var AdminDataTable = { ready: false, tables: [], isMobileSize: function() { return $(window).width() <= 767; }, setupShiftClick: function($table) { // @awt2542 PR #867 var lastChecked = null; $table.on('click', 'input[type=checkbox]', function(e) { var $checkboxes = $(this).closest('table').find('input[type=checkbox]'); if(!lastChecked) { lastChecked = this; return; } if(e.shiftKey) { var start = $checkboxes.index(this); var end = $checkboxes.index(lastChecked); // $checkboxes.slice(Math.min(start,end), Math.max(start,end)+ 1).attr('checked', lastChecked.checked); // JQM $checkboxes.slice(Math.min(start,end), Math.max(start,end)+ 1).prop('checked', lastChecked.checked ? true : false); } lastChecked = this; }); }, setupMobile: function($table) { if($table.hasClass('AdminDataTableMobile')) return; if(!$table.hasClass('AdminDataTableResponsive')) return; $table.addClass('AdminDataTableMobile'); var labels = []; var thcolor = ''; $table.children('thead').children('tr').each(function() { $(this).find("th").each(function(n) { var $th = $(this); if(!thcolor.length) thcolor = $th.css('color'); if($th.children().length) { // get beyond the tablesorter-header if there is one if($th.children('.tablesorter-header-inner').length) $th = $th.children(); // th might have hidden parts that we don't want var $th2 = $th.clone(); $th2.children().remove(); if($th2.text().length) $th = $th2; } labels[n] = $th.html(); }); }); $table.children('tbody').children('tr').each(function() { $(this).children('td').each(function(n) { var $td = $(this); if(typeof labels[n] == "undefined") return; var $th = $("
").append(labels[n]).css('color', thcolor); if($td.children('.td').length == 0) $td.wrapInner("
"); $td.prepend($th).addClass('ui-helper-clearfix'); $th.css('line-height', $td.css('line-height')); }); }); }, undoMobile: function($table) { if ($table.hasClass('AdminDataTableMobile')) { $table.removeClass('AdminDataTableMobile'); $table.children('tbody').find("td").each(function () { var $td = $(this); $td.find(".th").remove(); $td.find(".td").removeClass('td'); $td.removeClass('ui-helper-clearfix'); }); } }, resize: function() { var $tables = $("table.AdminDataTableResponsive"); var isMobile = AdminDataTable.isMobileSize(); $tables.each(function () { var $table = $(this); if (isMobile) { AdminDataTable.setupMobile($table); } else if ($table.hasClass('AdminDataTableMobile')) { AdminDataTable.undoMobile($table); } }); }, initTable: function($table) { if (AdminDataTable.ready) { if(AdminDataTable.isMobileSize()) AdminDataTable.setupMobile($table); } else { AdminDataTable.tables.push($table); } if($table.find("input[type=checkbox]").length > 1) { AdminDataTable.setupShiftClick($table); } }, init: function() { AdminDataTable.ready = true; $("table.AdminDataTableSortable").each(function() { var $table = $(this); var options = {}; var ths = []; if($table.hasClass('AdminDataTableResizable')) { options = { widgets: ['resizable'], widgetOptions: { resizable: true } } } $table.find('th.sorter-false').each(function() { var $th = $(this); $'sorter', false); ths.push($th); }); if(jQuery().tablesorter) { $table.tablesorter(options); for(var n = 0; n < ths.length; n++) { var $th = ths[n]; $th.removeClass('tablesorter-headerUnSorted'); } } }); $("table.AdminDataTableResizable").each(function() { var $table = $(this); if($table.hasClass('AdminDataTableSortable')) return; // already handled above $table.find('th').data("sorter", false); if(jQuery().tablesorter) $table.tablesorter({ widgets: ['resizable'], widgetOptions: { resizable: true } }); }); var resizeTimeout = null; $(window).on('resize', function() { if(resizeTimeout) clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { AdminDataTable.resize() }, 500); }); if(AdminDataTable.tables.length) { for (var n = 0; n < AdminDataTable.tables.length; n++) { AdminDataTable.initTable(AdminDataTable.tables[n]); } } } } $(document).ready(function() { AdminDataTable.init(); });