'System Notifications', 'version' => 12, 'summary' => 'Adds support for notifications in ProcessWire (currently in development)', 'autoload' => true, 'installs' => 'FieldtypeNotifications', 'icon' => 'bell', ); } const fieldName = 'notifications'; /** * System hooks that may be configured as active in this module * * Each consists of: before|after hookToClass::hooktoMethod myHookMethod * */ protected $systemHooks = array( 0 => 'after ProcessPageView::pageNotFound hook404', 1 => 'after Session::login hookLogin', 2 => 'after Session::logoutSuccess hookLogout', ); /** * Construction SystemNotifications * */ public function __construct() { $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; require_once($path . "Notification.php"); require_once($path . "NotificationArray.php"); require_once($path . "SystemNotificationsConfig.php"); // hook method to access notifications, in case field name ever needs to change for some reason $this->addHook('User::notifications', $this, 'hookUserNotifications'); $this->set('disabled', false); } /** * API init: attach hooks * */ public function init() { if($this->disabled) return; if($this->activeHooks) foreach($this->activeHooks as $id) { if(!isset($this->systemHooks[$id])) continue; list($when, $hook, $method) = explode(' ', $this->systemHooks[$id]); if($when == 'before') { $this->addHookBefore($hook, $this, $method); } else { $this->addHookAfter($hook, $this, $method); } } } /** * API ready * */ public function ready() { if($this->disabled) return; $page = $this->wire('page'); $config = $this->wire('config'); $user = $this->wire('user'); if(!$user->isLoggedin()) return; $this->testProgressNotification(); if($this->wire('config')->ajax) { $adminPage = $this->wire('pages')->get($config->adminRootPageID); if($page->parents()->has($adminPage)) { $ajaxAction = $this->wire('input')->get('Notifications'); if($ajaxAction) $this->ajaxAction($ajaxAction, $user->get(self::fieldName), $user); } } if($page->template == 'admin') { if(!$this->wire('input')->get('modal')) { $this->addHookAfter('AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup', $this, 'hookAdminThemeGetExtraMarkup'); } if($page->process == 'ProcessModule' && !$this->disabled) { $this->wire()->modules->addHookAfter('isUninstallable', function(HookEvent $event) { $class = $event->arguments(0); if($class !== $this->className()) return; $returnReason = $event->arguments(1); if($returnReason) { $event->return = 'You must set “Notification status” to “Off” before uninstalling.'; } else { $event->return = false; } }); } } } /** * Test out the progress bar notification * */ protected function testProgressNotification() { $session = $this->wire('session'); /** @var NotificationArray $notifications */ $notifications = $this->wire('user')->notifications(); if($this->wire('input')->get('test_progress')) { // start new progress bar notification /** @var Notification $notification */ $notification = $this->wire('user')->notifications()->message('Testing progress bar notification'); $notification->progress = 0; $notification->flag('annoy'); $value = $session->get($this, 'test_progress'); if(!is_array($value)) $value = array(); $id = $notification->getID(); $value[$id] = $id; $session->set($this, 'test_progress', $value); $notifications->save(); } else if(($value = $session->get($this, 'test_progress')) && count($value)) { // updating existing progress bar notification(s) foreach($value as $id) { $notification = $notifications->get($id); if(!$notification) continue; $notification->progress += 10; if($notification->progress < 100) { $notification->html = "


"; continue; } unset($value[$id]); $notification->title = "Your download is now complete!"; $notification->flag('open'); $notification->flag('email'); $notification->html = "

This is just an example for demo purposes and the button below doesn't actually do anything.
" . "

"; } $session->set($this, 'test_progress', $value); $notifications->save(); } } /** * Convert Notification object to array * * @param Notification $notification * @return array * */ protected function notificationToArray(Notification $notification) { $html = $notification->html; if(!$html && $notification->text) $html = "

" . $this->sanitizer->entities($notification->text) . "

"; $a = array( 'id' => $notification->getID(), 'title' => $notification->title, 'from' => $notification->from, 'created' => $notification->created, 'modified' => $notification->modified, 'when' => wireDate($this->dateFormat, $notification->modified), 'href' => $notification->href, 'icon' => $notification->icon, 'flags' => $notification->flags, 'flagNames' => implode(' ', $notification->flagNames), 'progress' => $notification->progress, 'html' => $html, 'qty' => $notification->qty, 'expires' => $notification->expires, ); if($a['progress'] > 0 && $a['progress'] < 100) { $a['icon'] = $this->iconProgress; } if(empty($a['icon'])) { if($notification->is("error")) $a['icon'] = $this->iconError; else if($notification->is("warning")) $a['icon'] = $this->iconWarning; else $a['icon'] = $this->iconMessage; } return $a; } /** * Process an ajax action request * * @param $action * @param NotificationArray $notifications * @param Page $page * */ protected function ajaxAction($action, NotificationArray $notifications, Page $page) { $data = array(); $qty = 0; $qtyNew = 0; $qtyMessage = 0; $qtyWarning = 0; $qtyError = 0; $time = (int) $this->wire('input')->get('time'); $rm = $this->wire('input')->get('rm'); $rm = $rm ? explode(',', $rm) : array(); if($this->trackEdits) { $processKey = $this->wire('input')->get('processKey'); $this->updateProcessKey($processKey); } foreach($notifications->sort('-modified') as $notification) { /** @var Notification $notification */ $qty++; $a = $this->notificationToArray($notification); if(in_array($a['id'], $rm)) { $qty--; $notifications->remove($notification); continue; } if($time && $notification->modified < $time) { continue; } if($notification->is('shown')) { continue; } else { $notification->setFlag('shown'); $qtyNew++; } if($notification->flags & Notification::flagError) $qtyError++; else if($notification->flags & Notification::flagWarning) $qtyWarning++; else $qtyMessage++; $data[] = $a; } if(count($rm) || $qtyNew) { $this->wire('pages')->saveField($page, 'notifications', array('quiet' => true)); } if($action == 'update') { $data = array( 'notifications' => $data, // new notifications only 'qty' => $qty, // total notifications (new or not) 'qtyNew' => $qtyNew, // quantity of new notifications, not yet shown 'qtyMessage' => $qtyMessage, 'qtyWarning' => $qtyWarning, 'qtyError' => $qtyError, 'time' => time(), // time this info was generated ); } header("Content-type: application/json"); echo json_encode($data); exit; } /** * Adds markup to admin theme output to initialize notifications * * @param $event * */ public function hookAdminThemeGetExtraMarkup($event) { if($this->disabled) return; $config = $this->wire('config'); $url = $config->urls->SystemNotifications . 'Notifications'; $info = self::getModuleInfo(); $config->styles->add("$url.css?v=$info[version]"); $jsfile = $config->debug ? "$url.js" : "$url.min.js"; $config->scripts->add("$jsfile?v=$info[version]"); $qty = count($this->wire('user')->get(self::fieldName)); $ghostLimit = $this->ghostLimit ? $this->ghostLimit : 20; $properties = array( // configured property names 'updateDelay', 'iconMessage', 'iconWarning', 'iconError', 'ghostZindex', 'ghostDelay', 'ghostDelayError', 'ghostFadeSpeed', 'ghostOpacity', 'reverse', ); $options = array( // runtime property names 'version' => $info['version'], 'updateLast' => time(), ); foreach($properties as $key) { $options[$key] = $this->get($key); } $options['reverse'] = (bool) ((int) $options['reverse']); // options specified in $config->SystemNotifications $configDefaults = array( 'classMessage' => 'NoticeMessage', 'classWarning' => 'NoticeWarning', 'classError' => 'NoticeError', 'classContainer' => 'container', ); $configOptions = $this->wire('config')->SystemNotifications; if(!is_array($configOptions)) $configOptions = array(); $options = array_merge($options, $configDefaults, $configOptions); $textdomain = '/wire/core/Functions.php'; $options['i18n'] = array( 'sec' => __('sec', $textdomain), 'secs' => __('secs', $textdomain), 'min' => __('min', $textdomain), 'mins' => __('mins', $textdomain), 'hour' => __('hour', $textdomain), 'hours' => __('hours', $textdomain), 'day' => __('day', $textdomain), 'days' => __('days', $textdomain), 'expires' => $this->_('expires'), 'now' => __('now', $textdomain), 'fromNow' => __('from now', $textdomain), 'ago' => __('ago', $textdomain), ); if($this->trackEdits) { $processKey = $this->makeProcessKey(); if(!empty($processKey)) $options['processKey'] = $processKey; } $ghostClass = $this->ghostPos == 2 ? "NotificationGhostsRight" : "NotificationGhostsLeft"; $out = "
" . "" . "
" . "" . ""; $extras = $event->return; $extras['body'] .= $out; $extras['masthead'] .= "
" . "$qty" . "" . "
"; $adminTheme = $this->wire('adminTheme'); if($adminTheme) $adminTheme->addBodyClass('NotificationPlacement' . (int) $this->placement); $event->return = $extras; } /** * Convert ProcessWire runtime "Notice" objects to runtime Notification objects * * @param Notice $notice * @return Notification|bool Returns Notification or boolean false on error * */ protected function noticeToNotification(Notice $notice) { if($notice instanceof NoticeWarning || ($notice->flags & Notice::warning)) $type = 'warning'; else if($notice instanceof NoticeError) $type = 'error'; else $type = 'message'; /** @var NotificationArray $notifications */ $notifications = $this->wire('user')->notifications(); if(!$notifications) return false; $notification = $notifications->getNew($type, false); if(!$notification) return false; $notification->setFlag('notice', true); if($notice->flags & Notice::allowMarkup) $notification->setFlag('markup', true); if($notice->flags & Notice::log) $notification->setFlag('log', true); if($notice->flags & Notice::logOnly) $notification->setFlag('log-only', true); if($notice->flags & Notice::debug) { $notification->setFlag('debug', true); $notification->icon = $this->iconDebug; } if($notice->class) $notification->from = $notice->class; if($notice->timestamp) $notification->created = $notice->timestamp; $title = strip_tags((string) $notice); if(strlen($title) > 100) { $title = substr($title, 0, 100); $title = substr($title, 0, strrpos($title, ' ')) . '...'; $notification->title = $title; if($notice->flags & Notice::allowMarkup) { $notification->html = (string) $notice; } else { $notification->text = (string) $notice; } } else if($notice->flags & Notice::allowMarkup) { $notification->title = $notice->text; } else { $notification->title = $title; } return $notification; } /** * Adds automatic notification for every 404 * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function hook404(HookEvent $event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->arguments(0); $url = $event->arguments(1); /** @var User $user */ $user = $this->getSystemUser(); if(!$user->id) return; if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $referer = $this->wire('sanitizer')->entities($this->wire('sanitizer')->text($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } else { $referer = ''; } if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $useragent = $this->wire('sanitizer')->entities($this->wire('sanitizer')->text($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); } else { $useragent = ''; } if(empty($referer)) $referer = "unknown"; if(empty($useragent)) $useragent = "unknown"; /** @var NotificationArray $notifications */ $notifications = $user->notifications(); $notification = $notifications->warning(sprintf($this->_('404 occurred: %s'), $url)); $notification->expires = 30; $notification->html = "

" . "Referer: $referer
" . "Useragent: $useragent
" . "IP: " . $this->wire('session')->getIP() . "
" . "Page: " . ($page->id ? $page->url : 'Unknown') . "
" . "User: " . $this->user->name . "

"; $notifications->save(); } /** * Creates a notifications() method with the user * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function hookUserNotifications(HookEvent $event) { $user = $event->object; $notifications = $user->get(self::fieldName); if(!$notifications) { $this->install(); $notifications = $user->get(self::fieldName); } $event->return = $notifications; } /** * Automatic notification for logins * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function hookLogin(HookEvent $event) { $user = $this->getSystemUser(); if(!$user->id) return; /** @var NotificationArray $notifications */ $notifications = $user->notifications(); $loginUser = $event->return; $loginName = $event->arguments(0); if($loginUser && $loginUser->id) { $notification = $notifications->message(sprintf($this->_('User logged in: %s'), $loginName)); } else { $notification = $notifications->error(sprintf($this->_('Login failure: %s'), $loginName)); } $useragent = $this->wire('sanitizer')->entities($this->wire('sanitizer')->text($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); $notification->html = "

" . "Useragent: $useragent
" . "Time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "
" . "IP: " . $this->wire('session')->getIP() . "

"; $notifications->save(); } /** * Automatic notification for logouts * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function hookLogout(HookEvent $event) { $user = $this->getSystemUser(); if(!$user->id) return; $logoutUser = $event->arguments(0); /** @var NotificationArray $notifications */ $notifications = $user->notifications(); $notifications->message(sprintf($this->_('User logged out: %s'), $logoutUser->name)); $notifications->save(); } /** * Return the user that receives system notifications * * @return User * */ public function getSystemUser() { $user = null; if($this->systemUserName) $user = $this->wire('users')->get($this->systemUserName); if(!$user || !$user->id) $user = $this->wire('users')->get($this->systemUserID); if(!$user->id) { $role = $this->wire('roles')->get('superuser'); $user = $this->wire('users')->get("roles=$role, sort=-created, include=all"); } return $user; } /** * Install notifications * */ public function ___install() { $fieldtype = $this->modules->get('FieldtypeNotifications'); $field = $this->wire('fields')->get(self::fieldName); if($field && !$field->type instanceof FieldtypeNotifications) { throw new WireException("There is already a field named '" . self::fieldName . "'"); } if(!$field) { $field = $this->wire(new Field()); $field->name = self::fieldName; $field->label = 'Notifications'; $field->type = $fieldtype; $field->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedBlank; $field->flags = Field::flagSystem; $field->save(); } $fieldgroup = $this->wire('fieldgroups')->get('user'); if(!$fieldgroup->hasField($field)) { $fieldgroup->add($field); $fieldgroup->save(); } // make this field one that the user is allowed to configure in their profile // $data = $this->wire('modules')->getModuleConfigData('ProcessProfile'); // $data['profileFields'][] = 'notifications'; // $this->wire('modules')->saveModuleConfigData('ProcessProfile', $data); $notifications = $this->wire('user')->get(self::fieldName); if($notifications) { $notifications->message('Hello World')->text('Thank you for installing the Notifications module. This is your first notification!'); $notifications->save(); } } /** * Uninstall notifications * */ public function ___uninstall() { $fieldgroup = $this->wire('fieldgroups')->get('user'); $field = $this->wire('fields')->get(self::fieldName); if($field) { $field->flags = Field::flagSystemOverride; $field->flags = 0; if($fieldgroup->hasField($field)) { $fieldgroup->remove($field); $fieldgroup->save(); } $this->wire('fields')->delete($field); } if($this->wire('modules')->isInstalled('FieldtypeNotifications')) { $this->wire('modules')->uninstall('FieldtypeNotifications'); } } /** * Update the current processKey and its time in the cache * * This method is called only during ajax requests. * * @param string $processKey * */ protected function updateProcessKey($processKey) { // NPK.ProcessPageEdit.pageID.userID.windowID if(!preg_match('/^NPK\.[A-Za-z]+\.\d+\.\d+\.PW\d+$/', $processKey)) return; $this->checkProcessKey($processKey); $times = $this->wire('cache')->get($processKey); if($times) { list($created, $modified) = explode(':', $times); if($modified) {} // unused $value = $created . ":" . time(); } else { $value = time() . ":" . time(); } $this->wire('cache')->save($processKey, $value, ($this->updateDelay / 1000) * 2); } /** * Create a new processKey for the current request * * processKey example: NPK.ProcessPageEdit.pageID.userID * Note that it excludes the windowName, which is added at the end after the * first ajax request. * * This method only runs during full requests, not during ajax requests. * * @return string * */ protected function makeProcessKey() { $process = $this->wire('process'); if($process && ($process instanceof ProcessPageEdit || $process instanceof ProcessPageType)) { // good, we'll use it $page = $process->getPage(); if(!$page || !$page->id) return ''; } else { // we don't track this process return ''; } // NPK = NotificationProcessKey $processKey = "NPK." . $process->className() . "." . $page->id . "." . $this->wire('user')->id; // reset because non-ajax request $this->wire('session')->remove($this, 'notifiedProcessKeys'); return $processKey; } /** * Given a processKey, check for conflicts with other active processKeys * * @param $processKey * */ protected function checkProcessKey($processKey) { list($prefix, $className, $pageID, $userID, $windowName) = explode('.', $processKey); if($userID) {} // unused // locate all currently active processKeys editing $page $processKeys = $this->wire('cache')->get("$prefix.$className.$pageID.*"); $notified = $this->wire('session')->getFor($this, 'notifiedProcessKeys'); if(!is_array($notified)) $notified = array(); foreach($processKeys as $_processKey => $times) { if(isset($notified[$processKey]) && in_array($_processKey, $notified[$processKey])) continue; list($created, $modified) = explode(":", $times); list($_prefix, $_className, $_pageID, $_userID, $_windowName) = explode('.', $_processKey); if($modified || $_prefix || $_className || $_pageID) {} // unused $recordNotify = false; if($_userID == $this->wire('user')->id) { // same user if($_windowName == $windowName) { // this is the window we are already in and this is OK to skip } else { // editing in different window $this->wire('user')->notifications()->error( sprintf( $this->_('Warning: you are editing this page in another window (editing started %s)'), wireDate('%X', (int) $created)), Notification::flagAnnoy | Notification::flagSession); $recordNotify = true; } } else { // different user $editingUser = $this->wire('users')->get((int) $_userID); if($editingUser->id) { $this->wire('user')->notifications()->error( sprintf($this->_('Warning: user "%s" is currently editing this page (editing started %s)'), $editingUser->name, wireDate('%X', (int) $created)), Notification::flagAnnoy | Notification::flagSession); $recordNotify = true; } } if($recordNotify) { if(isset($notified[$processKey])) $notified[$processKey][] = $_processKey; else $notified[$processKey] = array($_processKey); } } if(count($notified)) { $this->wire('session')->setFor($this, 'notifiedProcessKeys', $notified); } } }