$(document).ready(function() { var fieldFilterFormChange = function() { $("#field_filter_form").trigger('submit'); }; $("#templates_id").on('change', fieldFilterFormChange); $("#fieldtype").on('change', fieldFilterFormChange); $("#wrap_show_system input").on('click', fieldFilterFormChange); var $asmListItemStatus = $("#asmListItemStatus"); // setup the primary column width slider var $columnWidth = $("#columnWidth"); function setAsmListItemStatus() { var tpl = $asmListItemStatus.attr('data-tpl'); if(!tpl) return; var showIf = $("#Inputfield_showIf").val(); var required = $("#Inputfield_required").is(":checked") ? true : false; if(showIf && showIf.length > 0) tpl = "" + tpl; if(required) tpl = "" + tpl; var w = parseInt($columnWidth.val()); if(w == 100) w = 0; if(w > 0) w = w + '%'; else w = ''; tpl = tpl.replace('%', w); $asmListItemStatus.val(tpl); } $("#Inputfield_showIf").on('change', setAsmListItemStatus); $("#Inputfield_required").on('change', setAsmListItemStatus); setAsmListItemStatus(); $('.columnWidthInput').each(function() { var $columnWidth = $(this); var $slider = $("
"); var columnWidthVal = parseInt($columnWidth.val()); $columnWidth.val(columnWidthVal + '%'); $columnWidth.after($slider); $slider.slider({ range: 'min', min: 10, max: 100, value: parseInt($columnWidth.val()), slide: function(e, ui) { var val = ui.value + '%'; $columnWidth.val(val).trigger('change'); if($columnWidth.prop('id') === 'columnWidth') setAsmListItemStatus(); } }); // enables columnWidth to be populated in ProcessTemplate's asmSelect status field // $columnWidth.addClass('asmListItemStatus'); // $("#asmListItemStatus").val($columnWidth.val()); // update the slider if the columnWidth field is changed manually $columnWidth.on('change', function() { var val = parseInt($(this).val()); if(val > 100) val = 100; if(val < 10) val = 10; $(this).val(val + '%'); $slider.slider('option', 'value', val); }); }); // instantiate the WireTabs var $fieldEdit = $("#ProcessFieldEdit"); if($fieldEdit.length > 0 && $('li.WireTab').length > 1) { $fieldEdit.find('script').remove(); $fieldEdit.WireTabs({ items: $(".Inputfields li.WireTab"), id: 'FieldEditTabs', skipRememberTabIDs: ['delete'] }); } // change fieldgroup context $("#fieldgroupContextSelect").on('change', function() { var field_id = $("#Inputfield_id").val(); var fieldgroup_id = $(this).val(); var href = './edit?id=' + field_id; if(fieldgroup_id > 0) href += '&fieldgroup_id=' + fieldgroup_id; window.location = href; }); $("a.fieldFlag").on('click', function() { if($(this).attr('href') === '#') return false; }); $("#export_data").on('click', function() { $(this).trigger('select'); }); // export and import functions $(".import_toggle input[type=radio]").on('change', function() { var $table = $(this).parents('p.import_toggle').next('table'); var $fieldset = $(this).closest('.InputfieldFieldset'); if($(this).is(":checked") && $(this).val() == 0) { $table.hide(); $fieldset.addClass('ui-priority-secondary'); } else { $table.show(); $fieldset.removeClass('ui-priority-secondary'); } }).trigger('change'); // allow processInput to ignore this field when applicable $("#wrap_Inputfield_send_templates").find(":input").on('change', function() { $("#_send_templates_changed").val('changed'); }); // setup access control tab $("#viewRoles_37").on('click', function() { // if guest has view, then all have view // if($(this).is(":checked")) $("input.viewRoles").attr('checked', 'checked'); // JQM if($(this).is(":checked")) $("input.viewRoles").prop('checked', true); }); $("input.viewRoles:not(#viewRoles_37)").on('click', function() { // prevent unchecking 'view' for other roles when 'guest' role is checked if($("#viewRoles_37").is(":checked")) return false; return true; }); $("input.editRoles:not(:disabled)").on('click', function() { if($(this).is(":checked")) { // if editable is checked, then viewable must also be checked // $(this).closest('tr').find("input.viewRoles").attr('checked', 'checked'); // JQM $(this).closest('tr').find("input.viewRoles").prop('checked', true); } }); // select-all link for overrides tab $(".override-select-all").on('click', function() { var $checkboxes = $(this).closest('table').find("input[type=checkbox]"); if($(this).hasClass('override-checked')) { // $checkboxes.removeAttr('checked'); // JQM $checkboxes.prop('checked', false); $(this).removeClass('override-checked'); } else { // $checkboxes.attr('checked', 'checked'); // JQM $checkboxes.prop('checked', true); $(this).addClass('override-checked'); } return false; }); // update overrides table if anything was changed in a modal $(document).on('pw-modal-closed', 'a', function(e, ui) { if(!$('#tab-overrides').is(':visible')) return; Inputfields.reload('#Inputfield_overrides_table'); }); });