2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
<?php namespace ProcessWire;
* ProcessWire Page Comparison
* Provides implementation for Page comparison functions.
* ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2020 by Ryan Cramer
* https://processwire.com
class PageComparison {
* Is this page of the given type? (status, template, etc.)
* @param Page $page
* @param int|string|array|Selectors|Page|Template $status One of the following:
* - Status expressed as int (using Page::status* constants)
* - Status expressed as string/name, i.e. "hidden" (3.0.150+)
* - Template name, indicating page type
* - Page or Template object (3.0.150+)
* - Selector string or Selectors object that must match
* - Array of any of the above where all have to match (3.0.150+)
* @return bool
public function is(Page $page, $status) {
$is = false;
if(is_string($status) && ctype_digit($status)) {
$status = (int) $status;
if(is_int($status)) {
// status flag integer
$is = $page->status & $status;
} else if(is_object($status)) {
// Page, Template or Selectors object
if($status instanceof Page && $status->id === $page->id) {
$is = true;
} else if($status instanceof Template && "$page->template" === "$status") {
$is = true;
} else if($status instanceof Selectors || $status instanceof Selector) {
$is = $page->matches($status);
} else if(is_array($status)) {
// array where all items have to match an is() call
$n = 0;
foreach($status as $val) {
if(is_array($val)) break; // no multi-dimensional
if($this->is($page, $val)) $n++;
if($n && count($status) === $n) $is = true;
} else if(is_string($status) && $page->wire()->sanitizer->name($status) === $status) {
// name string (status name or template name)
$statuses = Page::getStatuses();
if(isset($statuses[$status])) {
// status name
$is = $page->status & $statuses[$status];
} else if("$page->template" === $status) {
// template name
$is = true;
} else if(is_string($status) && strpos($status, 'Page::status') === 0) {
// literal constant name in string
$status = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\$status";
$status = constant($status);
$is = $page->status & $status;
} else if($page->matches($status)) {
// Selectors object or selector string
$is = true;
2022-11-05 18:32:48 +01:00
return (bool) $is;
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
* If value is available for $key return or call $yes condition (with optional $no condition)
* This merges the capabilities of an if() statement, get() and getMarkup() methods in one,
* plus some useful PW type-specific logic, providing a useful output shortcut.
* See phpdoc in `Page::if()` for full details.
* @param Page $page
* @param string|bool|int $key Name of field to check, selector string to evaluate, or boolean/int to evalute
* @param string|callable|mixed $yes If value for $key is present, return or call this
* @param string|callable|mixed $no If value for $key is empty, return or call this
* @return mixed|string|bool
* @since 3.0.126
public function _if(Page $page, $key, $yes = '', $no = '') {
$sanitizer = $page->wire()->sanitizer;
// if only given a key argument, we will be returning a boolean
if($yes === '' && $no === '') list($yes, $no) = array(true, false);
if(is_string($key)) $key = trim($key);
if(is_bool($key) || is_int($key)) {
// boolean or int
$val = $key;
$action = empty($val) ? $no : $yes;
} else if(is_array($key)) {
// PHP array
$val = $key;
$action = count($val) ? $no : $yes;
} else if(ctype_digit(ltrim("$key", '-'))) {
// integer or string value of digits, or Wire instance string value of digits
$val = (int) "$key";
$action = empty($val) ? $no : $yes;
} else if(is_string($key) && wireEmpty($key)) {
// empty string
$val = $key;
$action = $no;
} else if(!ctype_alnum("$key") && Selectors::stringHasOperator($key)) {
// selector string
$val = $page->matches($key) ? 1 : 0;
$action = $val ? $yes : $no;
} else {
// field name or other format string accepted by $page->get()
$val = $page->get($key);
$action = wireEmpty($val) ? $no : $yes;
if(is_string($action)) {
// action is a string
$getValue = false;
$tools = $sanitizer->getTextTools();
if(($action === 'value' || $action === 'val') && !$page->template->fieldgroup->hasField($action)) {
// implicit 'value' or 'val' maps back to name specified in $key argument
$getValue = $key;
if(empty($action)) {
$result = $action;
} else if($getValue) {
$result = $page->get($getValue);
} else if($tools->hasPlaceholders($action)) {
// action is a getMarkup() string
$keyIsFieldName = $sanitizer->fieldName($key) === $key;
$act = $action;
// if value placeholders present, replace them with field name placeholders
foreach(array('{value}', '{val}') as $tag) {
// string with {val} or {value} has that tag replaced with the {field_name}
if(strpos($action, $tag) === false) continue;
// if val or value is actually the name of a field in the system, then do not override it
if($page->hasField(trim($tag, '{}'))) continue;
$action = str_replace($tag, ($keyIsFieldName ? '{' . $key . '}' : $val), $action);
$result = $act === $action || $tools->hasPlaceholders($action) ? $page->getMarkup($action) : $action;
} else if($sanitizer->fieldSubfield($action, -1) === $action && $page->hasField($sanitizer->fieldSubfield($action, 0))) {
// action is another field name that we want to get the value for
$result = $page->get($action);
} else {
// action is just a string to return
$result = $action;
} else if(is_callable($action)) {
// action is callable
$result = call_user_func_array($action, array($val, $key, $page));
} else {
// action is a number, array or object
$result = $action;
return $result;
* Given a Selectors object or a selector string, return whether this Page matches it
* @param Page $page
* @param string|Selectors $s
* @return bool
public function matches(Page $page, $s) {
$selectors = array();
if(is_string($s) || is_int($s)) {
if(ctype_digit("$s")) $s = (int) $s;
if(is_string($s)) {
if(!strlen($s)) {
// blank string matches nothing
return false;
} else if(substr($s, 0, 1) == '/' && $page->path() == (rtrim($s, '/') . '/')) {
// exit early for simple path comparison
return true;
} else if($page->name === $s) {
// early exit for simple name atch
return true;
} else if(Selectors::stringHasOperator($s)) {
// selectors string
$selectors = $page->wire(new Selectors($s));
} else {
// some other type of string
return false;
} else if(is_int($s)) {
// exit early for simple ID comparison
return $page->id == $s;
} else if($s instanceof Selectors) {
$selectors = $s;
} else {
// unknown data type to match
return false;
$matches = false;
$ignores = array('limit', 'start', 'sort', 'include');
foreach($selectors as $selector) {
$property = $selector->field;
$subproperty = '';
if(is_array($property)) $property = reset($property);
if(strpos($property, '.')) list($property, $subproperty) = explode('.', $property, 2);
if(in_array($property, $ignores)) continue;
$matches = true;
$value = $page->getUnformatted($property);
if(is_object($value)) {
// convert object to array value(s)
$value = $this->getObjectValueArray($value, $subproperty);
} else if(is_array($value)) {
// ok: selector matches will accept an array
} else {
// convert to a string value, whatever it may be
$value = "$value";
if(!$selector->matches($value)) {
$matches = false;
return $matches;
* Given an object, return the value(s) it represents (optionally from a property in the object)
* This method is setup for the matches() method above this. It will go recursive when given a property
* that resolves to another object.
* @param Wire|object $object
* @param string $property Optional property to pull from object (may also be property.subproperty, and so on)
* @return array Always returns an array, which may be empty or populated
protected function getObjectValueArray($object, $property = '') {
$value = array();
$_property = $property; // original
$subproperty = '';
if(strpos($property, '.')) list($property, $subproperty) = explode('.', $property, 2);
// if the current page value resolves to an object
if($object instanceof Page) {
// object is a Page
if($property) {
// pull specific property from page
$v = $object->getUnformatted($property);
if(is_object($v)) {
$value = $this->getObjectValueArray($v, $subproperty);
} else if(!is_null($v)) {
$value = array($v);
} else {
// if no property, get id, name and path as allowed comparison values
$value[] = $object->id;
$value[] = $object->path;
$value[] = $object->name;
} else if($object instanceof WireArray) {
// it's a WireArray|PageArray
if($property === 'count') {
// quick exit for count property
return array(count($object));
// iterate and get value of each item present
foreach($object as $v) {
if(is_object($v)) {
$v = $this->getObjectValueArray($v, $_property); // use original property.subproperty
if(count($v)) $value = array_merge($value, $v);
} else {
$value[] = $v;
} else if($object instanceof Template) {
// Template object, compare to id and name
if($property) {
$v = $object->get($property);
if(!is_null($v)) $value[] = $v;
} else {
$value[] = $object->id;
$value[] = $object->name;
} else if($object instanceof WireData) {
// some other type of WireData object
if($property) {
$v = $object->get($property);
if(is_object($v)) {
$value = $this->getObjectValueArray($v, $subproperty);
} else if(!is_null($v)) {
$value = array($v);
} else {
// no property present, so we'll find some other way to identify the object
// get string value of object as a potential comparison
$v = (string) $object;
// string value that doesn't match class name identifies the object in some way
if($v !== wireClassName($object)) $value[] = $v;
// if the object uses the common 'id' or 'name' properties, consider those as well
foreach(array('id', 'name') as $key) {
$v = $object->get($key);
if(!is_null($v)) $value[] = $v;
} else if($property && method_exists($object, '__get')) {
// some other object, property is present, object has a __get method that we can pull it from
$v = $object->__get($property);
if(is_object($v)) {
$value = $this->getObjectValueArray($v, $subproperty);
} else if(!is_null($v)) {
$value = array($v);
} else if(!$property && method_exists($object, '__toString')) {
// items in WireArray are some type of Wire, use string value if not className
if(wireClassName($object) != (string) $object) $value[] = (string) $object;
} else {
// property present with some kind of value that we don't know how to pull from
return $value;
2023-03-10 19:41:40 +01:00
* Is $value1 equal to $value2?
* @param string $key Name of the key that triggered the check (see WireData::set)
* @param mixed $value1
* @param mixed $value2
* @return bool
public function isEqual(Page $page, $key, $value1, $value2) {
$isEqual = $value1 === $value2;
if(!$isEqual && $value1 instanceof WireArray && $value2 instanceof WireArray) {
// ask WireArray to compare itself to another
$isEqual = $value1->isIdentical($value2, true);
if($isEqual) {
if($value1 instanceof Wire && ($value1->isChanged() || $value2->isChanged())) {
$page->trackChange($key, $value1, $value2);
return $isEqual;
2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00