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2024-08-27 11:35:37 +02:00
<?php namespace ProcessWire;
* ProcessWire Pages ($pages API variable)
* Manages Page instances, providing find, load, save and delete capabilities, most of
* which are delegated to other classes but this provides the common interface to them.
* This is the most used object in the ProcessWire API.
* ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2022 by Ryan Cramer
* @link Offical $pages Documentation
* @link Official Selectors Documentation
* #pw-summary Enables loading and manipulation of Page objects, to and from the database.
* #pw-order-groups retrieval,creation,manipulation,advanced,cache,helpers,hooker
* ==========
* @property-read bool $autojoin Whether or not autojoin is allowed (typically true) #pw-internal
* @property-read bool $cloning Whether or not a clone() operation is currently active #pw-internal
* @property-read bool $outputFormatting Current default output formatting mode. #pw-internal
* @property-read bool $of Current default output formatting mode, alias of outputFormatting property. #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read PagesLoader $loader PagesLoader instance #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read PagesEditor $editor PagesEditor instance #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read PagesNames $names PagesNames instance #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read PagesLoaderCache $cacher PagesLoaderCache instance #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read PagesTrash $trasher PagesTrash instance #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read PagesRaw $raw PagesRaw instance #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read PagesRequest $request PagesRequest instance #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read PagesPathFinder $pathFinder PagesPathFinder instance #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read PagesType[] $types Array of all pages type managers. #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read Page $newPage Returns new Page instance. #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read Page $newPageArray Returns new PageArray instance. #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* @property-read Page $newNullPage Returns new NullPage instance. #pw-internal 3.0.191+
* ================
* @method PageArray find($selectorString, array $options = array()) Find and return all pages matching the given selector string. Returns a PageArray. #pw-group-retrieval
* @method bool save(Page $page, $options = array()) Save any changes made to the given $page. Same as : $page->save() Returns true on success. #pw-group-manipulation
* @method bool saveField(Page $page, $field, array $options = array()) Save just the named field from $page. Same as: $page->save('field') #pw-group-manipulation
* @method bool trash(Page $page, $save = true) Move a page to the trash. If you have already set the parent to somewhere in the trash, then this method won't attempt to set it again. #pw-group-manipulation
* @method bool restore(Page $page, $save = true) Restore a trashed page to its original location. #pw-group-manipulation
* @method int|array emptyTrash(array $options = array()) Empty the trash and return number of pages deleted. #pw-group-manipulation
* @method bool delete(Page $page, $recursive = false, array $options = array()) Permanently delete a page and it's fields. Unlike trash(), pages deleted here are not restorable. If you attempt to delete a page with children, and don't specifically set the $recursive param to True, then this method will throw an exception. If a recursive delete fails for any reason, an exception will be thrown. #pw-group-manipulation
* @method Page|NullPage clone(Page $page, Page $parent = null, $recursive = true, $options = array()) Clone an entire page, it's assets and children and return it. #pw-group-manipulation
* @method Page|NullPage add($template, $parent, $name = '', array $values = array()) #pw-group-manipulation
* @method int sort(Page $page, $value = false) Set the “sort” value for given $page while adjusting siblings, or re-build sort for its children. #pw-group-manipulation
* @method setupNew(Page $page) Setup new page that does not yet exist by populating some fields to it. #pw-internal
* @method string setupPageName(Page $page, array $options = array()) Determine and populate a name for the given page. #pw-internal
* @method void insertBefore(Page $page, Page $beforePage) Insert one page as a sibling before another. #pw-advanced
* @method void insertAfter(Page $page, Page $afterPage) Insert one page as a sibling after another. #pw-advanced
* @method bool touch($pages, $options = null, $type = 'modified') Update page modification time to now (or the given modification time). #pw-group-manipulation
* ========================
* You can hook these methods, but you should not call them directly.
* See the phpdoc in the actual methods for more details about arguments and additional properties that can be accessed.
* @method saveReady(Page $page) Hook called just before a page is saved.
* @method saved(Page $page, array $changes = array(), $values = array()) Hook called after a page is successfully saved.
* @method added(Page $page) Hook called when a new page has been added.
* @method moved(Page $page) Hook called when a page has been moved from one parent to another.
* @method templateChanged(Page $page) Hook called when a page template has been changed.
* @method trashReady(Page $page) Hook called when a page is about to be moved to the trash.
* @method trashed(Page $page) Hook called when a page has been moved to the trash.
* @method restored(Page $page) Hook called when a page has been moved OUT of the trash.
* @method deleteReady(Page $page, array $options) Hook called just before a page is deleted.
* @method deleted(Page $page, array $options) Hook called after a page has been deleted.
* @method deleteBranchReady(Page $page, array $options) Hook called before a branch of pages deleted, on initiating page only.
* @method deletedBranch(Page $page, array $options, $numDeleted) Hook called after branch of pages deleted, on initiating page only.
* @method cloneReady(Page $page, Page $copy) Hook called just before a page is cloned.
* @method cloned(Page $page, Page $copy) Hook called after a page has been successfully cloned.
* @method renamed(Page $page) Hook called after a page has been successfully renamed.
* @method sorted(Page $page, $children = false, $total = 0) Hook called after $page has been sorted.
* @method statusChangeReady(Page $page) Hook called when a page's status has changed and is about to be saved.
* @method statusChanged(Page $page) Hook called after a page status has been changed and saved.
* @method publishReady(Page $page) Hook called just before an unpublished page is published.
* @method published(Page $page) Hook called after an unpublished page has just been published.
* @method unpublishReady(Page $page) Hook called just before a pubished page is unpublished.
* @method unpublished(Page $page) Hook called after a published page has just been unpublished.
* @method saveFieldReady(Page $page, Field $field) Hook called just before a saveField() method saves a page fied.
* @method savedField(Page $page, Field $field) Hook called after saveField() method successfully executes.
* @method savePageOrFieldReady(Page $page, $fieldName = '') Hook inclusive of both saveReady() and saveFieldReady().
* @method savedPageOrField(Page $page, array $changes) Hook inclusive of both saved() and savedField().
* @method found(PageArray $pages, array $details) Hook called at the end of a $pages->find().
* =====
* @todo Update saveField to accept array of field names as an option.
class Pages extends Wire {
* Max length for page name
const nameMaxLength = 128;
* Default name for the root/home page
const defaultRootName = 'home';
* Instance of PagesSortfields
protected $sortfields;
* Current debug state
* @var bool
protected $debug = false;
* Runtime debug log of Pages class activities, see getDebugLog()
protected $debugLog = array();
* @var PagesLoader
protected $loader;
* @var PagesEditor
protected $editor;
* @var PagesNames
protected $names;
* @var PagesLoaderCache
protected $cacher;
* @var PagesTrash
protected $trasher;
* @var PagesParents
protected $parents;
* @var PagesRaw
protected $raw;
* @var PagesRequest
protected $request;
* @var PagesPathFinder
protected $pathFinder;
* Array of PagesType managers
* @var PagesType[]
protected $types = array();
* Create the Pages object
* @param ProcessWire $wire
public function __construct(ProcessWire $wire) {
$this->debug = $wire->config->debug === Config::debugVerbose ? true : false;
$this->sortfields = $this->wire(new PagesSortfields());
$this->loader = $this->wire(new PagesLoader($this));
$this->cacher = $this->wire(new PagesLoaderCache($this));
$this->trasher = null;
$this->editor = null;
$this->raw = null;
* Initialize $pages API var by preloading some pages
* #pw-internal
public function init() {
* Count and return how many pages will match the given selector.
* If no selector provided, it returns count of all pages in site.
* ~~~~~~~~~
* // Return count of how may pages in the site use the blog-post template
* $numBlogPosts = $pages->count("template=blog-post");
* ~~~~~~~~~
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|array|Selectors $selector Specify selector, or omit to retrieve a site-wide count.
* @param array|string $options See $options for $pages->find().
* @return int
* @see Pages::find()
public function count($selector = '', $options = array()) {
return $this->loader->count($selector, $options);
* Given a Selector string, return the Page objects that match in a PageArray.
* - This is one of the most commonly used API methods in ProcessWire.
* - If you only need to find one page, use the `Pages::get()` or `Pages::findOne()` method instead (and note the difference).
* - If you need to find a huge quantity of pages (like thousands) without limit or pagination, look at the `Pages::findMany()` method.
* ~~~~~
* // Find all pages using template "building" with 25 or more floors
* $skyscrapers = $pages->find("template=building, floors>=25");
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|int|array|Selectors $selector Specify selector (standard usage), but can also accept page ID or array of page IDs.
* @param array|string $options One or more options that can modify certain behaviors. May be associative array or "key=value" selector string.
* - `findOne` (bool): Apply optimizations for finding a single page (default=false).
* - `findAll` (bool): Find all pages with no exclusions, same as "include=all" option (default=false).
* - `findIDs` (bool|int): 1 to get array of page IDs, true to return verbose array, 2 to return verbose array with all cols in 3.0.153+. (default=false).
* - `getTotal` (bool): Whether to set returning PageArray's "total" property (default=true, except when findOne=true).
* - `loadPages` (bool): Whether to populate the returned PageArray with found pages (default=true).
* The only reason why you'd want to change this to false would be if you only needed the count details from
* the PageArray: getTotal(), getStart(), getLimit, etc. This is intended as an optimization for $pages->count().
* Does not apply if $selector argument is an array.
* - `cache` (bool): Allow caching of selectors and loaded pages? (default=true). Also sets loadOptions[cache].
* - `allowCustom` (boolean): Allow use of _custom="another selector" in given $selector? For specific uses. (default=false)
* - `caller` (string): Optional name of calling function, for debugging purposes, i.e. "pages.count" (default=blank).
* - `include` (string): Optional inclusion mode of 'hidden', 'unpublished' or 'all'. (default=none). Typically you would specify this
* directly in the selector string, so the option is mainly useful if your first argument is not a string.
* - `stopBeforeID` (int): Stop loading pages once page matching this ID is found (default=0).
* - `startAfterID` (int): Start loading pages once page matching this ID is found (default=0).
* - `lazy` (bool): Specify true to force lazy loading. This is the same as using the Pages::findMany() method (default=false).
* - `loadOptions` (array): Optional associative array of options to pass to getById() load options.
* @return PageArray|array PageArray of that matched the given selector, or array of page IDs (if using findIDs option).
* Non-visible pages are excluded unless an "include=x" mode is specified in the selector
* (where "x" is "hidden", "unpublished" or "all"). If "all" is specified, then non-accessible
* pages (via access control) can also be included.
* @see Pages::findOne(), Pages::findMany(), Pages::get()
public function ___find($selector, $options = array()) {
return $this->loader->find($selector, $options);
* Like find() but returns only the first match as a Page object (not PageArray).
* This is functionally similar to the `get()` method except that its default behavior is to
* filter for access control and hidden/unpublished/etc. states, in the same way that the
* `find()` method does. You can add an `include=...` to your selector string to bypass.
* This method also accepts an `$options` array, whereas `get()` does not.
* ~~~~~~
* // Find the newest page using the blog-post template
* $blogPost = $pages->findOne("template=blog-post, sort=-created");
* ~~~~~~
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|array|Selectors $selector Selector string, array or Selectors object
* @param array|string $options See $options for $pages->find()
* @return Page|NullPage Returns a Page on success, or a NullPage (having id=0) on failure
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Pages::get(), Pages::find(), Pages::findMany()
public function findOne($selector, $options = array()) {
return $this->loader->findOne($selector, $options);
* Like find(), but with “lazy loading” to support giant result sets without running out of memory.
* When using this method, you can retrieve tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of pages
* or more, without needing a pagination "limit" in your selector. Individual pages are loaded
* and unloaded in chunks as you iterate them, making it possible to iterate all pages without
* running out of memory. This is useful for performing some kind of calculation on all pages or
* other tasks like that. Note however that if you are building something from the result set
* that consumes more memory for each page iterated (like concatening a string of page titles
* or something), then you could still run out of memory there.
* The example below demonstrates use of this method. Note that attempting to do the same using
* the regular `$pages->find()` would run out of memory, as it's unlikely the server would have
* enough memory to store 20k pages in memory at once.
* ~~~~~
* // Calculating a total from 20000 pages
* $totalCost = 0;
* $items = $pages->findMany("template=foo"); // 20000 pages
* foreach($items as $item) {
* $totalCost += $item->cost;
* }
* echo "Total cost is: $totalCost";
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|array|Selectors $selector Selector to find pages
* @param array $options Options to modify behavior. See `Pages::find()` $options argument for details.
* @return PageArray
* @since 3.0.19
* @see Pages::find(), Pages::findOne()
public function findMany($selector, $options = array()) {
$debug = $this->debug;
if($debug) $this->debug(false);
$options['lazy'] = true;
$options['caller'] = 'pages.findMany';
if(!isset($options['cache'])) $options['cache'] = false;
$matches = $this->find($selector, $options);
if($debug) $this->debug($debug);
return $matches;
* Find pages and specify which fields to join (overriding configured autojoin settings)
* This is a useful optimization when you know exactly which fields you will be using from the returned
* pages and you want to have their values joined into the page loading query to reduce overhead. Note
* that this overrides the configured autojoin settings in ProcessWire fields.
* If a particular page in the returned set of pages was already loaded before this method call,
* then the one already in memory will be used rather than this method loading another copy of it.
* ~~~~~
* // 1. Example of loading blog posts where we want to join title, date, summary:
* $posts = $pages->findJoin("template=blog-post", [ 'title', 'date', 'summary' ]);
* // 2. You can also specify the join fields as a CSV string:
* $posts = $pages->findJoin("template=blog-post", 'title, date, summary');
* // 3. You can also use the join functionality on a regular $pages->find() by specifying
* // property 'join' or 'field' in the selector. The words 'join' and 'field' are aliases
* // of each other here, just in case you have an existing field with one of those names.
* // Otherwise, use whichever makes more sense to you. The following examples demonstrate
* // this and all do exactly the same thing as examples 1 and 2 above:
* $posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, join=title|date|summary");
* $posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, field=title|date|summary");
* $posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, join=title, join=date, join=summary");
* $posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, field=title, field=date, field=summary");
* // 4. Lets say you want to load pages with NO autojoin fields, here is how.
* // The following loads all blog-post pages and prevents ANY fields from being joined,
* // even if they are configured to be autojoin in ProcessWire:
* $posts = $pages->findJoin("template=blog-post", false);
* $posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, join=none"); // same as above
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|array|Selectors $selector
* @param array|string|bool $joinFields Array or CSV string of field names to autojoin, or false to join none.
* @param array $options
* @return PageArray
* @since 3.0.172
public function findJoin($selector, $joinFields, $options = array()) {
$fields = $this->wire()->fields;
if($joinFields === false) {
$name = 'none';
while($fields->get($name)) $name .= 'X';
$joinFields = array($name);
} else if(empty($joinFields)) {
$joinFields = array();
} else if(!is_array($joinFields)) {
$joinFields = (string) $joinFields;
if(strpos($joinFields, ',') !== false) {
$joinFields = explode(',', $joinFields);
} else if(strpos($joinFields, '|') !== false) {
$joinFields = explode('|', $joinFields);
} else {
$joinFields = array($joinFields);
foreach($joinFields as $key => $name) {
if(is_int($name) || ctype_digit($name)) {
$field = $fields->get($name);
if(!$field) continue;
$name = $field->name;
} else if(strpos($name, '.') !== false) {
list($name,) = explode('.', $name, 2); // subfields not allowed
$joinFields[$key] = trim($name);
$options['joinFields'] = $joinFields;
return $this->find($selector, $options);
* Like find() except returns array of IDs rather than Page objects
* - This is a faster method to use when you only need to know the matching page IDs.
* - The default behavior is to simply return a regular PHP array of matching page IDs in order.
* - The alternate behavior (verbose) returns more information for each match, as outlined below.
* **Verbose option:**
* When specifying boolean true for the `$options` argument (or using the `verbose` option),
* the return value is an array of associative arrays, with each of those associative arrays
* containing `id`, `parent_id` and `templates_id` keys for each page.
* ~~~~~
* // returns array of page IDs (integers) like [ 1234, 1235, 1236 ]
* $a = $pages->findIDs("foo=bar");
* // verbose option: returns array of associative arrays, each with id, parent_id and templates_id
* $a = $pages->findIDs("foo=bar", true);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|array|Selectors $selector Selector to find page IDs.
* @param array|bool|int|string $options Options to modify behavior.
* - `verbose` (bool|int|string): Specify true to make return value array of associative arrays, each with id, parent_id, templates_id.
* Specify integer `2` or string `*` to return verbose array of associative arrays, each with all columns from pages table.
* - `indexed` (bool): Index by page ID? (default=false) Added 3.0.172
* - The verbose option above can also be specified as alternative to the $options argument.
* - See `Pages::find()` $options argument for additional options.
* @return array Array of page IDs, or in verbose mode: array of arrays, each with id, parent_id and templates_id keys.
* @since 3.0.46
public function findIDs($selector, $options = array()) {
$verbose = false;
if(!is_array($options)) {
// verbose option specified in $options array
$verbose = $options;
$options = array();
if(isset($options['verbose'])) {
$verbose = $options['verbose'];
if($verbose === 2 || $verbose === '*') {
$options['findIDs'] = 2;
} else {
$options['findIDs'] = $verbose ? true : 1;
/** @var array $ids */
$ids = $this->find($selector, $options);
if(!empty($options['indexed'])) {
$a = array();
foreach($ids as $value) {
$id = $verbose ? $value['id'] : $value;
$a[$id] = $value;
$ids = $a;
return $ids;
* Find pages and return raw data from them in a PHP array
* Note that the data returned from this method is raw and unformatted, directly
* as it exists in the database. In most cases you should use `$pages->find()` instead,
* but this method provides a convenient alternative for some cases.
* The `$selector` argument can be any page-finding selector that you would provide
* to a regular `$pages->find()` call. The most interesting stuff relates to the
* `$field` argument though, which is what the rest of this section looks at:
* If you omit the `$field` argument, it will return all data for the found pages in
* an array where the keys are the page IDs and the values are associative arrays
* containing all of each page raw field and property values indexed by name…
* `$a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog");` …but findRaw() is more useful for cases
* where you want to retrieve specific things without having to load the entire page
* (or its data). Below are a few examples of how you can do this.
* ~~~~~
* // If you provide a string (field name) for `$field`, then it will return an
* // array with the values of the `data` column of that field. The `$field` can
* // also be the name of a native pages table property like `id` or `name`.
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog", "title");
* // The above would return an array of blog page titles indexed by page ID. If
* // you provide an array for `$field` then it will return an array for each page,
* // where each of those arrays is indexed by the field names you requested.
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog", [ "title", "date" ]);
* // You may specify field name(s) like `field.subfield` to retrieve a specific
* // column/subfield. When it comes to Page references or Repeaters, the subfield
* // can also be the name of a field that exists on the Page reference or repeater.
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog", [ "title", "categories.title" ]);
* // You can also use this format below to get multiple subfields from one field:
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog", [ "title", "categories" => [ "id", "title" ] ]);
* // You can optionally rename fields in the returned value like this below, which
* // asks the 'title' field to have the name 'headline' in return value (3.0.176+):
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog", [ "title" => "headline" ]);
* // You may specify wildcard field name(s) like `field.*` to return all columns
* // for `field`. This retrieves all columns from the fields table. This is
* // especially useful with fields like Table or Combo that might have several
* // different columns:
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=villa", "rates_table.*" );
* // If you prefer, you can specify the field name(s) in the selector (3.0.173+):
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog, field=title");
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog, field=title|categories.title");
* // Specify “objects=1” in selector to use objects rather than associative arrays
* // for pages and fields (3.0.174+):
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog, field=title|categories.title, objects=1");
* // Specify “entities=1” to entity encode all string values:
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog, field=title|summary, entities=1");
* // Specify “entities=field” or “entities=field1|field2” to entity encode just
* // the specific fields that you name (3.0.174+):
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog, entities=title|summary");
* // If you prefer, options can also be enabled this way (3.0.174+):
* $a = $pages->findRaw("template=blog, options=objects|entities");
* ~~~~~
* In 3.0.193 the following additional options were added for the `$field` argument:
* - Specify `parent.field_name` or `parent.parent.field_name`, etc. to return values from parent(s).
* - Specify `references` or `references.field_name`, etc. to also return values from pages referencing found pages.
* - Specify `meta` or `` to also return values from page meta data.
* #pw-advanced
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|array|Selectors|int $selector Page matching selector or page ID
* @param string|array|Field $field Name of field/property to get, or array of them, CSV string, or omit to get all (default='')
* - Optionally use associative array to rename fields in returned value, i.e. `['title' => 'label']` returns 'title' as 'label' in return value.
* - Note: this argument may also be specified in the $selector argument as "field=foo" or "field=foo|bar|baz" (3.0.173+).
* @param array $options Options to adjust behavior (may also be specified in selector, i.e. “objects=1, entities=foo|bar”)
* - `objects` (bool): Use objects rather than associative arrays? (default=false) 3.0.174+
* - `entities` (bool|array): Entity encode string values? True or 1 to enable, or specify array of field names. (default=false) 3.0.174+
* - `nulls` (bool): Populate nulls for field values that are not present, rather than omitting them? (default=false) 3.0.198+
* - `indexed` (bool): Index by page ID? (default=true)
* - `flat` (bool|string): Flatten return value as `["field.subfield" => "value"]` rather than `["field" => ["subfield" => "value"]]`?
* Optionally specify field delimiter for the value, otherwise a period `.` will be used as the delimiter. (default=false) 3.0.193+
* - Any of these options above can be specified in the $selector argument as a string, i.e. `…, flat=1, entities=1`.
* - Note the `objects` and `flat` options are not meant to be used together.
* @return array
* @since 3.0.172
public function findRaw($selector, $field = '', $options = array()) {
return $this->raw()->find($selector, $field, $options);
* Returns the first page matching the given selector with no exclusions
* Use this method when you need to retrieve a specific page without exclusions for access control or page status.
* ~~~~~~
* // Get a page by ID
* $p = $pages->get(1234);
* // Get a page by path
* $p = $pages->get('/about/contact/');
* // Get a random 'skyscraper' page by selector string
* $p = $pages->get('template=skyscraper, sort=random');
* ~~~~~~
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|array|Selectors|int $selector Selector string, array or Selectors object. May also be page path or ID.
* @param array $options See `Pages::find()` for extra options that may be specified.
* @return Page|NullPage Always returns a Page object, but will return NullPage (with id=0) when no match found.
* @see Pages::findOne(), Pages::find()
public function get($selector, $options = array()) {
return $this->loader->get($selector, $options);
* Get single page and return raw data in an associative array
* Note that the data returned from this method is raw and unformatted, directly as it exists in the database.
* In most cases you should use `$pages->get()` instead, but this method is a convenient alternative for some cases.
* Please see the documentation for the `$pages->findRaw()` method, which all applies to this method as well.
* The biggest difference is that this method returns data for just 1 page, unlike `$pages->findRaw()` which can
* return data for many pages at once.
* #pw-advanced
* @param string|array|Selectors|int $selector Page matching selector or page ID
* @param string|array|Field $field Name of field/property to get, or array of them, or omit to get all (default='')
* @param array $options
* @return array
public function getRaw($selector, $field = '', $options = array()) {
return $this->raw()->get($selector, $field, $options);
* Get a fresh, non-cached copy of a Page from the database
* This method is the same as `$pages->get()` except that it skips over all memory caches when loading a Page.
* Meaning, if the Page is already in memory, it doesnt use the one in memory and instead reloads from the DB.
* Nor does it place the Page it loads in any memory cache. Use this method to load a fresh copy of a page
* that you might need to compare to an existing loaded copy, or to load a copy that wont be seen or touched
* by anything in ProcessWire other than your own code.
* ~~~~~
* $p1 = $pages->get(1234);
* $p2 = $pages->get($p1->path);
* $p1 === $p2; // true: same Page instance
* $p3 = $pages->getFresh($p1);
* $p1 === $p3; // false: same Page but different instance
* ~~~~~
* #pw-advanced
* @param Page|string|array|Selectors|int $selectorOrPage Specify Page to get copy of, selector or ID
* @param array $options Options to modify behavior
* @return Page|NullPage
* @since 3.0.172
public function getFresh($selectorOrPage, $options = array()) {
return $this->loader()->getFresh($selectorOrPage, $options);
* Get one ID of page matching given selector with no exclusions, like get() but returns ID rather than a Page
* This method is an alias of the has() method, and depending on what you are after, may make more
* or less sense with your code readability. Use whichever better suits your case.
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|array|Selectors $selector Specify selector to find first matching page ID
* @param bool|array $options Specify boolean true to return all pages columns rather than just IDs.
* Or specify array of options (see find method for details), `verbose` option can optionally be in array.
* @return int|array
* @see Pages::get(), Pages::has(), Pages::findIDs()
* @since 3.0.156
public function getID($selector, $options = array()) {
if(is_array($options)) {
if(empty($options['caller'])) $options['caller'] = 'pages.getID';
$verbose = false;
if(isset($options['verbose'])) {
$verbose = $options['verbose'];
} else {
$verbose = $options;
$options = array();
return $this->loader->has($selector, $verbose, $options);
* Given array or CSV string of Page IDs, return a PageArray
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param array|string|WireArray $ids Any one of the following:
* - Single page ID (string or int)
* - Array of page IDs
* - Comma or pipe-separated string of page IDs
* - Array of associative arrays having id and templates_id: [ [ 'id' => 1, 'templates_id' => 2], [ 'id' => 3, 'templates_id' => 4 ] ]
* @param array $options Options to affect behavior. The 'template' option is recommended when you have this info available.
* - `template` (Template|int|string): Template object, name or ID to use for loaded pages. (default=null)
* - `parent` (Page|int|string): Parent Page object, ID, or path to use for loaded pages. (default=null)
* - `cache` (bool): Place loaded pages in memory cache? (default=true)
* - `getFromCache` (bool): Allow use of previously cached pages in memory (rather than re-loading it from DB)? (default=true)
* - `getNumChildren` (bool): Specify false to disable retrieval and population of 'numChildren' Page property. (default=true)
* - `getOne` (bool): Specify true to return just one Page object, rather than a PageArray. (default=false)
* - `autojoin` (bool): Allow use of autojoin option? (default=true)
* - `joinFields` (array): Autojoin the field names specified in this array, regardless of field settings (requires autojoin=true). (default=empty)
* - `joinSortfield` (bool): Whether the 'sortfield' property will be joined to the page. (default=true)
* - `findTemplates` (bool): Determine which templates will be used (when no template specified) for more specific autojoins. (default=true)
* - `pageClass` (string): Class to instantiate Page objects with. Leave blank to determine from template. (default=auto-detect)
* - `pageArrayClass` (string): PageArray-derived class to store pages in (when 'getOne' is false). (default=PageArray)
* - `pageArray` (PageArray|null): Populate this existing PageArray rather than creating a new one. (default=null)
* - `page` (Page|null): Existing Page object to populate (also requires the getOne option to be true). (default=null)
* @return PageArray|Page Returns PageArray unless the getOne option was specified in which case a Page is returned.
* @since 3.0.156 Previous versions can use $pages->getById() for similar behavior
public function getByIDs($ids, array $options = array()) {
$template = empty($options['template']) ? null : $options['template'];
$parent = empty($options['parent']) ? null : $options['parent'];
$parent_id = null;
if($template) {
if($template instanceof Template) {
// cool, cool
} else if(is_int($template) || is_string($template)) {
$template = $this->wire()->templates->get($template);
} else {
$template = null;
if(!empty($options['parent_id'])) {
$parent_id = (int) $options['parent_id'];
} else if($parent) {
if($parent instanceof Page) {
$parent_id = $parent->id;
} else if(is_int($parent) || ctype_digit("$parent")) {
$parent_id = (int) "$parent";
} else if(is_string($parent)) {
$parent_id = $this->has($parent);
if(!$parent_id) $parent_id = null;
if(count($options)) {
$options['template'] = $template instanceof Template ? $template : null;
$options['parent_id'] = $parent_id;
return $this->loader->getById($ids, $options);
} else {
return $this->loader->getById($ids, $template, $parent_id);
* Is there any page that matches the given $selector in the system? (with no exclusions)
* - This can be used as an “exists” type of method.
* - Returns ID of first matching page if any exist, or 0 if none exist (returns array if `$verbose` is true).
* - Like with the `get()` method, no pages are excluded, so an `include=all` is not necessary in selector.
* - If you need to quickly check if something exists, this method is preferable to using a count() or get().
* When `$verbose` option is used, an array is returned instead. Verbose return array includes page `id`,
* `parent_id` and `templates_id` indexes.
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string|int|array|Selectors $selector
* @param bool $verbose Return verbose array with page id, parent_id, templates_id rather than just page id? (default=false)
* @return array|int
* @since 3.0.153
* @see Pages::count(), Pages::get()
public function has($selector, $verbose = false) {
return $this->loader->has($selector, $verbose);
* Save a page object and its fields to database.
* If the page is new, it will be inserted. If existing, it will be updated.
* This is the same as calling `$page->save()`. If you want to just save a particular field
* in a Page, use `$page->save($fieldName)` instead.
* ~~~~~~
* // Modify a page and save it
* $p = $pages->get('/festivals/decatur/beer/');
* $p->of(false); // turn off output formatting, if it's on
* $p->title = "Decatur Beer Festival";
* $p->summary = "Come and enjoy fine beer and good company at the Decatur Beer Festival.";
* $pages->save($p);
* ~~~~~~
* #pw-group-manipulation
* @param Page $page Page object to save
* @param array $options Optional array to modify default behavior, with one or more of the following:
* - `uncacheAll` (boolean): Whether the memory cache should be cleared (default=true).
* - `resetTrackChanges` (boolean): Whether the page's change tracking should be reset (default=true).
* - `quiet` (boolean): When true, modified date and modified_users_id won't be updated (default=false).
* - `adjustName` (boolean): Adjust page name to ensure it is unique within its parent (default=true).
* - `forceID` (integer): Use this ID instead of an auto-assigned one (new page) or current ID (existing page).
* - `ignoreFamily` (boolean): Bypass check of allowed family/parent settings when saving (default=false).
* - `noHooks` (boolean): Prevent before/after save hooks (default=false), please also use $pages->___save() for call.
* - `noFields` (boolean): Bypass saving of custom fields, leaving only native properties to be saved (default=false).
* @return bool True on success, false on failure
* @throws WireException
* @see Page::save(), Pages::saveField()
public function ___save(Page $page, $options = array()) {
return $this->editor()->save($page, $options);
* Save only a field from the given page
* This is the same as calling `$page->save($field)`.
* ~~~~~
* // Update the summary field on $page and save it
* $page->summary = "Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.";
* $pages->saveField($page, 'summary');
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-manipulation
* @param Page $page Page to save
* @param string|Field $field Field object or name (string)
* @param array|string $options Optionally specify one or more of the following to modify default behavior:
* - `quiet` (boolean): Specify true to bypass updating of modified user and time (default=false).
* - `noHooks` (boolean): Prevent before/after save hooks (default=false), please also use $pages->___saveField() for call.
* @return bool True on success, false on failure
* @throws WireException
* @see Page::save(), Page::setAndSave(), Pages::save()
public function ___saveField(Page $page, $field, $options = array()) {
return $this->editor()->saveField($page, $field, $options);
* Add a new page using the given template and parent
* If no page “name” is specified, one will be automatically assigned.
* For an alternate interface for adding new pages, see the `$pages->new()` method.
* ~~~~~
* // Add new page using 'skyscraper' template into Atlanta
* $building = $pages->add('skyscraper', '/skyscrapers/atlanta/');
* // Same as above, but with specifying a name/title as well:
* $building = $pages->add('skyscraper', '/skyscrapers/atlanta/', 'Symphony Tower');
* // Same as above, but with specifying several properties:
* $building = $pages->add('skyscraper', '/skyscrapers/atlanta/', [
* 'title' => 'Symphony Tower',
* 'summary' => 'A 41-story skyscraper located at 1180 Peachtree Street',
* 'height' => 657,
* 'floors' => 41
* ]);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-creation
* @param string|Template $template Template name or Template object
* @param string|int|Page $parent Parent path, ID or Page object
* @param string $name Optional name or title of page. If none provided, one will be automatically assigned.
* If you want to specify a different name and title then specify the $name argument, and $values['title'].
* @param array $values Field values to assign to page (optional). If $name is omitted, this may also be 3rd param.
* @return Page New page ready to populate. Note that this page has output formatting off.
* @throws WireException When some criteria prevents the page from being saved.
* @see Pages::new(), Pages::newPage()
public function ___add($template, $parent, $name = '', array $values = array()) {
return $this->editor()->add($template, $parent, $name, $values);
* Create a new Page populated from selector string or array
* This is similar to the `$pages->add()` method but with a simpler 1-argument (selector) interface.
* This method can also auto-detect some properties that the add() method cannot.
* To create a new page without saving to the database use the `$pages->newPage()` method instead.
* It accepts the same arguments as this method.
* Minimum requirements to create a new page that is saved in database:
* - A `template` must be specified, unless it can be auto-detected from a given `parent`.
* - A `parent` must be specified, unless it can be auto-detected from a given `template` or `path`.
* Please note the following:
* - If a `path` is specified but not a `name` or `parent` then both will be derived from the `path`.
* - If a `title` is specified but not a `name` or `path` then the `name` will be derived from the `title`.
* - If given `parent` or `path` only allows one template (via family settings) then `template` becomes optional.
* - If given `template` only allows one parent (via family settings) then `parent` becomes optional.
* - If given selector string starts with a `/` it is assumed to be the `path` property.
* - If new page has name that collides with an existing page (i.e. “foo”), new page name will increment (i.e. “foo-1).
* - If no `name`, `path` or `title` is given (that name can be derived from) then an “untitled-page” name will be used.
* ~~~~~
* // Creating a page via selector string
* $p = $pages->new("template=category, parent=/categories/, title=New Category");
* // Creating a page via selector using path, which implies parent and name
* $p = $pages->new("template=category, path=/categories/new-category");
* // Creating a page via array
* $p = $pages->new([
* 'template' => 'category',
* 'parent' => '/categories/',
* 'title' => 'New Category'
* ]);
* // Parent and name can be auto-detected when you specify path…
* $p = $pages->new('path=/blog/posts/foo-bar-baz');
* // …and even 'path=' is optional if slash '/' is at beginning
* $p = $pages->new('/blog/posts/foo-bar-baz');
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-creation
* @param string|array $selector Selector string or array of properties to set
* @return Page
* @since 3.0.191
* @see Pages::add(), Pages::newPage()
public function ___new($selector = '') {
$options = $this->editor()->newPageOptions($selector);
$error = 'Cannot save new page without a %s';
$template = isset($options['template']) ? $options['template'] : null;
$parent = isset($options['parent']) ? $options['parent'] : null;
$name = isset($options['name']) ? $options['name'] : '';
if(!$template) throw new WireException(sprintf($error, 'template'));
if(!$parent) throw new WireException(sprintf($error, 'parent'));
unset($options['template'], $options['parent'], $options['name']);
$page = $this->editor()->add($template, $parent, $name, $options);
return $page;
* Clone entire page return it.
* This also clones any file assets assets associated with the page. The clone is recursive
* by default, cloning children (and so on) as well. To clone only the page without children,
* specify false for the `$recursive` argument.
* Warning: this method can fail when recursive and cloning a page with huge amounts of
* children (or descendent family), and adequate resources (like memory or time limit) are
* not available.
* ~~~~~
* // Clone the Westin Peachtree skyscraper page
* $building = $pages->get('/skyscrapers/atlanta/westin-peachtree/');
* $copy = $pages->clone($building);
* // Bonus: Now that the clone exists, lets move and rename it
* $copy->parent = '/skyscrapers/detroit/';
* $copy->title = 'Renaissance Center';
* $copy->name = 'renaissance-center';
* $copy->save();
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-creation
* @param Page $page Page that you want to clone
* @param Page|null $parent New parent, if different (default=null, which implies same parent)
* @param bool $recursive Clone the children too? (default=true)
* @param array|string $options Options that can be passed to modify default behavior of clone or save:
* - `forceID` (int): force a specific ID.
* - `set` (array): Array of properties to set to the clone (you can also do this later).
* - `recursionLevel` (int): recursion level, for internal use only.
* @return Page|NullPage The newly cloned Page or a NullPage() with id=0 if unsuccessful.
* @throws WireException|\Exception on fatal error
public function ___clone(Page $page, Page $parent = null, $recursive = true, $options = array()) {
return $this->editor()->_clone($page, $parent, $recursive, $options);
* Permanently delete a page, its fields and assets.
* Unlike trash(), pages deleted here are not restorable. If you attempt to delete a page with children,
* and don't specifically set the `$recursive` argument to `true`, then this method will throw an exception.
* If a recursive delete fails for any reason, an exception will also will be thrown.
* ~~~~~
* // Delete a product page
* $product = $pages->get('/products/foo-bar-widget/');
* $pages->delete($product);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-manipulation
* @param Page $page Page to delete
* @param bool|array $recursive If set to true, then this will attempt to delete all children too.
* If you don't need this argument, optionally provide $options array instead.
* @param array $options Optional settings to change behavior:
* - uncacheAll (bool): Whether to clear memory cache after delete (default=false)
* - recursive (bool): Same as $recursive argument, may be specified in $options array if preferred.
* @return bool|int Returns true (success), or integer of quantity deleted if recursive mode requested.
* @throws WireException on fatal error
* @see Pages::trash()
public function ___delete(Page $page, $recursive = false, array $options = array()) {
return $this->editor()->delete($page, $recursive, $options);
* Move a page to the trash
* When a page is moved to the trash, it is in a "delete pending" state. Once trashed, the page can be either restored
* to its original location, or permanently deleted (when the trash is emptied).
* ~~~~~
* // Trash a product page
* $product = $pages->get('/products/foo-bar-widget/');
* $pages->trash($product);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-manipulation
* @param Page $page Page to trash
* @param bool $save Set to false if you will perform your own save() call afterwards to complete the operation. Omit otherwise. Primarily for internal use.
* @return bool Returns true on success, false on failure.
* @throws WireException
* @see Pages::restore(), Pages::emptyTrash(), Pages::delete()
public function ___trash(Page $page, $save = true) {
// If you have already set the parent to somewhere in the trash, then this method won't attempt to set it again.
return $this->trasher()->trash($page, $save);
* Restore a page in the trash back to its original location and state
* If you want to restore the page to some location other than its original location, set the `$page->parent` property
* of the page to contain the location you want it to restore to. Otherwise the page will restore to its original location,
* when possible to do so.
* ~~~~~
* // Grab a page from the trash and restore it
* $trashedPage = $pages->get(1234);
* $pages->restore($trashedPage);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-manipulation
* @param Page $page Page that is in the trash that you want to restore
* @param bool $save Set to false if you only want to prep the page for restore (i.e. you will save the page yourself later). Primarily for internal use.
* @return bool True on success, false on failure.
* @see Pages::trash()
public function ___restore(Page $page, $save = true) {
return $this->trasher()->restore($page, $save);
* ADVANCED PAGES API METHODS (more for internal use)
* Delete all pages in the trash
* Note that once the trash is emptied, pages in the trash are permanently deleted.
* This method populates error notices when there are errors deleting specific pages.
* ~~~~~
* // Empty the trash
* $pages->emptyTrash();
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-manipulation
* @param array $options See PagesTrash::emptyTrash() for advanced options
* @return int|array Returns total number of pages deleted from trash, or array if verbose option specified.
* This number is negative or 0 if not all pages could be deleted and error notices may be present.
* @see Pages::trash(), Pages::restore()
public function ___emptyTrash(array $options = array()) {
return $this->trasher()->emptyTrash($options);
* Given an array or CSV string of Page IDs, return a PageArray (internal API)
* Note that this method is primarily for internal use and most of the options available are specific to the needs
* of core methods that utilize them. All pages loaded by ProcessWire pass through this method.
* Optionally specify an `$options` array rather than a template for argument 2. When present, the `template` and `parent_id`
* arguments may be provided in the given $options array. These options may be specified:
* **LOAD OPTIONS (argument 2 array):**
* - `cache` (boolean): Place loaded pages in memory cache? (default=true)
* - `getFromCache` (boolean): Allow use of previously cached pages in memory (rather than re-loading it from DB)? (default=true)
* - `template` (Template): Instance of Template, see the $template argument for details.
* - `parent_id` (integer): Parent ID, see $parent_id argument for details.
* - `getNumChildren` (boolean): Specify false to disable retrieval and population of 'numChildren' Page property. (default=true)
* - `getOne` (boolean): Specify true to return just one Page object, rather than a PageArray. (default=false)
* - `autojoin` (boolean): Allow use of autojoin option? (default=true)
* - `joinFields` (array): Autojoin the field names specified in this array, regardless of field settings (requires autojoin=true). (default=empty)
* - `joinSortfield` (boolean): Whether the 'sortfield' property will be joined to the page. (default=true)
* - `findTemplates` (boolean): Determine which templates will be used (when no template specified) for more specific autojoins. (default=true)
* - `pageClass` (string): Class to instantiate Page objects with. Leave blank to determine from template. (default=auto-detect)
* - `pageArrayClass` (string): PageArray-derived class to store pages in (when 'getOne' is false). (default=PageArray)
* - `pageArray` (PageArray|null): Populate this existing PageArray rather than creating a new one. (default=null)
* - `page` (Page|null): Existing Page object to populate (also requires the getOne option to be true). (default=null)
* **Use the `$options` array for potential speed optimizations:**
* - Specify a `template` with your call, when possible, so that this method doesn't have to determine it separately.
* - Specify false for `getNumChildren` for potential speed optimization when you know for certain pages will not have children.
* - Specify false for `autojoin` for potential speed optimization in certain scenarios (can also be a bottleneck, so be sure to test).
* - Specify false for `joinSortfield` for potential speed optimization when you know the Page will not have children or won't need to know the order.
* - Specify false for `findTemplates` so this method doesn't have to look them up. Potential speed optimization if you have few autojoin fields globally.
* - Note that if you specify false for `findTemplates` the pageClass is assumed to be 'Page' unless you specify something different for the 'pageClass' option.
* ~~~~~
* // Retrieve pages by IDs in CSV string
* $items = $pages->getById("1111,2222,3333");
* // Retrieve pages by IDs in PHP array
* $items = $pages->getById([1111,2222,3333]);
* // Specify that retrieved pages are using template 'skyscraper' as an optimization
* $items = $pages->getById([1111,2222,3333], $templates->get('skyscraper'));
* // Retrieve pages with $options array
* $items = $pages->getById([1111,2222,3333], [
* 'template' => $templates->get('skyscraper'),
* 'parent_id' => 1024
* ]);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-internal
* @param array|WireArray|string|int $_ids Array of Page IDs, CSV string of Page IDs, or single page ID.
* @param Template|array|null $template Specify a template to make the load faster, because it won't have to attempt to join all possible fields... just those used by the template.
* Optionally specify an $options array instead, see the method notes above.
* @param int|null $parent_id Specify a parent to make the load faster, as it reduces the possibility for full table scans.
* This argument is ignored when an options array is supplied for the $template.
* @return PageArray|Page Returns Page only if the 'getOne' option is specified, otherwise always returns a PageArray.
* @throws WireException
public function getById($_ids, $template = null, $parent_id = null) {
return $this->loader->getById($_ids, $template, $parent_id);
* Get one page by ID
* This is the same as `getById()` with the `getOne` option.
* #pw-internal
* @param int $id
* @param array $options
* @return Page|NullPage
* @since 3.0.186
public function getOneById($id, array $options = array()) {
$options['getOne'] = true;
return $this->loader->getById((int) $id, $options);
* Given an ID, return a path to a page, without loading the actual page
* 1. Always returns path in default language, unless a language argument/option is specified.
* 2. Path may be different from 'url' as it doesn't include the root URL at the beginning.
* 3. In most cases, it's preferable to use `$page->path()` rather than this method. This method is
* here just for cases where a path is needed without loading the page.
* 4. It's possible for there to be `Page::path()` hooks, and this method completely bypasses them,
* which is another reason not to use it unless you know such hooks aren't applicable to you.
* ~~~~~
* // Get the path for page having ID 1234
* $path = $pages->getPath(1234);
* echo "Path for page 1234 is: $path";
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-advanced
* @param int|Page $id ID of the page you want the path to
* @param null|array|Language|int|string $options Specify $options array or Language object, id or name. Allowed options include:
* - `language` (int|string|anguage): To retrieve in non-default language, specify language object, ID or name (default=null)
* - `useCache` (bool): Allow pulling paths from already loaded pages? (default=true)
* - `usePagePaths` (bool): Allow pulling paths from PagePaths module, if installed? (default=true)
* @return string Path to page or blank on error/not-found.
* @since 3.0.6
* @see Page::path()
public function getPath($id, $options = array()) {
return $this->loader->getPath($id, $options);
* Alias of getPath method for backwards compatibility
* @param int $id
* @return string
public function _path($id) {
return $this->loader->getPath($id);
* Get a page by its path, similar to $pages->get('/path/to/page/') but with more options
* 1. There are no exclusions for page status or access. If needed, you should validate access
* on any page returned from this method.
* 2. In a multi-language environment, you must specify the `$useLanguages` option to be true, if you
* want a result for a $path that is (or might be) a multi-language path. Otherwise, multi-language
* paths will make this method return a NullPage (or 0 if getID option is true).
* 3. Partial paths may also match, so long as the partial path is completely unique in the site.
* If you don't want that behavior, double check the path of the returned page.
* ~~~~~
* // Get a page by path
* $p = $pages->getByPath('/skyscrapers/atlanta/191-peachtree/');
* // Now validate that the page we retrieved is valid
* if($p->id && $p->viewable()) {
* // Page is valid to display
* }
* // Get a page by path with options
* $p = $pages->getByPath('/products/widget/', [
* 'useLanguages' => true,
* 'useHistory' => true
* ]);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-advanced
* @param string $path Path of page you want to retrieve.
* @param array|bool $options array of options (below), or specify boolean for $useLanguages option only.
* - `getID` (int): Specify true to just return the page ID (default=false).
* - `useLanguages` (bool): Specify true to allow retrieval by language-specific paths (default=false).
* - `useHistory` (bool): Allow use of previous paths used by the page, if PagePathHistory module is installed (default=false).
* - `allowUrl` (bool): Allow getting page by path OR url? Specify false to find only by path. This option only applies if
* the site happens to run from a subdirectory. (default=true) 3.0.184+
* - `allowPartial` (bool): Allow partial paths to match? (default=true) 3.0.184+
* - `allowUrlSegments` (bool): Allow paths with URL segments to match? When true and page match cannot be found, the closest
* parent page that allows URL segments will be returned. Found URL segments are populated to a `_urlSegments` array
* property on the returned page object. This also cancels the allowPartial setting. (default=false) 3.0.184+
* @return Page|int
* @since 3.0.6
public function getByPath($path, $options = array()) {
return $this->loader->getByPath($path, $options);
* Get verbose array of info about a given page path
* This method accepts a page path (not URL) with optional language segment
* prefix, additional URL segments and/or pagination number. It translates
* the given path to information about what page it matches, what type of
* request it would result in.
* If the `response` property in the return value is 301 or 302, then the
* `redirect` property will be populated with a recommend redirect path.
* If given a `$path` argument of `/en/foo/bar/page3` on a site that has default
* language homepage segment of `en`, a page living at `/foo/` that accepts
* URL segment `bar` and has pagination enabled, it will return the following:
* ~~~~~
* [
* 'request' => '/en/foo/bar/page3',
* 'response' => 200, // one of 200, 301, 302, 404, 414
* 'type' => 'ok', // response type name
* 'errors' => [], // array of error messages indexed by error name
* 'redirect' => '/redirect/path/', // suggested path to redirect to or blank
* 'page' => [
* 'id' => 123, // ID of the page that was found
* 'parent_id' => 456,
* 'templates_id' => 12,
* 'status' => 1,
* 'name' => 'foo',
* ],
* 'language' => [
* 'name' => 'default', // name of language detected
* 'segment' => 'en', // segment prefix in path (if any)
* 'status' => 1, // language status where 1 is on, 0 is off
* ],
* 'parts' => [ // all the parts of the path identified
* [
* 'type' => 'language',
* 'value' => 'en',
* 'language' => 'default'
* ],
* [
* 'type' => 'pageName',
* 'value' => 'foo',
* 'language' => 'default'
* ],
* [
* 'type' => 'urlSegment',
* 'value' => 'bar',
* 'language' => ''
* ],
* [
* 'type' => 'pageNum',
* 'value' => 'page3',
* 'language' => 'default'
* ],
* ],
* 'urlSegments' => [ // URL segments identified in order
* 'bar',
* ],
* 'urlSegmentStr' => 'bar', // URL segment string
* 'pageNum' => 3, // requested pagination number
* 'pageNumPrefix' => 'page', // prefix used in pagination number
* 'scheme' => 'https', // blank if no scheme required, https or http if one of those is required
* 'method' => 'pagesRow', // method(s) that were used to find the page
* ]
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-retrieval
* @param string $path Page path optionally including URL segments, language prefix, pagination number
* @param array $options
* - `useLanguages` (bool): Allow use of multi-language page names? (default=true)
* Requires LanguageSupportPageNames module installed.
* - `useShortcuts` (bool): Allow use of shortcut methods for optimization? (default=true)
* Recommend PagePaths module installed.
* - `useHistory` (bool): Allow use historical path names? (default=true)
* Requires PagePathHistory module installed.
* - `verbose` (bool): Return verbose array of information? (default=true)
* If false, some optional information will be omitted in return value.
* @return array
public function getInfoByPath($path, array $options = array()) {
return $this->pathFinder()->get($path, $options);
* Auto-populate some fields for a new page that does not yet exist
* Currently it does this:
* - Sets up a unique page->name based on the format or title if one isn't provided already.
* - Assigns a 'sort' value'.
* #pw-internal
* @param Page $page
public function ___setupNew(Page $page) {
* Auto-assign a page name to the given page
* Typically this would be used only if page had no name or if it had a temporary untitled name.
* Page will be populated with the name given. This method will not populate names to pages that
* already have a name, unless the name is "untitled"
* #pw-internal
* @param Page $page
* @param array $options
* - format: Optionally specify the format to use, or leave blank to auto-determine.
* @return string If a name was generated it is returned. If no name was generated blank is returned.
public function ___setupPageName(Page $page, array $options = array()) {
return $this->editor()->setupPageName($page, $options);
* Update page modification time to now (or the given modification time)
* This behaves essentially the same as the unix `touch` command, but for ProcessWire pages.
* ~~~~~
* // Touch the current $page to current date/time
* $pages->touch($page);
* // Touch the current $page and set modification date to 2016/10/24
* $pages->touch($page, "2016-10-24 00:00");
* // Touch all "skyscraper" pages in "Atlanta" to current date/time
* $skyscrapers = $pages->find("template=skyscraper, parent=/cities/atlanta/");
* $pages->touch($skyscrapers);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-manipulation
* @param Page|PageArray|array $pages May be Page, PageArray or array of page IDs (integers)
* @param null|int|string|array $options Omit (null) to update to now, or unix timestamp or strtotime() recognized time string,
* or if you do not need this argument, you may optionally substitute the $type argument here,
* or in 3.0.183+ you can also specify array of options here instead:
* - `time` (string|int|null): Unix timestamp or strtotime() recognized string to use, omit for use current time (default=null)
* - `type` (string): One of 'modified', 'created', 'published' (default='modified')
* - `user` (bool|User): True to also update modified/created user to current user, or specify User object to use (default=false)
* @param string $type Date type to update, one of 'modified', 'created' or 'published' (default='modified') Added 3.0.147
* Skip this argument if using options array for previous argument or if using the default type 'modified'.
* @throws WireException|\PDOException if given invalid format for $modified argument or failed database query
* @return bool True on success, false on fail
* @since 3.0.0
public function ___touch($pages, $options = null, $type = 'modified') {
return $this->editor()->touch($pages, $options, $type);
* Set the “sort” value for given $page while adjusting siblings, or re-build sort for its children
* *This method is primarily applicable to manually sorted pages. If pages are automatically
* sorted by some other field, this method isnt useful unless using the “re-build children” option,
* which may be helpful if converting a pages children from auto-sort to manual sort.*
* The default behavior of this method is to set the “sort” value for the given $page, and adjust the
* sort value of sibling pages having the same or greater sort value, to ensure all are unique and in
* order without gaps.
* The alternate behavior of this method is to re-build the sort values of all children of the given $page.
* This is done by specifying boolean true for the $value argument. When used, duplicate sort values and
* gaps are removed from all children.
* **Do you need this method?**
* If you are wondering whether you need to use this method for something, chances are that you do not.
* This method is mostly applicable for internal core use, as ProcessWire manages Page sort values on its own
* internally for the most part.
* ~~~~~
* // set $page to have sort=5, moving any 5+ sort pages ahead
* $pages->sort($page, 5);
* // re-build sort values for children of $page, removing duplicates and gaps
* $pages->sort($page, true);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-advanced
* @param Page $page Page to sort (or parent of pages to sort, if using $value=true option)
* @param int|bool $value Specify one of the following:
* - Omit to set and use sort value from given $page.
* - Specify sort value (integer) to save that value.
* - Specify boolean true to instead rebuild sort for all of $page children.
* @return int Number of pages that had sort values adjusted
* @throws WireException
public function ___sort(Page $page, $value = false) {
if($value === false) $value = $page->sort;
if($value === true) return $this->editor()->sortRebuild($page);
return $this->editor()->sortPage($page, $value);
* Sort/move one page above another (for manually sorted pages)
* #pw-advanced
* @param Page $page Page you want to move/sort
* @param Page $beforePage Page you want to insert before
* @throws WireException
public function ___insertBefore(Page $page, Page $beforePage) {
$this->editor()->insertBefore($page, $beforePage);
* Sort/move one page after another (for manually sorted pages)
* #pw-advanced
* @param Page $page Page you want to move/sort
* @param Page $afterPage Page you want to insert after
* @throws WireException
public function ___insertAfter(Page $page, Page $afterPage) {
$this->editor()->insertBefore($page, $afterPage, true);
* Is the given page in a state where it can be saved from the API?
* Note: this does not account for user permission checking.
* It only checks if the page is in a state to be saveable via the API.
* #pw-internal
* @param Page $page
* @param string $reason Text containing the reason why it can't be saved (assuming it's not saveable)
* @param string|Field $fieldName Optional fieldname to limit check to.
* @param array $options Options array given to the original save method (optional)
* @return bool True if saveable, False if not
public function isSaveable(Page $page, &$reason, $fieldName = '', array $options = array()) {
return $this->editor()->isSaveable($page, $reason, $fieldName, $options);
* Is the given page deleteable from the API?
* Note: this does not account for user permission checking.
* It only checks if the page is in a state to be deleteable via the API.
* #pw-internal
* @param Page $page
* @return bool True if deleteable, False if not
public function isDeleteable(Page $page) {
return $this->editor()->isDeleteable($page);
* Given a Page ID, return it if it's cached, or NULL of it's not.
* If no ID is provided, then this will return an array copy of the full cache.
* You may also pass in the string "id=123", where 123 is the page_id
* #pw-group-cache
* @param int|string|null $id
* @return Page|array|null
public function getCache($id = null) {
return $this->cacher->getCache($id);
* Cache the given page.
* #pw-internal
* @param Page $page
* @return void
public function cache(Page $page) {
* Remove the given page(s) from the cache, or uncache all by omitting $page argument
* When no $page argument is given, this method behaves the same as `$pages->uncacheAll()`.
* When any $page argument is given, this does not remove pages from selectorCache.
* #pw-group-cache
* @param Page|PageArray|int|null $page Page to uncache, PageArray of pages to uncache, ID of page to uncache (3.0.153+), or omit to uncache all.
* @param array $options Additional options to modify behavior:
* - `shallow` (bool): By default, this method also calls $page->uncache(). To prevent that call, set this to true.
* @return int Number of pages uncached
public function uncache($page = null, array $options = array()) {
$cnt = 0;
if(is_null($page)) {
$cnt = $this->cacher->uncacheAll(null, $options);
} else if($page instanceof Page || is_int($page)) {
if($this->cacher->uncache($page, $options)) $cnt++;
} else if($page instanceof PageArray) {
foreach($page as $p) {
if($this->cacher->uncache($p, $options)) $cnt++;
return $cnt;
* Remove all pages from the cache (to clear memory)
* This method clears all pages that ProcessWire has cached in memory, making room for more pages to be loaded.
* Use of this method (along with pagination) may be necessary when modifying or calculating from thousand of pages.
* ~~~~~
* // calculate total dollar value of all 50000+ products in inventory
* $total = 0;
* $start = 0;
* $limit = 500;
* do {
* $products = $pages->find("template=product, start=$start, limit=$limit");
* if(!$products->count()) break;
* foreach($products as $product) {
* $total += ($product->qty * $product->price);
* }
* unset($products);
* $start += $limit;
* // clear cache to make room for another 500 products
* $pages->uncacheAll();
* } while(true);
* echo "Total value of all products: $" . number_format($total);
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-cache
* @param Page $page Optional Page that initiated the uncacheAll
* @param array $options Options to modify default behavior:
* - `shallow` (bool): By default, this method also calls $page->uncache(). To prevent that call, set this to true.
* @return int Number of pages uncached
public function uncacheAll(Page $page = null, array $options = array()) {
return $this->cacher->uncacheAll($page, $options);
* For internal Page instance access, return the Pages sortfields property
* #pw-internal
* @param bool $reset Specify boolean true to reset the Sortfields instance
* @return PagesSortFields
public function sortfields($reset = false) {
if($reset) {
$this->sortfields = $this->wire(new PagesSortfields());
return $this->sortfields;
* Return a fuel or other property set to the Pages instance
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public function __get($name) {
switch($name) {
// A-Z
case 'autojoin': return $this->loader->getAutojoin();
case 'cacher': return $this->cacher();
case 'cloning': return $this->editor()->isCloning();
case 'editor': return $this->editor();
case 'loader': return $this->loader();
case 'names': return $this->names();
case 'newNullPage': return $this->newNullPage();
case 'newPage': return $this->newPage();
case 'newPageArray': return $this->newPageArray();
case 'of': return $this->of();
case 'outputFormatting': return $this->loader->getOutputFormatting();
case 'parents': return $this->parents();
case 'pathFinder': return $this->pathFinder();
case 'raw': return $this->raw();
case 'request': return $this->request();
case 'trasher': return $this->trasher();
case 'types': return $this->types();
return parent::__get($name);
* Set whether loaded pages have their outputFormatting turn on or off
* This affects pages loaded after this method has been called.
* By default, output formatting is turned on on the front-end of the site,
* and off on the back-end (admin) of the site.
* See the Pages::of() method alias, which is preferred for the public API.
* #pw-internal
* @param bool $outputFormatting
public function setOutputFormatting($outputFormatting = true) {
* Get or set the current output formatting state
* This affects pages loaded after this method has been called.
* By default, output formatting is turned on on the front-end of the site,
* and off on the back-end (admin) of the site.
* ~~~~~
* // Dictate that loaded pages should have output formatting enabled
* $pages->of(true);
* // Get the output formatting state for future loaded pages
* if($pages->of()) {
* echo "Output formatting is ON";
* } else {
* echo "Output formatting is OFF";
* }
* ~~~~~
* #pw-advanced
* @param null|bool $of Specify boolean to set output formatting state, or omit to get output formatting state.
* @return bool Returns current output formatting state.
public function of($of = null) {
if($of !== null) $this->setOutputFormatting($of ? true : false);
return $this->outputFormatting;
* Log a Pages class event
* Only active in debug mode.
* #pw-internal
* @param string $action Name of action/function that occurred.
* @param string $details Additional details, like a selector string.
* @param string|object The value that was returned.
public function debugLog($action = '', $details = '', $result = '') {
if(!$this->debug) return;
$this->debugLog[] = array(
'time' => microtime(),
'action' => (string) $action,
'details' => (string) $details,
'result' => (string) $result
* Get the Pages class debug log
* Only active in debug mode
* #pw-internal
* @param string $action Optional action within the debug log to find
* @return array
public function getDebugLog($action = '') {
if(!$this->wire()->config->debug) return array();
if(!$action) return $this->debugLog;
$debugLog = array();
foreach($this->debugLog as $item) if($item['action'] == $action) $debugLog[] = $item;
return $debugLog;
* Return a new PageFinder object, ready to use
* #pw-internal
* @return PageFinder
public function getPageFinder() {
return $this->wire(new PageFinder());
* Enable or disable use of autojoin for all queries
* Default should always be true, and you may use this to turn it off temporarily, but
* you should remember to turn it back on
* #pw-internal
* @param bool $autojoin
public function setAutojoin($autojoin = true) {
* Return a new/blank PageArray
* #pw-internal
* @param array $options Optionally specify ONE of the following:
* - `pageArrayClass` (string): Name of PageArray class to use (if not “PageArray”).
* - `class` (string): Alias of pageArrayClass supported in 3.0.191+.
* - `pageArray` (PageArray): Wire and return this given PageArray, rather than instantiating a new one.
* @return PageArray
public function newPageArray(array $options = array()) {
if(!empty($options['pageArray']) && $options['pageArray'] instanceof PageArray) {
return $options['pageArray'];
$class = 'PageArray';
if(!empty($options['pageArrayClass'])) {
$class = $options['pageArrayClass'];
} else if(!empty($options['class'])) {
$class = $options['class'];
$class = wireClassName($class, true);
$pageArray = $this->wire(new $class());
if(!$pageArray instanceof PageArray) $pageArray = $this->wire(new PageArray());
return $pageArray;
* Return a new Page object without saving it to the database
* To create a new Page object and save it the database, use the `$pages->new()` or `$pages->add()` methods,
* or call `save()` on the Page object returned from this method.
* - When a template is specified, the `pageClass` can be auto-detected from the template.
* - In 3.0.152+ you may specify the Template object, name or ID instead of an $options array.
* - In 3.0.191+ you may specify a selector string for the $options argument (alternative to array),
* see the `$pages->new()` method `$selector` argument for details.
* - In 3.0.191+ the `pageClass` can also be specified as `class`, assuming that doesnt collide
* with an existing field name.
* ~~~~~
* // Create a new blank Page object
* $p = $pages->newPage();
* // Create a new Page object and specify properties to set with an array
* $p = $pages->newPage([
* 'template' => 'blog-post',
* 'parent' => '/blog/posts/',
* 'title' => 'Hello world',
* ]);
* // Same as above but using selector string (3.0.191+)
* $p = $pages->newPage('template=blog-post, parent=/blog/posts, title=Hello world');
* // Create new Page object using 'blog-post' template
* $p = $pages->newPage('blog-post');
* // Create new Page object with parent and name implied by given path (3.0.191+)
* $p = $pages->newPage('/blog/posts/hello-world');
* ~~~~~
* #pw-group-creation
* @param array|string|Template $options Optionally specify array (or selector string in 3.0.191+) with any of the following:
* - `template` (Template|id|string): Template to use via object, ID or name. The `pageClass` will be auto-detected.
* - `parent` (Page|int|string): Parent page object, ID or path.
* - `name` (string): Name of page.
* - `path` (string): Specify /path/for/page/, name and parent (and maybe template) can be auto-detected. 3.0.191+
* - `pageClass` (string): Class to use for Page. If not specified, default is from template setting, or `Page` if no template.
* - Specify any other Page properties or fields you want to set (name, title, etc.). Note that most page fields will need to
* have a `template` set first, so make sure to include it in your options array when providing other fields.
* @return Page
public function newPage($options = array()) {
if(empty($options)) return $this->wire(new Page());
$options = $this->editor()->newPageOptions($options);
$template = isset($options['template']) ? $options['template'] : null;
$parent = isset($options['parent']) ? $options['parent'] : null;
$class = empty($options['pageClass']) ? 'Page' : $options['pageClass'];
unset($options['template'], $options['parent'], $options['pageClass']);
if(strpos($class, "\\") === false) $class = wireClassName($class, true);
$page = $this->wire(new $class($template));
if(!$page instanceof Page) $page = $this->wire(new Page($template));
if($parent) $page->parent = $parent;
if(count($options)) $page->setArray($options);
return $page;
* Return a new NullPage
* #pw-internal
* @return NullPage
public function newNullPage() {
$page = new NullPage();
return $page;
* Execute a PDO statement, with retry and error handling (deprecated)
* #pw-internal
* @param \PDOStatement $query
* @param bool $throw Whether or not to throw exception on query error (default=true)
* @param int $maxTries Max number of times it will attempt to retry query on error
* @return bool
* @throws \PDOException
* @deprecated Use $database->execute() instead
public function executeQuery(\PDOStatement $query, $throw = true, $maxTries = 3) {
return $this->wire()->database->execute($query, $throw, $maxTries);
* Enables use of $pages(123), $pages('/path/') or $pages('selector string')
* When given an integer or page path string, it calls $pages->get(key);
* When given a string, it calls $pages->find($key);
* When given an array, it calls $pages->getById($key);
* @param string|int|array $key
* @return Page|Pages|PageArray
public function __invoke($key) {
// no argument
if(empty($key)) return $this;
// page ID
if(is_int($key)) return $this->get($key);
// array of page IDs
if(is_array($key) && ctype_digit(implode('', $key))) {
return $this->getById($key);
// page path
if(is_string($key) && strpos($key, '/') !== false) {
if($this->wire()->sanitizer->pagePathName($key) === $key) {
return $this->get($key);
// selector string or array
return $this->find($key);
* Save to pages activity log, if enabled in config
* #pw-internal
* @param $str
* @param Page|null Page to log
* @return WireLog
public function log($str, Page $page) {
if(!in_array('pages', $this->wire()->config->logs)) return parent::___log();
if($this->wire()->process != 'ProcessPageEdit') $str .= " [From URL: " . $this->wire()->input->url() . "]";
$options = array('name' => 'pages', 'url' => $page->path);
return parent::___log($str, $options);
* @return PagesLoader
* #pw-internal
public function loader() {
return $this->loader;
* @return PagesEditor
* #pw-internal
public function editor() {
if(!$this->editor) $this->editor = $this->wire(new PagesEditor($this));
return $this->editor;
* Get Pages API methods specific to generating and modifying page names
* @return PagesNames
* #pw-group-helpers
public function names() {
if(!$this->names) $this->names = $this->wire(new PagesNames($this));
return $this->names;
* @return PagesLoaderCache
* #pw-internal
public function cacher() {
return $this->cacher;
* @return PagesTrash
* #pw-internal
public function trasher() {
if(!$this->trasher) $this->trasher = $this->wire(new PagesTrash($this));
return $this->trasher;
* @return PagesParents
* #pw-internal
public function parents() {
if(!$this->parents) $this->parents = $this->wire(new PagesParents($this));
return $this->parents;
* Get the PagesRaw instance
* #pw-group-helpers
* @return PagesRaw
* @since 3.0.172
public function raw() {
if(!$this->raw) $this->raw = $this->wire(new PagesRaw($this));
return $this->raw;
* Get the PagesRequest instance
* #pw-group-helpers
* @return PagesRequest
* @since 3.0.186
public function request() {
if(!$this->request) $this->request = $this->wire(new PagesRequest($this));
return $this->request;
* Get the PagesPathFinder instance
* #pw-group-helpers
* @return PagesPathFinder
* @since 3.0.186
public function pathFinder() {
if(!$this->pathFinder) $this->pathFinder = $this->wire(new PagesPathFinder($this));
return $this->pathFinder;
* Get array of all PagesType managers
* #pw-internal
* @param PagesType|string Specify a PagesType object to add a Manager, or specify class name to retrieve manager
* @return array|PagesType|null|bool Returns requested type, null if not found, or boolean true if manager added.
public function types($type = null) {
if(!$type) return $this->types;
if(is_string($type)) return isset($this->types[$type]) ? $this->types[$type] : null;
if(!$type instanceof PagesType) return null;
$name = $type->className();
$this->types[$name] = $type;
return true;
* Get or set debug state
* #pw-internal
* @param bool|null $debug
* @return bool
public function debug($debug = null) {
$value = $this->debug;
if(!is_null($debug)) {
$this->debug = (bool) $debug;
return $value;
* Hook called after a page is successfully saved
* This is the same as hooking after `Pages::save`, except that it occurs before other save-related hooks.
* Whereas `Pages::save` hooks occur after. In most cases, the distinction does not matter.
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page The page that was saved
* @param array $changes Array of field names that changed
* @param array $values Array of values that changed, if values were being recorded, see Wire::getChanges(true) for details.
* @see Pages::savedPageOrField(), Pages::savedField()
public function ___saved(Page $page, array $changes = array(), $values = array()) {
$str = "Saved page";
if(count($changes)) $str .= " (Changes: " . implode(', ', $changes) . ")";
$this->log($str, $page);
foreach($this->types as $manager) {
if($manager->hasValidTemplate($page)) $manager->saved($page, $changes, $values);
* Hook called after a new page has been added
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page that was added.
public function ___added(Page $page) {
$this->log("Added page", $page);
foreach($this->types as $manager) {
if($manager->hasValidTemplate($page)) $manager->added($page);
$page->setQuietly('_added', true);
* Hook called when a page has been moved from one parent to another
* Note the previous parent is accessible in the `$page->parentPrevious` property.
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page that was moved.
public function ___moved(Page $page) {
if($page->parentPrevious) {
$this->log("Moved page from {$page->parentPrevious->path}$page->name/", $page);
} else {
$this->log("Moved page", $page);
* Hook called when a page's template has been changed
* Note the previous template is available in the `$page->templatePrevious` property.
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page that had its template changed.
public function ___templateChanged(Page $page) {
if($page->templatePrevious) {
$this->log("Changed template on page from '$page->templatePrevious' to '$page->template'", $page);
} else {
$this->log("Changed template on page to '$page->template'", $page);
* Hook called when a Page is about to be trashed
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
* @since 3.0.163
public function ___trashReady(Page $page) {
* Hook called when a page has been moved to the trash
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page that was moved to the trash
public function ___trashed(Page $page) {
$this->log("Trashed page", $page);
* Hook called when a page has been moved OUT of the trash (restored)
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page that was restored
public function ___restored(Page $page) {
$this->log("Restored page", $page);
* Hook called just before a page is saved
* May be preferable to a before `Pages::save` hook because you know for sure a save will
* be executed immediately after this is called. Whereas you don't necessarily know
* that when the before `Pages::save` is called, as an error may prevent it.
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page The page about to be saved
* @return array Optional extra data to add to pages save query, which the hook can populate.
* @see Pages::savePageOrFieldReady(), Pages::saveFieldReady()
public function ___saveReady(Page $page) {
$data = array();
foreach($this->types as $manager) {
if(!$manager->hasValidTemplate($page)) continue;
$a = $manager->saveReady($page);
if(!empty($a) && is_array($a)) $data = array_merge($data, $a);
return $data;
* Hook called when a page is about to be deleted, but before data has been touched
* This is different from a before `Pages::delete` hook because this hook is called once it has
* been confirmed that the page is deleteable and *will* be deleted.
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page that is about to be deleted.
* @param array $options Options passed to delete method (since 3.0.163)
public function ___deleteReady(Page $page, array $options = array()) {
if($options) {} // ignore
foreach($this->types as $manager) {
if($manager->hasValidTemplate($page)) $manager->deleteReady($page);
* Hook called after a page and its data have been deleted
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page that was deleted
* @param array $options Options passed to delete method (since 3.0.163)
public function ___deleted(Page $page, array $options = array()) {
if($options) {}
if(empty($options['_deleteBranch'])) $this->log("Deleted page", $page);
foreach($this->types as $manager) {
if($manager->hasValidTemplate($page)) $manager->deleted($page);
* Hook called before a branch of pages is about to be deleted, called on root page of branch only
* Note: this is called only on deletions that had 'recursive' option true and 1+ children.
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page that was deleted
* @param array $options Options passed to delete method
* @since 3.0.163
public function ___deleteBranchReady(Page $page, array $options) {
* Hook called after a a branch of pages has been deleted, called on root page of branch only
* Note: this is called only on deletions that had 'recursive' option true and 1+ children.
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page that was the root of the branch
* @param array $options Options passed to delete method
* @param int $numDeleted Number of pages deleted
* @since 3.0.163
public function ___deletedBranch(Page $page, array $options, $numDeleted) {
$this->log("Deleted branch with $numDeleted page(s)", $page);
* Hook called when a page is about to be cloned, but before data has been touched
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page The original page to be cloned
* @param Page $copy The actual clone about to be saved
public function ___cloneReady(Page $page, Page $copy) { }
* Hook called when a page has been cloned
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page The original page to be cloned
* @param Page $copy The completed cloned version of the page
public function ___cloned(Page $page, Page $copy) {
$this->log("Cloned page to $copy->path", $page);
* Hook called when a page has been renamed (i.e. had its name field change)
* The previous name can be accessed at `$page->namePrevious`.
* The new name can be accessed at `$page->name`.
* This hook is only called when a page's name changes. It is not called when
* a page is moved unless the name was changed at the same time.
* **Multi-language note:**
* Also note this hook may be called if a page's multi-language name changes.
* In those cases the language-specific name is stored in "name123" while the
* previous value is stored in "-name123" (where 123 is the language ID).
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page The $page that was renamed
public function ___renamed(Page $page) {
if($page->namePrevious && $page->namePrevious != $page->name) {
$this->log("Renamed page from '$page->namePrevious' to '$page->name'", $page);
* Hook called after a page has been sorted, or had its children re-sorted
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page Page given to have sort adjusted
* @param bool $children If true, children of $page have been all been re-sorted
* @param int $total Total number of pages that had sort adjusted as a result
public function ___sorted(Page $page, $children = false, $total = 0) {
* Hook called when a page status has been changed and saved
* Previous status may be accessed at `$page->statusPrevious`.
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
public function ___statusChanged(Page $page) {
$status = $page->status;
$statusPrevious = $page->statusPrevious;
$isPublished = !$page->isUnpublished();
$isInserted = $page->_inserted > 0;
$wasPublished = !($statusPrevious & Page::statusUnpublished);
if($isPublished && (!$wasPublished || $isInserted)) $this->published($page);
if(!$isPublished && $wasPublished) $this->unpublished($page);
$from = array();
$to = array();
foreach(Page::getStatuses() as $name => $flag) {
if($flag == Page::statusUnpublished) continue; // logged separately
if($statusPrevious & $flag) $from[] = $name;
if($status & $flag) $to[] = $name;
if(count($from) || count($to)) {
$added = array();
$removed = array();
foreach($from as $name) if(!in_array($name, $to)) $removed[] = $name;
foreach($to as $name) if(!in_array($name, $from)) $added[] = $name;
$str = '';
if(count($added)) $str = "Added status '" . implode(', ', $added) . "'";
if(count($removed)) {
if($str) $str .= ". ";
$str .= "Removed status '" . implode(', ', $removed) . "'";
if($str) $this->log($str, $page);
* Hook called when a page's status is about to be changed and saved
* Previous status may be accessed at `$page->statusPrevious`.
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
public function ___statusChangeReady(Page $page) {
$isPublished = !$page->isUnpublished();
$wasPublished = !($page->statusPrevious & Page::statusUnpublished);
if($isPublished && !$wasPublished) $this->publishReady($page);
if(!$isPublished && $wasPublished) $this->unpublishReady($page);
* Hook called after an unpublished page has just been published
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
public function ___published(Page $page) {
$this->log("Published page", $page);
* Hook called after published page has just been unpublished
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
public function ___unpublished(Page $page) {
$this->log("Unpublished page", $page);
* Hook called right before an unpublished page is published and saved
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
public function ___publishReady(Page $page) { }
* Hook called right before a published page is unpublished and saved
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
public function ___unpublishReady(Page $page) { }
* Hook called at the end of a $pages->find(), includes extra info not seen in the resulting PageArray
* #pw-hooker
* @param PageArray $pages The pages that were found
* @param array $details Extra information on how the pages were found, including:
* - `pageFinder` (PageFinder): The PageFinder instance that was used.
* - `pagesInfo` (array): The array returned by PageFinder.
* - `options` (array): Options that were passed to $pages->find().
public function ___found(PageArray $pages, array $details) { }
* Hook called when Pages::saveField is ready to execute
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
* @param Field $field
* @see Pages::savePageOrFieldReady()
public function ___saveFieldReady(Page $page, Field $field) { }
* Hook called after Pages::saveField successfully executes
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
* @param Field $field
* @see Pages::savedPageOrField()
public function ___savedField(Page $page, Field $field) {
$this->log("Saved page field '$field->name'", $page);
* Hook called when either of Pages::save or Pages::saveField is ready to execute
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
* @param string $fieldName Populated only if call originates from saveField
* @see Pages::saveReady(), Pages::saveFieldReady()
public function ___savePageOrFieldReady(Page $page, $fieldName = '') { }
* Hook called after either of Pages::save or Pages::saveField successfully executes
* #pw-hooker
* @param Page $page
* @param array $changes Names of fields
* @see Pages::saved(), Pages::savedField()
public function ___savedPageOrField(Page $page, array $changes = array()) { }