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2024-08-27 11:35:37 +02:00
<?php namespace ProcessWire;
* ProcessWire Sanitizer
* Sanitizer provides shared sanitization functions as commonly used throughout ProcessWire core and modules
* #pw-summary Provides methods for sanitizing and validating user input, preparing data for output, and more.
* #pw-use-constants
* #pw-body =
* Sanitizer is useful for sanitizing input or any other kind of data that you need to match a particular type or format.
* The Sanitizer methods are accessed from the `$sanitizer` API variable and/or `sanitizer()` API variable/function.
* For example:
* ~~~~~~
* $cleanValue = $sanitizer->text($dirtyValue);
* ~~~~~~
* You can replace the `text()` call above with any other sanitizer method. Many sanitizer methods also accept additional
* arguments—see each individual method for details.
* ### Sanitizer and input
* Sanitizer methods are most commonly used with user input. As a result, the methods in this class are also accessible
* from the `$input->get`, `$input->post` and `$input->cookie` API variables, in the same manner that they are here.
* This is a useful shortcut for instances where you dont need to provide additional arguments to the sanitizer method.
* Below are a few examples of this usage:
* ~~~~~
* // get GET variable 'id' as integer
* $id = $input->get->int('id');
* // get POST variable 'name' as 1-line plain text
* $name = $input->post->text('name');
* // get POST variable 'comments' as multi-line plain text
* $comments = $input->post->textarea('comments');
* ~~~~~
* In ProcessWire 3.0.125 and newer you can also perform the same task as the above with one less `->` level like the
* example below:
* ~~~~~
* $comments = $input->post('comments','textarea');
* ~~~~~
* This is more convenient in some IDEs because itll never be flagged as an unrecognized function call. Though outside
* of that it makes little difference how you call it, as they both do the same thing.
* See the `$input` API variable for more details on how to call sanitizers directly from $input.
* ### Adding your own sanitizers
* You can easily add your own new sanitizers via ProcessWire hooks. Hooks are commonly added in a /site/ready.php file,
* or from a Module, though you may add them wherever you want. The following example adds a sanitizer method called
* `zip()` which enforces a 5 digit zip code:
* ~~~~~
* $sanitizer->addHook('zip', function(HookEvent $event) {
* $sanitizer = $event->object;
* $value = $event->arguments(0); // get first argument given to method
* $value = $sanitizer->digits($value, 5); // allow only digits, max-length 5
* if(strlen($value) < 5) $value = ''; // if fewer than 5 digits, it is not a zip
* $event->return = $value;
* });
* // now you can use your zip sanitizer
* $dirtyValue = 'Decatur GA 30030';
* $cleanValue = $sanitizer->zip($dirtyValue);
* echo $cleanValue; // outputs: 30030
* ~~~~~
* ### Additional options (3.0.125 or newer)
* In ProcessWire 3.0.125+ you can also combine sanitizer methods in a single call. These are defined by separating each
* sanitizer method with an understore. The example below runs the value through the text sanitizer and then through the
* entities sanitizer:
* ~~~~~
* $cleanValue = $sanitizer->text_entities($dirtyValue);
* ~~~~~
* If you append a number to any sanitizer call that returns a string, it is assumed to be maximum allowed length. For
* example, the following would sanitize the value to be text of no more than 20 characters:
* ~~~~~
* $cleanValue = $sanitizer->text20($dirtyValue);
* ~~~~~
* The above technique also works for any user-defined sanitizers youve added via hooks. We like this strategy for
* storage of sanitizer calls that are executed at some later point, like those you might store in a module config. It
* essentially enables you to define loose data types for sanitization. In addition, if there are other cases where you
* need multiple sanitizers to clean a particular value, this strategy can do it with a lot less code than you would
* with multiple sanitizer calls.
* Most methods in the Sanitizer class focus on sanitization rather than validation, with a few exceptions. You can
* convert a sanitizer call to validation call by calling the `validate()` method with the name of the sanitizer and the
* value. A validation call simply implies that if the value is modified by sanitization then it is considered invalid
* and thus itll return a non-value rather than a sanitized value. See the `Sanitizer::validate()` and
* `Sanitizer::valid()` methods for usage details.
* #pw-body
* ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2022 by Ryan Cramer
* @link Offical $sanitizer API variable Documentation
* @method array($value, $sanitizer = null, array $options = array())
* @method array testAll($value)
class Sanitizer extends Wire {
* Constant used for the $beautify argument of name sanitizer methods to indicate transliteration may be used.
const translate = 2;
* Beautify argument for pageName() to IDN encode UTF8 to ascii
* #pw-internal
const toAscii = 4;
* Beautify argument for pageName() to allow decode IDN ascii to UTF8
* #pw-internal
const toUTF8 = 8;
* Beautify argument for pageName() to indicate that UTF8 (in whitelist) is allowed
* Unlike the toUTF8 option, no ascii to UTF8 conversion is allowed.
* #pw-internal
const okUTF8 = 16;
* Caches the status of multibyte support.
protected $multibyteSupport = false;
* Array of allowed ascii characters for name filters
protected $allowedASCII = array();
* ASCII alpha chars
* @var string
protected $alphaASCII = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
* ASCII digits chars
* @var string
protected $digitASCII = '0123456789';
* @var null|WireTextTools
protected $textTools = null;
* @var null|WireNumberTools
protected $numberTools = null;
* Runtime caches
* @var array
protected $caches = array();
* UTF-8 whitespace hex codes
* @var array
protected $whitespaceUTF8 = array(
'0000', // null byte
'0009', // character tab
'000A', // line feed
'000B', // line tab (vertical tab)
'000C', // form feed
'000D', // carriage return
'0020', // space
'0085', // next line
'00A0', // non-breaking space
'1680', // ogham space mark
'180E', // mongolian vowel separator
'2000', // en quad
'2001', // em quad
'2002', // en space
'2003', // em space
'2004', // three per em space
'2005', // four per em space
'2006', // six per em space
'2007', // figure space
'2008', // punctuation space
'2009', // thin space
'200A', // hair space
'200B', // zero width space
'200C', // zero width non-join
'200D', // zero width join
'2028', // line seperator
'2029', // paragraph seperator
'202F', // narrow non-breaking space
'205F', // medium mathematical space
'2060', // word join
'3000', // ideographic space
'FEFF', // zero width non-breaking space
* HTML entities representing whitespace
* Note that this array is populated with all decimal/hex entities after a call to
* getWhitespaceArray() method with the $html option as true.
* @var array
protected $whitespaceHTML = array(
'&nbsp;', // non-breaking space
'&ensp;', // en space
'&emsp;', // em space
'&thinsp;', // thin space
'&zwnj;', // zero width non-join
'&zwj;', // zero width join
* Sanitizer method names (A-Z) and type(s) they return
* a: array
* b: boolean
* f: float
* i: integer
* m: mixed
* n: null
* s: string
* @var array
protected $sanitizers = array(
'alpha' => 's',
'alphanumeric' => 's',
'array' => 'a',
'arrayVal' => 'a',
'attrName' => 's',
'bit' => 'i',
'bool' => 'b',
'camelCase' => 's',
'chars' => 's',
'checkbox' => 'b',
'date' => 'ins',
'digits' => 's',
'email' => 's',
'emailHeader' => 's',
'entities' => 's',
'entities1' => 's',
'entitiesA' => 'asifb',
'entitiesA1' => 'asifb',
'entitiesMarkdown' => 's',
'fieldName' => 's',
'fieldSubfield' => 's',
'filename' => 's',
'flatArray' => 'a',
'float' => 'f',
'htmlClass' => 's',
'htmlClasses' => 's',
'httpUrl' => 's',
'hyphenCase' => 's',
'int' => 'i',
'intArray' => 'a',
'intArrayVal' => 'a',
'intSigned' => 'i',
'intUnsigned' => 'i',
'kebabCase' => 's',
'line' => 's',
'lines' => 's',
'markupToLine' => 's',
'markupToText' => 's',
'max' => 'fi',
'maxBytes' => 's',
'maxLength' => 'afis',
'minLength' => 's',
'min' => 'fi',
'minArray' => 'a',
'name' => 's',
'names' => 'as',
'normalizeWhitespace' => 's',
'pageName' => 's',
'pageNameTranslate' => 's',
'pageNameUTF8' => 's',
'pagePathName' => 's',
'pagePathNameUTF8' => 's',
'pascalCase' => 's',
'path' => 'bs',
'purify' => 's',
'range' => 'fi',
'reduceWhitespace' => 's',
'removeMB4' => 'ams',
'removeNewlines' => 's',
'removeWhitespace' => 's',
'sanitize' => 'm',
'selectorField' => 's',
'selectorValue' => 's',
'selectorValueAdvanced' => 's',
'snakeCase' => 's',
'string' => 's',
'templateName' => 's',
'text' => 's',
'textarea' => 's',
'textdomain' => 's',
'trim' => 's',
'truncate' => 's',
'unentities' => 's',
'url' => 's',
'valid' => 'b',
'validate' => 'm',
'varName' => 's',
'word' => 's',
'words' => 's',
'wordsArray' => 'a',
* Construct the sanitizer
public function __construct() {
$this->multibyteSupport = function_exists("mb_internal_encoding");
if($this->multibyteSupport) mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8");
$this->allowedASCII = str_split($this->alphaASCII . $this->digitASCII);
* Internal filter used by other name filtering methods in this class
* #pw-internal
* @param string $value Value to filter
* @param array $allowedExtras Additional characters that are allowed in the value
* @param string 1 character replacement value for invalid characters
* @param bool $beautify Whether to beautify the string, specify `Sanitizer::translate` to perform transliteration.
* @param int $maxLength
* @return string
public function nameFilter($value, array $allowedExtras, $replacementChar, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 128) {
static $replacements = array();
if(!is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
$allowed = array_merge($this->allowedASCII, $allowedExtras);
$needsWork = strlen(str_replace($allowed, '', $value));
$extras = implode('', $allowedExtras);
if($beautify && $needsWork) {
if($beautify === self::translate && $this->multibyteSupport) {
$value = mb_strtolower($value);
if(empty($replacements)) {
$modules = $this->wire()->modules;
if($modules) {
$configData = $this->wire()->modules->getModuleConfigData('InputfieldPageName');
$replacements = empty($configData['replacements']) ? InputfieldPageName::$defaultReplacements : $configData['replacements'];
foreach($replacements as $from => $to) {
if(mb_strpos($value, $from) !== false) {
$value = mb_eregi_replace($from, $to, $value);
if(function_exists("\\iconv")) {
$v = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE", $value);
if($v) $value = $v;
$needsWork = strlen(str_replace($allowed, '', $value));
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) $value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
if($needsWork) {
$value = str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', $value); // blank out any quotes
$_value = $value;
$value = filter_var($value, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, $filters);
if(!strlen($value)) {
// if above filter blanked out the string, try with brackets already replaced
$value = str_replace(array('<', '>', '«', '»', '', ''), $replacementChar, $_value);
$value = filter_var($value, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, $filters);
$hyphenPos = strpos($extras, '-');
if($hyphenPos !== false && $hyphenPos !== 0) {
// if hyphen present, ensure it's first (per PCRE requirements)
$extras = '-' . str_replace('-', '', $extras);
$chars = $extras . 'a-zA-Z0-9';
$value = preg_replace('{[^' . $chars . ']}', $replacementChar, $value);
// remove leading or trailing dashes, underscores, dots
if($beautify) {
if($replacementChar !== null && strlen($replacementChar)) {
if(strpos($extras, $replacementChar) === false) $extras .= $replacementChar;
$value = trim($value, $extras);
return $value;
* Sanitize in "name" format (ASCII alphanumeric letters/digits, hyphens, underscores, periods)
* Default behavior:
* - Allows both upper and lowercase ASCII letters.
* - Limits maximum length to 128 characters.
* - Replaces non-name format characters with underscore "_".
* ~~~~~
* $test = "Foo+Bar Baz-123"
* echo $sanitizer->name($test); // outputs: Foo_Bar_Baz-123
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value Value that you want to convert to name format.
* @param bool|int $beautify Beautify the returned name?
* - Beautify makes returned name prettier by getting rid of doubled punctuation, leading/trailing punctuation and such.
* - Should be TRUE when creating a resource using the name for the first time (default is FALSE).
* - You may also specify the constant `Sanitizer::translate` (or integer 2) for the this argument, which will make it
* translate letters based on name format settings in ProcessWire.
* @param int $maxLength Maximum number of characters allowed in the name (default=128).
* @param string $replacement Replacement character for invalid characters. Should be either "_", "-" or "." (default="_").
* @param array $options Extra options to replace default 'beautify' behaviors
* - `allowAdjacentExtras` (bool): Whether to allow [-_.] characters next to each other (default=false).
* - `allowDoubledReplacement` (bool): Whether to allow two of the same replacement chars [-_] next to each other (default=false).
* - `allowedExtras (array): Specify extra allowed characters (default=`['-', '_', '.']`).
* @return string Sanitized value in name format
* @see Sanitizer::pageName()
public function name($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 128, $replacement = '_', $options = array()) {
if(!empty($options['allowedExtras']) && is_array($options['allowedExtras'])) {
$allowedExtras = $options['allowedExtras'];
$allowedExtrasStr = implode('', $allowedExtras);
} else {
$allowedExtras = array('-', '_', '.');
$allowedExtrasStr = '-_.';
$value = $this->nameFilter($value, $allowedExtras, $replacement, $beautify, $maxLength);
if($beautify) {
$hasExtras = false;
foreach($allowedExtras as $c) {
$hasExtras = strpos($value, $c) !== false;
if($hasExtras) break;
if($hasExtras) {
if(empty($options['allowAdjacentExtras'])) {
// replace any of '-_.' next to each other with a single $replacement
$value = preg_replace('![' . $allowedExtrasStr . ']{2,}!', $replacement, $value);
if(empty($options['allowDoubledReplacement'])) {
// replace double'd replacements
$r = "$replacement$replacement";
while(strpos($value, $r) !== false) $value = str_replace($r, $replacement, $value);
// replace double dots
while(strpos($value, '..') !== false) $value = str_replace('..', '.', $value);
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) $value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
return $value;
* Sanitize a string or array containing multiple names
* - Default behavior is to sanitize to ASCII alphanumeric and hyphen, underscore, and period.
* - If given a string, multiple names may be separated by a delimeter (which is a space by default).
* - Return value will be of the same type as the given value (i.e. string or array).
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string|array $value Value(s) to sanitize to name format.
* @param string $delimeter Character that delimits values, if $value is a string (default=" ").
* @param array $allowedExtras Additional characters that are allowed in the value (default=['-', '_', '.']).
* @param string $replacementChar Single character replacement value for invalid characters (default='_').
* @param bool $beautify Whether or not to beautify returned values (default=false). See Sanitizer::name() for beautify options.
* @return string|array Returns string if given a string for $value, returns array if given an array for $value.
public function names($value, $delimeter = ' ', $allowedExtras = array('-', '_', '.'), $replacementChar = '_', $beautify = false) {
$isArray = false;
if(is_array($value)) {
$isArray = true;
$value = implode(' ', $value);
$replace = array(',', '|', ' ');
if($delimeter != ' ' && !in_array($delimeter, $replace)) $replace[] = $delimeter;
$value = str_replace($replace, ' ', "$value");
$allowedExtras[] = ' ';
$value = $this->nameFilter($value, $allowedExtras, $replacementChar, $beautify, 8192);
if($delimeter != ' ') $value = str_replace(' ', $delimeter, $value);
while(strpos($value, "$delimeter$delimeter") !== false) {
$value = str_replace("$delimeter$delimeter", $delimeter, $value);
$value = trim($value, $delimeter);
if($isArray) $value = explode($delimeter, $value);
return $value;
* Sanitizes a string to be consistent with PHP variable names (not including '$').
* Allows upper and lowercase ASCII letters, digits and underscore.
* #pw-internal
* @param string $value String you want to sanitize
* @return string Sanitized string
public function varName($value) {
$value = $this->nameFilter($value, array('_'), '_');
if(!ctype_alpha($value)) $value = ltrim($value, $this->digitASCII); // vars cannot begin with numbers
return $value;
* Sanitize to an ASCII-only HTML attribute name
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value
* @param int $maxLength
* @return string
* @since 3.0.133
public function attrName($value, $maxLength = 255) {
$value = $this->string($value);
$value = trim($value); // force as trimmed string
if(ctype_alpha($value) && strlen($value) <= $maxLength) return $value; // simple 1-word attributes
// remove any non ":_a-zA-Z" characters from beginning of attribute name
while(strlen($value) && strpos(":_$this->alphaASCII", substr($value, 0, 1)) === false) {
$value = substr($value, 1);
if(ctype_alnum(str_replace(array('-', '_', ':', '.'), '', $value))) {
// names with HTML valid separators
if(strlen($value) <= $maxLength) return $value;
// at this point attribute name contains something unusual
if(!ctype_graph($value)) {
// contains non-visible characters
$value = preg_replace('/[\s\r\n\t]+/', '-', $value);
if(!ctype_graph($value)) $value = ''; // fail
if($value !== '') {
// replace non-word, non-digit, non-punct characters
$value = preg_replace('/[^-_.:\w\d]+/', '-', $value);
$value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
if($value === 'data-') $value = ''; // data attribute with no name is disallowed
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) {
$value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
return $value;
* Sanitize string to ASCII-only HTML class attribute value
* Note that this does not support all possible characters in an HTML class attribute
* and instead focuses on the most commonly used ones. Characters allowed in HTML class
* attributes from this method include: `-_:@a-zA-Z0-9`. This method does not allow
* values that have no letters or digits.
* @param string $value
* @return string
* @since 3.0.212
public function htmlClass($value) {
$value = trim("$value");
if(empty($value)) return '';
$extras = array('-', '_', ':', '@');
$value = $this->nameFilter($value, $extras, '-');
$value = ltrim($value, '0123456789'); // cannot begin with digit
if(trim($value, implode('', $extras)) === '') $value = ''; // do not allow extras-only class
return $value;
* Sanitize string to ASCII-only space-separated HTML class attribute values with no duplicates
* See additional notes in `Sanitizer::htmlClass()` method.
* @param string|array $value
* @param bool $getArray Get array rather than string? (default=false)
* @return string|array
* @since 3.0.212
public function htmlClasses($value, $getArray = false) {
if(is_array($value)) $value = implode(' ', $value);
$value = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", ",", "."), ' ', $value);
$value = trim("$value");
if(empty($value)) return $getArray ? array() : '';
$a = array();
foreach(explode(' ', $value) as $c) {
$c = $this->htmlClass($c);
if(!empty($c)) $a[$c] = $c;
if($getArray) return array_values($a);
return count($a) ? implode(' ', $a) : '';
* Sanitize consistent with names used by ProcessWire fields and/or PHP variables
* - Allows upper and lowercase ASCII letters, digits and underscore.
* - ProcessWire field names follow the same conventions as PHP variable names, though digits may lead.
* - This method is the same as the varName() sanitizer except that it supports beautification and max length.
* - Unlike other name formats, hyphen and period are excluded because they aren't allowed characters in PHP variables.
* ~~~~~
* $test = "Hello world";
* echo $sanitizer->fieldName($test); // outputs: Hello_world
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value Value you want to sanitize
* @param bool|int $beautify Should be true when using the name for a new field (default=false).
* You may also specify constant `Sanitizer::translate` (or number 2) for the $beautify param, which will make it translate letters
* based on the system page name translation settings.
* @param int $maxLength Maximum number of characters allowed in the name (default=128).
* @return string Sanitized string
public function fieldName($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 128) {
return $this->nameFilter($value, array('_'), '_', $beautify, $maxLength);
* Sanitize as a field name but with optional subfield(s) like “field.subfield”
* - Periods must be present to indicate subfield(s), otherwise behaves same as fieldName() sanitizer.
* - By default allows just one subfield. To allow more, increase the $limit argument.
* - To allow any quantity of subfields, specify -1.
* - To reduce a `field.subfield...` combo to just `field` specify 0 for limit argument.
* - Maximum length of returned string is (128 + ($limit * 128)).
* ~~~~~~
* echo $sanitizer->fieldSubfield('a.b.c'); // outputs: a.b (default behavior)
* echo $sanitizer->fieldSubfield('a.b.c', 2); // outputs: a.b.c
* echo $sanitizer->fieldSubfield('a.b.c', 0); // outputs: a
* echo $sanitizer->fieldSubfield('a.b.c', -1); // outputs: a.b.c (any quantity)
* echo $sanitizer->fieldSubfield('foo bar.baz'); // outputs: foo_bar.baz
* echo $sanitizer->fieldSubfield('foo bar baz'); // outputs: foo_bar_baz
* ~~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value Value to sanitize
* @param int $limit Max allowed quantity of subfields, or use -1 for any quantity (default=1).
* @return string
* @since 3.0.126
public function fieldSubfield($value, $limit = 1) {
$value = $this->string($value);
if(!strlen($value)) return '';
if(!strpos($value, '.')) return $this->fieldName($value);
$parts = array();
foreach(explode('.', trim($value, '.')) as $part) {
$part = $this->fieldName($part);
if(!strlen($part)) break;
$parts[] = $part;
if($limit > -1 && count($parts) - 1 >= $limit) break;
$cnt = count($parts);
if(!$cnt) return '';
return $cnt === 1 ? $parts[0] : implode('.', $parts);
* Name filter as used by ProcessWire Templates
* #pw-internal
* @param string $value
* @param bool|int $beautify Should be true when creating a name for the first time. Default is false.
* You may also specify Sanitizer::translate (or number 2) for the $beautify param, which will make it translate letters
* based on the InputfieldPageName custom config settings.
* @param int $maxLength Maximum number of characters allowed in the name
* @return string
public function templateName($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 128) {
return $this->nameFilter($value, array('_', '-'), '-', $beautify, $maxLength);
* Sanitize as a ProcessWire page name
* - Page names by default support lowercase ASCII letters, digits, underscore, hyphen and period.
* - Because page names are often generated from a UTF-8 title, UTF-8 to ASCII conversion will take place when `$beautify` is enabled.
* - You may optionally omit the `$beautify` and/or `$maxLength` arguments and substitute the `$options` array instead.
* - When substituted, the beautify and maxLength options can be specified in $options as well.
* - If `$config->pageNameCharset` is "UTF8" then non-ASCII page names will be converted to punycode ("xn-") ASCII page names,
* rather than converted, regardless of `$beautify` setting.
* ~~~~~
* $test = "Hello world!";
* echo $sanitizer->pageName($test, true); // outputs: hello-world
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-pages
* @param string $value Value to sanitize as a page name
* @param bool|int|array $beautify This argument accepts a few different possible values (default=false):
* - `true` (boolean): Make it pretty. Use this when using a pageName for the first time.
* - `$options` (array): You can optionally specify the $options array for this argument instead.
* - `Sanitizer::translate` (constant): This will make it translate non-ASCII letters based on *InputfieldPageName* module config settings.
* - `Sanitizer::toAscii` (constant): Convert UTF-8 characters to punycode ASCII.
* - `Sanitizer::toUTF8` (constant): Convert punycode ASCII to UTF-8.
* - `Sanitizer::okUTF8` (constant): Allow UTF-8 characters to appear in path (implied if $config->pageNameCharset is 'UTF8').
* @param int|array $maxLength Maximum number of characters allowed in the name.
* You may also specify the $options array for this argument instead.
* @param array $options Array of options to modify default behavior. See Sanitizer::name() method for available options.
* @return string
* @see Sanitizer::name()
public function pageName($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 128, array $options = array()) {
$value = $this->string($value);
if(!strlen($value)) return '';
$defaults = array(
'charset' => $this->wire()->config->pageNameCharset
if(is_array($beautify)) {
$options = array_merge($beautify, $options);
$beautify = isset($options['beautify']) ? $options['beautify'] : false;
$maxLength = isset($options['maxLength']) ? $options['maxLength'] : 128;
} else if(is_array($maxLength)) {
$options = array_merge($maxLength, $options);
$maxLength = isset($options['maxLength']) ? $options['maxLength'] : 128;
} else {
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
if($options['charset'] !== 'UTF8' && is_int($beautify) && $beautify > self::translate) {
// UTF8 beautify modes aren't available if $config->pageNameCharset is not UTF8
if(in_array($beautify, array(self::toAscii, self::toUTF8, self::okUTF8))) {
// if modes aren't supported, disable
$beautify = false;
if($beautify === self::toAscii) {
// convert UTF8 to ascii (IDN/punycode)
$beautify = false;
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) $value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
$_value = $value;
&& !ctype_alnum(str_replace(array('-', '_', '.'), '', $value))
&& strpos($value, 'xn-') !== 0) {
do {
// encode value
$value = $this->punyEncodeName($_value);
// if result stayed within our allowed character limit, then good, we're done
if(strlen($value) <= $maxLength) break;
// continue loop until encoded value is equal or less than allowed max length
$_value = substr($_value, 0, strlen($_value) - 1);
} while(true);
// if encode was necessary and successful, return with no further processing
if(strpos($value, 'xn-') === 0) {
return $value;
} else {
// can't be encoded, send to regular name sanitizer
$value = $_value;
} else if($beautify === self::toUTF8) {
// convert ascii IDN/punycode to UTF8
$beautify = self::okUTF8;
if(strpos($value, 'xn-') === 0) {
// found something to convert
$value = $this->punyDecodeName($value);
// now it will run through okUTF8
if($beautify === self::okUTF8) {
return $this->pageNameUTF8($value);
return strtolower($this->name($value, $beautify, $maxLength, '-', $options));
* Name filter for ProcessWire Page names with transliteration
* This is the same as calling pageName with the `Sanitizer::translate` option for the `$beautify` argument.
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-pages
* @param string $value Value to sanitize
* @param int $maxLength Maximum number of characters allowed in the name
* @return string Sanitized value
public function pageNameTranslate($value, $maxLength = 128) {
return $this->pageName($value, self::translate, $maxLength);
* Sanitize and allow for UTF-8 characters in page name
* - If `$config->pageNameCharset` is not `UTF8` then this function just passes control to the regular page name sanitizer.
* - Allowed UTF-8 characters are determined from `$config->pageNameWhitelist`.
* - This method does not convert to or from UTF-8, it only sanitizes it against the whitelist.
* - If given a value that has only ASCII characters, this will pass control to the regular page name sanitizer.
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-pages
* @param string $value Value to sanitize
* @param int $maxLength Maximum number of characters allowed
* @return string Sanitized value
public function pageNameUTF8($value, $maxLength = 128) {
$value = $this->string($value);
if(!strlen($value)) return '';
$config = $this->wire()->config;
// if UTF8 module is not enabled then delegate this call to regular pageName sanitizer
if($config->pageNameCharset != 'UTF8') return $this->pageName($value, false, $maxLength);
$tt = $this->getTextTools();
// we don't allow UTF8 page names to be prefixed with "xn-"
if(strpos($value, 'xn-') === 0) $value = substr($value, 3);
// word separators that we always allow
$separators = array('.', '-', '_');
// whitelist of allowed characters and blacklist of disallowed characters
$whitelist = $config->pageNameWhitelist;
if(!strlen($whitelist)) $whitelist = false;
$blacklist = '/\\%"\'<>?#@:;,+=*^$()[]{}|&';
// we let regular pageName handle chars like these, if they appear without other UTF-8
$extras = array('.', '-', '_', ',', ';', ':', '(', ')', '!', '?', '&', '%', '$', '#', '@');
if($whitelist === false || strpos($whitelist, ' ') === false) $extras[] = ' ';
// proceed only if value has some non-ascii characters
if(ctype_alnum(str_replace($extras, '', $value))) {
$k = 'pageNameUTF8.whitelistIsLowercase';
if(!isset($this->caches[$k])) {
$this->caches[$k] = $whitelist !== false && $tt->strtolower($whitelist) === $whitelist;
if($this->caches[$k] || $tt->strtolower($value) === $value) {
// whitelist supports only lowercase OR value is all lowercase
// let regular pageName sanitizer handle this
return $this->pageName($value, false, $maxLength);
// validate that all characters are in our whitelist
$replacements = array();
for($n = 0; $n < $tt->strlen($value); $n++) {
$c = $tt->substr($value, $n, 1);
$inBlacklist = $tt->strpos($blacklist, $c) !== false || strpos($blacklist, $c) !== false;
$inWhitelist = !$inBlacklist && $whitelist !== false && $tt->strpos($whitelist, $c) !== false;
if($inWhitelist && !$inBlacklist) {
// in whitelist
} else if($inBlacklist || !strlen(trim($c)) || ctype_cntrl($c)) {
// character does not resolve to something visible or is in blacklist
$replacements[] = $c;
} else if($whitelist === false) {
// whitelist disabled: allow everything that is not blacklisted
} else {
// character that is not in whitelist, double check case variants
$cLower = $tt->strtolower($c);
$cUpper = $tt->strtoupper($c);
if($cLower !== $c && $tt->strpos($whitelist, $cLower) !== false) {
// allow character and convert to lowercase variant
$value = $tt->substr($value, 0, $n) . $cLower . $tt->substr($value, $n+1);
} else if($cUpper !== $c && $tt->strpos($whitelist, $cUpper) !== false) {
// allow character and convert to uppercase varient
$value = $tt->substr($value, 0, $n) . $cUpper . $tt->substr($value, $n+1);
} else {
// queue character to be replaced
$replacements[] = $c;
// replace disallowed characters with "-"
if(count($replacements)) $value = str_replace($replacements, '-', $value);
// replace doubled word separators
foreach($separators as $c) {
while(strpos($value, "$c$c") !== false) {
$value = str_replace("$c$c", $c, $value);
// trim off any remaining separators/extras
$value = trim($value, '-_.');
if($tt->strlen($value) > $maxLength) $value = $tt->substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
return $value;
* Decode a PW-punycode'd name value
* @param string $value
* @return string
protected function punyDecodeName($value) {
// exclude values that we know can't be converted
if(strlen($value) < 4 || strpos($value, 'xn-') !== 0) return $value;
if(strpos($value, '__')) {
$_value = $value;
$parts = explode('__', $_value);
foreach($parts as $n => $part) {
$parts[$n] = $this->punyDecodeName($part);
$value = implode('', $parts);
return $value;
$_value = $value;
// convert "xn-" single hyphen to recognized punycode "xn--" double hyphen
if(strpos($value, 'xn--') !== 0) $value = 'xn--' . substr($value, 3);
if(function_exists('idn_to_utf8')) {
// use native php function if available
$value = @idn_to_utf8($value);
} else {
// otherwise use Punycode class
$pc = new Punycode();
$value = $pc->decode($value);
// if utf8 conversion failed, restore original value
if($value === false || !strlen($value)) $value = $_value;
return $value;
* Encode a name value to PW-punycode
* @param string $value
* @return string
protected function punyEncodeName($value) {
// exclude values that don't need to be converted
if(strpos($value, 'xn-') === 0) return $value;
if(ctype_alnum(str_replace(array('.', '-', '_'), '', $value))) return $value;
$tt = $this->getTextTools();
while(strpos($value, '__') !== false) {
$value = str_replace('__', '_', $value);
if(strlen($value) >= 50) {
$_value = $value;
$parts = array();
while(strlen($_value)) {
$part = $tt->substr($_value, 0, 12);
$_value = $tt->substr($_value, 12);
$parts[] = $this->punyEncodeName($part);
$value = implode('__', $parts);
return $value;
$_value = $value;
if(function_exists("idn_to_ascii")) {
// use native php function if available
$value = substr(@idn_to_ascii($value), 3);
} else {
// otherwise use Punycode class
$pc = new Punycode();
$value = substr($pc->encode($value), 3);
if(strlen($value) && $value !== '-') {
// in PW the xn- prefix has one fewer hyphen than in native Punycode
// for compatibility with pageName sanitization and beautification
$value = "xn-$value";
} else {
// fallback to regular 'name' sanitization on failure, ensuring that
// return value is always ascii
$value = $this->name($_value);
return $value;
* Format required by ProcessWire user names
* #pw-internal
* @deprecated, use pageName instead.
* @param string $value
* @return string
public function username($value) {
return $this->pageName($value);
* Name filter for ProcessWire filenames (basenames only, not paths)
* This sanitizes a filename to be consistent with the name format in ProcessWire,
* ASCII-alphanumeric, hyphens, underscores and periods.
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-files
* @param string $value Filename to sanitize
* @param bool|int $beautify Should be true when creating a file's name for the first time. Default is false.
* You may also specify Sanitizer::translate (or number 2) for the $beautify param, which will make it translate letters
* based on the InputfieldPageName custom config settings.
* @param int $maxLength Maximum number of characters allowed in the filename
* @return string Sanitized filename
public function filename($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 128) {
if(!is_string($value)) return '';
$value = basename($value);
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) {
// truncate, while keeping extension in tact
$pathinfo = pathinfo($value);
$extLen = strlen($pathinfo['extension']) + 1; // +1 includes period
$basename = substr($pathinfo['filename'], 0, $maxLength - $extLen);
$value = "$basename.$pathinfo[extension]";
$value = $this->name($value, $beautify, $maxLength, '_', array(
'allowAdjacentExtras' => true, // language translation filenames require doubled "--" chars, others may too
while(strpos($value, '..') !== false) $value = str_replace('..', '', $value);
return $value;
* Hookable alias of filename method for case consistency with other name methods (preferable to use filename)
* #pw-internal
* @param string $value
* @param bool|int $beautify Should be true when creating a file's name for the first time. Default is false.
* You may also specify Sanitizer::translate (or number 2) for the $beautify param, which will make it translate letters
* based on the InputfieldPageName custom config settings.
* @param int $maxLength Maximum number of characters allowed in the name
* @return string
public function ___fileName($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 128) {
return $this->filename($value, $beautify, $maxLength);
* Validate the given path, return path if valid, or false if not valid
* Returns the given path if valid, or boolean false if not.
* Path is validated per ProcessWire "name" convention of ascii only [-_./a-z0-9]
* As a result, this function is primarily useful for validating ProcessWire paths,
* and won't always work with paths outside ProcessWire.
* This method validates only and does not sanitize. See `$sanitizer->pagePathName()` for a similar
* method that does sanitiation.
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-pages
* @param string $value Path to validate
* @param int|array $options Options to modify behavior, or maxLength (int) may be specified.
* - `allowDotDot` (bool): Whether to allow ".." in a path (default=false)
* - `maxLength` (int): Maximum length of allowed path (default=1024)
* @return bool|string Returns false if invalid, actual path (string) if valid.
* @see Sanitizer::pagePathName()
public function path($value, $options = array()) {
if(!is_string($value)) return false;
if(is_int($options)) $options = array('maxLength' => $options);
$defaults = array(
'allowDotDot' => false,
'maxLength' => 1024
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
if(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '/') $value = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $value);
if(strlen($value) > $options['maxLength']) return false;
if(strpos($value, '/./') !== false || strpos($value, '//') !== false) return false;
if(!$options['allowDotDot'] && strpos($value, '..') !== false) return false;
if(!preg_match('{^[-_./a-z0-9]+$}iD', $value)) return false;
return $value;
* Sanitize a page path name
* Returned path is not guaranteed to be valid or match a page, just sanitized.
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-pages
* @param string $value Value to sanitize
* @param bool|int $beautify Beautify the value? (default=false). Maybe any of the following:
* - `true` (bool): Beautify the individual page names in the path to remove redundant and trailing punctuation and more.
* - `false` (bool): Do not perform any conversion or attempt to make it more pretty, just sanitize (default).
* - `Sanitizer::translate` (constant): Translate UTF-8 characters to visually similar ASCII (using InputfieldPageName module settings).
* - `Sanitizer::toAscii` (constant): Convert UTF-8 characters to punycode ASCII.
* - `Sanitizer::toUTF8` (constant): Convert punycode ASCII to UTF-8.
* - `Sanitizer::okUTF8` (constant): Allow UTF-8 characters to appear in path (implied if $config->pageNameCharset is 'UTF8').
* @param int $maxLength Maximum length (default=2048)
* @return string Sanitized path name
public function pagePathName($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 2048) {
$value = $this->string($value);
if(!strlen($value)) return '';
$extras = array('/', '-', '_', '.');
$utf8 = $this->wire()->config->pageNameCharset === 'UTF8';
if($beautify === self::toAscii && $utf8) {
// convert UTF8 to punycode when applicable
if(ctype_alnum(str_replace($extras, '', $value))) {
// value needs no ascii conversion
} else {
// convert UTF8 to ascii value
$parts = explode('/', $value);
foreach($parts as $n => $part) {
if(!strlen($part) || ctype_alnum($part)) continue;
$b = (ctype_alnum(str_replace($extras, '', $part)) ? false : self::toAscii);
$parts[$n] = $this->pageName($part, $b, $maxLength);
$value = implode('/', $parts);
} else if($beautify === self::okUTF8 && $utf8) {
// UTF8 path
$value = $this->pagePathNameUTF8($value);
} else if($beautify === self::toUTF8 && $utf8 && strpos($value, 'xn-') !== false) {
// ASCII to UTF8 conversion, when requested
$parts = explode('/', $value);
foreach($parts as $n => $part) {
if(!strlen($part)) continue;
$b = strpos($part, 'xn-') === 0 ? self::toUTF8 : false;
$parts[$n] = $this->pageName($part, $b, $maxLength);
$value = implode('/', $parts);
$value = $this->pagePathNameUTF8($value);
} else {
// ASCII path standard
$b = $beautify;
if($b === self::okUTF8 || $b === self::toUTF8 || $b === self::toAscii) $b = false;
$parts = explode('/', $value);
foreach($parts as $n => $part) {
if(!strlen($part)) continue;
$parts[$n] = $this->pageName($part, $b, $maxLength);
$value = implode('/', $parts);
// no double-slash, double-dot or slash-dot
$reps = array('//' => '/', '..' => '.', '/.' => '/');
foreach($reps as $find => $replace) {
while(strpos($value, $find) !== false) {
$value = str_replace(array_keys($reps), array_values($reps), $value);
// truncate if needed
if($maxLength && strlen($value) > $maxLength) {
$slash = substr($value, -1) === '/';
$value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
$pos = strrpos($value, '/');
if($pos) $value = substr($value, 0, $pos);
if($slash) $value = rtrim($value, '/') . '/';
return $value;
* Sanitize a UTF-8 page path name (does not perform ASCII/UTF8 conversions)
* - If `$config->pageNameCharset` is not `UTF8` then this does the same thing as `$sanitizer->pagePathName()`.
* - Returned path is not guaranteed to be valid or match a page, just sanitized.
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-pages
* @param string $value Path name to sanitize
* @return string
* @see Sanitizer::pagePathName()
public function pagePathNameUTF8($value) {
if($this->wire()->config->pageNameCharset !== 'UTF8') return $this->pagePathName($value);
$value = $this->string($value);
if(!strlen($value)) return '';
$parts = explode('/', $value);
foreach($parts as $n => $part) {
$parts[$n] = $this->pageName($part, self::okUTF8);
$value = implode('/', $parts);
$disallow = array('..', '/.', './', '//');
foreach($disallow as $x) {
while(strpos($value, $x) !== false) {
$value = str_replace($disallow, '', $value);
return $value;
* Sanitize to ASCII alpha (a-z A-Z)
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value Value to sanitize
* @param bool|int $beautify Whether to beautify (See Sanitizer::translate option too)
* @param int $maxLength Maximum length of returned value (default=1024)
* @return string
public function alpha($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 1024) {
$value = $this->alphanumeric($value, $beautify, $maxLength * 10);
if(!ctype_alpha($value)) {
$value = str_replace(str_split($this->digitASCII), '', $value);
if(!ctype_alpha($value)) $value = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]+/', '', $value);
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) $value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
return $value;
* Sanitize to ASCII alphanumeric (a-z A-Z 0-9)
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value Value to sanitize
* @param bool|int $beautify Whether to beautify (See Sanitizer::translate option too)
* @param int $maxLength Maximum length of returned value (default=1024)
* @return string
public function alphanumeric($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 1024) {
$value = $this->nameFilter($value, array('_'), '_', $beautify, $maxLength * 10);
$value = str_replace('_', '', $value);
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) $value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
return $value;
* Sanitize string to contain only ASCII digits (0-9)
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param string $value Value to sanitize
* @param int $maxLength Maximum length of returned value (default=1024)
* @return string
public function digits($value, $maxLength = 1024) {
$value = $this->nameFilter($value, array('_'), '_', false, $maxLength * 10);
if(!ctype_digit($value)) {
$value = str_replace(str_split('_' . $this->alphaASCII), '', $value);
if(!ctype_digit($value)) $value = preg_replace('/[^\d]+/', '', $value);
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) $value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
return $value;
* Sanitize and validate an email address
* Returns valid email address, or blank string if it isnt valid.
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-validate
* @param string $value Email address to sanitize and validate.
* @param array $options All options require 3.0.208+
* - `allowIDN` (bool|int): Allow internationalized domain names? (default=false)
* Specify int 2 to also allow UTF-8 in local-part of email [SMTPUTF8] (i.e. `bøb`).
* - `getASCII` (bool): Returns ASCII encoded version of email when host is IDN (default=false)
* Does not require the allowIDN option since returned email host will be only ASCII.
* Not meant to be combined with allowIDN=2 option since local-part of email does not ASCII encode.
* - `getUTF8` (bool): Converts ASCII-encoded IDNs to UTF-8, when present (default=false)
* - `checkDNS` (bool): Check that host part of email has a valid DNS record? (default=false)
* Warning: this slows things down a lot and should not be used in time sensitive cases.
* - `throw` (bool): Throw WireException on fail with details on why it failed (default=false)
* @return string Sanitized, valid email address, or blank string on failure.
public function email($value, array $options = array()) {
if(empty($value)) return '';
$defaults = array(
'allowIDN' => false,
'getASCII' => false,
'getUTF8' => false,
'checkDNS' => false,
'throw' => false,
'_debug' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$debug = $options['_debug'];
if($options['throw']) {
$value = $this->email($value, array_merge($options, array('_debug' => true)));
if(!strpos($value, '@')) throw new WireException($value);
return $value;
if($options['checkDNS']) {
$valueASCII = $this->email($value, array_merge($options, array('getASCII' => true)));
if(strpos($valueASCII, '@') === false) return $valueASCII; // fail
list(,$host) = explode('@', $value, 2);
$dns = dns_get_record($host, DNS_MX | DNS_A | DNS_CNAME | DNS_AAAA);
if(empty($dns)) return ($debug ? 'Failed DNS check' : '');
if($options['getASCII']) return $valueASCII;
return $this->email($value, $options);
$value = trim(trim((string) $value), '.@');
if(!strlen($value)) return ($debug ? 'Trimmed value is empty' : '');
if(!strpos($value, '@')) return ($debug ? 'Missing at symbol' : '');
if(strpos($value, ' ')) $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value);
if($options['getUTF8'] && strpos($value, 'xn-') !== false && function_exists('\idn_to_utf8')) {
list($addr, $host) = explode('@', $value, 2);
if(strpos($host, 'xn-') !== false) {
$host = idn_to_utf8($host);
if($host !== false) $value = "$addr@$host";
if(filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) return $value; // valid
$pos = strpos($value, '<');
if($pos !== false && strpos($value, '>') > $pos+3) {
// John Smith <> =>
list(,$value) = explode('<', $value, 2);
list($value,) = explode('>', $value, 2);
return $this->email($value, $options);
// all following code for processing IDN emails
if(!$options['allowIDN'] && !$options['getASCII']) return ($debug ? 'Invalid+allowIDN/getASCII=0' : '');
if(preg_match('/^[-@_.a-z0-9]+$/i', $value)) return ($debug ? 'Invalid and not IDN' : '');
$parts = explode('@', $value);
if(count($parts) !== 2) return ($debug ? 'More than one at symbol' : '');
$tt = $this->getTextTools();
list($addr, $host) = $parts;
if($tt->strlen($addr) > 64) return ($debug ? 'Local part exceeds 64 max length' : '');
if($tt->strlen($host) > 255) return ($debug ? 'Host part exceeds 255 max length' : '');
if(function_exists('\idn_to_ascii')) {
// if email doesn't survive IDN conversions then not valid
$email = $value;
$hostASCII = idn_to_ascii($host);
if($hostASCII === false) return ($debug ? 'Fail UTF8-to-ASCII' : '');
$test = ($options['allowIDN'] === 2 ? 'bob' : $addr) . "@$hostASCII";
if(!filter_var($test, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) return ($debug ? 'Fail validate post IDN-to-ASCII' : '');
$hostUTF8 = idn_to_utf8($hostASCII);
if($hostUTF8 === false) return ($debug ? 'Fail IDN-to-UTF8 conversion' : '');
$value = "$addr@$hostUTF8";
if($email !== $value) return ($debug ? 'Modified by IDN conversion' : '');
if($options['getASCII']) return "$addr@$hostASCII";
} else if($options['getASCII']) {
return ($debug ? 'getASCII requested and idn_to_ascii not available' : '');
$regex = // regex adapted from Validators::isEmail() in
'@^' .
'("([ !#-[\]-~]*|\\\[ -~])+"|LOCAL+(\.LOCAL+)*)\@' . // local-part
'([\dALPHA]([-\dALPHA]{0,61}[\dALPHA])?\.)+' . // domain
'[ALPHA]([-\dALPHA]{0,17}[ALPHA])?' . // TLD
$local = "-a-z\d!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~" . ($options['allowIDN'] === 2 ? "\x80-\xFF" : '');
$regex = str_replace('LOCAL', "[$local]", $regex); // // RFC5322 unquoted characters
$regex = str_replace('ALPHA', "a-z\x80-\xFF", $regex); // superset of IDN
if(!preg_match($regex, $value)) return ($debug ? 'Fail IDN regex' : '');
return $value;
* Returns a value that may be used in an email header
* This method is designed to prevent one email header from injecting into another.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value
* @param bool $headerName Sanitize a header name rather than header value? (default=false) Since 3.0.132
* @return string
public function emailHeader($value, $headerName = false) {
if(!is_string($value)) return '';
$a = array("\n", "\r", "<CR>", "<LF>", "0x0A", "0x0D", "%0A", "%0D"); // newlines
$value = trim(str_ireplace($a, ' ', stripslashes($value)));
if($headerName) $value = trim(preg_replace('/[^-_a-zA-Z0-9]/', '-', trim($value, ':')), '-');
return $value;
* Return first word in given string
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value String containing one or more words
* @param array $options Options to adjust behavior:
* - `keepNumbers` (bool): Allow numbers as return value? (default=true)
* - `keepNumberFormat` (bool): Keep minus/comma/period in numbers rather than splitting into words? Also requires keepNumbers==true. (default=false)
* - `keepUnderscore` (bool): Keep underscores as part of words? (default=false)
* - `keepHyphen` (bool): Keep hyphenated words? (default=false)
* - `keepChars` (array): Specify any of these to also keep as part of words ['.', ',', ';', '/', '*', ':', '+', '<', '>', '_', '-' ] (default=[])
* - `minWordLength` (int): Minimum word length (default=1)
* - `maxWordLength` (int): Maximum word length (default=80)
* - `maxWords` (int): Maximum words (default=1 or 99 if a seperator option is specified)
* - `maxLength` (int): Maximum returned string length (default=1024)
* - `stripTags` (bool): Strip markup tags so they dont contribute to returned word? (default=true)
* - `separator' (string): Merge multiple words into one word split by this character? (default='', disabled) 3.0.195+
* - `ascii` (bool): Allow only ASCII word characters? (default=false)
* - `beautify` (bool): Make ugly strings more pretty? This collapses and trims redundant separators (default=false)
* @return string
* @see Sanitizer::wordsArray()
* @since 3.0.162
public function word($value, array $options = array()) {
if(!is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
$separator = isset($options['separator']) ? $options['separator'] : null;
$keepChars = isset($options['keepChars']) ? $options['keepChars'] : array();
$maxLength = isset($options['maxLength']) ? (int) $options['maxLength'] : 1024;
$minWordLength = isset($options['minWordLength']) ? $options['minWordLength'] : 1;
if(empty($options['maxWords'])) $options['maxWords'] = $separator !== null ? 99 : 1;
if(!empty($options['keepHyphen']) && !in_array('-', $keepChars)) $keepChars[] = '-';
if(!empty($options['keepUnderscore']) && !in_array('_', $keepChars)) $keepChars[] = '_';
$options['keepChars'] = $keepChars;
$a = $this->wordsArray($value, $options);
$count = count($a);
if(!$count) return '';
if($separator !== null && $count > 1) {
$value = implode($separator, $a);
} else {
$value = reset($a);
if(!empty($options['ascii'])) {
$sep = $separator === null ? '' : $separator;
$value = $this->nameFilter($value, $keepChars, $sep, Sanitizer::translate, $maxLength);
} else if($maxLength) {
$length = $this->multibyteSupport ? mb_strlen($value) : strlen($value);
if($length > $maxLength) {
$value = $this->multibyteSupport ? mb_substr($value, 0, $maxLength) : substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
if(!empty($options['beautify'])) {
foreach($keepChars as $s) {
while(strpos($value, "$s$s") !== false) $value = str_replace("$s$s", $s, $value);
$value = trim($value, implode('', $keepChars));
if($minWordLength > 1 && strlen($value) < $minWordLength) $value = '';
return $value;
* Given string return a new string containing only words
* #pw-group-strings
* @param $value
* @param array $options
* - `separator` (string): String to use to separate words (default=' ')
* - `ascii` (string): Only allow ASCII characters in words? (default=false)
* - `keepUnderscore` (bool): Keep underscores as part of words? (default=false)
* - `keepHyphen` (bool): Keep hyphenated words? (default=false)
* - `keepChars` (array): Additional non word characters to keep (default=[])
* - `maxWordLength` (int): Maximum word length (default=80)
* - `minWordLength` (int): Minimum word length (default=1)
* - `maxLength` (int): Maximum return value length (default=1024)
* - `beautify` (bool): Make ugly strings more pretty? This collapses and trims redundant separators (default=true)
* @since 3.0.195
* @return string
public function words($value, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'ascii' => false,
'separator' => ' ',
'keepHyphen' => true,
'keepUnderscore' => true,
'keepChars' => array(),
'maxWordLength' => 255,
'maxLength' => 1024,
'beautify' => true,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$value = $this->word($value, $options);
return $value;
* Sanitize short string of text to single line without HTML
* - This sanitizer is useful for short strings of input text like like first and last names, street names, search queries, etc.
* - Please note the default 255 character max length setting.
* - If using returned value for front-end output, be sure to run it through `$sanitizer->entities()` first.
* ~~~~~
* $str = "
* <strong>Hello World</strong>
* How are you doing today?
* ";
* echo $sanitizer->text($str);
* // outputs: Hello World How are you doing today?
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value String value to sanitize
* @param array $options Options to modify default behavior:
* - `maxLength` (int): maximum characters allowed, or 0=no max (default=255).
* - `maxBytes` (int): maximum bytes allowed (default=0, which implies maxLength*4).
* - `stripTags` (bool): strip markup tags? (default=true).
* - `stripMB4` (bool): strip emoji and other 4-byte UTF-8? (default=false).
* - `stripQuotes` (bool): strip out any "quote" or 'quote' characters? Specify true, or character to replace with. (default=false)
* - `stripSpace` (bool|string): strip whitespace? Specify true or character to replace whitespace with (default=false). Since 3.0.105
* - `reduceSpace` (bool|string): reduce consecutive whitespace to single? Specify true or character to reduce to (default=false).
* Note that the reduceSpace option is an alternative to the stripSpace option, they should not be used together. Since 3.0.105
* - `allowableTags` (string): markup tags that are allowed, if stripTags is true (use same format as for PHP's `strip_tags()` function.
* - `multiLine` (bool): allow multiple lines? if false, then $newlineReplacement below is applicable (default=false).
* - `convertEntities` (bool): convert HTML entities to equivalent character(s)? (default=false). Since 3.0.105
* - `newlineReplacement` (string): character to replace newlines with, OR specify boolean true to remove extra lines (default=" ").
* - `truncateTail` (bool): if truncate necessary for maxLength, truncate from end/tail? Use false to truncate head (default=true). Since 3.0.105
* - `inCharset` (string): input character set (default="UTF-8").
* - `outCharset` (string): output character set (default="UTF-8").
* @return string
* @see Sanitizer::textarea(), Sanitizer::line()
public function text($value, $options = array()) {
$defaultOptions = array(
'maxLength' => 255, // maximum characters allowed, or 0=no max
'maxBytes' => 0, // maximum bytes allowed (0 = default, which is maxLength*4)
'stripTags' => true, // strip markup tags
'stripMB4' => false, // strip Emoji and 4-byte characters?
'stripQuotes' => false, // strip quote characters? Specify true, or character to replace them with
'stripSpace' => false, // remove/replace whitespace? If yes, specify character to replace with, or true for blank
'reduceSpace' => false, // reduce whitespace to single? If yes, specify character to replace with or true for ' '.
'allowableTags' => '', // tags that are allowed, if stripTags is true (use same format as for PHP's strip_tags function)
'multiLine' => false, // allow multiple lines? if false, then $newlineReplacement below is applicable
'convertEntities' => false, // convert HTML entities to equivalent characters?
'newlineReplacement' => ' ', // character to replace newlines with, OR specify boolean TRUE to remove extra lines
'inCharset' => 'UTF-8', // input charset
'outCharset' => 'UTF-8', // output charset
'truncateTail' => true, // if truncate necessary for maxLength, remove chars from tail? False to truncate from head.
'trim' => true, // trim whitespace from beginning/end, or specify character(s) to trim, or false to disable
static $alwaysReplace = null;
$truncated = false;
$options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
if(isset($options['multiline'])) $options['multiLine'] = $options['multiline']; // common case error
if(isset($options['maxlength'])) $options['maxLength'] = $options['maxlength']; // common case error
if($options['maxLength'] < 0) $options['maxLength'] = 0;
if($options['maxBytes'] < 0) $options['maxBytes'] = 0;
if($alwaysReplace === null) {
$alwaysReplace = array(
html_entity_decode('&#8232;', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') => '', // line-seperator that is sometimes copy/pasted
if($options['reduceSpace'] !== false && $options['stripSpace'] === false) {
// if reduceSpace option is used then provide necessary value for stripSpace option
$options['stripSpace'] = is_string($options['reduceSpace']) ? $options['reduceSpace'] : ' ';
if(!is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
if(!$options['multiLine']) {
if(strpos($value, "\r") !== false) {
$value = str_replace("\r", "\n", $value); // normalize to LF
$pos = strpos($value, "\n");
if($pos !== false) {
if($options['newlineReplacement'] === true) {
// remove extra lines
$value = rtrim(substr($value, 0, $pos));
} else {
// remove linefeeds
$value = str_replace(array("\n\n", "\n"), $options['newlineReplacement'], $value);
if($options['stripTags']) {
$value = strip_tags($value, $options['allowableTags']);
if($options['inCharset'] != $options['outCharset']) {
$value = iconv($options['inCharset'], $options['outCharset'], $value);
if($options['convertEntities']) {
$value = $this->unentities($value, true, $options['outCharset']);
foreach($alwaysReplace as $find => $replace) {
if(strpos($value, $find) === false) continue;
$value = str_replace($find, $replace, $value);
if($options['stripSpace'] !== false) {
$c = is_string($options['stripSpace']) ? $options['stripSpace'] : '';
$allow = $options['multiLine'] ? array("\n") : array();
$value = $this->removeWhitespace($value, array('replace' => $c, 'allow' => $allow));
if($options['stripMB4']) {
$value = $this->removeMB4($value);
if($options['stripQuotes']) {
$value = str_replace(array('"', "'"), (is_string($options['stripQuotes']) ? $options['stripQuotes'] : ''), $value);
if($options['trim']) {
$value = is_string($options['trim']) ? trim($value, $options['trim']) : trim($value);
if($options['maxLength']) {
if(empty($options['maxBytes'])) $options['maxBytes'] = $options['maxLength'] * 4;
if($this->multibyteSupport) {
if(mb_strlen($value, $options['outCharset']) > $options['maxLength']) {
$truncated = true;
if($options['truncateTail']) {
$value = mb_substr($value, 0, $options['maxLength'], $options['outCharset']);
} else {
$value = mb_substr($value, -1 * $options['maxLength'], null, $options['outCharset']);
} else {
if(strlen($value) > $options['maxLength']) {
$truncated = true;
if($options['truncateTail']) {
$value = substr($value, 0, $options['maxLength']);
} else {
$value = substr($value, -1 * $options['maxLength']);
if($options['maxBytes']) {
$n = $options['maxBytes'];
while(strlen($value) > $options['maxBytes']) {
$truncated = true;
if($this->multibyteSupport) {
if($options['truncateTail']) {
$value = mb_substr($value, 0, $n, $options['outCharset']);
} else {
$value = mb_substr($value, $n, null, $options['outCharset']);
} else {
if($options['truncateTail']) {
$value = substr($value, 0, $n);
} else {
$value = substr($value, $n);
if($truncated && $options['trim']) {
// secondary trim after truncation
$value = is_string($options['trim']) ? trim($value, $options['trim']) : trim($value);
return $value;
* Sanitize input string as multi-line text without HTML tags
* - This sanitizer is useful for user-submitted text from a plain-text `<textarea>` field,
* or any other kind of string value that might have multiple-lines.
* - Dont use this sanitizer for values where you want to allow HTML (like rich text fields).
* For those values you should instead use the `$sanitizer->purify()` method.
* - If using returned value for front-end output, be sure to run it through `$sanitizer->entities()` first.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value String value to sanitize
* @param array $options Options to modify default behavior
* - `maxLength` (int): maximum characters allowed, or 0=no max (default=16384 or 16kb).
* - `maxBytes` (int): maximum bytes allowed (default=0, which implies maxLength*4 or 64kb).
* - `stripTags` (bool): strip markup tags? (default=true).
* - `stripMB4` (bool): strip emoji and other 4-byte UTF-8? (default=false).
* - `stripIndents` (bool): Remove indents (space/tabs) at the beginning of lines? (default=false). Since 3.0.105
* - `reduceSpace` (bool|string): reduce consecutive whitespace to single? Specify true or character to reduce to (default=false). Since 3.0.105
* - `allowableTags` (string): markup tags that are allowed, if stripTags is true (use same format as for PHP's `strip_tags()` function.
* - `convertEntities` (bool): convert HTML entities to equivalent character(s)? (default=false). Since 3.0.105
* - `truncateTail` (bool): if truncate necessary for maxLength, truncate from end/tail? Use false to truncate head (default=true). Since 3.0.105
* - `allowCRLF` (bool): allow CR+LF newlines (i.e. "\r\n")? (default=false, which means "\r\n" is replaced with "\n").
* - `inCharset` (string): input character set (default="UTF-8").
* - `outCharset` (string): output character set (default="UTF-8").
* @return string
* @see Sanitizer::text(), Sanitizer::purify()
public function textarea($value, $options = array()) {
if(!is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
if(!isset($options['multiLine'])) $options['multiLine'] = true;
if(!isset($options['maxLength'])) $options['maxLength'] = 16384;
if(!isset($options['maxBytes'])) $options['maxBytes'] = $options['maxLength'] * 4;
// convert \r\n to just \n
if(empty($options['allowCRLF']) && strpos($value, "\r\n") !== false) {
$value = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $value);
$value = $this->text($value, $options);
if(!empty($options['stripIndents'])) {
$value = preg_replace('/^[ \t]+/m', '', $value);
return $value;
* Sanitize any string of text to single line, no HTML, and no specific max-length (unless given)
* This is the same as the text() sanitizer but does not impose a maximum character length (or
* byte length) unless given one in the `$maxLength` argument. This is useful in cases where the
* text sanitizers built in 255 character max length (1020 max bytes) is not enough, or when you
* want to specify a max length as part of the method arguments.
* Please note that like with the text sanitizer, the max length refers to a maximum number of
* characters, not bytes. The maxBytes is automatically set to the maxLength * 4, or can be
* specifically set via the `maxBytes` option.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value String to sanitize
* @param int|array $maxLength Maximum length in characters, omit (0) for no max-length, or substitute $options array
* @param array $options Options to modify behavior, see text() sanitizer for all options.
* @return string
* @see Sanitizer::text(), Sanitizer::lines()
* @since 3.0.157
public function line($value, $maxLength = 0, array $options = array()) {
if(is_array($maxLength)) {
$options = $maxLength;
if(!isset($options['maxLength'])) $options['maxLength'] = 0;
} else {
$options['maxLength'] = $maxLength;
return $this->text($value, $options);
* Sanitize input string as multi-line text, no HTML tags, and no specific max length (unless given)
* This is the same as the textarea() sanitizer but does not impose a maximum character length (or
* byte length) unless given one in the `$maxLength` argument. This is useful in cases where the
* textarea sanitizers built in 16kb character max length (64kb max bytes) is not enough, or when you
* want to specify a max length as part of the method arguments.
* Please note that like with the textarea sanitizer, the max length refers to a maximum number of
* characters, not bytes. The maxBytes is automatically set to the maxLength * 4, or can be
* specifically set via the `maxBytes` option.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value String value to sanitize
* @param int|array $maxLength Maximum length in characters, omit (0) for no max-length, or substitute $options array
* @param array $options Options to modify behavior, see textarea() sanitizer for all options.
* @return string
* @see Sanitizer::textarea(), Sanitizer::purify(), Sanitizer::line()
* @since 3.0.157
public function lines($value, $maxLength = 0, $options = array()) {
if(is_array($maxLength)) {
$options = $maxLength;
if(!isset($options['maxLength'])) $options['maxLength'] = 0;
} else {
$options['maxLength'] = $maxLength;
return $this->textarea($value, $options);
* Convert a string containing markup or entities to be plain text
* This is one implementation but there is also a better one that you may prefer with the
* `WireTextTools::markupToText()` method. Try both to determine which suits your needs
* best:
* ~~~~~
* $markup = '<html>a bunch of HTML here</html>';
* // try both to see what you prefer:
* $text1 = $sanitizer->markupToText($html);
* $text2 = $sanitizer->getTextTools()->markupToText();
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value String you want to convert
* @param array $options Options to modify default behavior:
* - `newline` (string): Character(s) to replace newlines with (default="\n").
* - `separator` (string): Character(s) to separate HTML `<li>` items with (default="\n").
* - `entities` (bool): Entity encode returned value? (default=false).
* - `trim` (string): Character(s) to trim from beginning and end of value (default=" -,:;|\n\t").
* @return string Converted string of text
* @see WireTextTools::markupToText(), Sanitizer::markupToLine()
public function markupToText($value, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'newline' => "\n", // character(s) to replace newlines with
'separator' => "\n", // character(s) to separate list items with
'entities' => false,
'trim' => " -,:;|\n\t ", // character(s) to trim from beginning and end
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$newline = $options['newline'];
$value = $this->string($value);
if(!is_string($newline) || !strlen($newline)) $newline = ' ';
if(strpos($value, "\r") !== false) {
// normalize newlines
$value = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $value);
// remove entities
$value = $this->unentities($value);
if(strpos($value, '<') !== false) {
// tag replacements before strip_tags()
if(stripos($value, '</ul>') || stripos($value, '</ol>')) {
$regex = '!<(?:/?(?:ul|ol)(?:>|\s[^><]*))>!i';
$value = preg_replace($regex, '', $value);
if(stripos($value, '</p>') || stripos($value, '</h') || stripos($value, '</div>')) {
$regex =
'!<(?:' .
'/?(?:p|h\d|div)(?:>|\s[^><]*)' .
'|' .
'(?:br[\s/]*)' .
$value = preg_replace($regex, $newline, $value);
if(stripos($value, '</li>')) {
$value = preg_replace('!</li>\s*<li!is', "$options[separator]<li", $value);
// remove tags
$value = trim(strip_tags($value));
if($newline != "\n") {
// if newline is not "\n", don't allow them to be repeated together
$value = str_replace("\n", $newline, $value);
$test = "$newline$newline";
$repl = "$newline";
} else {
// if newline is whitespace (i.e. "\n") then only allow max of 2 together
$test = "$newline$newline$newline";
$repl = "$newline$newline";
while(strpos($value, $test) !== false) {
// limit quantity of newlines
$value = str_replace($test, $repl, $value);
// entity-encode text value, if requested
if($options['entities']) {
$value = $this->entities($value);
$options['trim'] = str_replace(';', '', $options['trim']);
// trim characters from beginning and end
$_value = trim($value, $options['trim'] . $options['newline']);
if(strlen($_value)) $value = $_value;
return $value;
* Convert a string containing markup or entities to be a single line of plain text
* This is the same as the `$sanitizer->markupToText()` method except that the return
* value is always just a single line.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value Value to convert
* @param array $options Options to modify default behavior:
* - `newline` (string): Character(s) to replace newlines with (default=" ").
* - `separator` (string): Character(s) to separate HTML <li> items with (default=", ").
* - `entities` (bool): Entity encode returned value? (default=false).
* - `trim` (string): Character(s) to trim from beginning and end of value (default=" -,:;|\n\t").
* @return string Converted string of text on a single line
public function markupToLine($value, array $options = array()) {
if(!isset($options['newline'])) $options['newline'] = " ";
if(!isset($options['separator'])) $options['separator'] = ", ";
return $this->markupToText($value, $options);
* Sanitize and validate given URL or return blank if it cant be made valid
* - Performs some basic sanitization like adding a scheme to the front if it's missing, but leaves alone local/relative URLs.
* - URL is not required to conform to ProcessWire conventions unless a relative path is given.
* - Please note that URLs should always be entity encoded in your output. Many evil things are technically allowed in a valid URL,
* so your output should always entity encoded any URLs that came from user input.
* ~~~~~~
* $url = $sanitizer->url('');
* echo $sanitizer->entities($url); // outputs:
* ~~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-validate
* @param string $value URL to validate
* @param bool|array $options Array of options to modify default behavior, including:
* - `allowRelative` (boolean): Whether to allow relative URLs, i.e. those without domains (default=true).
* - `allowIDN` (boolean): Whether to allow internationalized domain names (default=false).
* - `allowQuerystring` (boolean): Whether to allow query strings (default=true).
* - `allowSchemes` (array): Array of allowed schemes, lowercase (default=[] any).
* - `disallowSchemes` (array): Array of disallowed schemes, lowercase (default=['file']).
* - `requireScheme` (bool): Specify true to require a scheme in the URL, if one not present, it will be added to non-relative URLs (default=true).
* - `convertEncoded` (boolean): Convert most encoded hex characters characters (i.e. %2F”) to non-encoded? (default=true)
* - `encodeSpace` (boolean): Encoded space to %20 or allow %20 in URL? Only useful if convertEncoded is true. (default=false)
* - `stripTags` (bool): Specify false to prevent tags from being stripped (default=true).
* - `stripQuotes` (bool): Specify false to prevent quotes from being stripped (default=true).
* - `maxLength` (int): Maximum length in bytes allowed for URLs (default=4096).
* - `throw` (bool): Throw exceptions on invalid URLs (default=false).
* @return string Returns a valid URL or blank string if it cant be made valid.
* @throws WireException on invalid URLs, only if `$options['throw']` is true.
public function url($value, $options = array()) {
// Previously the $options argument was the boolean $allowRelative, and that usage will still work for backwards compatibility.
$defaultOptions = array(
'allowRelative' => true,
'allowIDN' => false,
'allowQuerystring' => true,
'allowSchemes' => array(),
'disallowSchemes' => array('file', 'javascript'),
'requireScheme' => true,
'reduceScheme' => false, // reduce "scheme://" to "scheme:" in return value? (internal use only)
'convertEncoded' => true,
'encodeSpace' => false,
'stripTags' => true,
'stripQuotes' => true,
'maxLength' => 4096,
'throw' => false,
if(!is_array($options)) {
$defaultOptions['allowRelative'] = (bool) $options; // backwards compatibility with old API
$options = array();
$options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
$textOptions = array(
'stripTags' => $options['stripTags'],
'maxLength' => $options['maxLength'],
'newlineReplacement' => true,
$value = $this->text($value, $textOptions);
if(!strlen($value)) return '';
$scheme = parse_url($value, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
if(is_string($scheme) && strlen($scheme)) {
$_scheme = $scheme;
$scheme = strtolower($scheme);
$schemeError = false;
if(!empty($options['allowSchemes']) && !in_array($scheme, $options['allowSchemes'])) $schemeError = true;
if(!empty($options['disallowSchemes']) && in_array($scheme, $options['disallowSchemes'])) $schemeError = true;
if($schemeError) {
$error = sprintf($this->_('URL: Scheme "%s" is not allowed'), $scheme);
if($options['throw']) throw new WireException($error);
$value = str_ireplace(array("$scheme:///", "$scheme://"), '', $value);
} else {
if(strpos($value, '://') === false && stripos($value, "$_scheme:") === 0) {
// URL is in "scheme:value" format
if(!in_array($scheme, array('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'tel', 'mailto'))) {
// add scheme in "scheme://" format temporarily so filter_var wont throw it out
$value = "$scheme://" . substr($value, strlen("$_scheme:"));
$options['reduceScheme'] = true;
if($_scheme !== $scheme) {
$value = str_replace("$_scheme://", "$scheme://", $value); // lowercase scheme
// separate scheme+domain+path from query string temporarily
if(strpos($value, '?') !== false) {
list($domainPath, $queryString) = explode('?', $value, 2);
if(!$options['allowQuerystring']) $queryString = '';
} else {
$domainPath = $value;
$queryString = '';
$pathIsEncoded = $options['convertEncoded'] && strpos($domainPath, '%') !== false;
$pathModifiedByFilter = filter_var($domainPath, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL) !== $domainPath;
if($pathIsEncoded || $pathModifiedByFilter) {
// the domain and/or path contains extended characters not supported by FILTER_SANITIZE_URL
// Example:änder
// OR it is already rawurlencode()'d
// Example:
// we convert the URL to be FILTER_SANITIZE_URL compatible
// if already encoded, first remove encoding:
if($pathIsEncoded) $domainPath = rawurldecode($domainPath);
// Next, encode it, for example:
$domainPath = rawurlencode($domainPath);
// restore characters allowed in domain/path
$domainPath = str_replace(array('%2F', '%3A'), array('/', ':'), $domainPath);
// restore value that is now FILTER_SANITIZE_URL compatible
$pathIsEncoded = true;
$value = $domainPath . (strlen($queryString) ? "?$queryString" : "");
// this filter_var sanitizer just removes invalid characters that don't appear in domains or paths
$value = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
if(!$scheme) {
// URL is missing scheme/protocol, or is local/relative
if(strpos($value, '://') !== false) {
// apparently there is an attempted, but unrecognized scheme, so remove it
$value = preg_replace('!^[^?]*?://!', '', $value);
if($options['allowRelative']) {
// determine if this is a domain name
// regex legend: (www.)? company. com ( .uk or / or end)
$dotPos = strpos($value, '.');
$slashPos = strpos($value, '/');
if($slashPos === false) $slashPos = $dotPos+1;
// if the first slash comes after the first dot, the dot is likely part of a
// if the first slash comes before the first dot, then it's likely a /path/product.html
$regex = '{^([^\s_.]+\.)?[^-_\s.][^\s_.]+\.([a-z]{2,6})([./:#]|$)}i';
if($dotPos && $slashPos > $dotPos && preg_match($regex, $value, $matches)) {
// most likely a domain name
// $tld = $matches[3]; // TODO add TLD validation to confirm it's a domain name
$value = $this->filterValidateURL("http://$value", $options); // add scheme for validation
} else if($options['allowQuerystring']) {
// we'll construct a fake domain so we can use FILTER_VALIDATE_URL rules
$fake = '';
$slash = strpos($value, '/') === 0 ? '/' : '';
$value = $fake . ltrim($value, '/');
$value = $this->filterValidateURL($value, $options);
$value = str_replace($fake, $slash, $value);
} else {
// most likely a relative path
$value = $this->path($value);
} else {
// relative urls aren't allowed, so add the scheme/protocol and validate
$value = $this->filterValidateURL("http://$value", $options);
if(!$options['requireScheme']) {
// if a scheme was added above (for filter_var validation) and it's not required, remove it
$value = str_replace('http://', '', $value);
} else if($scheme !== 'tel') {
// URL already has a scheme
$value = $this->filterValidateURL($value, $options);
if($pathIsEncoded && strlen($value)) {
// restore to non-encoded, UTF-8 version
if(strpos($value, '?') !== false) {
list($domainPath, $queryString) = explode('?', $value);
} else {
$domainPath = $value;
$queryString = '';
$domainPath = rawurldecode($domainPath);
if(strpos($domainPath, '%') !== false) {
// if any apparently encoded characters remain afer rawurldecode, remove them
$domainPath = preg_replace('/%[0-9ABCDEF]{1,2}/i', '', $domainPath);
$domainPath = str_replace('%', '', $domainPath);
$domainPath = $this->text($domainPath, $textOptions);
$value = $domainPath . (strlen($queryString) ? "?$queryString" : "");
if($scheme === 'tel' && !preg_match('/^tel:\+?\d+$/', $value)) {
// tel: scheme is not supported by filter_var
$value = str_replace(' ', '', $value);
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
list($tel, $num) = explode(':', $value);
$value = 'tel:';
if(strpos($num, '+') === 0) $value .= '+';
$value .= preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $num);
if(!strlen($value)) return '';
if($options['stripTags']) {
if(stripos($value, '%3') !== false) {
$value = str_ireplace(array('%3C', '%3E'), array('!~!<', '>!~!'), $value); // convert encoded to placeholders to strip
$value = strip_tags($value);
$value = str_ireplace(array('!~!<', '>!~!', '!~!'), array('%3C', '%3E', ''), $value); // restore, in case valid/non-tag
} else {
$value = strip_tags($value);
if($options['stripQuotes']) {
$value = str_replace(array('"', "'", "%22", "%27"), '', $value);
if($options['encodeSpace'] && strpos($value, ' ')) {
$value = str_replace(' ', '%20', $value);
if($options['reduceScheme']) {
list($scheme, $value) = explode('://', $value, 2);
$value = "$scheme:$value";
return $value;
* URL with http or https scheme required
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-validate
* @param string $value URL to validate
* @param array $options See the url() method for all options.
* @return string Returns valid URL or blank string if it cannot be made valid.
* @since 3.0.129
public function httpUrl($value, $options = array()) {
$options['requireScheme'] = true;
$options['allowRelative'] = false;
if(empty($options['allowSchemes'])) $options['allowSchemes'] = array('http', 'https');
return $this->url($value, $options);
* Implementation of PHP's FILTER_VALIDATE_URL with IDN and underscore support (will convert to valid)
* Example: http://трикотаж-леко.рф
* @param string $url
* @param array $options Specify ('allowIDN' => false) to disallow internationalized domain names
* @return string
protected function filterValidateURL($url, array $options) {
// placeholders are characters known to be rejected by FILTER_VALIDATE_URL that should not be
$placeholders = array();
if(strpos($url, '_') !== false && strpos(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST), '_') !== false) {
// hostname contains an underscore and FILTER_VALIDATE_URL does not support them in hostnames
do {
$placeholder = 'UNDER' . mt_rand() . 'SCORE';
} while(strpos($url, $placeholder) !== false);
$url = str_replace('_', $placeholder, $url);
$placeholders[$placeholder] = '_';
$_url = $url;
$url = filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);
if($url !== false && strlen($url)) {
// if filter_var returns a URL, then we know there is no IDN present and we can exit now
if(count($placeholders)) {
$url = str_replace(array_keys($placeholders), array_values($placeholders), $url);
return $url;
// if allowIDN was specifically set false, don't proceed further
if(isset($options['allowIDN']) && !$options['allowIDN']) return $url;
// extract scheme
if(strpos($_url, '//') !== false) {
list($scheme, $_url) = explode('//', $_url, 2);
$scheme .= '//';
} else {
$scheme = '';
// extract domain, and everything else (rest)
if(strpos($_url, '/') > 0) {
list($domain, $rest) = explode('/', $_url, 2);
$rest = "/$rest";
} else {
$domain = $_url;
$rest = '';
if(strpos($domain, '%') !== false) {
// domain is URL encoded
$domain = rawurldecode($domain);
// extract port, if present, and prepend to $rest
if(strpos($domain, ':') !== false && preg_match('/^([^:]+):(\d+)$/', $domain, $matches)) {
$domain = $matches[1];
$rest = ":$matches[2]$rest";
if($this->nameFilter($domain, array('-', '.'), '_', false, 1024) === $domain) {
// domain contains no extended characters
$url = $scheme . $domain . $rest;
$url = filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);
} else {
// domain contains utf8
$pc = function_exists("idn_to_ascii") ? false : new Punycode();
$domain = $pc ? $pc->encode($domain) : @idn_to_ascii($domain);
if($domain === false || !strlen($domain)) return '';
$url = $scheme . $domain . $rest;
$url = filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);
if(strlen($url)) {
// convert back to utf8 domain
$domain = $pc ? $pc->decode($domain) : @idn_to_utf8($domain);
if($domain === false) return '';
$url = $scheme . $domain . $rest;
if(count($placeholders)) {
$url = str_replace(array_keys($placeholders), array_values($placeholders), $url);
return $url;
* Field name filter as used by ProcessWire Fields
* Note that dash and dot are excluded because they aren't allowed characters in PHP variables
* #pw-internal
* @param string $value
* @return string
public function selectorField($value) {
return $this->nameFilter($value, array('_'), '_');
* Sanitizes a string value that needs to go in a ProcessWire selector
* Always use this to sanitize any string values you are inserting in selector strings.
* This ensures that the value can't be confused for another component of the selector string.
* This method may remove characters, escape characters, or surround the string in quotes.
* ~~~~~
* // Sanitize text for a search on title and body fields
* $q = $input->get->text('q'); // text search query
* $results = $pages->find("title|body%=" . $sanitizer->selectorValue($q));
* // In 3.0.127 you can also provide an array for the $value argument
* $val = $sanitizer->selectorValue([ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]);
* echo $val; // outputs: foo|bar|baz
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string|array $value String value to sanitize (assumed to be UTF-8),
* or in 3.0.127+ you may use an array and it will be sanitized to an OR value string.
* @param array|int $options Options to modify behavior. Note version 1 supports only `maxLength` and `useQuotes` options.
* - `version` (int): Version 1 or 2 (default=2). Version 2 available in 3.0.156+. Note option is remembered between calls.
* - `maxLength` (int): Maximum number of allowed characters (default=100). This may also be specified instead of $options array.
* - `useQuotes` (bool): Allow selectorValue() function to add quotes if it deems them necessary? (default=true)
* - All following options are only supported in version 2 (available in 3.0.156+):
* - `allowArray` (bool): Allow arrays to convert to OR-strings? If false, only 1st item in arrays is used. (default=true)
* - `allowSpace` (bool): Allow spaces? False to remove or true to allow (default=true) 3.0.168+
* - `operator` (string): Operator being used in selector, optionally apply for operator-specific filtering.
* - `emptyValue` (string): Value to return if selector reduced to blank. Optionally use this to return something
* that could never match, or return something for you to evaluate yourself, like boolean false. (default=blank string)
* - `blacklist` (array): Additional characters you want to disallow. (default=[])
* - `whitelist` (array): Characters that are in default blacklist that you still want to allow. (default=[])
* - `quotelist` (array): Additional characters that should always trigger quoted value. (default=[])
* - If an integer is specified for $options, it is assumed to be the maxLength value.
* @return string|int|bool|mixed Value ready to be used as the value component in a selector string.
* Always returns string unless you specify something different for 'emptyValue' option.
public function selectorValue($value, $options = array()) {
static $version = 2;
if(is_int($options)) {
$options = array('maxLength' => $options);
} else if(!is_array($options)) {
$options = array();
if(isset($options['version'])) $version = (int) $options['version'];
return $version > 1 ? $this->selectorValueV2($value, $options) : $this->selectorValueV1($value, $options);
* Sanitize selector value for advanced text search operator (#=)
* The [advanced text search operator](
* `#=` supports some characters that are typically excluded from selector values, so this method enables
* you to prepare a selector value for use with it. This method should not be used for sanitizing any other
* kinds of selector values.
* Characters that have meaning to the advanced text search operator include `+-*()"` and thus their
* appearance in the `$value` argument is assumed to be a command rather than text to search for. Though
* note that non-matching double quotes or parenthesis are removed.
* *Note: If double quotes are used in your selector value, this method will convert them to matching
* parenthesis, i.e. `+"phrase"` gets converted to `+(phrase)`.*
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string|array $value
* @param array $options See options for Sanitizer::selectorValue() method
* @return bool|mixed|string
* @since 3.0.182
* @see Sanitizer::selectorValue()
* @see
public function selectorValueAdvanced($value, array $options = array()) {
$options['operator'] = '#=';
return $this->selectorValueV2($value, $options);
* Wrapper for selectorValueV2() when it receives an array
* @param array $value
* @param array $options See options for selectorValue()
* @return string Always returns string unless you specify something different for 'emptyValue'
protected function selectorValueArray(array $value, $options = array()) {
$a = array();
$allowArray = isset($options['allowArray']) ? $options['allowArray'] : true;
if(count($value) < 2 || !$allowArray) {
// if array has 1 or 0 items, or arrays not allowed, return only first item in array
$value = reset($value);
$value = $this->string($value);
return $this->selectorValueV2($value, $options);
$options['useQuotes'] = true; // must be allowed to use quotes when needed in OR condition
foreach($value as $v) {
$v = $this->selectorValueV2($v, $options);
if(!strlen($v)) $v = '""'; // required blank value in OR condition
$a[] = $v;
return implode('|', $a);
* Sanitize selector value (version 2, 3.0.156+)
* This version is a little more thorough and has more options than version 1.
* @param string|array $value
* @param array $options
* @return bool|mixed|string Always returns string unless you specify something different for 'emptyValue'
protected function selectorValueV2($value, $options = array()) {
// characters we remove from selector strings
$blacklist = array(
'"', "\\0", "\\", "`", "|", '=', '*', '%', '~', '^', '$', '#',
'<', '>', '[', ']', '{', '}', "\r", "\n", "\t",
// characters that trigger quotes around selector value
$quotelist = array(
"'", ",", "!", ":", ";", "(", ")", "*", "+",
$defaults = array(
'allowArray' => true,
'allowSpace' => true,
'maxLength' => 100,
'maxBytes' => 400,
'useQuotes' => true,
'emptyValue' => '',
'quoteEmpty' => false,
'operator' => '',
'whitelist' => array(),
'blacklist' => $blacklist,
'quotelist' => $quotelist,
// if given an array, convert to an OR selector string
if(is_array($value)) return $this->selectorValueArray($value, $options);
// append rather than replace blacklist and quotelist
if(!empty($options['blacklist'])) $options['blacklist'] = array_merge($blacklist, $options['blacklist']);
if(!empty($options['quotelist'])) $options['quotelist'] = array_merge($quotelist, $options['quotelist']);
// prepare options and settings
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$useQuotes = $options['useQuotes'];
$hadQuotes = false;
$needsQuotes = false;
$maxLength = $options['maxLength'];
$maxBytes = $options['maxBytes'];
$emptyValue = $options['emptyValue'];
$blacklist = $options['blacklist'];
$quotelist = $options['quotelist'];
$op = $options['operator'];
$trims = '+,'; // non-whitespace chars to trim from beginning and end
if($emptyValue === '' && $options['quoteEmpty']) $emptyValue = '""';
// identify any operator-specific blacklist items
if($op && (strpos($op, '~') !== false || strpos($op, '*') !== false) || strpos($op, '#') !== false) {
$blacklist[] = '@'; // @ not supported by fulltext match/against in InnoDB
if($op === '#=') {
// advanced search operator allows command characters
foreach(array('*', '+', '(', ')') as $c) {
$k = array_search($c, $blacklist);
if($k !== false) unset($blacklist[$k]);
$trims = str_replace($c, '', $trims);
$value = trim($value);
if(strpos($value, '+') === 0 || strpos($value, '-') === 0) $needsQuotes = true;
if(strpos($value, '(') !== false || strpos($value, ')') !== false) {
// if there aren't matching quantities of open/close parens then remove them
if(substr_count($value, '(') !== substr_count($value, ')')) {
$value = str_replace(array('(', ')'), ' ', $value);
if(strpos($value, '"') !== false) {
if(substr_count($value, '"') % 2 === 0) {
// equal number of quotes, convert to parenthesis
$value = preg_replace('/"([^"]+)"/s', '($1)', $value);
$needsQuotes = true;
// remove any remaining/unmatched quotes
$value = str_replace('"', ' ', $value);
if(!$needsQuotes && strpos($value, '(') !== false) $needsQuotes = true;
if(count($options['whitelist'])) {
// remove from blacklist that which is present in whitelist
$blacklist = array_diff($blacklist, $options['whitelist']);
// add to quotelist that which is present in both whitelist and blacklist
$quotelist = array_merge($quotelist, array_intersect($options['whitelist'], $options['blacklist']));
// ensure value is a string that is trimmed of whitespace
if(!is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
$value = trim($value);
if(!strlen($value)) return $emptyValue;
// check if value is already in quotes
if($value[0] === '"' || $value[0] === "'") {
$hadQuotes = substr($value, -1) === $value[0] ? $value[0] : false;
// replace any characters in the blacklist (and not in whitelist) with space
$value = str_replace($blacklist, ' ', $value);
// test if any of the above resulted in an empty value and exit early if so
$value = trim($value);
if(!strlen($value)) return $emptyValue;
// remove other types of whitespace
$whitespace = $this->getWhitespaceArray(false);
$value = trim(str_replace($whitespace, ($options['allowSpace'] ? ' ' : ''), $value));
if(!strlen($value)) return $emptyValue;
if($value[0] == "'") {
// value starts with single quote/apostrophe
if(substr($value, -1) === "'") {
// value starts and ends with single quote/apostrophe, remove them
$value = trim($value, "' ");
} else {
// value only starts with single quote/apostrophe
$value = ltrim($value, "' ");
// note: its okay if value ends with an apostrophe if it does not start with one
// selector value is limited to a maximum length (in characters)
if($maxLength > 0 && strlen($value) > $maxLength) {
if($this->multibyteSupport) {
if(mb_strlen($value) > $maxLength) {
$value = mb_substr($value, 0, $maxLength, 'UTF-8');
} else {
$value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
// selector value limited by maximum bytes
if($maxBytes > 0 && strlen($value) > $maxBytes) {
if($this->multibyteSupport) {
$len = mb_strlen($value);
while(strlen($value) > $maxBytes) {
$value = mb_substr($value, 0, $len);
} else {
$value = substr($value, 0, $maxBytes);
// see if we can avoid the preg_match and do a quick filter
if(!ctype_alnum(str_replace(array(',', ' ', '-', '_', '/', '.', "'"), '', $value))) {
// value needs more filtering, replace all non-alphanumeric, non-single-quote and space chars
// See:
// See:
$value = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\pL\pN\pP\pM\p{S} \'\/]/u', ' ', $value);
// replace multiple space characters in sequence with just 1
$value = preg_replace('/\s\s+/u', ' ', $value);
// reductions and replacements
$reductions = array('..' => '.', './' => ' ', ' ' => ' ');
foreach($reductions as $f => $r) {
if(strpos($value, $f) === false) continue;
if(in_array($f, $options['whitelist'])) continue;
do {
$value = str_replace($f, $r, $value);
} while(strpos($value, $f) !== false);
$value = trim($value); // trim any kind of whitespace
$value = trim($value, $trims); // chars to remove from begin and end
$value = trim($value); // in case whitespace introduced by above
// RETURN NOW if quotes are disallowed or value is empty
if(!strlen($value)) return $emptyValue;
if(!$useQuotes) {
return $hadQuotes && strpos($value, $hadQuotes) === false ? "$hadQuotes$value$hadQuotes" : $value;
// if value started quoted, we keep it quoted, otherwise we determine if it needs them
if(!$needsQuotes) $needsQuotes = $hadQuotes ? true : false;
if(!$needsQuotes) {
// see if any always-quote character triggers are present
foreach($quotelist as $char) {
if(strpos($value, $char) === false) continue;
$needsQuotes = true;
if(!$needsQuotes) {
// check if string begins or ends with allowed chars that are non-alphanumeric, non-slash
$a = substr($value, 0, 1);
$b = substr($value, -1);
if(!ctype_alnum($a) && $a !== '/') {
// starts with non-alphanumeric character that is not a slash (not a beginning of path)
$needsQuotes = true;
} else if(!ctype_alnum($b) && $b !== '/') {
// ends with non-alphanumeric character that is not a slash (not an ending of path)
$needsQuotes = true;
} else if($a === '/') {
// if not a path then we prefer it quoted
$needsQuotes = !ctype_alnum(str_replace(array('/', '-', '_', '.'), '', $value));
if($needsQuotes) $value = '"' . $value . '"';
return $value;
* Sanitize selector value (original, version 1)
* @param $value
* @param array $options
* @return string
protected function selectorValueV1($value, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'maxLength' => 100,
'useQuotes' => true,
if(is_int($options)) {
$options = array('maxLength' => $options);
} else if(!is_array($options)) {
$options = array();
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
// if given an array, convert to an OR selector string
if(is_array($value)) {
$a = array();
foreach($value as $v) {
$v = $this->selectorValue($v, $options);
if($options['useQuotes'] && !strlen($v)) $v = '""';
$a[] = $v;
return implode('|', $a);
if(!is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
$value = trim($value);
$quoteChar = '"';
$needsQuotes = false;
$maxLength = $options['maxLength'];
if($options['useQuotes']) {
// determine if value is already quoted and set initial value of needsQuotes
// also pick out the initial quote style
if(strlen($value) && ($value[0] == "'" || $value[0] == '"')) {
$needsQuotes = true;
// trim off leading or trailing quotes
$value = trim($value, "\"'");
// if an apostrophe is present, value must be quoted
if(strpos($value, "'") !== false) $needsQuotes = true;
// if commas are present, then the selector needs to be quoted
if(strpos($value, ',') !== false) $needsQuotes = true;
// values with parenthesis should preferably be quoted
if(strpos($value, '(') !== false || strpos($value, ')') !== false) $needsQuotes = true;
// disallow double quotes -- remove any if they are present
if(strpos($value, '"') !== false) $value = str_replace('"', '', $value);
// selector value is limited to 100 chars
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) {
if($this->multibyteSupport) $value = mb_substr($value, 0, $maxLength, 'UTF-8');
else $value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
// disallow some characters in selector values
// @todo technically we only need to disallow at begin/end of string
$value = str_replace(array('*', '~', '`', '$', '^', '|', '<', '>', '=', '[', ']', '{', '}'), ' ', $value);
// disallow greater/less than signs, unless they aren't forming a tag
// if(strpos($value, '<') !== false) $value = preg_replace('/<[^>]+>/su', ' ', $value);
// more disallowed chars, these may not appear anywhere in selector value
$value = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "#", "%"), ' ', $value);
// see if we can avoid the preg_matches and do a quick filter
$test = str_replace(array(',', ' ', '-'), '', $value);
if(!ctype_alnum($test)) {
// value needs more filtering, replace all non-alphanumeric, non-single-quote and space chars
// See:
// See:
$value = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\pL\pN\pP\pM\p{S} \'\/]/u', ' ', $value);
// replace multiple space characters in sequence with just 1
$value = preg_replace('/\s\s+/u', ' ', $value);
$value = trim($value); // trim any kind of whitespace
$value = trim($value, '+,'); // chars to remove from begin and end
if(strpos($value, '!') !== false) $needsQuotes = true;
if(!$needsQuotes && $options['useQuotes'] && strlen($value)) {
$a = substr($value, 0, 1);
$b = substr($value, -1);
if((!ctype_alnum($a) && $a != '/') || (!ctype_alnum($b) && $b != '/')) $needsQuotes = true;
if($needsQuotes && $options['useQuotes']) $value = $quoteChar . $value . $quoteChar;
return $value;
* Entity encode a string for output
* Wrapper for PHP's `htmlentities()` function that contains typical ProcessWire usage defaults
* The arguments used here are identical to those for
* [PHP's htmlentities]( function,
* except that the ProcessWire defaults for encoding quotes and using UTF-8 are already populated.
* ~~~~~
* $test = "ain't <em>nothing</em> perfect but our brokenness";
* echo $sanitizer->entities($test);
* // result: ain&apos;t &lt;em&gt;nothing&lt;/em&gt; perfect but our brokenness
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str String to entity encode
* @param int|bool $flags See PHP htmlentities() function for flags.
* @param string $encoding Encoding of string (default="UTF-8").
* @param bool $doubleEncode Allow double encode? (default=true).
* @return string Entity encoded string
* @see Sanitizer::entities1(), Sanitizer::unentities()
public function entities($str, $flags = ENT_QUOTES, $encoding = 'UTF-8', $doubleEncode = true) {
if(!is_string($str)) $str = $this->string($str);
return htmlentities($str, $flags, $encoding, $doubleEncode);
* Entity encode a string and dont double encode it if already encoded
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str String to entity encode
* @param int|bool $flags See PHP htmlentities() function for flags.
* @param string $encoding Encoding of string (default="UTF-8").
* @return string Entity encoded string
* @see Sanitizer::entities(), Sanitizer::unentities()
public function entities1($str, $flags = ENT_QUOTES, $encoding = 'UTF-8') {
if(!is_string($str)) $str = $this->string($str);
return htmlentities($str, $flags, $encoding, false);
* Entity encode with support for [A]rrays and other non-string values
* This is similar to the existing entities() method with the following differences:
* - Array values that are strings are encoded recursively to any depth and array is returned.
* - Associative array keys (strings) are entity encoded, integer keys are left as-is.
* - Objects that implement __toString() are converted to string and entity encoded.
* - Objects that do not implement __toString() are converted to a class name.
* - If given an int, float, bool, array or string, that is also the type returned.
* #pw-group-arrays
* #pw-group-strings
* @param array|string|int|float|object|bool $value
* @param int $flags
* @param string $encoding
* @param bool $doubleEncode
* @return array|string|int|float|bool
* @since 3.0.194
* @see Sanitizer::entitiesA1(), Sanitizer::entities()
public function entitiesA($value, $flags = ENT_QUOTES, $encoding = 'UTF-8', $doubleEncode = true) {
if(!is_array($value)) {
if(is_string($value)) {
// value will be encoded below
} else if(is_object($value)) {
$value = method_exists($value, '__toString') ? "$value" : get_class($value);
} else if(is_int($value) || is_float($value) || is_bool($value)) {
// leave int, float, bool values as they are
return $value;
return $this->entities($value, $flags, $encoding, $doubleEncode);
$a = array();
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
if(is_string($k)) $k = $this->entities($k, $flags, $encoding, $doubleEncode);
if(isset($a[$k])) continue;
$a[$k] = $this->entitiesA($v, $flags, $encoding, $doubleEncode);
return $a;
* Same as entitiesA() but does not double encode
* #pw-group-arrays
* #pw-group-strings
* @param array|string|int|float|object|bool $value
* @param int $flags
* @param string $encoding
* @return array|string|int|float|bool
* @since 3.0.194
* @see Sanitizer::entitiesA(), Sanitizer::entities1()
public function entitiesA1($value, $flags = ENT_QUOTES, $encoding = 'UTF-8') {
return $this->entitiesA($value, $flags, $encoding, false);
* Entity encode while translating some markdown tags to HTML equivalents
* If you specify boolean TRUE for the `$options` argument, full markdown is applied. Otherwise,
* only basic markdown allowed, as outlined in the examples.
* The primary reason to use this over full-on Markdown is that it has less overhead
* and is faster then full-blown Markdown, for when you don't need it. It's also safer
* for text coming from user input since it doesn't allow any other HTML. But if you just
* want full markdown, then specify TRUE for the `$options` argument.
* Basic allowed markdown currently includes:
* - `**strong**`
* - `*emphasis*`
* - `[anchor-text](url)`
* - `~~strikethrough~~`
* - code surrounded by backticks
* ~~~~~
* // basic markdown
* echo $sanitizer->entitiesMarkdown($str);
* // full markdown
* echo $sanitizer->entitiesMarkdown($str, true);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str String to apply markdown to
* @param array|bool|int $options Options include the following, or specify boolean TRUE to apply full markdown.
* - `fullMarkdown` (bool): Use full markdown rather than basic? (default=false) when true, most options no longer apply.
* Note: A markdown flavor integer may also be supplied for the fullMarkdown option.
* - `flags` (int): PHP htmlentities() flags. Default is ENT_QUOTES.
* - `encoding` (string): PHP encoding type. Default is 'UTF-8'.
* - `doubleEncode` (bool): Whether to double encode (if already encoded). Default is true.
* - `allow` (array): Only markdown that translates to these tags will be allowed. Default is most inline HTML tags.
* - `disallow` (array): Specified tags (in the default allow list) that won't be allowed. Default=[] empty array.
* (Note: The 'disallow' is an alternative to the default 'allow'. No point in using them both.)
* - `linkMarkup` (string): Markup to use for links. Default=`<a href="{url}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">{text}</a>`.
* - `allowBrackets` (bool): Allow some inline-level bracket tags, i.e. `[span.detail]text[/span]` ? (default=false)
* @return string Formatted with a flavor of markdown
public function entitiesMarkdown($str, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'fullMarkdown' => false,
'flags' => ENT_QUOTES,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
'doubleEncode' => true,
'allowBrackets' => false, // allow [bracket] tags?
'allow' => array('a', 'strong', 'em', 'code', 's', 'span', 'u', 'small', 'i', 'br'),
'disallow' => array(),
'linkMarkup' => '<a href="{url}" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">{text}</a>',
'escapableChars' => array('*', '[', ']', '(', ')', '`', '_', '~'), // for basic markdown or brackets modes
if($options === true || (is_int($options) && $options > 0)) $defaults['fullMarkdown'] = $options;
if(!is_array($options)) $options = array();
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$findReplace = array();
$str = $this->string($str);
if($options['fullMarkdown']) {
// full markdown
/** @var TextformatterMarkdownExtra $markdown */
$markdown = $this->wire()->modules->get('TextformatterMarkdownExtra');
if(is_int($options['fullMarkdown'])) {
$markdown->flavor = $options['fullMarkdown'];
} else {
$markdown->flavor = TextformatterMarkdownExtra::flavorParsedown;
} else {
// basic (inline) markdown
if(strpos($str, '\\') !== false) {
// allow certain escaped markdown characters to be ignored by our regexps i.e. "\*" or "\[", etc.
$findReplace = $this->getTextTools()->findReplaceEscapeChars($str, $options['escapableChars']);
$str = $this->entities($str, $options['flags'], $options['encoding'], $options['doubleEncode']);
if(strpos($str, '](') && in_array('a', $options['allow']) && !in_array('a', $options['disallow'])) {
// link
$linkMarkup = str_replace(array('{url}', '{text}'), array('$2', '$1'), $options['linkMarkup']);
$str = preg_replace('/\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\)/', $linkMarkup, $str);
if(strpos($str, '**') !== false && in_array('strong', $options['allow']) && !in_array('strong', $options['disallow'])) {
// strong
$str = preg_replace('/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/', '<strong>$1</strong>', $str);
if(strpos($str, '*') !== false && in_array('em', $options['allow']) && !in_array('em', $options['disallow'])) {
// em
$str = preg_replace('/\*([^*\n]+)\*/', '<em>$1</em>', $str);
if(strpos($str, "`") !== false && in_array('code', $options['allow']) && !in_array('code', $options['disallow'])) {
// code
$str = preg_replace('/`+([^`]+)`+/', '<code>$1</code>', $str);
if(strpos($str, '~~') !== false && in_array('s', $options['allow']) && !in_array('s', $options['disallow'])) {
// strikethrough
$str = preg_replace('/~~(.+?)~~/', '<s>$1</s>', $str);
if($options['allowBrackets']) {
$str = $this->bracketTagsToHtml($str, $options);
if(count($findReplace)) {
$str = str_replace(array_keys($findReplace), array_values($findReplace), $str);
return $str;
* Convert HTML bracket tags [tag]...[/tag] to HTML - helper method for entitiesMarkdown()
* @param string $str String containing bracket tags, should be entity encoded ahead of time
* @param array $options
* @return string
protected function bracketTagsToHtml($str, array $options) {
if(strpos($str, '[') === false || strpos($str, ']') === false) return $str;
if(empty($options['allow'])) return $str;
if(!isset($options['disallow'])) $options['disallow'] = array();
// bracket tags that require no closing bracket
$singletons = array('br', 'hr', 'wbr');
foreach($singletons as $tag) {
if(strpos($str, "[$tag") === false) continue;
if(!in_array($tag, $options['allow'])) continue;
if(in_array($tag, $options['disallow'])) continue;
$str = str_replace(array("[$tag]", "[$tag/]", "[$tag /]"), "<$tag />", $str);
// all other bracket tags require a closing bracket
if(!strpos($str, '[/')) return $str;
// support [bracketed] inline-level tags, optionally with id "#" or class "." attributes (ascii-only)
// example: [span.detail]some text[/span] or [strong#someid.someclass]text[/strong] or [em.class1.class2]text[/em]
$tags = implode('|', $options['allow']);
$reps = array();
if(preg_match_all('!\[(' . $tags . ')((?:[.#][-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)*)\](.*?)\[/\\1\]!', $str, $matches)) {
foreach($matches[0] as $key => $full) {
$tag = $matches[1][$key];
$attr = $matches[2][$key];
$text = $matches[3][$key];
if(in_array($tag, $options['disallow']) || $tag == 'a') continue;
$class = '';
$id = '';
if(strlen($attr)) {
foreach(explode('.', $attr) as $c) {
if(strpos($c, '#') !== false) list($c, $id) = explode('#', $c, 2);
if(!empty($c)) $class .= "$c ";
$reps[$full] = "<$tag" . ($id ? " id='$id'" : '') . ($class ? " class='$class'" : '') . ">$text</$tag>";
if(count($reps)) $str = str_replace(array_keys($reps), array_values($reps), $str);
return $str;
* Remove entity encoded characters from a string.
* Wrapper for PHP's `html_entity_decode()` function that contains typical ProcessWire usage defaults.
* The arguments used here are identical to those for PHPs (except `$flags` can be boolean true):
* [html_entity_decode]( function.
* For the `$flags` argument, specify boolean `true` if you want to perform a more comprehensive entity
* decode than what PHP does. That will make it convert all UTF-8 entities (including decimal and hex numbered
* entities), and it will remove any remaining entity sequences if the could not be converted, ensuring there
* are no entities possible in returned value.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str String to remove entities from
* @param int|bool $flags See PHP html_entity_decode function for flags,
* OR specify boolean true to convert all entities and remove any that cannot be converted (since 3.0.105).
* @param string $encoding Encoding (default="UTF-8").
* @return string String with entities removed.
* @see Sanitizer::entities()
public function unentities($str, $flags = ENT_QUOTES, $encoding = 'UTF-8') {
if(!is_string($str)) $str = $this->string($str);
$str = html_entity_decode($str, ($flags === true ? ENT_QUOTES : $flags), $encoding);
if($flags !== true || strpos($str, '&') === false) return $str;
// flags is true and at least one "&" remains, so we are doing a full entity removal
// first, replace common entities that can possibly remain
$entities = array('&apos;' => "'");
$str = str_ireplace(array_keys($entities), array_values($entities), $str);
if(strpos($str, '&#') !== false && $this->multibyteSupport) {
// manually convert decimal and hex entities (when possible)
$str = preg_replace_callback('/(&#[0-9A-F]+;)/i', function($matches) use($encoding) {
return mb_convert_encoding($matches[1], $encoding, "HTML-ENTITIES");
}, $str);
if(strpos($str, '&') !== false) {
// strip out any entities that remain
$str = preg_replace('/&(?:#[0-9A-F]|[A-Z]+);/i', ' ', $str);
return $str;
* Alias for unentities
* #pw-internal
* @param $str
* @param $flags
* @param $encoding
* @return string
* @deprecated
public function removeEntities($str, $flags, $encoding) {
return $this->unentities($str, $flags, $encoding);
* Purify HTML markup using HTML Purifier
* See: [](
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str String to purify
* @param array $options See [config options](
* @return string Purified markup string.
public function purify($str, array $options = array()) {
static $purifier = null;
static $_options = array();
if(!is_string($str)) $str = $this->string($str);
if(is_null($purifier) || print_r($options, true) != print_r($_options, true)) {
$purifier = $this->purifier($options);
$_options = $options;
return $purifier->purify($str);
* Return a new HTML Purifier instance
* See: [](
* #pw-group-other
* @param array $options See [config options](
* @return MarkupHTMLPurifier
public function purifier(array $options = array()) {
/** @var MarkupHTMLPurifier $purifier */
$purifier = $this->wire()->modules->get('MarkupHTMLPurifier');
foreach($options as $key => $value) $purifier->set($key, $value);
return $purifier;
* Remove newlines from the given string and return it
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str String to remove newlines from
* @param string $replacement Character to replace newlines with (default=" ")
* @return string String without newlines
public function removeNewlines($str, $replacement = ' ') {
$str = $this->string($str);
return str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), $replacement, $str);
* Remove or replace all whitespace from string
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str String to remove whitespace from
* @param array|string $options Options to modify behavior, or specify string for `replace` option:
* - `replace` (string): Character(s) to replace whitespace with (default='').
* - `collapse` (bool): If using replace, collapse consecutive replace chars to single? (default=true)
* - `trim` (bool): If using replace, trim it from beginning and end? (default=true)
* - `html` (bool): Remove/replace HTML whitespace entities too? (default=true)
* - `allow` (array): Array of whitespace characters that may remain. (default=[])
* @return string
* @since 3.0.105
public function removeWhitespace($str, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'replace' => '',
'collapse' => true,
'trim' => true,
'html' => true,
'allow' => array(),
if(!is_array($options)) {
$defaults['replace'] = $options;
$options = $defaults;
} else {
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$str = $this->string($str);
if($options['html'] && strpos($str, '&') === false) $options['html'] = false;
$whitespace = $this->getWhitespaceArray($options['html']);
foreach($options['allow'] as $c) {
$key = array_search($c, $whitespace);
if($key !== false) unset($whitespace[$key]);
$rep = $options['replace'];
if($options['html']) {
$str = str_ireplace($whitespace, $rep, $str);
} else {
$str = str_replace($whitespace, $rep, $str);
if(strlen($rep)) {
if($options['collapse']) {
while(strpos($str, "$rep$rep") !== false) {
$str = str_replace("$rep$rep", $rep, $str);
if($options['trim']) {
$str = trim($str, $rep);
if(count($options['allow'])) $str = trim($str, implode('', $options['allow']));
return $str;
* Reduce whitespace to minimum required to maintain intended separation
* This is a variation of the removeWhitespace() function that converts whitespace to be all of the same type
* and collapses all consequitive whitespace to single whitespace.
* If `multiline` option is specified then newlines allowed to remain as-is.
* #pw-internal
* @param string $str
* @param array $options
* - `replace` (string): Character(s) to replace whitespace with (default=' ' i.e. single space).
* - `collapse` (bool): Collapse consecutive replace chars to single? (default=true)
* - `trim` (bool): Trim allowed whitespace beginning and end? (default=true)
* - `html` (bool): Remove/replace HTML whitespace entities too? (default=false)
* - `allow` (array): Array of whitespace characters that may remain. (default=[" "])
* - `multiline` (bool): Allow newlines? This adds "\n" to the allow list. (default=false)
* @return string
* @since 3.0.123
public function reduceWhitespace($str, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'replace' => ' ',
'collapse' => true,
'trim' => true,
'html' => false,
'allow' => array(' '),
'multiline' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
return $this->normalizeWhitespace($str, $options);
* Normalize whitespace in the string to be all of the same type
* This for instance replaces all UTF-8 whitespace variants, tabs and newlines to a regular ASCII space.
* If `multiline` option is specified then newlines allowed to remain as-is.
* This is a variation of the removeWhitespace() function that converts whitespace to be all of the same type
* rather than removing the whitespace.
* #pw-internal
* @param string $str
* @param array $options
* - `replace` (string): Character(s) to replace whitespace with (default=' ' i.e. single space).
* - `collapse` (bool): Cllapse consecutive replace chars to single? (default=false)
* - `trim` (bool): Trim whitespace from beginning and end? (default=false)
* - `html` (bool): Remove/replace HTML whitespace entities too? (default=false)
* - `allow` (array): Array of whitespace characters that may remain. (default=[" "])
* - `multiline` (bool): Allow newlines? This adds "\n" to the allow list. (default=false)
* @return string
* @since 3.0.123
public function normalizeWhitespace($str, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'replace' => ' ',
'collapse' => false,
'trim' => false,
'html' => false,
'allow' => array(' '),
'multiline' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
if(!$options['multiline'] && in_array("\n", $options['allow'])) {
$options['multiline'] = true;
if($options['multiline']) {
$options['allow'][] = "\n";
if(strpos($str, "\r") !== false) $str = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $str);
$str = $this->removeWhitespace($str, $options);
return $str;
* Trim off all known UTF-8 whitespace types (or given chars) from beginning and ending of string
* Like PHPs trim() but works with multibyte strings and recognizes all types of UTF-8 whitespace
* as well as HTML whitespace entities. This method also optionally accepts an array for $chars argument
* which enables you to trim out string sequences greater than one character long.
* If you do not need an extensive multibyte trim, use PHPs trim() instead because this takes more overhead.
* PHP multibyte support (mb_string) is strongly recommended if using this function.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str
* @param string|array $chars Array or string of chars to trim, or omit (blank string) for all whitespace (includes UTF-8 and HTML-entity whitespace too).
* @param string $method Trim method, one of "trim" (both), "rtrim" (right-only) or "ltrim" (left-only). Or just "t", "r", "l" is also fine. 3.0.168+
* @return string
* @since 3.0.124
public function trim($str, $chars = '', $method = 'trim') {
$str = $this->string($str);
$tt = $this->getTextTools();
$len = $tt->strlen($str);
if(!$len) return '';
$method = strtoupper($method[0]); // T, R or L
$trims = array();
$str2 = '';
if(is_array($chars) && !count($chars)) $chars = '';
// setup trim
if($chars === '') {
// default whitespace characters
$trims = $this->getWhitespaceArray(true);
// let PHP default whitespace trim run first
switch($method) {
case 'R': $str = rtrim($str); break;
case 'L': $str = ltrim($str); break;
default: $str = trim($str); break;
$str2 = $str; // remember what it looked like here in $str2
} else {
// user-specified characters
if(is_array($chars)) {
$trims = $chars;
} else {
for($n = 0; $n < $tt->strlen($chars); $n++) {
$trim = $tt->substr($chars, $n, 1);
$trimLen = $tt->strlen($trim);
if($trimLen) $trims[] = $trim;
// begin trim
do {
$numRemovedStart = 0; // num removed from start
$numRemovedEnd = 0; // num removed from end
foreach($trims as $trimKey => $trim) {
$trimPos = $tt->strpos($str, $trim);
// if trim not present anywhere in string it can be removed from our trims list
if($trimPos === false) {
// at this point we know the trim character is present somewhere in the string
$trimLen = $tt->strlen($trim);
// while this trim character matches at beginning of string, remove it (left trim)
if($method !== 'R') {
while($trimPos === 0) {
$str = $tt->substr($str, $trimLen);
$trimPos = $tt->strpos($str, $trim);
// trim from end (right trim)
if($trimPos > 0 && $method !== 'L') do {
$x = 0; // qty removed only in this do/while iteration
$trimPos = $tt->strrpos($str, $trim);
if($trimPos === false) break;
$strLen = $tt->strlen($str);
if($trimPos + $trimLen >= $strLen) {
$str = $tt->substr($str, 0, $trimPos);
} while($x > 0);
// if trim no longer present, remove it
if($trimPos === false) unset($trims[$trimKey]);
} // foreach
$strLen = $tt->strlen($str);
} while($numRemovedStart + $numRemovedEnd > 0 && $strLen > 0);
// if a default behavior trim and $str was modified by trimming UTF-8 or entities
// whitespaces then follow-up with a regular PHP trim, just in case
if($chars === '' && $str !== $str2) {
switch($method) {
case 'R': $str = rtrim($str); break;
case 'L': $str = ltrim($str); break;
default: $str = trim($str); break;
return $str;
* Get array of all characters (including UTF-8) that can be used as whitespace in strings
* #pw-internal
* @param bool|int $html Also include HTML entities that represent whitespace? false=no, true=both, 1=only-html (default=false)
* @return array
* @since 3.0.105
public function getWhitespaceArray($html = false) {
static $whitespaceUTF8 = array();
static $whitespaceHTML = array();
if(empty($whitespaceUTF8)) {
// json_decode can handle conversion of \u0000 sequences regardless of PHP version
$whitespaceUTF8 = json_decode('["\u' . implode('","\u', $this->whitespaceUTF8) . '"]', true);
if($html) {
if(empty($whitespaceHTML)) {
$whitespaceHTML = $this->whitespaceHTML;
foreach($this->whitespaceUTF8 as $value) {
$whitespaceHTML[] = "&#x$value;"; // hex entity
$whitespaceHTML[] = "&#" . hexdec($value) . ';'; // decimal entity
$whitespace = $html === 1 ? $whitespaceHTML : array_merge($whitespaceUTF8, $whitespaceHTML);
} else {
$whitespace = $whitespaceUTF8;
return $whitespace;
* Truncate string to given maximum length without breaking words
* This method can truncate between words, sentences, punctuation or blocks (like paragraphs).
* See the `type` option for details on how it should truncate. By default it truncates between
* words. Description of types:
* - word: truncate to closest word.
* - punctuation: truncate to closest punctuation within sentence.
* - sentence: truncate to closest sentence.
* - block: truncate to closest block of text (like a paragraph or headline).
* Note that if your specified `type` is something other than “word”, and it cannot be matched
* within the maxLength, then it will attempt a different type. For instance, if you specify
* “sentence” as the type, and it cannot match a sentence, it will try to match to “punctuation”
* instead. If it cannot match that, then it will attempt “word”.
* HTML will be stripped from returned string. If you want to keep some tags use the `keepTags` or `keepFormatTags`
* options to specify what tags are allowed to remain. The `keepFormatTags` option that, when true, will make it
* retain all HTML inline text formatting tags.
* ~~~~~~~
* // Truncate string to closest word within 150 characters
* $s = $sanitizer->truncate($str, 150);
* // Truncate string to closest sentence within 300 characters
* $s = $sanitizer->truncate($str, 300, 'sentence');
* // Truncate with options
* $s = $sanitizer->truncate($str, [
* 'type' => 'punctuation',
* 'maxLength' => 300,
* 'visible' => true,
* 'more' => '…'
* ]);
* ~~~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str String to truncate
* @param int|array $maxLength Maximum length of returned string, or specify $options array here.
* @param array|string $options Options array, or specify `type` option (string).
* - `type` (string): Preferred truncation type of word, punctuation, sentence, or block. (default='word')
* This is a “preferred type”, not an absolute one, because it will adjust to match what it can within your maxLength.
* - `maxLength` (int): Max characters for truncation, used only if $options array substituted for $maxLength argument.
* - `maximize` (bool): Include as much as possible within specified type and max-length? (default=true)
* If you specify false for the maximize option, it will truncate to first word, puncutation, sentence or block.
* - `visible` (bool): When true, invisible text (markup, entities, etc.) does not count towards string length. (default=false)
* - `trim` (string): Characters to trim from returned string. (default=',;/ ')
* - `noTrim` (string): Never trim these from end of returned string. (default=')]>}”»')
* - `more` (string): Append this to truncated strings that do not end with sentence punctuation. (default='…')
* - `keepTags` (array): HTML tags that should be kept in returned string. (default=[])
* - `keepFormatTags` (bool): Keep HTML text-formatting tags? Simpler alternative to keepTags option. (default=false)
* - `collapseLinesWith` (string): String to collapse lines with where the first is not punctuated. (default=' … ')
* - `convertEntities` (bool): Convert HTML entities to non-entity characters? (default=false)
* - `noEndSentence` (string): Strings that sentence may not end with, space-separated values (default='Mr. Mrs. …')
* @return string
* @since 3.0.101
public function truncate($str, $maxLength = 300, $options = array()) {
$str = $this->string($str);
return $this->getTextTools()->truncate($str, $maxLength, $options);
* Truncate string to given maximum length without breaking words and with no added visible extras
* This is a shortcut to the truncate() sanitizer, sanitizing to nearest word with the `more` option
* disabled and the `collapseLinesWith` set to 1 space (rather than ellipsis).
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $str String to truncate
* @param int|array $maxLength Maximum allowed length in characters, or substitute $options argument here
* @param array $options See options for truncate() method or specify `type` option (word, punctuation, sentence, block).
* @return string
* @since 3.0.157
public function trunc($str, $maxLength = 300, $options = array()) {
$str = $this->string($str);
if(is_array($maxLength)) $options = $maxLength;
if(!isset($options['type'])) $options['type'] = 'word';
if(!isset($options['more'])) $options['more'] = '';
if(!isset($options['collapseLinesWith'])) $options['collapseLinesWith'] = ' ';
return $this->getTextTools()->truncate($str, $maxLength, $options);
* Removes 4-byte UTF-8 characters (like emoji) that produce error with with MySQL regular “UTF8” encoding
* Returns the same value type that it is given. If given something other than a string or array, it just
* returns it without modification.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string|array $value String or array containing strings
* @param array $options Options to modify behavior, 3.0.169+ only:
* - `replaceWith` (string): Replace MB4+ characters with this character, may not be blank (default='<27>')
* - `version` (int): Replacement method version (default=2)
* @return string|array
public function removeMB4($value, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'replaceWith' => "\xEF\xBF\xBD", // Default unicode replacement character: U+FFFD aka <20>
'version' => 2,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
if($options['replaceWith'] === '') $options['replaceWidth'] = $defaults['replaceWith'];
if(is_array($value)) {
if(!count($value)) return array();
// process array recursively, looking for strings to convert
foreach($value as $key => $val) {
if(is_string($val) || is_array($val)) $value[$key] = $this->removeMB4($val, $options);
} else if(is_string($value)) {
if($options['version'] >= 2) {
$value = preg_replace('/[\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', $options['replaceWith'], $value);
} else {
if(strlen($value) > 3 && max(array_map('ord', str_split($value))) >= 240) {
// string contains 4-byte characters
$regex =
'!(?:' .
'\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}' .
'|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}' .
'|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}' .
$value = preg_replace($regex, $options['replaceWith'], $value);
} else {
// not a string or an array, leave as-is
return $value;
* Convert string to be all hyphenated-lowercase (aka kabab-case, hyphen-case, dash-case, etc.)
* For example, "Hello World" or "helloWorld" becomes "hello-world".
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value
* @param array $options
* - `hyphen` (string): Character to use as the hyphen (default='-')
* - `allow` (string): Characters to allow or range of characters to allow, for placement in regex (default='a-z0-9').
* - `allowUnderscore` (bool): Allow underscores? (default=false)
* @return string
public function hyphenCase($value, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'hyphen' => '-',
'allow' => 'a-z0-9',
'allowUnderscore' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$value = $this->string($value);
$hyphen = $options['hyphen'];
// if value is empty then exit now
if(!strlen($value)) return '';
if($options['allowUnderscore']) $options['allow'] .= '_';
// check if value is already in the right format, and return it if so
if(strtolower($value) === $value) {
if($options['allow'] === $defaults['allow']) {
if(ctype_alnum(str_replace($hyphen, '', $value))) return $value;
} else {
if(preg_match('/^[' . $hyphen . $options['allow'] . ']+$/', $value)) return $value;
// dont allow apostrophes to be separators
$value = str_replace(array("'", ""), '', $value);
// some initial whitespace conversions to reduce workload on preg_replace
$value = str_replace(array(" ", "\r", "\n", "\t"), $hyphen, $value);
// convert everything not allowed to hyphens
$value = preg_replace('/[^' . $options['allow'] . ']+/i', $hyphen, $value);
// convert camel case to hyphenated
$value = preg_replace('/([[:lower:]])([[:upper:]])/', '$1' . $hyphen . '$2', $value);
// prevent doubled hyphens
$value = preg_replace('/' . $hyphen . $hyphen . '+/', $hyphen, $value);
if($options['allowUnderscore']) {
$value = str_replace(array('-_', '_-'), '_', $value);
return strtolower(trim($value, $hyphen));
* Alias of hyphenCase()
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value
* @param array $options See hyphenCase()
* @return string
public function kebabCase($value, array $options = array()) {
return $this->hyphenCase($value, $options);
* Convert string to be all snake_case (lowercase and underscores)
* For example, "Hello World" or "hello-world" becomes "hello_world".
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value
* @param array $options
* - `allow` (string): Characters to allow or range of characters to allow, for placement in regex (default='a-z0-9').
* - `hyphen` (string): Character to use as the hyphen (default='-')
* @return string
public function snakeCase($value, array $options = array()) {
$options['hyphen'] = '_';
return $this->hyphenCase($value, $options);
* Convert string to be all camelCase
* For example, "Hello World" becomes "helloWorld" or "foo-bar-baz" becomes "fooBarBaz".
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value
* @param array $options
* - `allow` (string): Characters to allow or range of characters to allow, for placement in regex (default='a-zA-Z0-9').
* - `allowUnderscore` (bool): Allow underscore characters? (default=false)
* - `startLowercase` (bool): Always start return value with lowercase character? (default=true)
* - `startNumber` (bool): Allow return value to begin with a number? (default=false)
* @return string
public function camelCase($value, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'allow' => 'a-zA-Z0-9',
'allowUnderscore' => false,
'startLowercase' => true,
'startNumber' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$value = $this->string($value);
$allow = $options['allow'] . ($options['allowUnderscore'] ? '_' : '');
$needsWork = true;
if($allow === $defaults['allow']) {
if(ctype_alnum($value)) $needsWork = false;
} else {
if(preg_match('/^[' . $allow . ']+$/', $value)) $needsWork = false;
if($needsWork) {
$value = preg_replace('/([^' . $allow . ' ]+)([' . $allow . ']+)/', '$1 $2', $value);
$value = preg_replace('/[^' . $allow . ' ]+/', '', $value);
$parts = explode(' ', $value);
$value = '';
foreach($parts as $n => $part) {
if(empty($part)) continue;
$value .= $n ? ucfirst($part) : $part;
if($options['startLowercase'] && isset($value[0])) {
$value[0] = strtolower($value[0]);
if(!$options['startNumber']) {
$value = ltrim($value, $this->digitASCII);
return $value;
* Convert string to PascalCase (like camelCase, but first letter always uppercase)
* For example, "hello world" becomes "HelloWorld" or "foo-bar-baz" becomes "FooBarBaz".
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value
* @param array $options See options for camelCase() method
* @return string
public function pascalCase($value, array $options = array()) {
$options['startLowercase'] = false;
$value = $this->camelCase($value, $options);
return ucfirst($value);
* Sanitize string value to have only the given characters
* You must provide a string of allowed characters in the `$allow` argument. If not provided then
* the only [ a-z A-Z 0-9 ] are allowed. You may optionally specify `[alpha]` to refer to any
* ASCII alphabet character, or `[digit]` to refer to any digit.
* ~~~~~
* echo $sanitizer->chars('foo123barBaz456', 'barz1'); // Outputs: 1baraz
* echo $sanitizer->chars('(800) 555-1234', '[digit]', '.'); // Outputs: 800.555.1234
* echo $sanitizer->chars('Decatur, GA 30030', '[alpha]', '-'); // Outputs: Decatur-GA
* echo $sanitizer->chars('Decatur, GA 30030', '[alpha][digit]', '-'); // Outputs: Decatur-GA-30030
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value Value to sanitize
* @param string|array $allow Allowed characters string. If omitted then only alphanumeric [ a-z A-Z 0-9 ] are allowed.
* Use shortcut `[alpha]` to refer to any “a-z A-Z” char or `[digit]` to refer to any digit.
* @param string $replacement Replace disallowed chars with this char or string, or omit for blank. (default='')
* @param bool $collapse Collapse multiple $replacement chars to one and trim from return value? (default=true)
* @param bool|null $mb Specify bool to force use of multibyte on or off, or omit to auto-detect. (default=null)
* @return string
* @since 3.0.126
public function chars($value, $allow = '', $replacement = '', $collapse = true, $mb = null) {
$value = $this->string($value);
if(is_array($allow)) $allow = implode('', $allow);
if(!strlen($allow)) {
$allow = $this->alphaASCII . $this->digitASCII;
} else {
if(stripos($allow, '[alpha]') !== false) $allow = str_ireplace('[alpha]', $this->alphaASCII, $allow);
if(stripos($allow, '[digit]') !== false) $allow = str_ireplace('[digit]', $this->digitASCII, $allow);
if($mb === null) $mb = $this->multibyteSupport ? !mb_check_encoding($allow . $value, 'ASCII') : false;
$result = '';
$lastChar = '';
$length = $mb ? mb_strlen($value) : strlen($value);
$hasReplacement = false;
for($n = 0; $n < $length; $n++) {
if($mb) {
$char = mb_substr($value, $n, 1);
$ok = mb_strpos($allow, $char) !== false;
} else {
$char = $value[$n];
$ok = strpos($allow, $char) !== false;
if($collapse && $char === $replacement) {
$hasReplacement = true;
if($char === $lastChar) continue;
if($ok) {
$result .= $char;
$lastChar = $char;
} else if($replacement !== '') {
if(!$collapse || $replacement !== $lastChar) $result .= $replacement;
$lastChar = $replacement;
$hasReplacement = true;
if($collapse && $hasReplacement && $replacement !== '') {
$result = $mb ? $this->trim($result, $replacement) : trim($result, $replacement);
return $result;
* Sanitize value to string
* Note that this makes no assumptions about what is a "safe" string, so you should always apply another
* sanitizer to it.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string|int|array|object|bool|float $value Value to sanitize as string
* @param string|null Optional sanitizer method (from this class) to apply to the string before returning
* @return string
public function string($value, $sanitizer = null) {
if(is_string($value)) {
if($sanitizer === null) return $value;
} else if(is_object($value)) {
if(method_exists($value, '__toString')) {
$value = (string) $value;
} else {
$value = get_class($value);
} else if(is_null($value)) {
$value = "";
} else if(is_bool($value)) {
$value = $value ? "1" : "";
} else if(is_array($value)) {
$value = "array-" . count($value);
} else {
$value = (string) $value;
if($sanitizer && is_string($sanitizer)) {
if(method_exists($this, $sanitizer) || method_exists($this, "___$sanitizer")) {
$value = $this->$sanitizer($value);
if(!is_string($value)) $value = (string) $value;
return $value;
* Sanitize a date or date/time string, making sure it is valid, and return it
* - If no date $format is specified, date will be returned as a unix timestamp.
* - If given date in invalid format and cant be made valid, or date is empty, NULL will be returned.
* - If $value is an integer or string of all numbers, it is always assumed to be a unix timestamp.
* - If $format and “strict” option specified, date will also validate for format and no out-of-bounds values will be converted.
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param string|int $value Date string or unix timestamp
* @param string|null $format Format of date string ($value) in any wireDate(), date() or strftime() format.
* @param array $options Options to modify behavior:
* - `returnFormat` (string): wireDate() format to return date in. If not specified, then the $format argument is used.
* - `min` (string|int): Minimum allowed date in $format or unix timestamp format. Null is returned when date is less than this.
* - `max` (string|int): Maximum allowed date in $format or unix timestamp format. Null is returned when date is more than this.
* - `default` (mixed): Default value to return if no value specified.
* - `strict` (bool): Force dates that dont match given $format, or out of bounds, to fail. Requires $format. (default=false)
* @return string|int|null
public function date($value, $format = null, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'returnFormat' => $format, // date format to return in, if different from $format
'min' => '', // Minimum date allowed (in $dateFormat format, or a unix timestamp)
'max' => '', // Maximum date allowed (in $dateFormat format, or a unix timestamp)
'default' => null, // Default value, if date didn't resolve
'strict' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$datetime = $this->wire()->datetime;
$iso8601 = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$_value = trim($this->string($value)); // original value string
if(empty($value) && !is_int($value) && !strlen("$value")) return $options['default'];
if(!is_string($value) && !is_int($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
if(ctype_digit("$value")) {
// value is in unix timestamp format
// make sure it resolves to a valid date
$value = strtotime(date($iso8601, (int) $value));
} else {
/** @var WireDateTime $datetime */
$value = $datetime->stringToTimestamp($value, $format);
// value is now a unix timestamp
if($value === false) return null;
// if format is provided and in strict mode, validate for the format and bounds
if($format && $options['strict']) {
$test = $datetime->date($format, $value);
if($test !== $_value) return null;
if(!empty($options['min'])) {
// if value is less than minimum required, return null/error
$min = ctype_digit("$options[min]") ? (int) $options['min'] : (int) wireDate('ts', $options['min']);
if($value < $min) return null;
if(!empty($options['max'])) {
// if value is more than max allowed, return null/error
$max = ctype_digit("$options[max]") ? (int) $options['max'] : (int) wireDate('ts', $options['max']);
if($value > $max) return null;
if(!empty($options['returnFormat'])) $value = wireDate($options['returnFormat'], $value);
return ($value === null || $value === false) ? null : $value;
* Sanitize as language textdomain
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value
* @return string
* @since 3.0.181
public function textdomain($value) {
$value = $this->line($value, 1024);
$value = trim(strtolower($value));
$slash = false;
$dot = false;
if(!strlen($value)) return $value;
if(strpos($value, '\\') !== false) {
$value = str_replace('\\', '/', $value);
if(strpos($value, '/') !== false) {
$slash = true;
$config = $this->wire()->config;
$value = str_replace(ltrim($config->paths->root, '/'), '', $value);
$value = trim($value, '/');
if(strpos($value, '.') !== false) {
$dot = true;
while(strpos($value, '..') !== false) {
$value = str_replace('..', '.', $value);
if($dot) {
$value = str_replace(array('/.', './', '-.', '.-'), array('/', '/', '.', '.'), $value);
if($slash || $dot) {
$value = str_replace(array('/', '.'), array('--', '-'), $value);
while(strpos($value, '---') !== false) {
$value = str_replace('---', '--', $value);
if(!ctype_alnum(str_replace(array('-', '_'), '', $value))) {
$value = preg_replace('/[^-_a-z0-9]/', '_', $value);
return trim($value, '-');
* Validate that given value matches regex pattern.
* If given value matches, value is returned. If not, blank is returned.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value Value to match
* @param string $regex PCRE regex pattern (same as you would provide to PHP's `preg_match()`)
* @return string Value you supplied if it matches, or blank string if it doesn't
public function match($value, $regex) {
if(!is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
return preg_match($regex, $value) ? $value : '';
* Sanitized an integer (unsigned, unless you specify a negative minimum value)
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param mixed $value Value you want to sanitize as an integer
* @param array $options Optionally specify any one or more of the following to modify behavior:
* - `min` (int|null): Minimum allowed value (default=0)
* - `max` (int|null): Maximum allowed value (default=PHP_INT_MAX)
* - `blankValue` (mixed): Value that you want to use when provided value is null or blank string (default=0)
* @return int Returns integer, or specified blankValue (which doesn't necessarily have to be an integer)
public function int($value, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'min' => 0,
'max' => PHP_INT_MAX,
'blankValue' => 0,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
if(is_null($value) || $value === "") return $options['blankValue'];
if(is_object($value)) $value = 1;
$value = (int) $value;
if(!is_null($options['min']) && $value < $options['min']) {
$value = (int) $options['min'];
} else if(!is_null($options['max']) && $value > $options['max']) {
$value = (int) $options['max'];
return $value;
* Sanitize to unsigned (0 or positive) integer
* This is an alias to the int() method with default min/max arguments.
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param mixed $value
* @param array $options Optionally specify any one or more of the following to modify behavior:
* - `min` (int|null): Minimum allowed value (default=0)
* - `max` (int|null): Maximum allowed value (default=PHP_INT_MAX)
* - `blankValue` (mixed): Value that you want to use when provided value is null or blank string (default=0)
* @return int Returns integer, or specified blankValue (which doesn't necessarily have to be an integer)
* @return int
public function intUnsigned($value, array $options = array()) {
return $this->int($value, $options);
* Sanitize to signed integer (negative or positive)
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param mixed $value
* @param array $options Optionally specify any one or more of the following to modify behavior:
* - `min` (int|null): Minimum allowed value (default=negative PHP_INT_MAX)
* - `max` (int|null): Maximum allowed value (default=PHP_INT_MAX)
* - `blankValue` (mixed): Value that you want to use when provided value is null or blank string (default=0)
* @return int
public function intSigned($value, array $options = array()) {
if(!isset($options['min'])) $options['min'] = PHP_INT_MAX * -1;
return $this->int($value, $options);
* Sanitize value to be within the given min and max range
* If float or decimal string specified for $min or $max arguments, return value will be a float,
* otherwise an integer is returned.
* ~~~~~
* $n = 10;
* $sanitizer->range($n, 100, 200); // returns 100
* $sanitizer->range($n, 0, 1.0); // returns 1.0
* $sanitizer->range($n, 1.1, 100.5); // returns 10.0
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param int|float|string $value
* @param int|float|string|null $min Minimum allowed value or null for no minimum (default=null)
* @param int|float|string|null $max Maximum allowed value or null for no maximum (default=null)
* @return int|float
* @since 3.0.125
public function range($value, $min = null, $max = null) {
if(is_string($min)) $min = ctype_digit($min) ? (float) $min : (int) $min;
if(is_string($max)) $max = ctype_digit($max) ? (float) $max : (int) $max;
$value = is_float($min) || is_float($max) ? (float) $value : (int) $value;
if($min === null) {
$min = is_float($value) && defined('PHP_FLOAT_MIN') ? constant('PHP_FLOAT_MIN') : PHP_INT_MIN;
if($max === null) {
$max = is_float($value) && defined('PHP_FLOAT_MAX') ? constant('PHP_FLOAT_MAX') : PHP_INT_MAX;
if($min > $max) list($min, $max) = array($max, $min); // swap args if necessary
if($value < $min) {
$value = $min;
} else if($value > $max) {
$value = $max;
return $value;
* Sanitize to have a minimum value
* If float or decimal string specified for $min argument, return value will be a float,
* otherwise an integer is returned.
* ~~~~~
* $n = 10;
* $sanitizer->min(100); // returns 100
* $sanitizer->min(5); // returns 10
* $sanitizer->min(1.0); // returns 10.0
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param int|float|string $value
* @param int|float|string $min Minimum allowed value
* @return int|float
* @since 3.0.125
* @see Sanitizer::max()
public function min($value, $min = PHP_INT_MIN) {
return $this->range($value, $min, null);
* Sanitize to have a maximuim value
* If float or decimal string specified for $max argument, return value will be a float,
* otherwise an integer is returned.
* ~~~~~
* $n = 10;
* $sanitizer->max(5); // returns 5
* $sanitizer->max(100); // returns 10
* $sanitizer->max(100.0); // returns 10.0
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param int|float|string $value
* @param int|float|string $max Maximum allowed value
* @return int|float
* @since 3.0.125
* @see Sanitizer::min()
public function max($value, $max = PHP_INT_MAX) {
return $this->range($value, null, $max);
* Sanitize to floating point value
* Values for `getString` argument:
* - `false` (bool): do not return string value (default). 3.0.171+
* - `true` (bool): locale aware floating point number string. 3.0.171+
* - `f` (string): locale aware floating point number string (same as true). 3.0.193+
* - `F` (string): non-locale aware floating point number string. 3.0.193+
* - `e` (string): lowercase scientific notation (e.g. 1.2e+2). 3.0.193+
* - `E` (string): uppercase scientific notation (e.g. 1.2E+2). 3.0.193+
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param float|string|int $value
* @param array $options Optionally specify one or more options in an associative array:
* - `precision` (int|null): Optional number of digits to round to (default=null)
* - `mode` (int): Mode to use for rounding precision (default=PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
* - `blankValue` (null|int|string|float): Value to return (whether float or non-float) if provided $value is an empty non-float (default=0.0)
* - `min` (float|null): Minimum allowed value, excluding blankValue (default=null)
* - `max` (float|null): Maximum allowed value, excluding blankValue (default=null)
* - `getString (bool|string): Return a string rather than float value? 3.0.171+ (default=false). See value options in method description.
* @return float|string
public function float($value, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'precision' => null, // Optional number of digits to round to
'mode' => PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP, // Mode to use for rounding precision (default=PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)
'blankValue' => 0.0, // Value to return (whether float or non-float) if provided $value is an empty non-float (default=0.0)
'min' => null, // Minimum allowed value (excluding blankValue)
'max' => null, // Maximum allowed value (excluding blankValue)
'getString' => false, // Return a string rather than float value? bool or f, F, e, E
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
if($value === null || $value === false) return $options['blankValue'];
if(!is_float($value) && !is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
$e = 0;
if(is_string($value)) {
$str = trim($value);
$prepend = '';
$append = '';
$c = substr($str, 0, 1);
while($c !== '' && $c !== '-' && $c !== '.' && $c !== ',' && !ctype_digit($c)) {
// trim off leading non-number content like currency symbols, names, etc.
$str = ltrim($str, $c);
$c = substr($str, 0, 1);
if($c === '-') {
$prepend = '-';
$str = ltrim($str, '-');
if(stripos($str, 'E') && preg_match('/^([-]?[0-9., ]*\d)(E[-+]?\d+)/i', $str, $m)) {
$str = $m[1];
$append = $m[2];
$e = ((int) ltrim($append, '-+eE'));
if(!strlen($str)) return $options['blankValue'];
$dotPos = strrpos($str, '.');
$commaPos = strrpos($str, ',');
$decimalType = substr(floatval("9.9"), 1, 1);
$pos = null;
if($dotPos === 0 || ($commaPos === 0 && $decimalType == ',')) {
// .123 or ,123
$value = "0." . ltrim($str, ',.');
} else if($dotPos > $commaPos) {
// 123123.123
// 123,123.123
// dot assumed to be decimal
$pos = $dotPos;
} else if($commaPos > $dotPos) {
// 123,123
// 123123,123
// 123.123,123
if($dotPos === false && $decimalType === '.' && preg_match('/^\d+(,\d{3})+([^,]|$)/', $str)) {
// US or GB style thousands separator with commas separating 3 digit sequences
$pos = strlen($str);
} else {
// the rest of the world
$pos = $commaPos;
} else {
if(!ctype_digit("$value")) $value = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $str);
if($pos !== null) {
$value =
// part before dot
preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', substr($str, 0, $pos)) . '.' .
// part after dot
preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', substr($str, $pos + 1));
$value = $prepend . $value . $append;
if(!$options['getString']) $value = floatval($value);
} else if(is_float($value)) {
$str = strtoupper("$value");
if(strpos($str, 'E')) $e = (int) ltrim(stristr("$str", 'E'), 'E-+');
if($options['precision'] === null && $e) {
$options['precision'] = $e;
if(strpos("$value", '.') !== false && preg_match('!\.(\d+)!', $value, $m)) {
$options['precision'] += strlen($m[1]);
if(!$options['getString'] && !is_float($value)) $value = (float) $value;
if(!is_null($options['min']) && ((float) $value) < ((float) $options['min'])) $value = $options['min'];
if(!is_null($options['max']) && ((float) $value) > ((float) $options['max'])) $value = $options['max'];
if(!is_null($options['precision'])) $value = round((float) $value, (int) $options['precision'], (int) $options['mode']);
$value = (float) $value;
if($options['getString']) {
$f = $options['getString'];
$f = is_string($f) && in_array($f, array('f', 'F', 'e', 'E')) ? $f : 'f';
if($options['precision'] === null) {
$value = stripos("$value", 'E') ? rtrim(sprintf("%.15$f", (float) $value), '0') : "$value";
} else {
$value = rtrim(sprintf("%.$options[precision]$f", (float) $value), '0');
$value = rtrim($value, '.');
return $value;
* Sanitize array or CSV string to array of values, optionally sanitized by given method
* If given a string, delimiter may be pipe ("|"), or comma (","), unless overridden with the `delimiter`
* or `delimiters` options.
* #pw-group-arrays
* @param array|string|mixed $value Accepts an array or CSV string.
* If given something else, it becomes first item in array.
* @param string|array $sanitizer Sanitizer method to apply to items in the array or omit/null for none,
* or in 3.0.165+ optionally substitute the $options argument here instead (default=null).
* @param array $options Optional modifications to default behavior:
* - `maxItems` (int): Maximum items allowed in each array (default=0, which means no limit)
* - `maxDepth` (int): Max nested array depth (default=0, which means no nesting allowed) Since 3.0.160
* - `trim` (bool): Trim whitespace from front/back of each string item in array? (default=true) Since 3.0.190
* - `sanitizer` (string): Optionally specify sanitizer for array values as option rather than argument (default='') Since 3.0.165
* - `keySanitizer` (string): Optionally sanitize associative array keys with this method (default='') Since 3.0.167
* - The following options are only used if the provided $value is a string:
* - `csv` (bool): Allow conversion of delimited string to array? (default=true) Since 3.0.165
* - `delimiter` (string): Single delimiter to use to identify CSV strings. Overrides the 'delimiters' option when specified (default=null)
* - `delimiters` (array): Delimiters to identify CSV strings. First found delimiter will be used, default=array("|", ",")
* - `enclosure` (string): Enclosure to use for CSV strings (default=double quote, i.e. `"`)
* @return array
* @throws WireException if an unknown $sanitizer method is given
public function ___array($value, $sanitizer = null, array $options = array()) {
static $depth = 0;
$defaults = array(
'maxItems' => 0,
'maxDepth' => 0,
'csv' => true,
'delimiter' => null,
'delimiters' => array('|', ','),
'enclosure' => '"',
'trim' => true,
'sanitizer' => null,
'keySanitizer' => null,
if(is_array($sanitizer) && empty($options)) list($options, $sanitizer) = array($sanitizer, null);
if(empty($sanitizer) && !empty($options['sanitizer'])) $sanitizer = $options['sanitizer'];
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$clean = array();
if($value === null) {
return array();
} else if(!is_array($value)) {
if(is_object($value)) {
// value is object: convert to string or array
if(method_exists($value, '__toString')) {
$value = (string) $value;
} else {
$value = array(get_class($value));
if(is_string($value)) {
// value is string
if($options['trim']) $value = trim($value);
if(!strlen($value)) {
return array();
} else if($options['csv']) {
$hasDelimiter = null;
$delimiters = is_null($options['delimiter']) ? $options['delimiters'] : array($options['delimiter']);
foreach($delimiters as $delimiter) {
if(strpos($value, $delimiter)) {
$hasDelimiter = $delimiter;
if($hasDelimiter !== null) {
$value = str_getcsv($value, $hasDelimiter, $options['enclosure']);
} else {
$value = array($value);
if(!is_array($value)) {
$value = array($value);
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
if(is_array($v)) {
if($depth <= $options['maxDepth']) {
// sanitize nested array recursively
$value[$k] = $this->___array($v, $sanitizer, $options);
} else {
// remove nested array
} else if(is_string($v)) {
if($options['trim']) $value[$k] = trim($v);
if($options['maxItems'] && count($value) > $options['maxItems']) {
$value = array_slice($value, 0, abs($options['maxItems']));
$keySanitizer = $options['keySanitizer'];
if($sanitizer || $keySanitizer) {
foreach(array($sanitizer, $keySanitizer) as $method) {
if($method && !method_exists($this, $method) && !method_exists($this, "___$method")) {
throw new WireException("Unknown sanitizer method: $method");
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
if($keySanitizer && !is_int($k)) {
$k = $this->$keySanitizer($k);
if(!strlen($k)) continue;
if($options['maxDepth'] > 0 && is_array($v)) {
$clean[$k] = $v; // array already sanitized by recursive call
} else {
$clean[$k] = $this->$sanitizer($v);
} else {
$clean = $value;
return $keySanitizer ? $clean : array_values($clean);
* Simply sanitize value to array with no conversions
* This is the same as the `array()` sanitizer except that it does not attempt to convert
* delimited/csv strings to arrays. Meaning, a delimited string would simply become an array
* with the first item being that delimited string.
* #pw-group-arrays
* @param mixed $value
* @param array $options
* - `maxItems` (int): Maximum items allowed in each array (default=0, which means no limit)
* - `maxDepth` (int): Max nested array depth (default=0, which means no nesting allowed)
* - `sanitizer` (string): Optionally specify sanitizer method name to apply to items (default='')
* - `keySanitizer` (string): Optionally sanitize associative array keys with this method (default='') Since 3.0.167
* @return array
* @throws WireException
* @since 3.0.165
public function arrayVal($value, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'maxItems' => 0,
'maxDepth' => 0,
'sanitizer' => is_string($options) ? $options : null,
'keySanitizer' => null,
'csv' => false,
$options = is_array($options) ? array_merge($defaults, $options) : $defaults;
return $this->___array($value, $options);
* Sanitize array or CSV string to array of unsigned integers (or signed integers if specified $min is less than 0)
* If string specified, string delimiter may be comma (","), or pipe ("|"), or you may override with the 'delimiter' option.
* #pw-group-arrays
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param array|string|mixed $value Accepts an array or CSV string. If given something else, it becomes first value in array.
* @param array|bool $options Optional options (see `Sanitizer::array()` and `Sanitizer::int()` methods for options), plus these two:
* - `min` (int): Minimum allowed value (default=0)
* - `max` (int): Maximum allowed value (default=PHP_INT_MAX)
* - `strict` (bool): Remove rather than convert any values that are not all digits or fall outside min/max range? (default=false) Since 3.0.157+
* - `maxItems` (int): Maximum items allowed in each array (default=0, which means no limit)
* - `maxDepth` (int): Max nested array depth (default=0, which means no nesting allowed) Since 3.0.160
* - You may specify boolean true for $options argument to use just the `strict` option. (3.0.157+)
* - The following options are only used if the provided $value is a string:
* - `csv` (bool): Allow conversion of delimited string to array? (default=true) Since 3.0.165
* - `delimiter` (string): Single delimiter to use to identify CSV strings. Overrides the 'delimiters' option when specified (default=null)
* - `delimiters` (array): Delimiters to identify CSV strings. First found delimiter will be used, default=array("|", ",")
* - `enclosure` (string): Enclosure to use for CSV strings (default=double quote, i.e. `"`)
* @return array Array of integers
public function intArray($value, $options = array()) {
if(is_bool($options)) {
$options = array('strict' => $options);
} else if(!is_array($options)) {
$options = array();
if(!is_array($value)) {
$value = $this->___array($value, null, $options);
$clean = array();
$strict = isset($options['strict']) ? $options['strict'] : false;
foreach($value as $v) {
if($strict) {
$isInt = is_int($v);
$isStr = !$isInt && is_string($v);
if(!$isInt && !$isStr) continue;
if($isStr && !ctype_digit($v)) continue;
if($v === '') continue;
$vBefore = (int) $v;
$vAfter = $this->int($v, $options);
if($vBefore === $vAfter) $clean[] = $vAfter;
} else {
$clean[] = $this->int($v, $options);
return $clean;
* Sanitize array to be all unsigned integers with no conversions
* This is the same as the `intArray()` method except for the following:
* - The `csv` delimited string conversion option is disabled by default.
* - The `strict` option default is true, meaning non-integer numbers or those outside allowed range
* are removed rather than converted.
* #pw-group-arrays
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param array|string|mixed $value Accepts an array or CSV string. If given something else, it becomes first value in array.
* @param array|bool $options Options to modify behavior or specify bool for `strict` option:
* - `min` (int): Minimum allowed value (default=0)
* - `max` (int): Maximum allowed value (default=PHP_INT_MAX)
* - `maxItems` (int): Maximum items allowed in each array (default=0, which means no limit)
* - `maxDepth` (int): Max nested array depth (default=0, which means no nesting allowed) Since 3.0.160
* - `strict` (bool): Remove rather than convert any values that are not all digits or fall outside min/max range? (default=true)
* Note that this default for the strict option is different from the one on the intArray() method.
* @return array Array of integers
* @since 3.0.165
public function intArrayVal($value, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'strict' => is_bool($options) ? $options : true,
'csv' => false,
$options = is_array($options) ? array_merge($defaults, $options) : $defaults;
return $this->intArray($value, $options);
* Minimize an array to remove empty values
* #pw-group-arrays
* @param array $data Array to reduce
* @param bool|array $allowEmpty Should empty values be allowed in the encoded data? Specify any of the following:
* - `false` (bool): to exclude all empty values (this is the default if not specified).
* - `true` (bool): to allow all empty values to be retained (thus no point in calling this function).
* - Specify array of keys (from data) that should be retained if you want some retained and not others.
* - Specify array of literal empty value types to retain, i.e. [ 0, '0', array(), false, null ]
* - Specify the digit `0` to retain values that are 0, but not other types of empty values.
* @param bool $convert Perform type conversions where appropriate? i.e. convert digit-only string to integer (default=false).
* @return array
public function minArray($data, $allowEmpty = false, $convert = false) {
if(!is_array($data)) {
$data = $this->___array($data, null);
$allowEmptyTypes = array();
if(is_array($allowEmpty)) {
foreach($allowEmpty as $emptyType) {
if(!empty($emptyType)) continue;
$allowEmptyTypes[] = $emptyType;
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
if($convert && is_string($value)) {
// make sure ints are stored as ints
if(ctype_digit("$value") && $value <= PHP_INT_MAX) {
if($value === "0" || $value[0] != '0') { // avoid octal conversions (leading 0)
$value = (int) $value;
} else if(is_array($value) && count($value)) {
$value = $this->minArray($value, $allowEmpty, $convert);
$data[$key] = $value;
// if value is not empty, no need to continue further checks
if(!empty($value)) continue;
$typeMatched = false;
if(count($allowEmptyTypes)) {
foreach($allowEmptyTypes as $emptyType) {
if($value === $emptyType) {
$typeMatched = true;
if($typeMatched) {
// keep it because type matched an allowEmptyTypes
} else if($allowEmpty === 0 && $value === 0) {
// keep it because $allowEmpty === 0 means to keep 0 values only
} else if(is_array($allowEmpty) && !in_array($key, $allowEmpty)) {
// remove it because it's not specifically allowed in allowEmpty
} else if(!$allowEmpty) {
// remove the empty value
return $data;
* Given a potentially multi-dimensional array, return a flat 1-dimensional array
* #pw-group-arrays
* @param array $value
* @param array $options
* - `preserveKeys` (bool): Preserve associative array keys where possible? (default=false)
* - `maxDepth` (int): Max depth of nested arrays to flatten into value, after which they are discarded (default=0).
* The default value of 0 removes any nested arrays, so specify 1 or higher to include them.
* @return array
* @since 3.0.160
public function flatArray($value, $options = array()) {
static $depth = 0;
$defaults = array(
'preserveKeys' => is_bool($options) ? $options : false,
'maxDepth' => 0,
if(!is_array($value)) return array($value);
$flat = array();
$isFlat = true;
$options = is_array($options) ? array_merge($defaults, $options) : $defaults;
$preserveKeys = $options['preserveKeys'];
foreach($value as $val) {
if(is_array($val)) $isFlat = false;
if(!$isFlat) break;
if($isFlat) return $preserveKeys ? $value : array_values($value);
foreach($value as $key => $val) {
$hasStringKey = $preserveKeys && is_string($key);
if(!is_array($val)) {
// not an array value
if($hasStringKey) {
// associative key
list($n, $kk) = array(0, $key);
// this while loop likely is not needed
while(isset($flat[$kk])) $kk = "$key-" . (++$n);
$flat[$kk] = $val;
} else {
// integer key
$flat[] = $val;
/** @var array $val At this point val is known to be an array */
if($depth > $options['maxDepth']) {
// skip over arrays when when we are at the max recursion depth
if(!$preserveKeys) {
// if keys are not preserved then we can take a shortcut
$flat = array_merge($flat, $this->flatArray($val, $options));
// array value with preserved keys
foreach($this->flatArray($val, $options) as $k => $v) {
if(is_int($k) || ctype_digit("$k")) {
// integer keys in nested array
$k = (int) $k;
if($hasStringKey) {
// parent array is associative and preserveKeys is true
do {
$kk = "$key.$k"; // parent key + incrementing child key
} while(isset($flat[$kk]) || isset($value[$kk]));
$flat[$kk] = $v;
} else {
// parent array is non-associative
$flat[] = $v;
} else if(isset($value[$k]) || isset($flat[$k])) {
// associative key already exists
// create new key that marries parent and child keys
$n = -1;
do {
$kk = $key . '.' . $k;
// no match on first-round, start incrementing
if($n > -1) $kk .= '-' . $n;
} while(isset($value[$kk]) || isset($flat[$kk]));
$flat[$kk] = $v;
} else {
// associative key that is not already taken
$flat[$k] = $v;
return $flat;
* Return array of all words in given value (excluding punctuation and other non-word characters)
* #pw-group-arrays
* @param string|array $value String containing words
* @param array $options
* - `keepNumbers` (bool): Keep number-only words in return value? (default=true)
* - `keepNumberFormat` (bool): Keep minus/comma/period in numbers rather than splitting into words? Also requires keepNumbers==true. (default=false)
* - `keepUnderscore` (bool): Keep underscores as part of words? (default=false)
* - `keepHyphen` (bool): Keep hyphenated words? (default=false)
* - `keepApostrophe` (bool): Keep apostrophe as part of words? (default=true) 3.0.168+
* - `keepChars` (array): Specify any of these to also keep as part of words ['.', ',', ';', '/', '*', ':', '+', '<', '>', '_', '-' ] (default=[])
* - `minWordLength` (int): Minimum word length (default=1)
* - `maxWordLength` (int): Maximum word length (default=80)
* - `maxWords` (int): Maximum number of words allowed (default=0, no limit)
* - `stripTags` (bool): Strip markup tags so they dont contribute to returned word list? (default=true)
* @return array
* @since 3.0.160
public function wordsArray($value, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'minWordLength' => 1,
'maxWordLength' => 80,
'maxWords' => 0,
'keepHyphen' => false,
'keepUnderscore' => false,
'keepApostrophe' => true,
'keepNumbers' => true,
'keepNumberFormat' => true,
'keepChars' => array(),
'stripTags' => true,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$minLength = (int) $options['minWordLength'];
$maxLength = (int) $options['maxWordLength'];
$replacements = array();
$replacementPrefix = 'REP';
if(is_array($value)) {
$value = $this->flatArray($value);
$value = implode(' ', $value);
} else if(!is_string($value)) {
$value = $this->string($value);
// prevents non-bracketed tag names from also becoming words
if($options['stripTags']) $value = strip_tags($value);
if($options['keepHyphen']) $options['keepChars'][] = '-';
if($options['keepUnderscore']) $options['keepChars'][] = '_';
// option to let apostrophe be a word separator
if(!$options['keepApostrophe']) {
$value = str_replace(array("'", ""), ' ', $value);
if(!strlen($value)) return array();
if(!$options['keepNumbers']) {
$options['keepNumberFormat'] = false;
if(!ctype_alpha($value)) $value = preg_replace('/\d+[-\d,. ]*/', ' ', $value);
} else if($options['keepNumberFormat']) {
$replacements = $this->wordsArrayNumberReplacements($value, $replacementPrefix);
if(count($options['keepChars'])) {
$n = 0;
foreach($options['keepChars'] as $c) {
if(strpos($value, $c) === false) continue;
do {
$token = "$n{$replacementPrefix}CHR$n";
} while(strpos($value, $token) !== false && ++$n);
$value = str_replace($c, $token, $value);
$replacements[$token] = $c;
// pZ=Separator (line, paragraph or space)
// pS=Symbol (all)
// pC=Other (control, format, surrogate)
// p{Pd}=Dash punctuation
// pP=Punctuation (all)
// pPs=Open punctuation
// pPe=Close punctuation
// pPf=Final punctuation
// pPo=Other punctuation
// pPi=Initial punctuation
// pM=Mark
// pMc=Spacing mark
// pMe=Enclosing mark
// pMn=Non-spacing mark
//$splitWith = '.,;/*:+<>\s\pZ\pS\pC\p{Pd}\\\\';
$splitWith = '.,;/*:+<>\s\pZ\pS\pC\p{Pd}\p{Ps}\p{Pe}\p{Pf}\p{Pi}\p{Po}\\\\';
$regex = '!\pP*[' . $splitWith . ']\pP*!u';
$words = preg_split($regex, "$value ", -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if($words === false) $words = array();
$hasReplacements = count($replacements);
$keepChars = $hasReplacements && count($options['keepChars']) ? implode('', $options['keepChars']) : '';
$numWords = 0;
foreach($words as $key => $word) {
if(!strlen(trim($word))) {
if($options['maxWords'] && $numWords >= $options['maxWords']) {
if($hasReplacements && strpos($word, $replacementPrefix) !== false) {
$word = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $word);
$words[$key] = $word;
if(!$options['keepNumbers'] && ctype_digit($word)) {
// remove numbers
$length = $this->multibyteSupport ? mb_strlen($word) : strlen($word);
if($length < $minLength || $length > $maxLength) {
// remove any words that are outside the min/max length requirements
} else if($keepChars !== '' && !strlen(trim($word, $keepChars))) {
// remove any words that consist only of keepChars
if($options['maxWords'] && count($words) > $options['maxWords']) {
// may be impossible to reach but here as a backup
$words = array_slice($words, 0, $options['maxWords']);
return $words;
* Identify decimals, minus signs and commas in numbers, replace them, and return the replacements array
* @param string $value
* @param string $prefix
* @return array
protected function wordsArrayNumberReplacements(&$value, $prefix = 'REP') {
// keep floating point, negative, or thousands-separator numbers together
$replacements = array();
$hasPeriod = strpos($value, '.') !== false;
$hasComma = strpos($value, ',') !== false;
$hasHyphen = strpos($value, '-') !== false;
$hasMinus = $hasHyphen || strpos($value, '') !== false;
$hasNumber = ($hasPeriod || $hasComma || $hasHyphen) && preg_match('![-.,]\d!', $value);
if(!$hasNumber) return array();
if($hasPeriod && preg_match_all('!(\b|\d*)\.(\d+)\b!', $value, $matches)) {
// keep floating point numbers together
list($n, $decimal) = array(0, "0{$prefix}DEC0X");
while(strpos($value, $decimal) !== false && ++$n) $decimal = "{$n}{$prefix}DEC{$n}X";
foreach($matches[1] as $key => $n1) {
$n2 = $matches[2][$key];
$value = str_replace("$n1.$n2", "{$n1}$decimal{$n2}", $value);
$replacements[$decimal] = '.';
if($hasMinus && preg_match_all('!([-])(\d+)!', $value, $matches)) {
// prevent negative numbers from losing their minus sign
list($n, $minus) = array(0, "0{$prefix}MIN0");
while(strpos($value, $minus) !== false && ++$n) $minus = "{$n}{$prefix}MIN{$n}";
foreach($matches[2] as $key => $digits) {
$sign = $matches[1][$key];
$minusKey = $sign === '-' ? "{$minus}D" : "{$minus}M";
$value = str_replace("$sign$digits", " $minusKey$digits", $value);
$replacements[$minusKey] = $sign;
if($hasComma && preg_match_all('!(\d*,)(\d+)!', $value, $matches)) {
// keep commas that appear around digits
list($n, $comma) = array(0, "0{$prefix}COM0");
while(strpos($value, $comma) !== false && ++$n) $comma = "{$n}{$prefix}COM{$n}";
foreach($matches[1] as $key => $digits1) {
$digits1 = rtrim($digits1, ',');
$digits2 = $matches[2][$key];
$value = str_replace("$digits1,$digits2", "$digits1{$comma}$digits2", $value);
$replacements[$comma] = ',';
return $replacements;
* Return $value if it exists in $allowedValues, or null if it doesn't
* #pw-group-arrays
* @param string|int $value
* @param array $allowedValues Whitelist of option values that are allowed
* @return string|int|null
public function option($value, array $allowedValues = array()) {
$key = array_search($value, $allowedValues);
if($key === false) return null;
return $allowedValues[$key];
* Return given values that that also exist in $allowedValues whitelist
* #pw-group-arrays
* @param array $values
* @param array $allowedValues Whitelist of option values that are allowed
* @return array
public function options(array $values, array $allowedValues = array()) {
$a = array();
foreach($values as $value) {
$key = array_search($value, $allowedValues);
if($key !== false) $a[] = $allowedValues[$key];
return $a;
* Convert the given value to a boolean
* This differs from regular boolean type conversion in the following ways:
* - This method will recognize things like the strings "false" or "0" representing a boolean false.
* - If given an object, it will convert the object to a string before determining what boolean value it should represent.
* - If given an array, it returns false if the array contains zero items.
* #pw-group-other
* @param $value
* @return bool
public function bool($value) {
if(is_string($value)) {
$value = trim(strtolower($value));
$length = strlen($value);
if(!$length) return false;
if($value === "0") return false;
if($value === "1") return true;
if($value === "false") return false;
if($value === "true") return true;
return true;
} else if(is_object($value)) {
$value = $this->string($value);
} else if(is_array($value)) {
$value = count($value) ? true : false;
return (bool) $value;
* Sanitize to a bit, returning only integer 0 or 1
* This works the same as the bool sanitizer except that it returns 0 or 1 rather than false or true.
* #pw-group-other
* #pw-group-numbers
* @param string|int|array $value
* @return int
* @see Sanitizer::bool()
* @since 3.0.125
public function bit($value) {
return $this->bool($value) ? 1 : 0;
* Sanitize checkbox value
* #pw-group-other
* @param int|bool|string|mixed|null $value Value to check
* @param int|bool|string|mixed|null $yes Value to return if checked (default=true)
* @param int|bool|string|mixed|null $no Value to return if not checked (default=false)
* @return int|bool|string|mixed|null Return value, based on $checked or $unchecked argument
* @since 3.0.128
* @see Sanitizer::bool(), Sanitizer::bit()
public function checkbox($value, $yes = true, $no = false) {
if($value === '' || $value === '0' || $value === null || $value === false) {
return $no;
} else if(empty($value)) {
return $no; // array or other empty value
return $yes;
* Limit length of given value to that specified
* - For strings, this limits the length to that many characters.
* - For arrays, the maxLength is assumed to be the max allowed array items.
* - For integers maxLength is assumed to be the max allowed digits.
* - For floats, maxLength is assumed to be max allowed digits (including decimal point).
* - Returns the same type it is given: string, array, int or float
* #pw-group-other
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string|int|array|float $value
* @param int $maxLength Maximum length (default=128)
* @param null|int $maxBytes Maximum allowed bytes (used for string types only)
* @return array|bool|float|int|string
* @since 3.0.125
* @see Sanitizer::minLength()
public function maxLength($value, $maxLength = 128, $maxBytes = null) {
if($maxLength < 0) $maxLength = abs($maxLength);
if(is_array($value)) {
if(count($value) > $maxLength) {
$value = $maxLength ? array_slice($value, 0, $maxLength) : array();
} else if(is_int($value)) {
$n = $maxLength;
while(strlen("$value") > $maxLength && $n) {
$value = (int) substr("$value", 0, $n);
} else if(is_float($value)) {
$n = $maxLength;
while(strlen("$value") > $maxLength && $n) {
$value = (float) substr("$value", 0, $n);
} else {
if(!is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
if($this->multibyteSupport) {
if(mb_strlen($value) > $maxLength) {
$value = mb_substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
if($maxBytes) {
while(strlen($value) > $maxBytes) {
$value = mb_substr($value, 0, mb_strlen($value)-1);
} else {
if(strlen($value) > $maxLength) {
$value = substr($value, 0, $maxLength);
return $value;
* Validate or sanitize a string to have a minimum length
* If string meets minimum length it is returned as-is.
* Note that the default behavior of this function is to validate rather than sanitize the value.
* Meaning, it will return blank if the string does not meet the minimum length. Specify the `$padChar`
* argument to change that behavior.
* If string does not meet minimum length, blank will be returned, unless a `$padChar` is defined in which
* case the string will be padded with as many copies of that $padChar are necessary to meet the minimum
* length. By default it padds to the right, but you can specify `true` for the `$padLeft` argument to
* make it pad to the left instead.
* ~~~~~~
* $value = $sanitizer->minLength('foo'); // returns "foo"
* $value = $sanitizer->minLength('foo', 3); // returns "foo"
* $value = $sanitizer->minLength('foo', 5); // returns blank string
* $value = $sanitizer->minLength('foo', 5, 'o'); // returns "foooo"
* $value = $sanitizer->minLength('foo', 5, 'o', true); // returns "oofoo"
* ~~~~~~
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value Value to enforcer a minimum length for
* @param int $minLength Minimum allowed length
* @param string $padChar Pad string with this character if it does not meet minimum length (default='')
* @param bool $padLeft Pad to left rather than right? (default=false)
* @return string
* @see Sanitizer::maxLength()
public function minLength($value, $minLength = 1, $padChar = '', $padLeft = false) {
$value = $this->string($value);
$length = $this->multibyteSupport ? mb_strlen($value) : strlen($value);
if($length >= $minLength) return $value;
if(!strlen($padChar)) return '';
while($length < $minLength) {
if($padLeft) {
$value = $padChar . $value;
} else {
$value .= $padChar;
$length = $this->multibyteSupport ? mb_strlen($value) : strlen($value);
return $value;
* Limit bytes used by given string to max specified
* - This function will not break multibyte characters so long as PHP has mb_string.
* - This function works only with strings and if given a non-string it will be converted to one.
* #pw-group-strings
* @param string $value
* @param int $maxBytes
* @return string
* @since 3.0.125
public function maxBytes($value, $maxBytes = 128) {
if(!is_string($value)) $value = $this->string($value);
return $this->maxLength($value, $maxBytes, $maxBytes);
* Run value through all sanitizers, return array indexed by sanitizer name and resulting value
* Used for debugging and testing purposes.
* #pw-group-other
* @param mixed $value
* @return array
public function ___testAll($value) {
$results = array();
$fails = array();
foreach($this->sanitizers as $method => $types) {
$v = $this->$method($value);
$results[$method] = $v;
if(strpos($types, 'm') !== false) continue; // allows any type (m=mixed)
$type = strtolower(gettype($v));
$type = $type[0] === 'd' ? 'f' : $type[0];
if(strpos($types, $type) === false) $fails[$method] = "$type!=$types";
if(count($fails)) $results['FAILS'] = $fails;
return $results;
* Get all sanitizer method names and optionally types they return
* #pw-group-other
* @param bool $getReturnTypes Get array where method names are keys and values are return types?
* @return array
* @since 3.0.165
public function getAll($getReturnTypes = false) {
return $getReturnTypes ? $this->sanitizers : array_keys($this->sanitizers);
* Get instance of WireTextTools
* #pw-group-strings
* #pw-group-other
* @return WireTextTools
* @since 3.0.101
public function getTextTools() {
if(!$this->textTools) {
$this->textTools = new WireTextTools();
return $this->textTools;
* Get instance of WireNumberTools
* #pw-group-numbers
* #pw-group-other
* @return WireNumberTools
* @since 3.0.214
public function getNumberTools() {
if(!$this->numberTools) {
$this->numberTools = new WireNumberTools();
return $this->numberTools;
* Validate and sanitize a file using FileValidator modules
* This is intended for validating file data, not file names. Depending on the FileValidator
* modules that are used, they may sanitize the file in order ot make it valid.
* IMPORTANT: This method returns NULL if it cant find a validator for the file. This does
* not mean the file is invalid, just that it didn't have the tools to validate it. If the
* getArray option is specified then it would return a blank array rather than null.
* **getArray option** (3.0.167+):
* When specifying true for the `getArray` option this method will return an associative array
* of validation results indexed by module name. The values for each module name will be either
* true (file validates as-is), 1 (file valid after it was sanitized), or false (file not valid
* and cannot be sanitized). A blank array is returned if no modules could perform the validation.
* **dryrun option** (3.0.167+):
* When specifying true for the `dryrun` option please note that no validation is performed and
* instead the method returns true or false as to whether or not the file can be validated. It
* only looks at the file extension, so the file need not exist. Meaning its also okay to specify
* filename like “test.jpg” without path, when using this option. If using the dryrun option with
* the `getArray` option then it will return an array of module names that would perform the
* validation for the given file type (or blank array if none).
* #pw-group-files
* @param string $filename Full path and filename to validate
* @param array $options When available, provide array with any one or all of the following:
* - `page` (Page): Page object associated with $filename. (default=null)
* - `field` (Field): Field object associated with $filename. (default=null)
* - `pagefile` (Pagefile): Pagefile object associated with $filename. (default=null)
* - `getArray` (bool): Return array of results rather than a boolean? (default=false) Added 3.0.167
* - `dryrun` (bool|int): Specify true to only return if the file can be validated with this method,
* without actually performing any validation. (default=false). Added 3.0.167
* @return bool|array|null Returns one of the following, depending on use of dryrun and getArray options:
* - Boolean true if valid, false if not.
* - NULL if no validator available for given file type or file does not exist.
* - If dryrun option is used, returns boolean (or array of strings if getArray option is true).
* - If getArray option is used, returns associative array of results or blank array if no validators.
public function validateFile($filename, array $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'page' => null,
'field' => null,
'pagefile' => null,
'dryrun' => false,
'getArray' => false,
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$filename = (string) $filename;
$modules = $this->wire()->modules;
$extension = strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$validatorNames = array();
$validatorResults = array();
$getArray = $options['getArray'];
$dryrun = $options['dryrun'] || !empty($options['dryRun']);
$numFailed = 0;
$numPassed = 0;
if(!strlen($extension) || (!$dryrun && !is_file($filename))) {
return $getArray ? array() : null;
// find modules that can validate extension
foreach($modules->findByPrefix('FileValidator', false) as $validatorName) {
$info = $modules->getModuleInfoVerbose($validatorName);
if(empty($info) || empty($info['validates'])) continue;
foreach($info['validates'] as $ext) {
if($ext === $extension) {
$validatorNames[$validatorName] = $validatorName;
} else if($ext[0] === '/' && preg_match($ext, $extension)) {
$validatorNames[$validatorName] = $validatorName;
} else {
// module does not validate extension
// when doing a dryrun we only need to know if at least one module can run
if($dryrun && !$getArray && count($validatorNames)) break;
// if doing a dryrun then just return whether or not validation is possible
if($dryrun) return ($getArray ? $validatorNames : count($validatorNames) > 0);
// if no validators can validate extension then early exit
if(empty($validatorNames)) return ($getArray ? array() : null);
// execute modules that can validate extension and get results
foreach($validatorNames as $validatorName) {
/** @var FileValidatorModule $validator */
$validator = $modules->get($validatorName);
if(!$validator) continue; // not likely
if(!empty($options['page'])) $validator->setPage($options['page']);
if(!empty($options['field'])) $validator->setField($options['field']);
if(!empty($options['pagefile'])) $validator->setPagefile($options['pagefile']);
$valid = $validator->isValid($filename);
$validatorResults[$validatorName] = $valid; // false, true or 1
if($valid) {
// true (bool): file is valid as-is
// 1 (int): file is valid as a result of sanitization
// in either case, continue on to the next applicable FileValidator module
} else {
// at this point weve determined file is not valid
// move errors to Sanitizer class so they can be retrieved
foreach($validator->errors('clear array') as $error) {
// unless we are returning an array of results, we can stop now for invalid files
if(!$getArray) break;
// return array result of all validations
if($getArray) return $validatorResults;
// return null if no validators could be used
if(!$numPassed && !$numFailed) return null;
// if passsed 1+ validators and failed 0, return true
if($numPassed > 0 && $numFailed === 0) return true;
return false;
public function __toString() {
return "Sanitizer";
* Parse method name into methods array and arguments
* #pw-internal
* @param string $method
* @param string $delim Multi-method delimiter or omit to auto-detect (underscore, comma or space)
* @return array
* @since 3.0.125
protected function parseMethod($method, $delim = '') {
static $cache = array();
if(isset($cache[$method])) return $cache[$method];
$methods = array();
if(!ctype_alnum($method)) {
// may contain delimiter, determine what it is
$method = trim($method);
if($delim === '') {
// no delimiter specified in arguments
foreach(array('_', ',', ' ') as $d) {
if(strpos($method, $d) === false) continue;
$delim = $d;
} else if(!strpos($method, $delim)) {
// delimiter specified, but is not present
$delim = '';
$parts = $delim === '' ? array($method) : explode($delim, $method);
} else {
// single "method" or "method123"
$parts = array($method);
foreach($parts as $name) {
$name = trim($name);
if(empty($name)) continue;
$maxLength = 0;
if(ctype_digit($name)) {
// number-only assumed to be maxLength method
$exists = true;
$maxLength = (int) $name;
$name = 'maxLength';
} else if($this->methodExists($name, false)) {
// method exists already
$exists = true;
} else {
// method name needs parsing
$n = 0;
$s = '';
do {
$maxLength = $s;
$s = substr($name, -1 * (++$n));
} while(ctype_digit($s));
if(ctype_digit($maxLength)) {
$name = substr($name, 0, -1 * strlen($maxLength));
$maxLength = (int) $maxLength;
} else {
$maxLength = 0;
$exists = $this->methodExists($name, false);
$methods[] = array(
'name' => $name,
'maxLength' => $maxLength,
'exists' => $exists,
$cache[$method] = $methods;
return $methods;
* Does the given sanitizer method name exist?
* #pw-internal
* @param string $name
* @param bool $allowCombos Allow check to include combo-methods that combine multiple sanitizers and/or max-length? (default=true)
* @return bool
* @since 3.0.125
public function methodExists($name, $allowCombos = true) {
$exists = method_exists($this, $name) || method_exists($this, "___$name") || $this->hasHook($name);
if(!$exists && $allowCombos) {
$methods = $this->parseMethod($name, '_');
if(empty($methods)) return false;
$exists = true;
foreach($methods as $method) {
if($method['exists']) continue;
$exists = false;
return $exists;
* Call a sanitizer method indirectly where method name can contain combined/combo methods
* This method is primarily here to support predefined sanitizers in strings, like those that might
* be specified in settings for a module or field. For regular use, you probably want to call the
* sanitizer methods directly rather than through this method.
* ~~~~~
* // sanitize with text then entities sanitizers
* $value = $sanitizer->sanitize($value, 'text,entities');
* // numbers appended to text sanitizers imply max length
* $value = $sanitizer->sanitize($value, 'text128,entities');
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-other
* @param mixed $value
* @param string $method Method name "method", or combined method name(s) "method1,method2,method3"
* @return string|int|array|float|null
* @since 3.0.125
public function sanitize($value, $method = 'text') {
$maxLengthMethods = array(
'maxLength' => 4,
// method($val, $beautify, $maxLength)
'name' => 3,
'fieldName' => 3,
'templateName' => 3,
'pageName' => 3,
'filename' => 3,
'pagePathName' => 3,
'alpha' => 3,
'alphanumeric' => 3,
// method($val, $maxLength)
'attrName' => 2,
'pageNameTranslate' => 2,
'pageNameUTF8' => 2,
'digits' => 2,
'truncate' => 2,
'min' => 2, // min123 where 123 is minimum allowed value
'max' => 2, // max123 where 123 is maximum allowed value
'minLength' => 2, // refers to minLength argument
'fieldSubfield' => 2, // maxLength is $limit argument
// method($val, options[ 'maxLength' => 123 ])
'path' => 1,
'text' => 1,
'textarea' => 1,
'url' => 1,
'selectorValue' => 1,
$methods = $this->parseMethod($method);
foreach($methods as $method) {
$methodName = $method['name'];
if(!$method['exists']) throw new WireException("Unknown sanitizer: $methodName");
if(!empty($method['maxLength'])) {
$maxLength = $method['maxLength'];
$n = isset($maxLengthMethods[$methodName]) ? $maxLengthMethods[$methodName] : 0;
switch($n) {
case 4: $value = $this->maxLength($value, $maxLength); break;
case 3: $value = $this->$methodName($value, false, $maxLength); break;
case 2: $value = $this->$methodName($value, $maxLength); break;
case 1: $value = $this->$methodName($value, array('maxLength' => $maxLength)); break;
default: $value = $this->maxLength($this->$methodName($value), $maxLength);
} else {
$value = $this->$methodName($value);
return $value;
* Validate that value remains unchanged by given sanitizer method, or return null if not
* If change is just a type conversion change or surrounding whitespace (that gets trimmed)
* then this is still considered valid.
* Returns NULL or given $fallback value if value does not validate. Note that if results like
* 0, false or blank string are considered valid values, then this method can return them. So for
* cases like that you should compare the return value with NULL (or whatever your $fallback is).
* things like 0 or false (if that is a valid value) compare the return value with null before
* assuming a value is not valid.
* #pw-group-validate
* ~~~~~
* $sanitizer->validate('abc', 'alpha'); // valid: returns 'abc'
* $sanitizer->validate('abc123', 'alpha'); invalid: returns null
* ~~~~~
* @param string|int|array|float $value Value to validate
* @param string $method Saniatizer method name or CSV names combo
* @param null|mixed mixed $fallback Optionally return this fallback value (rather than null) if value does not validate
* @return null|mixed Returns sanitized value if it validates or null (or given fallback) if value does not validate
* @since 3.0.125
public function validate($value, $method = 'text', $fallback = null) {
$valid = $this->sanitize($value, $method);
if(is_array($valid)) {
if(is_array($value) && $valid == $value) return $valid;
} else if(is_bool($valid)) {
if($valid == $value) return $valid;
} else {
if(is_string($value)) $value = trim($value);
if(is_string($valid)) $valid = trim($valid);
if($valid == $value && strlen("$valid") == strlen("$value")) return $valid;
return $fallback;
* Is given value valid? (i.e. unchanged by given sanitizer method)
* ~~~~~~
* if($sanitizer->valid('abc123', 'alphanumeric')) {
* // value is valid
* }
* ~~~~~~
* #pw-group-validate
* @param string|int|array|float $value Value to check if valid
* @param string $method Method name or CSV method names
* @param bool $strict When true, sanitized value must be identical in type to the one given
* @return bool
* @since 3.0.125
public function valid($value, $method = 'text', $strict = false) {
$valid = $this->validate($value, $method);
if($valid === null) return false;
if($strict && $value !== $valid) return false;
return true;
* Map to sanitizers
* @param $method
* @param $arguments
* #pw-internal
* @return string|int|array|float|null Returns null when input variable does not exist
* @throws WireException
public function ___callUnknown($method, $arguments) {
if($this->methodExists($method) && count($arguments)) {
return $this->sanitize($arguments[0], $method);
} else {
return parent::___callUnknown($method, $arguments);