showNotices = $showNotices; } /** * Set whether or not to test all checks (as if all checks failed) * * @param bool $testAll * */ public function setTestAll($testAll = true) { $this->testAll = $testAll; } /** * Run all system checks and return array of results * * @return array * */ public function execute() { $this->checkAll = true; $results = array(); $checks = array( 'checkWelcome', 'checkIndexFile', 'checkHtaccessFile', 'checkOtherHtaccessFiles', 'checkInstallerFiles', 'checkFilePermissions', 'checkPublishedField', 'checkLocale', 'checkDebugMode', 'checkMemoryLimit', ); foreach($checks as $method) { try { $results[$method] = $this->$method(); } catch(\Exception $e) { if($this->showNotices) $this->warning("$method: " . $e->getMessage()); $results[$method] = false; } } $this->checkAll = false; $numWarnings = count($this->warnings); if($this->showNotices && $numWarnings) { if($numWarnings > 1) $this->warning($this->_('Multiple issues detected, please review:')); foreach($this->warnings as $warning) { $this->warning($warning[0], $warning[1]); } } $this->warnings = array(); return $results; } /** * Check that index.php file is the correct version * * @return bool * */ public function checkIndexFile() { $requiredVersion = ProcessWire::indexVersion; $actualVersion = PROCESSWIRE; if(PROCESSWIRE < $requiredVersion || $this->testAll) { if($this->showNotices) { $warning = sprintf( $this->_('Please note that your root %s file is not up-to-date with this ProcessWire version, please update it when possible.'), $this->location('index.php') ); $details = $this->versionsLabel($requiredVersion, $actualVersion); $this->warning($warning . $this->small($details), Notice::log | Notice::allowMarkup); } return false; } return true; } /** * Check that main htaccess file is the correct version * * @return bool * @throws WireException * */ public function checkHtaccessFile() { $requiredVersion = ProcessWire::htaccessVersion; $htaccessFile = $this->wire()->config->paths->root . '.htaccess'; if(is_readable($htaccessFile)) { $data = file_get_contents($htaccessFile); if(!preg_match('/@(?:htaccess|index)Version\s+(\d+)\b/', $data, $matches) || ((int) $matches[1]) < $requiredVersion || $this->testAll) { if($this->showNotices) { $foundVersion = isset($matches[1]) ? (int) $matches[1] : '?'; $warning = sprintf( $this->_('Please note that your root %s file is not up-to-date with this ProcessWire version, please update it when possible.'), $this->location('.htaccess') ); $details = $this->small( $this->versionsLabel($requiredVersion, $foundVersion) . ' ' . $this->_('To suppress this warning, replace or add the following in the top of your existing .htaccess file:') . $this->code("# @htaccessVersion $requiredVersion") ); $this->warning("$warning$details", Notice::log | Notice::allowMarkup); } return false; } } else { // if .htaccess not present then this is likely an IIS or other not-offically supported server software // if($this->showNotices) $this->warning($this->fileNotFoundLabel($htaccessFile)); return false; } return true; } /** * Check that other useful htaccess files are present * * @return bool * */ public function checkOtherHtaccessFiles() { /** @var SystemUpdater $systemUpdater */ $systemUpdater = $this->wire()->modules->get('SystemUpdater'); if(!$systemUpdater) return false; $result = true; /** @var SystemUpdate17 $update */ // update 17 verifies that fallback .htaccess files are in place for 2nd layer protections $update = $systemUpdater->getUpdate(17); if($update) { if($update->isUseful() || $this->testAll) $result = $update->update(); } return $result; } /** * Check if this is the first call to checkWelcome and show a welcome message and add an active.php file if so * * @return bool Returns false if active.php does not yet exist or true if it does * */ public function checkWelcome() { $config = $this->wire()->config; $activeFile = $config->paths->assets . 'active.php'; $exists = is_file($activeFile); if($this->showNotices && ((!$exists && !$config->debug) || $this->testAll)) { $this->message( $this->strong($this->_('Welcome to ProcessWire!')) . ' ' . $this->_('If this installation is currently being used for development or testing, we recommend enabling debug mode.') . ' ' . $this->_('Debug mode ensures all errors are visible, which can be helpful during development or troubleshooting.') . ' ' . $this->_('It also enables additional developer information to appear here in the admin.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->_('You can enable debug mode by editing your %s file and adding the following:'), $this->location('/site/config.php')) . $this->code('$config->debug = true;') . $this->small($this->_('Please note: this notification will not be shown again. Remember to disable debug mode before going live.')), Notice::allowMarkup | Notice::prepend ); } if(!$exists) { $data = "paths->root}]"; $this->wire()->files->filePutContents($activeFile, $data); return false; } return true; } /** * Check if unnecessary installer files are present * * @return bool * */ public function checkInstallerFiles() { if(is_file($this->wire()->config->paths->root . "install.php") || $this->testAll) { if($this->showNotices) { $warning = $this->_("Security Warning: file '%s' exists and should be deleted as soon as possible."); $this->warning(sprintf($warning, '/install.php'), Notice::log); } return false; } return true; } /** * Check for insecure file permissions * * @return bool * */ public function checkFilePermissions() { $config = $this->wire()->config; // warnings about 0666/0777 file permissions if($config->chmodDir != '0777' && $config->chmodFile != '0666' && !$this->testAll) return true; if(!$config->chmodWarn || !$this->showNotices) return false; $warning = sprintf( $this->_('Warning, your %s file specifies file permissions that are too loose for many environments:'), $this->location('/site/config.php') ); $code = $this->code("\$config->chmodFile = '{$config->chmodFile}';") . $this->code("\$config->chmodDir = '{$config->chmodDir}';"); $link = $this->link( '', $this->_('Read "Securing file permissions" for more details') ); $details = $this->small( sprintf($this->_('To suppress this warning, add the following to your %s file:'), $this->location('/site/config.php')) . ' ' . $this->code('$config->chmodWarn = false;') ); $code = str_replace(array('0666', '0777'), array('0666', '0777'), $code); $this->warning("$warning$code$link$details", Notice::allowMarkup | Notice::log); return false; } /** * Check if there is a field named 'published' that should not be present * * @return bool * */ public function checkPublishedField() { if(!$this->wire()->fields->get('published') && !$this->testAll) return true; if($this->showNotices) $this->warning( $this->_('Warning: you have a field named “published” that conflicts with the page “published” property.') . ' ' . $this->_('Please rename your field field to something else and update any templates referencing it.') ); return false; } /** * Check locale setting * * Warning about servers with locales that break UTF-8 strings called by basename * and other file functions, due to a long running PHP bug * * @return bool * */ public function checkLocale() { if(basename("§") !== "" && !$this->testAll) return true; if(!$this->showNotices) return false; $example = stripos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0 ? 'en-US' : 'en_US.UTF-8'; $localeLabel = $this->_('Your current locale setting is “%s”.') . ' '; $warning = $this->_('Note: your current server locale setting isn’t working as expected with the UTF-8 charset and may cause minor issues.'); $msg = ''; if($this->wire()->modules->isInstalled('LanguageSupport')) { // language support installed $textdomain = 'wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupport-module'; $locale = __('C', $textdomain); if(empty($locale)) $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); $msg .= ' ' . sprintf($localeLabel, $locale) . ' ' . sprintf( $this->_('Please translate the “C” locale setting for each language to the compatible locale in %s'), $this->location('/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupport.module') . ':' ); foreach($this->wire()->languages as $language) { $url = $this->wire()->config->urls->admin . "setup/language-translator/edit/?" . "language_id=$language->id&" . "textdomain=$textdomain&" . "filename=wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupport.module"; $msg .= "
" . $this->link($url, $language->get('title|name')) . "
"; } $msg .= $this->small( sprintf( $this->_('For example, the locale setting for US English might be: %s'), $this->strong($example) ) ); } else { // no language support installed $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); $msg .= sprintf($localeLabel, $locale) . sprintf( $this->_('Please add this to your %1$s file (adjust “%2$s” as needed):'), $this->location('/site/config.php'), $example ) . $this->code("setlocale(LC_ALL, '$example');"); } $this->warning("$warning $msg", Notice::allowMarkup); return false; } /** * Check for debug mode * * return bool Always returns true, as there is no way to fail this test * */ public function checkDebugMode() { if(!$this->wire()->config->debug && !$this->testAll) return true; if($this->showNotices) $this->message('icon-bug ' . $this->_('The site is in debug mode, suitable for sites in development') . $this->small( sprintf( $this->_('If this is a live/production site, you should disable debug mode in %1$s with: %2$s'), $this->location('/site/config.php'), '$config->debug = false;' ) ), Notice::allowMarkup | Notice::anonymous ); return true; } /** * Check PHP memory_limit setting * * @return bool Always returns true as memory_limit errors not considered fatal * @since 3.0.206 * */ public function checkMemoryLimit() { $memoryLimit = $this->getMemoryLimit('M'); if(empty($memoryLimit)) return true; $label = sprintf($this->_('Your PHP memory_limit is currently set to %s.'), "$memoryLimit MB") . ' '; $mb = '128 MB'; // recommended memory_limit if($memoryLimit < 64) { $this->warning( $label . sprintf($this->_('We recommend increasing it to at least %s.'), $mb) ); } else if($memoryLimit < 128) { $this->warning( $label . sprintf($this->_('As a performance optimization, consider increasing it to at least %s.'), $mb) ); } return true; } /** * Get memory limit * * @param string $getInUnit Get value in 'K' [kilobytes], 'M' [megabytes], 'G' [gigabytes] (default='M') * @return int|float * @since 3.0.206 * */ public function getMemoryLimit($getInUnit = 'M') { // $units = array('M' => 1048576, 'K' => 1024, 'G' => 1073741824); $units = array('M' => 1000000, 'K' => 1000, 'G' => 1000000000); $value = (string) ini_get('memory_limit'); $value = trim(strtoupper($value), ' B'); // KB=K, MB=>M, GB=G, $unit = substr($value, -1); // K, M, G $value = (int) rtrim($value, 'KMG'); if($unit === $getInUnit) return $value; // already in correct unit if(isset($units[$unit])) $value = $value * $units[$unit]; // convert value to bytes if(isset($units[$getInUnit])) $value = round($value / $units[$getInUnit]); if(strpos("$value", '.') !== false) $value = round($value, 1); return $value; } /*********************************************************************************************/ public function warning($text, $flags = 0) { if($this->checkAll && $this->showNotices) { $this->warnings[] = array($text, $flags); } else { parent::warning($text, $flags); } return $this; } protected function versionsLabel($requiredVersion, $foundVersion) { return sprintf($this->_('Required version: %1$s, Found version: %2$s.'), "$requiredVersion", "$foundVersion"); } protected function fileNotFoundLabel($file) { return sprintf($this->_('Unable to locate required file: %s'), $file); } protected function code($str, $block = true) { $style = 'font-family:monospace;font-size:14px;'; if($block) $style .= "background:rgba(255,255,255,0.3);padding:5px 7px;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"; $out = "$str"; if($block) $out = "
"; return $out; } protected function small($str, $block = true) { $tag = $block ? 'div' : 'span'; return "<$tag>$str"; } protected function strong($str) { return "$str"; } protected function link($href, $label, $newWindow = true) { $target = $newWindow ? "target='_blank'" : ""; return wireIconMarkup('angle-right') . " $label "; } protected function location($str) { return "$str"; } }