'Upgrades', 'summary' => 'Tool that helps you identify and install core and module upgrades.', 'version' => 11, 'author' => 'Ryan Cramer', 'installs' => 'ProcessWireUpgradeCheck', 'requires' => 'ProcessWire>=3.0.0', 'icon' => 'coffee' ); } const debug = false; const pageName = 'upgrades'; const minVersionPHP = '5.3.8'; /** * Path to /wire/ * */ protected $wirePath = ''; /** * Temporary path used by installer for download and ZIP extraction * */ protected $tempPath = ''; /** * Temporary path used by installer for file storage when file system isn't writable * */ protected $cachePath = ''; /** * Array of renames (oldPath => newPath) scheduled for __destruct * */ protected $renames = array(); // scheduled renames to occur after page render /** * Instance of ProcessWireUpgradeCheck * * @var ProcessWireUpgradeCheck * */ protected $checker = null; /** * Construct * */ public function __construct() { $this->initPaths(); parent::__construct(); } /** * API wired * */ public function wired() { $this->initPaths(); // duplication from construct intended parent::wired(); } /** * Initialize and perform access checks * */ public function init() { if($this->config->demo) { throw new WireException("This module cannot be used in demo mode"); } if(!$this->user->isSuperuser()) { throw new WireException("This module requires superuser"); } set_time_limit(3600); $this->checker = $this->modules->getInstall('ProcessWireUpgradeCheck'); if(!$this->checker) { throw new WireException("Please go to Modules and click 'Check for new modules' - this will auto-update ProcessWireUpgrade."); } parent::init(); } /** * Initialize paths used by this module * */ protected function initPaths() { $config = $this->wire()->config; $this->wirePath = $config->paths->root . 'wire/'; $this->tempPath = $config->paths->cache . $this->className() . '/'; $this->cachePath = $config->paths->cache . 'core-upgrade/'; } /** * Get info for either a specific core branch, or for the currently selected core branch * * @param string $name * @return array * */ protected function getBranch($name = '') { $branches = $this->checker->getCoreBranches(); if(empty($name)) $name = $this->session->getFor($this, 'branch'); return isset($branches[$name]) ? $branches[$name] : array(); } /** * Set the current core branch * * @param string $name * */ protected function setBranch($name) { $this->session->setFor($this, 'branch', $name); } /** * Preflight checks before listing modules * * @return string * */ protected function preflight() { $phpVersion = PHP_VERSION; if(version_compare($phpVersion, self::minVersionPHP) >= 0) { // good } else { $this->error("Please note that your current PHP version ($phpVersion) is not adequate to upgrade to the latest ProcessWire."); } if(!extension_loaded('pdo_mysql')) { $this->error("Your PHP is not compiled with PDO support. PDO is required by ProcessWire."); } if(!class_exists('\ZipArchive')) { $this->warning( "Your PHP does not have ZipArchive support. This is required to install core or module upgrades with this tool. " . "You can still use this tool to identify new versions and install them manually." ); } $upgradePaths = array($this->cachePath, $this->tempPath); foreach($upgradePaths as $key => $path) { if(!file_exists($path)) unset($upgradePaths[$key]); } if(count($upgradePaths)) { $btn = $this->modules->get('InputfieldButton'); /** @var InputfieldButton $btn */ $btn->href = "./remove"; $btn->value = $this->_('Remove'); $btn->icon = 'trash-o'; return $this->h('Upgrade files are already present. Please remove them before continuing.') . $this->ul($upgradePaths) . $this->p($btn->render()); } $lastRefresh = $this->session->getFor($this, 'lastRefresh'); if(!$lastRefresh || $lastRefresh < (time() - 86400)) { $btn = $this->refreshButton(); $btn->value = $this->_('Continue'); $btn->icon = 'angle-right'; return $this->h('We will load the latest core and module versions from the ProcessWire modules directory.') . $this->p('Please be patient, this may take a few seconds to complete.') . $this->p($btn->render()) . $this->lastRefreshInfo(); } return ''; } /** * Ask user to select branch or make them remove existing installation files * */ public function execute() { $sanitizer = $this->sanitizer; $config = $this->config; $modules = $this->modules; $preflight = $this->preflight(); if($preflight) return $preflight; /** @var MarkupAdminDataTable $table */ $table = $modules->get('MarkupAdminDataTable'); $table->setEncodeEntities(false); $table->headerRow(array( $this->_('Module title'), $this->_('Module name'), $this->_('Installed'), $this->_('Latest'), $this->_('Status'), $this->_('Links'), )); $items = $this->checker->getVersions(); $numPro = 0; if(count($items)) { foreach($items as $name => $item) { if(empty($item['local'])) continue; if(empty($item['remote'])) { /* not in directory */ } $remote = $sanitizer->entities($item['remote']); $installer = empty($item['installer']) ? '' : $sanitizer->entities($item['installer']); $upgradeLabel = $this->_('Up-to-date'); $links = []; if($item['new'] > 0) { $upgradeLabel = $this->_('Upgrade available'); $remote = $this->b($remote); } else if($item['new'] < 0) { $upgradeLabel .= '+'; } if(empty($remote)) { $remote = ""; $upgradeLabel = ""; } if(empty($item['branch'])) { $upgradeURL = $config->urls->admin . "module/?update=" . ($installer ? $installer : $name); } else { $upgradeURL = "./check?branch=$item[branch]"; } if($item['new'] > 0) { $upgradeLabel = $this->icon('lightbulb-o') . $upgradeLabel; $upgrade = $this->a($upgradeURL, $upgradeLabel); } else { $upgrade = $this->span($upgradeLabel, 'detail'); } $urls = isset($item['urls']) ? $item['urls'] : array(); foreach($urls as $key => $url) $urls[$key] = $sanitizer->entities($url); if(!empty($urls['support'])) { $links[] = $this->iconLink('life-ring', $urls['support'], 'Support'); } if(!empty($urls['repo']) && strpos($urls['repo'], 'github.com')) { $links[] = $this->iconLink('github-alt', $urls['repo'], 'GitHub'); } else if(!empty($urls['repo'])) { $links[] = $this->iconLink('info-circle', $urls['repo'], 'Details'); } else if(!empty($item['href'])) { $links[] = $this->iconLink('info-circle', $item['href'], 'Info'); } if(!empty($urls['dir'])) { $links[] = $this->iconLink('share-alt', $urls['dir'], 'Directory'); } if(empty($remote) && empty($links)) continue; // else if(!$item['remote']) $upgrade = "" . $this->_('Not in directory') . ""; $icon = empty($item['icon']) ? wireIconMarkup('plug', 'fw') : wireIconMarkup($this->sanitizer->entities($item['icon']), 'fw'); $title = $icon . ' ' . $sanitizer->entities($item['title']); $proLabel = ' ' . $this->span('PRO', 'pro'); if($installer && empty($remote)) { $title = $this->tooltip("Upgraded with $installer", $title); if(!empty($item['pro'])) $title .= $proLabel; } else if(!empty($item['pro'])) { $title = $this->a($upgradeURL, $title) . $proLabel; if($item['new'] > 0) { if(!empty($urls['support'])) $upgradeURL = $urls['support']; $protip = 'PRO module upgrade available in ProcessWire VIP support board (login required)'; $upgrade = $this->tooltip($protip, $this->aa($upgradeURL, $upgradeLabel)); // $title = $this->tooltip($protip, $this->aa($upgradeURL, $title) . $proLabel); } $numPro++; } else { $title = $this->a($upgradeURL, $title); } $table->row(array( $title, $sanitizer->entities($name), $sanitizer->entities($item['local']), $remote, $upgrade, $this->span(implode(' ', $links), 'links') )); } } return $table->render() . $this->p($this->refreshButton(true)->render()) . $this->lastRefreshInfo(); } /** * Refresh module versions data * */ public function executeRefresh() { $this->session->setFor($this, 'lastRefresh', time()); if(method_exists($this->modules, 'resetCache')) $this->modules->resetCache(); $this->checker->getVersions(true); $this->message($this->_('Refreshed module versions data')); $this->session->redirect('./'); } /** * Remove existing installation files * */ public function executeRemove() { $paths = array( $this->cachePath, $this->tempPath, ); foreach($paths as $path) { if(!file_exists($path)) continue; if(wireRmdir($path, true)) { $this->session->message(sprintf($this->_('Removed: %s'), $path)); } else { $this->session->error(sprintf($this->_('Permission error removing path (please remove manually): %s'), $path)); } } $this->session->redirect('./'); } /** * Check the selected branch and compare to current version to see if user wants to continue * */ public function executeCheck() { $this->coreUpgrade(); $config = $this->config; $input = $this->input; $modules = $this->modules; if(!$config->debug) { $this->error( "While optional, we recommend that you enable debug mode during the upgrade so that you will see detailed error messages, should they occur. " . "Do this by editing /site/config.php and setting the debug option to true. Example: \$config->debug = true;" ); } $name = $input->get('branch'); if(empty($name)) throw new WireException("No branch selected"); $branch = $this->getBranch($name); if(!count($branch)) throw new WireException("Unknown branch"); $this->headline("ProcessWire Core ($name)"); $this->setBranch($name); $result = version_compare($config->version, $branch['version']); if($result < 0) { $msg = "The available version ($branch[version]) is newer than the one you currently have ($config->version)."; } else if($result > 0) { $msg = "The available version ($branch[version]) is older than the one you currently have ($config->version)."; } else { $msg = "The available version is the same as the one you currently have."; } $out = $this->h("Do you want to download and install ProcessWire $branch[name] version $branch[version]?") . $this->p($msg); /** @var InputfieldButton $btn */ $btn = $modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $btn->href = "./download"; $btn->value = $this->_('Download Now'); $btn->icon = 'cloud-download'; $out .= $btn->render(); $btn = $modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $btn->href = "./"; $btn->value = $this->_('Abort'); $btn->icon = 'times-circle'; $btn->addClass('ui-priority-secondary'); $out .= $btn->render(); $out .= $this->p("After clicking the download button, be patient, as this may take a minute.", 'detail'); return $out; } /** * Download the selected branch ZIP file * */ public function executeDownload() { $branch = $this->getBranch(); if(empty($branch)) throw new WireException("No branch selected"); wireMkdir($this->tempPath); $http = new WireHttp(); $this->wire($http); $zipfile = $http->download($branch['zipURL'], $this->tempPath . "$branch[name].zip"); if(!$zipfile || !file_exists($zipfile) || !filesize($zipfile)) { throw new WireException("Unable to download $branch[zipURL]"); } $this->message("Downloaded version $branch[version] (" . number_format(filesize($zipfile)) . " bytes)"); $this->session->redirect('./database'); } /** * Export database or instruct them to do it * */ public function executeDatabase() { $this->coreUpgrade(); $config = $this->config; $input = $this->input; $session = $this->session; $modules = $this->modules; $session->removeFor($this, 'database'); $branch = $this->getBranch(); $canBackup = class_exists('\\ProcessWire\\WireDatabaseBackup'); if($input->get('backup') && $canBackup) { $options = array( 'filename' => $config->dbName . "-" . $config->version . "-" . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . ".sql", 'description' => "Automatic backup made by ProcessWireUpgrade before upgrading from {$config->version} to $branch[version]." ); $backups = $this->database->backups(); $file = $backups->backup($options); $errors = $backups->errors(); if(count($errors)) { foreach($errors as $error) $this->error($error); } if($file) { clearstatcache(); $bytes = filesize($file); $file = str_replace($config->paths->root, '/', $file); $this->message("Backup saved to $file ($bytes bytes) - Please note this location should you later need to restore it."); $session->setFor($this, 'database', $file); } else { $this->error("Database backup failed"); } $session->redirect('./prepare'); } $out = $this->h('Database Backup'); if($canBackup) { $out .= $this->p('Your version of ProcessWire supports automatic database backups.*'); /** @var InputfieldButton $btn */ $btn = $modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $btn->href = "./database?backup=1"; $btn->value = $this->_('Backup Database Now'); $btn->icon = 'database'; $out .= $btn->render(); $btn = $modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $btn->href = "./prepare"; $btn->icon = 'angle-right'; $btn->value = $this->_('Skip Database Backup'); $btn->addClass('ui-priority-secondary'); $out .= $btn->render(); $out .= $this->p('*We also recommend creating an independent database backup, for instance with PhpMyAdmin.', 'detail'); } else { $out .= $this->p( "Your current version of ProcessWire does not support automatic database backups. " . "We recommend making a backup of database `$config->dbName` using a tool like PhpMyAdmin. " . "Click the button below once you have saved a backup." ); /** @var InputfieldButton $btn */ $btn = $modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $btn->href = "./prepare"; $btn->icon = 'angle-right'; $btn->value = $this->_('Confirm'); $out .= $btn->render(); } return $this->out($out); } /** * Unzip files and prepare them for installation * */ public function executePrepare() { $config = $this->config; $this->coreUpgrade(); $error = ''; $branch = $this->getBranch(); if(empty($branch)) throw new WireException("No branch selected"); $zipfile = $this->tempPath . "$branch[name].zip"; // site/assets/cache/ProcessWireUpgrade/branch-dev.zip if(!file_exists($zipfile)) throw new WireException("Unable to locate ZIP: $zipfile"); $files = wireUnzipFile($zipfile, $this->tempPath); if(!count($files)) $error = "No files were found in $zipfile"; $oldVersion = $config->version; $newVersion = $branch['version']; $rootPath = dirname(rtrim($this->wirePath, '/')) . '/'; $rootTempPath = $this->tempPath; // site/assets/cache/ProcessWireUpgrade/ $wireTempPath = $this->tempPath . 'wire/'; // site/assets/cache/ProcessWireUpgrade/wire/ $wireNewName = "wire-$newVersion"; // wire-2.5.0 if(!$error && !is_dir($wireTempPath)) { // adjust paths according to where they were unzipped, as needed // need to drill down a level from extracted archive // i.e. files[0] may be a dir like /ProcessWire-dev/ $rootTempPath = $this->tempPath . trim($files[0], '/') . '/'; $wireTempPath = $rootTempPath . "wire/"; if(!is_dir($wireTempPath)) $error = "Unable to find /wire/ directory in archive"; } $indexNewName = "index-$newVersion.php"; // index-2.5.0.php $htaccessNewName = "htaccess-$newVersion.txt"; // htaccess-2.5.0.txt $newIndexData = file_get_contents($rootTempPath . 'index.php'); $newIndexVersion = preg_match('/define\("PROCESSWIRE", (\d+)\);/', $newIndexData, $matches) ? (int) $matches[1] : 0; $oldIndexData = file_get_contents($rootPath . 'index.php'); $oldIndexVersion = preg_match('/define\("PROCESSWIRE", (\d+)\);/', $oldIndexData, $matches) ? (int) $matches[1] : 0; $indexIsOk = $newIndexVersion === $oldIndexVersion; $oldHtaccessData = file_get_contents($rootTempPath . 'htaccess.txt'); $oldHtaccessVersion = preg_match('/@htaccessVersion\s+(\d+)/', $oldHtaccessData, $matches) ? (int) $matches[1] : 0; $newHtaccessData = file_get_contents($rootPath . '.htaccess'); $newHtaccessVersion = preg_match('/@htaccessVersion\s+(\d+)/', $newHtaccessData, $matches) ? (int) $matches[1] : 0; $htaccessIsOk = $oldHtaccessVersion === $newHtaccessVersion; $rootWritable = is_writable($rootPath) && is_writable($rootPath . "wire/"); // determine where we will be moving upgrade files to if($rootWritable) { // if root path is writable, we can place new dirs/files in the same // location as what they are replacing, i.e. /wire/ and /wire-2.5.0/ $wireNewPath = $rootPath . $wireNewName . "/"; $htaccessNewFile = $rootPath . $htaccessNewName; $indexNewFile = $rootPath . $indexNewName; } else { // if root is not writable, we will place dirs/files in /site/assets/cache/core-upgrade/ instead. $cacheUpgradePath = $this->cachePath; $cacheUpgradeURL = str_replace($config->paths->root, '/', $cacheUpgradePath); $this->warning( "Your file system is not writable, so we are installing files to $cacheUpgradeURL instead. " . "You will have to copy them manually to your web root." ); wireMkdir($cacheUpgradePath); $wireNewPath = $cacheUpgradePath . 'wire/'; $htaccessNewFile = $cacheUpgradePath . 'htaccess.txt'; $indexNewFile = $cacheUpgradePath . 'index.php'; } if(!$error) { $this->renameNow($wireTempPath, $wireNewPath); // /temp/path/wire/ => /wire-2.5.0/ $this->renameNow($rootTempPath . "index.php", $indexNewFile); // /temp/path/index.php => /index-2.5.0.php $this->renameNow($rootTempPath . "htaccess.txt", $htaccessNewFile); // /temp/path/htaccess.txt => /htaccess-2.5.0.txt // remove /temp/path/ as no longer needed since we've taken everything we need out of it above wireRmdir($this->tempPath, true); } if($error) throw new WireException($error); $wireNewLabel = str_replace($config->paths->root, '/', $wireNewPath); $indexNewLabel = $rootWritable ? basename($indexNewFile) : str_replace($config->paths->root, '/', $indexNewFile); $htaccessNewLabel = $rootWritable ? basename($htaccessNewFile) : str_replace($config->paths->root, '/', $htaccessNewFile); $out = $this->h('Upgrade files copied') . $this->p( "We have prepared copies of upgrade files for installation. At this point, " . "you may install them yourself by replacing the existing `/wire/` directory with `$wireNewLabel`, " . "and optionally `index.php` with `$indexNewLabel`, and `.htaccess` with `$htaccessNewLabel`. " . ($rootWritable ? "Or, since your file system is writable, this tool can install them." : "Full instructions are below.") ); $items = array(); if($indexIsOk) { $items[] = "Your `index.php` file appears to be up-to-date, it should be okay to leave your existing one in place."; } else { $items[] = "Your `index.php` file appears to need an update, check that you haven’t made any site-specific customizations to it before replacing it."; } if($htaccessIsOk) { $items[] = "Your `.htaccess` file appears to be up-to-date, it should be okay to leave your existing one in place."; } else { $items[] = "Your `.htaccess` file appears to need an update, check for any site-specific customizations before replacing it. You may want to apply updates to it manually."; } $out .= $this->ul($items); if($rootWritable) { $htaccessNote = ''; if(!$htaccessIsOk) { $htaccessNote = 'Since the `.htaccess` file can often have site-specific customizations, it would be best to handle that one manually, unless you know it is unmodified.'; } $out .= $this->h('Want this tool to install the upgrade?') . $this->p("Check the boxes below for what you’d like us to install. $htaccessNote"); /** @var InputfieldSubmit $btn */ $btn = $this->modules->get('InputfieldSubmit'); $btn->attr('name', 'submit_install'); $btn->value = $this->_('Install'); $btn->icon = 'angle-right'; $out .= $this->form('./install/', $this->p( $this->checkbox('wire', 'Install new core `/wire/` directory', "(old will be renamed to /.wire-$oldVersion/)", true) . $this->checkbox('index', 'Install new `index.php` file', "(old will be renamed to .index-$oldVersion.php)", !$indexIsOk) . $this->checkbox('htaccess', 'Install new `.htaccess` file', "(old will be renamed to .htaccess-$oldVersion)", false) ) . $this->p($btn->render()) ); } else { // root not writable $backupInfo = array( "/wire" => "/.wire-$oldVersion", "/index.php" => "/.index-$oldVersion.php", "/.htaccess" => "/.htaccess-$oldVersion", ); $renameInfo = array( rtrim($wireNewPath, '/') => "/wire", "$indexNewFile" => "/index.php", "$htaccessNewFile" => "/.htaccess", ); $out .= $this->p( "Your file system is not writable so we can’t automatically install the upgrade files for you. " . "However, the files are ready for you to move to their destinations." ); $out .= $this->h('Backup your existing files') . $this->p( "While optional, we strongly recommend making backups of everything replaced so that you can always revert back to it if needed. " . "We recommend doing this by performing the following file rename operations:" ); $items = array(); foreach($backupInfo as $old => $new) { $items[] = "Rename `$old` to `$new`"; } $out .= $this->ul($items); $out .= $this->h('Migrate the new files') . $this->p('Now you can migrate the new files, renaming them from their temporary location to their destination.'); $items = array(); foreach($renameInfo as $old => $new) { $old = str_replace($config->paths->root, '/', $old); $items[] = "Rename `$old` to `$new`"; } $out .= $this->ul($items) . $this->p('Once you’ve completed the above steps, your upgrade will be complete.') . $this->completionNotes(); } $out .= $this->p('*In many cases, it is not necessary to upgrade the index.php and .htaccess files since they don’t always change between versions.', 'detail'); return $this->out($out); } /** * Install prepared files * */ public function executeInstall() { $this->coreUpgrade(); $input = $this->input; $config = $this->config; if(!$input->post('submit_install')) throw new WireException('No form received'); $branch = $this->getBranch(); if(empty($branch)) throw new WireException("No branch selected"); $oldVersion = $config->version; $newVersion = $branch['version']; $rootPath = dirname(rtrim($this->wirePath, '/')) . '/'; $renames = array(); if($input->post('wire')) { $renames["wire"] = ".wire-$oldVersion"; $renames["wire-$newVersion"] = "wire"; } if($input->post('index')) { $renames["index.php"] = ".index-$oldVersion.php"; $renames["index-$newVersion.php"] = "index.php"; } if($input->post('htaccess')) { $renames[".htaccess"] = ".htaccess-$oldVersion"; $renames["htaccess-$newVersion.txt"] = ".htaccess"; } foreach($renames as $old => $new) { $this->renameLater($rootPath . $old, $rootPath . $new); } $out = $this->h('Upgrade completed') . $this->p($this->b('Double check that everything works before you leave this page')) . $this->completionNotes(); return $this->out($out); } /** * Completion notes * */ protected function completionNotes() { $config = $this->config; $branch = $this->getBranch(); $newVersion = $branch['version']; $oldVersion = $config->version; $dbFile = $this->session->getFor($this, 'database'); $dbNote = ''; if($dbFile) $dbNote = "Your database was backed up to this file:
`$dbFile`"; $frontEndLink = $this->aa($config->urls->root, 'front-end'); $adminLink = $this->aa($config->urls->admin, 'admin'); $items = array(); $items[] = "Test out both the $frontEndLink and $adminLink of your site in full to make sure everything works."; $items[] = "Installed files have permission `$config->chmodFile` and directories `$config->chmodDir`. Double check that these are safe with your web host, especially in a shared hosting environment."; if($config->debug) { $items[] = "For production sites, remember to turn off debug mode once your upgrade is complete."; } $out = $this->ul($items); $out .= $this->p($this->b('If your upgrade did not work…')) . $this->p( 'If you encounter fatal error messages (in the front-end or admin links above), hit reload/refresh in that browser tab until it clears (2-3 times). ' . 'It may take a few requests for ProcessWire to apply any necessary database schema changes. ' . 'Should you determine that the upgrade failed for some reason and you want to revert back to the previous version, ' . 'below are the steps to undo what was just applied.' ) . $this->p('Step 1: Remove the installed updates by renaming or deleting them') . $this->ul(array( "Delete `/wire/` directory OR rename it to `/.wire-$newVersion/`", "If you replaced the `.htaccess` file: Delete `.htaccess` OR rename it to `.htaccess-$newVersion`", "If you replaced the `index.php` file: Delete `index.php` OR rename it to `.index-$newVersion.php`" )) . $this->p('Step 2: Restore backed up files') . $this->ul(array( "Rename directory `/.wire-$oldVersion/` to `/wire/`", "If applicable: Rename `.htaccess-$oldVersion` to `.htaccess`", "If applicable: Rename `.index-$oldVersion.php` to `index.php`", )); if($dbNote) $out .= $this->p('Step 3: Restore backed up database (if necessary)') . $this->ul(array($dbNote)); return $out; } /** * Schedule a rename operation, which will occur at __destruct * * @param string $oldPath * @param string $newPath * */ protected function renameLater($oldPath, $newPath) { $this->renames[$oldPath] = $newPath; $old = basename(rtrim($oldPath, '/')); $new = basename(rtrim($newPath, '/')); $this->message("Rename $old => $new"); } /** * Perform a rename now * * @param string $old * @param string $new * @return bool * @throws WireException * */ protected function renameNow($old, $new) { $result = true; // for labels $_old = str_replace($this->config->paths->root, '/', $old); $_new = str_replace($this->config->paths->root, '/', $new); if(!file_exists($old)) { $this->error("$_old does not exist"); return $result; } if(file_exists($new)) { $this->message("$_new already exists (we left it untouched)"); return $result; } $result = rename($old, $new); if($result) { $this->message("Renamed $_old => $_new"); } else { $this->error("Unable to rename $_old => $_new"); if(basename(rtrim($new, '/')) == 'wire') { throw new WireException("Upgrade aborted. Unable to rename $_old => $_new"); } } return $result; } protected function coreUpgrade() { $this->headline($this->_('Core upgrade')); } /** * @param bool $showInHeader * @return InputfieldButton * */ protected function refreshButton($showInHeader = false) { /** @var InputfieldButton $btn */ $btn = $this->modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $btn->href = './refresh'; $btn->value = $this->_('Refresh'); $btn->icon = 'refresh'; if($showInHeader && method_exists($btn, 'showInHeader')) $btn->showInHeader(true); return $btn; } /** * @param bool $paragraph * @return string * */ protected function lastRefreshInfo($paragraph = true) { $lastRefresh = $this->session->getFor($this, 'lastRefresh'); $lastRefresh = $lastRefresh ? wireRelativeTimeStr($lastRefresh) : $this->_('N/A'); $out = sprintf($this->_('Last refresh: %s'), $lastRefresh); if($paragraph) $out = $this->p($out, 'detail last-refresh-info'); return $out; } /** * Process rename operations * */ public function __destruct() { if(!count($this->renames)) return; //$rootPath = dirname(rtrim($this->wirePath, '/')) . '/'; foreach($this->renames as $oldPath => $newPath) { if(file_exists($newPath)) { $n = 0; do { $newPath2 = $newPath . "-" . (++$n); } while(file_exists($newPath2)); if(rename($newPath, $newPath2)) { $this->message("Renamed $newPath => $newPath2"); } } $old = basename(rtrim($oldPath, '/')); $new = basename(rtrim($newPath, '/')); if(rename($oldPath, $newPath)) { $this->message("Renamed $old => $new"); } else { $this->error("Unable to rename $old => $new"); } } $this->renames = array(); } public function h($str, $h = 2) { return "$str"; } public function p($str, $class = '') { return $class ? "


" : "


"; } public function a($href, $label, $class = '') { return ($class ? "$label"; } public function aa($href, $label, $class = '') { return str_replace('a($href, $label, $class)); } public function span($str, $class = '') { return $class ? "$str" : "$str"; } public function b($str, $class = '') { return $class ? "$str" : "$str"; } public function ul(array $items) { return "'; } public function form($action, $content) { return "
"; } public function icon($name, $fw = true) { return wireIconMarkup($name, ($fw ? 'fw' : '')); } public function iconLink($icon, $href, $tooltip) { return str_replace('aa($href, $this->icon($icon), 'pw-tooltip')); } public function tooltip($tooltip, $markup) { return "$markup"; } public function checkbox($name, $label, $note = '', $checked = false) { $adminTheme = $this->wire()->adminTheme; $checkboxClass = $adminTheme ? $this->wire()->adminTheme->getClass('input-checkbox') : ''; $checked = $checked ? 'checked' : ''; $note = $note ? $this->span($note, 'detail') : ''; return "
"; } protected function out($out) { if(strpos($out, '`') === false) return $out; $out = preg_replace('/[`]([^<\n`]+?)[`]/', '$1', $out); return $out; } /** * Install * */ public function ___install() { // create the page our module will be assigned to $page = new Page(); $page->template = 'admin'; $page->name = self::pageName; // installs to the admin "Setup" menu ... change as you see fit $page->parent = $this->pages->get($this->config->adminRootPageID)->child('name=setup'); $page->process = $this; // we will make the page title the same as our module title // but you can make it whatever you want $info = self::getModuleInfo(); $page->title = $info['title']; // save the page $page->save(); // tell the user we created this page $this->message("Created Page: {$page->path}"); } /** * Uninstall * */ public function ___uninstall() { // find the page we installed, locating it by the process field (which has the module ID) // it would probably be sufficient just to locate by name, but this is just to be extra sure. $moduleID = $this->modules->getModuleID($this); $page = $this->pages->get("template=admin, process=$moduleID, name=" . self::pageName . "|core-upgrade"); if($page->id) { // if we found the page, let the user know and delete it $this->message("Deleting Page: {$page->path}"); $page->delete(); } wireRmdir($this->tempPath, true); } }