2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
<?php namespace ProcessWire;
* ProcessWire Date/Time Tools ($datetime API variable)
* #pw-summary The $datetime API variable provides helpers for working with dates/times and conversion between formats.
* ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2019 by Ryan Cramer
* https://processwire.com
* @method string relativeTimeStr($ts, $abbreviate = false, $useTense = true)
class WireDateTime extends Wire {
* Date formats in date() format
static protected $dateFormats = array(
// Gregorian little-endian, starting with day (used by most of world)
'l, j F Y', // Monday, 1 April 2012
'j F Y', // 1 April 2012
'd-M-Y', // 01-Apr-2012
'dMy', // 01Apr12
'd/m/Y', // 01/04/2012
'd.m.Y', // 01.04.2012
'd/m/y', // 01/04/12
'd.m.y', // 01.04.12
'j/n/Y', // 1/4/2012
'j.n.Y', // 1.4.2012
'j/n/y', // 1/4/12
'j.n.y', // 1.4.12
// Gregorian big-endian, starting with year (used in Asian countries, Hungary, Sweden, and US armed forces)
'Y-m-d', // 2012-04-01 (ISO-8601)
'Y/m/d', // 2012/04/01 (ISO-8601)
'Y.n.j', // 2012.4.1 (common in China)
'Y/n/j', // 2012/4/1
'Y F j', // 2012 April 1
'Y-M-j, l', // 2012-Apr-1, Monday
'Y-M-j', // 2012-Apr-1
'YMj', // 2012Apr1
// Middle-endian, starting with month (US and some Canada)
'l, F j, Y', // Monday, April 1, 2012
'F j, Y', // April 1, 2012
'M j, Y', // Apr 1, 2012
'm/d/Y', // 04/01/2012
'm.d.Y', // 04.01.2012
'm/d/y', // 04/01/12
'm.d.y', // 04.01.12
'n/j/Y', // 4/1/2012
'n.j.Y', // 4.1.2012
'n/j/y', // 4/1/12
'n.j.y', // 4.1.12
// Other
//'%x', // 04/01/12 (locale based date)
//'%c', // Tue Feb 5 00:45:10 2012 (locale based date/time)
// 'U', // Unix Timestamp
static protected $timeFormats = array(
'g:i a', // 5:01 pm
'h:i a', // 05:01 pm
'g:i A', // 5:01 PM
'h:i A', // 05:01 PM
'H:i', // 17:01 (with leading zeros)
'H:i:s', // 17:01:01 (with leading zeros)
// Relative
* Date/time translation table from PHP date() to strftime() and JS/jQuery
static protected $dateConversion = array(
// date strftime js regex
'l' => array( '%A', 'DD', '\w+'), // Name of day, long Monday
'D' => array( '%a', 'D', '\w+'), // Name of day, short Mon
'F' => array( '%B', 'MM', '\w+'), // Name of month, long April
'M' => array( '%b', 'M', '\w+'), // Name of month, short Apr
'j' => array( '%-d', 'd', '\d{1,2}'), // Day without leading zeros 1
'd' => array( '%d', 'dd', '\d{2}'), // Day with leading zeros 01
'n' => array( '%-m', 'm', '\d{1,2}'), // Month without leading zeros 4
'm' => array( '%m', 'mm', '\d{2}'), // Month with leading zeros 04
'y' => array( '%y', 'y', '\d{2}'), // Year 2 character 12
'Y' => array( '%Y', 'yy', '\d{4}'), // Year 4 character 2012
'N' => array( '%u', '', '[1-7]'), // Day of the week (1-7) 1
'w' => array( '%w', '', '[0-6]'), // Zero-based day of week (0-6) 0
'S' => array( '', '', '\w{2}'), // Day ordinal suffix st, nd, rd, th
'z' => array( '%-j', 'o', '\d{1,3}'), // Day of the year (0-365) 123
'W' => array( '%W', '', '\d{1,2}'), // Week # of the year 42
't' => array( '', '', '(28|29|30|31)'), // Number of days in month 28
'o' => array( '%V', '', '\d{1,2}'), // ISO-8601 week number 42
'a' => array( '%P', 'tt', '[aApP][mM]'), // am or pm am
'A' => array( '%p', 'TT', '[aApP][mM]'), // AM or PM AM
'g' => array( '%-I', 'h', '\d{1,2}'), // 12-hour format, no leading zeros 5
'h' => array( '%I', 'hh', '\d{2}'), // 12-hour format, leading zeros 05
'G' => array( '%-H', 'h24', '\d{1,2}'), // 24-hour format, no leading zeros 5
'H' => array( '%H', 'hh24', '\d{2}'), // 24-hour format, leading zeros 05
'i' => array( '%M', 'mm', '[0-5][0-9]'), // Minutes 09
's' => array( '%S', 'ss', '[0-5][0-9]'), // Seconds 59
'e' => array( '', '', '\w+'), // Timezone Identifier UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores
'I' => array( '', '', '[01]'), // Daylight savings time? 1=yes, 0=no
'O' => array( '', '', '[-+]\d{4}'), // Difference to Greenwich time/hrs +0200
'P' => array( '', '', '[-+]\d{2}:\d{2}'), // Same as above, but with colon +02:00
'T' => array( '', '', '\w+'), // Timezone abbreviation MST, EST
'Z' => array( '', '', '-?\d+'), // Timezone offset in seconds -43200 through 50400
'c' => array( '', '', '[-+:T\d]{19,25}'), // ISO-8601 date 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
'r' => array( '', '', '\w+, \d+ \w+ \d{4}'), // RFC-2822 date Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
'U' => array( '%s', '@', '\d+'), // Unix timestamp 123344556
* Return all predefined PHP date() formats for use as dates
* ~~~~~
* // output all date formats
* $formats = $datetime->getDateFormats();
* echo "<pre>" . print_r($formats, true) . "</pre>";
* ~~~~~
* #pw-advanced
* @return array Returns an array of strings containing recognized date formats
public function getDateFormats() { return self::$dateFormats; }
public static function _getDateFormats() { return self::$dateFormats; }
* Return all predefined PHP date() formats for use as times
* ~~~~~
* // output all time formats
* $formats = $datetime->getTimeFormats();
* echo "<pre>" . print_r($formats, true) . "</pre>";
* ~~~~~
* #pw-advanced
* @return array Returns an array of strings containing recognized time formats
public function getTimeFormats() { return self::$timeFormats; }
public static function _getTimeFormats() { return self::$timeFormats; }
* Given a date/time string and expected format, convert it to a unix timestamp
* @param string $str Date/time string
* @param string $format Format of the date/time string in PHP date syntax
* @return int Unix timestamp
public function stringToTimestamp($str, $format) {
if(empty($str)) return '';
// already a timestamp
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
if(ctype_digit(ltrim("$str", '-'))) return (int) $str;
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2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
$format = trim("$format");
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
if(!strlen($format)) return strtotime($str);
// use PHP 5.3's date parser if its available
if(function_exists('date_parse_from_format')) {
// PHP 5.3+
$a = date_parse_from_format($format, $str);
if(isset($a['warnings']) && count($a['warnings'])) {
foreach($a['warnings'] as $warning) {
$this->warning($warning . " (value='$str', format='$format')");
if($a['year'] && $a['month'] && $a['day']) {
return mktime($a['hour'], $a['minute'], $a['second'], $a['month'], $a['day'], $a['year']);
$regex = '!^' . $this->convertDateFormat($format, 'regex') . '$!';
if(!preg_match($regex, $str, $m)) {
// wire('pages')->message("'$format' - '$regex' - '$str'");
// if we can't match it, then just send it to strtotime
return strtotime($str);
$s = '';
// month
if(isset($m['n'])) $s .= $m['n'] . '/';
else if(isset($m['m'])) $s .= $m['m'] . '/';
else if(isset($m['F'])) $s .= $m['F'] . ' ';
else if(isset($m['M'])) $s .= $m['M'] . ' ';
else return strtotime($str);
// separator character
$c = substr($s, -1);
// day
if(isset($m['j'])) $s .= $m['j'] . $c;
else if(isset($m['d'])) $s .= $m['d'] . $c;
else $s .= '1' . $c;
// year
if(isset($m['y'])) $s .= $m['y'];
else if(isset($m['Y'])) $s .= $m['Y'];
else $s .= date('Y');
$s .= ' ';
$useTime = true;
// hour
if(isset($m['g'])) $s .= $m['g'] . ':';
else if(isset($m['h'])) $s .= $m['h'] . ':';
else if(isset($m['G'])) $s .= $m['G'] . ':';
else if(isset($m['H'])) $s .= $m['H'] . ':';
else $useTime = false;
// time
if($useTime) {
// minute
if(isset($m['i'])) {
$s .= $m['i'];
// second
if(isset($m['s'])) $s .= ':' . $m['s'];
// am/pm
if(isset($m['a'])) $s .= ' ' . $m['a'];
else if(isset($m['A'])) $s .= ' ' . $m['A'];
return strtotime($s);
* Format a date with the given PHP date() or PHP strftime() format
* This method will accept either [PHP date](http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php)
* or [PHP strftime](http://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php) compatible formats,
* determine what kind it is, and return the timestamp formatted with it.
* ~~~~~~
* // Output the current date/time in ISO-8601 like format
* echo $datetime->formatDate(time(), 'Y-m-d H:i a');
* ~~~~~~
* #pw-internal
* @param int $value Unix timestamp of date/time
* @param string $format PHP date() or strftime() format string to use for formatting
* @return string Formatted date string
public function formatDate($value, $format) {
if(!$value) return '';
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
if(!strlen("$format") || $format === 'U' || $format === '%s') return (int) $value; // unix timestamp
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
$relativeStr = '';
if(strpos($format, '!') !== false) {
if(preg_match('/([!][relativ]+-?)/', $format, $matches)) {
$relativeStr = $this->date(ltrim($matches[1], '!'), $value);
$format = str_replace($matches[1], '///', $format);
if(strpos($format, '%') !== false) {
// use strftime() if format string contains a %
if(strpos($format, '%-') !== false) {
// not all systems support the '%-' option in strftime to trim leading zeros
// so we are doing our own implementation here
$TRIM0 = true;
$format = str_replace('%-', 'TRIM0%', $format);
} else {
$TRIM0 = false;
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
$value = $this->strftime($format, $value);
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
if($TRIM0) $value = str_replace(array('TRIM00', 'TRIM0'), '', $value);
} else {
$value = $this->date($format, $value);
if(strlen($relativeStr)) $value = str_replace('///', $relativeStr, $value);
return $value;
* Given a PHP date() format, convert it to either 'js', 'strftime' or 'regex' format
* #pw-advanced
* @param string $format PHP date() format
* @param string $type New format to convert to: either 'js', 'strftime', or 'regex'
* @return string
public function convertDateFormat($format, $type) {
$newFormat = '';
$lastc = '';
for($n = 0; $n < strlen($format); $n++) {
$c = $format[$n];
if($c == '\\') {
// begin escaped character
$lastc = $c;
if($lastc == '\\') {
// literal character, not translated
$lastc = $c;
$newFormat .= $c;
if(!isset(self::$dateConversion[$c])) {
// unknown character
if($type == 'regex' && in_array($c, array('.', '[', ']', '(', ')', '*', '+', '?'))) {
$c = '\\' . $c; // escape regex chars
$newFormat .= $c;
list($strftime, $js, $regex) = self::$dateConversion[$c];
if($type == 'js') {
$newFormat .= $js;
} else if($type == 'strftime') {
$newFormat .= $strftime;
} else if($type == 'regex') {
$newFormat .= '\b(?<' . $c . '>' . $regex . ')\b'; // regex captured with name of date() format char
} else {
$newFormat .= $c;
$lastc = $c;
return $newFormat;
* Format a date, using PHP date(), strftime() or other special strings (see arguments).
* This is designed to work the same way as PHP's `date()` but be able to accept any common format
* used in ProcessWire. This is helpful for reducing code in places where you might have logic
* determining when to use `date()`, `strftime()`, `wireRelativeTimeStr()` or some other date
* formatting function.
* ~~~~~~
* // Output the current date/time in relative format
* echo $datetime->date('relative');
* ~~~~~~
* @param string|int $format Use one of the following:
* - [PHP date](http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php) format
* - [PHP strftime](http://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php) format (detected by presence of a '%' somewhere in it)
* - `relative` for a relative date/time string.
* - `relative-` for a relative date/time string with no tense.
* - `rel` for an abbreviated relative date/time string.
* - `rel-` for an abbreviated relative date/time string with no tense.
* - `r` for an extra-abbreviated relative date/time string.
* - `r-` for an extra-abbreviated relative date/time string with no tense.
* - `ts` makes it return a unix timestamp
* - blank string makes it use the system date format ($config->dateFormat)
* - If given an integer and no second argument specified, it is assumed to be the second ($ts) argument.
* @param int|string|null $ts Optionally specify the date/time stamp or strtotime() compatible string. If not specified, current time is used.
* @return string|bool Formatted date/time, or boolean false on failure
function date($format = '', $ts = null) {
if(is_null($ts)) {
// ts not specified, or it was specified in $format
if(ctype_digit("$format")) {
// ts specified in format
$ts = (int) $format;
$format = '';
} else {
// use current timestamp
$ts = time();
} else if(is_string($ts) && ctype_digit("$ts")) {
// ts is a digit string, convert to integer
$ts = (int) $ts;
} else if(is_string($ts)) {
// ts is a non-integer string, we assume to be a strtotime() compatible formatted date
$ts = strtotime($ts);
if($format == '') $format = $this->wire('config')->dateFormat;
if($format == 'relative') $value = $this->relativeTimeStr($ts);
else if($format == 'relative-') $value = $this->relativeTimeStr($ts, false, false);
else if($format == 'rel') $value = $this->relativeTimeStr($ts, true);
else if($format == 'rel-') $value = $this->relativeTimeStr($ts, true, false);
else if($format == 'r') $value = $this->relativeTimeStr($ts, 1);
else if($format == 'r-') $value = $this->relativeTimeStr($ts, 1, false);
else if($format == 'ts') $value = $ts;
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
else if(strpos($format, '%') !== false && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0', '<')) $value = $this->strftime($format, $ts);
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
else $value = date($format, $ts);
return $value;
* Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp using PHP’s strtotime()
* This function behaves the same as PHP’s version except that it optionally accepts an `$options` array
* and lets you specify the return value for empty or zeroed dates like 0000-00-00. If given a zerod date
* then it returns null by default (rather than throwing an error as PHP8 does).
* @param string $str Date/time string
* @param array|int $options Options to modify behavior, or specify int for the `baseTimestamp` option.
* - `emptyReturnValue` (int|null|false): Value to return for empty or zero-only date strings (default=null)
* - `baseTimestamp` (int|null): The timestamp which is used as a base for the calculation of relative dates.
* @return false|int|null
* @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php
* @since 3.0.178
function strtotime($str, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'emptyReturnValue' => null,
'baseTimestamp' => null,
if(is_int($options)) $defaults['baseTimestamp'] = $options;
$options = is_array($options) ? array_merge($defaults, $options) : $defaults;
$str = trim($str);
if(empty($str)) return $options['emptyReturnValue'];
if(strpos($str, '00') === 0) {
$test = trim(preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $str), '0');
if(!strlen($test)) return $options['emptyReturnValue'];
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
if($options['baseTimestamp'] === null) return strtotime($str);
return strtotime($str, $options['baseTimestamp']) ;
* strftime() replacement function that works in PHP 8.1+ (though not locale aware)
* @param string $format
* @param null|int|string $timestamp
* @return string|false
* @since 3.0.197
public function strftime($format, $timestamp = null) {
$format = (string) $format;
if(is_string($timestamp)) {
if(empty($timestamp)) {
$timestamp = null;
} else if(ctype_digit($timestamp)) {
$timestamp = (int) $timestamp;
} else {
$timestamp = $this->strtotime($timestamp);
if($timestamp === null) $timestamp = time();
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0', '<')) {
return strftime($format, $timestamp);
$format = $this->strftimeToDateFormat($format);
return date($format, $timestamp);
* Convert strftime() format to date() format
* @param string $format
* @return string
* @since 3.0.197
protected function strftimeToDateFormat($format) {
// replacements, in addition to those specified in self::$dateConversion
// strftime format => date format
$replacements = array(
'%e' => 'j', // Day of the month without leading zeros
'%j' => 'z', // Day of the year, 3 digits with leading zeros
'%U' => '_', // Week number of the given year, starting with the first Sunday as the first week (not implemented)
'%h' => 'M', // Abbreviated month name
'%C' => '_', // Two digit representation of the century (year divided by 100, truncated to an integer) (not implemented)
'%g' => 'y', // Two digit representation of the year going by ISO-8601:1988 standards (see %V)
'%G' => 'Y', // 4 digit year
'%k' => 'G', // Hour in 24-hour format
'%l' => 'g', // Hour in 12-hour format
'%r' => 'h:i:s A', // Example: 09:34:17 PM
'%R' => 'G:i', // Example: 00:35 for 12:35 AM
'%T' => 'G:i:s', // Example: 21:34:17 for 09:34:17 PM
'%X' => 'G:i:s', // Preferred time representation based on locale, without the date, Example: 03:59:16 or 15:59:16
'%Z' => 'T', // The time zone abbreviation. Example: EST for Eastern Time
'%c' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', // Preferred date and time stamp based on locale
'%D' => 'm/d/y', // Example: 02/05/09 for February 5, 2009
'%F' => 'Y-m-d', // Example: 2009-02-05 for February 5, 2009
'%n' => '\\n', // newline
'%t' => '\\t', // tab
'%%' => '%', // literal percent
foreach(self::$dateConversion as $dateFormat => $formats) {
$strftimeFormat = $formats[0];
if(empty($strftimeFormat)) continue;
if(strpos($format, $strftimeFormat) !== false) $replacements[$strftimeFormat] = $dateFormat;
return strtr($format, $replacements);
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
* Given a unix timestamp (or date string), returns a formatted string indicating the time relative to now
* For example:
* - 2 years ago
* - 3 months ago
* - 1 day ago
* - 30 seconds ago
* - Just now
* - 1 day from now
* - 5 months from now
* - 3 years from now
* This method also supports multi-language and will output in the current user's language, so long as the
* phrases in /wire/core/WireDateTime.php are translated in the language pack.
* @param int|string $ts Unix timestamp or date string
* @param bool|int|array $abbreviate Whether to use abbreviations for shorter strings.
* - Specify boolean TRUE for abbreviations (abbreviated where common, not always different from non-abbreviated)
* - Specify integer 1 for extra short abbreviations (all terms abbreviated into shortest possible string)
* - Specify boolean FALSE or omit for no abbreviations.
* - Specify associative array of key=value pairs of terms to use for abbreviations. The possible keys are:
* just now, ago, from now, never, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, seconds, minutes,
* hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades
* @param bool $useTense Whether to append a tense like "ago" or "from now".
* - May be ok to disable in situations where all times are assumed in future or past.
* - In abbreviate=1 (shortest) mode, this removes the leading "+" or "-" from the string.
* @return string Formatted relative time string
public function ___relativeTimeStr($ts, $abbreviate = false, $useTense = true) {
// Originally based upon: <http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.time.php#89415>
if(empty($ts)) {
if(is_array($abbreviate) && isset($abbreviate['never'])) return $abbreviate['never'];
return $this->_('Never');
$justNow = $this->_('just now');
$ago = $this->_('ago');
$prependAgo = '';
$fromNow = $this->_('from now');
$prependFromNow = '';
$space = ' ';
if($abbreviate === 1) {
// extra short abbreviations
$justNow = $this->_('now');
$ago = '';
$prependAgo = '-';
$fromNow = '';
$prependFromNow = '+';
$space = '';
} else if($abbreviate === true) {
// standard abbreviations
$justNow = $this->_('now');
$fromNow = '';
$prependFromNow = $this->_('in') . ' ';
} else if(is_array($abbreviate)) {
// user substitutions
if(isset($abbreviate['just now'])) $justNow = $abbreviate['just now'];
if(isset($abbreviate['from now'])) $fromNow = $abbreviate['from now'];
if(isset($abbreviate['ago'])) $ago = $abbreviate['ago'];
$lengths = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12","10");
$now = time();
if(!ctype_digit("$ts")) $ts = strtotime($ts);
if(empty($ts)) return "";
// is it future date or past date
if($now > $ts) {
$difference = $now - $ts;
$tense = $ago;
$prepend = $prependAgo;
} else {
$difference = $ts - $now;
$tense = $fromNow;
$prepend = $prependFromNow;
if(!$useTense) {
$prepend = '';
$tense = '';
for($j = 0; $difference >= $lengths[$j] && $j < count($lengths)-1; $j++) {
$difference /= $lengths[$j];
$difference = round($difference);
if(!$difference) return $justNow;
$periods = $difference != 1 ? $this->getPeriods($abbreviate, true) : $this->getPeriods($abbreviate, false);
$period = $periods[$j];
// return sprintf('%s%d%s%s %s', $prepend, (int) $difference, $space, $period, $tense); // i.e. 2 days ago (d=qty, 2=period, 3=tense)
$quantity = $prepend . $difference . $space;
$format = $this->_('Q P T'); // Relative time order: Q=Quantity, P=Period, T=Tense (i.e. 2 Days Ago)
$format = str_replace(array('Q', 'P', 'T'), array('{Q}', '{P}', '{T}'), $format);
$out = str_replace(array('{Q}', '{P}', '{T}'), array(" $quantity", " $period", " $tense"), $format);
if($abbreviate === 1) {
$out = str_replace(" ", "", $out); // no space when extra-abbreviate is active
} else if(strpos($out, ' ') !== false) {
$out = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $out);
return trim($out);
* Render an elapsed time string
* @param int|string $start Starting timestamp or date/time string.
* @param int|string $stop Ending timestamp or date/time string, or omit for now.
* @param bool|int|array $abbreviate
* - Specify boolean FALSE for verbose elapsed time string without abbreviations (default).
* - Specify boolean TRUE for abbreviations (abbreviated where common, not always different from non-abbreviated).
* - Specify integer 1 for extra short abbreviations (all terms abbreviated into shortest possible string).
* - Specify integer 0 for digital elapsed time string like “00:01:12” referring to hours:minutes:seconds.
* @param array $options Additional options:
* - `delimiter` (string): String to separate time periods (default=' ').
* - `exclude` (array|string): Exclude these periods, one or more of: 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks' (default=[])
* @return string
* @since 3.0.129
public function elapsedTimeStr($start, $stop = null, $abbreviate = false, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'delimiter' => ' ',
'exclude' => array(),
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
if(is_string($options['exclude'])) $options['exclude'] = explode(' ', $options['exclude']);
if($stop === null) $stop = time();
if(!ctype_digit("$start")) $start = strtotime($start);
if(!ctype_digit("$stop")) $stop = strtotime($stop);
$times = array();
$seconds = $stop - $start;
if($seconds >= 604800 && $abbreviate !== 0 && !in_array('weeks', $options['exclude'])) {
$weeks = floor($seconds / 604800);
$seconds = $seconds - ($weeks * 604800);
$key = $weeks === 1 ? 'week' : 'weeks';
$times[$key] = $weeks;
if($seconds >= 86400 && $abbreviate !== 0 && !in_array('days', $options['exclude'])) {
$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
$seconds = $seconds - ($days * 86400);
$key = $days === 1 ? 'day' : 'days';
$times[$key] = $days;
if($seconds >= 3600 && !in_array('hours', $options['exclude'])) {
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$seconds = $seconds - ($hours * 3600);
$key = $hours === 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours';
$times[$key] = $hours;
} else {
$hours = 0;
if($seconds >= 60 && !in_array('minutes', $options['exclude'])) {
$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
$seconds = $seconds - ($minutes * 60);
$key = $minutes === 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes';
$times[$key] = $minutes;
} else {
$minutes = 0;
if(($seconds > 0 || empty($times)) && !in_array('seconds', $options['exclude'])) {
$key = $seconds === 1 ? 'second' : 'seconds';
$times[$key] = $seconds;
} else {
$seconds = 0;
if($abbreviate === 0) {
if(strlen($hours) < 2) $hours = "0$hours";
if(strlen($minutes) < 2) $minutes = "0$minutes";
if(strlen($seconds) < 2) $seconds = "0$seconds";
$str = "$hours:$minutes:$seconds";
} else {
$periods = $this->getPeriods($abbreviate);
$a = array();
foreach($times as $key => $qty) {
$sep = $abbreviate === 1 ? '' : ' ';
$a[] = $qty . $sep . $periods[$key];
$str = implode($options['delimiter'], $a);
return $str;
* Get named time periods
* Returns regular array(s) of periods in this order:
* seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years decades
* If $plural argument is null (or omitted) it instead returns an array
* indexed by period name including both singular and plural periods.
* @param $abbreviate
* - Specify 1 to get shortest possible abbreviations
* - Specify true to get standard/medium abbreviations
* - Specify false to get large/full terms (no abbreviations)
* - Specify associative array to get large/full terms and substitute your own
* @param null|true|int $plural
* - Specify true to get plural,
* - Specify false to get singular,
* - Specify 1 to get array where [ 0 => [singulars], 1 => [plurals] ]
* - Omit (or null) to get all in an indexed array
* @return array
protected function getPeriods($abbreviate, $plural = null) {
static $definitions = array();
if(empty($definitions)) $definitions = array(
'keys-singular' => array(
'keys-plural' => array(
'short-singular' => array(
'short-plural' => array(
'medium-singular' => array(
'medium-plural' => array(
'large-singular' => array(
'large-plural' => array(
if($abbreviate === 1) {
// extra short abbreviations
$periodsPlural = $definitions['short-plural'];
$periodsSingular = $definitions['short-singular'];
} else if($abbreviate === true) {
// standard abbreviations
$periodsPlural = $definitions['medium-plural'];
$periodsSingular = $definitions['medium-singular'];
} else {
// no abbreviations
$periodsPlural = $definitions['large-plural'];
$periodsSingular = $definitions['large-singular'];
// merge in any user-supplied abbreviations
if(is_array($abbreviate)) {
foreach($definitions['keys-plural'] as $key => $term) {
if(isset($abbreviate[$term])) $periodsPlural[$key] = $abbreviate[$term];
foreach($definitions['keys-singular'] as $key => $term) {
if(isset($abbreviate[$term])) $periodsSingular[$key] = $abbreviate[$term];
if($plural === true) return $periodsPlural;
if($plural === false) return $periodsSingular;
// get all indexed by term
$periods = array();
foreach($definitions['keys-plural'] as $key => $term) {
$periods[$term] = $periodsPlural[$key];
foreach($definitions['keys-singular'] as $key => $term) {
$periods[$term] = $periodsSingular[$key];
return $periods;