;
- }
- if (y.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
- y = `${parseInt(y, 10) * progress}%`;
- } else {
- y = `${y * progress}px`;
- }
- if (typeof opacity !== 'undefined' && opacity !== null) {
- const currentOpacity = opacity - (opacity - 1) * (1 - Math.abs(progress));
- $el[0].style.opacity = currentOpacity;
- }
- if (typeof scale === 'undefined' || scale === null) {
- $el.transform(`translate3d(${x}, ${y}, 0px)`);
- } else {
- const currentScale = scale - (scale - 1) * (1 - Math.abs(progress));
- $el.transform(`translate3d(${x}, ${y}, 0px) scale(${currentScale})`);
- }
- };
- const setTranslate = () => {
- const {
- $el,
- slides,
- progress,
- snapGrid
- } = swiper;
- $el.children('[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]').each(el => {
- setTransform(el, progress);
- });
- slides.each((slideEl, slideIndex) => {
- let slideProgress = slideEl.progress;
- if (swiper.params.slidesPerGroup > 1 && swiper.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto') {
- slideProgress += Math.ceil(slideIndex / 2) - progress * (snapGrid.length - 1);
- }
- slideProgress = Math.min(Math.max(slideProgress, -1), 1);
- $(slideEl).find('[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]').each(el => {
- setTransform(el, slideProgress);
- });
- });
- };
- const setTransition = function (duration) {
- if (duration === void 0) {
- duration = swiper.params.speed;
- }
- const {
- $el
- } = swiper;
- $el.find('[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y], [data-swiper-parallax-opacity], [data-swiper-parallax-scale]').each(parallaxEl => {
- const $parallaxEl = $(parallaxEl);
- let parallaxDuration = parseInt($parallaxEl.attr('data-swiper-parallax-duration'), 10) || duration;
- if (duration === 0) parallaxDuration = 0;
- $parallaxEl.transition(parallaxDuration);
- });
- };
- on('beforeInit', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return;
- swiper.params.watchSlidesProgress = true;
- swiper.originalParams.watchSlidesProgress = true;
- });
- on('init', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return;
- setTranslate();
- });
- on('setTranslate', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return;
- setTranslate();
- });
- on('setTransition', (_swiper, duration) => {
- if (!swiper.params.parallax.enabled) return;
- setTransition(duration);
- });
- }
- function Zoom(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- const window = getWindow();
- extendParams({
- zoom: {
- enabled: false,
- maxRatio: 3,
- minRatio: 1,
- toggle: true,
- containerClass: 'swiper-zoom-container',
- zoomedSlideClass: 'swiper-slide-zoomed'
- }
- });
- swiper.zoom = {
- enabled: false
- };
- let currentScale = 1;
- let isScaling = false;
- let gesturesEnabled;
- let fakeGestureTouched;
- let fakeGestureMoved;
- const gesture = {
- $slideEl: undefined,
- slideWidth: undefined,
- slideHeight: undefined,
- $imageEl: undefined,
- $imageWrapEl: undefined,
- maxRatio: 3
- };
- const image = {
- isTouched: undefined,
- isMoved: undefined,
- currentX: undefined,
- currentY: undefined,
- minX: undefined,
- minY: undefined,
- maxX: undefined,
- maxY: undefined,
- width: undefined,
- height: undefined,
- startX: undefined,
- startY: undefined,
- touchesStart: {},
- touchesCurrent: {}
- };
- const velocity = {
- x: undefined,
- y: undefined,
- prevPositionX: undefined,
- prevPositionY: undefined,
- prevTime: undefined
- };
- let scale = 1;
- Object.defineProperty(swiper.zoom, 'scale', {
- get() {
- return scale;
- },
- set(value) {
- if (scale !== value) {
- const imageEl = gesture.$imageEl ? gesture.$imageEl[0] : undefined;
- const slideEl = gesture.$slideEl ? gesture.$slideEl[0] : undefined;
- emit('zoomChange', value, imageEl, slideEl);
- }
- scale = value;
- }
- });
- function getDistanceBetweenTouches(e) {
- if (e.targetTouches.length < 2) return 1;
- const x1 = e.targetTouches[0].pageX;
- const y1 = e.targetTouches[0].pageY;
- const x2 = e.targetTouches[1].pageX;
- const y2 = e.targetTouches[1].pageY;
- const distance = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2);
- return distance;
- } // Events
- function onGestureStart(e) {
- const support =;
- const params = swiper.params.zoom;
- fakeGestureTouched = false;
- fakeGestureMoved = false;
- if (!support.gestures) {
- if (e.type !== 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchstart' && e.targetTouches.length < 2) {
- return;
- }
- fakeGestureTouched = true;
- gesture.scaleStart = getDistanceBetweenTouches(e);
- }
- if (!gesture.$slideEl || !gesture.$slideEl.length) {
- gesture.$slideEl = $(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}`);
- if (gesture.$slideEl.length === 0) gesture.$slideEl = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeIndex);
- gesture.$imageEl = gesture.$slideEl.find(`.${params.containerClass}`).eq(0).find('picture, img, svg, canvas, .swiper-zoom-target').eq(0);
- gesture.$imageWrapEl = gesture.$imageEl.parent(`.${params.containerClass}`);
- gesture.maxRatio = gesture.$imageWrapEl.attr('data-swiper-zoom') || params.maxRatio;
- if (gesture.$imageWrapEl.length === 0) {
- gesture.$imageEl = undefined;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (gesture.$imageEl) {
- gesture.$imageEl.transition(0);
- }
- isScaling = true;
- }
- function onGestureChange(e) {
- const support =;
- const params = swiper.params.zoom;
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- if (!support.gestures) {
- if (e.type !== 'touchmove' || e.type === 'touchmove' && e.targetTouches.length < 2) {
- return;
- }
- fakeGestureMoved = true;
- gesture.scaleMove = getDistanceBetweenTouches(e);
- }
- if (!gesture.$imageEl || gesture.$imageEl.length === 0) {
- if (e.type === 'gesturechange') onGestureStart(e);
- return;
- }
- if (support.gestures) {
- zoom.scale = e.scale * currentScale;
- } else {
- zoom.scale = gesture.scaleMove / gesture.scaleStart * currentScale;
- }
- if (zoom.scale > gesture.maxRatio) {
- zoom.scale = gesture.maxRatio - 1 + (zoom.scale - gesture.maxRatio + 1) ** 0.5;
- }
- if (zoom.scale < params.minRatio) {
- zoom.scale = params.minRatio + 1 - (params.minRatio - zoom.scale + 1) ** 0.5;
- }
- gesture.$imageEl.transform(`translate3d(0,0,0) scale(${zoom.scale})`);
- }
- function onGestureEnd(e) {
- const device = swiper.device;
- const support =;
- const params = swiper.params.zoom;
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- if (!support.gestures) {
- if (!fakeGestureTouched || !fakeGestureMoved) {
- return;
- }
- if (e.type !== 'touchend' || e.type === 'touchend' && e.changedTouches.length < 2 && ! {
- return;
- }
- fakeGestureTouched = false;
- fakeGestureMoved = false;
- }
- if (!gesture.$imageEl || gesture.$imageEl.length === 0) return;
- zoom.scale = Math.max(Math.min(zoom.scale, gesture.maxRatio), params.minRatio);
- gesture.$imageEl.transition(swiper.params.speed).transform(`translate3d(0,0,0) scale(${zoom.scale})`);
- currentScale = zoom.scale;
- isScaling = false;
- if (zoom.scale === 1) gesture.$slideEl = undefined;
- }
- function onTouchStart(e) {
- const device = swiper.device;
- if (!gesture.$imageEl || gesture.$imageEl.length === 0) return;
- if (image.isTouched) return;
- if ( && e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();
- image.isTouched = true;
- image.touchesStart.x = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
- image.touchesStart.y = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
- }
- function onTouchMove(e) {
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- if (!gesture.$imageEl || gesture.$imageEl.length === 0) return;
- swiper.allowClick = false;
- if (!image.isTouched || !gesture.$slideEl) return;
- if (!image.isMoved) {
- image.width = gesture.$imageEl[0].offsetWidth;
- image.height = gesture.$imageEl[0].offsetHeight;
- image.startX = getTranslate(gesture.$imageWrapEl[0], 'x') || 0;
- image.startY = getTranslate(gesture.$imageWrapEl[0], 'y') || 0;
- gesture.slideWidth = gesture.$slideEl[0].offsetWidth;
- gesture.slideHeight = gesture.$slideEl[0].offsetHeight;
- gesture.$imageWrapEl.transition(0);
- } // Define if we need image drag
- const scaledWidth = image.width * zoom.scale;
- const scaledHeight = image.height * zoom.scale;
- if (scaledWidth < gesture.slideWidth && scaledHeight < gesture.slideHeight) return;
- image.minX = Math.min(gesture.slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2, 0);
- image.maxX = -image.minX;
- image.minY = Math.min(gesture.slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2, 0);
- image.maxY = -image.minY;
- image.touchesCurrent.x = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
- image.touchesCurrent.y = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
- if (!image.isMoved && !isScaling) {
- if (swiper.isHorizontal() && (Math.floor(image.minX) === Math.floor(image.startX) && image.touchesCurrent.x < image.touchesStart.x || Math.floor(image.maxX) === Math.floor(image.startX) && image.touchesCurrent.x > image.touchesStart.x)) {
- image.isTouched = false;
- return;
- }
- if (!swiper.isHorizontal() && (Math.floor(image.minY) === Math.floor(image.startY) && image.touchesCurrent.y < image.touchesStart.y || Math.floor(image.maxY) === Math.floor(image.startY) && image.touchesCurrent.y > image.touchesStart.y)) {
- image.isTouched = false;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (e.cancelable) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- image.isMoved = true;
- image.currentX = image.touchesCurrent.x - image.touchesStart.x + image.startX;
- image.currentY = image.touchesCurrent.y - image.touchesStart.y + image.startY;
- if (image.currentX < image.minX) {
- image.currentX = image.minX + 1 - (image.minX - image.currentX + 1) ** 0.8;
- }
- if (image.currentX > image.maxX) {
- image.currentX = image.maxX - 1 + (image.currentX - image.maxX + 1) ** 0.8;
- }
- if (image.currentY < image.minY) {
- image.currentY = image.minY + 1 - (image.minY - image.currentY + 1) ** 0.8;
- }
- if (image.currentY > image.maxY) {
- image.currentY = image.maxY - 1 + (image.currentY - image.maxY + 1) ** 0.8;
- } // Velocity
- if (!velocity.prevPositionX) velocity.prevPositionX = image.touchesCurrent.x;
- if (!velocity.prevPositionY) velocity.prevPositionY = image.touchesCurrent.y;
- if (!velocity.prevTime) velocity.prevTime =;
- velocity.x = (image.touchesCurrent.x - velocity.prevPositionX) / ( - velocity.prevTime) / 2;
- velocity.y = (image.touchesCurrent.y - velocity.prevPositionY) / ( - velocity.prevTime) / 2;
- if (Math.abs(image.touchesCurrent.x - velocity.prevPositionX) < 2) velocity.x = 0;
- if (Math.abs(image.touchesCurrent.y - velocity.prevPositionY) < 2) velocity.y = 0;
- velocity.prevPositionX = image.touchesCurrent.x;
- velocity.prevPositionY = image.touchesCurrent.y;
- velocity.prevTime =;
- gesture.$imageWrapEl.transform(`translate3d(${image.currentX}px, ${image.currentY}px,0)`);
- }
- function onTouchEnd() {
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- if (!gesture.$imageEl || gesture.$imageEl.length === 0) return;
- if (!image.isTouched || !image.isMoved) {
- image.isTouched = false;
- image.isMoved = false;
- return;
- }
- image.isTouched = false;
- image.isMoved = false;
- let momentumDurationX = 300;
- let momentumDurationY = 300;
- const momentumDistanceX = velocity.x * momentumDurationX;
- const newPositionX = image.currentX + momentumDistanceX;
- const momentumDistanceY = velocity.y * momentumDurationY;
- const newPositionY = image.currentY + momentumDistanceY; // Fix duration
- if (velocity.x !== 0) momentumDurationX = Math.abs((newPositionX - image.currentX) / velocity.x);
- if (velocity.y !== 0) momentumDurationY = Math.abs((newPositionY - image.currentY) / velocity.y);
- const momentumDuration = Math.max(momentumDurationX, momentumDurationY);
- image.currentX = newPositionX;
- image.currentY = newPositionY; // Define if we need image drag
- const scaledWidth = image.width * zoom.scale;
- const scaledHeight = image.height * zoom.scale;
- image.minX = Math.min(gesture.slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2, 0);
- image.maxX = -image.minX;
- image.minY = Math.min(gesture.slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2, 0);
- image.maxY = -image.minY;
- image.currentX = Math.max(Math.min(image.currentX, image.maxX), image.minX);
- image.currentY = Math.max(Math.min(image.currentY, image.maxY), image.minY);
- gesture.$imageWrapEl.transition(momentumDuration).transform(`translate3d(${image.currentX}px, ${image.currentY}px,0)`);
- }
- function onTransitionEnd() {
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- if (gesture.$slideEl && swiper.previousIndex !== swiper.activeIndex) {
- if (gesture.$imageEl) {
- gesture.$imageEl.transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)');
- }
- if (gesture.$imageWrapEl) {
- gesture.$imageWrapEl.transform('translate3d(0,0,0)');
- }
- zoom.scale = 1;
- currentScale = 1;
- gesture.$slideEl = undefined;
- gesture.$imageEl = undefined;
- gesture.$imageWrapEl = undefined;
- }
- }
- function zoomIn(e) {
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- const params = swiper.params.zoom;
- if (!gesture.$slideEl) {
- if (e && {
- gesture.$slideEl = $(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}`);
- }
- if (!gesture.$slideEl) {
- if (swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual) {
- gesture.$slideEl = swiper.$wrapperEl.children(`.${swiper.params.slideActiveClass}`);
- } else {
- gesture.$slideEl = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeIndex);
- }
- }
- gesture.$imageEl = gesture.$slideEl.find(`.${params.containerClass}`).eq(0).find('picture, img, svg, canvas, .swiper-zoom-target').eq(0);
- gesture.$imageWrapEl = gesture.$imageEl.parent(`.${params.containerClass}`);
- }
- if (!gesture.$imageEl || gesture.$imageEl.length === 0 || !gesture.$imageWrapEl || gesture.$imageWrapEl.length === 0) return;
- if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
- = 'hidden';
- = 'none';
- }
- gesture.$slideEl.addClass(`${params.zoomedSlideClass}`);
- let touchX;
- let touchY;
- let offsetX;
- let offsetY;
- let diffX;
- let diffY;
- let translateX;
- let translateY;
- let imageWidth;
- let imageHeight;
- let scaledWidth;
- let scaledHeight;
- let translateMinX;
- let translateMinY;
- let translateMaxX;
- let translateMaxY;
- let slideWidth;
- let slideHeight;
- if (typeof image.touchesStart.x === 'undefined' && e) {
- touchX = e.type === 'touchend' ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
- touchY = e.type === 'touchend' ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
- } else {
- touchX = image.touchesStart.x;
- touchY = image.touchesStart.y;
- }
- zoom.scale = gesture.$imageWrapEl.attr('data-swiper-zoom') || params.maxRatio;
- currentScale = gesture.$imageWrapEl.attr('data-swiper-zoom') || params.maxRatio;
- if (e) {
- slideWidth = gesture.$slideEl[0].offsetWidth;
- slideHeight = gesture.$slideEl[0].offsetHeight;
- offsetX = gesture.$slideEl.offset().left + window.scrollX;
- offsetY = gesture.$slideEl.offset().top + window.scrollY;
- diffX = offsetX + slideWidth / 2 - touchX;
- diffY = offsetY + slideHeight / 2 - touchY;
- imageWidth = gesture.$imageEl[0].offsetWidth;
- imageHeight = gesture.$imageEl[0].offsetHeight;
- scaledWidth = imageWidth * zoom.scale;
- scaledHeight = imageHeight * zoom.scale;
- translateMinX = Math.min(slideWidth / 2 - scaledWidth / 2, 0);
- translateMinY = Math.min(slideHeight / 2 - scaledHeight / 2, 0);
- translateMaxX = -translateMinX;
- translateMaxY = -translateMinY;
- translateX = diffX * zoom.scale;
- translateY = diffY * zoom.scale;
- if (translateX < translateMinX) {
- translateX = translateMinX;
- }
- if (translateX > translateMaxX) {
- translateX = translateMaxX;
- }
- if (translateY < translateMinY) {
- translateY = translateMinY;
- }
- if (translateY > translateMaxY) {
- translateY = translateMaxY;
- }
- } else {
- translateX = 0;
- translateY = 0;
- }
- gesture.$imageWrapEl.transition(300).transform(`translate3d(${translateX}px, ${translateY}px,0)`);
- gesture.$imageEl.transition(300).transform(`translate3d(0,0,0) scale(${zoom.scale})`);
- }
- function zoomOut() {
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- const params = swiper.params.zoom;
- if (!gesture.$slideEl) {
- if (swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual) {
- gesture.$slideEl = swiper.$wrapperEl.children(`.${swiper.params.slideActiveClass}`);
- } else {
- gesture.$slideEl = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeIndex);
- }
- gesture.$imageEl = gesture.$slideEl.find(`.${params.containerClass}`).eq(0).find('picture, img, svg, canvas, .swiper-zoom-target').eq(0);
- gesture.$imageWrapEl = gesture.$imageEl.parent(`.${params.containerClass}`);
- }
- if (!gesture.$imageEl || gesture.$imageEl.length === 0 || !gesture.$imageWrapEl || gesture.$imageWrapEl.length === 0) return;
- if (swiper.params.cssMode) {
- = '';
- = '';
- }
- zoom.scale = 1;
- currentScale = 1;
- gesture.$imageWrapEl.transition(300).transform('translate3d(0,0,0)');
- gesture.$imageEl.transition(300).transform('translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)');
- gesture.$slideEl.removeClass(`${params.zoomedSlideClass}`);
- gesture.$slideEl = undefined;
- } // Toggle Zoom
- function zoomToggle(e) {
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- if (zoom.scale && zoom.scale !== 1) {
- // Zoom Out
- zoomOut();
- } else {
- // Zoom In
- zoomIn(e);
- }
- }
- function getListeners() {
- const support =;
- const passiveListener = swiper.touchEvents.start === 'touchstart' && support.passiveListener && swiper.params.passiveListeners ? {
- passive: true,
- capture: false
- } : false;
- const activeListenerWithCapture = support.passiveListener ? {
- passive: false,
- capture: true
- } : true;
- return {
- passiveListener,
- activeListenerWithCapture
- };
- }
- function getSlideSelector() {
- return `.${swiper.params.slideClass}`;
- }
- function toggleGestures(method) {
- const {
- passiveListener
- } = getListeners();
- const slideSelector = getSlideSelector();
- swiper.$wrapperEl[method]('gesturestart', slideSelector, onGestureStart, passiveListener);
- swiper.$wrapperEl[method]('gesturechange', slideSelector, onGestureChange, passiveListener);
- swiper.$wrapperEl[method]('gestureend', slideSelector, onGestureEnd, passiveListener);
- }
- function enableGestures() {
- if (gesturesEnabled) return;
- gesturesEnabled = true;
- toggleGestures('on');
- }
- function disableGestures() {
- if (!gesturesEnabled) return;
- gesturesEnabled = false;
- toggleGestures('off');
- } // Attach/Detach Events
- function enable() {
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- if (zoom.enabled) return;
- zoom.enabled = true;
- const support =;
- const {
- passiveListener,
- activeListenerWithCapture
- } = getListeners();
- const slideSelector = getSlideSelector(); // Scale image
- if (support.gestures) {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.on(swiper.touchEvents.start, enableGestures, passiveListener);
- swiper.$wrapperEl.on(swiper.touchEvents.end, disableGestures, passiveListener);
- } else if (swiper.touchEvents.start === 'touchstart') {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.on(swiper.touchEvents.start, slideSelector, onGestureStart, passiveListener);
- swiper.$wrapperEl.on(swiper.touchEvents.move, slideSelector, onGestureChange, activeListenerWithCapture);
- swiper.$wrapperEl.on(swiper.touchEvents.end, slideSelector, onGestureEnd, passiveListener);
- if (swiper.touchEvents.cancel) {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.on(swiper.touchEvents.cancel, slideSelector, onGestureEnd, passiveListener);
- }
- } // Move image
- swiper.$wrapperEl.on(swiper.touchEvents.move, `.${swiper.params.zoom.containerClass}`, onTouchMove, activeListenerWithCapture);
- }
- function disable() {
- const zoom = swiper.zoom;
- if (!zoom.enabled) return;
- const support =;
- zoom.enabled = false;
- const {
- passiveListener,
- activeListenerWithCapture
- } = getListeners();
- const slideSelector = getSlideSelector(); // Scale image
- if (support.gestures) {
- swiper.$, enableGestures, passiveListener);
- swiper.$, disableGestures, passiveListener);
- } else if (swiper.touchEvents.start === 'touchstart') {
- swiper.$, slideSelector, onGestureStart, passiveListener);
- swiper.$, slideSelector, onGestureChange, activeListenerWithCapture);
- swiper.$, slideSelector, onGestureEnd, passiveListener);
- if (swiper.touchEvents.cancel) {
- swiper.$, slideSelector, onGestureEnd, passiveListener);
- }
- } // Move image
- swiper.$, `.${swiper.params.zoom.containerClass}`, onTouchMove, activeListenerWithCapture);
- }
- on('init', () => {
- if (swiper.params.zoom.enabled) {
- enable();
- }
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- disable();
- });
- on('touchStart', (_s, e) => {
- if (!swiper.zoom.enabled) return;
- onTouchStart(e);
- });
- on('touchEnd', (_s, e) => {
- if (!swiper.zoom.enabled) return;
- onTouchEnd();
- });
- on('doubleTap', (_s, e) => {
- if (!swiper.animating && swiper.params.zoom.enabled && swiper.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.zoom.toggle) {
- zoomToggle(e);
- }
- });
- on('transitionEnd', () => {
- if (swiper.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.zoom.enabled) {
- onTransitionEnd();
- }
- });
- on('slideChange', () => {
- if (swiper.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.zoom.enabled && swiper.params.cssMode) {
- onTransitionEnd();
- }
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.zoom, {
- enable,
- disable,
- in: zoomIn,
- out: zoomOut,
- toggle: zoomToggle
- });
- }
- function Lazy(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- lazy: {
- checkInView: false,
- enabled: false,
- loadPrevNext: false,
- loadPrevNextAmount: 1,
- loadOnTransitionStart: false,
- scrollingElement: '',
- elementClass: 'swiper-lazy',
- loadingClass: 'swiper-lazy-loading',
- loadedClass: 'swiper-lazy-loaded',
- preloaderClass: 'swiper-lazy-preloader'
- }
- });
- swiper.lazy = {};
- let scrollHandlerAttached = false;
- let initialImageLoaded = false;
- function loadInSlide(index, loadInDuplicate) {
- if (loadInDuplicate === void 0) {
- loadInDuplicate = true;
- }
- const params = swiper.params.lazy;
- if (typeof index === 'undefined') return;
- if (swiper.slides.length === 0) return;
- const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;
- const $slideEl = isVirtual ? swiper.$wrapperEl.children(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${index}"]`) : swiper.slides.eq(index);
- const $images = $slideEl.find(`.${params.elementClass}:not(.${params.loadedClass}):not(.${params.loadingClass})`);
- if ($slideEl.hasClass(params.elementClass) && !$slideEl.hasClass(params.loadedClass) && !$slideEl.hasClass(params.loadingClass)) {
- $images.push($slideEl[0]);
- }
- if ($images.length === 0) return;
- $images.each(imageEl => {
- const $imageEl = $(imageEl);
- $imageEl.addClass(params.loadingClass);
- const background = $imageEl.attr('data-background');
- const src = $imageEl.attr('data-src');
- const srcset = $imageEl.attr('data-srcset');
- const sizes = $imageEl.attr('data-sizes');
- const $pictureEl = $imageEl.parent('picture');
- swiper.loadImage($imageEl[0], src || background, srcset, sizes, false, () => {
- if (typeof swiper === 'undefined' || swiper === null || !swiper || swiper && !swiper.params || swiper.destroyed) return;
- if (background) {
- $imageEl.css('background-image', `url("${background}")`);
- $imageEl.removeAttr('data-background');
- } else {
- if (srcset) {
- $imageEl.attr('srcset', srcset);
- $imageEl.removeAttr('data-srcset');
- }
- if (sizes) {
- $imageEl.attr('sizes', sizes);
- $imageEl.removeAttr('data-sizes');
- }
- if ($pictureEl.length) {
- $pictureEl.children('source').each(sourceEl => {
- const $source = $(sourceEl);
- if ($source.attr('data-srcset')) {
- $source.attr('srcset', $source.attr('data-srcset'));
- $source.removeAttr('data-srcset');
- }
- });
- }
- if (src) {
- $imageEl.attr('src', src);
- $imageEl.removeAttr('data-src');
- }
- }
- $imageEl.addClass(params.loadedClass).removeClass(params.loadingClass);
- $slideEl.find(`.${params.preloaderClass}`).remove();
- if (swiper.params.loop && loadInDuplicate) {
- const slideOriginalIndex = $slideEl.attr('data-swiper-slide-index');
- if ($slideEl.hasClass(swiper.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- const originalSlide = swiper.$wrapperEl.children(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${slideOriginalIndex}"]:not(.${swiper.params.slideDuplicateClass})`);
- loadInSlide(originalSlide.index(), false);
- } else {
- const duplicatedSlide = swiper.$wrapperEl.children(`.${swiper.params.slideDuplicateClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${slideOriginalIndex}"]`);
- loadInSlide(duplicatedSlide.index(), false);
- }
- }
- emit('lazyImageReady', $slideEl[0], $imageEl[0]);
- if (swiper.params.autoHeight) {
- swiper.updateAutoHeight();
- }
- });
- emit('lazyImageLoad', $slideEl[0], $imageEl[0]);
- });
- }
- function load() {
- const {
- $wrapperEl,
- params: swiperParams,
- slides,
- activeIndex
- } = swiper;
- const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiperParams.virtual.enabled;
- const params = swiperParams.lazy;
- let slidesPerView = swiperParams.slidesPerView;
- if (slidesPerView === 'auto') {
- slidesPerView = 0;
- }
- function slideExist(index) {
- if (isVirtual) {
- if ($wrapperEl.children(`.${swiperParams.slideClass}[data-swiper-slide-index="${index}"]`).length) {
- return true;
- }
- } else if (slides[index]) return true;
- return false;
- }
- function slideIndex(slideEl) {
- if (isVirtual) {
- return $(slideEl).attr('data-swiper-slide-index');
- }
- return $(slideEl).index();
- }
- if (!initialImageLoaded) initialImageLoaded = true;
- if (swiper.params.watchSlidesProgress) {
- $wrapperEl.children(`.${swiperParams.slideVisibleClass}`).each(slideEl => {
- const index = isVirtual ? $(slideEl).attr('data-swiper-slide-index') : $(slideEl).index();
- loadInSlide(index);
- });
- } else if (slidesPerView > 1) {
- for (let i = activeIndex; i < activeIndex + slidesPerView; i += 1) {
- if (slideExist(i)) loadInSlide(i);
- }
- } else {
- loadInSlide(activeIndex);
- }
- if (params.loadPrevNext) {
- if (slidesPerView > 1 || params.loadPrevNextAmount && params.loadPrevNextAmount > 1) {
- const amount = params.loadPrevNextAmount;
- const spv = slidesPerView;
- const maxIndex = Math.min(activeIndex + spv + Math.max(amount, spv), slides.length);
- const minIndex = Math.max(activeIndex - Math.max(spv, amount), 0); // Next Slides
- for (let i = activeIndex + slidesPerView; i < maxIndex; i += 1) {
- if (slideExist(i)) loadInSlide(i);
- } // Prev Slides
- for (let i = minIndex; i < activeIndex; i += 1) {
- if (slideExist(i)) loadInSlide(i);
- }
- } else {
- const nextSlide = $wrapperEl.children(`.${swiperParams.slideNextClass}`);
- if (nextSlide.length > 0) loadInSlide(slideIndex(nextSlide));
- const prevSlide = $wrapperEl.children(`.${swiperParams.slidePrevClass}`);
- if (prevSlide.length > 0) loadInSlide(slideIndex(prevSlide));
- }
- }
- }
- function checkInViewOnLoad() {
- const window = getWindow();
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
- const $scrollElement = swiper.params.lazy.scrollingElement ? $(swiper.params.lazy.scrollingElement) : $(window);
- const isWindow = $scrollElement[0] === window;
- const scrollElementWidth = isWindow ? window.innerWidth : $scrollElement[0].offsetWidth;
- const scrollElementHeight = isWindow ? window.innerHeight : $scrollElement[0].offsetHeight;
- const swiperOffset = swiper.$el.offset();
- const {
- rtlTranslate: rtl
- } = swiper;
- let inView = false;
- if (rtl) swiperOffset.left -= swiper.$el[0].scrollLeft;
- const swiperCoord = [[swiperOffset.left,], [swiperOffset.left + swiper.width,], [swiperOffset.left, + swiper.height], [swiperOffset.left + swiper.width, + swiper.height]];
- for (let i = 0; i < swiperCoord.length; i += 1) {
- const point = swiperCoord[i];
- if (point[0] >= 0 && point[0] <= scrollElementWidth && point[1] >= 0 && point[1] <= scrollElementHeight) {
- if (point[0] === 0 && point[1] === 0) continue; // eslint-disable-line
- inView = true;
- }
- }
- const passiveListener = swiper.touchEvents.start === 'touchstart' && && swiper.params.passiveListeners ? {
- passive: true,
- capture: false
- } : false;
- if (inView) {
- load();
- $'scroll', checkInViewOnLoad, passiveListener);
- } else if (!scrollHandlerAttached) {
- scrollHandlerAttached = true;
- $scrollElement.on('scroll', checkInViewOnLoad, passiveListener);
- }
- }
- on('beforeInit', () => {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled && swiper.params.preloadImages) {
- swiper.params.preloadImages = false;
- }
- });
- on('init', () => {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled) {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.checkInView) {
- checkInViewOnLoad();
- } else {
- load();
- }
- }
- });
- on('scroll', () => {
- if (swiper.params.freeMode && swiper.params.freeMode.enabled && !swiper.params.freeMode.sticky) {
- load();
- }
- });
- on('scrollbarDragMove resize _freeModeNoMomentumRelease', () => {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled) {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.checkInView) {
- checkInViewOnLoad();
- } else {
- load();
- }
- }
- });
- on('transitionStart', () => {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled) {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.loadOnTransitionStart || !swiper.params.lazy.loadOnTransitionStart && !initialImageLoaded) {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.checkInView) {
- checkInViewOnLoad();
- } else {
- load();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- on('transitionEnd', () => {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.enabled && !swiper.params.lazy.loadOnTransitionStart) {
- if (swiper.params.lazy.checkInView) {
- checkInViewOnLoad();
- } else {
- load();
- }
- }
- });
- on('slideChange', () => {
- const {
- lazy,
- cssMode,
- watchSlidesProgress,
- touchReleaseOnEdges,
- resistanceRatio
- } = swiper.params;
- if (lazy.enabled && (cssMode || watchSlidesProgress && (touchReleaseOnEdges || resistanceRatio === 0))) {
- load();
- }
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.lazy, {
- load,
- loadInSlide
- });
- }
- /* eslint no-bitwise: ["error", { "allow": [">>"] }] */
- function Controller(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- controller: {
- control: undefined,
- inverse: false,
- by: 'slide' // or 'container'
- }
- });
- swiper.controller = {
- control: undefined
- };
- function LinearSpline(x, y) {
- const binarySearch = function search() {
- let maxIndex;
- let minIndex;
- let guess;
- return (array, val) => {
- minIndex = -1;
- maxIndex = array.length;
- while (maxIndex - minIndex > 1) {
- guess = maxIndex + minIndex >> 1;
- if (array[guess] <= val) {
- minIndex = guess;
- } else {
- maxIndex = guess;
- }
- }
- return maxIndex;
- };
- }();
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- this.lastIndex = x.length - 1; // Given an x value (x2), return the expected y2 value:
- // (x1,y1) is the known point before given value,
- // (x3,y3) is the known point after given value.
- let i1;
- let i3;
- this.interpolate = function interpolate(x2) {
- if (!x2) return 0; // Get the indexes of x1 and x3 (the array indexes before and after given x2):
- i3 = binarySearch(this.x, x2);
- i1 = i3 - 1; // We have our indexes i1 & i3, so we can calculate already:
- // y2 := ((x2−x1) × (y3−y1)) ÷ (x3−x1) + y1
- return (x2 - this.x[i1]) * (this.y[i3] - this.y[i1]) / (this.x[i3] - this.x[i1]) + this.y[i1];
- };
- return this;
- } // xxx: for now i will just save one spline function to to
- function getInterpolateFunction(c) {
- if (!swiper.controller.spline) {
- swiper.controller.spline = swiper.params.loop ? new LinearSpline(swiper.slidesGrid, c.slidesGrid) : new LinearSpline(swiper.snapGrid, c.snapGrid);
- }
- }
- function setTranslate(_t, byController) {
- const controlled = swiper.controller.control;
- let multiplier;
- let controlledTranslate;
- const Swiper = swiper.constructor;
- function setControlledTranslate(c) {
- // this will create an Interpolate function based on the snapGrids
- // x is the Grid of the scrolled scroller and y will be the controlled scroller
- // it makes sense to create this only once and recall it for the interpolation
- // the function does a lot of value caching for performance
- const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate;
- if ( === 'slide') {
- getInterpolateFunction(c); // i am not sure why the values have to be multiplicated this way, tried to invert the snapGrid
- // but it did not work out
- controlledTranslate = -swiper.controller.spline.interpolate(-translate);
- }
- if (!controlledTranslate || === 'container') {
- multiplier = (c.maxTranslate() - c.minTranslate()) / (swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate());
- controlledTranslate = (translate - swiper.minTranslate()) * multiplier + c.minTranslate();
- }
- if (swiper.params.controller.inverse) {
- controlledTranslate = c.maxTranslate() - controlledTranslate;
- }
- c.updateProgress(controlledTranslate);
- c.setTranslate(controlledTranslate, swiper);
- c.updateActiveIndex();
- c.updateSlidesClasses();
- }
- if (Array.isArray(controlled)) {
- for (let i = 0; i < controlled.length; i += 1) {
- if (controlled[i] !== byController && controlled[i] instanceof Swiper) {
- setControlledTranslate(controlled[i]);
- }
- }
- } else if (controlled instanceof Swiper && byController !== controlled) {
- setControlledTranslate(controlled);
- }
- }
- function setTransition(duration, byController) {
- const Swiper = swiper.constructor;
- const controlled = swiper.controller.control;
- let i;
- function setControlledTransition(c) {
- c.setTransition(duration, swiper);
- if (duration !== 0) {
- c.transitionStart();
- if (c.params.autoHeight) {
- nextTick(() => {
- c.updateAutoHeight();
- });
- }
- c.$wrapperEl.transitionEnd(() => {
- if (!controlled) return;
- if (c.params.loop && === 'slide') {
- c.loopFix();
- }
- c.transitionEnd();
- });
- }
- }
- if (Array.isArray(controlled)) {
- for (i = 0; i < controlled.length; i += 1) {
- if (controlled[i] !== byController && controlled[i] instanceof Swiper) {
- setControlledTransition(controlled[i]);
- }
- }
- } else if (controlled instanceof Swiper && byController !== controlled) {
- setControlledTransition(controlled);
- }
- }
- function removeSpline() {
- if (!swiper.controller.control) return;
- if (swiper.controller.spline) {
- swiper.controller.spline = undefined;
- delete swiper.controller.spline;
- }
- }
- on('beforeInit', () => {
- swiper.controller.control = swiper.params.controller.control;
- });
- on('update', () => {
- removeSpline();
- });
- on('resize', () => {
- removeSpline();
- });
- on('observerUpdate', () => {
- removeSpline();
- });
- on('setTranslate', (_s, translate, byController) => {
- if (!swiper.controller.control) return;
- swiper.controller.setTranslate(translate, byController);
- });
- on('setTransition', (_s, duration, byController) => {
- if (!swiper.controller.control) return;
- swiper.controller.setTransition(duration, byController);
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.controller, {
- setTranslate,
- setTransition
- });
- }
- function A11y(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- a11y: {
- enabled: true,
- notificationClass: 'swiper-notification',
- prevSlideMessage: 'Previous slide',
- nextSlideMessage: 'Next slide',
- firstSlideMessage: 'This is the first slide',
- lastSlideMessage: 'This is the last slide',
- paginationBulletMessage: 'Go to slide {{index}}',
- slideLabelMessage: '{{index}} / {{slidesLength}}',
- containerMessage: null,
- containerRoleDescriptionMessage: null,
- itemRoleDescriptionMessage: null,
- slideRole: 'group'
- }
- });
- let liveRegion = null;
- function notify(message) {
- const notification = liveRegion;
- if (notification.length === 0) return;
- notification.html('');
- notification.html(message);
- }
- function getRandomNumber(size) {
- if (size === void 0) {
- size = 16;
- }
- const randomChar = () => Math.round(16 * Math.random()).toString(16);
- return 'x'.repeat(size).replace(/x/g, randomChar);
- }
- function makeElFocusable($el) {
- $el.attr('tabIndex', '0');
- }
- function makeElNotFocusable($el) {
- $el.attr('tabIndex', '-1');
- }
- function addElRole($el, role) {
- $el.attr('role', role);
- }
- function addElRoleDescription($el, description) {
- $el.attr('aria-roledescription', description);
- }
- function addElControls($el, controls) {
- $el.attr('aria-controls', controls);
- }
- function addElLabel($el, label) {
- $el.attr('aria-label', label);
- }
- function addElId($el, id) {
- $el.attr('id', id);
- }
- function addElLive($el, live) {
- $el.attr('aria-live', live);
- }
- function disableEl($el) {
- $el.attr('aria-disabled', true);
- }
- function enableEl($el) {
- $el.attr('aria-disabled', false);
- }
- function onEnterOrSpaceKey(e) {
- if (e.keyCode !== 13 && e.keyCode !== 32) return;
- const params = swiper.params.a11y;
- const $targetEl = $(;
- if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$nextEl && $$nextEl)) {
- if (!(swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.loop)) {
- swiper.slideNext();
- }
- if (swiper.isEnd) {
- notify(params.lastSlideMessage);
- } else {
- notify(params.nextSlideMessage);
- }
- }
- if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$prevEl && $$prevEl)) {
- if (!(swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.loop)) {
- swiper.slidePrev();
- }
- if (swiper.isBeginning) {
- notify(params.firstSlideMessage);
- } else {
- notify(params.prevSlideMessage);
- }
- }
- if (swiper.pagination && $ {
- $targetEl[0].click();
- }
- }
- function updateNavigation() {
- if (swiper.params.loop || swiper.params.rewind || !swiper.navigation) return;
- const {
- $nextEl,
- $prevEl
- } = swiper.navigation;
- if ($prevEl && $prevEl.length > 0) {
- if (swiper.isBeginning) {
- disableEl($prevEl);
- makeElNotFocusable($prevEl);
- } else {
- enableEl($prevEl);
- makeElFocusable($prevEl);
- }
- }
- if ($nextEl && $nextEl.length > 0) {
- if (swiper.isEnd) {
- disableEl($nextEl);
- makeElNotFocusable($nextEl);
- } else {
- enableEl($nextEl);
- makeElFocusable($nextEl);
- }
- }
- }
- function hasPagination() {
- return swiper.pagination && swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.length;
- }
- function hasClickablePagination() {
- return hasPagination() && swiper.params.pagination.clickable;
- }
- function updatePagination() {
- const params = swiper.params.a11y;
- if (!hasPagination()) return;
- swiper.pagination.bullets.each(bulletEl => {
- const $bulletEl = $(bulletEl);
- if (swiper.params.pagination.clickable) {
- makeElFocusable($bulletEl);
- if (!swiper.params.pagination.renderBullet) {
- addElRole($bulletEl, 'button');
- addElLabel($bulletEl, params.paginationBulletMessage.replace(/\{\{index\}\}/, $bulletEl.index() + 1));
- }
- }
- if ($`.${swiper.params.pagination.bulletActiveClass}`)) {
- $bulletEl.attr('aria-current', 'true');
- } else {
- $bulletEl.removeAttr('aria-current');
- }
- });
- }
- const initNavEl = ($el, wrapperId, message) => {
- makeElFocusable($el);
- if ($el[0].tagName !== 'BUTTON') {
- addElRole($el, 'button');
- $el.on('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey);
- }
- addElLabel($el, message);
- addElControls($el, wrapperId);
- };
- const handleFocus = e => {
- const slideEl =`.${swiper.params.slideClass}`);
- if (!slideEl || !swiper.slides.includes(slideEl)) return;
- const isActive = swiper.slides.indexOf(slideEl) === swiper.activeIndex;
- const isVisible = swiper.params.watchSlidesProgress && swiper.visibleSlides && swiper.visibleSlides.includes(slideEl);
- if (isActive || isVisible) return;
- swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.indexOf(slideEl), 0);
- };
- function init() {
- const params = swiper.params.a11y;
- swiper.$el.append(liveRegion); // Container
- const $containerEl = swiper.$el;
- if (params.containerRoleDescriptionMessage) {
- addElRoleDescription($containerEl, params.containerRoleDescriptionMessage);
- }
- if (params.containerMessage) {
- addElLabel($containerEl, params.containerMessage);
- } // Wrapper
- const $wrapperEl = swiper.$wrapperEl;
- const wrapperId = $wrapperEl.attr('id') || `swiper-wrapper-${getRandomNumber(16)}`;
- const live = swiper.params.autoplay && swiper.params.autoplay.enabled ? 'off' : 'polite';
- addElId($wrapperEl, wrapperId);
- addElLive($wrapperEl, live); // Slide
- if (params.itemRoleDescriptionMessage) {
- addElRoleDescription($(swiper.slides), params.itemRoleDescriptionMessage);
- }
- addElRole($(swiper.slides), params.slideRole);
- const slidesLength = swiper.params.loop ? swiper.slides.filter(el => !el.classList.contains(swiper.params.slideDuplicateClass)).length : swiper.slides.length;
- swiper.slides.each((slideEl, index) => {
- const $slideEl = $(slideEl);
- const slideIndex = swiper.params.loop ? parseInt($slideEl.attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10) : index;
- const ariaLabelMessage = params.slideLabelMessage.replace(/\{\{index\}\}/, slideIndex + 1).replace(/\{\{slidesLength\}\}/, slidesLength);
- addElLabel($slideEl, ariaLabelMessage);
- }); // Navigation
- let $nextEl;
- let $prevEl;
- if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$nextEl) {
- $nextEl = swiper.navigation.$nextEl;
- }
- if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$prevEl) {
- $prevEl = swiper.navigation.$prevEl;
- }
- if ($nextEl && $nextEl.length) {
- initNavEl($nextEl, wrapperId, params.nextSlideMessage);
- }
- if ($prevEl && $prevEl.length) {
- initNavEl($prevEl, wrapperId, params.prevSlideMessage);
- } // Pagination
- if (hasClickablePagination()) {
- swiper.pagination.$el.on('keydown', classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass), onEnterOrSpaceKey);
- } // Tab focus
- swiper.$el.on('focus', handleFocus, true);
- }
- function destroy() {
- if (liveRegion && liveRegion.length > 0) liveRegion.remove();
- let $nextEl;
- let $prevEl;
- if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$nextEl) {
- $nextEl = swiper.navigation.$nextEl;
- }
- if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.$prevEl) {
- $prevEl = swiper.navigation.$prevEl;
- }
- if ($nextEl) {
- $'keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey);
- }
- if ($prevEl) {
- $'keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey);
- } // Pagination
- if (hasClickablePagination()) {
- swiper.pagination.$'keydown', classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass), onEnterOrSpaceKey);
- } // Tab focus
- swiper.$'focus', handleFocus, true);
- }
- on('beforeInit', () => {
- liveRegion = $(` `);
- });
- on('afterInit', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;
- init();
- });
- on('fromEdge toEdge afterInit lock unlock', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;
- updateNavigation();
- });
- on('paginationUpdate', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;
- updatePagination();
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;
- destroy();
- });
- }
- function History(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- history: {
- enabled: false,
- root: '',
- replaceState: false,
- key: 'slides'
- }
- });
- let initialized = false;
- let paths = {};
- const slugify = text => {
- return text.toString().replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/[^\w-]+/g, '').replace(/--+/g, '-').replace(/^-+/, '').replace(/-+$/, '');
- };
- const getPathValues = urlOverride => {
- const window = getWindow();
- let location;
- if (urlOverride) {
- location = new URL(urlOverride);
- } else {
- location = window.location;
- }
- const pathArray = location.pathname.slice(1).split('/').filter(part => part !== '');
- const total = pathArray.length;
- const key = pathArray[total - 2];
- const value = pathArray[total - 1];
- return {
- key,
- value
- };
- };
- const setHistory = (key, index) => {
- const window = getWindow();
- if (!initialized || !swiper.params.history.enabled) return;
- let location;
- if (swiper.params.url) {
- location = new URL(swiper.params.url);
- } else {
- location = window.location;
- }
- const slide = swiper.slides.eq(index);
- let value = slugify(slide.attr('data-history'));
- if (swiper.params.history.root.length > 0) {
- let root = swiper.params.history.root;
- if (root[root.length - 1] === '/') root = root.slice(0, root.length - 1);
- value = `${root}/${key}/${value}`;
- } else if (!location.pathname.includes(key)) {
- value = `${key}/${value}`;
- }
- const currentState = window.history.state;
- if (currentState && currentState.value === value) {
- return;
- }
- if (swiper.params.history.replaceState) {
- window.history.replaceState({
- value
- }, null, value);
- } else {
- window.history.pushState({
- value
- }, null, value);
- }
- };
- const scrollToSlide = (speed, value, runCallbacks) => {
- if (value) {
- for (let i = 0, length = swiper.slides.length; i < length; i += 1) {
- const slide = swiper.slides.eq(i);
- const slideHistory = slugify(slide.attr('data-history'));
- if (slideHistory === value && !slide.hasClass(swiper.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- const index = slide.index();
- swiper.slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks);
- }
- }
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(0, speed, runCallbacks);
- }
- };
- const setHistoryPopState = () => {
- paths = getPathValues(swiper.params.url);
- scrollToSlide(swiper.params.speed, swiper.paths.value, false);
- };
- const init = () => {
- const window = getWindow();
- if (!swiper.params.history) return;
- if (!window.history || !window.history.pushState) {
- swiper.params.history.enabled = false;
- swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled = true;
- return;
- }
- initialized = true;
- paths = getPathValues(swiper.params.url);
- if (!paths.key && !paths.value) return;
- scrollToSlide(0, paths.value, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit);
- if (!swiper.params.history.replaceState) {
- window.addEventListener('popstate', setHistoryPopState);
- }
- };
- const destroy = () => {
- const window = getWindow();
- if (!swiper.params.history.replaceState) {
- window.removeEventListener('popstate', setHistoryPopState);
- }
- };
- on('init', () => {
- if (swiper.params.history.enabled) {
- init();
- }
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- if (swiper.params.history.enabled) {
- destroy();
- }
- });
- on('transitionEnd _freeModeNoMomentumRelease', () => {
- if (initialized) {
- setHistory(swiper.params.history.key, swiper.activeIndex);
- }
- });
- on('slideChange', () => {
- if (initialized && swiper.params.cssMode) {
- setHistory(swiper.params.history.key, swiper.activeIndex);
- }
- });
- }
- function HashNavigation(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- emit,
- on
- } = _ref;
- let initialized = false;
- const document = getDocument();
- const window = getWindow();
- extendParams({
- hashNavigation: {
- enabled: false,
- replaceState: false,
- watchState: false
- }
- });
- const onHashChange = () => {
- emit('hashChange');
- const newHash = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
- const activeSlideHash = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeIndex).attr('data-hash');
- if (newHash !== activeSlideHash) {
- const newIndex = swiper.$wrapperEl.children(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}[data-hash="${newHash}"]`).index();
- if (typeof newIndex === 'undefined') return;
- swiper.slideTo(newIndex);
- }
- };
- const setHash = () => {
- if (!initialized || !swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled) return;
- if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.replaceState && window.history && window.history.replaceState) {
- window.history.replaceState(null, null, `#${swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeIndex).attr('data-hash')}` || '');
- emit('hashSet');
- } else {
- const slide = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeIndex);
- const hash = slide.attr('data-hash') || slide.attr('data-history');
- document.location.hash = hash || '';
- emit('hashSet');
- }
- };
- const init = () => {
- if (!swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled || swiper.params.history && swiper.params.history.enabled) return;
- initialized = true;
- const hash = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
- if (hash) {
- const speed = 0;
- for (let i = 0, length = swiper.slides.length; i < length; i += 1) {
- const slide = swiper.slides.eq(i);
- const slideHash = slide.attr('data-hash') || slide.attr('data-history');
- if (slideHash === hash && !slide.hasClass(swiper.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- const index = slide.index();
- swiper.slideTo(index, speed, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit, true);
- }
- }
- }
- if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.watchState) {
- $(window).on('hashchange', onHashChange);
- }
- };
- const destroy = () => {
- if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.watchState) {
- $(window).off('hashchange', onHashChange);
- }
- };
- on('init', () => {
- if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled) {
- init();
- }
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- if (swiper.params.hashNavigation.enabled) {
- destroy();
- }
- });
- on('transitionEnd _freeModeNoMomentumRelease', () => {
- if (initialized) {
- setHash();
- }
- });
- on('slideChange', () => {
- if (initialized && swiper.params.cssMode) {
- setHash();
- }
- });
- }
- /* eslint no-underscore-dangle: "off" */
- function Autoplay(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on,
- emit
- } = _ref;
- let timeout;
- swiper.autoplay = {
- running: false,
- paused: false
- };
- extendParams({
- autoplay: {
- enabled: false,
- delay: 3000,
- waitForTransition: true,
- disableOnInteraction: true,
- stopOnLastSlide: false,
- reverseDirection: false,
- pauseOnMouseEnter: false
- }
- });
- function run() {
- const $activeSlideEl = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeIndex);
- let delay = swiper.params.autoplay.delay;
- if ($activeSlideEl.attr('data-swiper-autoplay')) {
- delay = $activeSlideEl.attr('data-swiper-autoplay') || swiper.params.autoplay.delay;
- }
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- timeout = nextTick(() => {
- let autoplayResult;
- if (swiper.params.autoplay.reverseDirection) {
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- swiper.loopFix();
- autoplayResult = swiper.slidePrev(swiper.params.speed, true, true);
- emit('autoplay');
- } else if (!swiper.isBeginning) {
- autoplayResult = swiper.slidePrev(swiper.params.speed, true, true);
- emit('autoplay');
- } else if (!swiper.params.autoplay.stopOnLastSlide) {
- autoplayResult = swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1, swiper.params.speed, true, true);
- emit('autoplay');
- } else {
- stop();
- }
- } else if (swiper.params.loop) {
- swiper.loopFix();
- autoplayResult = swiper.slideNext(swiper.params.speed, true, true);
- emit('autoplay');
- } else if (!swiper.isEnd) {
- autoplayResult = swiper.slideNext(swiper.params.speed, true, true);
- emit('autoplay');
- } else if (!swiper.params.autoplay.stopOnLastSlide) {
- autoplayResult = swiper.slideTo(0, swiper.params.speed, true, true);
- emit('autoplay');
- } else {
- stop();
- }
- if (swiper.params.cssMode && swiper.autoplay.running) run();else if (autoplayResult === false) {
- run();
- }
- }, delay);
- }
- function start() {
- if (typeof timeout !== 'undefined') return false;
- if (swiper.autoplay.running) return false;
- swiper.autoplay.running = true;
- emit('autoplayStart');
- run();
- return true;
- }
- function stop() {
- if (!swiper.autoplay.running) return false;
- if (typeof timeout === 'undefined') return false;
- if (timeout) {
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- timeout = undefined;
- }
- swiper.autoplay.running = false;
- emit('autoplayStop');
- return true;
- }
- function pause(speed) {
- if (!swiper.autoplay.running) return;
- if (swiper.autoplay.paused) return;
- if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
- swiper.autoplay.paused = true;
- if (speed === 0 || !swiper.params.autoplay.waitForTransition) {
- swiper.autoplay.paused = false;
- run();
- } else {
- ['transitionend', 'webkitTransitionEnd'].forEach(event => {
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].addEventListener(event, onTransitionEnd);
- });
- }
- }
- function onVisibilityChange() {
- const document = getDocument();
- if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden' && swiper.autoplay.running) {
- pause();
- }
- if (document.visibilityState === 'visible' && swiper.autoplay.paused) {
- run();
- swiper.autoplay.paused = false;
- }
- }
- function onTransitionEnd(e) {
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.$wrapperEl) return;
- if ( !== swiper.$wrapperEl[0]) return;
- ['transitionend', 'webkitTransitionEnd'].forEach(event => {
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].removeEventListener(event, onTransitionEnd);
- });
- swiper.autoplay.paused = false;
- if (!swiper.autoplay.running) {
- stop();
- } else {
- run();
- }
- }
- function onMouseEnter() {
- if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {
- stop();
- } else {
- emit('autoplayPause');
- pause();
- }
- ['transitionend', 'webkitTransitionEnd'].forEach(event => {
- swiper.$wrapperEl[0].removeEventListener(event, onTransitionEnd);
- });
- }
- function onMouseLeave() {
- if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {
- return;
- }
- swiper.autoplay.paused = false;
- emit('autoplayResume');
- run();
- }
- function attachMouseEvents() {
- if (swiper.params.autoplay.pauseOnMouseEnter) {
- swiper.$el.on('mouseenter', onMouseEnter);
- swiper.$el.on('mouseleave', onMouseLeave);
- }
- }
- function detachMouseEvents() {
- swiper.$'mouseenter', onMouseEnter);
- swiper.$'mouseleave', onMouseLeave);
- }
- on('init', () => {
- if (swiper.params.autoplay.enabled) {
- start();
- const document = getDocument();
- document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);
- attachMouseEvents();
- }
- });
- on('beforeTransitionStart', (_s, speed, internal) => {
- if (swiper.autoplay.running) {
- if (internal || !swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {
- swiper.autoplay.pause(speed);
- } else {
- stop();
- }
- }
- });
- on('sliderFirstMove', () => {
- if (swiper.autoplay.running) {
- if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {
- stop();
- } else {
- pause();
- }
- }
- });
- on('touchEnd', () => {
- if (swiper.params.cssMode && swiper.autoplay.paused && !swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {
- run();
- }
- });
- on('destroy', () => {
- detachMouseEvents();
- if (swiper.autoplay.running) {
- stop();
- }
- const document = getDocument();
- document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.autoplay, {
- pause,
- run,
- start,
- stop
- });
- }
- function Thumb(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- thumbs: {
- swiper: null,
- multipleActiveThumbs: true,
- autoScrollOffset: 0,
- slideThumbActiveClass: 'swiper-slide-thumb-active',
- thumbsContainerClass: 'swiper-thumbs'
- }
- });
- let initialized = false;
- let swiperCreated = false;
- swiper.thumbs = {
- swiper: null
- };
- function onThumbClick() {
- const thumbsSwiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper;
- if (!thumbsSwiper) return;
- const clickedIndex = thumbsSwiper.clickedIndex;
- const clickedSlide = thumbsSwiper.clickedSlide;
- if (clickedSlide && $(clickedSlide).hasClass(swiper.params.thumbs.slideThumbActiveClass)) return;
- if (typeof clickedIndex === 'undefined' || clickedIndex === null) return;
- let slideToIndex;
- if (thumbsSwiper.params.loop) {
- slideToIndex = parseInt($(thumbsSwiper.clickedSlide).attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
- } else {
- slideToIndex = clickedIndex;
- }
- if (swiper.params.loop) {
- let currentIndex = swiper.activeIndex;
- if (swiper.slides.eq(currentIndex).hasClass(swiper.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- swiper.loopFix(); // eslint-disable-next-line
- swiper._clientLeft = swiper.$wrapperEl[0].clientLeft;
- currentIndex = swiper.activeIndex;
- }
- const prevIndex = swiper.slides.eq(currentIndex).prevAll(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${slideToIndex}"]`).eq(0).index();
- const nextIndex = swiper.slides.eq(currentIndex).nextAll(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${slideToIndex}"]`).eq(0).index();
- if (typeof prevIndex === 'undefined') slideToIndex = nextIndex;else if (typeof nextIndex === 'undefined') slideToIndex = prevIndex;else if (nextIndex - currentIndex < currentIndex - prevIndex) slideToIndex = nextIndex;else slideToIndex = prevIndex;
- }
- swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);
- }
- function init() {
- const {
- thumbs: thumbsParams
- } = swiper.params;
- if (initialized) return false;
- initialized = true;
- const SwiperClass = swiper.constructor;
- if (thumbsParams.swiper instanceof SwiperClass) {
- swiper.thumbs.swiper = thumbsParams.swiper;
- Object.assign(swiper.thumbs.swiper.originalParams, {
- watchSlidesProgress: true,
- slideToClickedSlide: false
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.thumbs.swiper.params, {
- watchSlidesProgress: true,
- slideToClickedSlide: false
- });
- } else if (isObject(thumbsParams.swiper)) {
- const thumbsSwiperParams = Object.assign({}, thumbsParams.swiper);
- Object.assign(thumbsSwiperParams, {
- watchSlidesProgress: true,
- slideToClickedSlide: false
- });
- swiper.thumbs.swiper = new SwiperClass(thumbsSwiperParams);
- swiperCreated = true;
- }
- swiper.thumbs.swiper.$el.addClass(swiper.params.thumbs.thumbsContainerClass);
- swiper.thumbs.swiper.on('tap', onThumbClick);
- return true;
- }
- function update(initial) {
- const thumbsSwiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper;
- if (!thumbsSwiper) return;
- const slidesPerView = thumbsSwiper.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? thumbsSwiper.slidesPerViewDynamic() : thumbsSwiper.params.slidesPerView;
- const autoScrollOffset = swiper.params.thumbs.autoScrollOffset;
- const useOffset = autoScrollOffset && !thumbsSwiper.params.loop;
- if (swiper.realIndex !== thumbsSwiper.realIndex || useOffset) {
- let currentThumbsIndex = thumbsSwiper.activeIndex;
- let newThumbsIndex;
- let direction;
- if (thumbsSwiper.params.loop) {
- if (thumbsSwiper.slides.eq(currentThumbsIndex).hasClass(thumbsSwiper.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- thumbsSwiper.loopFix(); // eslint-disable-next-line
- thumbsSwiper._clientLeft = thumbsSwiper.$wrapperEl[0].clientLeft;
- currentThumbsIndex = thumbsSwiper.activeIndex;
- } // Find actual thumbs index to slide to
- const prevThumbsIndex = thumbsSwiper.slides.eq(currentThumbsIndex).prevAll(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${swiper.realIndex}"]`).eq(0).index();
- const nextThumbsIndex = thumbsSwiper.slides.eq(currentThumbsIndex).nextAll(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${swiper.realIndex}"]`).eq(0).index();
- if (typeof prevThumbsIndex === 'undefined') {
- newThumbsIndex = nextThumbsIndex;
- } else if (typeof nextThumbsIndex === 'undefined') {
- newThumbsIndex = prevThumbsIndex;
- } else if (nextThumbsIndex - currentThumbsIndex === currentThumbsIndex - prevThumbsIndex) {
- newThumbsIndex = thumbsSwiper.params.slidesPerGroup > 1 ? nextThumbsIndex : currentThumbsIndex;
- } else if (nextThumbsIndex - currentThumbsIndex < currentThumbsIndex - prevThumbsIndex) {
- newThumbsIndex = nextThumbsIndex;
- } else {
- newThumbsIndex = prevThumbsIndex;
- }
- direction = swiper.activeIndex > swiper.previousIndex ? 'next' : 'prev';
- } else {
- newThumbsIndex = swiper.realIndex;
- direction = newThumbsIndex > swiper.previousIndex ? 'next' : 'prev';
- }
- if (useOffset) {
- newThumbsIndex += direction === 'next' ? autoScrollOffset : -1 * autoScrollOffset;
- }
- if (thumbsSwiper.visibleSlidesIndexes && thumbsSwiper.visibleSlidesIndexes.indexOf(newThumbsIndex) < 0) {
- if (thumbsSwiper.params.centeredSlides) {
- if (newThumbsIndex > currentThumbsIndex) {
- newThumbsIndex = newThumbsIndex - Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) + 1;
- } else {
- newThumbsIndex = newThumbsIndex + Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) - 1;
- }
- } else if (newThumbsIndex > currentThumbsIndex && thumbsSwiper.params.slidesPerGroup === 1) ;
- thumbsSwiper.slideTo(newThumbsIndex, initial ? 0 : undefined);
- }
- } // Activate thumbs
- let thumbsToActivate = 1;
- const thumbActiveClass = swiper.params.thumbs.slideThumbActiveClass;
- if (swiper.params.slidesPerView > 1 && !swiper.params.centeredSlides) {
- thumbsToActivate = swiper.params.slidesPerView;
- }
- if (!swiper.params.thumbs.multipleActiveThumbs) {
- thumbsToActivate = 1;
- }
- thumbsToActivate = Math.floor(thumbsToActivate);
- thumbsSwiper.slides.removeClass(thumbActiveClass);
- if (thumbsSwiper.params.loop || thumbsSwiper.params.virtual && thumbsSwiper.params.virtual.enabled) {
- for (let i = 0; i < thumbsToActivate; i += 1) {
- thumbsSwiper.$wrapperEl.children(`[data-swiper-slide-index="${swiper.realIndex + i}"]`).addClass(thumbActiveClass);
- }
- } else {
- for (let i = 0; i < thumbsToActivate; i += 1) {
- thumbsSwiper.slides.eq(swiper.realIndex + i).addClass(thumbActiveClass);
- }
- }
- }
- on('beforeInit', () => {
- const {
- thumbs
- } = swiper.params;
- if (!thumbs || !thumbs.swiper) return;
- init();
- update(true);
- });
- on('slideChange update resize observerUpdate', () => {
- if (!swiper.thumbs.swiper) return;
- update();
- });
- on('setTransition', (_s, duration) => {
- const thumbsSwiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper;
- if (!thumbsSwiper) return;
- thumbsSwiper.setTransition(duration);
- });
- on('beforeDestroy', () => {
- const thumbsSwiper = swiper.thumbs.swiper;
- if (!thumbsSwiper) return;
- if (swiperCreated && thumbsSwiper) {
- thumbsSwiper.destroy();
- }
- });
- Object.assign(swiper.thumbs, {
- init,
- update
- });
- }
- function freeMode(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- emit,
- once
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- freeMode: {
- enabled: false,
- momentum: true,
- momentumRatio: 1,
- momentumBounce: true,
- momentumBounceRatio: 1,
- momentumVelocityRatio: 1,
- sticky: false,
- minimumVelocity: 0.02
- }
- });
- function onTouchStart() {
- const translate = swiper.getTranslate();
- swiper.setTranslate(translate);
- swiper.setTransition(0);
- swiper.touchEventsData.velocities.length = 0;
- swiper.freeMode.onTouchEnd({
- currentPos: swiper.rtl ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate
- });
- }
- function onTouchMove() {
- const {
- touchEventsData: data,
- touches
- } = swiper; // Velocity
- if (data.velocities.length === 0) {
- data.velocities.push({
- position: touches[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'startX' : 'startY'],
- time: data.touchStartTime
- });
- }
- data.velocities.push({
- position: touches[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'currentX' : 'currentY'],
- time: now()
- });
- }
- function onTouchEnd(_ref2) {
- let {
- currentPos
- } = _ref2;
- const {
- params,
- $wrapperEl,
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- snapGrid,
- touchEventsData: data
- } = swiper; // Time diff
- const touchEndTime = now();
- const timeDiff = touchEndTime - data.touchStartTime;
- if (currentPos < -swiper.minTranslate()) {
- swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex);
- return;
- }
- if (currentPos > -swiper.maxTranslate()) {
- if (swiper.slides.length < snapGrid.length) {
- swiper.slideTo(snapGrid.length - 1);
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (params.freeMode.momentum) {
- if (data.velocities.length > 1) {
- const lastMoveEvent = data.velocities.pop();
- const velocityEvent = data.velocities.pop();
- const distance = lastMoveEvent.position - velocityEvent.position;
- const time = lastMoveEvent.time - velocityEvent.time;
- swiper.velocity = distance / time;
- swiper.velocity /= 2;
- if (Math.abs(swiper.velocity) < params.freeMode.minimumVelocity) {
- swiper.velocity = 0;
- } // this implies that the user stopped moving a finger then released.
- // There would be no events with distance zero, so the last event is stale.
- if (time > 150 || now() - lastMoveEvent.time > 300) {
- swiper.velocity = 0;
- }
- } else {
- swiper.velocity = 0;
- }
- swiper.velocity *= params.freeMode.momentumVelocityRatio;
- data.velocities.length = 0;
- let momentumDuration = 1000 * params.freeMode.momentumRatio;
- const momentumDistance = swiper.velocity * momentumDuration;
- let newPosition = swiper.translate + momentumDistance;
- if (rtl) newPosition = -newPosition;
- let doBounce = false;
- let afterBouncePosition;
- const bounceAmount = Math.abs(swiper.velocity) * 20 * params.freeMode.momentumBounceRatio;
- let needsLoopFix;
- if (newPosition < swiper.maxTranslate()) {
- if (params.freeMode.momentumBounce) {
- if (newPosition + swiper.maxTranslate() < -bounceAmount) {
- newPosition = swiper.maxTranslate() - bounceAmount;
- }
- afterBouncePosition = swiper.maxTranslate();
- doBounce = true;
- data.allowMomentumBounce = true;
- } else {
- newPosition = swiper.maxTranslate();
- }
- if (params.loop && params.centeredSlides) needsLoopFix = true;
- } else if (newPosition > swiper.minTranslate()) {
- if (params.freeMode.momentumBounce) {
- if (newPosition - swiper.minTranslate() > bounceAmount) {
- newPosition = swiper.minTranslate() + bounceAmount;
- }
- afterBouncePosition = swiper.minTranslate();
- doBounce = true;
- data.allowMomentumBounce = true;
- } else {
- newPosition = swiper.minTranslate();
- }
- if (params.loop && params.centeredSlides) needsLoopFix = true;
- } else if (params.freeMode.sticky) {
- let nextSlide;
- for (let j = 0; j < snapGrid.length; j += 1) {
- if (snapGrid[j] > -newPosition) {
- nextSlide = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (Math.abs(snapGrid[nextSlide] - newPosition) < Math.abs(snapGrid[nextSlide - 1] - newPosition) || swiper.swipeDirection === 'next') {
- newPosition = snapGrid[nextSlide];
- } else {
- newPosition = snapGrid[nextSlide - 1];
- }
- newPosition = -newPosition;
- }
- if (needsLoopFix) {
- once('transitionEnd', () => {
- swiper.loopFix();
- });
- } // Fix duration
- if (swiper.velocity !== 0) {
- if (rtl) {
- momentumDuration = Math.abs((-newPosition - swiper.translate) / swiper.velocity);
- } else {
- momentumDuration = Math.abs((newPosition - swiper.translate) / swiper.velocity);
- }
- if (params.freeMode.sticky) {
- // If freeMode.sticky is active and the user ends a swipe with a slow-velocity
- // event, then durations can be 20+ seconds to slide one (or zero!) slides.
- // It's easy to see this when simulating touch with mouse events. To fix this,
- // limit single-slide swipes to the default slide duration. This also has the
- // nice side effect of matching slide speed if the user stopped moving before
- // lifting finger or mouse vs. moving slowly before lifting the finger/mouse.
- // For faster swipes, also apply limits (albeit higher ones).
- const moveDistance = Math.abs((rtl ? -newPosition : newPosition) - swiper.translate);
- const currentSlideSize = swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.activeIndex];
- if (moveDistance < currentSlideSize) {
- momentumDuration = params.speed;
- } else if (moveDistance < 2 * currentSlideSize) {
- momentumDuration = params.speed * 1.5;
- } else {
- momentumDuration = params.speed * 2.5;
- }
- }
- } else if (params.freeMode.sticky) {
- swiper.slideToClosest();
- return;
- }
- if (params.freeMode.momentumBounce && doBounce) {
- swiper.updateProgress(afterBouncePosition);
- swiper.setTransition(momentumDuration);
- swiper.setTranslate(newPosition);
- swiper.transitionStart(true, swiper.swipeDirection);
- swiper.animating = true;
- $wrapperEl.transitionEnd(() => {
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !data.allowMomentumBounce) return;
- emit('momentumBounce');
- swiper.setTransition(params.speed);
- setTimeout(() => {
- swiper.setTranslate(afterBouncePosition);
- $wrapperEl.transitionEnd(() => {
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
- swiper.transitionEnd();
- });
- }, 0);
- });
- } else if (swiper.velocity) {
- emit('_freeModeNoMomentumRelease');
- swiper.updateProgress(newPosition);
- swiper.setTransition(momentumDuration);
- swiper.setTranslate(newPosition);
- swiper.transitionStart(true, swiper.swipeDirection);
- if (!swiper.animating) {
- swiper.animating = true;
- $wrapperEl.transitionEnd(() => {
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
- swiper.transitionEnd();
- });
- }
- } else {
- swiper.updateProgress(newPosition);
- }
- swiper.updateActiveIndex();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- } else if (params.freeMode.sticky) {
- swiper.slideToClosest();
- return;
- } else if (params.freeMode) {
- emit('_freeModeNoMomentumRelease');
- }
- if (!params.freeMode.momentum || timeDiff >= params.longSwipesMs) {
- swiper.updateProgress();
- swiper.updateActiveIndex();
- swiper.updateSlidesClasses();
- }
- }
- Object.assign(swiper, {
- freeMode: {
- onTouchStart,
- onTouchMove,
- onTouchEnd
- }
- });
- }
- function Grid(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- grid: {
- rows: 1,
- fill: 'column'
- }
- });
- let slidesNumberEvenToRows;
- let slidesPerRow;
- let numFullColumns;
- const initSlides = slidesLength => {
- const {
- slidesPerView
- } = swiper.params;
- const {
- rows,
- fill
- } = swiper.params.grid;
- slidesPerRow = slidesNumberEvenToRows / rows;
- numFullColumns = Math.floor(slidesLength / rows);
- if (Math.floor(slidesLength / rows) === slidesLength / rows) {
- slidesNumberEvenToRows = slidesLength;
- } else {
- slidesNumberEvenToRows = Math.ceil(slidesLength / rows) * rows;
- }
- if (slidesPerView !== 'auto' && fill === 'row') {
- slidesNumberEvenToRows = Math.max(slidesNumberEvenToRows, slidesPerView * rows);
- }
- };
- const updateSlide = (i, slide, slidesLength, getDirectionLabel) => {
- const {
- slidesPerGroup,
- spaceBetween
- } = swiper.params;
- const {
- rows,
- fill
- } = swiper.params.grid; // Set slides order
- let newSlideOrderIndex;
- let column;
- let row;
- if (fill === 'row' && slidesPerGroup > 1) {
- const groupIndex = Math.floor(i / (slidesPerGroup * rows));
- const slideIndexInGroup = i - rows * slidesPerGroup * groupIndex;
- const columnsInGroup = groupIndex === 0 ? slidesPerGroup : Math.min(Math.ceil((slidesLength - groupIndex * rows * slidesPerGroup) / rows), slidesPerGroup);
- row = Math.floor(slideIndexInGroup / columnsInGroup);
- column = slideIndexInGroup - row * columnsInGroup + groupIndex * slidesPerGroup;
- newSlideOrderIndex = column + row * slidesNumberEvenToRows / rows;
- slide.css({
- '-webkit-order': newSlideOrderIndex,
- order: newSlideOrderIndex
- });
- } else if (fill === 'column') {
- column = Math.floor(i / rows);
- row = i - column * rows;
- if (column > numFullColumns || column === numFullColumns && row === rows - 1) {
- row += 1;
- if (row >= rows) {
- row = 0;
- column += 1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- row = Math.floor(i / slidesPerRow);
- column = i - row * slidesPerRow;
- }
- slide.css(getDirectionLabel('margin-top'), row !== 0 ? spaceBetween && `${spaceBetween}px` : '');
- };
- const updateWrapperSize = (slideSize, snapGrid, getDirectionLabel) => {
- const {
- spaceBetween,
- centeredSlides,
- roundLengths
- } = swiper.params;
- const {
- rows
- } = swiper.params.grid;
- swiper.virtualSize = (slideSize + spaceBetween) * slidesNumberEvenToRows;
- swiper.virtualSize = Math.ceil(swiper.virtualSize / rows) - spaceBetween;
- swiper.$wrapperEl.css({
- [getDirectionLabel('width')]: `${swiper.virtualSize + spaceBetween}px`
- });
- if (centeredSlides) {
- snapGrid.splice(0, snapGrid.length);
- const newSlidesGrid = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < snapGrid.length; i += 1) {
- let slidesGridItem = snapGrid[i];
- if (roundLengths) slidesGridItem = Math.floor(slidesGridItem);
- if (snapGrid[i] < swiper.virtualSize + snapGrid[0]) newSlidesGrid.push(slidesGridItem);
- }
- snapGrid.push(...newSlidesGrid);
- }
- };
- swiper.grid = {
- initSlides,
- updateSlide,
- updateWrapperSize
- };
- }
- function appendSlide(slides) {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- $wrapperEl,
- params
- } = swiper;
- if (params.loop) {
- swiper.loopDestroy();
- }
- if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) {
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- if (slides[i]) $wrapperEl.append(slides[i]);
- }
- } else {
- $wrapperEl.append(slides);
- }
- if (params.loop) {
- swiper.loopCreate();
- }
- if (! {
- swiper.update();
- }
- }
- function prependSlide(slides) {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params,
- $wrapperEl,
- activeIndex
- } = swiper;
- if (params.loop) {
- swiper.loopDestroy();
- }
- let newActiveIndex = activeIndex + 1;
- if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) {
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- if (slides[i]) $wrapperEl.prepend(slides[i]);
- }
- newActiveIndex = activeIndex + slides.length;
- } else {
- $wrapperEl.prepend(slides);
- }
- if (params.loop) {
- swiper.loopCreate();
- }
- if (! {
- swiper.update();
- }
- swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0, false);
- }
- function addSlide(index, slides) {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- $wrapperEl,
- params,
- activeIndex
- } = swiper;
- let activeIndexBuffer = activeIndex;
- if (params.loop) {
- activeIndexBuffer -= swiper.loopedSlides;
- swiper.loopDestroy();
- swiper.slides = $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}`);
- }
- const baseLength = swiper.slides.length;
- if (index <= 0) {
- swiper.prependSlide(slides);
- return;
- }
- if (index >= baseLength) {
- swiper.appendSlide(slides);
- return;
- }
- let newActiveIndex = activeIndexBuffer > index ? activeIndexBuffer + 1 : activeIndexBuffer;
- const slidesBuffer = [];
- for (let i = baseLength - 1; i >= index; i -= 1) {
- const currentSlide = swiper.slides.eq(i);
- currentSlide.remove();
- slidesBuffer.unshift(currentSlide);
- }
- if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) {
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- if (slides[i]) $wrapperEl.append(slides[i]);
- }
- newActiveIndex = activeIndexBuffer > index ? activeIndexBuffer + slides.length : activeIndexBuffer;
- } else {
- $wrapperEl.append(slides);
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < slidesBuffer.length; i += 1) {
- $wrapperEl.append(slidesBuffer[i]);
- }
- if (params.loop) {
- swiper.loopCreate();
- }
- if (! {
- swiper.update();
- }
- if (params.loop) {
- swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex + swiper.loopedSlides, 0, false);
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0, false);
- }
- }
- function removeSlide(slidesIndexes) {
- const swiper = this;
- const {
- params,
- $wrapperEl,
- activeIndex
- } = swiper;
- let activeIndexBuffer = activeIndex;
- if (params.loop) {
- activeIndexBuffer -= swiper.loopedSlides;
- swiper.loopDestroy();
- swiper.slides = $wrapperEl.children(`.${params.slideClass}`);
- }
- let newActiveIndex = activeIndexBuffer;
- let indexToRemove;
- if (typeof slidesIndexes === 'object' && 'length' in slidesIndexes) {
- for (let i = 0; i < slidesIndexes.length; i += 1) {
- indexToRemove = slidesIndexes[i];
- if (swiper.slides[indexToRemove]) swiper.slides.eq(indexToRemove).remove();
- if (indexToRemove < newActiveIndex) newActiveIndex -= 1;
- }
- newActiveIndex = Math.max(newActiveIndex, 0);
- } else {
- indexToRemove = slidesIndexes;
- if (swiper.slides[indexToRemove]) swiper.slides.eq(indexToRemove).remove();
- if (indexToRemove < newActiveIndex) newActiveIndex -= 1;
- newActiveIndex = Math.max(newActiveIndex, 0);
- }
- if (params.loop) {
- swiper.loopCreate();
- }
- if (! {
- swiper.update();
- }
- if (params.loop) {
- swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex + swiper.loopedSlides, 0, false);
- } else {
- swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0, false);
- }
- }
- function removeAllSlides() {
- const swiper = this;
- const slidesIndexes = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i += 1) {
- slidesIndexes.push(i);
- }
- swiper.removeSlide(slidesIndexes);
- }
- function Manipulation(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper
- } = _ref;
- Object.assign(swiper, {
- appendSlide: appendSlide.bind(swiper),
- prependSlide: prependSlide.bind(swiper),
- addSlide: addSlide.bind(swiper),
- removeSlide: removeSlide.bind(swiper),
- removeAllSlides: removeAllSlides.bind(swiper)
- });
- }
- function effectInit(params) {
- const {
- effect,
- swiper,
- on,
- setTranslate,
- setTransition,
- overwriteParams,
- perspective
- } = params;
- on('beforeInit', () => {
- if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;
- swiper.classNames.push(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}${effect}`);
- if (perspective && perspective()) {
- swiper.classNames.push(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}3d`);
- }
- const overwriteParamsResult = overwriteParams ? overwriteParams() : {};
- Object.assign(swiper.params, overwriteParamsResult);
- Object.assign(swiper.originalParams, overwriteParamsResult);
- });
- on('setTranslate', () => {
- if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;
- setTranslate();
- });
- on('setTransition', (_s, duration) => {
- if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;
- setTransition(duration);
- });
- let requireUpdateOnVirtual;
- on('virtualUpdate', () => {
- if (!swiper.slides.length) {
- requireUpdateOnVirtual = true;
- }
- requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- if (requireUpdateOnVirtual && swiper.slides.length) {
- setTranslate();
- requireUpdateOnVirtual = false;
- }
- });
- });
- }
- function effectTarget(effectParams, $slideEl) {
- if (effectParams.transformEl) {
- return $slideEl.find(effectParams.transformEl).css({
- 'backface-visibility': 'hidden',
- '-webkit-backface-visibility': 'hidden'
- });
- }
- return $slideEl;
- }
- function effectVirtualTransitionEnd(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- duration,
- transformEl,
- allSlides
- } = _ref;
- const {
- slides,
- activeIndex,
- $wrapperEl
- } = swiper;
- if (swiper.params.virtualTranslate && duration !== 0) {
- let eventTriggered = false;
- let $transitionEndTarget;
- if (allSlides) {
- $transitionEndTarget = transformEl ? slides.find(transformEl) : slides;
- } else {
- $transitionEndTarget = transformEl ? slides.eq(activeIndex).find(transformEl) : slides.eq(activeIndex);
- }
- $transitionEndTarget.transitionEnd(() => {
- if (eventTriggered) return;
- if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;
- eventTriggered = true;
- swiper.animating = false;
- const triggerEvents = ['webkitTransitionEnd', 'transitionend'];
- for (let i = 0; i < triggerEvents.length; i += 1) {
- $wrapperEl.trigger(triggerEvents[i]);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- function EffectFade(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- fadeEffect: {
- crossFade: false,
- transformEl: null
- }
- });
- const setTranslate = () => {
- const {
- slides
- } = swiper;
- const params = swiper.params.fadeEffect;
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- const $slideEl = swiper.slides.eq(i);
- const offset = $slideEl[0].swiperSlideOffset;
- let tx = -offset;
- if (!swiper.params.virtualTranslate) tx -= swiper.translate;
- let ty = 0;
- if (!swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- ty = tx;
- tx = 0;
- }
- const slideOpacity = swiper.params.fadeEffect.crossFade ? Math.max(1 - Math.abs($slideEl[0].progress), 0) : 1 + Math.min(Math.max($slideEl[0].progress, -1), 0);
- const $targetEl = effectTarget(params, $slideEl);
- $targetEl.css({
- opacity: slideOpacity
- }).transform(`translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, 0px)`);
- }
- };
- const setTransition = duration => {
- const {
- transformEl
- } = swiper.params.fadeEffect;
- const $transitionElements = transformEl ? swiper.slides.find(transformEl) : swiper.slides;
- $transitionElements.transition(duration);
- effectVirtualTransitionEnd({
- swiper,
- duration,
- transformEl,
- allSlides: true
- });
- };
- effectInit({
- effect: 'fade',
- swiper,
- on,
- setTranslate,
- setTransition,
- overwriteParams: () => ({
- slidesPerView: 1,
- slidesPerGroup: 1,
- watchSlidesProgress: true,
- spaceBetween: 0,
- virtualTranslate: !swiper.params.cssMode
- })
- });
- }
- function EffectCube(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- cubeEffect: {
- slideShadows: true,
- shadow: true,
- shadowOffset: 20,
- shadowScale: 0.94
- }
- });
- const setTranslate = () => {
- const {
- $el,
- $wrapperEl,
- slides,
- width: swiperWidth,
- height: swiperHeight,
- rtlTranslate: rtl,
- size: swiperSize,
- browser
- } = swiper;
- const params = swiper.params.cubeEffect;
- const isHorizontal = swiper.isHorizontal();
- const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;
- let wrapperRotate = 0;
- let $cubeShadowEl;
- if (params.shadow) {
- if (isHorizontal) {
- $cubeShadowEl = $wrapperEl.find('.swiper-cube-shadow');
- if ($cubeShadowEl.length === 0) {
- $cubeShadowEl = $('
- $wrapperEl.append($cubeShadowEl);
- }
- $cubeShadowEl.css({
- height: `${swiperWidth}px`
- });
- } else {
- $cubeShadowEl = $el.find('.swiper-cube-shadow');
- if ($cubeShadowEl.length === 0) {
- $cubeShadowEl = $('
- $el.append($cubeShadowEl);
- }
- }
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- const $slideEl = slides.eq(i);
- let slideIndex = i;
- if (isVirtual) {
- slideIndex = parseInt($slideEl.attr('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);
- }
- let slideAngle = slideIndex * 90;
- let round = Math.floor(slideAngle / 360);
- if (rtl) {
- slideAngle = -slideAngle;
- round = Math.floor(-slideAngle / 360);
- }
- const progress = Math.max(Math.min($slideEl[0].progress, 1), -1);
- let tx = 0;
- let ty = 0;
- let tz = 0;
- if (slideIndex % 4 === 0) {
- tx = -round * 4 * swiperSize;
- tz = 0;
- } else if ((slideIndex - 1) % 4 === 0) {
- tx = 0;
- tz = -round * 4 * swiperSize;
- } else if ((slideIndex - 2) % 4 === 0) {
- tx = swiperSize + round * 4 * swiperSize;
- tz = swiperSize;
- } else if ((slideIndex - 3) % 4 === 0) {
- tx = -swiperSize;
- tz = 3 * swiperSize + swiperSize * 4 * round;
- }
- if (rtl) {
- tx = -tx;
- }
- if (!isHorizontal) {
- ty = tx;
- tx = 0;
- }
- const transform = `rotateX(${isHorizontal ? 0 : -slideAngle}deg) rotateY(${isHorizontal ? slideAngle : 0}deg) translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, ${tz}px)`;
- if (progress <= 1 && progress > -1) {
- wrapperRotate = slideIndex * 90 + progress * 90;
- if (rtl) wrapperRotate = -slideIndex * 90 - progress * 90;
- }
- $slideEl.transform(transform);
- if (params.slideShadows) {
- // Set shadows
- let shadowBefore = isHorizontal ? $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');
- let shadowAfter = isHorizontal ? $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');
- if (shadowBefore.length === 0) {
- shadowBefore = $(`
- $slideEl.append(shadowBefore);
- }
- if (shadowAfter.length === 0) {
- shadowAfter = $(`
- $slideEl.append(shadowAfter);
- }
- if (shadowBefore.length) shadowBefore[0].style.opacity = Math.max(-progress, 0);
- if (shadowAfter.length) shadowAfter[0].style.opacity = Math.max(progress, 0);
- }
- }
- $wrapperEl.css({
- '-webkit-transform-origin': `50% 50% -${swiperSize / 2}px`,
- 'transform-origin': `50% 50% -${swiperSize / 2}px`
- });
- if (params.shadow) {
- if (isHorizontal) {
- $cubeShadowEl.transform(`translate3d(0px, ${swiperWidth / 2 + params.shadowOffset}px, ${-swiperWidth / 2}px) rotateX(90deg) rotateZ(0deg) scale(${params.shadowScale})`);
- } else {
- const shadowAngle = Math.abs(wrapperRotate) - Math.floor(Math.abs(wrapperRotate) / 90) * 90;
- const multiplier = 1.5 - (Math.sin(shadowAngle * 2 * Math.PI / 360) / 2 + Math.cos(shadowAngle * 2 * Math.PI / 360) / 2);
- const scale1 = params.shadowScale;
- const scale2 = params.shadowScale / multiplier;
- const offset = params.shadowOffset;
- $cubeShadowEl.transform(`scale3d(${scale1}, 1, ${scale2}) translate3d(0px, ${swiperHeight / 2 + offset}px, ${-swiperHeight / 2 / scale2}px) rotateX(-90deg)`);
- }
- }
- const zFactor = browser.isSafari || browser.isWebView ? -swiperSize / 2 : 0;
- $wrapperEl.transform(`translate3d(0px,0,${zFactor}px) rotateX(${swiper.isHorizontal() ? 0 : wrapperRotate}deg) rotateY(${swiper.isHorizontal() ? -wrapperRotate : 0}deg)`);
- };
- const setTransition = duration => {
- const {
- $el,
- slides
- } = swiper;
- slides.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').transition(duration);
- if (swiper.params.cubeEffect.shadow && !swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- $el.find('.swiper-cube-shadow').transition(duration);
- }
- };
- effectInit({
- effect: 'cube',
- swiper,
- on,
- setTranslate,
- setTransition,
- perspective: () => true,
- overwriteParams: () => ({
- slidesPerView: 1,
- slidesPerGroup: 1,
- watchSlidesProgress: true,
- resistanceRatio: 0,
- spaceBetween: 0,
- centeredSlides: false,
- virtualTranslate: true
- })
- });
- }
- function createShadow(params, $slideEl, side) {
- const shadowClass = `swiper-slide-shadow${side ? `-${side}` : ''}`;
- const $shadowContainer = params.transformEl ? $slideEl.find(params.transformEl) : $slideEl;
- let $shadowEl = $shadowContainer.children(`.${shadowClass}`);
- if (!$shadowEl.length) {
- $shadowEl = $(`
- $shadowContainer.append($shadowEl);
- }
- return $shadowEl;
- }
- function EffectFlip(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- flipEffect: {
- slideShadows: true,
- limitRotation: true,
- transformEl: null
- }
- });
- const setTranslate = () => {
- const {
- slides,
- rtlTranslate: rtl
- } = swiper;
- const params = swiper.params.flipEffect;
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- const $slideEl = slides.eq(i);
- let progress = $slideEl[0].progress;
- if (swiper.params.flipEffect.limitRotation) {
- progress = Math.max(Math.min($slideEl[0].progress, 1), -1);
- }
- const offset = $slideEl[0].swiperSlideOffset;
- const rotate = -180 * progress;
- let rotateY = rotate;
- let rotateX = 0;
- let tx = swiper.params.cssMode ? -offset - swiper.translate : -offset;
- let ty = 0;
- if (!swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- ty = tx;
- tx = 0;
- rotateX = -rotateY;
- rotateY = 0;
- } else if (rtl) {
- rotateY = -rotateY;
- }
- $slideEl[0].style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(progress)) + slides.length;
- if (params.slideShadows) {
- // Set shadows
- let shadowBefore = swiper.isHorizontal() ? $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');
- let shadowAfter = swiper.isHorizontal() ? $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');
- if (shadowBefore.length === 0) {
- shadowBefore = createShadow(params, $slideEl, swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top');
- }
- if (shadowAfter.length === 0) {
- shadowAfter = createShadow(params, $slideEl, swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'right' : 'bottom');
- }
- if (shadowBefore.length) shadowBefore[0].style.opacity = Math.max(-progress, 0);
- if (shadowAfter.length) shadowAfter[0].style.opacity = Math.max(progress, 0);
- }
- const transform = `translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, 0px) rotateX(${rotateX}deg) rotateY(${rotateY}deg)`;
- const $targetEl = effectTarget(params, $slideEl);
- $targetEl.transform(transform);
- }
- };
- const setTransition = duration => {
- const {
- transformEl
- } = swiper.params.flipEffect;
- const $transitionElements = transformEl ? swiper.slides.find(transformEl) : swiper.slides;
- $transitionElements.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').transition(duration);
- effectVirtualTransitionEnd({
- swiper,
- duration,
- transformEl
- });
- };
- effectInit({
- effect: 'flip',
- swiper,
- on,
- setTranslate,
- setTransition,
- perspective: () => true,
- overwriteParams: () => ({
- slidesPerView: 1,
- slidesPerGroup: 1,
- watchSlidesProgress: true,
- spaceBetween: 0,
- virtualTranslate: !swiper.params.cssMode
- })
- });
- }
- function EffectCoverflow(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- coverflowEffect: {
- rotate: 50,
- stretch: 0,
- depth: 100,
- scale: 1,
- modifier: 1,
- slideShadows: true,
- transformEl: null
- }
- });
- const setTranslate = () => {
- const {
- width: swiperWidth,
- height: swiperHeight,
- slides,
- slidesSizesGrid
- } = swiper;
- const params = swiper.params.coverflowEffect;
- const isHorizontal = swiper.isHorizontal();
- const transform = swiper.translate;
- const center = isHorizontal ? -transform + swiperWidth / 2 : -transform + swiperHeight / 2;
- const rotate = isHorizontal ? params.rotate : -params.rotate;
- const translate = params.depth; // Each slide offset from center
- for (let i = 0, length = slides.length; i < length; i += 1) {
- const $slideEl = slides.eq(i);
- const slideSize = slidesSizesGrid[i];
- const slideOffset = $slideEl[0].swiperSlideOffset;
- const centerOffset = (center - slideOffset - slideSize / 2) / slideSize;
- const offsetMultiplier = typeof params.modifier === 'function' ? params.modifier(centerOffset) : centerOffset * params.modifier;
- let rotateY = isHorizontal ? rotate * offsetMultiplier : 0;
- let rotateX = isHorizontal ? 0 : rotate * offsetMultiplier; // var rotateZ = 0
- let translateZ = -translate * Math.abs(offsetMultiplier);
- let stretch = params.stretch; // Allow percentage to make a relative stretch for responsive sliders
- if (typeof stretch === 'string' && stretch.indexOf('%') !== -1) {
- stretch = parseFloat(params.stretch) / 100 * slideSize;
- }
- let translateY = isHorizontal ? 0 : stretch * offsetMultiplier;
- let translateX = isHorizontal ? stretch * offsetMultiplier : 0;
- let scale = 1 - (1 - params.scale) * Math.abs(offsetMultiplier); // Fix for ultra small values
- if (Math.abs(translateX) < 0.001) translateX = 0;
- if (Math.abs(translateY) < 0.001) translateY = 0;
- if (Math.abs(translateZ) < 0.001) translateZ = 0;
- if (Math.abs(rotateY) < 0.001) rotateY = 0;
- if (Math.abs(rotateX) < 0.001) rotateX = 0;
- if (Math.abs(scale) < 0.001) scale = 0;
- const slideTransform = `translate3d(${translateX}px,${translateY}px,${translateZ}px) rotateX(${rotateX}deg) rotateY(${rotateY}deg) scale(${scale})`;
- const $targetEl = effectTarget(params, $slideEl);
- $targetEl.transform(slideTransform);
- $slideEl[0].style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(offsetMultiplier)) + 1;
- if (params.slideShadows) {
- // Set shadows
- let $shadowBeforeEl = isHorizontal ? $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');
- let $shadowAfterEl = isHorizontal ? $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');
- if ($shadowBeforeEl.length === 0) {
- $shadowBeforeEl = createShadow(params, $slideEl, isHorizontal ? 'left' : 'top');
- }
- if ($shadowAfterEl.length === 0) {
- $shadowAfterEl = createShadow(params, $slideEl, isHorizontal ? 'right' : 'bottom');
- }
- if ($shadowBeforeEl.length) $shadowBeforeEl[0].style.opacity = offsetMultiplier > 0 ? offsetMultiplier : 0;
- if ($shadowAfterEl.length) $shadowAfterEl[0].style.opacity = -offsetMultiplier > 0 ? -offsetMultiplier : 0;
- }
- }
- };
- const setTransition = duration => {
- const {
- transformEl
- } = swiper.params.coverflowEffect;
- const $transitionElements = transformEl ? swiper.slides.find(transformEl) : swiper.slides;
- $transitionElements.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').transition(duration);
- };
- effectInit({
- effect: 'coverflow',
- swiper,
- on,
- setTranslate,
- setTransition,
- perspective: () => true,
- overwriteParams: () => ({
- watchSlidesProgress: true
- })
- });
- }
- function EffectCreative(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- creativeEffect: {
- transformEl: null,
- limitProgress: 1,
- shadowPerProgress: false,
- progressMultiplier: 1,
- perspective: true,
- prev: {
- translate: [0, 0, 0],
- rotate: [0, 0, 0],
- opacity: 1,
- scale: 1
- },
- next: {
- translate: [0, 0, 0],
- rotate: [0, 0, 0],
- opacity: 1,
- scale: 1
- }
- }
- });
- const getTranslateValue = value => {
- if (typeof value === 'string') return value;
- return `${value}px`;
- };
- const setTranslate = () => {
- const {
- slides,
- $wrapperEl,
- slidesSizesGrid
- } = swiper;
- const params = swiper.params.creativeEffect;
- const {
- progressMultiplier: multiplier
- } = params;
- const isCenteredSlides = swiper.params.centeredSlides;
- if (isCenteredSlides) {
- const margin = slidesSizesGrid[0] / 2 - swiper.params.slidesOffsetBefore || 0;
- $wrapperEl.transform(`translateX(calc(50% - ${margin}px))`);
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- const $slideEl = slides.eq(i);
- const slideProgress = $slideEl[0].progress;
- const progress = Math.min(Math.max($slideEl[0].progress, -params.limitProgress), params.limitProgress);
- let originalProgress = progress;
- if (!isCenteredSlides) {
- originalProgress = Math.min(Math.max($slideEl[0].originalProgress, -params.limitProgress), params.limitProgress);
- }
- const offset = $slideEl[0].swiperSlideOffset;
- const t = [swiper.params.cssMode ? -offset - swiper.translate : -offset, 0, 0];
- const r = [0, 0, 0];
- let custom = false;
- if (!swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- t[1] = t[0];
- t[0] = 0;
- }
- let data = {
- translate: [0, 0, 0],
- rotate: [0, 0, 0],
- scale: 1,
- opacity: 1
- };
- if (progress < 0) {
- data =;
- custom = true;
- } else if (progress > 0) {
- data = params.prev;
- custom = true;
- } // set translate
- t.forEach((value, index) => {
- t[index] = `calc(${value}px + (${getTranslateValue(data.translate[index])} * ${Math.abs(progress * multiplier)}))`;
- }); // set rotates
- r.forEach((value, index) => {
- r[index] = data.rotate[index] * Math.abs(progress * multiplier);
- });
- $slideEl[0].style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(slideProgress)) + slides.length;
- const translateString = t.join(', ');
- const rotateString = `rotateX(${r[0]}deg) rotateY(${r[1]}deg) rotateZ(${r[2]}deg)`;
- const scaleString = originalProgress < 0 ? `scale(${1 + (1 - data.scale) * originalProgress * multiplier})` : `scale(${1 - (1 - data.scale) * originalProgress * multiplier})`;
- const opacityString = originalProgress < 0 ? 1 + (1 - data.opacity) * originalProgress * multiplier : 1 - (1 - data.opacity) * originalProgress * multiplier;
- const transform = `translate3d(${translateString}) ${rotateString} ${scaleString}`; // Set shadows
- if (custom && data.shadow || !custom) {
- let $shadowEl = $slideEl.children('.swiper-slide-shadow');
- if ($shadowEl.length === 0 && data.shadow) {
- $shadowEl = createShadow(params, $slideEl);
- }
- if ($shadowEl.length) {
- const shadowOpacity = params.shadowPerProgress ? progress * (1 / params.limitProgress) : progress;
- $shadowEl[0].style.opacity = Math.min(Math.max(Math.abs(shadowOpacity), 0), 1);
- }
- }
- const $targetEl = effectTarget(params, $slideEl);
- $targetEl.transform(transform).css({
- opacity: opacityString
- });
- if (data.origin) {
- $targetEl.css('transform-origin', data.origin);
- }
- }
- };
- const setTransition = duration => {
- const {
- transformEl
- } = swiper.params.creativeEffect;
- const $transitionElements = transformEl ? swiper.slides.find(transformEl) : swiper.slides;
- $transitionElements.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow').transition(duration);
- effectVirtualTransitionEnd({
- swiper,
- duration,
- transformEl,
- allSlides: true
- });
- };
- effectInit({
- effect: 'creative',
- swiper,
- on,
- setTranslate,
- setTransition,
- perspective: () => swiper.params.creativeEffect.perspective,
- overwriteParams: () => ({
- watchSlidesProgress: true,
- virtualTranslate: !swiper.params.cssMode
- })
- });
- }
- function EffectCards(_ref) {
- let {
- swiper,
- extendParams,
- on
- } = _ref;
- extendParams({
- cardsEffect: {
- slideShadows: true,
- transformEl: null
- }
- });
- const setTranslate = () => {
- const {
- slides,
- activeIndex
- } = swiper;
- const params = swiper.params.cardsEffect;
- const {
- startTranslate,
- isTouched
- } = swiper.touchEventsData;
- const currentTranslate = swiper.translate;
- for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
- const $slideEl = slides.eq(i);
- const slideProgress = $slideEl[0].progress;
- const progress = Math.min(Math.max(slideProgress, -4), 4);
- let offset = $slideEl[0].swiperSlideOffset;
- if (swiper.params.centeredSlides && !swiper.params.cssMode) {
- swiper.$wrapperEl.transform(`translateX(${swiper.minTranslate()}px)`);
- }
- if (swiper.params.centeredSlides && swiper.params.cssMode) {
- offset -= slides[0].swiperSlideOffset;
- }
- let tX = swiper.params.cssMode ? -offset - swiper.translate : -offset;
- let tY = 0;
- const tZ = -100 * Math.abs(progress);
- let scale = 1;
- let rotate = -2 * progress;
- let tXAdd = 8 - Math.abs(progress) * 0.75;
- const slideIndex = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.from + i : i;
- const isSwipeToNext = (slideIndex === activeIndex || slideIndex === activeIndex - 1) && progress > 0 && progress < 1 && (isTouched || swiper.params.cssMode) && currentTranslate < startTranslate;
- const isSwipeToPrev = (slideIndex === activeIndex || slideIndex === activeIndex + 1) && progress < 0 && progress > -1 && (isTouched || swiper.params.cssMode) && currentTranslate > startTranslate;
- if (isSwipeToNext || isSwipeToPrev) {
- const subProgress = (1 - Math.abs((Math.abs(progress) - 0.5) / 0.5)) ** 0.5;
- rotate += -28 * progress * subProgress;
- scale += -0.5 * subProgress;
- tXAdd += 96 * subProgress;
- tY = `${-25 * subProgress * Math.abs(progress)}%`;
- }
- if (progress < 0) {
- // next
- tX = `calc(${tX}px + (${tXAdd * Math.abs(progress)}%))`;
- } else if (progress > 0) {
- // prev
- tX = `calc(${tX}px + (-${tXAdd * Math.abs(progress)}%))`;
- } else {
- tX = `${tX}px`;
- }
- if (!swiper.isHorizontal()) {
- const prevY = tY;
- tY = tX;
- tX = prevY;
- }
- const scaleString = progress < 0 ? `${1 + (1 - scale) * progress}` : `${1 - (1 - scale) * progress}`;
- const transform = `
- translate3d(${tX}, ${tY}, ${tZ}px)
- rotateZ(${rotate}deg)
- scale(${scaleString})
- `;
- if (params.slideShadows) {
- // Set shadows
- let $shadowEl = $slideEl.find('.swiper-slide-shadow');
- if ($shadowEl.length === 0) {
- $shadowEl = createShadow(params, $slideEl);
- }
- if ($shadowEl.length) $shadowEl[0].style.opacity = Math.min(Math.max((Math.abs(progress) - 0.5) / 0.5, 0), 1);
- }
- $slideEl[0].style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(slideProgress)) + slides.length;
- const $targetEl = effectTarget(params, $slideEl);
- $targetEl.transform(transform);
- }
- };
- const setTransition = duration => {
- const {
- transformEl
- } = swiper.params.cardsEffect;
- const $transitionElements = transformEl ? swiper.slides.find(transformEl) : swiper.slides;
- $transitionElements.transition(duration).find('.swiper-slide-shadow').transition(duration);
- effectVirtualTransitionEnd({
- swiper,
- duration,
- transformEl
- });
- };
- effectInit({
- effect: 'cards',
- swiper,
- on,
- setTranslate,
- setTransition,
- perspective: () => true,
- overwriteParams: () => ({
- watchSlidesProgress: true,
- virtualTranslate: !swiper.params.cssMode
- })
- });
- }
- // Swiper Class
- const modules = [Virtual, Keyboard, Mousewheel, Navigation, Pagination, Scrollbar, Parallax, Zoom, Lazy, Controller, A11y, History, HashNavigation, Autoplay, Thumb, freeMode, Grid, Manipulation, EffectFade, EffectCube, EffectFlip, EffectCoverflow, EffectCreative, EffectCards];
- Swiper.use(modules);
- return Swiper;
diff --git a/site/templates/layout/func.php b/site/templates/layout/func.php
index 5034fb7..b071e3b 100644
--- a/site/templates/layout/func.php
+++ b/site/templates/layout/func.php
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
$configuracion['mantemento'] = array(
- "activo" => true,
- "titular" => $config->titular,
- "artigo" => $config->artigo,
- "imaxe" => $config->imaxe
+ 'activo' => true,
+ 'titular' => $config->titular,
+ 'artigo' => $config->artigo,
+ 'imaxe' => $config->imaxe
- $configuracion['mantemento'] = array("activo" => false);
+ $configuracion['mantemento'] = array('activo' => false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'logo':
+ foreach($config->imaxes as $logo)
+ {
+ $configuracion['logo'][$logo->tags] = array(
+ 'url' => $logo->url,
+ 'alt' => $logo->description
+ );
return $configuracion;
-function getTextoLimpo($texto)
- $texto = preg_replace ('/<[^>]*>/', ' ', $texto);
- $texto = str_replace("\r", '', $texto);
- $texto = str_replace("\n", ' ', $texto);
- $texto = str_replace("\t", ' ', $texto);
- $texto = trim(preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', $texto));
- return $texto;
+ * @param array|PageArray $seccions
+ * @return string
+ */
function getSeccions($seccions)
$saida = '';
+ $posicion = 0;
foreach($seccions as $seccion)
+ $posicion++;
case 'repeater_seccions':
switch ($seccion->seccion_tipo->value)
- case 'texto':
- $saida .= renderTexto($seccion->titular, $seccion->artigo);
+ case 'deslizante':
+ $saida .= renderDeslizante($seccion);
- case 'galeria':
- $saida .= renderGaleria($seccion->titular, $seccion->imaxes_galeria);
+ case 'destacados':
+ $saida .= renderDestacado($seccion);
- case 'reixa':
- $saida .= renderReixa($seccion->titular, $seccion->imaxes_reixa);
+ case 'columnas':
+ $saida .= renderColumna($seccion);
case 'imaxe_texto_lateral':
- $saida .= renderTextoImaxe($seccion->titular, $seccion->artigo, $seccion->imaxe, $seccion->imaxe_posicion->value);
+ $saida .= renderImaxeTexto($seccion);
+ break;
+ case 'opinions':
+ $saida .= renderOpinions($seccion);
+ break;
+ case 'empresas':
+ $saida .= renderEmpresas($seccion);
+ break;
+ case 'texto':
+ $saida .= renderTexto($seccion);
+ break;
+ case 'galeria':
+ $saida .= renderGaleria($seccion);
+ break;
+ case 'reixa':
+ $saida .= renderReixa($seccion);
- case 'repeater_imaxe_ligazon':
- $saida .= renderImaxeLigazon($seccion->titular, $seccion->imaxe, $seccion->ligazon);
+ case 'repeater_deslizante':
+ $saida .= renderDiapositiva($seccion, $posicion);
+ break;
+ case 'repeater_botons':
+ $saida .= renderBoton($seccion);
+ break;
+ case 'repeater_ligazon_imaxe':
+ $saida .= renderLigazonImaxe($seccion);
+ break;
+ case 'repeater_destacados':
+ case 'repeater_columnas':
+ $saida .= renderElemento($seccion, $posicion);
+ break;
+ case 'repeater_opinions':
+ $saida .= renderCita($seccion);
return $saida;
-function renderMenu($paxinas, $maxDepth = 0, $id = 'nav', $clases = '')
+ * @param PageArray $paxinas
+ * @param string $clase
+ * @return string
+ */
+function renderMenu($paxinas, $clase = 'navbar-nav')
+ $saida = '';
+ $inicio = wire('pages')->get('/');
+ $actual = wire('page');
if($paxinas instanceof Page)
$paxinas = array($paxinas);
- $saida = '';
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
return $saida;
+ * @param array|PageArray $paxina
+* @param string $separador
+* @return string
function renderMigasPan($paxina, $separador = ' ')
@@ -130,7 +164,7 @@ function renderMigasPan($paxina, $separador = '
switch ($paxina->template)
- case 'portada':
+ case 'inicio':
$icono = 'home';
case 'paxina':
@@ -154,302 +188,303 @@ function renderMigasPan($paxina, $separador = '
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- $saida .= $separador;
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
foreach($paxina->parents() as $pai)
- $saida .= '' . $pai->title . ' ' . $separador . ' ';
+ $saida .= '' . $separador . '' . $pai->title . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ($icono != '')? ' ' : '';
- $saida .= '' . $paxina->title . ' ';
+ $saida .= '' . $separador . ' ' . (($icono != '')? ' ' : '') . '' . $paxina->title . ' ';
$saida .= ' [ ' . _x('Edit', 'Edit page') . ' ]';
- $saida .= "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
$saida .= '
return $saida;
-function renderPaxinacion($artigos, $posicion)
- $paxinacion = $artigos->renderPager(array(
- 'listMarkup' => '
- 'itemMarkup' => '
{out} ',
- 'linkMarkup' => '
{out} ',
- 'nextItemLabel' => '
- 'previousItemLabel' => '
- 'separatorItemClass' => 'separador',
- 'nextItemClass' => 'seguinte',
- 'previousItemClass' => 'anterior',
- 'lastItemClass' => 'derradeiro',
- 'currentItemClass' => 'actual'
- ));
- return $paxinacion;
-function renderTexto($titulo, $texto)
- $saida = '';
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= $texto . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- if($titulo)
- {
- $saida = '
' . "\n" . '' . $titulo . ' ' . "\n" . $texto . "\n" . ' ';
- }
- return $saida;
-function renderGaleria($titulo, $galeria)
- $saida = '';
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '';
- if($titulo)
- {
- $saida .= $titulo;
- }
- else
- {
- $saida .= 'Galeria';
- }
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- foreach($galeria as $imaxe)
- {
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . $imaxe->description . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- }
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ';
- return $saida;
-function renderReixa($titulo, $reixa)
- $saida = '';
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '';
- if($titulo)
- {
- $saida .= $titulo;
- }
- else
- {
- $saida .= 'Reixa de imaxes';
- }
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- foreach($reixa as $imaxe)
- {
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . $imaxe->description . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- }
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ';
- return $saida;
-function renderTextoImaxe($titulo, $texto, $imaxe, $posicion)
- $saida = '';
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . $imaxe->description . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- if($texto)
- {
- $saida .= $texto . "\n";
- }
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- if($titulo)
- {
- $saida = '
' . "\n" . '' . $titulo . ' ' . "\n" . $saida . ' ';
- }
- return $saida;
+ * @param string $titulo
+ * @param string $texto
+ * @param array|PageArray $imaxe
+ * @return string
+ */
function renderTextoMantemento($titulo, $texto, $imaxe)
$saida = '';
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . $titulo . ' ' . "\n";
- if($imaxe)
- {
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . $texto . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $saida .= $texto . "\n";
- }
- $saida .= ' ';
- return $saida;
-function renderImaxeLigazon($titular, $imaxe, $ligazon)
- $saida = '';
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . $ligazon->title . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- return $saida;
-function renderCategoriasEtiquetas($data)
- $saida = '';
- switch ($data->first()->template->name)
- {
- case 'categoria':
- $icono = 'folder';
- $nome = 'categorias';
- break;
- case 'etiqueta':
- $icono = 'tag';
- $nome = 'etiquetas';
- break;
- default:
- $icono = 'sn';
- $nome = 'sin';
- break;
- }
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . pages()->get('/noticias/' . $nome)->title . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- foreach($data as $item)
- {
- $numPosts = pages()->count('template=publicacion, ' . $nome . '=' . $item->name);
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . $item->title . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '(' . sprintf(_n('%d post', '%d posts', $numPosts), $numPosts) . ') ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- }
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . $titulo . ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $texto . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
$saida .= '' . "\n";
return $saida;
-function renderResumen($texto = '', $limite = 120, $fin = '...')
+ * @param array|PageArray $seccion
+ * @return string
+ */
+function renderGaleria($seccion)
$saida = '';
- if($texto == '') return '';
- if(strlen($texto) <= $limite) return $texto;
- $saida = substr($texto, 0, $limite);
- $pos = strrpos($saida, " ");
- if($pos>0)
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . (($seccion->titular) ? $seccion->titular : 'Galeria') . ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ foreach($seccion->imaxes as $imaxe)
- $saida = substr($saida, 0, $pos);
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . $imaxe->description . ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= $fin;
- return $saida;
-function renderArtigos($publicacion, $locale, $resumen = true)
- $saida = '';
- $data = strtotime($publicacion->fecha_publicacion);
- $dateFormatter = \IntlDateFormatter::create(
- $locale,
- \IntlDateFormatter::NONE,
- \IntlDateFormatter::NONE,
- \date_default_timezone_get(),
- \IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN
- );
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' ."\n";
- $dateFormatter->setPattern('EEEE');
- $saida .= '' . ucfirst(datefmt_format($dateFormatter, $data)) . ' ' . "\n";
- $dateFormatter->setPattern('MMMM');
- $saida .= '' . ucfirst(datefmt_format($dateFormatter, $data)) . ' ' . "\n";
- $dateFormatter->setPattern('dd');
- $saida .= '' . datefmt_format($dateFormatter, $data) . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . _x('Author', 'Post author') . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . ucfirst($publicacion->createdUser->name) . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . pages()->get('/noticias/categorias/')->title . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . $publicacion->categorias->title . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . pages()->get('/noticias/etiquetas/')->title . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= '' . $publicacion->etiquetas->each("{title} ") . ' ' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
$saida .= '
' . "\n";
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- if($resumen)
- {
- if($publicacion->imaxe)
- {
- $thumb = $publicacion->imaxe->size(466, 260);
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- }
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- }
- else
- {
- if($publicacion->imaxe)
- {
- $thumb = $publicacion->imaxe->size(466, 260);
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
- }
- $saida .= '' . "\n";
- $saida .= getSeccions($publicacion->seccions) . "\n";
- $saida .= '
' . "\n";
- }
- $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '';
return $saida;
+ * @param array|PageArray $seccion
+ * @return string
+ */
+function renderReixa($seccion)
+ $saida = '';
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . (($seccion->titular) ? $seccion->titular : 'Reixa') . ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ foreach($seccion->imaxes as $imaxe)
+ {
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $imaxe->url . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
'. "\n";
+ }
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ';
+ return $saida;
+ * @param array|PageArray $seccion
+ * @return string
+ */
+function renderImaxeTexto($seccion)
+ $saida = '';
+ $imaxe = '';
+ $texto = '';
+ $botons = '';
+ if($seccion->imaxe)
+ {
+ $imaxe .= renderImaxe($seccion);
+ }
+ $texto .= renderTexto($seccion);
+ if($seccion->botons->isEmpty())
+ {
+ $botons .= '
' . "\n";
+ $botons .= getSeccions($seccion->botons) . "\n";
+ $botons .= '
' . "\n";
+ }
+ switch ($seccion->imaxe_posicion->value)
+ {
+ case 'superior':
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $imaxe . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $texto . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $botons . "\n";
+ break;
+ case 'esquerda':
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $imaxe . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $texto . "\n";
+ $saida .= $botons . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ break;
+ case 'dereita':
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $texto . "\n";
+ $saida .= $botons . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $imaxe . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ return $saida;
+ * @param array|PageArray $seccion
+ * @return string
+ */
+function renderImaxe($seccion)
+ $saida = '';
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ return $saida;
+ * @param array|PageArray $seccion
+ * @return string
+ */
+function renderTexto($seccion)
+ $saida = '';
+ if($seccion->titular)
+ {
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . $seccion->titular . ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ }
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= $seccion->artigo . "\n";
+ $saida .= '
' . "\n";
+ return $saida;
+ * @param array|PageArray $seccion
+ * @return string
+ */
+function renderBoton($seccion)
+ $saida = '';
+ $clases = '';
+ $sufijo = '';
+ switch ($seccion->botons_estilo->value)
+ {
+ case 'activo':
+ $clases = 'btn btn-lg btn-primary';
+ break;
+ case 'secundario':
+ $clases = 'btn btn-lg btn-secundary';
+ break;
+ case 'inactivo':
+ $clases = 'btn btn-lg btn-primary disabled';
+ break;
+ case 'aviso':
+ $clases = 'btn btn-lg text-black btn-outline-warning';
+ break;
+ case 'ligazon':
+ $clases = 'd-inline-flex align-items-center link-primary text-decoration-none text-uppercase';
+ $sufijo = ' ';
+ break;
+ }
+ $saida .= '';
+ return $saida;
+ * @param array|PageArray $seccion
+ * @return string
+ */
+function renderLigazonImaxe($seccion)
+ $saida = '';
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . $seccion->titular . ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= '' . _x('See details', 'see details') . '
' . "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ $saida .= ' ' . "\n";
+ return $saida;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/templates/layout/init.php b/site/templates/layout/init.php
index 15be729..25caad0 100644
--- a/site/templates/layout/init.php
+++ b/site/templates/layout/init.php
@@ -1,9 +1,24 @@
$xestion = $pages->get('/gestion');
$configuracion = getConfig($xestion);
-$titulo = $page->title . ' - ' . $configuracion['sitio_nome'];
\ No newline at end of file
+$titulo = $page->title . ' - ' . $configuracion['sitio_nome'];
+/** What happens after this?
+ * ------------------------
+ * 1. ProcessWire loads your page's template file (i.e. basic-page.php).
+ * 2. ProcessWire loads the _main.php file
+ */
diff --git a/site/templates/layout/main.php b/site/templates/layout/main.php
index c28d466..ebdb39d 100644
--- a/site/templates/layout/main.php
+++ b/site/templates/layout/main.php
@@ -1,12 +1,24 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+ * _main.php
+ * Main markup file
+ *
+ * This file contains all the main markup for the site and outputs the regions
+ * defined in the initialization (_init.php) file.
+ *
+ */
+/** @var string $titulo Variable defined in _init.php */
+/** @var Page $inicio Variable defined in _init.php */
+/** @var Page $page API variable */
+/** @var Pages $pages API variable */
+/** @var Config $config API variable */
+/** @var Sanitizer $sanitizer API variable */
+/** @var WireInput $input API variable */
+/** @var User $user API variable */
+include('./layout/partial/main_head.php'); ?>