items = $this->wire()->templates; } protected function getItem($name) { return $this->items->get($name); } protected function getNewItem() { $item = $this->wire(new Template()); return $item; } /** * Return export data for all given $exportTemplates * * @param array $exportTemplates template names * @return array * */ protected function getExportData(array $exportTemplates) { $data = array(); foreach($this->items as $template) { /** @var Template $template */ if(!in_array($template->name, $exportTemplates)) continue; $a = $template->getExportData(); $data[$template->name] = $a; } return $data; } /** * Execute export * * @return InputfieldForm * */ public function ___buildExport() { $modules = $this->wire()->modules; $input = $this->wire()->input; /** @var InputfieldForm $form */ $form = $modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $form->action = './'; $form->method = 'post'; $exportTemplates = $input->post('export_templates'); if(empty($exportTemplates)) { /** @var InputfieldSelectMultiple $f */ $f = $modules->get('InputfieldSelectMultiple'); $f->attr('id+name', 'export_templates'); $f->label = $this->_('Select the templates that you want to export'); $f->icon = 'copy'; $maxName = 0; $maxLabel = 0; $numTemplates = 0; foreach($this->items as $template) { /** @var Template $template */ if(strlen($template->name) > $maxName) $maxName = strlen($template->name); $label = $template->getLabel(); if(strlen($label) > $maxLabel) $maxLabel = strlen($label); $numTemplates++; } $templateName = $this->_('NAME') . ' '; $templateLabel = $this->_('LABEL') . ' '; $numFields = $this->_('FIELDS') . ' '; $modified = $this->_('MODIFIED'); $label = $templateName . ' ' . str_repeat('.', $maxName - strlen($templateName) + 10) . ' ' . $templateLabel . str_repeat('.', $maxLabel - strlen($templateLabel) + 10) . ' ' . str_pad($numFields, 13, '.') . ' ' . $modified; $f->addOption(0, $label, array('disabled' => 'disabled')); foreach($this->items as $template) { //if(!is_object($template->fieldgroup)) $this->error("Template: $template has no fieldgroup"); $templateName = $template->name . ' '; $templateLabel = $template->getLabel() . ' '; if($templateLabel == $templateName) $templateLabel = ''; $numFields = count($template->fieldgroup) . ' '; $modified = $template->modified ? wireRelativeTimeStr($template->modified) : ''; $label = $templateName . str_repeat('.', $maxName - strlen($templateName) + 10) . ' ' . $templateLabel . str_repeat('.', $maxLabel - strlen($templateLabel) + 10) . ' ' . str_pad($numFields, 13, '.') . ' ' . $modified; $f->addOption($template->name, $label); } $f->notes = $this->_('Shift+Click to select multiple in sequence. Ctrl+Click (or Cmd+Click) to select multiple individually. Ctrl+A (or Cmd+A) to select all.'); $f->attr('size', $numTemplates+1); $form->add($f); /** @var InputfieldSubmit $f */ $f = $modules->get('InputfieldSubmit'); $f->attr('name', 'submit_export'); $f->attr('value', $this->_x('Export', 'button')); $form->add($f); } else { /** @var InputfieldTextarea $f */ $f = $modules->get('InputfieldTextarea'); $f->attr('id+name', 'export_data'); $f->label = $this->_('Export Data'); $f->description = $this->_('Copy and paste this data into the "Import" box of another installation.'); $f->notes = $this->_('Click anywhere in the box to select all export data. Once selected, copy the data with CTRL-C or CMD-C.'); $f->attr('value', wireEncodeJSON($this->getExportData($exportTemplates), true, true)); $form->add($f); /** @var InputfieldButton $f */ $f = $modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $f->href = './'; $f->value = $this->_x('Ok', 'button'); $form->add($f); } return $form; } /** * Build Textarea input form to past JSON data into * * @return InputfieldForm * */ protected function ___buildInputDataForm() { $modules = $this->wire()->modules; /** @var InputfieldForm $form */ $form = $modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $form->action = './'; $form->method = 'post'; $form->attr('id', 'import_form'); /** @var InputfieldTextarea $f */ $f = $modules->get('InputfieldTextarea'); $f->attr('name', 'import_data'); $f->label = $this->_x('Import', 'input'); $f->icon = 'paste'; $f->description = $this->_('Paste in the data from an export.'); $f->description .= "\n**Experimental/beta feature: database backup recommended for safety.**"; $f->notes = $this->_('Copy the export data from another installation and then paste into the box above with CTRL-V or CMD-V.'); $form->add($f); /** @var InputfieldSubmit $f */ $f = $modules->get('InputfieldSubmit') ; $f->attr('name', 'submit_import'); $f->attr('value', $this->_('Preview')); $form->add($f); return $form; } /** * Execute import * * @return string * @throws WireException if given invalid import data * */ public function ___buildImport() { $modules = $this->wire()->modules; $session = $this->wire()->session; $notices = $this->wire()->notices; $input = $this->wire()->input; $sanitizer = $this->wire()->sanitizer; if($input->post('submit_commit')) { $this->processImport(); return ''; } $verify = (int) $input->get('verify'); if($verify) { $json = $session->get($this, 'importData'); } else { $json = $input->post('import_data'); } if(!$json) return $this->buildInputDataForm(); $data = is_array($json) ? $json : wireDecodeJSON($json); if(!$data) throw new WireException("Invalid import data"); /** @var InputfieldForm $form */ $form = $modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $form->action = './'; $form->method = 'post'; $form->attr('id', 'import_form'); /* $importDataHash1 = md5(print_r($data, true)); $importDataHash2 = $this->input->post('importDataHash'); if($importDataHash2 && $importDataHash1 != $importDataHash2) { throw new WireException("Data hashes did not match, aborting"); } $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldHidden'); $f->attr('name', 'importDataHash'); $f->attr('value', $importDataHash1); $form->add($f); */ $numChangesTotal = 0; $numErrors = 0; $numExistingTemplates = 0; $numNewTemplates = 0; if(!$verify) $notices->removeAll(); // iterate through data for each template foreach($data as $name => $templateData) { $postName = str_replace('-', '__', $name); unset($templateData['id']); $new = false; $name = $sanitizer->name($name); $template = $this->items->get($name); $numChangesTemplate = 0; /** @var InputfieldFieldset $fieldset */ $fieldset = $modules->get('InputfieldFieldset'); $fieldset->label = $name; $form->add($fieldset); if(!$template) { $new = true; /** @var Template $template */ $template = $this->wire(new Template()); $template->name = $name; $fieldset->icon = 'sun-o'; $fieldset->label .= " [" . $this->_('new') . "]"; } else { $fieldset->icon = 'moon-o'; } /** @var InputfieldMarkup $markup */ $markup = $modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $markup->addClass('InputfieldCheckboxes'); $markup->value = ""; $fieldset->add($markup); $savedTemplateData = $template->getExportData(); try { $changes = $template->setImportData($templateData); $template->setImportData($savedTemplateData); // restore } catch(\Exception $e) { $changes = array(); $this->error($e->getMessage()); } /** @var InputfieldCheckboxes $f */ $f = $modules->get('InputfieldCheckboxes'); $f->attr('name', "item_$postName"); $f->label = $this->_('Changes'); $f->table = true; $f->thead = $this->_('Property') . '|'; if(!$new) $f->thead .= $this->_('Old Value') . '|'; $f->thead .= $this->_('New Value'); foreach($changes as $property => $info) { if($property === '_lazy' || $property === '_exportMode') continue; $oldValue = str_replace('|', ' ', $info['old']); $newValue = str_replace('|', ' ', $info['new']); $numChangesTemplate++; $numChangesTotal++; if($info['error']) { $errors = is_array($info['error']) ? $info['error'] : array($info['error']); foreach($errors as $error) $this->error("$name.$property: $error"); $attr = array(); } else { $attr = array('checked' => 'checked'); } if($new) $optionValue = " $property|$newValue"; else $optionValue = " $property|$oldValue|$newValue"; $f->addOption($property, $optionValue, $attr); } $errors = array(); foreach($notices as $notice) { if(!$notice instanceof NoticeError) continue; $errors[] = $sanitizer->entities1($notice->text); $notices->remove($notice); } if(count($errors)) { $icon = wireIconMarkup('exclamation-triangle'); $markup->value .= "'; $fieldset->label .= ' (' . sprintf($this->_n('%d notice', '%d notices', count($errors)), count($errors)) . ')'; $numErrors++; } //if(!$verify) $notices->removeAll(); if($numChangesTemplate) { $fieldset->description = sprintf( $this->_n('Found %d property to apply.', 'Found %d properties to apply.', $numChangesTemplate), $numChangesTemplate ); if($new) { $numNewTemplates++; } else { $numExistingTemplates++; } } else { $fieldset->description = $this->_('No changes pending.'); } if(count($errors) || !$numChangesTemplate) { $no = ' checked'; $yes = ''; } else { $yes = ' checked'; $no = ''; } $importLabel = $this->_('Modify this template?'); if($new) $importLabel = $this->_('Create this template?'); $markup->value .= "

$importLabel " . "" . "" . ($no && $numChangesTemplate ? "(" . $this->_('click yes to show changes') . ")" : "") . "

"; $markup->value .= $f->render(); // $data[$name] = $templateData; $this->errors('clear all'); } if($numChangesTotal) { if($verify) { $form->description = $this->_('Sometimes it may take two commits before all changes are applied. Please review any pending changes below and commit them as needed.'); } else { $form->description = $this->_('Please review the changes below and commit them when ready. If there are any changes that you do not want applied, uncheck the boxes where appropriate.'); } /** @var InputfieldSubmit $f */ $f = $modules->get('InputfieldSubmit'); $f->attr('name', 'submit_commit'); $f->attr('value', $this->_('Commit Changes')); $f->showInHeader(); $form->add($f); } else { if($verify) { $form->description = $this->_('Your changes have been applied!'); } else { $form->description = $this->_('No changes were found'); } /** @var InputfieldButton $f */ $f = $modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $f->href = './'; $f->value = $this->_x('Ok', 'button'); $form->add($f); } $session->set($this, 'importData', $data); if($numErrors) { $this->error(sprintf( $this->_n('Notices in %d template', 'Notices in %d templates', $numErrors), $numErrors )); } if($numNewTemplates) { $this->message(sprintf( $this->_n('Found %d new template to add', 'Found %d new templates to add', $numNewTemplates), $numNewTemplates )); } if($numExistingTemplates) { $this->message(sprintf( $this->_n('Found %d existing template to update', 'Found %d existing templates to update', $numExistingTemplates), $numExistingTemplates )); } return $form; } /** * Commit changed field data * */ protected function ___processImport() { $sanitizer = $this->wire()->sanitizer; $session = $this->wire()->session; $input = $this->wire()->input; $data = $session->get($this, 'importData'); if(!$data) throw new WireException("Invalid import data"); $numChangedItems = 0; $numAddedItems = 0; $skipNames = array(); // iterate through data for each field foreach($data as $name => $itemData) { $name = $sanitizer->name($name); $postName = str_replace('-', '__', $name); if(!$input->post("import_item_$postName")) { $skipNames[] = $name; unset($data[$name]); continue; } $item = $this->getItem($name); if(!$item) { $new = true; $item = $this->getNewItem(); $item->name = $name; } else { $new = false; } unset($itemData['id']); foreach($itemData as $property => $value) { if(!in_array($property, $input->post("item_$postName"))) { unset($itemData[$property]); } } try { $changes = $item->setImportData($itemData); foreach($changes as $key => $info) { $this->message($this->_('Saved:') . " $name.$key => $info[new]"); } $this->saveItem($item, $changes); if($new) { $numAddedItems++; $this->message($this->_('Added:') . " $name"); } else { $numChangedItems++; $this->message($this->_('Modified:') . " $name"); } } catch(\Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } $data[$name] = $itemData; } $session->set($this, 'skipNames', $skipNames); $session->set($this, 'importData', $data); $numSkippedItems = count($skipNames); if($numAddedItems) $this->message(sprintf($this->_n('Added %d item', 'Added %d items', $numAddedItems), $numAddedItems)); if($numChangedItems) $this->message(sprintf($this->_n('Modified %d item', 'Modified %d items', $numChangedItems), $numChangedItems)); if($numSkippedItems) $this->message(sprintf($this->_n('Skipped %d item', 'Skipped %d items', $numSkippedItems), $numSkippedItems)); $session->redirect("./?verify=1"); } /** * @param Template $item * @param array $changes * */ public function saveItem($item, array $changes) { /** @var Fieldgroup $fieldgroup */ $fieldgroup = $item->fieldgroup; if(!$fieldgroup) { $fieldgroup = new Fieldgroup(); $fieldgroup->name = $item->name; } $fieldgroup->save(); $fieldgroup->saveContext(); $item->setFieldgroup($fieldgroup); $item->save(); } }