'Recent Pages', 'summary' => 'Shows a list of recently edited pages in your admin.', 'version' => 2, 'author' => 'Ryan Cramer', 'href' => 'http://modules.processwire.com/', 'icon' => 'clock-o', 'permission' => 'page-edit-recent', 'permissions' => array( 'page-edit-recent' => 'Can see recently edited pages' ), 'page' => array( 'name' => 'recent-pages', 'parent' => 'page', 'title' => 'Recent', ), 'useNavJSON' => true, 'nav' => array( array( 'url' => '?edited=1', 'label' => 'Edited', 'icon' => 'users', 'navJSON' => 'navJSON/?edited=1', ), array( 'url' => '?added=1', 'label' => 'Created', 'icon' => 'users', 'navJSON' => 'navJSON/?added=1', ), array( 'url' => '?edited=1&me=1', 'label' => 'Edited by me', 'icon' => 'user', 'navJSON' => 'navJSON/?edited=1&me=1', ), array( 'url' => '?added=1&me=1', 'label' => 'Created by me', 'icon' => 'user', 'navJSON' => 'navJSON/?added=1&me=1', ), array( 'url' => 'another/', 'label' => 'Add another', 'icon' => 'plus-circle', 'navJSON' => 'anotherNavJSON/', ) ) ); } /** * Shared translation labels * * @var array * */ protected $labels = array(); /** * Oldest date to match or pages (hopefully equal to site installation date) * * @var int * */ protected $oldestDate = 0; public function __construct() { $this->set('itemLimit', 15); } public function init() { $this->addHookProperty('Page::recentTimeStr', $this, 'hookPageRecentTimeStr'); parent::init(); $this->labels['nothing'] = $this->_('No pages match (yet)'); $this->oldestDate = (int) $this->wire('config')->installed; if(!$this->oldestDate) $this->oldestDate = @filemtime($this->wire('config')->paths->assets . 'installed.php'); } /** * Add a 'recentTimeStr' property to all Page objects while this Process is active * * @param HookEvent $event * */ public function hookPageRecentTimeStr(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->object; $time = $this->getSort() == '-created' ? $page->created : $page->modified; $event->return = wireRelativeTimeStr($time, true, false); } /** * Provides output for recent edited/added nav options ajax calls * * @param array $options * @return string * */ public function ___executeNavJSON(array $options = array()) { $options['add'] = ''; $options['iconKey'] = 'template.icon'; $options['itemLabel'] = 'title|name'; $options['itemLabel2'] = 'recentTimeStr'; $options['sort'] = false; $selector = str_replace(',,', ',', $this->getSelectorString()); $items = $this->wire('pages')->find("$selector, limit=$this->itemLimit"); if(!$this->wire('user')->isSuperuser()) foreach($items as $item) { if(!$item->editable()) $items->remove($item); } $options['items'] = $items; return parent::___executeNavJSON($options); } /** * Update selector string to exclude things we won't want showing in any of our results * * @param string $selector * */ protected function updateSelectorString(&$selector) { $adminID = $this->wire('config')->adminRootPageID; $selector .= ", has_parent!=$adminID"; if($this->wire('modules')->isInstalled('FieldtypePageTable')) { $this->wire('modules')->get('FieldtypePageTable'); $skipTemplates = array(); $skipParents = array(); foreach($this->wire('fields') as $field) { if(!$field->type instanceof FieldtypePageTable) continue; if(!empty($field->parent_id)) $skipParents[] = $field->parent_id; if(!empty($field->template_id)) { $value = $field->template_id; if(is_array($value)) $skipTemplates = array_merge($skipTemplates, $value); else $skipTemplates[] = $value; } } if(count($skipTemplates)) $selector .= ", template!=" . implode('|', $skipTemplates); if(count($skipParents)) $selector .= ", parent_id!=" . implode('|', $skipParents); } } /** * Get selector string to find pages for navJSON (not used by 'add another') * * @return string * */ protected function getSelectorString() { $sort = $this->getSort(); $selector = "include=unpublished, sort=$sort"; $this->updateSelectorString($selector); if($this->input->get('me')) { if($sort == '-modified') { $selector .= ",,modified_users_id=$this->user, modified>=$this->oldestDate"; } else if($sort == '-created') { $selector .= ",,created_users_id=$this->user, created>=$this->oldestDate"; } } return $selector; } /** * Get the current sort for navJSON (not used by 'add another') * * @return string * */ protected function getSort() { if($this->input->get('added')) { return "-created"; } else { return "-modified"; } } /** * Provide the interactive view for when user clicks on Added/Edited menu items rather than pages * * This basically redirects to a Lister that shows the pages. * */ public function ___execute() { $selector = $this->getSelectorString(); $useLister = false; $out = ''; if($useLister) { if(strpos($selector, ',,') !== false) { list($initSelector, $defaultSelector) = explode(',,', $selector); } else { $initSelector = $selector; $defaultSelector = ''; } $a = array( 'initSelector' => $initSelector, 'defaultSelector' => $defaultSelector, 'defaultSort' => $this->getSort(), ); $url = ProcessPageLister::addSessionBookmark('recent-pages', $a); if($url) { $this->session->redirect($url); } else { $this->error($this->_('This feature requires page-lister permission')); } } else { $table = $this->wire('modules')->get('MarkupAdminDataTable'); $table->setEncodeEntities(false); $table->headerRow(array( $this->_x('Page', 'th'), $this->_x('Parent', 'th'), $this->_x('Template', 'th'), $this->_x('Created', 'th'), $this->_x('Modified', 'th') )); $items = $this->wire('pages')->find("$selector, limit=$this->itemLimit"); $sanitizer = $this->wire('sanitizer'); $title = $this->_('Recent pages'); foreach($items as $item) { if(!$item->editable()) continue; $created = $item->created; $modified = $item->modified; if($created < $this->oldestDate) $created = $this->oldestDate; if($modified < $this->oldestDate) $modified = $this->oldestDate; $table->row(array( "" . $sanitizer->entities1($item->get('title|name')) => $item->editURL, $sanitizer->entities1($item->parent->get('title|name')), $sanitizer->entities1($item->template->getLabel()), "$created" . wireRelativeTimeStr($created), "$modified" . wireRelativeTimeStr($modified) )); $me = $this->input->get('me'); if($this->getSort() == '-created') { if($me) $title = sprintf($this->_('Pages recently created by %s'), $this->wire('user')->name); else $title = $this->_('Recently created pages'); } else { if($me) $title = sprintf($this->_('Pages recently edited by %s'), $this->wire('user')->name); else $title = $this->_('Recently edited pages'); } } $out .= "


"; if(count($items)) { $out .= $table->render(); } else { $out .= "

" . $this->labels['nothing'] . "

"; } } return $out; } /** * The /edit/ option redirects to the page editor for the given page ID * * @throws WireException On invalid page ID * */ public function ___executeEdit() { $id = (int) $this->input->get('id'); if(!$id) throw new WireException("No page ID"); $this->session->redirect("../edit/?id=$id"); } /** * Returns array of 'add another' pages * * There is only one of each parent/template combination here. * Each returned page has two additional properties populated: * - _addAnotherURL: URL to add another of the same type * - _addAnotherLabel: Recommended label for links * * @param int $limit Max items to include * @param string|int $oldest Timestamp or strtotime() compatible oldest date to retrieve from * @param int $userID When omitted, current user assumed * @return array of Page objects * */ public function getAddAnotherNavItems($limit = 10, $oldest = 0, $userID = 0) { $items = array(); if(empty($oldest)) $oldest = $this->oldestDate; else if(!ctype_digit($oldest)) $oldest = strtotime($oldest); if(!$userID) $userID = $this->wire('user')->id; $n = 0; $_selector = "include=unpublished, created_users_id=$userID, created>=$oldest, sort=-created, limit=50"; $this->updateSelectorString($_selector); do { $selector = $_selector; if(count($items)) { $selector .= ", id!="; foreach($items as $item) $selector .= $item->id . '|'; $selector = rtrim($selector, '|'); } $matches = $this->wire('pages')->find($selector); foreach($matches as $item) { if(!$item->editable() || !$item->parent->addable()) continue; if($item->template->noParents) continue; if($item->parent->template->noChildren) continue; $childTemplates = $item->parent->template->childTemplates; if(count($childTemplates) && !in_array($item->template->id, $childTemplates)) continue; $parentTemplates = $item->template->parentTemplates; if(count($parentTemplates) && !in_array($item->parent->template->id, $parentTemplates)) continue; $key = $item->parent->id . "-" . $item->template->id; // limit to 1 parent-template match if(isset($items[$key])) continue; $url = $this->wire('config')->urls->admin . "page/add/?parent_id=$item->parent_id&template_id={$item->template->id}"; $label = $this->sanitizer->entities($item->template->getLabel()); $label .= ' ' . sprintf($this->_('in %s'), $item->parent->get('title|name')) . ''; $item->set('_addAnotherURL', $url); $item->set('_addAnotherLabel', $label); $items[$key] = $item; } } while(count($items) < $limit && (++$n < 10)); return $items; } /** * Provides the navJSON data for the 'add another' menu item * * @return string * */ public function ___executeAnotherNavJSON() { $data = array( 'url' => '', 'label' => $this->_((string) $this->page->get('title|name')), 'icon' => '', 'list' => array(), ); $items = $this->getAddAnotherNavItems(); foreach($items as $item) { $data['list'][] = array( 'url' => $item->_addAnotherURL, 'label' => $item->_addAnotherLabel, 'icon' => $item->template->getIcon(), ); } if(!count($items)) { $data['list'][] = array( 'url' => $this->wire('config')->urls->admin, 'label' => $this->labels['nothing'], ); } if($this->wire('config')->ajax) header("Content-Type: application/json"); return json_encode($data); } /** * Outputs a table of 'add another' pages, for when user clicks on the 'Add another' text rather than a page item * * @return string * */ public function ___executeAnother() { $items = $this->getAddAnotherNavItems(); if(!count($items)) return "

" . $this->labels['nothing'] . "

"; $this->headline($this->_('Add another')); $table = $this->wire('modules')->get('MarkupAdminDataTable'); $table->headerRow(array( $this->_x('Template', 'th'), $this->_x('Parent', 'th'), $this->_x('Last Created', 'th') )); foreach($items as $item) { $table->row(array( $item->template->getLabel() => $item->_addAnotherURL, $item->parent->get('title|name'), wireRelativeTimeStr($item->created) )); } return "

" . $this->_('Click any item to add another of the same type') . "

" . $table->render(); } }