$v) { $v = trim($v); if((empty($v) || !ctype_alnum($v)) && $v !== '|') { unset($value[$k]); } else { $value[$k] = $v; } } return implode(' ', $value); } /** * Get field that images can be uploaded to or null if none found * * @return Field|null * */ public function getImageField() { $page = $this->inputfield->hasPage; if(!$page || !$page->id) return null; $template = $page->template; $alternates = array(); $imageField = null; $imageFields = $this->inputfield->imageFields; if(!is_array($imageFields)) $imageFields = array(); if(in_array('x', $imageFields)) return null; // x disables imageField foreach($imageFields as $fieldName) { $imageField = $page->getField($fieldName); if($imageField) break; } if($imageField) { // use configured imageField found above } else if(isset(self::$imageFields[$template->id])) { $imageField = self::$imageFields[$template->id]; if($imageField === false) $imageField = null; } else { foreach($template->fieldgroup as $field) { if(!$field->type instanceof FieldtypeImage) continue; $maxFiles = (int) $field->get('maxFiles'); if(!$maxFiles) { // found our image field $imageField = $field; break; } // do not allow 1-image fields if($maxFiles === 1) continue; // check if image field supports more items $value = $page->get($field->name); if($value && $value->count() >= (int) $field->get('maxFiles')) continue; $alternates[] = $field; } // use an alternate that had a maxFiles value, if none could be found without a limit if(!$imageField && count($alternates)) $imageField = reset($alternates); self::$imageFields[$template->id] = ($imageField ? $imageField : false); } return $imageField; } /** * Clean up a value that will be sent to/from the editor * * This is primarily for HTML Purifier * * @param string $value * @return string * */ public function purifyValue($value) { $value = (string) $value; if(strpos($value, "\r") !== false) $value = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $value); if(!strlen($value)) return ''; $sanitizer = $this->wire()->sanitizer; if($this->inputfield->useFeature('purifier') && ($purifier = $this->purifier())) { $enableId = stripos($this->inputfield->toolbar, 'anchor') !== false; $purifier->set('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets', $this->linkConfig('targetOptions')); // allow links opened in new window/tab $purifier->set('Attr.EnableID', $enableId); // for anchor plugin use of id and name attributes $value = $purifier->purify($value); } $value = $this->purifyValueToggles($value); // remove UTF-8 line separator characters $value = str_replace($sanitizer->unentities('
'), '', $value); return $value; } /** * Apply markup cleaning toggles * * @param string $value * @return string * */ public function purifyValueToggles($value) { // convert
to paragraphs $toggles = $this->inputfield->toggles; if(!is_array($toggles)) return $value; if(in_array(InputfieldTinyMCE::toggleCleanDiv, $toggles) && strpos($value, '<]*>\s*}is', '$1' . 'p>', $value); while(strpos($value, '

') !== false) { $value = str_replace(array('

', '

'), array('

', '

'), $value); } } // remove gratuitous whitespace if(in_array(InputfieldTinyMCE::toggleCleanP, $toggles)) { $value = str_replace(array('

', '


', "


", '

', '

'), '', $value); } // convert non-breaking space to regular space if(in_array(InputfieldTinyMCE::toggleCleanNbsp, $toggles)) { $value = str_ireplace(' ', ' ', $value); $value = str_replace("\xc2\xa0",' ', $value); } return $value; } /** * @return MarkupHTMLPurifier * */ public function purifier() { if(self::$purifier === null) { self::$purifier = $this->wire()->modules->get('MarkupHTMLPurifier'); if(!self::$purifier) { $this->error("Unable to load required MarkupHTMLPurifier module"); } } return self::$purifier; } /** * Get config for ProcessPageEditLink module * * @param string $key * @return array|string * */ public function linkConfig($key = '') { $sanitizer = $this->wire()->sanitizer; if(self::$linkConfig === null) { self::$linkConfig = $this->wire()->modules->getModuleConfigData('ProcessPageEditLink'); } $value = &self::$linkConfig; if($key === 'targetOptions') { $value = isset($value['targetOptions']) ? $value['targetOptions'] : '_blank'; $value = explode("\n", $value); foreach($value as $k => $v) { $v = trim(trim($v), '+'); if($sanitizer->name($v) !== $v) continue; $value[$k] = $v; } } else if($key === 'classOptions') { $value = isset($value[$key]) ? $value[$key] : ''; $options = array(); foreach(explode("\n", $value) as $option) { $option = trim($option, '+ '); if($sanitizer->nameFilter($option, array('-', '_', ':'), '-') !== $option) continue; $options[] = $option; } $value = implode(',', $options); } return $value; } /** * Decode JSON * * @param string $json JSON string * @param string $propertyName Name of property JSON is for * @return array * */ public function jsonDecode($json, $propertyName) { $json = trim((string) $json); if(!strlen($json)) return array(); $a = json_decode($json, true); if(!is_array($a)) { $this->warning(sprintf( $this->_('Error decoding JSON for TinyMCE property "%1$s" - %2$s'), $propertyName, json_last_error_msg() )); $a = array(); } else if(strpos($json, '{}') !== false) { if(preg_match_all('/"([_a-z0-9]+)":\s*[{][}]/i', $json, $matches)) { foreach($matches[1] as $name) { $this->jsonBlankObjectProperties[$name] = $name; } } } return $a; } /** * Decode JSON file * * @param string $file * @param string $propertyName * @return array * */ public function jsonDecodeFile($file, $propertyName) { if(empty($file)) return array(); if(!file_exists($file)) { $this->warning($propertyName . ' - ' . $this->_('File does not exist') . " - $file"); return array(); } if(strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) !== 'json') { $this->warning($propertyName . ' - ' . $this->_('File extension is not .json') . " - $file"); return array(); } return $this->jsonDecode(file_get_contents($file), $propertyName); } /** * Encode array to JSON * * @param array $a * @param string $propertyName Name of property JSON is for * @param bool $pretty * @return string * */ public function jsonEncode($a, $propertyName, $pretty = true) { if(!is_array($a)) return ''; if($pretty) { $json = json_encode($a, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } else { $json = json_encode($a); } if($json === false) { $this->warning(sprintf( $this->_('Error encoding JSON for TinyMCE property "%1$s" - %2$s'), $propertyName, json_last_error_msg() )); $json = ''; } if(count($this->jsonBlankObjectProperties) && strpos($json, '[]') !== false) { // convert JSON arrays [] to objects {} foreach($this->jsonBlankObjectProperties as $name) { $json = str_replace(array("\"$name\": []", "\"$name\":[]"), "\"$name\": {}", $json); } } return (string) $json; } /** * Prepare pasteFilters string for JS * * This converts the rules to a longer format that is optimized for matching from the * InputfieldTinyMCE.js pasteProcess() function. * * @return string * */ public function getPasteFiltersForJS() { $pasteFilter = trim(strtolower($this->inputfield->pasteFilter)); if($pasteFilter === 'default') $pasteFilter = InputfieldTinyMCE::defaultPasteFilter; if(strpos($pasteFilter, "\n")) $pasteFilter = str_replace("\n", ',', $pasteFilter); if(strpos($pasteFilter, ' ')) $pasteFilter = str_replace(' ', '', $pasteFilter); $pasteFilters = array(); foreach(explode(',', $pasteFilter) as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); if(empty($tag)) continue; if(strpos($tag, '[')) { // tag includes attributes list($tag, $attrs) = explode('[', $tag, 2); if(empty($tag) || !ctype_alnum($tag)) continue; $attrs = rtrim($attrs, ']'); if(strpos($attrs, '=')) { // i.e. img[class=align_left|align_right] list($attrs, $values) = explode('=', $attrs, 2); $values = strpos($values, '|') ? explode('|', $values) : array($values); } else { // i.e. img[src|alt] $values = null; } $attrs = strpos($attrs, '|') ? explode('|', $attrs) : array($attrs); foreach($attrs as $attr) { if(!ctype_alnum(str_replace(['-', '_'], '', $attr))) continue; // invalid attribute if($values) { foreach($values as $value) { if(!ctype_alnum(str_replace(['-', '_', ':', '.', '@'], '', $value))) continue; // invalid value $pasteFilters[] = $tag . "[$attr=$value]"; } } else { $pasteFilters[] = $tag . '[' . $attr . ']'; } } } else { // tag only or 'tag=replacement' if(!ctype_alnum(str_replace('=', '', $tag))) continue; $pasteFilters[] = $tag; } } return implode(',', $pasteFilters); } /** * Get content.css file contents for inline editor output * * @return string * @deprecated * public function getContentCssInline() { $file = $this->getContentCssFile(); $css = file_get_contents($file); $css = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r", " "), " ", $css); $css = str_replace('}', "}\n", $css); while(strpos($css, ' ') !== false) $css = str_replace(' ', ' ', $css); $css = str_replace(array(' { ', ' } ', '; ', ': ', ', ', ';}'), array('{', '}', ';', ':', ',', '}'), $css); $lines = explode("\n", $css); foreach($lines as $key => $line) { $line = trim($line); if(empty($line)) { unset($lines[$key]); continue; } if(strpos($line, '{')) { list($a, $b) = explode('{', $line, 2); $a = str_replace(',', ',.mce-content-body ', $a); $line = $a . '{' . $b; } if(strpos($line, 'body{') === 0) $line = str_replace('body{', '{', $line); $lines[$key] = ".mce-content-body $line"; } return implode("\n", $lines); } */ /** * @param string $name * @return array|mixed|string|null * */ public function __get($name) { if($name === 'jsonBlankObjectProperties') return $this->jsonBlankObjectProperties; return parent::__get($name); } }