prefix = 'Process'; $this->processMethodName = ''; // blank indicates default/index method } /** * Set the Process to execute. * * @param Process $process * */ public function setProcess(Process $process) { $this->process = $process; } /** * Set the name of the Process to execute. * * No need to call this unless you want to override the one auto-determined from the URL. * * If overridden, then make sure the name includes the prefix, and don't bother calling the setPrefix() method. * * @param string $processName * */ public function setProcessName($processName) { $processName = (string) $processName; if(!ctype_alnum($processName)) { $processName = $this->wire()->sanitizer->className($processName); } $this->processName = $processName; } /** * Set the name of the method to execute in the Process * * It is only necessary to call this if you want to override the default behavior. * The default behavior is to execute a method called "execute()" OR "executeSegment()" where "Segment" is * the last URL segment in the request URL. * * @param string $processMethod * */ public function setProcessMethodName($processMethod) { $processMethod = (string) $processMethod; if(!ctype_alnum($processMethod)) { $processMethod = $this->wire()->sanitizer->name($processMethod); } $this->processMethodName = $processMethod; } /** * Set the class name prefix used by all related Processes * * This is prepended to the class name determined from the URL. * For example, if the URL indicates a process name is "PageEdit", then we would need a prefix of "Admin" * to fully resolve the class name. * * @param string $prefix * */ public function setPrefix($prefix) { $prefix = (string) $prefix; if(!ctype_alpha($prefix)) $prefix = $this->wire()->sanitizer->name($prefix); $this->prefix = $prefix; } /** * Determine and return the Process to execute * * @return Process * */ public function getProcess() { $modules = $this->wire()->modules; if($this->process) { $processName = $this->process->className(); } else if($this->processName) { $processName = $this->processName; } else { return null; } // verify that there is adequate permission to execute the Process $permissionName = ''; $info = $modules->getModuleInfoVerbose($processName); $this->processInfo = $info; if(!empty($info['permission'])) $permissionName = $info['permission']; $this->hasPermission($permissionName, true); // throws exception if no permission if(!$this->process) { $module = $modules->getModule($processName, array('returnError' => true)); if(is_string($module)) { $this->processError = $module; $this->process = null; } else { $this->process = $module; } } // set a process fuel, primarily so that certain Processes can determine if they are the root Process // example: PageList when in PageEdit $this->wire('process', $this->process); return $this->process; } /** * Does the current user have permission to execute the given process name? * * Note: an empty permission name is accessible only by the superuser * * @param string $permissionName * @param bool $throw Whether to throw an Exception if the user does not have permission * @return bool * @throws ProcessControllerPermissionException * */ protected function hasPermission($permissionName, $throw = true) { $user = $this->wire()->user; if($user->isSuperuser()) return true; if($permissionName && $user->hasPermission($permissionName)) return true; if($throw) { throw new ProcessControllerPermissionException( sprintf($this->_('You do not have ā€œ%sā€ permission'), $permissionName) ); } return false; } /** * Does user have permission for the given $method name in the current Process? * * @param string $method * @param bool $throw Throw exception if not permission? * @return bool * @throws ProcessControllerPermissionException * */ protected function hasMethodPermission($method, $throw = true) { // i.e. executeHelloWorld => helloWorld $urlSegment = $method; if(strpos($method, 'execute') === 0) list(,$urlSegment) = explode('execute', $method, 2); $urlSegment = $this->wire()->sanitizer->hyphenCase($urlSegment); if(!$this->hasUrlSegmentPermission($urlSegment, $throw)) return false; return true; } /** * Does user have permission for the given urlSegment in the current Process? * * @param string $urlSegment * @param bool $throw Throw exception if not permission? * @return bool * @throws ProcessControllerPermissionException * */ protected function hasUrlSegmentPermission($urlSegment, $throw = true) { if(empty($this->processInfo['nav']) || $this->wire()->user->isSuperuser()) return true; $hasPermission = true; $urlSegment = trim(strtolower($urlSegment), '.-_'); foreach($this->processInfo['nav'] as $navItem) { if(empty($navItem['permission'])) continue; $navSegment = strtolower(trim($navItem['url'], './')); if(empty($navSegment)) continue; if(strpos($navSegment, '/') !== false) list($navSegment,) = explode($navSegment, '/', 2); $navSegmentAlt = str_replace('-', '', $navSegment); if($urlSegment === $navSegment || $urlSegment === $navSegmentAlt) { $hasPermission = $this->hasPermission($navItem['permission'], $throw); break; } } return $hasPermission; } /** * Get the name of the method to execute with the Process * * @param Process @process * @return string * @throws ProcessControllerPermissionException * */ public function getProcessMethodName(Process $process) { $sanitizer = $this->wire()->sanitizer; $forceFail = false; $urlSegment1 = $this->wire()->input->urlSegment1; $method = self::defaultProcessMethodName; if($this->processMethodName) { // the method to use has been preset with the setProcessMethodName() function $method = $this->processMethodName; if($method !== self::defaultProcessMethodName) { $this->hasMethodPermission($method); } } else if(strlen($urlSegment1) && !$this->wire()->user->isGuest()) { // determine requested method from urlSegment1 // $urlSegment1 = trim($this->wire('sanitizer')->hyphenCase($urlSegment1, array('allow' => 'a-z0-9_')), '_'); if(ctype_alpha($urlSegment1)) { $methodName = ucfirst($urlSegment1); $hyphenName = $urlSegment1; } else { $methodName = trim($sanitizer->pascalCase($urlSegment1, array('allowUnderscore' => true)), '_'); $hyphenName = trim($sanitizer->hyphenCase($methodName, array('allowUnderscore' => true)), '_'); } if($hyphenName != strtolower($urlSegment1) && strtolower($methodName) != strtolower($urlSegment1)) { // if urlSegment changed from sanitization, likely not in valid format $forceFail = true; } else { // valid $method .= $methodName; // execute => executeHelloWorld $this->hasUrlSegmentPermission($hyphenName); } } if(!$forceFail) { if($method === 'executed') return ''; if(method_exists($process, $method)) return $method; if(method_exists($process, "___$method")) return $method; if($process->hasHook($method . '()')) return $method; } // fallback to the unknown, if there is an unknown (you never know) $method = 'executeUnknown'; if(method_exists($process, $method) || method_exists($process, "___$method")) return $method; return ''; } /** * Execute the process and return the resulting content generated by the process * * @return string * @throws ProcessController404Exception * */ public function ___execute() { $debug = $this->wire()->config->debug; $breadcrumbs = $this->wire()->breadcrumbs; $headline = $this->wire('processHeadline'); $numBreadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs ? count($breadcrumbs) : null; $process = $this->getProcess(); if(!$process) { throw new ProcessController404Exception("Process does not exist: $this->processError"); } // determine method (throws ProcessControllerPermissionException if no access) $method = $this->getProcessMethodName($process); if(!$method) { throw new ProcessController404Exception("Unrecognized path"); } if($method === 'executeNavJSON' && !$this->wire()->config->ajax && !$debug) { // disallow navJSON output when not ajax and not debug mode if(!$this->wire()->user->isLoggedin()) wire404(); $navJSON = substr($this->wire()->input->url(), -8); if($navJSON === 'navJSON/') { $this->wire()->session->location('../'); } else if($navJSON === '/navJSON') { $this->wire()->session->location('./'); } } // call method from Process (and time it if debug mode enabled) $className = $process->className(); if($debug) Debug::timer("$className.$method()"); $content = $process->$method(); if($debug) Debug::saveTimer("$className.$method()"); // setup breadcrumbs if in some method other than the main execute() method if($method !== 'execute') { // some method other than the main one if($numBreadcrumbs === count($breadcrumbs)) { // process added no breadcrumbs, but there should be more if($headline === $this->wire('processHeadline')) { $process->headline(str_replace('execute', '', $method)); } $href = substr($this->wire()->input->url(), -1) == '/' ? '../' : './'; $process->breadcrumb($href, $this->processInfo['title']); } } // triggered "executed" (execute done) hook $process->executed($method); if(empty($content) || is_bool($content)) { $content = $process->getViewVars(); } if(is_array($content)) { // array of returned content indicates variables to send to a view if(count($content) || $process->getViewFile()) { $viewFile = $this->getViewFile($process, $method); if($viewFile) { // get output from a separate view file /** @var TemplateFile $template */ $template = $this->wire(new TemplateFile($viewFile)); foreach($content as $key => $value) { $template->set($key, $value); } $content = $template->render(); } } else { $content = ''; } } return $content; } /** * Given a process and method name, return the first matching valid view file for it * * @param Process $process * @param string $method If omitted, 'execute' is assumed * @return string * */ protected function getViewFile(Process $process, $method = '') { $viewFile = $process->getViewFile(); if($viewFile) return $viewFile; if(empty($method)) $method = 'execute'; $className = $process->className(); $viewPath = $this->wire()->config->paths->$className; $method2 = ''; // lowercase hyphenated version $method3 = ''; // lowercase hyphenated, without leading execute if(strtolower($method) != $method) { // lowercase hyphenated version $method2 = trim(strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z]+)/', '-$1', $method)), '-'); // without a leading 'execute-' or 'execute' $method3 = str_replace(array('execute-', 'execute'), '', $method2); } if(is_dir($viewPath . 'views')) { // check in a /ModuleName/views/ directory for one of the following: // views/execute.php (only if method name is 'execute') // views/executeSomeMethod.php // views/execute-some-method.php // views/some-method.php (preferable) $_viewPath = $viewPath; $viewPath .= 'views/'; $viewFile = $viewPath . $method . '.php'; // i.e. views/execute.php or views/executeSomething.php if(is_file($viewFile)) return $viewFile; if($method2) { // convert executeSomething to execute-something or thisThat to this-that $viewFile = $viewPath . $method2 . '.php'; // i.e. execute-something.php if(is_file($viewFile)) return $viewFile; } if($method != 'execute' && $method3) { $viewFile = $viewPath . $method3 . '.php'; // i.e. something.php or some-method.php if(is_file($viewFile)) return $viewFile; } $viewPath = $_viewPath; // restore, since didn't find it in /views/ } // look for view file in same dir as module if($method == 'execute') { $viewFiles = array( "$className.view.php", // ModuleName.view.php "$className-execute.view.php", // alt1: ModuleName-execute.view.php "execute.view.php", // alt2: just execute.view.php (no ModuleName) ); } else { $viewFiles = array( "$className-$method.view.php", // ModuleName.executeSomething.view.php "$method.view.php", // executeSomething.view.php ); if($method2) { $viewFiles[] = "$className-$method2.view.php"; // ModuleName-execute-something.view.php $viewFiles[] = "$method2.view.php"; // execute-something.view.php } if($method3) { $viewFiles[] = "$className-$method3.view.php"; // ModuleName-something.view.php $viewFiles[] = "$method3.view.php"; // something.view.php } } // now determine which of the possible view files actually exists $viewFile = ''; foreach($viewFiles as $file) { if(is_file($viewPath . $file)) { $viewFile = $viewPath . $file; break; } } return $viewFile; } /** * Generate a message in JSON format, for use with AJAX output * * @param string $msg * @param bool $error * @param bool $allowMarkup * @return string JSON encoded string * */ public function jsonMessage($msg, $error = false, $allowMarkup = false) { if(!$allowMarkup) $msg = $this->wire()->sanitizer->entities($msg); return json_encode(array( 'error' => (bool) $error, 'message' => (string) $msg )); } /** * Is this an AJAX request? * * @return bool * */ public function isAjax() { return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest'); } }