function initInputfieldAsmSelect($select) { var id = $select.attr('id'); // determine options common among all InputfieldAsmSelect instances var options = {}; if(typeof ProcessWire.config == 'undefined') { options = { sortable: true }; } else if(typeof ProcessWire.config[id] != "undefined") { options = ProcessWire.config[id]; // deprecated/legacy } else if(typeof ProcessWire.config['InputfieldAsmSelect'] != "undefined") { jQuery.extend(options, ProcessWire.config['InputfieldAsmSelect']); } // merge options unique to this instance from attribute var data = $select.attr('data-asmopt'); if(typeof data != "undefined") { data = JSON.parse(data); if(data) { jQuery.extend(options, data); if(typeof ProcessWire.config != "undefined" && typeof ProcessWire.config[id] == "undefined") { // for classes like Repeater/Matrix that may be looking for this in ProcessWire.config ProcessWire.config[id] = options; } } } $select.asmSelect(options); } jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(".InputfieldAsmSelect select[multiple]").each(function() { initInputfieldAsmSelect($(this)); }); $(document).on('reloaded', '.InputfieldAsmSelect, .InputfieldPage', function() { var $t = $(this); if($t.hasClass('InputfieldPage')) $t = $t.find('.InputfieldAsmSelect'); if(!$t.length) return; if($t.find('.asmList').length) return; $(this).find("select[multiple]").each(function() { initInputfieldAsmSelect($(this)); }); }); });