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2022-03-08 15:55:41 +01:00
<?php namespace ProcessWire;
* ProcessWire Pageimage
* #pw-summary Represents an image item attached to a page, typically via an Image Fieldtype.
* #pw-summary-variations A variation refers to an image that is based upon another (like a resized or cropped version for example).
* #pw-order-groups common,resize-and-crop,variations,other
* #pw-use-constructor
* #pw-body =
* Pageimage objects are usually contained by a `Pageimages` object, which is a type of `Pagefiles` and `WireArray`.
* In addition to the methods and properties below, you'll also want to look at `Pagefile` which this class inherits
* several important methods and properties from.
* ~~~~~
* // Example of outputting a thumbnail gallery of Pageimage objects
* foreach($page->images as $image) {
* // $image and $thumb are both Pageimage objects
* $thumb = $image->size(200, 200);
* echo "<a href='$image->url'>";
* echo "<img src='$thumb->url' alt='$image->description' />";
* echo "</a>";
* }
* ~~~~~
* #pw-body
* ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2020 by Ryan Cramer
* @property-read int $width Width of image, in pixels.
* @property-read int $height Height of image, in pixels.
* @property-read int $hidpiWidth HiDPI width of image, in pixels. #pw-internal
* @property-read int $hidpiHeight HiDPI heigh of image, in pixels. #pw-internal
* @property-read string $error Last image resizing error message, when applicable. #pw-group-resize-and-crop
* @property-read Pageimage $original Reference to original $image, if this is a resized version. #pw-group-variations
* @property-read array $focus Focus array contains 'top' (float), 'left' (float), 'zoom' (int), and 'default' (bool) properties.
* @property-read string $focusStr Readable string containing focus information.
* @property-read bool $hasFocus Does this image have custom focus settings? (i.e. $focus['default'] == true)
* @property-read array $suffix Array containing file suffix(es).
* @property-read string $suffixStr String of file suffix(es) separated by comma.
* @property-read string $alt Convenient alias for the 'description' property, unless overridden (since 3.0.125).
* @property-read string $src Convenient alias for the 'url' property, unless overridden (since 3.0.125).
* @property-read PagefileExtra $webp Access webp version of image (since 3.0.132)
* @property-read float $ratio Image ratio where 1.0 is square, >1 is wider than tall, >2 is twice as wide as well, <1 is taller than wide, etc. (since 3.0.154+)
* Properties inherited from Pagefile
* ==================================
* @property-read string $url URL to the file on the server.
* @property-read string $httpUrl URL to the file on the server including scheme and hostname.
* @property-read string $URL Same as $url property but with browser cache busting query string appended. #pw-group-other
* @property-read string $HTTPURL Same as the cache-busting uppercase “URL” property, but includes scheme and hostname. #pw-group-other
* @property-read string $filename Full disk path to the file on the server.
* @property-read string $name Returns the filename without the path, same as the "basename" property.
* @property-read string $hash Get a unique hash (for the page) representing this Pagefile.
* @property-read array $tagsArray Get file tags as an array. #pw-group-tags @since 3.0.17
* @property string $basename Returns the filename without the path.
* @property string $description Value of the files description field (string), if enabled. Note you can also set this property directly.
* @property string $tags Value of the files tags field (string), if enabled. #pw-group-tags
* @property string $ext Files extension (i.e. last 3 or so characters)
* @property-read int $filesize File size (number of bytes).
* @property int $modified Unix timestamp of when Pagefile (file, description or tags) was last modified. #pw-group-date-time
* @property-read string $modifiedStr Readable date/time string of when Pagefile was last modified. #pw-group-date-time
* @property-read int $mtime Unix timestamp of when file (only) was last modified. #pw-group-date-time
* @property-read string $mtimeStr Readable date/time string when file (only) was last modified. #pw-group-date-time
* @property int $created Unix timestamp of when file was created. #pw-group-date-time
* @property-read string $createdStr Readable date/time string of when Pagefile was created #pw-group-date-time
* @property string $filesizeStr File size as a formatted string, i.e. “123 Kb”.
* @property Pagefiles $pagefiles The Pagefiles WireArray that contains this file. #pw-group-other
* @property Page $page The Page object that this file is part of. #pw-group-other
* @property Field $field The Field object that this file is part of. #pw-group-other
* @property PageimageDebugInfo $debugInfo
* Hookable methods
* ================
* @method bool|array isVariation($basename, $options = array())
* @method Pageimage crop($x, $y, $width, $height, $options = array())
* @method array rebuildVariations($mode = 0, array $suffix = array(), array $options = array())
* @method install($filename)
* @method render($markup = '', $options = array())
* @method void createdVariation(Pageimage $image, array $data) Called after new image variation created (3.0.180+)
class Pageimage extends Pagefile {
* Reference to the collection of Pageimages that this Pageimage belongs to
* @var Pageimages
protected $pageimages;
* Reference to the original image this variation was created from
* Applicable only if this image is a variation (resized version). It will be null in all other instances.
* @var Pageimage
protected $original = null;
* Cached result of the variations() method
* Don't reference this directly, because it won't be loaded unless requested, instead use the variations() method
* @var PageimageVariations
private $variations = null;
* Cached result of the getImageInfo() method
* Don't reference this directly, because it won't be loaded unless requested, instead use the getImageInfo() method
* @var array
private $imageInfo = array(
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
* @var PageimageDebugInfo|null
private $pageimageDebugInfo = null;
* Last size error, if one occurred.
* @var string
protected $error = '';
* Last used Pageimage::size() $options argument
* @var array
protected $sizeOptions = array();
* Construct a new Pageimage
* ~~~~~
* // Construct a new Pageimage, assumes that $page->images is a FieldtypeImage Field
* $pageimage = new Pageimage($page->images, '/path/to/file.png');
* ~~~~~
* @param Pageimages|Pagefiles $pagefiles
* @param string $filename Full path and filename to this pagefile
* @throws WireException
public function __construct(Pagefiles $pagefiles, $filename) {
if(!$pagefiles instanceof Pageimages) throw new WireException("Pageimage::__construct requires instance of Pageimages");
$this->pageimages = $pagefiles;
parent::__construct($pagefiles, $filename);
* When a Pageimage is cloned, we reset it's width and height to force them to reload in the clone
* #pw-internal
public function __clone() {
$this->imageInfo['width'] = 0;
$this->imageInfo['height'] = 0;
$this->pageimageDebugInfo = null;
$this->variations = null;
* Return the web accessible URL to this image file
* #pw-hooks
* @return string
public function url() {
if($this->wire('hooks')->isHooked('Pagefile::url()') || $this->wire('hooks')->isHooked('Pageimage::url()')) {
return $this->__call('url', array());
} else {
return $this->___url();
* Returns the full disk path to the image file
* #pw-hooks
* @return string
public function filename() {
if($this->wire('hooks')->isHooked('Pagefile::filename()') || $this->wire('hooks')->isHooked('Pageimage::filename()')) {
return $this->__call('filename', array());
} else {
return $this->___filename();
* Returns array of suffixes for this file, or true/false if this file has the given suffix.
* When providing a suffix, this method can be thought of: hasSuffix(suffix)
* #pw-group-other
* @param string $s Optionally provide suffix to return true/false if file has the suffix
* @return array|bool Returns array of suffixes, or true|false if given a suffix in the arguments.
public function suffix($s = '') {
$info = $this->isVariation(parent::get('basename'));
if(strlen($s)) {
return $info ? in_array($s, $info['suffix']) : false;
} else {
return $info ? $info['suffix'] : array();
* Get or set focus area for crops to use
* These settings are used by $this->size() calls that specify BOTH width AND height. Focus helps to
* ensure that the important subject of the photo is not cropped out when the requested size proportion
* differs from the original image proportion. For example, not chopping off someones head in a photo.
* Default behavior is to return an array containing "top" and "left" indexes, representing percentages
* from top and left. When arguments are specified, you are either setting the top/left percentages, or
* unsetting focus, or getting focus in different ways, described in arguments below.
* A zoom argument/property is also present here for future use, but not currently supported.
* #pw-group-other
* @param null|float|int|array|false $top Omit to get focus array, or specify one of the following:
* - GET: Omit all arguments to get focus array (default behavior).
* - GET: Specify boolean TRUE to return TRUE if focus data is present or FALSE if not.
* - GET: Specify integer 1 to make this method return pixel dimensions rather than percentages.
* - SET: Specify both $top and $left arguments to set (values assumed to be percentages).
* - SET: Specify array containing "top" and "left" indexes to set (percentages).
* - SET: Specify array where index 0 is top and index 1 is left (percentages).
* - SET: Specify string in the format "top left", i.e. "25 70" or "top left zoom", i.e. "25 70 30" (percentages).
* - SET: Specify CSV key=value string in the format "top=25%, left=70%, zoom=30%" in any order
* - UNSET: Specify boolean false to remove any focus values.
* @param null|float|int $left Set left value (when $top value is float|int)
* - This argument is only used when setting focus and should be omitted otherwise.
* @param null|int $zoom Zoom percent (not currently supported)
* @return array|bool|Pageimage Returns one of the following:
* - When getting returns array containing top, left and default properties.
* - When TRUE was specified for the $top argument, it returns either TRUE (has focus) or FALSE (does not have).
* - When setting or unsetting returns $this.
public function focus($top = null, $left = null, $zoom = null) {
if(is_string($top) && $left === null) {
if(strpos($top, '=')) {
// SET string "top=25%, left=70%, zoom=0%"
$a = array('top' => 50, 'left' => 50, 'zoom' => 0);
$parts = explode(',', str_replace(array(' ', '%'), '', $top));
foreach($parts as $part) {
if(!strpos($part, '=')) continue;
list($name, $pct) = explode('=', $part);
$a[$name] = strpos($pct, '.') !== false ? (float) $pct : (int) $pct;
$top = $a; // for later setting by array
} else if(strpos($top, ' ')) {
// SET string like "25 70 0" (representing "top left zoom")
if(strpos($top, ' ') != strrpos($top, ' ')) {
// with zoom
list($top, $left, $zoom) = explode(' ', $top, 3);
} else {
// without zoom
list($top, $left) = explode(' ', $top, 2);
$zoom = 0;
if($top === null || $top === true || ($top === 1 && $left === null)) {
// GET
$focus = $this->filedata('focus');
if(!is_array($focus) || empty($focus)) {
// use default
if($top === true) return false;
$focus = array(
'top' => 50,
'left' => 50,
'zoom' => 0,
'default' => true,
'str' => '50 50 0',
} else {
// use custom
if($top === true) return true;
if(!isset($focus['zoom'])) $focus['zoom'] = 0;
$focus['default'] = false;
$focus['str'] = "$focus[top] $focus[left] $focus[zoom]";
if($top === 1) {
// return pixel dimensions rather than percentages
$centerX = ($focus['left'] / 100) * $this->width(); // i.e. (50 / 100) * 500 = 250;
$centerY = ($focus['top'] / 100) * $this->height();
$focus['left'] = $centerX;
$focus['top'] = $centerY;
return $focus;
} else if($top === false) {
$this->filedata(false, 'focus');
} else if($top !== null && $left !== null) {
// SET
if(is_array($top)) {
if(isset($top['left'])) {
$left = $top['left'];
$top = $top['top'];
$zoom = isset($top['zoom']) ? $top['zoom'] : 0;
} else {
$top = $top[0];
$left = $top[1];
$zoom = isset($top[2]) ? $top[2] : 0;
$top = (float) $top;
$left = (float) $left;
$zoom = (int) $zoom;
if(((int) $top) == 50 && ((int) $left) == 50 && ($zoom < 2)) {
// if matches defaults, then no reason to store in filedata
$this->filedata(false, 'focus');
} else {
$this->filedata('focus', array(
'top' => round($top, 1),
'left' => round($left, 1),
'zoom' => $zoom
return $this;
* Set property
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return Pageimage|WireData
public function set($key, $value) {
if($key === 'sizeOptions' && is_array($value)) {
$this->sizeOptions = $value;
return $this;
} else {
return parent::set($key, $value);
* Get a property from this Pageimage
* #pw-internal
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
public function get($key) {
switch($key) {
case 'width':
case 'height':
$value = $this->$key();
case 'hidpiWidth':
case 'retinaWidth':
$value = $this->hidpiWidth();
case 'hidpiHeight':
case 'retinaHeight':
$value = $this->hidpiHeight();
case 'original':
$value = $this->getOriginal();
case 'error':
$value = $this->error;
case 'focus':
$value = $this->focus();
case 'focusStr':
$focus = $this->focus();
$value = "top=$focus[top]%,left=$focus[left]%,zoom=$focus[zoom]%" . ($focus['default'] ? " (default)" : "");
case 'hasFocus':
$value = $this->focus(true);
case 'suffix':
$value = $this->suffix();
case 'suffixStr':
$value = implode(',', $this->suffix());
case 'alt':
$value = parent::get('alt');
if($value === null) $value = $this->description();
case 'src':
$value = parent::get('src');
if($value === null) $value = $this->url();
case 'webp':
$value = $this->webp();
case 'hasWebp':
$value = $this->webp()->exists();
case 'webpUrl':
$value = $this->webp()->url();
case 'webpFilename':
$value = $this->webp()->filename();
case 'debugInfo':
if(!$this->pageimageDebugInfo) $this->pageimageDebugInfo = new PageimageDebugInfo($this);
$value = $this->pageimageDebugInfo;
case 'sizeOptions':
$value = $this->sizeOptions;
case 'ratio':
$value = $this->ratio();
$value = parent::get($key);
return $value;
* Set image info (internal use)
* #pw-internal
* @param array $info
public function setImageInfo(array $info) {
// width and height less than 0 indicate percentage rather than pixels
if(isset($info['width']) && $info['width'] < 0) $info['width'] = abs($info['width']) . '%';
if(isset($info['height']) && $info['height'] < 0) $info['height'] = abs($info['height']) . '%';
$this->imageInfo = array_merge($this->imageInfo, $info);
* Gets the image information with PHPs getimagesize function and caches the result
* #pw-internal
* @param bool|string $reset Specify true to retrieve info fresh, or filename to check and return info for.
* When specifying a filename, the info is only returned (not populated with this object).
* @return array
public function getImageInfo($reset = false) {
$imageInfo = $this->imageInfo;
$filename = is_string($reset) && file_exists($reset) ? $reset : '';
if(!$reset && $imageInfo['width'] && !$filename) {
return $imageInfo;
if($this->ext == 'svg') {
$imageInfo = array_merge($imageInfo, $this->getImageInfoSVG($filename));
} else {
if($filename) {
$info = @getimagesize($filename);
} else {
$info = @getimagesize($this->filename);
if((!$info || empty($info[0])) && !empty($this->sizeOptions['_width'])) {
// on fail, fallback to size options that were requested for the image (if available)
$imageInfo['width'] = $this->sizeOptions['_width'];
$imageInfo['height'] = $this->sizeOptions['_height'];
} else if($info) {
$imageInfo['width'] = $info[0];
$imageInfo['height'] = $info[1];
if(!$filename) $this->imageInfo = $imageInfo;
return $imageInfo;
* Gets the image info/size of an SVG
* Returned width and height values may be integers OR percentage strings.
* #pw-internal
* @param string $filename Optional filename to check
* @return array of width and height
protected function getImageInfoSVG($filename = '') {
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
if(!$filename) $filename = $this->filename;
$xml = @file_get_contents($filename);
if($xml) {
$a = @simplexml_load_string($xml)->attributes();
if((int) $a->width > 0) $width = (int) $a->width;
if((int) $a->height > 0) $height = (int) $a->height;
if((!$width || !$height) && (extension_loaded('imagick') || class_exists('\IMagick'))) {
try {
$imagick = new \Imagick();
$width = $imagick->getImageWidth();
$height = $imagick->getImageHeight();
} catch(\Exception $e) {
// fallback to 100%
if($width < 1) $width = '100%';
if($height < 1) $height = '100%';
return array(
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height
* Return an image (Pageimage) sized/cropped to the specified dimensions.
* `$thumb = $image->size($width, $height, $options);`
* The default behavior of this method is to simply create and return a new resized version of the image,
* leaving the original in tact. Width and height of the target size are the the first two arguments.
* The third argument called `$options` enables you to modify the default behavior of the size() method
* in various ways. This method only creates the newly sized image once, and then it caches it. Future
* calls simply refer back to the previously resized image.
* ~~~~~
* // Get an image to resize
* $image = $page->images->first();
* // Create 400x300 thumbnail cropped to center
* $thumb = $image->size(400, 300);
* // Create thumbnail with cropping to top
* $thumb = $image->size(400, 300, 'north');
* // Create thumbnail while specifying $options
* $thumb = $image->size(400, 300, [
* 'cropping' => 'north',
* 'quality' => 60,
* 'upscaling' => false,
* 'sharpening' => 'medium'
* ]);
* // Output thumbnail
* echo "<img src='$thumb->url' />";
* // Create image of size predefined in $config->imageSizes (3.0.151+)
* $photo = $image->size('landscape');
* ~~~~~
* **About the $options argument**
* - If given a *string*, it is assumed to be the value for the "cropping" option.
* - If given an *integer*, it is assumed you are specifying a "quality" value (1-100).
* - If given a *boolean*, it is assumed you are specifying whether or not you want to allow "upscaling".
* - If given an *array*, you may specify any of the options below together:
* **All available $options**
* - `quality` (int): Quality setting 1-100 (default=90, or as specified in /site/config.php).
* - `upscaling` (bool): Allow image to be upscaled? (default=true).
* - `cropping` (string|bool|array): Cropping mode, see possible values in "cropping" section below (default=center).
* - `suffix` (string|array): Suffix word to identify the new image, or use array of words for multiple (default=none).
* - `forceNew` (bool): Force re-creation of the image even if it already exists? (default=false).
* - `sharpening` (string): Sharpening mode: "none", "soft", "medium", or "strong" (default=soft).
* - `autoRotation` (bool): Automatically correct rotation of images that provide this info? (default=true)
* - `rotate` (int): Rotate the image this many degrees, specify one of: 0, -270, -180, -90, 90, 180, or 270 (default=0).
* - `flip` (string): To flip, specify either "vertical" or "horizontal" (default=none).
* - `hidpi` (bool): Use HiDPI/retina pixel doubling? (default=false).
* - `hidpiQuality` (bool): Quality setting for HiDPI (default=40, typically lower than regular quality setting).
* - `cleanFilename` (bool): Clean filename of historical resize information for shorter filenames? (default=false).
* - `nameWidth` (int): Width to use for filename (default is to use specified $width argument).
* - `nameHeight` (int): Height to use for filename (default is to use specified $height argument).
* - `focus` (bool): Should resizes that result in crop use focus area if available? (default=true).
* In order for focus to be applicable, resize must include both width and height.
* - `allowOriginal` (bool): Return original if already at width/height? May not be combined with other options. (default=false)
* - `webpAdd` (bool): Also create a secondary .webp image variation? (default=false)
* - `webpQuality` (int): Quality setting for extra webp images (default=90).
* **Possible values for "cropping" option**
* - `true` (bool): Auto detect and allow use of focus (default).
* - `false` (bool): Disallow cropping.
* - `center` (string): to crop to center of image.
* - `x111y222` (string): to crop by pixels, 111px from left and 222px from top (replacing 111 and 222 with your values).
* - `north` (string): Crop North (top), may also be just "n".
* - `northwest` (string): Crop from Northwest (top left), may also be just "nw".
* - `northeast` (string): Crop from Northeast (top right), may also be just "ne".
* - `south` (string): Crop South (bottom), may also be just "s".
* - `southwest` (string): Crop Southwest (bottom left), may also be just "sw".
* - `southeast` (string): Crop Southeast (bottom right), may also be just "se".
* - `west` (string): Crop West (left), may also be just "w".
* - `east` (string): Crop East (right), may alos be just "e".
* - `blank` (string): Specify a blank string to disallow cropping during resize.
* - `array(111,222)` (array): Array of integers index 0 is left pixels and index 1 is top pixels.
* - `array('11%','22%')` (array): Array of '%' appended strings where index 0 is left percent and index 1 is top percent.
* **Note about "quality" and "upscaling" options**
* ProcessWire doesn't keep separate copies of images with different "quality" or "upscaling" values.
* If you change these and a variation image at the existing dimensions already exists, then you'll still get the old version.
* To clear out an old version of an image, use the `Pageimage::removeVariations()` method in this class before calling
* size() with new quality or upscaling settings.
* #pw-group-resize-and-crop
* #pw-group-common
* #pw-hooks
* @param int|string $width Target width of new image or (3.0.151+) specify prefined image size name
* @param int|array $height Target height of new image or (3.0.151+) options array if no height argument needed
* @param array|string|int $options Array of options to override default behavior:
* - Specify `array` of options as indicated in the section above.
* - Or you may specify type `string` containing "cropping" value.
* - Or you may specify type `int` containing "quality" value.
* - Or you may specify type `bool` containing "upscaling" value.
* @return Pageimage Returns a new Pageimage object that is a variation of the original.
* If the specified dimensions/options are the same as the original, then the original will be returned.
public function size($width, $height = 0, $options = array()) {
if(is_array($height)) {
$options = $height;
$height = 0;
if(!is_array($options)) {
$options = $this->sizeOptionsToArray($options);
if(is_string($width) && $width && !ctype_digit($width)) {
// named image size
return $this->sizeName($width, $options);
if($this->wire('hooks')->isHooked('Pageimage::size()')) {
$result = $this->__call('size', array($width, $height, $options));
} else {
$result = $this->___size($width, $height, $options);
if($result && $result !== $this) {
$options['_width'] = $width;
$options['_height'] = $height;
$result->set('sizeOptions', $options);
return $result;
* Hookable version of size() with implementation
* See comments for size() method above.
* #pw-internal
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @param array|string|int $options
* @return Pageimage
protected function ___size($width, $height, $options) {
$this->error = '';
if($this->ext == 'svg') return $this;
if(!is_array($options)) $options = $this->sizeOptionsToArray($options);
// originally requested options
$requestOptions = $options;
// default options
$defaultOptions = array(
'upscaling' => true,
'cropping' => true,
'interlace' => false,
'sharpening' => 'soft',
'quality' => 90,
'hidpiQuality' => 40,
'webpQuality' => 90,
'webpAdd' => false,
'webpName' => '', // use this for the webp file basename rather than mirroring from the jpg/png
'webpOnly' => false, // only keep the webp version (requires webpAdd option)
'suffix' => array(), // can be array of suffixes or string of 1 suffix
'forceNew' => false, // force it to create new image even if already exists
'hidpi' => false,
'cleanFilename' => false, // clean filename of historial resize information
'rotate' => 0,
'flip' => '',
'nameWidth' => null, // override width to use for filename, int when populated
'nameHeight' => null, // override height to use for filename, int when populated
'focus' => true, // allow single dimension resizes to use focus area?
'zoom' => null, // zoom override, used only if focus is applicable, int when populated
'allowOriginal' => false, // Return original image if already at requested dimensions? (must be only specified option)
/** @var WireFileTools $files */
/** @var Config $config */
$files = $this->wire('files');
$config = $this->wire('config');
$debug = $config->debug;
$configOptions = $config->imageSizerOptions;
$webpOptions = $config->webpOptions;
$createdVariationHookData = null; // populated as array only when new variation created (for createdVariation hook)
if(!empty($webpOptions['quality'])) $defaultOptions['webpQuality'] = $webpOptions['quality'];
if(!is_array($configOptions)) $configOptions = array();
$options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $configOptions, $options);
if($options['cropping'] === 1) $options['cropping'] = true;
$width = (int) $width;
$height = (int) $height;
if($options['allowOriginal'] && count($requestOptions) === 1) {
if((!$width || $this->width() == $width) && (!$height || $this->height() == $height)) {
// return original image if already at requested width/height
return $this;
if($options['cropping'] === true && empty($options['cropExtra']) && $options['focus'] && $this->hasFocus && $width && $height) {
// crop to focus area
$focus = $this->focus();
if(is_int($options['zoom'])) $focus['zoom'] = $options['zoom']; // override
$options['cropping'] = array("$focus[left]%", "$focus[top]%", "$focus[zoom]");
$crop = ''; // do not add suffix
} else if(is_string($options['cropping'])
&& strpos($options['cropping'], 'x') === 0
&& preg_match('/^x(\d+)[yx](\d+)/', $options['cropping'], $matches)) {
$options['cropping'] = true;
$options['cropExtra'] = array((int) $matches[1], (int) $matches[2], $width, $height);
$crop = '';
} else {
$crop = ImageSizer::croppingValueStr($options['cropping']);
if(!is_array($options['suffix'])) {
// convert to array
$options['suffix'] = empty($options['suffix']) ? array() : explode(' ', $options['suffix']);
if($options['rotate'] && !in_array(abs((int) $options['rotate']), array(90, 180, 270))) {
$options['rotate'] = 0;
if($options['rotate']) {
$options['suffix'][] = ($options['rotate'] > 0 ? "rot" : "tor") . abs($options['rotate']);
if($options['flip']) {
$options['suffix'][] = strtolower(substr($options['flip'], 0, 1)) == 'v' ? 'flipv' : 'fliph';
$suffixStr = '';
if(!empty($options['suffix'])) {
$suffix = $options['suffix'];
foreach($suffix as $key => $s) {
$s = strtolower($this->wire('sanitizer')->fieldName($s));
if(empty($s)) unset($suffix[$key]);
else $suffix[$key] = $s;
if(count($suffix)) $suffixStr = '-' . implode('-', $suffix);
if($options['hidpi']) {
$suffixStr .= '-hidpi';
if($options['hidpiQuality']) $options['quality'] = $options['hidpiQuality'];
$originalName = $this->basename();
// determine basename without extension, i.e. myfile
$basename = basename($originalName, "." . $this->ext());
$originalSize = $debug ? @filesize($this->filename) : 0;
if($options['cleanFilename'] && strpos($basename, '.') !== false) {
$basename = substr($basename, 0, strpos($basename, '.'));
// filename uses requested width/height unless another specified via nameWidth or nameHeight options
$nameWidth = is_int($options['nameWidth']) ? $options['nameWidth'] : $width;
$nameHeight = is_int($options['nameHeight']) ? $options['nameHeight'] : $height;
// i.e. myfile.100x100.jpg or myfile.100x100nw-suffix1-suffix2.jpg
$basenameNoExt = $basename . '.' . $nameWidth . 'x' . $nameHeight . $crop . $suffixStr; // basename without ext
$basename = $basenameNoExt . '.' . $this->ext(); // basename with ext
$filenameUnvalidated = '';
$filenameUnvalidatedWebp = '';
$filenameFinal = $this->pagefiles->path() . $basename;
$filenameFinalExists = file_exists($filenameFinal);
if(!empty($options['webpName'])) {
$filenameFinalWebp = $this->pagefiles->path() . basename($options['webpName'], '.webp') . '.webp';
} else if(!empty($webpOptions['useSrcExt'])) {
$filenameFinalWebp = $this->pagefiles->path() . $basename . '.webp'; // file.jpg.webp
} else {
$filenameFinalWebp = $this->pagefiles->path() . $basenameNoExt . '.webp'; // file.webp
// force new creation if requested webp copy doesn't exist, (regardless if regular variation exists or not)
if($options['webpAdd'] && !file_exists($filenameFinalWebp)) $options['forceNew'] = true;
// create a new resize if it doesn't already exist or forceNew option is set
if(!$filenameFinalExists && !file_exists($this->filename())) {
// no original file exists to create variation from
$this->error = "Original image does not exist to create size variation: " . $this->url();
} else if(!$filenameFinalExists || $options['forceNew']) {
// filenameUnvalidated is temporary filename used for resize
$tempDir = $this->pagefiles->page->filesManager()->getTempPath();
$filenameUnvalidated = $tempDir . $basename;
$filenameUnvalidatedWebp = $tempDir . $basenameNoExt . '.webp';
if($filenameFinalExists && $options['forceNew']) $files->unlink($filenameFinal, true);
if(file_exists($filenameFinalWebp) && $options['forceNew']) $files->unlink($filenameFinalWebp, true);
if(file_exists($filenameUnvalidated)) $files->unlink($filenameUnvalidated, true);
if(file_exists($filenameUnvalidatedWebp)) $files->unlink($filenameUnvalidatedWebp, true);
if(@copy($this->filename(), $filenameUnvalidated)) {
try {
$timer = $debug ? Debug::timer() : null;
/** @var ImageSizer $sizer */
$sizer = $this->wire(new ImageSizer($filenameUnvalidated, $options));
/** @var ImageSizerEngine $engine */
$engine = $sizer->getEngine();
/* if the current engine installation does not support webp, modify the options param */
if(!empty($options['webpAdd']) && !$engine->supported('webp')) {
// no engines support webp
$options['webpAdd'] = false;
$options['webpOnly'] = false;
// allow for ImageSizerEngine module settings for quality and sharpening to override system defaults
// when they are not specified as an option to this resize() method
$engineConfigData = $engine->getConfigData();
if(!empty($engineConfigData)) {
if(!empty($engineConfigData['quality']) && empty($options['hidpi']) && empty($requestOptions['quality'])) {
$options['quality'] = $engineConfigData['quality'];
if(!empty($engineConfigData['sharpening']) && empty($requestOptions['sharpening'])) {
$options['sharpening'] = $engineConfigData['sharpening'];
if($sizer->resize($width, $height)) {
if($options['webpAdd'] && $options['webpOnly']) {
if(is_file($filenameUnvalidated)) $files->unlink($filenameUnvalidated);
} else {
if(!$files->rename($filenameUnvalidated, $filenameFinal)) {
if($files->exists($filenameFinal)) {
// potential race condition: another request won
} else {
$this->error = "Rename failed: $filenameUnvalidated => $filenameFinal";
if($options['webpAdd'] && file_exists($filenameUnvalidatedWebp)) {
$files->rename($filenameUnvalidatedWebp, $filenameFinalWebp);
} else {
$this->error = "ImageSizer::resize($width, $height) failed for $filenameUnvalidated";
if($debug && empty($options['webpOnly'])) $this->wire('log')->save('image-sizer',
str_replace('ImageSizerEngine', '', $sizer->getEngine()) . ' ' .
($this->error ? "FAILED Resize: " : "Resized: ") . "$originalName => " . basename($filenameFinal) . " " .
"({$width}x{$height}) " . Debug::timer($timer) . " secs $originalSize => " . filesize($filenameFinal) . " bytes " .
"(quality=$options[quality], sharpening=$options[sharpening]) "
if(!$this->error) {
$createdVariationHookData = array(
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'options' => $options,
'filenameUnvalidated' => $filenameUnvalidated,
'filenameFinal' => $filenameFinal,
'filenameUnvalidatedWebp' => $filenameUnvalidatedWebp,
'filenameFinalWebp' => $filenameFinalWebp,
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->trackException($e, false);
$this->error = $e->getMessage();
} else {
$this->error = "Unable to copy $this->filename => $filenameUnvalidated";
$pageimage = clone $this;
// if desired, user can check for property of $pageimage->error to see if an error occurred.
// if an error occurred, that error property will be populated with details
if($this->error) {
// error condition: unlink copied files
if($filenameFinal && $files->exists($filenameFinal)) $files->unlink($filenameFinal, true);
if($filenameUnvalidated && $files->exists($filenameUnvalidated)) $files->unlink($filenameUnvalidated);
if($filenameFinalWebp && $files->exists($filenameFinalWebp)) $files->unlink($filenameFinalWebp, true);
if($filenameUnvalidatedWebp && $files->exists($filenameUnvalidatedWebp)) $files->unlink($filenameUnvalidatedWebp);
// we also tell PW about it for logging and/or admin purposes
$logError = str_replace($config->paths->root, $config->urls->root, $filenameFinal) . " - $this->error";
$this->wire('log')->save('image-sizer', $logError);
if($createdVariationHookData) $this->createdVariation($pageimage, $createdVariationHookData);
return $pageimage;
protected function sizeOptionsToArray($options) {
if(is_array($options)) return $options;
if(is_string($options)) {
// optionally allow a string to be specified with crop direction, for shorter syntax
if(strpos($options, ',') !== false) $options = explode(',', $options); // 30,40
$options = array('cropping' => $options);
} else if(is_int($options)) {
// optionally allow an integer to be specified with quality, for shorter syntax
$options = array('quality' => $options);
} else if(is_bool($options)) {
// optionally allow a boolean to be specified with upscaling toggle on/off
$options = array('upscaling' => $options);
} else {
// unknown options type
$options = array();
return $options;
* Same as size() but with width/height assumed to be hidpi width/height
* #pw-internal
* @param int|string $width
* @param int|array $height
* @param array $options See options in size() method.
* @return Pageimage
public function hidpiSize($width, $height = 0, $options = array()) {
if(is_array($height)) {
$height['hidpi'] = true;
} else {
$options['hidpi'] = true;
return $this->size($width, $height, $options);
* Return image of size indicated by predefined setting
* Settings for predefined sizes can be specified in `$config->imageSizes` array.
* Each named item in this array must contain at least 'width' and 'height, but can also
* contain any other option from the `Pageimage::size()` argument `$options`.
* @param string $name Image size name
* @param array $options Optionally add or override options defined for size.
* @return Pageimage
* @since 3.0.151
* @throws WireException If given a $name that is not present in $config->imageSizes
public function sizeName($name, array $options = array()) {
$sizes = $this->wire('config')->imageSizes;
if(!isset($sizes[$name])) throw new WireException("Unknown image size '$name' (not in \$config->imageSizes)");
$size = $sizes[$name];
$options = array_merge($size, $options);
unset($options['width'], $options['height']);
if(!isset($size['width'])) $size['width'] = 0;
if(!isset($size['height'])) $size['height'] = 0;
return $this->size((int) $size['width'], (int) $size['height'], $options);
* Create a crop and return it as a new Pageimage.
* ~~~~~
* // Create a crop starting 100 pixels from left, 200 pixels from top
* // at 150 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall
* $image = $page->images->first();
* $crop = $image->crop(100, 200, 150, 100);
* // Output the crop
* echo "<img src='$crop->url' />";
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-resize-and-crop
* @param int $x Starting X position (left) in pixels
* @param int $y Starting Y position (top) in pixels
* @param int $width Width of crop in pixels
* @param int $height Height of crop in pixels
* @param array $options See options array for `Pageimage::size()` method.
* Avoid setting crop properties in $options since we are overriding them.
* @return Pageimage
public function ___crop($x, $y, $width, $height, $options = array()) {
$x = (int) $x;
$y = (int) $y;
$width = (int) $width;
$height = (int) $height;
if(empty($options['suffix'])) {
$options['suffix'] = array();
} else if(!is_array($options['suffix'])) {
$options['suffix'] = array($options['suffix']);
$options['suffix'][] = "cropx{$x}y{$y}";
$options['cropExtra'] = array($x, $y, $width, $height);
$options['cleanFilename'] = true;
return $this->size($width, $height, $options);
* Return the width of this image OR return an image sized with a given width (and proportional height).
* - If given a width, it'll return a new Pageimage object sized to that width.
* - If not given a width, it'll return the current width of this Pageimage.
* #pw-group-resize-and-crop
* #pw-group-common
* ~~~~~
* // Get width of image
* $px = $image->width();
* // Create a new variation at 200px width
* $thumb = $image->width(200);
* ~~~~~
* @param int $n Optional width if you are creating a new size.
* @param array|string|int|bool $options See `Pageimage::size()` $options argument for details.
* @return int|Pageimage Returns width (in px) when given no arguments, or Pageimage when given a width argument.
public function width($n = 0, $options = array()) {
if($n) return $this->size($n, 0, $options);
$info = $this->getImageInfo();
return $info['width'];
* Return the height of this image OR return an image sized with a given height (and proportional width).
* - If given a height, it'll return a new Pageimage object sized to that height.
* - If not given a height, it'll return the height of this Pageimage.
* #pw-group-resize-and-crop
* #pw-group-common
* ~~~~~
* // Get height of image
* $px = $image->height();
* // Create a new variation at 200px height
* $thumb = $image->height(200);
* ~~~~~
* @param int $n Optional height if you are creating a new size.
* @param array|string|int|bool $options See `Pageimage::size()` $options argument for details.
* @return int|Pageimage Returns height (in px) when given no arguments, or Pageimage when given a height argument.
public function height($n = 0, $options = array()) {
if($n) return $this->size(0, $n, $options);
$info = $this->getImageInfo();
return $info['height'];
* Return width for hidpi/retina use, or resize an image for desired hidpi width
* If the $width argument is omitted or provided as a float, hidpi width (int) is returned (default scale=0.5)
* If $width is provided (int) then a new Pageimage is returned at that width x 2 (for hidpi use).
* #pw-internal
* @param int|float $width Specify int to return resized image for hidpi, or float (or omit) to return current width at hidpi.
* @param array $options Optional options for use when resizing, see size() method for details.
* Or you may specify an int as if you want to return a hidpi width and want to calculate with that width rather than current image width.
* @return int|Pageimage|string
public function hidpiWidth($width = 0, $options = array()) {
if(is_string($width)) {
if(ctype_digit("$width")) {
$width = (int) $width;
} else if($width === "100%") {
return $this;
} else if(ctype_digit(str_replace(".", "", $width))) {
$width = (float) $width;
if(is_float($width) || $width < 1) {
// return hidpi width intended: scale omitted or provided in $width argument
$scale = $width;
if(!$scale || $scale < 0 || $scale > 1) $scale = 0.5;
if(is_string($options) && $options === "100%") return $options;
$width = is_array($options) ? 0 : (int) $options;
if($width < 1) $width = $this->width();
if($width === "100%") return $width;
return ceil($width * $scale);
} else if($width && is_int($width) && $width > 0) {
// resize intended
if(!is_array($options)) $options = array();
return $this->hidpiSize((int) $width, 0, $options);
return 0; // not possible to reach, but pleases the inspection
* Return height for hidpi/retina use, or resize an image for desired hidpi height
* If the $height argument is omitted or provided as a float, hidpi height (int) is returned (default scale=0.5)
* If $height is provided (int) then a new Pageimage is returned at that height x 2 (for hidpi use).
* #pw-internal
* @param int|float $height Specify int to return resized image for hidpi, or float (or omit) to return current width at hidpi.
* @param array|int $options Optional options for use when resizing, see size() method for details.
* Or you may specify an int as if you want to return a hidpi height and want to calculate with that height rather than current image height.
* @return int|Pageimage
public function hidpiHeight($height = 0, $options = array()) {
if(is_float($height) || $height < 1) {
// return hidpi height intended: scale omitted or provided in $height argument
$scale = $height;
if(!$scale || $scale < 0 || $scale > 1) $scale = 0.5;
$height = is_array($options) ? 0 : (int) $options;
if($height < 1) $height = $this->height();
return ceil($height * $scale);
} else if($height) {
// resize intended
if(!is_array($options)) $options = array();
return $this->hidpiSize(0, (int) $height, $options);
return 0; // not possible to reach but pleases the inspection
* Return an image no larger than the given width.
* If source image is equal to or smaller than the requested dimension,
* then it will remain that way and the source image is returned (not a copy).
* If the source image is larger than the requested dimension, then a new copy
* will be returned at the requested dimension.
* #pw-group-resize-and-crop
* @param int $n Maximum width
* @param array $options See `Pageimage::size()` method for options
* @return Pageimage
public function maxWidth($n, array $options = array()) {
$options['upscaling'] = false;
if($this->width() > $n) return $this->width($n, $options);
return $this;
* Return an image no larger than the given height.
* If source image is equal to or smaller than the requested dimension,
* then it will remain that way and the source image is returned (not a copy).
* If the source image is larger than the requested dimension, then a new copy
* will be returned at the requested dimension.
* #pw-group-resize-and-crop
* @param int $n Maximum height
* @param array $options See `Pageimage::size()` method for options
* @return Pageimage
public function maxHeight($n, array $options = array()) {
$options['upscaling'] = false;
if($this->height() > $n) return $this->height($n, $options);
return $this;
* Return an image no larger than the given width and height
* #pw-group-resize-and-crop
* @param int $width Max allowed width
* @param int $height Max allowed height
* @param array $options See `Pageimage::size()` method for options, or these additional options:
* - `allowOriginal` (bool): Allow original image to be returned if already within max requested dimensions? (default=false)
* @return Pageimage
public function maxSize($width, $height, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'allowOriginal' => false,
'upscaling' => false,
'cropping' => false
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$adjustedWidth = $width < 1 || $this->width() <= $width ? 0 : $width;
$adjustedHeight = $height < 1 || $this->height() <= $height ? 0 : $height;
// if already within maxSize dimensions then do nothing
if(!$adjustedWidth && !$adjustedHeight) {
if($options['allowOriginal']) return $this; // image already within target
$adjustedWidth = $width;
$options['nameHeight'] = $height;
} else if(!$adjustedWidth) {
$options['nameWidth'] = $width;
} else if(!$adjustedHeight) {
$options['nameHeight'] = $height;
if($this->wire('config')->installed > 1513336849) {
// New installations from 2017-12-15 forward use an "ms" suffix for images from maxSize() method
$suffix = isset($options['suffix']) ? $options['suffix'] : array();
if(!is_array($suffix)) $suffix = array();
$suffix[] = 'ms';
$options['suffix'] = $suffix;
return $this->size($adjustedWidth, $adjustedHeight, $options);
* Get ratio of width divided by height
* @return float
* @since 3.0.154
public function ratio() {
$width = $this->width();
$height = $this->height();
if($width === $height) return 1.0;
$ratio = $width / $height;
$ratio = round($ratio, 2);
if($ratio > 99.99) $ratio = 99.99; // max allowed width>height ratio
if($ratio < 0.01) $ratio = 0.01; // min allowed height>width ratio
return $ratio;
* Get the PageimageVariations helper instancd
* #pw-internal
* @return PageimageVariations
public function variations() {
if($this->variations === null) $this->variations = new PageimageVariations($this);
return $this->variations;
* Get all size variations of this image
* This is useful after a delete of an image (for example). This method can be used to track down all the
* child files that also need to be deleted.
* #pw-group-variations
* @param array $options Optional, one or more options in an associative array of the following:
* - `info` (bool): when true, method returns variation info arrays rather than Pageimage objects (default=false).
* - `verbose` (bool|int): Return verbose array of info. If false, returns only filenames (default=true).
* This option does nothing unless the `info` option is true. Also note that if verbose is false, then all options
* following this one no longer apply (since it is no longer returning width/height info).
* When integer 1, returned info array also includes Pageimage variation options in 'pageimage' index of
* returned arrays (since 3.0.137).
* - `width` (int): only variations with given width will be returned
* - `height` (int): only variations with given height will be returned
* - `width>=` (int): only variations with width greater than or equal to given will be returned
* - `height>=` (int): only variations with height greater than or equal to given will be returned
* - `width<=` (int): only variations with width less than or equal to given will be returned
* - `height<=` (int): only variations with height less than or equal to given will be returned
* - `suffix` (string): only variations having the given suffix will be returned
* - `suffixes` (array): only variations having one of the given suffixes will be returned
* - `noSuffix` (string): exclude variations having this suffix
* - `noSuffixes` (array): exclude variations having any of these suffixes
* - `name` (string): only variations containing this text in filename will be returned (case insensitive)
* - `noName` (string): only variations NOT containing this text in filename will be returned (case insensitive)
* - `regexName` (string): only variations that match this PCRE regex will be returned
* @return Pageimages|array Returns Pageimages array of Pageimage instances.
* Only returns regular array if provided `$options['info']` is true.
public function getVariations(array $options = array()) {
return $this->variations()->find($options);
* Rebuilds variations of this image
* By default, this excludes crops and images with suffixes, but can be overridden with the `$mode` and `$suffix` arguments.
* **Options for $mode argument**
* - `0` (int): Rebuild only non-suffix, non-crop variations, and those w/suffix specified in $suffix argument. ($suffix is INCLUSION list)
* - `1` (int): Rebuild all non-suffix variations, and those w/suffix specifed in $suffix argument. ($suffix is INCLUSION list)
* - `2` (int): Rebuild all variations, except those with suffix specified in $suffix argument. ($suffix is EXCLUSION list)
* - `3` (int): Rebuild only variations specified in the $suffix argument. ($suffix is ONLY-INCLUSION list)
* - `4` (int): Rebuild only non-proportional, non-crop variations (variations that specify both width and height)
* Mode 0 is the only truly safe mode, as in any other mode there are possibilities that the resulting
* rebuild of the variation may not be exactly what was intended. The issues with other modes primarily
* arise when the suffix means something about the technical details of the produced image, or when
* rebuilding variations that include crops from an original image that has since changed dimensions or crops.
* #pw-group-variations
* @param int $mode See the options for $mode argument above (default=0).
* @param array $suffix Optional argument to specify suffixes to include or exclude (according to $mode).
* @param array $options See $options for `Pageimage::size()` for details.
* @return array Returns an associative array with with the following indexes:
* - `rebuilt` (array): Names of files that were rebuilt.
* - `skipped` (array): Names of files that were skipped.
* - `errors` (array): Names of files that had errors.
* - `reasons` (array): Reasons why files were skipped or had errors, associative array indexed by file name.
public function ___rebuildVariations($mode = 0, array $suffix = array(), array $options = array()) {
return $this->variations()->rebuild($mode, $suffix, $options);
* Given a file name (basename), return array of info if this is a variation for this instances file, or false if not.
* Returned array includes the following indexes:
* - `original` (string): Original basename
* - `url` (string): URL to image
* - `path` (string): Full path + filename to image
* - `width` (int): Specified width in filename
* - `height` (int): Specified height in filename
* - `actualWidth` (int): Actual width when checked manually
* - `actualHeight` (int): Acual height when checked manually
* - `crop` (string): Cropping info string or blank if none
* - `suffix` (array): Array of suffixes
* The following are only present if variation is based on another variation, and thus has a parent variation
* image between it and the original:
* - `suffixAll` (array): Contains all suffixes including among parent variations
* - `parent` (array): Variation info array of direct parent variation file
* #pw-group-variations
* @param string $basename Filename to check (basename, which excludes path)
* @param array|bool $options Array of options to modify behavior, or boolean to only specify `allowSelf` option.
* - `allowSelf` (bool): When true, it will return variation info even if same as current Pageimage. (default=false)
* - `verbose` (bool): Return verbose array of info? If false, just returns basename (string) or false. (default=true)
* @return bool|string|array Returns false if not a variation, or array (verbose) or string (non-verbose) of info if it is.
public function ___isVariation($basename, $options = array()) {
return $this->variations()->getInfo($basename, $options);
* Delete all the alternate sizes associated with this Pageimage
* #pw-group-variations
* @param array $options See options for getVariations() method to limit what variations are removed, plus these:
* - `dryRun` (bool): Do not remove now and instead only return the filenames of variations that would be deleted (default=false).
* - `getFiles` (bool): Return deleted filenames? Also assumed if the test option is used (default=false).
* @return $this|array Returns $this by default, or array of deleted filenames if the `getFiles` option is specified
public function removeVariations(array $options = array()) {
return $this->variations()->remove($options);
* Hook called after successful creation of image variation
* @param Pageimage $image The variation image that was created
* @param array $data Verbose associative array of data used to create the variation
* @since 3.0.180
protected function ___createdVariation(Pageimage $image, array $data) { }
* Identify this Pageimage as a variation, by setting the Pageimage it was resized from.
* #pw-group-variations
* @param Pageimage $image
* @return $this
public function setOriginal(Pageimage $image) {
$this->original = $image;
return $this;
* If this image is a variation, return the original, otherwise return null.
* #pw-group-variations
* @return Pageimage|null
public function getOriginal() {
if($this->original) return $this->original;
$info = $this->isVariation($this->basename(), true);
if($info === false) return null;
$this->original = $this->pagefiles->get($info['original']);
return $this->original;
* Delete the physical file(s) associated with this Pagefile
* #pw-internal Public API should use delete method from Pageimages
public function unlink() {
return $this;
* Copy this Pageimage and any of its variations to another path
* #pw-internal
* @param string $path
* @return bool True if successful
public function copyToPath($path) {
if(parent::copyToPath($path)) {
foreach($this->getVariations() as $variation) {
if(!is_file($variation->filename)) continue;
$this->wire('files')->copy($variation->filename, $path);
return true;
return false;
* Render markup for this image (optionally using a provided markup template string and/or image size options)
* Given template string can contain any of the placeholders, which will be replaced:
* - `{url}` or `{src}` Image URL (typically used for src attribute)
* - `{httpUrl}` File URL with scheme and hostname (alternate for src attribute)
* - `{URL}` Same as url but with cache busting query string
* - `{HTTPURL}` Same as httpUrl but with cache busting query string
* - `{description}` or `{alt}` Image description (typically used in alt attribute)
* - `{tags}` File tags (might be useful in class attribute)
* - `{width}` Width of image
* - `{height}` Height of image
* - `{hidpiWidth}` HiDPI width of image
* - `{hidpiHeight}` HiDPI height of image
* - `{ext}` File extension
* - `{}` Replace “name” with any of the properties above to refer to original image.
* If there is no original image then these just refer back to the current image.
* ~~~~~
* $image = $page->images->first();
* if($image) {
* // default output
* echo $image->render();
* // custom output
* echo $image->render("<img class='pw-image' src='{url}' alt='{alt}'>");
* // custom output with options
* echo $image->render("<img src='{url}' alt='{alt}'>", [ 'width' => 300 ]);
* // options can go in first argument if you prefer
* echo $image->render([ 'width' => 300, 'height' => 200 ]);
* // if only width/height are needed, they can also be specified as a string (1st or 2nd arg)
* echo $image->render('300x200');
* // custom output with link to original/full-size and square crop of 300x300 for thumbnail
* echo $image->render([
* 'markup' => "<a href='{original.url}'><img src='{url}' alt='{alt}'></a>",
* 'width' => 300,
* 'height' => 300
* ]);
* }
* ~~~~~
* @param string|array $markup Markup template string or optional $options array if you do not want the template string here.
* @param array|string $options Optionally resize image with these options sent to size() method:
* - `width` (int): Target width or 0 for current image size (or proportional if height specified).
* - `height` (int): Target height or 0 for current image size (or proportional if width specified).
* - `markup` (string): Markup template string (same as $markup argument), or omit for default (same as $markup argument).
* - `link` (bool): Link image to original size? Though you may prefer to do this with your own $markup (see examples). (default=false)
* - `alt` (string): Text to use for “alt” attribute (default=text from image description).
* - `class` (string): Text to use for “class” attribute, if `{class}` present in markup (default='').
* - Plus any option available to the $options argument on the `Pageimage::size()` method.
* - If you only need width and/or height, you can specify a width x height string, i.e. 123x456 (use 0 for proportional).
* @return string
* @see Pageimages::render()
* @since 3.0.126
public function ___render($markup = '', $options = array()) {
if(is_array($markup) || ($markup && strpos($markup, '}') === false)) {
$options = $markup;
$markup = isset($options['markup']) ? $options['markup'] : '';
if(empty($markup)) {
// provide default markup
if(empty($options['class'])) {
$markup = "<img src='{url}' alt='{alt}' />";
} else {
$markup = "<img src='{url}' alt='{alt}' class='{class}' />";
if(is_string($options)) {
if(ctype_digit(str_ireplace('x', '', $options))) {
if(stripos($options, 'x') === false) $options .= 'x0';
list($w, $h) = explode('x', strtolower($options));
$options = array('width' => (int) $w, 'height' => (int) $h);
} else {
$options = array();
/** @var Sanitizer $sanitizer */
$sanitizer = $this->wire('sanitizer');
$image = $this;
$original = null;
$replacements = array();
$properties = array(
'url', 'src', 'httpUrl', 'URL', 'HTTPURL',
'description', 'alt', 'tags', 'ext', 'class',
'width', 'height', 'hidpiWidth', 'hidpiHeight',
if(!empty($options['width']) || !empty($options['height'])) {
$w = isset($options['width']) ? (int) $options['width'] : 0;
$h = isset($options['height']) ? (int) $options['height'] : 0;
$original = $this;
$image = $this->size($w, $h, $options);
if(!empty($options['link']) && strpos($markup, '<a ') === false) {
$markup = "<a href='{original.url}'>$markup</a>";
foreach($properties as $property) {
$tag = '{' . $property . '}';
if(strpos($markup, $tag) === false) continue;
if(($property === 'alt' || $property === 'class') && isset($options[$property])) {
$value = $sanitizer->entities($options[$property]);
} else {
$value = $sanitizer->entities1($image->get($property));
$replacements[$tag] = $value;
if(strpos($markup, '{class}')) {
$class = isset($options['class']) ? $this->wire('sanitizer')->entities($options['class']) : 'pw-pageimage';
$replacements["{class}"] = $class;
if(strpos($markup, '{original.') !== false) {
if(!$original) $original = $image->getOriginal();
if(!$original) $original = $image;
foreach($properties as $property) {
$tag = '{original.' . $property . '}';
if(strpos($markup, $tag) === false) continue;
$value = $sanitizer->entities1($original->get($property));
$replacements[$tag] = $value;
return str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $markup);
* Install this Pagefile
* Implies copying the file to the correct location (if not already there), and populating it's name
* #pw-internal
* @param string $filename Full path and filename of file to install
* @throws WireException
protected function ___install($filename) {
if(!$this->width()) {
throw new WireException($this->_('Unable to install invalid image'));
* Get WebP "extra" version of this Pageimage
* @return PagefileExtra
* @since 3.0.132
public function webp() {
$webp = $this->extras('webp');
if(!$webp) {
$webp = new PagefileExtra($this, 'webp');
$this->extras('webp', $webp);
$webp->addHookAfter('create', $this, 'hookWebpCreate');
return $webp;
* Hook to PageimageExtra (.webp) create method
* #pw-internal
* @param HookEvent $event
public function hookWebpCreate(HookEvent $event) {
$original = $this->original;
/** @var PagefileExtra $webp */
$webp = $event->object;
if($original && isset($this->sizeOptions['_width'])) {
// we are in an image resized from an original
$options = $this->sizeOptions;
$width = $options['_width'];
$height = $options['_height'];
} else {
// we are the original
// create a file with same name as original but with .webp extension
$original = $this;
$options = array(
'allowOriginal' => false,
'webpName' => $webp->useSrcExt ? $this->basename() : basename($this->basename(), ".$this->ext"),
'webpOnly' => true
$width = $this->width;
$height = 0;
$options['webpAdd'] = true;
try {
$original->size($width, $height, $options);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$this->error = ($this->error ? "$this->error - " : "") . $e->getMessage();
$error = $this->error;
$event->return = empty($error);
* Get all extras, add an extra, or get an extra
* #pw-internal
* @param string $name
* @param PagefileExtra $value
* @return PagefileExtra[]
* @since 3.0.132
public function extras($name = null, PagefileExtra $value = null) {
if($name) return parent::extras($name, $value);
$extras = parent::extras();
$extras['webp'] = $this->webp();
return $extras;
* Rename this file
* Remember to follow this up with a `$page->save()` for the page that the file lives on.
* #pw-group-manipulation
* @param string $basename New name to use. Must be just the file basename (no path).
* @return string|bool Returns new name (basename) on success, or boolean false if rename failed.
public function rename($basename) {
$variations = $this->getVariations();
$oldBasename = $this->basename;
$newBasename = parent::rename($basename);
if($newBasename === false) return false;
$ext = '.' . $this->ext();
$oldName = basename($oldBasename, $ext);
$newName = basename($newBasename, $ext);
foreach($variations as $pageimage) {
/** @var Pageimage $pageimage */
if(strpos($pageimage->basename, $oldName) !== 0) continue;
$newVariationName = $newName . substr($pageimage->basename, strlen($oldName));
return $newBasename;
* Replace file with another
* Should be followed up with a save() to ensure related properties are also committed to DB.
* #pw-internal
* @param string $filename File to replace current one with
* @param bool $move Move given $filename rather than copy? (default=true)
* @return bool
* @throws WireException
* @since 3.0.154
public function replaceFile($filename, $move = true) {
if(!parent::replaceFile($filename, $move)) return false;
return true;
public function __isset($key) {
if($key === 'original') return $this->original !== null;
return parent::__isset($key);
* Basic debug info
* @return array
public function __debugInfo() {
return $this->debugInfo->getBasicDebugInfo();
* Verbose debug info (via @horst)
* Optionally with individual options array.
* @param array $options The individual options you also passes with your image variation creation
* @param string $returnType 'string'|'array'|'object', default is 'string' and returns markup or plain text
* @return array|object|string
* @since 3.0.132
public function getDebugInfo($options = array(), $returnType = 'string') {
return $this->debugInfo->getVerboseDebugInfo($options, $returnType);
* Get debug info from parent class
* #pw-internal
* @return array
* @since 3.0.132
public function _parentDebugInfo() {
return parent::__debugInfo();