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2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
<?php namespace ProcessWire;
* ProcessWire WireCache
* Simple cache for storing strings (encoded or otherwise) and serves as $cache API var
* ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2019 by Ryan Cramer
* #pw-summary Provides easy, persistent caching of markup, strings, arrays or PageArray objects.
* #pw-summary-constants These constants are used for the `$expire` argument of get() and save() cache methods.
* #pw-use-constants
* #pw-body =
* ~~~~~
* // Get a cache named 'foo' that lasts for 1 hour (aka 3600 seconds)
* $value = $cache->get('foo', 3600, function() {
* // this is called if cache expired or does not exist,
* // so generate a new cache value here and return it
* return "This is the cached value";
* });
* ~~~~~
* #pw-body
class WireCache extends Wire {
* Expiration constants that may be supplied to WireCache::save $seconds argument.
* Cache should never expire (unless manually cleared).
const expireNever = '2010-04-08 03:10:10';
* Cache should never expire and should not be deleted during deleteAll() calls (for PW internal system use)
* Can only be deleted by delete() calls that specify it directly or match it specifically with a wildcard.
const expireReserved = '2010-04-08 03:10:01';
* Cache should expire when a given resource (Page or Template) is saved.
const expireSave = '2010-01-01 01:01:01';
* Used internally when a selector is specified.
* #pw-internal
const expireSelector = '2010-01-02 02:02:02';
* Cache should expire now
const expireNow = 0;
* Cache should expire once per hour
const expireHourly = 3600;
* Cache should expire once per day
const expireDaily = 86400;
* Cache should expire once per week
const expireWeekly = 604800;
* Cache should expire once per month
const expireMonthly = 2419200;
* Date format used by our database queries
* #pw-internal
const dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
* String names of expire constants
* @var array
protected $expireNames = array(
'now' => self::expireNow,
'hour' => self::expireHourly,
'hourly' => self::expireHourly,
'day' => self::expireDaily,
'daily' => self::expireDaily,
'week' => self::expireWeekly,
'weekly' => self::expireWeekly,
'month' => self::expireMonthly,
'monthly' => self::expireMonthly,
* Preloaded cache values, indexed by cache name
* @var array
protected $preloads = array();
* Memory cache used by the maintenancePage method
* @var array|null Once determined becomes array of cache names => Selectors objects
protected $cacheNameSelectors = null;
* Whether or not it's worthwhile to attempt Page or Template maintenance after saves
* @var null|bool
protected $usePageTemplateMaintenance = null;
* Preload the given caches, so that they will be returned without query on the next get() call
* After a preloaded cache is returned from a get() call, it is removed from local storage.
* #pw-group-advanced
* @param string|array $names
* @param int|string|null $expire
public function preload(array $names, $expire = null) {
if(!is_array($names)) $names = array($names);
$this->preloads = array_merge($this->preloads, $this->get($names, $expire));
* Preload all caches for the given object or namespace
* #pw-group-advanced
* @param object|string $ns
* @param int|string|null $expire
public function preloadFor($ns, $expire = null) {
if(is_object($ns)) $ns = wireClassName($ns, false);
$ns .= '__*';
$this->preloads = array_merge($this->preloads, $this->get($ns, $expire));
* Get data from cache with given name
* Optionally specify expiration time and/or a cache generation function to use when cache needs to be created.
* Cached value can be a string, an array of non-object values, or a PageArray.
* ~~~~~
* // get single cache value
* $str = $cache->get('foo');
* // get 3 cached values, returns associative array with foo, bar, baz indexes
* $array = $cache->get([ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]);
* // get all cache values with names starting with “hello”
* $array = $cache->get('hello*');
* // get cache only if its less than or equal to 1 hour old (3600 seconds)
* $str = $cache->get('foo', 3600);
* // same as above, but also generates the cache value with function when expired
* $str = $cache->get('foo', 3600, function() {
* return "This is the cached value";
* });
* ~~~~~
* @param string|array $name Provide a single cache name, an array of cache names, or an asterisk cache name.
* - If given a single cache name (string) just the contents of that cache will be returned.
* - If given an array of names, multiple caches will be returned, indexed by cache name.
* - If given a cache name with an asterisk in it, it will return an array of all matching caches.
* @param int|string|null $expire Optionally specify max age (in seconds) OR oldest date string.
* - If cache exists and is older, then blank returned. You may omit this to divert to whatever expiration
* was specified at save() time. Note: The $expire and $func arguments may optionally be reversed.
* - If using a $func, the behavior of $expire becomes the same as that of save().
* @param callable $func Optionally provide a function/closure that generates the cache value and it
* will be used when needed. This option requires that only one cache is being retrieved (not an array of caches).
* Note: The $expire and $func arguments may optionally be reversed.
* @return string|array|PageArray|mixed|null Returns null if cache doesnt exist and no generation function provided.
* @throws WireException if given invalid arguments
public function get($name, $expire = null, $func = null) {
$_expire = $expire;
if(!is_null($expire)) {
if(!is_int($expire) && !is_string($expire) && !$expire instanceof Wire && is_callable($expire)) {
$_func = $func;
$func = $expire;
$expire = is_null($_func) ? null : $this->getExpires($_func);
} else {
$expire = $this->getExpires($expire);
$multi = is_array($name); // retrieving multiple caches at once?
if($multi) {
$names = $name;
} else {
if(isset($this->preloads[$name])) {
$value = $this->preloads[$name];
return $value;
$names = array($name);
$where = array();
$binds = array();
$wildcards = array();
$n = 0;
foreach($names as $name) {
if(strpos($name, '*') !== false || strpos($name, '%') !== false) {
// retrieve all caches matching wildcard
$wildcards[$name] = $name;
$name = str_replace('*', '%', $name);
$multi = true;
$where[$n] = "name LIKE :name$n";
} else {
$where[$n] = "name=:name$n";
$binds[":name$n"] = $name;
if($multi && !is_null($func)) {
throw new WireException("Function (\$func) may not be specified to \$cache->get() when requesting multiple caches.");
$sql = "SELECT name, data FROM caches WHERE (" . implode(' OR ', $where) . ") ";
if(is_null($expire)) { // || $func) {
$sql .= "AND (expires>=:now OR expires<=:never) ";
$binds[':now'] = date(self::dateFormat, time());
$binds[':never'] = self::expireNever;
} else if(is_array($expire)) {
// expire is specified by a page selector, so we just let it through
// since anything present is assumed to be valid
} else {
$sql .= "AND expires<=:expire ";
$binds[':expire'] = $expire;
// $sql .= "AND (expires>=:expire OR expires<=:never) ";
//$binds[':never'] = self::expireNever;
$query = $this->wire('database')->prepare($sql, "cache.get(" .
implode('|', $names) . ", " . ($expire ? print_r($expire, true) : "null") . ")");
foreach($binds as $key => $value) $query->bindValue($key, $value);
$value = ''; // return value for non-multi mode
$values = array(); // return value for multi-mode
if($_expire !== self::expireNow) try {
if($query->rowCount() == 0) {
$value = null; // cache does not exist
} else while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
list($name, $value) = $row;
if($this->looksLikeJSON($value)) $value = $this->decodeJSON($value);
if($multi) $values[$name] = $value;
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->trackException($e, false);
$value = null;
if($multi) {
foreach($names as $name) {
// ensure there is at least a placeholder for all requested caches
if(!isset($values[$name]) && !isset($wildcards[$name])) $values[$name] = '';
} else if(empty($value) && !is_null($func) && is_callable($func)) {
// generate the cache now from the given callable function
$value = $this->renderCacheValue($name, $expire, $func);
return $multi ? $values : $value;
* Render and save a cache value, when given a function to do so
* Provided $func may specify any arguments that correspond with the names of API vars
* and it will be sent those arguments.
* Provided $func may either echo or return it's output. If any value is returned by
* the function it will be used as the cache value. If no value is returned, then
* the output buffer will be used as the cache value.
* @param string $name
* @param int|string|null $expire
* @param callable $func
* @return bool|string
* @since 2.5.28
protected function renderCacheValue($name, $expire, $func) {
$ref = new \ReflectionFunction($func);
$params = $ref->getParameters(); // requested arguments
$args = array(); // arguments we provide
foreach($params as $param) {
$arg = null;
// if requested param is an API variable we will provide it
if(preg_match('/\$([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\b/', $param, $matches)) $arg = $this->wire($matches[1]);
$args[] = $arg;
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
try {
if(count($args)) {
$value = call_user_func_array($func, $args);
} else {
$value = $func();
} finally { // PHP 5.5+
$out = ob_get_contents();
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
if(empty($value) && !empty($out)) $value = $out;
if($value !== false) {
$this->save($name, $value, $expire);
return $value;
* Same as get() but with namespace
* Namespace is useful to avoid cache name collisions. The ProcessWire core commonly uses cache
* namespace to bind cache values to the object class, which often make a good namespace.
* Please see the `$cache->get()` method for usage of all arguments.
* ~~~~~
* // specify namespace as a string
* $value = $cache->getFor('my-namespace', 'my-cache-name');
* // or specify namespace is an object instance
* $value = $cache->get($this, 'my-cache-name');
* ~~~~~
* @param string|object $ns Namespace
* @param string $name Cache name
* @param null|int|string $expire Optional expiration
* @param callable|null $func Optional cache generation function
* @return string|array|PageArray|mixed|null Returns null if cache doesnt exist and no generation function provided.
* @see WireCache::get()
public function getFor($ns, $name, $expire = null, $func = null) {
if(is_object($ns)) $ns = wireClassName($ns, false);
return $this->get($ns . "__$name", $expire, $func);
* Save data to cache with given name
* ~~~~~
* $value = "This is the value that will be cached.";
* // cache the value, using default expiration (daily)
* $cache->save("my-cache-name", $value);
* // cache the value, and expire after 1 hour (3600 seconds)
* $cache->save("my-cache-name", $value, 3600);
* ~~~~~
* @param string $name Name of cache, can be any string up to 255 chars
* @param string|array|PageArray $data Data that you want to cache. May be string, array of non-object values, or PageArray.
* @param int|string|Page $expire Lifetime of this cache, in seconds, OR one of the following:
* - Specify one of the `WireCache::expire*` constants.
* - Specify the future date you want it to expire (as unix timestamp or any `strtotime()` compatible date format)
* - Provide a `Page` object to expire when any page using that template is saved.
* - Specify `WireCache::expireNever` to prevent expiration.
* - Specify `WireCache::expireSave` to expire when any page or template is saved.
* - Specify selector string matching pages thatwhen savedexpire the cache.
* @return bool Returns true if cache was successful, false if not
* @throws WireException if given data that cannot be cached
public function save($name, $data, $expire = self::expireDaily) {
if(is_array($data)) {
if(array_key_exists('WireCache', $data)) {
throw new WireException("Cannot cache array that has 'WireCache' array key (reserved for internal use)");
} else if(array_key_exists('PageArray', $data) && array_key_exists('template', $data)) {
throw new WireException("Cannot cache array that has 'PageArray' combined with 'template' keys (reserved for internal use)");
} else if(is_object($data)) {
if($data instanceof PageArray) {
$data = $this->pageArrayToArray($data);
} else if(method_exists($data, '__toString')) {
$data = (string) $data;
} else {
throw new WireException("WireCache::save does not know how to cache values of type " . get_class($data));
$expire = $this->getExpires($expire);
if(is_array($expire)) {
// expire based on selector string
$data = array(
'selector' => $expire['selector'],
'WireCache' => $data
$expire = self::expireSelector;
$this->cacheNameSelectors = null; // clear memory cache for maintenancePage method
if(is_array($data)) {
$data = json_encode($data);
if($data === false) throw new WireException("Unable to encode array data for cache: $name");
} else if(is_string($data) && $this->looksLikeJSON($data)) {
// ensure potentially already encoded JSON text remains as text when cache is awakened
$data = json_encode(array('WireCache' => $data));
if(is_null($data)) $data = '';
$sql =
'INSERT INTO caches (`name`, `data`, `expires`) VALUES(:name, :data, :expires) ' .
'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `data`=VALUES(`data`), `expires`=VALUES(`expires`)';
$query = $this->wire('database')->prepare($sql, "$name)");
$query->bindValue(':name', $name);
$query->bindValue(':data', $data);
$query->bindValue(':expires', $expire);
try {
$result = $query->execute();
$this->log($this->_('Saved cache ') . ' - ' . $name);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->trackException($e, false);
$result = false;
return $result;
* Same as save() except with namespace
* Namespace is useful to avoid cache name collisions. The ProcessWire core commonly uses cache
* namespace to bind cache values to the object class, which often make a good namespace.
* ~~~~~
* // save cache using manually specified namespace
* $cache->save("my-namespace", "my-cache-name", $value);
* // save cache using namespace of current object
* $cache->save($this, "my-cache-name", $value);
* ~~~~~
* @param string|object $ns Namespace for cache
* @param string $name Name of cache, can be any string up to 255 chars
* @param string|array|PageArray $data Data that you want to cache
* @param int|Page $expire Lifetime of this cache, in seconds, OR one of the following:
* - Specify one of the `WireCache::expire*` constants.
* - Specify the future date you want it to expire (as unix timestamp or any strtotime compatible date format)
* - Provide a `Page` object to expire when any page using that template is saved.
* - Specify `WireCache::expireNever` to prevent expiration.
* - Specify `WireCache::expireSave` to expire when any page or template is saved.
* - Specify selector string matching pages that, when saved, expire the cache.
* @return bool Returns true if cache was successful, false if not
public function saveFor($ns, $name, $data, $expire = self::expireDaily) {
if(is_object($ns)) $ns = wireClassName($ns, false);
return $this->save($ns . "__$name", $data, $expire);
* Given an expiration seconds, date, page, or template, convert it to an ISO-8601 date
* Returns an array if expires info requires multiple parts, like with self::expireSelector.
* In this case it returns array with array('expires' => date, 'selector' => selector);
* @param $expire
* @return string|array
protected function getExpires($expire) {
if(is_object($expire) && $expire->id) {
if($expire instanceof Page) {
// page object
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
$expire = $expire->templates_id;
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
} else if($expire instanceof Template) {
// template object
$expire = $expire->id;
} else {
// unknown object, substitute default
$expire = time() + self::expireDaily;
} else if(is_array($expire)) {
// expire value already prepared by a previous call, just return it
if(isset($expire['selector']) && isset($expire['expire'])) {
return $expire;
} else if(is_string($expire) && isset($this->expireNames[$expire])) {
// named expiration constant like "hourly", "daily", etc.
$expire = time() + $this->expireNames[$expire];
} else if(in_array($expire, array(self::expireNever, self::expireReserved, self::expireSave))) {
// good, we'll take it as-is
return $expire;
} else if(is_string($expire) && Selectors::stringHasSelector($expire)) {
// expire when page matches selector
return array(
'expire' => self::expireSelector,
'selector' => $expire
} else {
// account for date format as string
if(is_string($expire) && !ctype_digit("$expire")) {
$expire = strtotime($expire);
$isDate = true;
} else {
$isDate = false;
if($expire === 0 || $expire === "0") {
// zero is allowed if that's what was specified
$expire = (int) $expire;
} else {
// zero is not allowed because it indicates failed type conversion
$expire = (int) $expire;
if(!$expire) $expire = self::expireDaily;
if($expire > time()) {
// a future date has been specified, so we'll keep it
} else if(!$isDate) {
// a quantity of seconds has been specified, add it to current time
$expire = time() + $expire;
$expire = date(self::dateFormat, $expire);
return $expire;
* Delete/clear the cache(s) identified by given name or wildcard
* ~~~~~
* // Delete cache named "my-cache-name"
* $cache->delete("my-cache-name");
* // Delete all caches starting with "my-"
* $cache->delete("my-*");
* ~~~~~
* @param string $name Name of cache, or partial name with wildcard (i.e. "MyCache*") to clear multiple caches.
* @return bool True on success, false on failure
public function delete($name) {
try {
if(strpos($name, '*') !== false || strpos($name, '%') !== false) {
// delete all caches matching wildcard
$name = str_replace('*', '%', $name);
if($name === '%') return $this->deleteAll() ? true : false;
$sql = 'DELETE FROM caches WHERE name LIKE :name';
} else {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM caches WHERE name=:name';
$query = $this->wire('database')->prepare($sql, "cache.delete($name)");
$query->bindValue(':name', $name);
$success = true;
$this->log($this->_('Cleared cache') . ' - ' . $name);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->trackException($e, true);
$success = false;
return $success;
* Delete all caches (where allowed)
* This method deletes all caches other than those with `WireCache::expireReserved` status.
* @return int Quantity of caches deleted
* @since 3.0.130
public function deleteAll() {
try {
$sql = "DELETE FROM caches WHERE expires!=:reserved";
$query = $this->wire('database')->prepare($sql, "cache.deleteAll()");
$query->bindValue(':reserved', self::expireReserved);
$qty = $query->rowCount();
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->trackException($e, true);
$qty = 0;
return $qty;
* Deletes all caches that have expiration dates (only)
* This method does not delete caches that are expired by saving of resources or matching selectors.
* @return int
* @since 3.0.130
public function expireAll() {
try {
$sql = "DELETE FROM caches WHERE expires>:never";
$query = $this->wire('database')->prepare($sql, "cache.expireAll()");
$query->bindValue(':never', self::expireNever);
$qty = $query->rowCount();
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->trackException($e, true);
$qty = 0;
return $qty;
* Delete one or more caches in a given namespace
* ~~~~~
* // Delete all in namespace
* $cache->deleteFor("my-namespace");
* // Delete one cache in namespace
* $cache->deleteFor("my-namespace", "my-cache-name");
* ~~~~~
* @param string $ns Namespace of cache.
* @param string $name Name of cache. If none specified, all for namespace are deleted.
* @return bool True on success, false on failure
public function deleteFor($ns, $name = '') {
if(is_object($ns)) $ns = wireClassName($ns, false);
if(!strlen($name)) $name = "*";
return $this->delete($ns . "__$name");
* Cache maintenance removes expired caches
* Should be called as part of a regular maintenance routine and after page/template save/deletion.
* ProcessWire already calls this automatically, so you dont typically need to call this method on your own.
* #pw-group-advanced
* @param Template|Page|null|bool Item to run maintenance for or, if not specified, general maintenance is performed.
* General maintenance only runs once per request. Specify boolean true to force general maintenance to run.
* @return bool
public function maintenance($obj = null) {
static $done = false;
$forceRun = false;
$database = $this->wire()->database;
$config = $this->wire()->config;
if(!$database || !$config) return false;
if(is_object($obj)) {
// check to see if it is worthwhile to perform this kind of maintenance at all
if(is_null($this->usePageTemplateMaintenance)) {
$templates = $this->wire()->templates;
if(!$templates) $templates = array();
$minID = 999999;
$maxID = 0;
foreach($templates as $template) {
if($template->id > $maxID) $maxID = $template->id;
if($template->id < $minID) $minID = $template->id;
$sql =
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM caches " .
"WHERE (expires=:expireSave OR expires=:expireSelector) " .
"OR (expires>=:minID AND expires<=:maxID)";
$query = $database->prepare($sql);
$query->bindValue(':expireSave', self::expireSave);
$query->bindValue(':expireSelector', self::expireSelector);
$query->bindValue(':minID', date(self::dateFormat, $minID));
$query->bindValue(':maxID', date(self::dateFormat, $maxID));
$this->usePageTemplateMaintenance = (int) $query->fetchColumn();
if($this->usePageTemplateMaintenance) {
if($obj instanceof Page) return $this->maintenancePage($obj);
if($obj instanceof Template) return $this->maintenanceTemplate($obj);
return true;
} else {
// skip it: no possible caches to maintain
return true;
} else if($obj === true) {
// force run general maintenance, even if run earlier
$forceRun = true;
$done = true;
} else {
// general maintenance: only perform maintenance once per request
if($done) return true;
$done = true;
// don't perform general maintenance during ajax requests
if($config->ajax && !$forceRun) return false;
// perform general maintenance now
return $this->maintenanceGeneral();
* General maintenance removes expired caches
* @return bool
protected function maintenanceGeneral() {
$database = $this->wire()->database;
$sql = 'DELETE FROM caches WHERE (expires<=:now AND expires>:never) ';
$query = $database->prepare($sql, "cache.maintenance()");
$query->bindValue(':now', date(self::dateFormat, time()));
$query->bindValue(':never', self::expireNever);
try {
$result = $query->execute();
$qty = $result ? $query->rowCount() : 0;
if($qty) $this->log(sprintf($this->_('General maintenance expired %d cache(s)'), $qty));
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->trackException($e, false);
$this->error($e->getMessage(), Notice::debug | Notice::log);
$result = false;
return $result;
* Run maintenance for a page that was just saved or deleted
* @param Page $page
* @return bool
protected function maintenancePage(Page $page) {
$database = $this->wire()->database;
if(is_null($this->cacheNameSelectors)) {
// locate all caches that specify selector strings and cache them so that
// we don't have to re-load them on every page save
try {
$query = $database->prepare("SELECT * FROM caches WHERE expires=:expire");
$query->bindValue(':expire', self::expireSelector);
$this->cacheNameSelectors = array();
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->trackException($e, false);
$this->error($e->getMessage(), Notice::log);
return false;
if($query->rowCount()) {
while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$data = json_decode($row['data'], true);
if($data !== false && isset($data['selector'])) {
$name = $row['name'];
$selectors = $this->wire(new Selectors($data['selector']));
$this->cacheNameSelectors[$name] = $selectors;
} else {
// cacheNameSelectors already loaded once and is in cache
// determine which selectors match the page: the $clearNames array
// will hold the selectors that match this $page
$n = 0;
$clearNames = array();
foreach($this->cacheNameSelectors as $name => $selectors) {
if($page->matches($selectors)) {
$clearNames["name" . (++$n)] = $name;
// clear any caches that expire on expireSave or specific page template
$sql = "expires=:expireSave OR expires=:expireTemplateID ";
// expire any caches that match names found in cacheNameSelectors
foreach($clearNames as $key => $name) {
$sql .= "OR name=:$key ";
$query = $database->prepare("DELETE FROM caches WHERE $sql");
// bind values
$query->bindValue(':expireSave', self::expireSave);
$query->bindValue(':expireTemplateID', date(self::dateFormat, $page->template->id));
foreach($clearNames as $key => $name) {
$query->bindValue(":$key", $name);
$result = $query->execute();
$qty = $result ? $query->rowCount() : 0;
if($qty) $this->log(sprintf($this->_('Maintenance expired %d cache(s) for saved page'), $qty));
return $result;
* Run maintenance for a template that was just saved or deleted
* @param Template $template
* @return bool Returns true if any caches were deleted, false if not
protected function maintenanceTemplate(Template $template) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM caches WHERE expires=:expireTemplateID OR expires=:expireSave';
$query = $this->wire()->database->prepare($sql);
$query->bindValue(':expireSave', self::expireSave);
$query->bindValue(':expireTemplateID', date(self::dateFormat, $template->id));
$result = $query->execute();
$qty = $result ? $query->rowCount() : 0;
if($qty) $this->log(sprintf($this->_('Maintenance expired %d cache(s) for saved template'), $qty));
return $qty > 0;
* Convert a cacheable array to a PageArray
* @param array $data
* @return PageArray
* @since 2.5.28
protected function arrayToPageArray(array $data) {
$pageArrayClass = isset($data['pageArrayClass']) ? $data['pageArrayClass'] : 'PageArray';
if(!isset($data['PageArray']) || !is_array($data['PageArray'])) {
$class = wireClassName($pageArrayClass, true);
return $this->wire(new $class());
$options = array();
$template = empty($data['template']) ? null : $this->wire('templates')->get((int) $data['template']);
if($template) $options['template'] = $template;
if($pageArrayClass != 'PageArray') $options['pageArrayClass'] = $pageArrayClass;
if(!empty($data['pageClass']) && $data['pageClass'] != 'Page') $options['pageClass'] = $data['pageClass'];
return $this->wire('pages')->getById($data['PageArray'], $options);
* Given a PageArray, convert it to a cachable array
* @param PageArray $items
* @return array
* @throws WireException
* @since 2.5.28
protected function pageArrayToArray(PageArray $items) {
$templates = array();
$ids = array();
$pageClasses = array();
foreach($items as $item) {
$templates[$item->template->id] = $item->template->id;
$ids[] = $item->id;
$pageClass = $item->className();
$pageClasses[$pageClass] = $pageClass;
if(count($pageClasses) > 1) {
throw new WireException("Can't cache multiple page types together: " . implode(', ', $pageClasses));
$data = array(
'PageArray' => $ids,
'template' => count($templates) == 1 ? reset($templates) : 0,
$pageClass = reset($pageClasses);
if($pageClass && $pageClass != 'Page') $data['pageClass'] = $pageClass;
$pageArrayClass = $items->className();
if($pageArrayClass != 'PageArray') $data['pageArrayClass'] = $pageArrayClass;
return $data;
* Get information about all the caches in this WireCache
* #pw-group-advanced
* @param bool $verbose Whether to be more verbose for human readability
* @param array|string $names Optionally specify name(s) of cache to get info. If omitted, all caches are included.
* @param array|string $exclude Exclude any caches that begin with any of these namespaces (default=[])
* @return array of arrays of cache info
public function getInfo($verbose = true, $names = array(), $exclude = array()) {
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
$templates = $this->wire()->templates;
$database = $this->wire()->database;
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
if(is_string($names)) $names = empty($names) ? array() : array($names);
if(is_string($exclude)) $exclude = empty($exclude) ? array() : array($exclude);
$all = array();
$binds = array();
$wheres = array();
$sql = "SELECT name, data, expires FROM caches ";
if(count($names)) {
$a = array();
foreach($names as $n => $s) {
$a[] = "name=:name$n";
$binds[":name$n"] = $s;
$wheres[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $a) . ')';
if(count($exclude)) {
foreach($exclude as $n => $s) {
$wheres[] = "name NOT LIKE :ex$n";
$binds[":ex$n"] = $s . '%';
if(count($wheres)) {
$sql .= "WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $wheres);
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
$query = $database->prepare($sql);
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
foreach($binds as $key => $val) {
$query->bindValue($key, $val);
while($row = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$info = array(
'name' => $row['name'],
'type' => 'string',
'expires' => '',
if($this->looksLikeJSON($row['data'])) {
// json encoded
$data = json_decode($row['data'], true);
if(is_array($data)) {
if(array_key_exists('WireCache', $data)) {
if(isset($data['selector'])) {
$selector = $data['selector'];
$info['expires'] = $verbose ? 'when selector matches modified page' : 'selector';
$info['selector'] = $selector;
$data = $data['WireCache'];
if(is_array($data) && array_key_exists('PageArray', $data) && array_key_exists('template', $data)) {
$info['type'] = 'PageArray';
if($verbose) $info['type'] .= ' (' . count($data['PageArray']) . ' pages)';
} else if(is_array($data)) {
$info['type'] = 'array';
if($verbose) $info['type'] .= ' (' . count($data) . ' items)';
if(empty($info['expires'])) {
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
if($row['expires'] === self::expireNever) {
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
$info['expires'] = $verbose ? 'never' : '';
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
} else if($row['expires'] === self::expireReserved) {
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
$info['expires'] = $verbose ? 'reserved' : '';
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
} else if($row['expires'] === self::expireSave) {
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
$info['expires'] = $verbose ? 'when any page or template is modified' : 'save';
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
} else if($row['expires'] < self::expireSave) {
// potential template ID encoded as date string
$templateId = strtotime($row['expires']);
$template = $templates->get($templateId);
if($template) {
$info['expires'] = $verbose ? "when '$template->name' page or template is modified" : 'save';
$info['template'] = $template->id;
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
if(empty($info['expires'])) {
$info['expires'] = $row['expires'];
if($verbose) $info['expires'] .= " (" . wireRelativeTimeStr($row['expires']) . ")";
if($verbose) $info['size'] = strlen($row['data']);
$all[] = $info;
return $all;
* Render a file as a ProcessWire template file and cache the output
* This method is similar to the `$files->render()` method and actually delegates the file
* rendering to that method (when creating the cache). The important difference is that this
* method caches the output according to WireCache rules for the `$expire` argument, rather
* than re-rendering the file on every call.
* If there are any changes to the source file `$filename` the cache will be automatically
* re-created, regardless of what is specified for the `$expire` argument.
* ~~~~~~
* // render primary nav from site/templates/partials/primary-nav.php
* // and cache for 3600 seconds (1 hour)
* echo $cache->renderFile('partials/primary-nav.php', 3600);
* ~~~~~~
* @param string $filename Filename to render (typically PHP file).
* Can be full path/file, or dir/file relative to current work directory (which is typically /site/templates/).
* If providing a file relative to current dir, it should not start with "/".
* File must be somewhere within site/templates/, site/modules/ or wire/modules/, or provide your own `allowedPaths` option.
* Please note that $filename receives API variables already (you dont have to provide them).
* @param int|Page|string|null $expire Lifetime of this cache, in seconds, OR one of the following:
* - Specify one of the `WireCache::expire*` constants.
* - Specify the future date you want it to expire (as unix timestamp or any `strtotime()` compatible date format)
* - Provide a `Page` object to expire when any page using that template is saved.
* - Specify `WireCache::expireNever` to prevent expiration.
* - Specify `WireCache::expireSave` to expire when any page or template is saved.
* - Specify selector string matching pages thatwhen savedexpire the cache.
* - Omit for default value, which is `WireCache::expireDaily`.
* @param array $options Accepts all options for the `WireFileTools::render()` method, plus these additional ones:
* - `name` (string): Optionally specify a unique name for this cache, otherwise $filename will be used as the unique name. (default='')
* - `vars` (array): Optional associative array of extra variables to send to template file. (default=[])
* - `allowedPaths` (array): Array of paths that are allowed (default is anywhere within templates, core modules and site modules)
* - `throwExceptions` (bool): Throw exceptions when fatal error occurs? (default=true)
* @return string|bool Rendered template file or boolean false on fatal error (and throwExceptions disabled)
* @throws WireException if given file doesnt exist
* @see WireFileTools::render()
* @since 3.0.130
public function renderFile($filename, $expire = null, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'name' => '',
'vars' => array(),
'throwExceptions' => true,
$out = null;
$paths = $this->wire('config')->paths;
$files = $this->wire('files');
$filename = $files->unixFileName($filename);
if(strpos($filename, '/') !== 0 && strpos($filename, ':') === false && strpos($filename, '//') === false) {
// make relative to current path
$currentPath = $files->currentPath();
if($files->fileInPath($filename, $currentPath)) {
$f = $currentPath . $filename;
if(file_exists($f)) $filename = $f;
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$mtime = filemtime($filename);
$name = str_replace($paths->root, '', $filename);
$ns = 'cache.' . ($options['name'] ? $options['name'] : 'renderFile');
$cacheName = $this->cacheName($name, $ns);
if($mtime === false) {
if($options['throwExceptions']) throw new WireException("File not found: $filename");
return false;
$data = $this->get($cacheName, $expire);
// cache value is array where [ 0=created, 1='value' ]
if(!is_array($data) || $data[0] < $mtime) {
// cache does not exist or is older source file mtime
$out = $this->wire('files')->render($filename, $options['vars'], $options);
if($out === false) return false;
$data = array(time(), $out);
if($expire === null) $expire = self::expireDaily;
$this->save($cacheName, $data, $expire);
} else {
$out = $data[1];
return $out;
* Make sure a cache name is of the right length and format for a cache name
* @param string $name Name including namespace (if applicable)
* @param bool|string $ns True to allow namespace present, false to prevent, or specify namespace to add to name if not already present.
* @return string
* @since 3.0.130
* @todo update other methods in this class to use this method
protected function cacheName($name, $ns = true) {
$maxLength = 190;
$name = trim($name);
if($ns === false) {
// namespace not allowed (cache name is NAME only)
while(strpos($name, '__') !== false) $name = str_replace('__', '_', $name);
if(strlen($name) > $maxLength) $name = md5($name);
return $name;
if(is_string($ns) && strlen($ns)) {
// a namespace has been supplied
while(strpos($name, '__') !== false) $name = str_replace('__', '_', $name);
while(strpos($ns, '__') !== false) $ns = str_replace('__', '_', $ns);
$ns = rtrim($ns, '_') . '__';
if(strpos($name, $ns) === 0) {
// name already has this namespace
} else {
// prepend namespace to name
$name = $ns . $name;
if(strlen($name) <= $maxLength) {
// name already in bounds
return $name;
// at this point we have a cache name that is too long
if(strpos($name, '__') !== false) {
// has namespace
list($ns, $name) = explode('__', $name, 2);
while(strpos($name, '__') !== false) $name = str_replace('__', '_', $name);
if(strlen($name) > 32) $name = md5($name);
if(strlen($ns . '__' . $name) > $maxLength) $ns = md5($ns); // not likely
$name = $ns . '__' . $name;
} else {
// no namespace
$name = md5($name);
return $name;
* Does the given string look like it might be JSON?
* @param string $str
* @return bool
protected function looksLikeJSON(&$str) {
if(empty($str)) return false;
$c = substr($str, 0, 1);
if($c === '{' && substr(trim($str), -1) === '}') return true;
if($c === '[' && substr(trim($str), -1) === ']') return true;
return false;
* Decode a JSON string (typically to array)
* Returns the given $value if it cannot be decoded.
* @param string $value JSON encoded text value
* @param bool $toArray Decode to associative array? Specify false to decode to object. (default=true)
* @return array|mixed|PageArray
protected function decodeJSON($value, $toArray = true) {
$a = json_decode($value, $toArray);
if(is_array($a)) {
// if there is a 'WireCache' key in the array, value becomes whatever is present in its value
if(array_key_exists('WireCache', $a)) $a = $a['WireCache'];
if(is_array($a) && isset($a['PageArray']) && is_array($a['PageArray']) && array_key_exists('template', $a)) {
// convert to PageArray if keys for 'PageArray' and 'template' are both present and 'PageArray' value is an array
$value = $this->arrayToPageArray($a);
} else {
// some other array
$value = $a;
} else if($a !== null) {
// it was JSON and now its some other non-array type
$value = $a;
} else {
// we will return the $value we were given
return $value;
* Save to the cache log
* #pw-internal
* @param string $str Message to log
* @param array $options
* @return WireLog
public function ___log($str = '', array $options = array()) {
//parent::___log($str, array('name' => 'modules'));
return null;