2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
<?php namespace ProcessWire;
* ProcessWire Language Functions
* #pw-summary-translation Provides GetText-like language translation functions to ProcessWire.
* ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2020 by Ryan Cramer
* https://processwire.com
* Perform a language translation
* This function enables you to specify static text as the argument, and that text becomes translatable (for each language)
* with ProcessWire’s built-in language translation tools. This function also works just fine if you do not have multi-language
* support installed, though in that case it just returns the text that it is given.
* For full documentation, please see the [Code Internationalization (i18n)](https://processwire.com/docs/multi-language-support/code-i18n/)
* documentation page at ProcessWire.com.
* This function is very similar to the GNU gettext `_('text');` function and essentially does the same thing, except that it is
* native to ProcessWire and not using GNU gettext.
* Use this `__('text')` function for common translations, use the `_x('text', 'context')` function for translations
* that also require additional context, and use the `_n('singular', 'plural', $n)` function for translations that should
* changed based on whether a value `$n` would require a singular or plural tense.
* ### Additional behaviors
* - You can optionally specify a “textdomain” as the second argument. The textdomain represents the source file of the
* translation. Most often it would be the current file, so the argument can be omitted, or you can specify `__FILE__`.
* But in some cases you may want to use a translation from another file, and the textdomain argument enables you to.
* - When in a class (or module) it is preferable to use `$this->_('text');` rather than `__('text');`, as it is slightly
* more efficient to do so.
* - A PHP comment, i.e. `// comment` that appears somewhere after a translation call (on the same line) is used as an
* additional description for the person translating text. Another comment after that, i.e. `// comment1 // comment2`
* is used as an additional secondary note for the person translating the text.
* - It is also possible to provide multiple acceptable phrases for translations, useful when making minor changes to
* an existing text where you do not want an previous translation to be abandoned. To do so, provide an array argument
* (using bracket syntax) with the multiple phrases as values, where the first is the newest phrase. This feature was
* added in ProcessWire 3.0.151. See examples below for usage details.
* ### Limitations
* - The function call (and translatable text within it) cannot span more than one line. If your translatable text is long
* enough to require multiple lines, split them into multiple calls (like one per sentence).
* - There cannot be more than one `__('text')` function call per line in the PHP code.
* - The provided text argument must be one string of static text. It cannot contain PHP variables or concatenation. To populate
* dynamic values you should use PHP’s `sprintf()` (see examples below).
* ~~~~~~
* // Standard way to make static text translatable
* echo __('This is translatable text');
* // Optionally specify current file as textdomain (same result as above)
* echo __('This is translatable text', __FILE__);
* // Specify another file as textdomain (will use translation from that file)
* echo __('This is translatable text', '/site/templates/_init.php');
* // Using placeholders to populate dynamic values in translatable text:
* echo sprintf(__('You are reading the %s page'), $page->title);
* echo sprintf(__('%d is the current page ID'), $page->id);
* echo sprintf(__('Today is %1$s and the time is %2$s'), date('l'), date('g:i a'));
* // Providing a description via PHP comment to translator
* echo __('Welcome friend!'); // Friendly message for new users
* // Providing a description AND extra note via PHP comments to translator
* echo __('Welcome friend!'); // Friendly message for new users // Must be short!
* // In ProcessWire 3.0.151+ you can change existing phrases without automatically
* // abandoning the translations for them. To use, include both new and old phrase.
* // Specify PHP array (bracket syntax required) with 2+ phrases you accept trans-
* // lations for where the first is the newest/current text to translate. This array
* // replaces the $text argument of this function. Must be on 1 line.
* __([ 'New text', 'Old text' ]);
* // The above can also be used with _x() and _n() calls as well.
* _x([ 'Canada Goose', 'Canadian Goose' ], 'bird');
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-translation
* @param string|array|bool $text Text for translation.
* @param string|array $textdomain Textdomain for the text, may be class name, filename, or something made up by you.
* If omitted, a debug backtrace will attempt to determine it automatically.
* @param string|bool|array $context Name of context - DO NOT USE with this function for translation as it will not be parsed for translation.
* Use only with the `_x()` function, which will be parsed.
* @return string|array Translated text or original text if translation not available. Returns array only if getting/setting options.
* @see _x(), _n()
* @link https://processwire.com/docs/multi-language-support/code-i18n/
function __($text, $textdomain = null, $context = '') {
static $options = array(
'entityEncode' => null, // true=always, false=never, 1=only if not already encoded, null=undefined (backwards compatible behavior)
'translations' => false, // fallback translations to use when live translation not available ['Original text' => 'Translated text']
'replacements' => false, // global replacements (no textdomain), becomes array once set
'_useLimit' => null, // internal use: use limit argument for debug_backtrace call
$textArray = false;
$encode = $options['entityEncode'];
$user = wire('user');
$language = $user ? $user->get('language') : null; /** @var Language $language */
if(!is_string($text)) {
// getting/setting options or translating with multiple phrases accepted
if(is_array($text)) {
// multiple translations accepted for text, with 1st being newest
$textArray = $text;
$text = reset($textArray);
} else if($text === true && $textdomain !== null) {
// setting (or getting) custom option
list($option, $values) = array($textdomain, $context);
if($option === 'replacements' || $option === 'translations') {
// setting or getting global 'replacements' or 'translations'
// if not given any values to set then return current value
if(!is_array($values)) return $options[$option] ? $options[$option] : array();
// merge with existing 'replacements' or 'translations'
$options[$option] = $options[$option] === false ? $values : array_merge($options[$option], $values);
// return current value
return $options[$option];
} else if(is_array($option)) {
// translations options implied by array in $option/$textdomain argument (support legacy behavior)
return __(true, 'translations', $option);
} else {
// set and get other options
if($option === 'encode') $option = 'entityEncode'; // supported alias
$currentValue = isset($options[$option]) ? $options[$option] : null; // existing value is returned even when setting
if($values !== '' && $values !== $currentValue) $options[$option] = $values;
return $currentValue;
} else if(is_object($text)) {
$text = (string) $text;
} else {
// unknown custom option
// check if global replacement should be used
if($options['replacements'] !== false && isset($options['replacements'][$text])) {
$value = $options['replacements'][$text];
// array for replacement means only apply to named context, ie. 'text' => [ 'replacement', 'context' ]
if(is_array($value)) $value = isset($value[1]) && $value[1] === $context ? $value[0] : $text;
// false for $language on the next line ensures the $text value is returned in next if() statement
if($value !== $text) list($text, $language) = array($value, false);
// if multi-language not installed or not available then just return given text
if(!$language || !wire('languages') || !$language->id) {
return $encode ? htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', $encode === true) : $text;
// if _useLimit option not yet defined, define it
if($options['_useLimit'] === null) {
$options['_useLimit'] = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0;
// do we need to determine the textdomain?
if($textdomain === null) {
// no specific textdomain provided, so determine automatically
if($options['_useLimit']) {
// PHP 5.4.0 or newer
$traces = @debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
} else if(defined('DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS')) {
// PHP 5.3.6 or newer
$traces = @debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
} else {
// older PHP (deprecated)
$traces = @debug_backtrace();
if(isset($traces[0]) && $traces[0]['file'] != __FILE__) {
$textdomain = $traces[0]['file'];
} else if(isset($traces[1]) && $traces[1]['file'] != __FILE__) {
$textdomain = $traces[1]['file'];
if(is_null($textdomain)) $textdomain = 'site';
} else if($textdomain === 'common') {
// common translation
$textdomain = 'wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageTranslator.php';
// are multiple translatable phrases available in $textArray?
if($textArray) {
// translations for multiple phrases accepted (current, previous, etc.)
$value = null;
foreach($textArray as $n => $t) {
$tr = $language->translator()->getTranslation($textdomain, $t, $context);
if(!$n && $language->isDefault()) {
$value = strlen($tr) ? $tr : $t;
break; // default language, do not use alternates
if($t === $tr || !strlen($tr)) continue; // if not translated, start over
$value = $tr;
if($value === null) $value = $text;
} else {
// get translation for single phrase $text
$value = $language->translator()->getTranslation($textdomain, $text, $context);
if($value === "=") {
// translator has indicated that translated value should be same as source value
$value = $text;
} else if($value === "+") {
// translator has indicated we should use common translation value if available
$v = $language->translator()->commonTranslation($text);
$value = empty($v) ? $text : $v;
} else {
// regular translation
// if translated value same as original check if alternate available in pre-defined translations
if($value === $text && $options['translations'] !== false && isset($options['translations']["$text"])) {
$value = $options['translations']["$text"];
// array for translation means only apply to named context, ie. 'old text' => [ 'new text', 'context' ]
if(is_array($value)) $value = isset($value[1]) && $value[1] === $context ? $value[0] : $text;
// force original behavior fallback if encode mode not set (i.e. encode when translation available)
if($encode === null) $encode = 1;
if($encode) $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', $encode === true);
return $value;
* Perform a language translation in a specific context
* Used when two or more text strings might be the same in default language, but different in other languages.
* This enables you to limit the context of the translation to a named context, like "button" or "headline" or
* whatever name you decide to use.
* ~~~~~
* echo _x('Click for more', 'button');
* echo _x('Click for more', 'text-link');
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-translation
* @param string $text Text for translation.
* @param string $context Name of context
* @param string $textdomain Textdomain for the text, may be class name, filename, or something made up by you.
* If omitted, a debug backtrace will attempt to determine automatically.
* @return string Translated text or original text if translation not available.
* @see __(), _n()
* @link https://processwire.com/docs/multi-language-support/code-i18n/
function _x($text, $context, $textdomain = null) {
return __($text, $textdomain, $context);
* Perform a language translation with singular and plural versions
* ~~~~~
* $items = array(...);
* $qty = count($items);
* echo _n('Found one item', 'Found multiple items', $qty);
* echo sprintf(_n('Found one item', 'Found %d items', $qty), $qty);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-translation
* @param string $textSingular Singular version of text (when there is 1 item)
* @param string $textPlural Plural version of text (when there are multiple items or 0 items)
* @param int $count Quantity of items, should be 0 or more.
* @param string $textdomain Textdomain for the text, may be class name, filename, or something made up by you.
* If omitted, a debug backtrace will attempt to determine automatically.
* @return string Translated text or original text if translation not available.
* @see __(), _x()
* @link https://processwire.com/docs/multi-language-support/code-i18n/
function _n($textSingular, $textPlural, $count, $textdomain = null) {
return $count == 1 ? __($textSingular, $textdomain) : __($textPlural, $textdomain);
* Set entity encoding state for language translation function calls
* The function affects behavior of future `__()`, `_x()` and `_n()` calls.
* The following can be used for the `$value` argument:
* - `true` (bool): Entity encoding ON
* - `false` (bool): Entity encoding OFF
* - `1` (int): Entity encode only if not already
* - `null` (null): Entity encoding undefined
* To get current entity encoding state, call this function with no arguments.
* #pw-group-translation
* @param bool|int|string|null $value
* @return bool|int|string|null
* @since 3.0.154 Versions 3.0.125 to 3.0.153 can use __(true, 'entityEncode', $value);
function wireLangEntityEncode($value = '') {
return __(true, 'encode', $value);
* Set predefined fallback translation values
* These predefined translations are used when an existing translation is
* not available, enabling you to provide translations programmatically.
* These translations will be used if the text is not translated in the
* admin. The translations are not specific to any textdomain and thus can
* serve as a fallback for any file. The array you provide should be
* associative, where the keys contain the text to translate, and the
* values contain the translation (see examples).
* The function affects behavior of future `__()`, `_x()` and `_n()` calls,
* and their objected-oriented equivalents.
* ~~~~~
* // Return 'Hola' when text is 'Hello' and 'Mundo' when text is 'World'
* if($user->language->name == 'es') {
* wireLangTranslations([
* 'Hello' => 'Hola',
* 'World' => 'Mundo'
* ]);
* }
* // Setting predefined translations with context
* wireLangTranslations([
* // would apply only to a _x('Search', 'nav'); call (context)
* 'Search' => [ 'Buscar', 'nav' ]
* ]);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-translation
* @param array $values
* @return array
* @since 3.0.154 Versions 3.0.125 to 3.0.153 can use __(true, array $values);
function wireLangTranslations(array $values = array()) {
return __(true, 'translations', $values);
* Set global translation replacement values
* This option enables you to replace text sent to translation calls
* like `__('text')` with your own replacement text. This is similar
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* to the `wireLangTranslations()` function except that it applies
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* regardless of whether or not a translation is available for the
* phrase. It overrides rather than serves as a fallback.
* This function works whether ProcessWire multi-language support is
* installed or not, so it can also be useful for selectively replacing
* phrases in core or modules.
* Note that this applies globally to all translations that match,
* regardless of language. As a result, you would typically surround
* this in an if() statement to make sure you are in the desired state
* before you apply the replacements.
* The function affects behavior of future `__()`, `_x()` and `_n()`
* calls, as well as their object-oriented equivalents.
* This function should ideally be called from a /site/init.php file
* (before PW has booted) to ensure that your replacements will be
* available to any translation calls. However, it can be called from
* anywhere you’d like, so long as it is before the translation calls
* that you are looking to replace.
* ~~~~~
* // The following example replaces the labels of all the Tabs in the
* // Page editor (and anywhere else labels used):
* wireLangReplacements([
* 'Content' => 'Data',
* 'Children' => 'Family',
* 'Settings' => 'Details',
* 'Delete' => 'Trash',
* 'View' => 'See',
* ]);
* // If you wanted to be sure the above replacements applied only
* // to the Page editor, then you would place it in /site/ready.php
* // or /site/templates/admin.php and surround with an if() statement:
* if($page->process == 'ProcessPageEdit') {
* wireLangReplacements([
* 'Content' => 'Data', // and so on
* ]);
* }
* // To make the replacement apply only for a specific _x() context, specify the
* // translated value in an array with text first and context second, like the
* // following example that replaces 'URL' with 'Path' when the context call
* // specifed 'relative-url' as context, i.e. _x('URL', 'relative-url');
* wireLangReplacements([
* 'URL' => [ 'Path', 'relative-url' ],
* ]);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-translation
* @param array $values
* @return array|string
* @since 3.0.154
function wireLangReplacements(array $values) {
return __(true, 'replacements', $values);