412 lines
16 KiB
412 lines
16 KiB
* TinyMCE Language Pack
* Copyright (c) 2022 Ephox Corporation DBA Tiny Technologies, Inc.
* Licensed under the Tiny commercial license. See https://www.tiny.cloud/legal/
tinymce.addI18n('eu', {
"Redo": "Berregin",
"Undo": "Desegin",
"Cut": "Ebaki",
"Copy": "Kopiatu",
"Paste": "Itsatsi",
"Select all": "Hautatu dena",
"New document": "Dokumentu berria",
"Ok": "Ondo",
"Cancel": "Ezeztatu",
"Visual aids": "Laguntza bisualak",
"Bold": "Lodia",
"Italic": "Etzana",
"Underline": "Azpimarratua",
"Strikethrough": "Marratua",
"Superscript": "Goi-indizea",
"Subscript": "Azpiindizea",
"Clear formatting": "Ezabatu formatua",
"Remove": "Ezabatu",
"Align left": "Lerrokatu ezkerrean",
"Align center": "Lerrokatu erdian",
"Align right": "Lerrokatu eskuinean",
"No alignment": "Lerrokatzerik ez",
"Justify": "Justifikatuta",
"Bullet list": "Bulet zerrenda",
"Numbered list": "Zenbaki-zerrenda",
"Decrease indent": "Txikitu koska",
"Increase indent": "Handitu koska",
"Close": "Itxi",
"Formats": "Formatuak",
"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "Zure nabigatzaileak ez du arbela zuzenean erabiltzeko euskarririk. Mesedez erabili CTRL+X/C/V teklatuko lasterbideak.",
"Headings": "Izenburuak",
"Heading 1": "1. izenburua",
"Heading 2": "2. izenburua",
"Heading 3": "3. izenburua",
"Heading 4": "4. izenburua",
"Heading 5": "5. izenburua",
"Heading 6": "6. izenburua",
"Preformatted": "Aurreformateatuta",
"Div": "Div",
"Pre": "Pre",
"Code": "Kodea",
"Paragraph": "Paragrafoa",
"Blockquote": "Zita bat egiteko blokea (blockquote)",
"Inline": "Txertatuta",
"Blocks": "Blokeak",
"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Txertatzea testu formatu arruntean dago. Orain edukiak testu arrunt moduan txertatuko dira aukera hau kendu bitartean.",
"Fonts": "Letra-motak",
"Font sizes": "Letra tamainak",
"Class": "Klasea",
"Browse for an image": "Irudia arakatu",
"OR": "EDO",
"Drop an image here": "Irudia hona ekarri",
"Upload": "Kargatu",
"Uploading image": "Irudia kargatzen",
"Block": "Blokea",
"Align": "Lerrokatu",
"Default": "Lehenetsita",
"Circle": "Zirkulua",
"Disc": "Diskoa",
"Square": "Karratua",
"Lower Alpha": "Behe alfa",
"Lower Greek": "Behe grekoa",
"Lower Roman": "Behe erromatarra",
"Upper Alpha": "Goi alfa",
"Upper Roman": "Goi erromatarra",
"Anchor...": "Aingura...",
"Anchor": "Aingura",
"Name": "Izena",
"ID": "ID",
"ID should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.": "IDa hizki batekin hasi behar da, eta jarraian hizki gehiago, zenbakiak, marrak, puntuak komak edo azpiko marrak izan ditzake.",
"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "Gorde gabeko aldaketak dituzu, ziur zaude hemendik irten nahi duzula?",
"Restore last draft": "Leheneratu azken zirriborroa",
"Special character...": "Karaktere bereziak...",
"Special Character": "Karaktere berezia",
"Source code": "Iturburu-kodea",
"Insert/Edit code sample": "Txertatu/editatu kode adibidea",
"Language": "Hizkuntza",
"Code sample...": "Kode adibidea...",
"Left to right": "Ezkerretik eskuinera",
"Right to left": "Eskuinetik ezkerrera",
"Title": "Titulua",
"Fullscreen": "Pantaila osoa",
"Action": "Akzioa",
"Shortcut": "Laster tekla",
"Help": "Laguntza",
"Address": "Helbidea",
"Focus to menubar": "Fokoa menu-barrara eraman",
"Focus to toolbar": "Fokoa tresna-barrara eraman",
"Focus to element path": "Fokoa elementuaren bidera eraman",
"Focus to contextual toolbar": "Fokoa kontestuko tresna-barrara eraman",
"Insert link (if link plugin activated)": "Lotura txertatu (lotura plugina aktibatuta badago)",
"Save (if save plugin activated)": "Gorde (gordetzeko plugina aktibatuta badago)",
"Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)": "Bilatu (bilatuordezkatu plugina instalatuta badago)",
"Plugins installed ({0}):": "Instalatutako pluginak ({0}):",
"Premium plugins:": "Premium pluginak:",
"Learn more...": "Gehiago ikasi...",
"You are using {0}": "{0} erabiltzen ari zara",
"Plugins": "Pluginak",
"Handy Shortcuts": "Laster-tekla erabilgarriak",
"Horizontal line": "Marra horizontala",
"Insert/edit image": "Irudia txertatu/editatu",
"Alternative description": "Ordezko deskribapena",
"Accessibility": "Irisgarritasuna",
"Image is decorative": "Irudia apaingarria da",
"Source": "Iturburua",
"Dimensions": "Neurriak",
"Constrain proportions": "Mugatu proportzioak",
"General": "Orokorra",
"Advanced": "Aurreratua",
"Style": "Estiloa",
"Vertical space": "Hutsune bertikala",
"Horizontal space": "Hutsune horizontala",
"Border": "Ertza",
"Insert image": "Irudia txertatu",
"Image...": "Irudia...",
"Image list": "Irudi zerrenda",
"Resize": "Tamaina aldatu",
"Insert date/time": "Data/ordua txertatu",
"Date/time": "Data/ordua",
"Insert/edit link": "Esteka txertatu/editatu",
"Text to display": "Bistaratzeko testua",
"Url": "Url-a",
"Open link in...": "Lotura hemen ireki...",
"Current window": "Leiho hau",
"None": "Bat ere ez",
"New window": "Leiho berria",
"Open link": "Ireki esteka",
"Remove link": "Kendu esteka",
"Anchors": "Aingurak",
"Link...": "Esteka...",
"Paste or type a link": "Itsatsi edo idatzi esteka",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "Sartu duzun URL-ak helbide elektroniko bat dela dirudi. Nahi duzu dagokion mailto: aurrizkia gehitzea?",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?": "Sartu duzun URL-ak kanpoko esteka bat dela dirudi. Nahi duzu dagokion http:// aurrizkia gehitzea?",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required https:// prefix?": "Sartu duzun URL-ak kanpoko esteka bat dela dirudi. Nahi duzu dagokion https:// aurrizkia gehitzea?",
"Link list": "Esteken zerrenda",
"Insert video": "Txertatu bideoa",
"Insert/edit video": "Txertatu/editatu bideoa",
"Insert/edit media": "Txertatu/editatu multimedia",
"Alternative source": "Iturburu alternatiboa",
"Alternative source URL": "Ordezko jatorri URL-a",
"Media poster (Image URL)": "Media posterra (irudiaren URL-a)",
"Paste your embed code below:": "Itsatsi hemen zure kapsulatze-kodea:",
"Embed": "Kapsulatzea",
"Media...": "Multimedia...",
"Nonbreaking space": "Zuriune zatiezina",
"Page break": "Orrialde-jauzia",
"Paste as text": "Itsatsi testu bezala",
"Preview": "Aurrebista",
"Print": "Inprimatu",
"Print...": "Inprimatu...",
"Save": "Gorde",
"Find": "Bilatu",
"Replace with": "Honekin ordeztu",
"Replace": "Ordeztu",
"Replace all": "Ordeztu dena",
"Previous": "Aurrekoa",
"Next": "Hurrengoa",
"Find and Replace": "Bilatu eta ordezkatu",
"Find and replace...": "Bilatu eta ordezkatu...",
"Could not find the specified string.": "Ezin izan da zehaztutako katea aurkitu.",
"Match case": "Maiuskula/minuskula",
"Find whole words only": "Hitz osoak bakarrik bilatu",
"Find in selection": "Bilatu hautapenean",
"Insert table": "Txertatu taula",
"Table properties": "Taularen propietateak",
"Delete table": "Taula ezabatu",
"Cell": "Gelaxka",
"Row": "Errenkada",
"Column": "Zutabea",
"Cell properties": "Gelaxkaren propietateak",
"Merge cells": "Batu gelaxkak",
"Split cell": "Banatu gelaxkak",
"Insert row before": "Txertatu errenkada aurretik",
"Insert row after": "Txertatu errenkada ostean",
"Delete row": "Ezabatu errenkada",
"Row properties": "Errenkadaren propietateak",
"Cut row": "Ebaki errenkada",
"Cut column": "Ebaki zutabea",
"Copy row": "Kopiatu errenkada",
"Copy column": "Kopiatu zutabea",
"Paste row before": "Itsatsi errenkada aurretik",
"Paste column before": "Itsatsi zutabea aurretik",
"Paste row after": "Itsatsi errenkada ostean",
"Paste column after": "Itsatsi zutabea ostean",
"Insert column before": "Txertatu zutabe aurretik",
"Insert column after": "Txertatu zutabea ostean",
"Delete column": "Ezabatu zutabea",
"Cols": "Zutabeak",
"Rows": "Errenkadak",
"Width": "Zabalera",
"Height": "Altuera",
"Cell spacing": "Gelaxka arteko tartea",
"Cell padding": "Gelaxken betegarria",
"Row clipboard actions": "Lerroaren arbeleko akzioak",
"Column clipboard actions": "Zutabearen arbeleko akzioak",
"Table styles": "Taularen estiloak",
"Cell styles": "Gelaxkaren estiloak",
"Column header": "Zutabearen goiburukoa",
"Row header": "Lerroaren goiburukoa",
"Table caption": "Taularen deskribapena",
"Caption": "Irudi-oina",
"Show caption": "Erakutsi irudi-oina erakutsi",
"Left": "Ezkerra",
"Center": "Erdia",
"Right": "Eskuina",
"Cell type": "Gelaxka mota",
"Scope": "Esparrua",
"Alignment": "Lerrokatzea",
"Horizontal align": "Alineazio horizontala",
"Vertical align": "Alineazio bertikala",
"Top": "Goian",
"Middle": "Erdian",
"Bottom": "Behean",
"Header cell": "Goiburuko gelaxka",
"Row group": "Lerro taldea",
"Column group": "Zutabe taldea",
"Row type": "Lerro mota",
"Header": "Goiburua",
"Body": "Gorputza",
"Footer": "Oina",
"Border color": "Ertzaren kolorea",
"Solid": "Solidoa",
"Dotted": "Puntuekin",
"Dashed": "Marrekin",
"Double": "Bikoitza",
"Groove": "Ildaskatua",
"Ridge": "Koska",
"Inset": "Barruko marra",
"Outset": "Kanpoko marra",
"Hidden": "Ezkutua",
"Insert template...": "Txantiloia txertatu...",
"Templates": "Txantiloiak",
"Template": "Txantiloia",
"Insert Template": "Txertatu txantiloia",
"Text color": "Testuaren kolorea",
"Background color": "Atzeko kolorea",
"Custom...": "Pertsonalizatu...",
"Custom color": "Pertsonalizatutako kolorea",
"No color": "Kolorerik ez",
"Remove color": "Kendu kolorea",
"Show blocks": "Erakutsi blokeak",
"Show invisible characters": "Erakutsi karaktere ezkutuak",
"Word count": "Hizki-kontaketa",
"Count": "Zenbatu",
"Document": "Dokumentua",
"Selection": "Aukera",
"Words": "Hitzak",
"Words: {0}": "Hitzak: {0}",
"{0} words": "{0} hitz",
"File": "Fitxategia",
"Edit": "Editatu",
"Insert": "Txertatu",
"View": "Ikusi",
"Format": "Formatua",
"Table": "Taula",
"Tools": "Tresnak",
"Powered by {0}": "Garatzailea: {0}",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "Testu aberastuko area. Sakatu ALT-F9 menurako. Sakatu ALT-F10 tresna-barrarako. Sakatu ALT-0 laguntzarako",
"Image title": "Irudiaren izenburua",
"Border width": "Ertzaren zabalera",
"Border style": "Ertzaren estiloa",
"Error": "Errorea",
"Warn": "Oharra",
"Valid": "Zuzena",
"To open the popup, press Shift+Enter": "Leiho berria irekitzeko, sakatu Shift+Enter",
"Rich Text Area": "Testu aberatseko area",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.": "Testu aberastuko area. Sakatu ALT-0 laguntza lortzeko.",
"System Font": "Sistemaren letra-mota",
"Failed to upload image: {0}": "Errorea gertatu da irudia igotzean: {0}",
"Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}": "Errorea gertatu da {0} plugina kargatzean {1} url-tik",
"Failed to load plugin url: {0}": "Errorea gertatu da pluginaren url-a kargatzean: {0}",
"Failed to initialize plugin: {0}": "Errorea gertatu da plugina hasieratzean: {0}",
"example": "adibidea",
"Search": "Bilatu",
"All": "Guztiak",
"Currency": "Moneta",
"Text": "Testua",
"Quotations": "Aipuak",
"Mathematical": "Matematika",
"Extended Latin": "Latin zabaldua",
"Symbols": "Ikurrak",
"Arrows": "Geziak",
"User Defined": "Erabiltzaileak definitutakoak",
"dollar sign": "dolarraren ikurra",
"currency sign": "monetaren ikurra",
"euro-currency sign": "euroaren ikurra",
"colon sign": "bi puntuen ikurra",
"cruzeiro sign": "cruzeiroaren ikurra",
"french franc sign": "libera frantsesaren ikurra",
"lira sign": "liraren ikurra",
"mill sign": "millaren ikurra",
"naira sign": "naira ikurra",
"peseta sign": "pezetaren ikurra",
"rupee sign": "rupiaren ikurra",
"won sign": "wonaren ikurra",
"new sheqel sign": "sheqel berriaren ikurra",
"dong sign": "dongaren ikurra",
"kip sign": "kiparen ikurra",
"tugrik sign": "tugrikaren ikurra",
"drachma sign": "drakmaren ikurra",
"german penny symbol": "alemaniako peniaren ikurra",
"peso sign": "pesoaren ikurra",
"guarani sign": "guaraniaren ikurra",
"austral sign": "australaren ikurra",
"hryvnia sign": "hryvniaren ikurra",
"cedi sign": "cediaren ikurra",
"livre tournois sign": "libre tournoisaren ikurra",
"spesmilo sign": "spesmiloaren ikurra",
"tenge sign": "tengearen ikurra",
"indian rupee sign": "indiako rupiaren ikurra",
"turkish lira sign": "lira turkiarraren ikurra",
"nordic mark sign": "iparraldeko markoaren ikurra",
"manat sign": "manataren ikurra",
"ruble sign": "rubloaren ikurra",
"yen character": "yenaren karakterea",
"yuan character": "yuanaren karakterea",
"yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan": "yuanaren karakterea, hong kong eta taiwanen",
"yen/yuan character variant one": "yen/yuan karakterearen 1go bariantea",
"Emojis": "Emojiak",
"Emojis...": "Emojiak...",
"Loading emojis...": "Emojiak kargatzen...",
"Could not load emojis": "Ezin izan dira emojiak kargatu",
"People": "Jendea",
"Animals and Nature": "Animaliak eta natura",
"Food and Drink": "Janari eta edaria",
"Activity": "Ekintzak",
"Travel and Places": "Bidaiak eta lekuak",
"Objects": "Objektuak",
"Flags": "Banderak",
"Characters": "Karaktereak",
"Characters (no spaces)": "Karaktereak (espaziorik gabe)",
"{0} characters": "{0} karaktere",
"Error: Form submit field collision.": "Errorea: formularioaren eremuetan talka gertatu da.",
"Error: No form element found.": "Errorea: ez da formularioa aurkitu.",
"Color swatch": "Koloreak",
"Color Picker": "Kolore-hautatzailea",
"Invalid hex color code: {0}": "Kolore kodea ez da zuzena: {0}",
"Invalid input": "Sarrera ez da zuzena",
"R": "R",
"Red component": "Osagai gorria",
"G": "G",
"Green component": "Osagai berdea",
"B": "B",
"Blue component": "Osagai urdina",
"#": "#",
"Hex color code": "Kolorearen kode hamaseitarra",
"Range 0 to 255": "0-tik 255erako zenbakia",
"Turquoise": "Turkesa",
"Green": "Berdea",
"Blue": "Urdina",
"Purple": "Morea",
"Navy Blue": "Itsas-urdina",
"Dark Turquoise": "Turkesa iluna",
"Dark Green": "Berde iluna",
"Medium Blue": "Tarteko urdina",
"Medium Purple": "Tarteko morea",
"Midnight Blue": "Gauerdiko urdina",
"Yellow": "Horia",
"Orange": "Laranja",
"Red": "Gorria",
"Light Gray": "Gris argia",
"Gray": "Grisa",
"Dark Yellow": "Hori iluna",
"Dark Orange": "Laranja iluna",
"Dark Red": "Gorri iluna",
"Medium Gray": "Tarteko grisa",
"Dark Gray": "Gris iluna",
"Light Green": "Berde argia",
"Light Yellow": "Hori argia",
"Light Red": "Gorri argia",
"Light Purple": "More argia",
"Light Blue": "Urdin argia",
"Dark Purple": "More iluna",
"Dark Blue": "Urdin iluna",
"Black": "Beltza",
"White": "Zuria",
"Switch to or from fullscreen mode": "Pantaila osoko modura joan edo handik itzuli",
"Open help dialog": "Laguntza elkarrizketa ireki",
"history": "historia",
"styles": "estiloak",
"formatting": "formatua",
"alignment": "lerrokatzea",
"indentation": "koska",
"Font": "Letra-motak",
"Size": "Tamaina",
"More...": "Gehiago...",
"Select...": "Aukeratu...",
"Preferences": "Lehentasunak",
"Yes": "Bai",
"No": "Ez",
"Keyboard Navigation": "Teklatuaren nabigazioa",
"Version": "Bertsioa",
"Code view": "Kodea ikusi",
"Open popup menu for split buttons": "Ireki leihoko menua banatzeko botoientzat",
"List Properties": "Zerrendatu propietateak",
"List properties...": "Zerrendatu propietateak...",
"Start list at number": "Zerrenda zenbaki baten hasi",
"Line height": "Lerroaren altuera",
"Dropped file type is not supported": "Jaregindako fitxategi mota ez da onartzen",
"Loading...": "Kargatzen...",
"ImageProxy HTTP error: Rejected request": "Irudi proxiaren HTTP errorea: eskaera baztertu egin da",
"ImageProxy HTTP error: Could not find Image Proxy": "Irudi proxiaren HTTP errorea: ezin izan da irudi proxia aurkitu",
"ImageProxy HTTP error: Incorrect Image Proxy URL": "Irudi proxiaren HTTP errorea: irudi proxiaren URLa ez da zuzena",
"ImageProxy HTTP error: Unknown ImageProxy error": "Irudi proxiaren HTTP errorea: errore ezezaguna"